I just graduated from Carlbrook in July 2005, and honsetly, coming on this website and reading your replys about Carlbrook made me want to vomit. This school was the best thing that has ever happened to me and my family. I found out how important I am, and how what I was doing to my body, my heart, my mind was against everything that is simply true about me. Carlbrook does not beleive in fixing anybody, because they beleive in the theory that no one is broken, it is true. It is not a place where they lock kids up, it is a place where lost kids can find out what they want out of this life, to apologize to themselves for betraying love, truth and their hearts. This school has been my home for the past 17 months, it has been the most powerful experience. Yes, a lot of the student are in charge of things like a student body government, a committee where older students are bigs brothers and big sisters to new students who feel so completly and utterly uncomfortable, there are prefects where the students are making sure the dorms are emotionally safe. They dont care about the money, that is why it works, they put the students first and that should be the point of all therapeutic schools. I wasnt planning on going to college before Carlbrook, I had gotten kicked out of my previous boarding school and was majorly addicted to drugs. Now i am here, i have been sober for 20 months, i have made the best friends i have ever had, friends that are based off of pure truth and love and what feeds my soul, not drugs or boyfriends or superficial nonsense, and in September I will be attending one of the best colleges in the Country. All because I simply trusted for a moment and let my family love me, and loved my family and let others hold me while i cried and danced with my inner child. I realized that everything that i have been searching for has been within me, i have let my mom be my mom and my dad be my dad because i understand how important i am to this world. Carlbrook made all this possible for me to find and discover. Honsetly people that bash this place are just afraid of letting their children go, who dont beleive in going back and facing what eats them alive everyday, people that dont trust...But i understand it is hard and many families think this way before Carlbrook. Its all about love and individual strength.