"There are countless times where doctors were named to be unlicensed and teachers to outed as unlicensed where I spent a few extra hours investigating to find that they were in fact licensed".
Covering the years prior to and through 2006, HLA adverised licensed counselors and certified teachers, which was not the case. As it was only a private school with special purpose, operating under the radar, they got away with it, until we contacted the agencies and forced licensing. Had HLA not advertised "licensed and certified" and as a "Therapeutic School" along with all the complaints over the years, they would still be in business. The State confirmed the majority of teachers were not certified; only Joe Stapp, Buccellato and Chris Allen were licensed counselors. Later on Chris Grimwood is hired but he cannot be licensed as "Farington Diploma Mill" is not accepted by the State of Georgia. Dr. Sisk was not a doctor, but that was before our time and Clayton Erickson was no longer an M.D. All facts.. Nothing stated does not have basis and everything I have stated can be backed up by electronic or paper copy.