Author Topic: * US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *  (Read 4987 times)

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Offline Antigen

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* US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
« on: January 04, 2004, 02:03:00 PM »
Check this out, ya'll! Anyone care to delve into the footnotes and try and get a better idea of the varacity of the following?

Here's what made me think to post it here.

"This is worse than not knowing anything at all because when I say, 'The US ferreted out and reconstructed the Nazi war crimes apparatus which then *became* US foreign intelligence and covert political operations', people hear, 'They were working with some Nazis.'"

Last time I ever spoke to my mom about anything halfway important was around 1990. My then youngest daughter was an infant. My husband was extremely ill in the hospital and I was frightened and alone, except for my kids and the half dozen or so who I had been babysitting to help pay the bills and so the kids could all play together.

I said to my mother that my husband had some kind of kidney disorder, it's often fatal, etc. and that I was scared. She hears something along the lines of he's a heroin junkie who's got Hep C and my call for moral support was just a cleverly disguised call for help. So she calls back the next day and tells me she's made arrngements for me to check myself into treatment and for my kids to be cared for while I'm there.

Was I pissed? Hurt? Frightened? You bet! But I understand.

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Emperor's Clothes *

Six decades of cover-up and still going strong...

* US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
The Nazi war crimes apparatus was recruited lock, stock and barrel and secretly redeployed worldwide. It's much worse than we were told.

Part 1: Primed not to hear

by Jared Israel
[Posted 4 January 2004]

* Summary: Primed not to hear *

The other day, someone called to make a donation to Emperor's Clothes, and he asked, "What's this article you're going to post about the origins of US and German Intelligence?"

And I said, "It's really shocking. The US foreign policy establishment created both intelligence services by re-creating the Nazi war crimes apparatus. Lock, stock and barrel."

I expected the caller to be amazed but I was the one who was amazed because he wasn't.

"Oh that," he said.  "Yeah, they were working with some Nazis. Everyone knows that."

Notice that what he said is not what I said.

I have had virtually the same exchange with other people. I now realize that this reaction is common because over the past 20 years we have gradually been inoculated against hearing the truth about US recruitment of Nazi war criminals. We have been fed fragments of accurate information mixed with lies. We have been taught a trivialized version of what happened. This is worse than not knowing anything at all because when I say, "The US ferreted out and reconstructed the Nazi war crimes apparatus which then *became* US foreign intelligence and covert political operations", people hear, "They were working with some Nazis."

In this series of articles I will show you that the picture you have been shown of the relationship between US intelligence and Nazism after World War II is deliberately off-focus. I will dissect a few texts so you can see how you were lied to.

The truth is much worse than you think. Indeed, it is probably much worse than what I presently think because the more research I do, the worse it looks.

Let's start with the caller's statement, that US intelligence was "working with some Nazis."

Why is this wrong? Because the phrase, ?working with?, implies equality of power. A slave owner does not "work with" his slaves.  A jailer does not "work with" his prisoners.  And US intelligence officers do not ?work with? Nazis who lost the war and are wanted for mass murder.

The Nazis recruited by US intelligence were wanted for the most heinous crimes. Many were members of the SS, the Gestapo and the Nazi Leadership Corps. The Nuremberg Tribunal, whose decisions were binding under international law, defined these groups as parts of the worst criminal conspiracy in history. The fact that a person had been a member subjected that person to arrest.  [1]

The people sought out for recruitment by US intelligence had been involved in war crimes all over Europe, especially in the East. The US was obliged under the Moscow Declaration to turn over these Nazis so they could be tried in the countries where their crimes were committed. [2]

People hunted for war crimes are in no position to bargain with those supposedly hunting them. If the US "employed" these criminals, then they were "employees" whose alternative was the hangman's noose. If US operatives treated these Nazis super-well, even deferring to their judgment - and they did - it was because they were told to do so by their chain of command: [3]

[Excerpt from Dabringhaus testimony starts here]

"Barbie was so well in with my superiors that he did not ask me for orders, but just told me what he was going to do. In fact he was so well thought of that I was more like his chauffeur."

-- American college professor and former US intelligence officer Erhard Dabringhaus, testifying at the trial of Klaus Barbie, the mass murderer in charge of the Gestapo in Nazi-occupied Lyon. Dabringhaus was Barbie's US handler in 1948.

[Excerpt from Dabringhaus testimony ends here]

In the following series of articles, I will show:

* 1) That starting before the end of World War II, the US Establishment sought out and protected thousands of the worst Nazis, deliberately re-creating the Nazi foreign war crimes apparatus on all levels; that this included some people like Reinhard Gehlen (a top Nazi involved in planning the murder of millions) and thousands of people like Klaus Barbie (a hands-on killer).

* 2) That this was done despite opposition, including from within US intelligence;

* 3) That this was done in clear violation of international law;  

* 4) That the highly sophisticated US planners who ordered the reconstruction and absorption of the Nazi murder machine knew this would result in the Nazification of US intelligence including covert political operations;

* 5) That a section of the US-created Nazi apparatus later became West German intelligence (the BND);

* 6) That the US sent Nazi war criminals worldwide, thus Nazifying intelligence and security forces in the Arab world, Latin America and elsewhere.

One might like to believe that the Nazi-dominated cultures of these organizations were transformed when the original Nazis retired or died.  But this is wishful thinking because of the way that all institutions, and especially intelligence and security organizations, operate. Secret and cliquish, these groups recruit young people loyal to the institution's ideas and methods. New recruits are conditioned to adopt the institution's culture.

Reinhard Gehlen was one of the most important Nazis recruited by the US. As we shall see, as head of the Nazi army's intelligence corps in the occupied part of the Soviet Union, he helped plan the slaughter of *millions* of civilians and POWs. These killings were not militarily necessary; indeed, they may have been militarily costly because they increased the will to resist.  Then why were these millions of non-combatants murdered, mainly by deliberate starvation? Why did General (later Field Marshal) Erich von Manstein tell the Wehrmacht, the German Army, that the Soviet population *had to be* starved and that nothing: [4]

?...may, out of a sense of mistaken humaneness, be distributed to prisoners or to the population - unless they are in the service of the German Wehrmacht.?

Why?  Because they were supposedly subhuman: [5]

[Quote from Simpson starts here]

This was a war not only of conquest but of extermination.  Entire regions of the USSR were to be cleared of the existing Communist apparatus and of Slavic "subhumans" to make way for settlement by "Aryan pioneers."

...At least 100,000 Jews and Slavs were slain at Babi Yar, near Kiev [Ukraine], and so on, and on, and on.

[Quote from Simpson ends here]

The Nazis recruited by the US believed in what they had done:

"'What is there to regret?'...[Klaus Barbie, the 'Butcher of Lyon'] told an interviewer after two decades in exile. 'I am a convinced Nazi . . . and if I had to be born a thousand times, I would be a thousand times what I have been.'" [6]

General Gehlen did not shed the world-view that enabled him to calmly plan racist mass murder because he took the Swastika off his coat and sewed on the Stars and Stripes. He and the many thousands of other Nazis who had the same beliefs and the same willingness to slaughter supposed 'subhumans' passed on their ideas: the most extreme racism and antisemitism; belief that the supposedly superior 'races' must rule over the supposedly inferior; contempt for ordinary people; hatred for social change; a cult of the most extreme brutality.  

The policy of Nazification, pursued by the US establishment starting at the end of World War II, meant that though the Germans lost the war, Nazis came to dominate powerful institutions in many countries. This was truly a world catastrophe.

First the US Establishment preserved the deadly plague of Nazism intact. Made it the dominant force in the secret services of the US and Germany and spread the disease around the world.

Then for 35 years they buried the truth in classified documents.

Then, when the truth began to leak out, they launched a disinformation campaign to indoctrinate people with an inaccurate and trivialized 'critique' of US-Nazi relations which blocked perception of what the US Establishment had really done.

This disinformation campaign began in 1983 in response to a bombshell that broke the silence about US recruitment of Nazi war criminals. That bombshell was the interview with Erhard Dabringhaus on NBC TV News, on February 5th.

I will deal with that in "Part 2: U.S. Intelligence takes Charge of Investigating the Recruitment of Nazis by...U.S. Intelligence."

Jared Israel
Editor, Emperor's Clothes

* Continued in Part Two *

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* Footnotes and Further Reading *

[1] Below are links to texts from the Nuremberg Tribunal. The first link presents the reason for ruling that membership in the Gestapo should be viewed as a crime:  
The second link is the ruling in which the Gestapo, SS and SD were ruled to be criminal organizations. Thus, having been a member was considered a crime. ... lorgs.html  
This link does not mention the Nazi Leadership Corps as one of the groups defined as criminal but apparently it was.  See for example the US government report that:

"The IMT [International Military Tribunal, i.e. Nuremberg Tribunal] also convicted three of the groups, the Nazi leadership corps, the SS (including the SD), and the Gestapo." ... e_imt.html

[2] The Moscow Declaration obliged the US to hand over members of the Nazis' foreign war crimes apparatus to the victim countries.  General Reinhard Gehlen should have been turned over to the USSR.  Klaus Barbie should have been turned over to France.  And so on.  Instead, thousands of these men were shielded from prosecution. (Indeed, as we shall see later, Barbie was used against France. In the case of Gehlen, the *justification* has been that he was used against his former target for racist mass murder, the USSR!)

Here is the relevant section of the Moscow Declaration:

"At the time of granting of any armistice to any government which may be set up in Germany, those German officers and men and members of the Nazi party who have been responsible for or have taken a consenting part in the above atrocities, massacres and executions will be sent back to the countries in which their abominable deeds were done in order that they may be judged and punished according to the laws of these liberated countries and of free governments which will be erected therein. Lists will be compiled in all possible detail from all these countries having regard especially to invaded parts of the Soviet Union, to Poland and Czechoslovakia, to Yugoslavia and Greece including Crete and other islands, to Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Italy."  

[3] The Dabringhaus quote is from:
Manchester Guardian Weekly; May 24, 1987; Section: Pg. 7; Headline: Barbie's American Links Exposed; Byline: By Paul Webster In Lyons
To learn more about Klaus Barbie, please see "Klaus Barbie, 'a model of Third Reich savagery,'" at  

[4] Simpson, Christopher. 1988. ?Blowback: America's recruitment of Nazis and its effects on the Cold War.? New York: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. (p.14)

[5] Simpson, Christopher. 1988. ?Blowback: America's recruitment of Nazis and its effects on the Cold War.? New York: Weidenfeld & Nicolson. (p.15)

[6] Newsweek; February 21, 1983, United States Edition; Section: International; Pg. 40; Headline: France; The 'Butcher's' Tracks; Byline: Steven Strasser With Scott Sullivan In Paris, Theodore Stanger In Bonn, Barry Came In Rio De Janiero And Bureau Reports

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[ This Message was edited by: Antigen on 2004-01-04 11:13 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
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Offline Anonymous

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* US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
« Reply #1 on: January 05, 2004, 04:26:00 PM »
I wonder why 'we' did that? Find, then harbor and protect and promote nazi war criminals?
What was the motivation to do so, do you think?
Do you suppose the 'bonesmen' (see the skull and bones link)where protecting their idealogical brothers?
No wonder Israel has its doubts about weather we'd really back them in a pinch.
As Godless as their reported to be; May God protect and assist the Mossad.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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* US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
« Reply #2 on: January 05, 2004, 05:59:00 PM »
Question. Why does the Büsh admin tend to ignore the Mossad?

No synonym for God is so perfect as Beauty. Whether as seen carving the lines of the mountains with glaciers, or gathering matter into stars, or planning the movements of water, or gardening - still all is Beauty!
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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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* US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
« Reply #3 on: January 05, 2004, 09:54:00 PM »
I wasn't aware they did; but I'll take your word for it.
I don't know.
Maybe has something to do with papa Bush having been director of the CIA? Maybe this for some reason gives them a level of knowledge or comfort with the Mossad, so they feel they can ignore them?
I would guess its b/c we and they are on close and friendly terms; but now this seems to be questionable.
Maybe it has to do with the Mossad having offt Kennedy? My honey thinks the Mossad did it; b/c the Kennedy family were Nazi sympathizers.
Lots of conspiracy Buffs believe the Texan's did it. Maybe they have been in cahoots?
I have no idea.
You seem to have asked a question you have an answer for tho - What say You?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Hamiltonf

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* US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2004, 02:42:00 PM »
General Lee Butler of U.S. Strategic Command (1992-94) stated,  "it is dangerous in the extreme that... one nation has armed itself with stockpiles of nuclear weapons , perhaps numbering in the hundreds, and that it inspires other nations to do so."  Was he talking about Iraq(which we know wasn't), or Israel?  

Isn't it rather obvious that Israel has chosen to become, in effect, an offshore US military and technology base, and as such has been able to develop highly advanced military forces?

Is the US now the 4th Reich and Israel it's major appendage (along with poodle Tony Blair's Britain)?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
uote of the Year
The Bush administration has succeeded in making the United States one of the most feared and hated countries in the world. The talent of these guys is unbelievable. They have even succeeded at alienating Canada. I mean, that takes ge

Offline Anonymous

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* US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2004, 05:36:00 PM »
//Is Israel becoming what it hates?//

No, I don't think so.
//Isn't it rather obvious that Israel has chosen to become, in effect, an offshore US military and technology base, and as such has been able to develop highly advanced military forces?

Is the US now the 4th Reich and Israel it's major appendage (along with poodle Tony Blair's Britain)? //

Again, No, I don't see it that way.
Not the part about Israel, anyway.

If Israel is of intrest to you, you might like these sites:

Also of relivence to much that these threads are about:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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* US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2004, 02:57:00 AM »
Are you serious?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Hamiltonf

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* US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
« Reply #7 on: January 07, 2004, 03:03:00 AM »
The fact remains that...
(bearing in mind the other posts about US learning from Nazi's)
A Knesset investigation has now found that "Israel is now rated second in the Western world, AFTER the United States, in terms of social gaps in income, property, capital, education and spending AS WELL AS IN THE EXTENT OF POVERTY"
Its formerly quite successful social welfare system has eroded, and social-cultural values have changed significantly as well.
And justice for all, right?
Oh no, this is the Judeao- Christian Ethic, right?  Do unto others before they do unto you
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
uote of the Year
The Bush administration has succeeded in making the United States one of the most feared and hated countries in the world. The talent of these guys is unbelievable. They have even succeeded at alienating Canada. I mean, that takes ge

Offline Anonymous

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* US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2004, 11:09:00 AM »
I see the problems of poverty in Israel differently.
I'm sure its a complicated issue; and what I'm about to say far from the only factor; but it is a factor.
Israel has in recent years had a huge influx of immigrants; largely from African nations; and they are worse than dirt poor. It is straining the resources that had in years past been available to those who returned to their home land. Its harder to set them up with housing and food and clothes and school supplies and medical care b/c their numbers are growing vastly; while donations of money and materials are pretty much static.
If you care about this and would like to help - check out the Bridges for Peace link (and yes, I'm serious) and donate. They are doing wonderful and important work in the land and are deserving of support.
And Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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* US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
« Reply #9 on: January 07, 2004, 11:13:00 AM »
Hey Ginger.
I am glad to have the link to the no cloths site and have it stashed in my favorites; however, I can get none of the imbedded links to work. It always says they are unavalible. Its this a common thing for this site; or a fluke that wil pass?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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* US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2004, 03:35:00 PM »
On 2004-01-07 08:09:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I see the problems of poverty in Israel differently.

I'm sure its a complicated issue; and what I'm about to say far from the only factor; but it is a factor.

Israel has in recent years had a huge influx of immigrants; largely from African nations; and they are worse than dirt poor. It is straining the resources that had in years past been available to those who returned to their home land. Its harder to set them up with housing and food and clothes and school supplies and medical care b/c their numbers are growing vastly; while donations of money and materials are pretty much static.

If you care about this and would like to help - check out the Bridges for Peace link (and yes, I'm serious) and donate. They are doing wonderful and important work in the land and are deserving of support.

And Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. "

In fact:
JERUSALEM (AP) - Immigration to Israel hit a 15-year low in 2003 and population growth was the lowest in a decade, the Central Bureau of Statistics said Wednesday.

The figures, apparently the result of an ailing economy and more than three years of Palestinian-Israeli violence, were bad news for Israel, built on the concept of large-scale Jewish immigration to the ancient homeland.

Immigration dropped by 32 per cent to 23,000 this year from 34,000 in 2002, the bureau said in an annual year-end statement. The last time immigration was so low was in 1988, when only 13,000 people moved to the country, a bureau official said.

In addition, Israel's population grew in 2003 by only 1.7 per cent to 6,750,000, the lowest natural growth rate since 1990, the bureau said. Arabs make up 19 per cent of the population, or 1.3 million people. Jews and others make up 81 per cent of the population, or 5,160,000 people.

The greatest contributor to the country's shrinking population numbers was the drop in immigration, the bureau said.

Immigration to Israel boomed in the 1990s when Jews from the former Soviet Union flooded Israel. Since 2000, the number of immigrants from the former Soviet republics has dropped off, causing a decline in the overall immigration figures.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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* US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2004, 06:40:00 PM »
Well, I did forget to mention the large Soviet numbers; but otherwise; I don't see how I was much wrong.

Another factor came to mind tho as I read the article. The fall off of tourist to Israel.
One of the ministries I gave you links to was asking for specially designated donations for the families of the men who had often served as their tour guide when they came to visit. They were hurting due to a sharp drop off of tourist; and this is an across the board problem; seriously effecting the economy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Hamiltonf

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* US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2004, 08:55:00 PM »
So what you are saying is that it's not immigration.

But you should note that the stats I quoted were that Israel is SECOND in these statistics ONLY to the US.  Now... are you going to blame US poverty gap on immigration and loss of tourism?  

I don't think so
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
uote of the Year
The Bush administration has succeeded in making the United States one of the most feared and hated countries in the world. The talent of these guys is unbelievable. They have even succeeded at alienating Canada. I mean, that takes ge

Offline Anonymous

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* US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2004, 10:35:00 PM »
No, I said it is immigration. There has been a huge influx of very poor immigrants and the resources to help them have not increased.
You quoted an article saying in 2003 the numbers were down; but it also pointed out how high they had been. It is a factor.
Also a factor, is the devastation of tourism.
*If* its true Israel is second to the US; you still make a huge leap to judgment trying to make the case the reasons must be the same.
The two countries may have some common factors; but they are vastly different in many significant ways. Consider Size, for example. Population. Location. Culture. Industry. Exports. Taxes. Terrorism. Millitary duty. History. Prophecy.
Lots of significant differences.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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* US intelligence was formed from Nazi war criminals *
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2004, 01:25:00 AM »
Isn't it rather obvious that Israel has chosen to become, in effect, an offshore US military and technology base, and as such has been able to develop highly advanced military forces?

Is the US now the 4th Reich and Israel it's major appendage (along with poodle Tony Blair's Britain)?

Then look at Saudi Arabia and all of the other non-democracies that are US client states.  

And you say nothing about my comment about the British poodle state.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »