Author Topic: Marathon Workshops  (Read 7269 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #45 on: July 04, 2006, 12:25:00 AM »
The entire concept of therapeutic communities is fucked, PERIOD.  There is no improving, there is no regulating, there is no making it better or safe.  TCs come from Synanon and the like.  They don't "work" (and I use that term loosely, the 'work' in the sense that they do change people but for the worse and at a high price) without those dangerous components (i.e. confrontational approach, seminars, isolation etc) so there is no way to improve them.  At all.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #46 on: July 04, 2006, 01:16:00 AM »
No, they can't be reformed.

But, we still need mental hospitals for people who are acutely ill and need to be stabilized, then released.

We still need RTCs for severely mentally handicapped kids who become violently unmanageable, and are bigger than their parents now, so they can't live at home, but have to live somewhere.

Parents and kids want the mundane equivalent of Hogwarts to still be out there.  Real prep schools.  The snobby sort.

The Program will try to hide under the label of any of those, or several at once, just like slimy grubs hide under rocks.

The only way to outlaw The Program is to outlaw its fundamental attributes.

Then to jail the people who violate those laws---as they sometimes will.

We outlawed medicine shows by outlawing their attributes.  One of the primary reasons for the creation of the FDA was to put them out of business, and that's exactly what it did.

The Program pretends to be other things to skate through the laws and keep scamming the parents out of junior's college fund all while slamming junior into compliance brutally and providing a spartan existence on the cheap rationalized as "tough love."

You can't successfully outlaw The Program by outlawing behavioral modification facilities.  They'll just say they're something else.

Make all the things The Program does, all the things The Program is, individually illegal and separate violations of the law, and you can put those bastards away on multiple felony counts until they rot.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #47 on: July 04, 2006, 01:21:00 AM »
BTW--if we make all the individual bad things The Program does illegal, then whenever we catch some bunch operating a Program we can prosecute the whole kit and caboodle under federal racketeering laws (RICO) and confiscate not only the grounds the Program is on, and the building, but the personal fortunes of the SOB owners themselves.  Every damned penny.

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #48 on: July 04, 2006, 01:21:00 AM »
On 2006-07-03 22:16:00, Anonymous wrote:

"No, they can't be reformed.

But, we still need mental hospitals for people who are acutely ill and need to be stabilized, then released.

We still need RTCs for severely mentally handicapped kids who become violently unmanageable, and are bigger than their parents now, so they can't live at home, but have to live somewhere.

I agree but it scares me to think of how easily this can and is being abused.  That whole adolescence/pathology issue.   Those damn questionnaires on most 'treatment center' sites are so vague they could describe damn near every teen in America and that attitude seems to be perpetuated in the mental health field more and more.

Make all the things The Program does, all the things The Program is, individually illegal and separate violations of the law, and you can put those bastards away on multiple felony counts until they rot.


 :wstupid:  :tup:  :tup:  :tup:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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« Reply #49 on: July 04, 2006, 01:56:00 AM »
On 2006-07-03 22:16:00, Anonymous wrote:

You can't successfully outlaw The Program by outlawing behavioral modification facilities.  They'll just say they're something else."

Precisely. Here are a few tidbits from the Aspen timeline I'm compiling.

Feb 2000- Sainer on ?Youth Services Committee? of NAPHS
Launches Advocacy Campaign to ?Make Behavioral Health for Youth a Priority?. Campaign is under the direction of the NAPHS Youth Services Committee, chaired by Elliot Sainer.
?The Lewin report and analysis by our Board and the NAPHS Youth Services Committee confirm what we are hearing from many venues ? including the recent report on mental health by the U.S. Surgeon General.
[Note: ? there is only weak evidence for their (RTCs) effectiveness]
Treatment works, but not all young people have equal access, coverage, or opportunity to use the services we know can help improve their lives,? said NAPHS Executive Director Mark Covall.  
According to the Lewin report, approximately 20% of children and adolescents (or about 11 million youth ages 9 to 17) have a diagnosable mental, emotional, or behavioral health disorder, from attention deficit disorder and depression to bipolar illness and schizophrenia.  Many children and youth simply ?fall between the cracks? of the major systems involved in delivering care, which include education, child welfare, and juvenile justice, and mental health and substance abuse authorities, the Lewin report finds.  One study suggests only 11% of children at risk receive services in a mental health setting.
The NAPHS-commissioned Lewin Group report provides baseline information on current knowledge and thinking about care for youth with psychiatric, emotional, and behavioral problems. The report is based on a literature review, tested and reinforced by extensive structured interviews with members of the NAPHS Youth Services Committee (comprised of leading providers serving children and youth).
The Lewin Report

Mar 2004- Sainer/ Education Industry Asso, Inc goes to Washington.
Recognizing that the climate for the education industry in Washington is at an unprecedented high, members of the EILB Steering Committee ? ?..and Elliot Sainer (AEG) ?put together one of the most high-level meetings ever held in Washington for education industry executives.
The current Administration is eager to work with industry leaders to bring about beneficial changes in education policy that will produce positive implications for the industry. The spring EILB meeting provided significant interaction among industry executives and members of the Bush Administration and Congress.
The program agenda included:
*Informative updates from Bush Administration officials about implementation of the ?No Child Left Behind?  legislation
*Engagement with Capitol Hill and Department of Education personnel involved in the pending reauthorizations of legislation affecting both higher education and special education
*Highlights on the successes of education companies
*Strategy development for industry public relations activities sponsored by the EILB and the EIA. ... =clnk&cd=1

Apr 2004- Education Companies Play ?Let?s Make a Deal?
The requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act, along with an improving economy, mean more moneymaking opportunities in areas such as tutoring, student assessment, and online content, industry observers say. Help for students with special learning needs has also proved to be an increasingly key market, according to analysts.
The AEG, a Cerritos, Calif.-based company that manages 46 alternative education programs or schools in 10 states, in November acquired Cedars Academy, a private boarding school in Bridgeville, Del., for students with attention difficulties. That deal immediately followed Aspen Education?s acquisition of Explorations Inc., a group of Montana-based wilderness and experiential programs for troubled students.
Since 1994, Aspen Education?s revenue has grown from some $10 million to almost $100 million. "We?ve developed a real niche in a national referral base for underachieving kids," said Elliot A. Sainer, the company?s CEO.

May 2005- Aspen Youth Services changes name to Aspen Education Group
"This emphasis on education simply recognizes the many learning opportunities that are inherent in all of our programs," said Elliot Sainer, President and CEO. "Even though we will continue to focus primarily on youth under age 18, this name change will allow us to explore other growth opportunities in this sector. We will continue to focus on our strength, which is offering private pay education programs for families and students across the country who need our services," said Sainer.
States 43 programs in 8 states ... clnk&cd=63

Jan 2006- AEG markets to 10-12 year olds. Sainer believes kids are ?experimenting with drugs? at an earlier age. Moving from ?generalized? to ?specialized? program. Due to internet access, parents are holding programs to a ?higher standard?. Will wrap-up a 3-year, independent, ?clinical outcome study? this summer. ... 5262.shtml

Whadda ya think?
[ This Message was edited by: Deborah on 2006-07-03 22:58 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Oz girl

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« Reply #50 on: July 04, 2006, 05:49:00 AM »
I dont think anyone on this thread thinks that these places should not be banned & if the US govt shut them all down tomorrow, and jailed the owners of the biggest industry players i am sure there would be a bun fight over who got to throw the biggest party.

 HOWEVER again nobody answered my original question- how can shutting these schools down be achieved through education alone? Is my perception that the industry is growing in spite of a vast amount of information against it wrong? (I am not being sarcastic here i genuinely want to know)

The Help @ any cost book seemed to get a fair bit of press in the US but so it seems did that mother/daugher book in praise of WWASPS.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
n case you\'re worried about what\'s going to become of the younger generation, it\'s going to grow up and start worrying about the younger generation.-Roger Allen

Offline Nihilanthic

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« Reply #51 on: July 04, 2006, 07:03:00 AM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

CCMGirl on program restraints: "DON\'T TAZ ME BRO!!!!!"

TheWho on program survivors: "From where I sit I see all the anit-program[sic] people doing all the complaining and crying."

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #52 on: July 04, 2006, 07:52:00 AM »
yo dude that looks more like a dildo than anything.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #53 on: July 04, 2006, 07:52:00 AM »
yo dude that looks more like a dildo than anything.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Nihilanthic

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« Reply #54 on: July 06, 2006, 02:28:00 AM »
Its a fucking anal probe you doofus  :mad:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

CCMGirl on program restraints: "DON\'T TAZ ME BRO!!!!!"

TheWho on program survivors: "From where I sit I see all the anit-program[sic] people doing all the complaining and crying."

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #55 on: July 06, 2006, 09:04:00 AM »
Stimulating conversation you got going on here...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »