On 2005-06-16 08:48:00, Anonymous wrote:
"You are wierd :
: "
Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm not right.
And *you* are really rude. Not so much to me, as to the person whose writing you made assumptions about (if you're the same anon).
A lot of the kids who get sent to Programs have ADHD. ADHD is almost universally associated with a lesion on the specific part of the patient's frontal lobe.
Frequently that lesion is not the only lesion, or extends beyond the specific area that appears to be instrumental in the development of ADHD.
Since many learning disabilities also involve abnormalities of the frontal lobe, it isn't suprising at all that people diagnosed ADHD have a very high rate of comorbid learning disabilities.
That means that it's much more likely that the kid who posted about the riot has a learning disability, whether it's been diagnosed or not, than a random teenager picked out of your local high school.
I know all this because I have a degree in Psychology, focused on research, from a top ten public engineering and sciences university. I also have a child with special needs. So I keep up with the research a lot more than the vast majority of people.
So your particular problem is not my "weirdness" (by the way, you misspelled "weird"), it's that I know a lot more about writing than you do, and I know a lot more about learning disabilities than you do, and (as a homeschooling mom) I know a lot more about education than you do.
Your problem is not my "weirdness" but that you just happened to pick subjects I'm expert on, and were probably overwhelmed by the information.
Any time you see someone with really bad writing or spelling, especially if you see it on the internet, it's really rude to start criticizing them without finding out whether the person either has a learning disability, or has learned English as a second language.
In this case, a learning disability is a lot more likely than English as a second language.
You should have asked first instead of jumping to conclusions.
I'd rather be weird than rude.
(Not that I'm always polite, but I usually try to be.)