I'm currently a student at Shortridge Academy, a few weeks away from graduating the program with my high school diploma. I've been here almost eighteen months, and I don't regret any of it. We aren't mistreated here at all, and while we have a lot of restrictions, none of them are unneeded, based on the actions of kids here in the past. I came here because of my drug use, dysfunctional relationship with my parents, inability to keep up with my schoolwork, and general lack of a future. Since my arrival here on February 11th, 2008, I've earned three years of high school credits and am graduating only two months behind schedule; I can interact with my parents without everything being a fight due to improved communication and, honestly, the space that we took from each other when I came here; I've been clean for almost a year and a half; and I'm attending college two weeks after I graduate. This school didn't make these things happen, I did, but it did help me immensely in my attempts in doing so.
I have no complaints about Shortridge. It's a good place, and it's become more of a home to me than I would have ever imagined it could be. Given that fact, I hate hearing people piss on it like this. I understand that you don't know anything about the school and have only your own assumptions and estimations of how situations like this might play out and feel, but it's still unpleasant how inaccurate all of this is. We are not physically, sexually, or emotionally abused, or in any other way mistreated here. I have been in abusive situations in the past, and this is not one. I've gotten a lot out of this program and I'm a much happier person now than before I came here. The friends I've made here are some of the best friends I've ever had, and the people are some of the most amazing I've ever known.
Yes, people don't always like it here, but the best things that happen to us are also usually some of the hardest. I haven't always went along with the program this willingly, and I'm known here among the staff for openly questioning anything that seems off-whack to me. But I've had a year and a half to evaluate this school and my experience here, and I've come to the conclusion that it's a good thing. I don't regret a moment of it.
I'm a person who stands up for what I believe in and love, and this strength is partially due to my time here at Shortridge, and Shortridge is both of those things for me.
And yes, I, too, am real person. You can find me on facebook (under Eryn Fekete and Erin Fekete), and on myspace (myspace.com/bloodxnxaccident).
"Worried", I'm sure you've already spoken with Josh, and know that he's fine here. If this is the Josh that is still here today, you probably know that he's set to graduate at the same time as myself, in only a few weeks from now. I hope you had fun with this forum, in the meantime.