You all just make me laugh!
Overlord, who the hell do you think you are. With
a name like that you must be a full of shit ego maniac. I'm way over you lord. I take pride in my job and that is all I have to say. You don't understand that kids don't get to run there own lives and parents will do what ever they have to do to try and save thier kids. If it means having me come and do an intervention for them and take the kid to somewhere they have chosen for thier child to get help. Then it is thier right and choice. The kid has been making some very dangerous choices and they are lucky that thier parents can do it. THE ONE WHO CARES
Oh, bitch got up, fine time to put you back down, where is my cattle prod when I need it? Maybe we should give you the same treatment kids get a the place. Anyway my name is a nod to Operation OverLord that I have had for years, in case your a idiot (whihc I do believe you are because your in the feild you are in) Operation OverLord was the D-Day invasion from WWII. Kids do get if my friend, you dont get that, we are alot smarter than you are, im 17 and I work at a software company and have a business of my own in dev and production sence I was 15, we grossed over 2000 dollars a year, I think thats great considering we had somthing like 5 clients and couldent drive.
Listen, you dont know or understand kids, if you think you do, I pity any children you ever may have. Guess what, you dont intervine, a intervention is done by a group of people that care, and it sure as hell does not end with a kid getting shipped off. If parents would do anything to help their kids they would not be going to these schools in the first place, they would be dealing with it on the family level, which is completely possable.
It is not in a parents right to have a child abused, you need to see that and what you do is help them, you are a great emotional scar on peoples lives.
I have never seen the slightest scientific proof of the religious theories of heaven and hell, of future life for individuals, or of a personal God.
--Thomas Edison, American inventor
I will also note that you did not accually respond to any comments or acusations that I made, you simply attacked my name, and then made baseless statements about how parents can do what they like, will you respond? I mean really respond? Or do you know yet that you cannot defend your self?
[ This Message was edited by: OverLordd on 2005-06-21 15:25 ]