Day 76 - Moral Inventory - 10/12/75 (Move to Broward)
I left The Seed in St Pete today we all came down to the Broward Seed. It's really great down here. I could tell when I first seen it when we pulled up it looked so homey I guess you could call it, it just looked really great then we came into the group & it was really neat because I didn't know any of the people or anything but I felt at home, I really felt close to everybody & the vibes were really great.
There's a lot more people here but that's really great because I know that after a while I'll get to know everyone's name & really know them & like I feel really close to them already but I know that I'm gonna get to know them alot better.
And I think that there's so much more to learn here because of all my friends & new ideas & everybody really bein' close to each other & bein' together.
Goals: I'm gonna relate as much as I can tomorrow so that I can really get into what's going on & so that other people in the group can get to know me better.