... opic=13260 accuses
Felice Debra Eliscu
Matty be careful I visit your hometowne with about 250 other AA men for a conference every May look it up. I should be seeing you in May. We just may corral you and before you know it you be brainwashed. Oh and If I forgot to tell you that I come to your hometown ( like I forgot to tell you about being a Ex-Ass. Dir.) sorry I was going to surprise you.
Now I know you don't want to start talking about the mother of your children do you Matt, please leave mine out of this conversation. I mentioned it for reference, she went on to post to Ursus. Not you.
Matt whenever you want to crawl out of your whoa is me, the Ex Ass Dir is picking on me routine that would be nice. Your 51 now grow up. Remember you said that you worked thru this, well act like it.
This is Danny now has been since 1978....So nice try so many others were there before you pulling this shit, read it Matt. What are you 15 again. If that is the case then please be serious for the sake of others. Matt you can't spin this on me buddy sorry take your latent anger out on your counselors. I gave you every opportunity to get honest and you never did. Why because Matty did not want to look like he was siding with a Ass.Director in front of all his Elan resident buddies. Boy that would look horrible....Go back Matt to a phone call I had with you asking you why Mark was posting on facebook that I was a driver flunky for Joe. He knew I was a Ass. Director from my post on a site Sharon had. No this is the explanation you wanted to believe in order to hang out with me. Fine I could have accepted that if you had from the beginning just said I have a problem with associating with you because of. But you did not you chose a very disrespectful way trash me publically, remember you started this publically I spoke first in private, so don't go running around acting like your innocent.
March 17 at 7:26pm · Report
Matt Hoffman
Hi Folks ,
If you do click on the link( above) you will see what I percieved as a threat from this bennison and if you follow the thread you will eventually see my response to this.
I. in nine years have never responded online in this fashion before (I also have not been threatened online like that before) .
I apologize to the good people of FB and to the good folks on the fornit's site for my language. bennison has away to bring the best out of you.And I hope you will forgive my language.
Again I apologize for my language that I used in response to bennison's threat.
Sun at 9:14pm · Report
Sharon McCarthy
Matt no worries , it happens to us all being instigated by some of the best assholes alive. They are masters at manipulational tatics and try to use life's misfortune incidents against us all. Stay strong and do not harbor any quilt in finally being human. I completely understand and stand by your decision to not take the bullshit being dished out in droves to you. I believe tohers will also support and understand this as well. You are too nice, helll I would of been more not let him get to you, this is actually what he wants right now. Peace and love...Sharon
Sun at 10:03pm · Report
Danny Bennison
What Matt needs to explain to everyone here is why he stabbed one of my friends in Elan, Why he went to New York City and snatched a kid out of his house and why he worked as staff while in re-entry, Now he will tell you he had no choice but he is a liar because I know shit loads of other people who were in re-entry with him and they didn't work as staff, they didn't go and do snatch and goes. None of these people stabbed anyone, talking withg Gayle Barron Matt even she said you were one sick dude along with others. She also said you always blamed it on Elan which you could but you were also a instigating jerk. Could not stand rejection and stabbed Mr. Abrams. So buddy please nobody had a good track record at Elan.
Sun at 11:04pm · Report
Danny Bennison
Felice Matts cohort has nothing to talk about her life is not much better, no she didn't actually do harm to anybody in Elan, due to her lack of help she took her problems out on her love ones. As Matt, Felice will tell you 30 years later it still is not her fault, accountability is out the window. This is why we have this stupid posts accusing me of abuses done over 32 years ago that I may have done at 17 yrs. Yet they never speak of their own abuses to folk over there life. Felice your abuses are so close to home, I can't bring myself to say them. We all have our ghosts, dark periods your not perfect either.
But unlike other staff I am here.
Sun at 11:17pm · Report
Matt Hoffman
Danny as I said in my public comment I have addressed all of your whatever they are questions or sheer twisted mix of fact and fiction.
You know bennison I am a survivour of a hell hole called elan , I left that place along time ago , I am not the same 15 and ahalf year old kid that I was when I went in and I am alive because I am not the same 17 and a half year old kid when I left .
The sad truth bennison you are the same little man you probably were when you were in elan and are still of the brainwashed mindset of an assistant director. This isn't elan anymore bennison .
This is the real world where love and compassion flow. A place where children should be seen and yes heard . A place where such simple words as" son you played a great game of soccer' mean so much and the love that your children give you and show you just blows your mind .
Yeah bennison it is not the world of elan , anymore .And another thing bennison you can't hurt me like elan elan did , you can try all you want but you just can't . I really kinda feel sorry for you and you little myopic world of being a assistant director
bennison I feel sorry for you , flame on bennison flame on .
I gotta go to work and one more thing bennison I will not respond to your questions or response again, other peoples most difinately . aand bennison I left elan long time ago you are still an assistant director and that makes all us suviviours a little angry but really sad. I am a far better man .....
Sun at 11:27pm · Report
Danny Bennison
Matt bla bla bla just like most of the people I've talked with that knew you, you have not changed much. Your still a sniffling manipulating coward still seeking attention, oh whoa is me and then you go and do something sick to someone. Now it is me. Well Matty I am a lot bigger then Mr.Abrams and I fight back. I will not take your crap you sick fuck, You still have to answer for That kid in New York you fucked up and you have to answer working for Elan as Staff. Now most people here have no idea what were talking about Matt but you and I do. So hey lie to them all you want but you can't lie to me or yourself.
Sun at 11:34pm · Report
Danny Bennison
Matt don't come at me with this son this and son that you pot smoking fool your high half the time, Matt I know you, you idiot what did you forget. Go preach your brand of sensitivity on someone else, read your letter above. Nobody threaten you dumb ass and Gayle and Ricky and Sean Ohara read it they did not see it. Only you and your buddies want to see it, fine see it, I don't care at this point asshole. Shit both of us where there at the worst of times and were acting like this.
Sun at 11:41pm · Report
Danny Bennison
Also I will find a link today where Matt insulted my significant other and the conversation had nothing to do with him. Now I had never mentioned anything about Matts family at all. In my opinion they are off limits to insulting comments. No not to Matt, because as I have been saying all along Matt comes across very nice then a conversation goes wrong and out comes the fangs. Matt if your going to tell a story and cry for forgiveness tell the whole story first please.
Mon at 8:00am · Report
Sharon McCarthy
OMFG stop fucken whinning Danny. You lied and hurt others than want sympathy. Grow up and just stop creating drama all the time for yourself, you just cant seem to get along with anyone. You talked so many lies this week I think you broke your record for the year.
Yesterday at 8:17am · Report
Sharon McCarthy
My son has some extra pull ups and wipes you need me to UPS them too you OMFG stop please.
Yesterday at 8:18am · Report
Danny Abuser
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