Ah yes, the Tire Ranch!!™ Its raison d'être will be to provide a guaranteed free dwelling space for survivors who need a place to decompress from time spent in abusive, pseudo-therapeutic, greed-based mind control cults existing in the U.S. today, and for survivors who just need someplace to party for a few days. In short, the Tire Ranch™ will offer sanctuary for program survivors.
As for locations, we've considered Alaska, the Mojavé Desert or maybe some pretty little uncharted island somewhere. At this point we are still open to suggestions.
Once its initial stark framework of used tires and concrete is expanded upon, the Tire Ranch will become quite a place indeed! However, our residents can't just sit around all day either! You will get out of it what you put into it! We will do what we can to provide food, clothing, drugs, music, beds, showers, wireless internet, dune buggies (or snow mobiles), sex toys, guitars, drums, guns & any and all other basic necessities. We will all do our best to make sure that everyone is accommodated!