IF I were to take the time to send them email, I would phrase it very delicately.
I suspect I would write something along the lines of:
I was deeply disappointed to learn of the closing your new public forum. As a former member of our close family within Straight Inc., I have been an avid follower of your foundation for some years now; and was excited at the opportunity to engage in an open and democratic debate about the issues so close to all of our hearts.
It appeared that a spirited discussion was already in blossom on your most excellent web site. I had anticipated an opportunity to participate in, and learn from, the wide range of input and ideas being expressed within the open furm discussions.
I want to express my sincere hope that you will find the strength to re-open your public forum and once again allow an unmoderated discussion from all points of view, in the spirit of our founding fathers.
But I won't waste my time with them, because I already percieve their heart and mind, and understand that open discussion was most likely the furthest thing from their intent.