What a gross exaggeration, "There are many people in this country with little or no income, ie; section 8 that have excellent healthcare provided through their state, I know I have a sister that is on it and it pays for far more than my blue cross/blue sheild pays."
Excellent? You sound like a fucking politician.
If there are two treatment options, Medicaid is always going to approve the cheapest, and usually the least effective treatment. You cannot see a specialist without a referal and certainly can't pick him/her.
Case workers lie to recipients on a daily basis. If you don't know what you're eligible for you can really get screwed. Many times, parents aren't covered, only the children.
If your policy is that bad, you might think about shopping around.
The people who are benefiting from Welfare are doctors, dentists, drug companies, grocers, Section 8 slumlords.
You could direct some of your disgust toward the latter. Around here they rake in $900+ a month for properties that should be condemned.
Very, very few of our tax dollars go the actual welfare recipient. No, the majority of our tax dollars are going to those listed above.
Oh, and the latest scandal around here- dentist who are doing shotty work on Medicaid patients (usually children) and overbilling the government. Putting in unnecessary fillings, caps, etc. Sometimes not bothering to use Novacaine--OUCH!!-- more profitable.
And, Medicaid just LOVES to pay for Ritalin, Adderall, Antidepressants, and the like. They don't pay for no counseling though.
[ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2004-04-20 17:41 ]