the good employee fired was mike bonner
as far as propheets are concerned they were just a chance for me to be full of crap and do what it took to get through them. the breakdown of the propheets is as follows
This was mega stupid. I heard a lot of things about people that I would rather not hear. This was the emotional growth session where you were supposed to address your "disclosures". Disclosures defined as things you have experienced in life you generally feel bad about. For me it was no big deal because I didn't feel particularly bad about to many things. I mean all I was ever guilty of was acting like a troublesome teenager. I never had some horrible act under my belt. Pathetic part about this was how out of proportion staff got with things. If you had sex with a guy and you were a girl you were called a slut and had some pretty profane things yelled at you. I heard staff yell things at teenage girls that would get them arrested outside of BCA. Terrible stuff, they also got in pretty graphic detail when talking about such things. If the staff didnt feel like you got all your disclosures off your back they would pester you call you "chicken shit" and such. I ended up making stuff up to get them off my back. I was credited with "doing my work". Whatever, I was doing what it took to get this thing over with.
Getting in touch with your inner child. This is where you are supposed to A: Feel bad by thinking about how you "destroying your inner child" with your actions or B: get mad at your parents for supposedly destroying your inner child. Whatever, move on.
Your friends really arent your friends. I don't fully understand cedu's definition of a friend but evidently its someone you are constantly expected to berate in raps and nag constantly about emo stuff. You just weren't being a good friend if you didnt yell at your buddy in raps. BTW the definition I heard of a friend seemed to change weekly. One day I hear I am being a good friend, the next day I dont. Blah, I give up.
Pretty much slept through this one. Hah :wink:
I want to live:
I liked this one because you got to wrestle around with your buddies and break stuff and not get in trouble. Once again like all propheets you were expected to talk about your feelings, get told they are bullshit and let staff tell you your feelings. Girls are once again sluts, if you even tried a drug oncce you were a dying addict, if you got angry you were going to be murderer when you got older, etc. Pretty routine by this point, seeing a patern yet?
This one wasn't so bad, mine was devoid of a lot of the dumb stuff usually found in propheets. Most likely due to the fact that mine was ran by a decent guy. Unlike most staff who I think jump at the chance to be in a propheet because they enjoy whatever game it represents to them or move up on the emotional growth staff chain of command.
Now this one I really did get a kick out of. For about I guess the first 12 hours of this thing you are sitting in a room having the staff ask you questions that have no point and go in circles, argue with everything you say, screw with you repeatedly. I mean this thing is rediculous. This was the first propheet I had with my RMA counterpart peergroup. Boy were those guys good at the game, they had the whole routine down to a T, the crying, the indictments, the self realization, etc. A buddy of mine told me about this part so I pretty much kept silent until it was over. I did have an outburt with a staff where I mocked the situation but after they figured out I wasn't going to break down and cry like everyone else I was simply written off as being dishonest with my feelings and we moved on.
The next two activiteies were I and Me and the Summit. Now these two things are filled with the most rediculous activities, verbal ridicule, and mental abuse. The summit is basically 5 days of telling you you are a piece of shit and the 5th day you are supposed to celebrate because you are now super, thanks for asking. Of course I came out being all happy and what not, part of it was the upper school look-good requirement and the other half was that I was happy as hell I was done with all that nonsense. It truely did feel good to be out of the summit, it meant i never had to do one of these stupid exercizes again.
What got me the most in all these experiences was how the "power staff" appeared to take it so seriously. I mean their dedication to carrying out these rediculous and innaproprate sessions was way past the point of fanatical. A lot of staff exhibited behavior that I just cannot condone no matter how it is rationalized to me. They acted rediculous and abusive, period. Nothing gives them the right to say the things they did and the worse feeling was that you couldn't speak your mind or put some of these bastards in their place. Doing so resulted in consequences ranging from: dropping you a peer group, full times, indefinite work assignments, ascent, etc. Having your own oppinion or own way of doing things was unacceptable. You had to be the cedu staff super emotional being clone. You were trapped and had to conform. In the end it isnt all that bad to go along with the program just so things were easier on you and you didn't have to deal with all the mess.