On 2006-05-30 09:39:00, babylove wrote:
Kat- this set of postings has turned into one like all the others, ranting and raving about MMS. Please think about refraining from posting on the neutral subjects if you can't play nicely!"
Assuming the meaning of play nice, means fairness, a dialogue, honest assesments and questioning, a give and take if you will... I do 'play nice' and my statements have never diverged from this, far as I can tell or recall -
I suggest you refrain from ill considered advice and innaccuracy to support your inability to... find serenity and peace from within while reading a discusion that's not to your liking...or is it an inability to believe that not skirtting an issue directly related to things that could potentially be related to MMS and harmful actions, like JG's emaciation, signifies a level on non-niceness?
I would like to point out I did not mention this to begin with, but followed up at someonelses prompting. As much as you would like to play on whatever you consider to be rudeness or
harshness, inability to move on-ness, bitterness, etc etc etc, I think that you may just as well ignore what you wish to chance.
It appears you've done this quite well thus far, I'm sure you don't need to waste your time on me. Why bother? Surely you have better things to do with your time that play the forum vigilante.
Oh- and if I had to take a stab at annon (as much as I hate yelling/ J, is that you?) my guess is that the elephant in the closet is what is peturbs her... if it's who i think it is, recent alum of MMS, then I understand (though don't condone) the yelling. After all, absent the pom poms, it doesn't sound like any acknowledgment of the problems at MMS have been made- and that perhaps that 'nuetrality' has only helped bring on harm to other girls.