One particularly memorable Village guy liked to lean back in his chair and smirk at us as he let us know how sad and screwed up we were. The way he tried to make us see it, all our troubles were our fault and we had no cause to be upset with anyone but ourselves. I have no doubt that he really would have cracked down on us if someone in a higher position of authority had given him the green light. I was afraid of him and made it a point not to speak in group when he was there.
LOL...What you describe is the PV process - it's all your fault, whether you shot smack, were sexually abused or suffering depression following the death of a parent, PV holds everyone "accountable", they will over-medicate and physically abuse vicitmizer and victim alike. PV doesn't treat, they
A lot of parents were unaware PV went against their admission policy and took kids who were tried and sentenced as adults for violent crimes. Imagine how the father of a young girl who had been raped would feel knowing there was a convicted rapist at PV less than 100 ft. away from his daughter. That situation existed when Andy Klepper was "sentenced" to PV for luring a female escort to his home, where he and a few friends sexually assaulted the woman, at one point sodomizing the victim
with a baseball bat. Here's PV's exclusions, from their website:
Exclusionary CriteriaPeninsula Village is unable to help every adolescent. Some problems that we cannot treat are:
* Intelligence below the average range (Full Scale IQ below 90)
* History of fire setting and pyromania * Sexual Offenders / Sexual Disorders * History of chronic/severe physical aggression including use of weapons * Physical or medical condition that would hinder participation in vigorous, outdoor activities (diabetes, epilepsy)
* Homicidal intent at time of admission
* Psychotic Disorders * Pregnancy (females)
* Impairment resulting from traumatic brain injury / Neuro-psychiatric issues
* Eating disorders that are not medically stable Klepper certainly falls into the highlighted categories, and yet PV took him with open arms - his dad was paying cash, don't you know. PV lost the little cash pig when Tennessee refused to allow Klepper to be
in the state, making no bones about the reason - no one wanted the degenerate breathing the same air as they did. What about this:
* Pregnancy (females)Gee, I'm glad they clarified the pregnancy exclusion. Does that mean PV accepts pregnant
The guy from the Village you describe sounds very, very familiar :roflmao: - did he look like the fat guy from N'SYNC, with a goatee and two tons of gel in his hair, or was he Filipino? If it was either of those two...heh....what I'm going to call
individuals, you did well to escape their notice. They both got fired from PV last year. With a satisfying quickness, too.
Macadamia, thank you for sharing your knowledge of PH. I thought PH really had no clue about the Village's practices, and it's becoming apparent that what happens in the Village, stays in the Village. PV doesn't interact with the hospital much.