o, you again,,,,,,,i never said i was fucked up from elan,,,,i repaired the damage myself with little or no harm to myself or others,you can spout your version of reality anyway you choose to.i do not give a flying fuck about anyones motivation for wanting to see the perverts and junkies that continue to run that place stopped.im so sorry,, but to say its ok ,, becouse they dont do it anymore is a joke.i bet they couldnt even get a daycare liscense{god forbid} ,, let alone the ones needed to run a theraputic community.as far as what you know,,, ok, i ask you what you think you know about me,your subtle threats cant imtimidate me.if these post convince 1 person to call that reporter in maine, to call the investigating departments,,, and tell about abuse they saw or suffered,,that might be the person that gets the plug pulled..thats what you fear,,,thats why you attack people....