
Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => CEDU / Brown Schools and derivatives / clones => Topic started by: Unknown Soldier on December 04, 2004, 10:10:00 PM

Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Unknown Soldier on December 04, 2004, 10:10:00 PM
Remember when I worked for you?
Remember when I told you ("Brown Schools") that these abuses would get out on the internet?
Remember when I told your CEO that we needed to get rid of uneducated people and teach treatment ethics and was almost fired for it?
Remember when you ignored and devalued my idea to   bring humanity to that hell hole - for three years?
Remember when you ran me out.
Well, that was your big mistake, and I might add,  one of many.
Now my work is over.
It is all coming to fruition, and how sweet it is:
You went from 200 to 30 students at RMA.
You faced valid  charges of racketeering and child abuse.
NWA had to be Shut Down
BCA and RMA were wxposed for abuse
Lawsuits were settled out of court.
Now you face a class action lawsuit. Involving More than 25  of your students and kids.
Not a bad job huh?
I bet you wish you could take back what you did. (
You should not have fucked with an educated activist.
Almost two years, and look at the price you BCA, RMA, and CEDU are paying.
And, all I had to do was to keep posting your history and deeds (the truth) that I located on the web. And the help and truth came charging in from all of those brave souls that trusted you and faced your abuse and tyranny.
Well, I still have more up my sleeve: documentation, manuals, and private literature. But, it doesn't look like I'll need it.
Thanks to all those students, staff and therapists who had the balls to post here - are all heroes.
Well - see ya later. Next time, and there won't be one, be careful who you fuck with. ... orum=11&26 (
I posted it, just like I posted every other thing you did historically (and since you ran me out and left my kids high and dry).
NEXT TIME YOU MAKE A MOVE "THINK"[ This Message was edited by: Unknown Soldier on 2004-12-04 19:11 ]
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 05, 2004, 02:46:00 AM
Is NWA really gone, cuz their site is stil up
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 06, 2004, 06:08:00 PM
I second that - Good Job to all you posters!!!!

I too tried to bring reason and sanity to the Brown Schools/CEDU.  I was shut up and shut out faster than a Team Leader could shout "You're a liar, and you're going to die"!
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: supermick826 on December 10, 2004, 09:47:00 PM
How do you like me now, LaTeresa, you said i was the biggest accomplishment of your life, now i'm in more trouble than ever because of yur fucked up pseudo-hippie nazi-internment camp. I'm in and out of jail, I have to fight for my life because the boneheads are out to kill me. some fuckin accomplishment.  fuck you la and fuck you areil
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 12, 2004, 06:26:00 PM
And it still would be accurate to say that you are the biggest accomplishment of La's life.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 13, 2004, 06:02:00 PM
Did you all know that LA has no education beyond high school - if that. And she braggs about having been in "child protection" in Sandpoint. Sorry parents, that was a lie, same as what came out almost every time La opened her mouth. She was a Driver and an aide to bachelors level people. Basically she was a unskilled secretary who could drive kids and parents home --
the perfect qualifications for a Brown Schools Director
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 13, 2004, 06:07:00 PM
YES, NWA is really gone - RMA was moved up to Naples where NWA used to be.... I know this for a fact and it is undisputed. These lying assholes like to call it a merger. That is Bullshit. They went out of business and the merger is a lie.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 16, 2004, 04:12:00 PM
I like you. Fuck them all
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: bountyboy88 on December 23, 2004, 11:22:00 PM
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 24, 2004, 02:31:00 PM
That post from Bounty Boy reminded me of Chuck Selent the famed CEDU "Bounty Hunter."

Anyone remember Chuck Selent? He is the only  "Bounty Hunter" ib Bonner Ferry.  He thinks he is like his Idol - "Dog The Bounty Hunter" on TV. There is some similarity, except Chuck has only a little experience as a reserve cop in bonners ferry idaho - population 1900. He is even dumber than "Dog," and his wife is even uglier than Dog's wife.

He's the guy who picks up, and handcuffs and hauls away all the kids to Idaho mind control camps like CEDU, and he charges the parents a ransom for a job even a retard could do (and he is a retard) I would love to meet that fuck in a dark ally. Wouldn't it be nice to have scum like him gone?

I know where he lives and his phone number cause I live right down his street. Directions to Chuck's house: At the top of the hill behind the Exxon station turn left, then go right to the top of the hill. At the Y go right. Go all the way down to the end where the street turns hard left. In the middle of the short straight-away you are now on you will find several mailboxes on the left side of the road across from the new bege house that sits back off the road in front of the Lamma Farm. Turn left on the dirt/driveway road at the mailboxes - his big house is way back at the end on the dirt driveway. His e mail address at CEDU is I'll give you his address and home phone when I get even more pissed at him. DO ANY OF YOU GUYS KNOW THAT FUCK OR ANY THE OTHER TRAILER TRASH ESCORTS. Wanna know how low he is? Delinda in Human resourses told me he spys on parents, families, staff members, and kids for brown schools - CEDU as a "private investagator" He refers to himself as "Magnum PI." That's what a dumb fuck that asshole really is. Of course, how could you expect more from a person who has the moral character to kidnap people and scare them to death for a living?
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 24, 2004, 10:03:00 PM
You fuck, it's La's fault you're in and out of prison? Sounds like you're just a dumb motherfucker. I was at bca for 25 I'm a 3.8 student at an ivy league school...and I put up with the same BCA bullshit you did. I don't buy all the crap they teach, but I do know that if you're in and out of prison it's certainly no one's fault but, wait let me think, oh yeah, YOU!
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 26, 2004, 12:01:00 PM
RMA is at the NWA campus and NWA ia at the RMA campus. There was no merger. There was no shut down.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 26, 2004, 01:22:00 PM
No one ever said that NWA and RMA merged.  NWA did not go out of business.  The schools swapped campuses, basically.  RMA is now where NWA is and vice versa.  NWA is doing very well, and RMA is a little rocky right now.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 26, 2004, 06:12:00 PM
Its pretty funny to read all the garbage posted on this site. So many people feeding off each other and turning everything into a scary monster. Its even funnier to read about yourself and see what people are saying thats so far off from the truth. Thats the beauty of the web. Post anything and everything, its your right. Just remember that posting personal information for the purpose of malice, to threaten or to bring harm to someone is illegal. Of course everyone is anonymous for a reason so they can hide and spew at will. I do know who you are A**** R***, so have fun but be careful. ( I didnt spell out your name for everyone to read, only for you to know your not that anonymous. CHUCK
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Mormon Savior on December 26, 2004, 10:54:00 PM
HA HA CEDU is not out of Business and the 25 lawuits will come to nothing. Mr Selent saved kids lives and is still saving you from yourselves.

NWA BCA RMA CEDU HIGH and St GEORGE SCHOOL and all the other splinter groups that belong to WWASP are the best thing that ever happened to all of you. We are winning and all of you are losing
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 28, 2004, 11:59:00 AM
Good to hear something that isn't a delusion of the drug infested, self-justifying cult at this site---you'll see what I mean pretty fast,if you haven't already: these guys-- bottom line--are just trying to sanitize their drug obsession and other perverse behavior-- by bashing schools that help kids who've had their lives swamped by negativity---including substance abuse in a lot of cases.

Why do I care? because i've seen two friends who were really helped by a CEDU program---and if I even had a kid or sibling who needed one I want them to exist...not be driven out of existence by money grubbing lawyers. Like you I think the suits will amount to nothing but you never know when you go to court---I wish this country had "loser pay" court rules--that would shut down some of these ambulance chasers.

But watch yourself here Mormon poster some of these site-flies act real psychotics--they threaten, stalk, they rave--- who knows what they're capable of---someone I know sent copies of some of the vilest posts to the psycho posters local police departments in cases where they give enough identifying info---and on to web authorities when their raving just contains their fornits posting names.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 28, 2004, 04:23:00 PM
Listen, there are pleanty of people who were not shipped off to school because they were drug infested psychos. Some had parents who thought parenting was to mundane to bother with... others had normal teenage angst... and others just had low self esteem or depression.

Unfortunately, the "school" does not address these issues with its unethical therapeutic and academic practices and their constant relentless verbal and psychological abuse.   What happens in this incredibly insulated environment is that your story gets twisted and manipulated into something you don't recognize, your emotions are manipulated with intense mindfucking experientials, your parents are lied to, and your traumatic history is exploited in truly sick ways. (Do YOU think its good for a girl who was raped to be called a whore by the staff and humiliated?  This is how they operate.)  In addition, abnormal behavior is promoted and normal behavior is NOT!

After years of insulation, you end up believing the lies and brainwash because you have to to get by and advance through the program.  Because you are cut off, you lose perspective on reality. If you tell the truth, there is hell to pay.

It is typical for some people to graduate gung ho on the school only to realize later how unequipped emotionally there are to deal with the real world. (CEDU doesn't teach you this. Nor do they individuate the therapy in a healthy way.) Noone wants to believe that all the "work" they invested into the program was all for naught. You need to believe that the blood squeezed out of you was an investment. When I left CEDU, I looked good on paper. Straight As, accepted into ivy league, in top shape... (Never had a drug problem)... but NONE of my real issues were EVER addressed and to top it off, I was socially backward from living isolated in a cultic environment.

Just because someone left CEDU to attend an ivy league or stop doing drugs does not mean they followed ethical practices.  To the guy whose friends were saved--I didn't even cover all the abuses that were systemic in the program, but if I did, your toes would curl.

Talk to your friends in 10 years.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Antigen on December 28, 2004, 08:35:00 PM
On 2004-12-26 15:12:00, Anonymous wrote:

Just remember that posting personal information for the purpose of malice, to threaten or to bring harm to someone is illegal.

Thanks for the reminder, CHUCK...

I do know who you are A**** R***, so have fun but be careful. ( I didnt spell out your name for everyone to read, only for you to know your not that anonymous. CHUCK"

AND the graphic demonstration!

Whew! I think I'm having an irony overdose! I don't know if I can even survive the Daily Show tonight!  :silly:

But this is far from demonstrating that the authorities must interpose to suppress these vices by commercial prohibitions, nor is it by any means evident that such intervention on the part of the government is really capable of suppressing them or that, even if this end could be attained, it might not therewith open up a Pandora's box of other dangers, no less mischievous than alcoholism and morphinism.
Ludwig Von Mises

Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Antigen on December 28, 2004, 08:40:00 PM
On 2004-12-28 08:59:00, Anonymous wrote:

But watch yourself here Mormon poster some of these site-flies act real psychotics--they threaten, stalk, they rave--- who knows what they're capable of---

Tell me about it! I have a small stack of threatening letters, some delivered to my home address, from WWASP and other of these programs!

someone I know sent copies of some of the vilest posts to the psycho posters local police departments in cases where they give enough identifying info---and on to web authorities when their raving just contains their fornits posting names.

I sure hope they didn't leave out Craig Rogers. Remember Craige? Boy, did he ever get intemperate! Ottawa5 too! She really did scare some people. Brought others closer, though. I'm sure it warms the hartles of your cock to know that, huh?

Anyway, I'll let yenz know as much as I can the first time any authorities come to me asking for aid in identifying any posters here. So far, in about 5 years of doing this, it's never happened.

Life is like a bird, at any given moment it is droping a load. It is only a matter of time before one eventually find you.


Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Antigen on December 28, 2004, 08:42:00 PM
Wow! Looks like someone really struck a nerve! This is what happens to mainstream media when they get a little too close to it. Makes me feel special.

 :wave: Thanks guys!

Religion is just mind control.
--George Carlin, comedian

Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 29, 2004, 12:28:00 AM
so what school did you go to? because i went to BCA and i am to be honest thankful for it. yeah there might have been situations that could have been handeled differently. but as far as you saying that you went to some great school after cedu but your real issues and feelings were never addressed thats on you. if you really thing that you go to a school like that and they just "fix you" your wrong it takes hard work to face your problems and deal with them. of corse you guys are going to talk shit about the programs you were probably pretty young when you got sent away and why wouldnt you be upset for "losing your teen years" but dont be pissed off at anyone but yourselvs. at leats think of the things you were doing before you left home. how many people could you have hurt and for some people how many times could you have killed another person or people or yourself. im sure if you were sent to a school you were pretty fucked up. as for the person that i am replying to i have no clue who you are but you sound pretty spoiled like everyone is supposet to walk on egg shells around you and you like it like that. you must be pretty alone. i dont mean feel alone but that you are seriously alone because just from that thing you wrote im not sure anyone would want to be around someone as braty as you. dont bother to reply im probably not coming back on this website its a little rediculus how many people make there hobbies bashing cedu. toodles
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: dniceo7 on December 29, 2004, 12:49:00 AM
oh come on, lay off chuck selent! chuck is the man! yo chuck, don't listen to this bullshit...we all have mad love for you man! take it easy!
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: kpickle39 on December 29, 2004, 07:28:00 AM
[ This Message was edited by: kpickle39 on 2004-12-29 04:28 ]
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 29, 2004, 03:23:00 PM
You just have to realize that the therapists and their psuedo-education are worthless and the way things WERE done before they came were correct. It is they who have ruined CEDU and all of the staff know this.

The therapists have perverted the whole CEDU system with their "ethics" and their "proper and humane therapeutic processes."

The way to get to a kid is to tear him or her down until there is nothing left but a blank slate and then build a new child on proper social values.

You people just want to do whatever your sexual and pleasure-seeking drives ask of you. We are trying to save you from hell. That hell begins with independent and self determined thinking without the sanity of a secure social system where one is accountable to others. A system like CEDU.
Mormon CEDU Staff
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 29, 2004, 03:26:00 PM
I hope that's just trollbait.  Hard to tell b/c a lot of those people really DO believe that.   :scared:
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 29, 2004, 04:27:00 PM
Talking about the "vile" posting trend here and who's threateningwho: sounds like Antigen is full of it as per usual--a comment like "warms the hartles of your cock" is up to speed for the old skank

Reading through a lot of the posts of Craig Rogers and Ottawa that she talks about---admittedly not all of them but a fair number:there were no threats---what's your idea of a "threat" Antigen: somebody disagreeing with you---is that really deranging to you Antigen--on the other hand I saw some posts ABOUT them that were pretty psychotic liek the type I warned Mormon boy about earlier.

Or is claiming threats where there aren;t any another delusional tactic to demonize your "enemies"---which are any people who aren't drug fiends and proud of it

So antigen show me a threat in these or other posters who don't buy your crap---because all I'm finding are threats among your deranged fellow anti cedu cultists

a tip for Mormon boy or anyone else who wants to see what the anti cedu crowd is about: search in the WWF option for the forum and use words like "kill" and any number of vile expletives---you're going to pull up posts by Antigen's true believers---not people who see good in the CEDU schools
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 29, 2004, 04:31:00 PM
On 2004-12-29 12:23:00, Anonymous wrote:

"You just have to realize that the therapists and their psuedo-education are worthless and the way things WERE done before they came were correct. It is they who have ruined CEDU and all of the staff know this.

The therapists have perverted the whole CEDU system with their "ethics" and their "proper and humane therapeutic processes."

The way to get to a kid is to tear him or her down until there is nothing left but a blank slate and then build a new child on proper social values.

You people just want to do whatever your sexual and pleasure-seeking drives ask of you. We are trying to save you from hell. That hell begins with independent and self determined thinking without the sanity of a secure social system where one is accountable to others. A system like CEDU.

Mormon CEDU Staff "

So then, this WASN'T trollbait???  Shit, I was kidding because it's just too frightening to imagine anyone posting that seriously.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Antigen on December 29, 2004, 04:50:00 PM
Generally, when someone says "I know who you are and where you live" in context as hostile as this thread, it's taken as an implicit threat.

I have in my hand one letter each from Academy at Ivy Ridge, their atty., atty for Carolina Springs Academy and Spring Creek Lodge. Each one refers, in vague terms, to some slanderous, false and/or defamatory statements and personal assaults on this website and then threatens legal action if I refuse to comply w/ their impossibly vague demands.

Craig not only send a similar letter to me, but followed up w/ one to my service provider. When none of us screamed like little girls and fold, he actually offered to pay them to kick me off their servers. Pathetic!

There are others in my files, but I dont' feel like digging them out just now.

And from another corner, I'm actually named as a defendant in a lawsuit for essentially the same thing; refusing to act as someone's personal censor. Funny thing is that I've actually been accused of being a closet WWASP supporter for refusing to interfere when your bestest friends were gaining ground in this ongoing discussion.

Go figure.

Bottom line is that, as much as it might chafe you, you cannot control discussion that goes on outside of your facilities or membership. You can't send me to OP, as much as you might like to. I never entered into any agreement w/ you and, therefore, am not bound by your version of how things ought to be.

War is God?s way of teaching Americans geography.

--Ambrose Bierce (died 1914)

Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
Seed sibling `71 - `80
Straight South (Sarasota, FL)
   10/80 - 10/82
Anonymity Anonymous
Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 29, 2004, 04:54:00 PM
I have the solution for you.  Whenever you hear someone say something negative about your beloved program:

1.  Cup hands over ears

2.  Sing "lalalalala" over and over again until they're done.

 :wave:  :wave:
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: shanlea on December 29, 2004, 04:55:00 PM
It isn't okay to tear someone down. And the problem is you don't build them up--you can't build them up treating them all like liars and criminals, dsitorting their stories, manipulating their parents, abolishing critical thinking in favor of group think, and verbally and psychologically abusing kids in raps. CEDU only lobotomizes you in favor of a cultic mentality that you can't take with you into the real world.  

I'm not saying that there aren't kids out there who need help, but CEDU is not the panacea.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: CEDU IS A CULT on December 29, 2004, 05:38:00 PM
Its sad how small-minded some people are, and how hard it is for some to let go of the cult.

We're so fortunate, to have been able to live freely- in spite of.  Maybe it just requires a stronger mind.

To the Mormon and the Mormon's lawyer- Go stroke eachother's cocks in a disclosure circle.  The mormon can bring his inbred family.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Antigen on December 29, 2004, 08:18:00 PM
These two posts came from the same location.

On 2004-12-28 08:59:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Good to hear something that isn't a delusion of the drug infested, self-justifying cult at this site---you'll see what I mean pretty fast,if you haven't already: these guys-- bottom line--are just trying to sanitize their drug obsession and other perverse behavior-- by bashing schools that help kids who've had their lives swamped by negativity---including substance abuse in a lot of cases.

Why do I care? because i've seen two friends who were really helped by a CEDU program---and if I even had a kid or sibling who needed one I want them to exist...not be driven out of existence by money grubbing lawyers. Like you I think the suits will amount to nothing but you never know when you go to court---I wish this country had "loser pay" court rules--that would shut down some of these ambulance chasers.

But watch yourself here Mormon poster some of these site-flies act real psychotics--they threaten, stalk, they rave--- who knows what they're capable of---someone I know sent copies of some of the vilest posts to the psycho posters local police departments in cases where they give enough identifying info---and on to web authorities when their raving just contains their fornits posting names."

Quote ... m=11#70275 (
Unregistered User

Subtopic: More proof that CEDU is not going out of existence
Posted: 2004-12-09 18:07:00  
 This kind of shit is why I warn you all not to think these recent law suits are going to end RMA or CEDU or anything else in the teen help department I know for a fact that RMA and CEDU are each planning huge parent reunions for next spring---doesn't exactly sound like they're thinking "game over"--of course not---they're not broke either like some posters say---you can get their bottom line finance data.

CEDU is cultivating friends in high places as the previous posts show and the country's mood is "make those kids obey"...either CEDU will settle with these two dozen families out of court for nuisance value or they'll drag out the records of kids, families and maybe even witnesses until no juror is going to blame the schools when they have to deal with such extreme fuck-ups. All the scolding at this site about some counsellor was disrespectful or over disclosing or kids had to do a propheet and not sleep for a while is going to mean nothing--the jury will just think it's some kind of reality check or high intensity program for some really messed up adolescents who had it coming

So good luck on your victory dreams and a big "I told you so" when it's over, the suits that is, cuz CEDU isn't going anywhere any time soon

Wow, thanks for tipping your hand there, CHUCK. See, when we try and explain to people just how you "people" (and I use the term loosely) go about calling in favors and intimidating and humiliating wittnesses, they usually think we must be paranoid or something. But here you are corroborating our testimony of your own free will. I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help. Please, keep posting. I promise not to tell your sysadmin what you're doing w/ your access, provided no one actually files a criminal or civil demand for that info.

The problem with the "teen help" industry is that it's a bad "solution" in search of a problem.

Anonymity Anonymous (
Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 29, 2004, 09:47:00 PM
Well...well...well...what a very small world this is.  Look what I found doing research for my dissertation on "Abuses in the Emotional Growth Boarding School Industry."  Let me tell you about my little encounter with the CEDU system and Chuckie baby.  I didn't have a kid in the program.  I wasn't an employee.  I was an innocent victim who happened to fall in love with a CEDU employee who was getting a divorce from his wife, another CEDU employee.  One day, my love and I drove out to Kootenai Falls.  We happened to notice a family milling around where we were sitting.  The man had a camera.  The woman with him, I assume his wife :smile:, and his child (nice use of a cover CHUCKIE...use a kid...comes with practice, doesn't it?) positioned themselves between us and the man taking pictures.  Turns out...this man was Chuckie baby, an employee of CEDU.  We all know his last name, don't we? Confused. gets better.

I make a trip to my previous hometown.  While there, I am packing belongings into a truck, from storage at my old home.  As I am packing I notice a pile of documents left on my desk.  I picked them up.  On the top was a FAX from a private investigation company, GT Investigations.  I notice a name at the top of the FAX...yep...CHUCKIE baby'name.  Seems CHUCKIE took a contract to spy on me and my new love by my ex-husband.  The email states that CHUCKIE had accessed my husband's email account at work and new enough about me to make statements about my employment.  Where did he get this information?  Who was he collaborating with within the CEDU system?  Somebody had to give him access to my husband's email.  Thing husband was a therapist at BCA and he kept confidential client and family records on his computer.  What else
did CHUCKIE look at when he was accessing my husband's computer?  OH...laying next to the FAX of CHUCKIE's activities spying on a fellow CEDU employee, my future husband the BCA of my future husband going into work at BCA.  AH...CEDU employee taking pictures of another CEDU employee while at work and then SOLD private information to a third party. Naughty...naughty!  Guess what?  Human Resources refused to do anything about this.  When my husband asked CEDU Human Resources if they used CHUCKIE to spy on other CEDU employees, her answer was, "I am not at liberty to discuss that with you."  ???? You can spy on him and then tell him you are not at liberty?  Sounds mighty ethical to me???  HMMMMMM.....When my husband asked for his employement records he was denied them, even though schools who receive Federal funding for schooling the children in their "sic" care, must disclose employment records.  That is Federal Employment Law...but...does CEDU honor the law? Another violation of the law.  But who the hell cares about ethics?  How about civil rights?  Heck...we are on a roll...human rights?  Don't expect them for yourself or your kids.  You won't get them. So, if CEDU employees will do this to other CEDU employee...what will they do to your kids?  It is a question you must ask if you release your children to these monsters.

Addendum: Chuckie's reasoning is evidence of the ridiculously insulated mindset of this cult.  They believe they are beyond reproach and lay all the blame at the feet of the poor children, parents, and ethical professionals who trust in them to care for and heal their children. ain't just the kids and their families who will be in court.  There will be many professionals who stand as credible witnesses to the continued torture of children and the unethical bleeding of these parent's pocketbooks.  CEDU's long record of abuse in their facilities across the United States is a matter of public record.  Do you really believe the CEDU bullshit that you will have a job a year or two from now?  This is only the beginning.  What do you think a jury will think when they get a gander at the numerous court cases settled for huge settlements?  CEDU didn't have anything better to do with their money?  The cries of the numbers of abuse victims, their therapists, their doctors, and the many lawyers defending them will count. Now...I have been having a little discussion with our Federal folks...maybe they will come to court?  I hope you can find work in Bonners Ferry, Chuckie.  Why don't you have them call me for a reference.  Better yet...I am sure you still have pictures. You know who I am CHUCKIE.  Give me a call sometime.  I would love to record your phone call. At least I will have the ethics, integrity, and law abiding fortitude to inform you that I am doing so.
"How do you like me now?" God I loved that first post in this thread.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: CEDU IS A CULT on December 29, 2004, 09:59:00 PM
Chuckie I'd like to ram my fist down your fucking throat and pull out your fucking tongue!  We all know who you really are, so get the fuck out of here before I come and MAKE you get the fuck out of here, you fucking piece of human SHIT!!
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2004, 01:39:00 AM
Hey Brian . . . just sit back and watch the show man.  He is dark.  Don't go like him.  Dark on dark only makes a black hole Dude.  Speak truth.  Black holes simply can't handle the truth. Remember Dude...the black attracts the black.  Why do you think all the vamps in the school take care of hiding who they really are man?  They can't handle the truth.  Just how many people is it gonna take telling their stories before truth seekers get that all these people sharing their guts aren't a bunch of liars, loonies, druggies, and idiots who do not know what happened to them in the schools?  How many of the adults who worked at the asylums say the same things as the kids are all liars, loonies, druggies, and idiots?  They can't take your truth or dignity any more man.  Don't give it to them.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2004, 02:28:00 AM
Last post from CHUCK or "CHUCKIE" . I have no need or desire to banter back and forth, nor defend myself in any way past what I am now posting. I have never had nor do I continue to have anything but a childs safety and best interest involved in transporting them anywhere, to a CEDU program or any other program that is set up to work with kids. I take priide in being able to work with these children in a very low key approach. I want to treat them in every respect, as I would want someone to treat my child in a delicate situation. With safety foremost and respect and dignity. I have kids that are in contact with me to this very day that I have transported or worked with over the years. There aren't many that can say that they haven't been treated kind and fair during thier stay or contact with me. One can always find someone who feels "slighted" or "wronged" by a person, organization, or company. No one person or organization can be all things to all people nor "do right" in everyones eyes no matter how hard they try, even with the best intentions.

 (The following part of this post is to address the accusations by "Anonymous" posted 12/29/04 above)

As for being used to spy on employees and going through employees computers and records, and then having the employer cover that up... thats pure nonsense. Never happened. Never will.

I was asked by a friend at an investigations agency to see if I could gather certain information for a client of thiers that had suspicions that his wife was cheating on him with a man that lived in my county. Typical PI agencies bread and butter case. Since the agency wasn't "local" to our county and they knew me, they asked for my help.

When I was asked by the agency if I could do this, I wasn't even aware that this person actually was an employee. They thought he may be based on what they knew from thier client. I mentioned that I knew his wife was an employee at the time and that may be where they got it from, but I didn't think he was and I knew next to nothing about him. I only had to ask a few people that knew the couple in question and it all began to unfold.

Its amazing how people that act with indiscretion think. They think that nobody else see's or knows about it. They automaticaly think there is no way that this information could be gathered other than by illegaly breaking into personal employer computers and or with the aid and knowledge of the employer. I don't even want to speculate or quess what personal things employers computers were used for in this particular situation, but it obviously hit a nerve with "Anonymous" and her new husband. It is assumed that everything including the employer were involved. That is the farthest thing from the truth.

ALL INFORMATION gathered was COMMON knowledge anyone could have gathered. No breaking into computers  files, and employers needed. In fact I had calls coming to me on many of these questions. All this outside of employer's property, time, and definately on my own and legally. Allot of the information came from people that knew the person or his then current wife in some context, and were upset at what they saw was happening. I was surprised at how little was needed to get this information.

 As far as pictures go...anyone with a borrowed camera with a good telephoto lens can get them. As a matter of fact, due to the distance and the size of the lens, the pictures turned out pretty fuzzy and crappy. I wouldn't have sent them to the client myself. I am surprised they were even sent to the client by the agency. The person in the pictures could have been any male. They were pretty fuzzy and blurred. I quess if you know its yourself in them, then its a big deal.I am sure the client wouldnt have had a clue if he had run into this person on the street by those photo's. Oh and being at the falls and taking pictures, I am glad you think I was taking pics of you. My only regret at the time was that I DIDN'T have a good camera when I bounced into you BY ACCIDENT. If I had taken pictures there of the person in question, or better yet both together as a couple, then at least I may have had a good clear picture and not what was sent.  

I would do nothing different in any other situation similar to this particular case if it ever came up again. The only thing I would change is pass on gathering info on someone if I found out they were an employee... just to avoid the craziness that can follow. Makes for interesting reading though.

Well dream on everyone with your conspiracy theories and crazy ideas. :o  Heres an inside tip, the black unmarked CEDU helicopters are coming your way and they have cameras that see through walls. They can pick out information from personal computers in your home. They also can brainwash everyone and the person won't even know it.You will then just be minions in the master plan of distroying childrens lives. Thats how incidious these people are. Pass it on, we need to get this info out!!!  Sincerely,CHUCKIE
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Son Of Serbia on December 30, 2004, 08:58:00 AM
Well it's obvious that working for cedu all of these years has taught you how to lie, and you are very accomplished at that aren't you?

Personally, I don't give a fuck about you or your pictures.  The very fact that you've made a career out of kidnapping children to be abused by mormon cultists tells me everything.

You're a fucking loser Chuck, pure and simple,
and I doubt that you've ever had a real job.
Only a very sick and perverted individual like yourself could build their life around exploiting other people's misery, and even worse, pride themselves on that!

What is it about your job that gives you such a hard on anyways chuck?  Is it the sense of power you feel when you hold a struggling adolescent down and watch them squirm? Does that make you feel like a man, chuck? To be able to control someone, anyone in such a way?   Or perhaps it's the perverted kind  of intamacy you feel when you pin these kids down, and press your body against theirs?  You like laying on top of struggling children, don't you chuck? its better when they resist, isn't it? I mean here you have the perfect excuse to grope & fondle children at your leisure, but its perfectly legal because it's all in the name of "Restraint", Right Chuck?

You like being alone with those poor kids don't you?  Oh those poor Kids!  What did they ever do to deserve being used for your own disgusting personal enjoyment Chuck?

Indeed you are a sick and depraved man chuckie,
you are a monster.  And you have absolutely no place out here among real human beings.

.[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-12-30 06:08 ]
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Antigen on December 30, 2004, 11:26:00 AM
On 2004-12-29 23:28:00, Anonymous wrote:

 I have never had nor do I continue to have anything but a childs safety and best interest involved in transporting them anywhere, to a CEDU program or any other program that is set up to work with kids.

Believe it or not, I believe you. But you know what they say about good intentions, right? Jim Jones and all his followers were likely acting on the very same kind of good intentions when they fed their children poison.

But you're wrong, Chuck. You're dead wrong. You should listen to some of these kids. You know these people. You knew them when they were in CEDU. They're telling you how they had to fake it, how they had to degrade themselves by thanking you sadistic sons of bitches for tormenting them. Now that they're free and not subject to return to the Program, now they can tell you. But it's not the flattering, ego boosting bullshit that you like to hear. And, after all, you have a steady supply of that from the kids who dare not speak otherwise for fear of being deemed out of compliance.

So go back to your fantasy land where you get to play the swaggaring hero. I never did think you folks would see the light. But, if I were you, I'd make some other plans. Looks like the game is almost up now and you'd better have a plan B.

There lives more faith, in honest doubt,
Believe me, than in half the creeds.
Anonymity Anonymous (
Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2004, 01:26:00 PM
Funny Chuck,
You betray your own statements.
The Fax that you sent to Steve clearly stated in your own misspelled words (DEVORSE) that you were in the process of getting into the e mail.

Regarding the pictures, you again betray truth.
Read your own words, You say one thing and later you contradict yourself - My pictures are clear, guess you got bad copies, huh.

And watching you jump into the bushes as we walked by reminded me of the Keystone Cops.

Then, what really betrays you as unethical is that you took Stave's money to tell him "what everyone already knew" and then admitted that this is exactly what you did. This is both funny and pathetic.
You are correct that the "affair" was already well known . Hell, we went to BCA's graduation together and never tried to cover it up. In fact he enjoyed rubbing those phoney puratanistic peoples faces in it. Sleeping alone for two years with a CEDU wife who only screams and yells "shut up" and otherwise does not talk except to say, in typical CEDU fasion,  - "go find somebody else to fuck" tends to bring out any man's indignant and irreverant side.

Then, you CEDU escorts claim to care deeply and treat kids with dignity???? If you don't treat people with dignity, how can you clain to treat kids with dignity and care. HEY CHUCK< KIDS ARE PEOPLE. Then the article below betrays you again with "FEDERAL JURY SIDES WITH WOMAN IN RAPE LAWSUIT EMPLOYER ORDERED TO PAY $164,595; COUNTY HASN'T FILED CRIMINAL CHARGES (because the county prosecuter Denise Woodberry was married to CEDU recruiter Lon Woodberry, who was paid on comission, and probably didn't want her hubby to lose money prosecuting a mere rape). -- (words in parenthises mine). Look,

Page: B1
Author: By Susan Drumheller Staff writer
Illustration: Color Photo
Caption: Armstrong

An ``intervention specialist'' who delivers kids to private behavioral schools and camps in North Idaho was ordered by a federal jury to pay a former employee $164,595 for allegedly drugging and raping her. Twila Stephenson filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court against Richard Armstrong of Bonners Ferry, Idaho, in November 1996, accusing him of slipping drugs into her drinks, then raping her.

Armstrong runs a company called Boundary Lines, which specializes in transporting teenagers from their homes to private schools, such as the Rocky Mountain Academy.

Stephenson worked for Armstrong as a counselor from 1993 until April 1996. The jury deliberated for four hours after a four day trial in Coeur d'Alene.

Jury members determined that Armstrong raped Stephenson while she was unconscious, that he caused her to be unconscious and that the conduct was outrageous.

"We were surprised by the verdict,'' said Stanton Rines, Armstrong's attorney."  (DUH)

The evidence included two taped confessions, said Craig Mosman, Stephenson's attorney.

"``Somebody who commits those acts ought to be in prison,'' Mosman said." (No prisin for this rapist)

Boundary County officials (Denise Woodberry) never charged Armstrong, despite the fact that Mosman and Stephenson filed a report with police and offered to provide evidence, Mosman said.

Mosman said he never discussed the case with Boundary County Prosecutor Denise Woodbury, who was not available for comment Friday. (Yeah, Right)

Stephenson has left the state and now lives and works in New Mexico, Mosman said. She claimed she was fired after the alleged rape when she confronted Armstrong about crushing sleeping
pills into her drink after she refused to have sex with him. (Funny, That is how CEDU handles anyone with the integrity to confront their abuses they fire them)
End Article:

(Anyeay, Lon Woodberry now owns and operates and runs a service of "educational consuntants" that make referrls, for big bucks to CEDU and other teen mind control camps. I suppose they care deeply too -- yeah,

Like you Chuckie they care about the thickness of their wallets.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: BCA STAFF on December 30, 2004, 01:50:00 PM
All of these kids posting here went through the CEDU program and were taught American Family Values. And Chuck is a champion of family values. Just because he restrains and escorts kids to CEDU doesn't make him a rapist, although that would be a good lesson for them on what lies ahead if the stay on the path of sin. I think that Armstrong fellow, though he broke the law, only gave a fornicator what she wanted. In the same way the kids at CEDU get the dicipline that is comming to them and thank us for it later.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2004, 02:05:00 PM
PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE say that this is troll bait!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: CEDU IS A CULT on December 30, 2004, 02:11:00 PM
BCA staff  If you are speaking from satire, you are brilliant.  Absolutely, the way they think.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2004, 02:16:00 PM
On 2004-12-30 10:50:00, BCA STAFF wrote:

" though he broke the law, only gave a fornicator what she wanted.

 How can you possibly be in a position to nurture the values system of children, with a fucked up thought process like this?
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2004, 02:19:00 PM
I thought these were either satire or trollbait.  Turns out it was much scarier.  They actually MEANT it. ... 1&start=20 (

You just have to realize that the therapists and their psuedo-education are worthless and the way things WERE done before they came were correct. It is they who have ruined CEDU and all of the staff know this.

The therapists have perverted the whole CEDU system with their "ethics" and their "proper and humane therapeutic processes."

The way to get to a kid is to tear him or her down until there is nothing left but a blank slate and then build a new child on proper social values.

You people just want to do whatever your sexual and pleasure-seeking drives ask of you. We are trying to save you from hell. That hell begins with independent and self determined thinking without the sanity of a secure social system where one is accountable to others. A system like CEDU.
Mormon CEDU Staff ... 9&start=50 (

An accountable question? Your kid said he was in a room next to a kid that had sex with the family pet? So...was the kid having sex with your son, or with an animal when they were next to each other? Did your son think he was better than this kid because he didn't have sex with a dog, or whatever it was? In his integrity (which is the same as honesty in a way) did he acknowledge that he would never do that? Great! He learned something about his boundaries.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2004, 02:24:00 PM
Is Twila Stephenson the artist (kitchen staff) formerly known as Twila Mills at CEDU RS?
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2004, 02:33:00 PM
Hey picture lady...sorry this happened to you.  I used to see turd face when I was on campus with his camera.  Wondered what he was taking pics of?
Probably more than just pictures of your husband?
I wish I had hung my studliness out and let him take a picture of that!  HAHAHA...but...we weren't allowed to have dicks.  I guess the male staff just wanted us to be like them.

Anyway picture lady...I know what you say is true about talking to other agencies about what CEDU does to kids.  My parents are talking.  They believe we know everything and control everything way.  This is CEDU way and they really, really believe themselfs.  They don't know we taped recorded some of our rapps.  We taped LALLALLLLALLLA looney tune screaming at us.  My Dad said that he paid over $130,000 just to learn from LALLALLALAL - I just do this for the kids -
actress - and a really bad one to -that me and all the other kids who got to listen to the screaming that we "was not worthy of respect and we are losers."  My Dad is going to send the tapes to that attorney in Idaho who is representing the familys.  I think picutre lady is right about a picture being worth a million worthless CEDU "vamps" words.  But my contribution to the cause isn't pictures. We have tapes.  Yep.  We even got balls with our dicks, unlike to stupid zombies at CEDU.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Antigen on December 30, 2004, 02:45:00 PM
On 2004-12-30 11:19:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I thought these were either satire or trollbait.  Turns out it was much scarier.  They actually MEANT it."

Amazing, isn't it?

There is something feeble and contemptible about a man who cannot face life without the help of comfortable myths.
--Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, educator, mathemetician, and social critic

Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Antigen on December 30, 2004, 02:47:00 PM
On 2004-12-30 11:05:00, Anonymous wrote:

"PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE say that this is troll bait!!!!!!!!!!!"

It's sometimes hard to tell, but I think this one
All of these kids posting here went through the CEDU program and were taught American Family Values. And Chuck is a champion of family values. ...

is a joke.

When I started as a federal narcotics agent, the budget that we were working with, it was less than $5 million a year, and there was only 125 agents for the entire world to work the narcotic trade that we were fighting in those days.  Times have changed.  The gluttony has grown.
--Nick Navarro, former Broward, FL Sherrif

Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2004, 02:53:00 PM
On 2004-12-30 11:47:00, Antigen wrote:

It's sometimes hard to tell, but I think this one


All of these kids posting here went through the CEDU program and were taught American Family Values. And Chuck is a champion of family values. ...

is a joke.

God, I HOPE so.  This is the stuff of fucking NIGHTMARES.  

I would LOVE to see someone say these things in court and see the reaction.  Especially the ones about "ethics" and beastiality.  Wonderful fucking people in charge of your kids. :scared:
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Antigen on December 30, 2004, 03:40:00 PM
Here's the thing, though. The people who run these places are not immune to their effects. It's not much different from prison psychology in that respect, and there are numerous studies delving into how prison life effects the guards.

As many folks have pointed out, you don't have to be stupid to be brainwashed. In fact, it sometimes actually helps to have the intellectual ability to build a very complex and convincing version of reality for yourself.

Anyway, these folks haven't lost sight of the fact that their worldview is different from the commonly accepted reality. They won't usually divulge their real beliefs in public (in front of us unenlightened, chattering pigs, as it were) There's a huge difference between what they'll say in public and what they say when caught up in the moment, surrounded by others who support their delusions.

That's why it's SO cool to find out that somebody actually got La on tape holding forth w/ wreckless abandon. I'd love to hear that tape. I'd even host an MP3 version on my site, should it become public record.

Whoever's got it, please ask your lawyer if and when I can do that and then send me a copy? Thanks.

Every sensible man, every honorable man, must hold the Christian sect in horror.
--Francois Marie Arouet "Voltaire", French author and playwright

Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2004, 05:02:00 PM
Dad says you can have it after the lawyers are done with it.  That and a few other damning items of evidence.  I'll tell the others...they have stuff too. My Mom said something really funny the other day.  She said, "there seems to be a land tsunami bout to land in Idaho."
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2004, 05:22:00 PM
Ginger you kill me. Sometimes your ribs hurt so bad, you just can't laugh any more. Sad as it is, this is how these people think - troll-bait or not. These people really think this way. And the stuff about the black flying machines LOL, They are probably there alright, trying to fugure out what this fucking mormon cult is doing lol. Then we have the tapes of La La La. Oh brother, if they have her on tape saying what she and all the other directors, team leaders, and zealots say. You are in for some funny shit.

Ging, you have to hear this woman Latresa, and all the old school directors fake crying at the graduations. It is the same thing over and over, year after year. Totally scripted. They look at the kids graduating (who hate them and always have) and then they start crying and say how "proud" they are. "Boo Hooo Hooo" Then parents join in  "Boo Hoo". They are either stupid, deluded, histronic, maniacal or thay just figured out that they just spent 140,000 Plus for bad acting. I suspect it is the latter.

Then we go right back to the rap sessions and listen to quotes rehersed for 36 years passed down verbatum for genarations by Wasserman propeet-brainwashed staff. "You are so pathetic." "I love this school" "You are sick pathetic losers" (projection) "you will never amount to anything."

Then these same staff idiot mimes go home and abuse their families with the exact same words, screaming and yelling, year after year until the spouses can't take their cultists husbands and wives anymore. Then, if thay are dumb the go fuck another CEDU convert and leave their spouse. If they are smart they "find someone else to fuck." And it goes on year after year "...As the world turns, so go the days of our lives..."

I'm laughing my ass off and then you come along      and say: "Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps." My sentements exactly Oh my ribs. I have to log off .I can't laugh anymore - I'll have a heart attack.
Ginger, you kill me, and how sweet it is.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Antigen on December 30, 2004, 07:06:00 PM
:grin: Glad to be of service!

Do let me know about the audio and anything else. I have plenty of room under (

Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following
pages, are not yet sufficiently fashionable to procure them
general favor; a long habit of not thinking a thing wrong,
gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises
at first a formidable outcry in defence of custom.  But the
tumult soon subsides.  Time makes more converts than reason.
Thomas Paine, Common Sense

Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2004, 09:12:00 PM

Like the quotes you put out here for us.  Found a couple I want to share.

"A lie told often enough becomes truth."
-Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov)


"It is always the best (CEDU) policy to speak the truth, unless, of course, you are an exceptionally good liar."
-Jerome K. Jerome


"No one is entitled to the truth."
-E. Howard Hunt


"Pretty much all the honest truth-telling there is in the world is done by children."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes
(Not that any of the ignorant CEDU goofs know who this great man was.  Course not.  He was a ethicist and jurist)

"You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad."
-Aldous Huxley

"The object of the superior man is truth."

"Truth can stand by itself."
-Thomas Jefferson


"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and consciencious stupidity."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

CEDU's Enemy's Mission Statement:

"When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do."
-William Blake
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2004, 09:24:00 PM
Those were great quotes. While we're at it. Here's on from another thread. This student catches the character of CEDU

As far as sexual activity, you would not believe the stuff people had to disclose. Normal (but humilaiting activities) were disclosed (by enormous pressure) in group settings and then you were totally ridiculed by the staff and the bully students. You also had to listen to some pretty far out disclosures about bestiality and other unique activities. If you had a traumatic experience, you were made to feel dirty. If you tried something in the realm of normal teenage activities you were humiliated and called names. If you had ONE boyfriend, you "spread your legs to the world" and some people, I've learned were coerced to confess to activities that didn't happen. (Life was hell if they had the script and you didn't follow it.) One guy had to go to the doc for male problem (not an STD) and the family head humiliated him publicly over and over again in the rap. I was appalled. If you go back and work your past the old stuff you will find many descriptions of the CEDU experience from students and staff. Read them.

Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 30, 2004, 09:34:00 PM
I was just browsing this site becuase I was told about it by another X student. I have to laugh my ass off. Its really pathetic on all sides. Hey man Chuck dont get caught up with all this shit. On the ex student and therapist side you have the whinning victims that want to blame cedu for all their problems and percieved abuses and then you have mormon boy staff that just fuels this shit by his narrow minded outlook. Nice try but you missed. I cant ever say I agreed with everything that was fed me but I was there long enough to see that it was me that was my own problem,not cedu, or anyone else. You people just need to grow up and move on and that includes you mrs. ex therapist wife. Pretty
desperate to use an article about someone else who wasnt even a cedu escort. And your trying to make chuck look bad? Give me a break. Shows how despirate and pathetic you are to put down the
 guy any way you can. You are all damn victims and need someone to blame because you desagree with them and they expose you for what you really are. cedu did help me and hundreds of others out there. For every one of you whinners and victims, there are dozens of healthy well adjusted adults out there thanks to good people that didnt give up. Yea in the cedu system.I am grateful to those staff that were willing and there to kick my ass , not literaly of course. I could now be angry and rave with the rest of you about how they screwed me over and how chuck is the big ass that braught me there and ruined my life. There were many good people I just didnt appreciate it early enough.Yea there were some I didnt like. In spite of myself they were able to get through my thick head and planted some seeds that helped bring about change. Some didnt germinate till i left but if it wasnt for that culture.yea that sheltered safe invironment that you call a cult gave us the safety to keep from self distructing in the real world that you say they kept you from. I for one have to take my hat off to those staff and yea you to chuck. After this I am going to call you again. You even had me in your home and were never anything other than a stand up guy.I just hope that should ever need a place for one of my kids that there will still be places like  cedu and people
like  Chuck out there. Hopefuly my kids wont learn the hard way that I chose most of my teen life and not need them. I am just glad they were there when I needed them but thought I didnt.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Antigen on December 30, 2004, 10:01:00 PM
On 2004-12-30 18:34:00, Anonymous wrote:

and then you have mormon boy staff that just fuels this shit by his narrow minded outlook.

Just out of curiosity, if you had to guess, who do you think that staffer was?

I tried for years to live according to everyone else's morality.
I tried to live like everyone else, to be like everyone else.
I said the right things even when I felt and thought quite differently.
And the result is a catastrophe.

---Albert Camus

Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Antigen on December 30, 2004, 10:23:00 PM
On 2004-12-30 18:12:00, Anonymous wrote:


Like the quotes you put out here for us.  Found a couple I want to share.

Why, thank you for noticing. Glad to be of service.

I love this one espeically!

"When I tell the truth, it is not for the sake of convincing those who do not know it, but for the sake of defending those that do."

-William Blake

I also love really good quotes from MLK. He was such a brilliant and insightful man and so often quoted out of context by various zealots.

It takes a village idiot to believe that a family needs instruction from the government to raise a child.
-- Anonymous homeschooler

Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
Seed sibling `71 - `80
Straight South (Sarasota, FL)
   10/80 - 10/82
Anonymity Anonymous
Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: CunningLinguist on December 30, 2004, 11:34:00 PM
Mr. Selent,

You are a liar.  How does it feel to live with yourself?  Perhaps CEDU lawyers would give you the same advice I give my clients: Keep your mouth shut if you can't tell the truth. Read your last posting. You contradict your own testimony.  I plan to have great pleasure on the stand with you.  Remember,you have to take an oath "to tell the truth", and you will not be able to hide behind Cedu's facade or the flacid attempts of CEDU  continuing their exploitation of the few children who managed to escape with a semblance of their sanity and dignity, by using them as a cheerleading squad.

How do I know you are a liar?  Gratefully, I now represent three adult CEDU victims in process of filing harassment, wrongful termination tied to a sexual encounter between a superior and employee,
and violation of Federal law regarding employment records charges against CEDU.  Regarding the case you so badly spewed lies about, I've seen copies of the pictures Chuck, the email from the agency, the email communications between my client and Cedu regarding your picture taking of another CEDU employee  - in the CEDU parking lot as he was going into work. There are distinguishing features in the picture that identify the location, Chuck.   Pictures have dates on the back of them so it will not be difficult to prove the timeline of your violations. Furthermore, I have a letter from CEDU attorneys denying  access to his employment records. This will not be hard to prove.  I have sworn statements from the EX regarding your attempt to sell him pictures of my client. It isn't difficult to expose untruths with such documentation.

Gratefully, I now represent three adult CEDU victims.  Cedu's delusion is evidenced in the lies they tell themselves: "We will just bring all the little children and their parents to court and they will make all the bad people go away." This  issue isn't a matter of bringing  glowing testimonies of the few to refute the many. This is an issue about exposing the lies and abuse in the real world.  The real world has a reality check waiting for CEDU.  They've lied to themselves just one too many times.  The facts and the evidence will speak for themselves. Time is just about up, and timing, as it is said, well, instrumental.

Unfortunately, in the incestuous breeding ground of liars and cultists, you breed a culture in which people are so emersed with liars they no longer recognize, or care about truth. I've seen this many times in organizations, and each of them has paid a tremendous price.  One of the more intriguing elements of discovery in researching this industry is the lack of regulations across the country.  This too will change. No, is changing right now.

Has anyone asked themselves why this business CEDU is willing to keep incompetents on board for decades? Certainly, the best business decision is to get rid of incompetent people.  Why do I say incompetent?  Hell, take a look at the financial history of CEDU over the past few years, look at their employee turn-over rate, their legal battles with victims, the late payment of bills to vendors, etc.  This is a company in trouble.
Take a drive to Boundary County and interview but a handful of the citizens of Boundary County and you will find a community of folks who have been burned by CEDU. They each have a story to tell regarding the lack of ethics, the abuse of children, and the unwillingess of local justice to deal with the many, many, many suspected and documented abuses. The organization is hated by its own community.  This speaks volumes.  So, I ask the question again.  Why do they keep incompetents?  I speculate it is because of what they know.  What do you think?
Somewhere in the distance, I believe I hear the horns of Jericho and the march of soldiers.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Antigen on December 30, 2004, 11:42:00 PM
On 2004-12-30 20:34:00, CunningLinguist wrote:

I speculate it is because of what they know. What do you think?

Nah, much simpler than that. It's just a good oldfashioned circle jerk. That's all.

If you want to get together in any exclusive situation and have people love you, fine- but to hang all this desperate sociology on the idea of The Cloud-Guy who has The Big Book, who knows if you've been bad or good- and CARES about any of it- to hang it all on that, folks, is the chimpanzee part of the brain working.
--Frank Zappa, American musician

Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 31, 2004, 12:02:00 AM
I just want to thank Moron boy and his sidekicks for inspiring me into my career.  You see, I spent almost two years looking into the asshole's darkness.  I spent so much time there I decided to become a proctologist.  I am rather concerned for a few of these folks.  Do you know what happens if you keep you head up your ass too long?
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: CunningLinguist on December 31, 2004, 11:29:00 AM
Good morning,

Thank you for the first laugh of the day!  This in indeed descriptive of the type of incestuality of the people and the place.

I agree there is a whole lotta stroking going on.  Don't the kids call this being "out of compliance?" No wonder leadership at CEDU doesn't know what the hell is going on within their walls...they must be perpetually busy in their "circle."

Nonetheless, bad business.  A primary responsibility of management is to insulate the business from risk.
Many of CEDU's "old guard" are the risk.  And, they are covering for each other.  Problem is, untruths tend to flow like water over rocks in a stream.  Stream to river, river to ocean.  It gets out, goes on its way, and can't be stopped.  Ever seen a real river flood, Antigen?  The workers work round the clock to shore up the building water levels, expend tremendous resource and energy attempting to curb the water getting out of control.  Unless you have in inexhaustible amount of resources to stop the flow the river will win.
The logical consequence for CEDU is that the resources they should be directing to building a better school by hiring the best degreed, trained, and experience professionals to care for their paying clients (who are not just children, but their families as well), will go to defend against the crimes, human an civil rights violations flooding the place over long periods of time. CEDU, just like any other business, will get weaker over time due to inadequate resources to meet the needs of their clients.  Like any other business that stands to make money, they have competitors who will willingly, and are willingly, taking their place.  Let us all pray that those competitors have better ethics, humanity, civility, professionalism and business acumen than my friends at Cedu and their parent company Brown Schools. I pray so for the kids, their families, and ultimately our society.

So, back to my premise.  How long do you think it will be before the loyalists rats at CEDU will jump ship?  Isn't it possible that depositions might encourage a few departures?  If that isn't enough to make rats want to live in the Antartic under a different name, well invitations to court might encourage them to "rapp" outside of their "circle". If I have any understanding of human nature, a few of the loyalist will "rapp" to save their own asses from criminal charges.  Their accusers are not just the poor demented children whom CEDU is protecting from themselves and  society who must not be exposed to them, but, all the demented parents, disgruntled ex-Cedu employees, and deranged professionals treating children and families who manage to survive the CEDU system.

For all those CEDU minions reading these threads, get a clue.  Do you have any idea how many attorneys, counselors, state/federal officials, parents, and human rights folks are reading these sites?  This isn't about all the good you have done to some children and some of your employees.  This is about what you have not done, as mandated by the law, for some of your clients and employees, but also what you have done in violation of the law.  You may live and work in the pristine pastures of Boundary County, but you still live under the laws of State and Nation.  You may not want to, as the young person who just posted here, "want to take your head out of your asses" long enough see the light.  Start telling yourself the truth and you might just be able to start telling others as well.  You will have no choice in court, unless of course, you wish to lie and be proven to be liar.  By the way, if you don't the know word perjury, please look it up before we meet each other.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on December 31, 2004, 11:36:00 AM
:nworthy:  :nworthy:

Ya GOTTA love this guy!!!!
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Son Of Serbia on December 31, 2004, 12:06:00 PM
On 2004-12-31 08:29:00, CunningLinguist wrote:


Many of CEDU's "old guard" are the risk.  And, they are covering for each other.  Problem is, untruths tend to flow like water over rocks in a stream.  Stream to river, river to ocean.  It gets out, goes on its way, and can't be stopped.  Ever seen a real river flood, Antigen?  The workers work round the clock to shore up the building water levels, expend tremendous resource and energy attempting to curb the water getting out of control.  Unless you have in inexhaustible amount of resources to stop the flow the river will win."

I am a general contractor by trade and I have considerable experience with flood control and working on rivers, as I have personallly supervised construction of several locks (flood gates) for dams belonging to the United States Government (Dept. of Transportation).

I like your analogy between flood control and the cedu lawsuits, it's very appropriate.  And I would like to add something based on my own experience.  

When a river truly floods, you cannot stop the flow or the water levels from rising, regardless of your resources. It is a force of nature that can't be stopped.  At best one could hope to contain the water somewhat(IE: sand bagging the shorelines, etc...)and minimize flood damage, or with Supreme effort (and cost, believe me I know)it may be possible to divert some of the water flow, but that's it.  The River will continue to flow, the water will rise, the flooding will run it's course. No amount of man power can actually stop the water from flowing, only God (or mother nature if you prefer)can.

The only way to truly be safe and escape the rising water levels is to run for higher ground.  

I'm beginning to think that Cedu has no place left to run!


[ This Message was edited by: SON OF SERBIA on 2004-12-31 11:04 ]
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 01, 2005, 03:50:00 PM
NWA is alive, well and growing. Between 65 & 70 students. It is a well respected and effective school. You should check your facts.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 01, 2005, 09:51:00 PM
I just ran into this site. I've been reading alot of what's going on. I'm a former employee/counselor. I'm glad I got out when I did. I'd like to share some experiences with those concerned.  From what I've been reading, the same things are still going on that were going on  years ago, nothing has changed, well it has.. it has gotten worse and completely out of control.Since some of us can be honest about what really goes on there.. then I will be honest to. There has been many employee/employer conflicts of interest while "on the job" ie: students getting kick out of CEDU and then living with counselors,(by the way, he did resign after alot of complaining from other staff, but don't worry, he's back !) co-ed students having sleep overs with staff, a female counselor taking out a group of boys, by herself on daytrips, a counselor lying to his wife about having to work overtime at the academy and the wife calls to talk to him and he's not there,"where was he you ask?" he was with another female counselor out having and affair...Then there was "Norm".. How many female students did he have sitting on his lap.. I stopped counting after 6.. It was reported after the 2nd but it continued to happen, creepy.... and the special trip to CA to see a certain former student.  even creeepier.....with the $300 he charged the school to put on hip hop dances in the "lower aud" (that only 6 students would attend) probably paid for his trips.. lets see $300.. couple times a month... We can all do the math.. But his wife (Starr) screened La's phone messages about the complaints about it and him and all the other immoral staff.How about charging the school to pay for a staff trip to the "Hot Springs" Company van, gas, spending $$$.
 Funny how the director, LaTeresa was informed about all of this and thought it was acceptable, but the moment any would try to go above her to report incidents, she had a cunning way of covering everything up. She got alot of help from Delinda (HR). I hope they have canceled trips with staff.. After the Belize trip you would think they had learned their lesson.. Two adult staff taking on a huge responsibility by taking "your daughter" or maybe"your son" to Belize.  Long story short, the students were left unattended for several hours through the night so the staff could go out drinking "on the job" with the "locals". La's take on it.. "the staff deserved time to unwind". Funny.. how the 2 staff members bragged about it,,with no reprocution for their actions..while the students talked about who was having sex while "staff wasn't around". But it only took him 2 days to resign, the state starting calling and asking alot of questions. Maybe the State and Child Services should call more often. Oh.. but he's back too. And the "recreational" drugs the staff engaged in.. But La says she didn't want to be "Big Brother" and reprimand anyone for what they did on their off time.  Off course not.. she was at the parties too. Oh and don't forget about those extra long lunches with Val in town and then coming back "stoned" How about the times I walked in on a certain teacher getting student drugs out of the med box in the bridge (there were no students around to take them)Aspirin is usually mark "aspirin" the bottle she had in her hand was not. Because there were numerous times when student drugs and money came up missing out of the bridge. I've been around alot of people "high" before and that's the only way I ever saw her. No wonder the school has problems.  they had staff telling female students not to use daily hygene products "because they cause cancer", talk about the funk  by the end of the afternoon in a rap session.. How about the belemic female staff member who I would see binging behind closed doors and in her car behind "R Place" and then always taking "gas station diet pills (energy crap)" while having meetings in the bridge.hmmm.. if it's the same morman that everyone is talking about that I think it is.. Is he still afraid to go to the boys dorm after last light.. funny how it took female staff to get the boys under control for lights out. And did he tell you, while in raps about his past porno addiction, he made it clear to an all girls rap. NICE!! But those certain staff were also "doing their own work" in raps.and that was "okay". THIS WAS JUST TO MENTION A FEW IMMORAL THINGS THAT I SAW. Sad thing is that there is so many others that saw the same things and much worse and are still silent. "How can you live with yourselves?" So to all of you that are tring to get back some of your dignity with the "lawsuit" go "balls to the walls"! From what I have seen, heard, and experienced,CEDU needs to be SHUT DOWN!! Troubled youth need a safer place to go and it's not CEDU/Brown Schools.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 03, 2005, 05:29:00 PM
this is a reply to the former staff/counselor who recently posted re: accusations of emotional and sexual abuse at BCA

Are you for real?  Who in the heck are you?  why don't you share with us your name?  If your allegations are true, how could you... how could you work there and remain silent.  Isn't there a more appropriate venue for you to make these accusations where something can be done about them?  Instead of rambling on and on scaring parents and kids to death?  

 What you say scares me to the core.  Is there any truth to what you say? Are you trying to help?  Or are you just a disgruntled employee that was fired?  What is your point and how is what you said beneficial to those reading it?

Why for example if you are seeing staff coming to school "stoned" did you not confront the individual or report it to Paul Johnson?  Or his boss?  Seems like you happily took home your paycheck.  You are as guilty as the ones you accuse.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 03, 2005, 08:14:00 PM
I didn't accuse anyone of emotional and sexual abuse. I thought I was just expressing my experience there as an employee. Myself and others that had worked there tried to take appropriate actions in reporting what we saw. But working and living in such a small community... you must watch your back, not make too many waves..Because there will be and is reprocutions for speaking out against people in small towns who rely on Boarding Schools for their main source of employment for people in the community.The ties I did have while living and working were cut. I was "Black Balled". The friends I did make with some co-workers wanted nothing to do with me, because they  wanted to keep their jobs and didn't want any trouble. I was betrayed by co-workers who I thought were friends. People can't deny that this happens I've seen it and lived it. So the best thing I could do at the time was leave the school and Idaho, hoping that some day that CEDU's practices that I didn't believe in,, nor did others would soon catch up to them. It seems that it's starting to.
The paycheck didn't  matter to me, if it did I would of went into different line of work.. I believe what I have stated in the previous isn't as nearly jaw dropping as what I had read prior to posting what I did. But non the less it is still disturbing and have no intensions on scaring any parents or kids. Only just to share my experience, hoping that other past employees will do the same.  As being anonymous... It's an option and I feel that I have the freedom to take that option..right now.Without any guilt. Thanks for your response, I hope it answered some of your questions.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 03, 2005, 08:40:00 PM
Reply to last 2 posts:I've spent some time reading alot of what past students and employees have experienced while at CEDU and CEDU's practices that everyone is against seems like it has been going on for nearly 20 years. It's clear to see what a huge entity CEDU is and all the lives they have affected. I can see where some want to remain anonymous. You can almost compare it to the "Mob" by protecting their own and getting rid of "snitches" who don't aggree or speak out against "the family". I guess out west it would be considered "cult like". People are scared!! Putting their lives and family's lives on the chopping block if they speak out. These type of synister crimes have been going on for years all over the country. The problem is.. is that people are tired of fighting the fight in this country, trying to  make a difference and an honest living and still getting "kicked in the face."
This happens in all professions throughout the country.It is a very very sad place to be.  Start writing to your Governors, State Rep. Congressman, etc.  They need to know what's going on in North Idaho, they need to help make a difference, change laws, adopt new laws, help make it safe to go to work and school no matter where you are.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 03, 2005, 08:52:00 PM
to former BCA staff:

so do you think the kids are in jeopardy?  If what you describe as your "experiences" there are true, they are indeed abusive, either by neglect, as in the Belize incident, or by intent.

Who did you report these incidents to?  What was the response and what actions were taken? A staff member that is stoned at work?  How could that be tolerated?  What convinced you to leave and did you tell them why you were leaving?
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 03, 2005, 09:06:00 PM
These kids are in jeopardy of neglect. Most of them were neglected at home, wether it be physical, sexual or emotional. It starts at home and continues at CEDU. Reports were made to team leaders, FSC's, program managers, CEO's. They made it hard for me to work there. Turning some accusations back on me to the point in which I felt harrassed. It's such a tight group there. You'd really have to put your life on the line to make reports and hope they reach the "right people". Employees coming to work stoned was overlooked by program managers, they were involved in most of it outside of work. Very tight bonds between some staff. It didn't matter to them why I left, they were just glad that another "whistle blower" was out of the picture.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 03, 2005, 11:18:00 PM
I appreciate your honesty.  I do think, however, that you are incorrect that most of these kids were neglected or abused at home. How would you know this?  Were you a therapist or team/program staff?  Do you really think that parents would spend six thousand dollars a month if they didn't care about their children?  You could say it may be out of guilt, but that cannot be the norm for the reasons kids are sent there.

If these things really occurred, you should make the state of Idaho aware instead of hoping your reports reach "the right people".
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 04, 2005, 04:44:00 PM
This is for Antigen---somebody just told me about your paranoid post a couple days before New Years---a thing about me (an ANon) being "Chuck" and warning me you'd tell my "sysadmin" I was on line at this site

First off I'm not Chuck---who I see on this thread is your current boogy man---among the paranoids like you

Second are you trying to threaten me you old ass hole--there's no policy here about what we do online--on our own time--long as it's legal---so save your strong-arm tactics for somebody who cares

Boy--that's rich coming from you---you're one of these whiney posters who's always saying somebody threatened them (then when I check the posts there's no threat at all--just a different opinion)--here you are trying to threaten other people---really tells me what I'd already figured out about the misfits who failed at these kinds of schools--hypocritical passive aggressive losers who no body could help-

It's not the schools, I see now---it's what losers you anti cedu clones are--- it's going to take--I don't know---maybe God or some higher power to help loserS like you
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 04, 2005, 09:03:00 PM





Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 04, 2005, 10:47:00 PM
answer mr/ms bigshot,  when are you going to report the abuse to the state of Idaho?  Or are you just a "whistle blower" in Bonners and a bigshot on this website?
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 05, 2005, 01:42:00 PM
Don't worry friend.  Not only is the State aware, but the State may wish to be a bit more aggressive in regulating these "businesses" when the State is exposed for NOT dealing with the long record of reported abuse at these institutions.  Your wish has already been granted.
"The Justice Fairy"
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 05, 2005, 09:31:00 PM
uh... okay, right.  Sounds like a lot of fluff and no substance to me.  We'll see.  When did you file your complaint?
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 06, 2005, 06:06:00 PM
What's with your big cap rant about my post to Antigen---i've never been involved with Synanon or in a CEDU school---but you say my style inthe post was "passed down" to me, I guess you think I got it from them by telepathy or something--first Antigen deluding that I'm some CEDU guy named Chuck I don't know--now you've got me getting indoctrination from groups I"ve never been in---how do you spell "PARANOIA"???

Ex- CEDU employee, uh?  I'd like to know the story on your firing---incompetence or worse??sure you'll dress it as a whistle-blower or whatever---but if you're so proud of being somebody who righteously walked out on the boys up there in Idaho or California--why don't you say what happened---unless you're afraid someone who recognizes you will set the record straight??

Believe me, I'd give my name if I wasn't cautious about the psycho-stalker-explicit threatening posters here--you've got nothing physical to fear from CEDU so speak up!! Or are you so deluded you think the escorts or somebody will come to get you and beat you up if you speak up on this site??

It's not about the schools, friends, it's about the misfit unbalanced passive agressive losers who the schools couldn't help (student AND staff too it seem)--that's what the whining, distortions and delusions at this site are really all about---I'm convinced of it after watching what goes on here--I believe what I'm told by a couple friends who went to a CEDU school, not the odd unlikely stuff I see here
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Antigen on January 06, 2005, 07:42:00 PM
Anybody who went to CEDU, what's your guess? Is this guy cuurent or former staff, student, parent or just a relatively uninterested friend of a few people who went to CEDU? Something else?

I can only ask. I don't know. I can tell which posts all came from the same IP, and sometimes that's pretty certainly the same individual. But I don't go hitting up ISPs for private user data.

But what do you guys think based on your recolections of how CEDU works?

Experience is that marvelous thing that enables you recognize a mistake when you make it again.
-- F. P. Jones

Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
Seed sibling `71 - `80
Straight South (Sarasota, FL)
   10/80 - 10/82
Anonymity Anonymous
Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the leather straps.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 07, 2005, 12:30:00 AM
I think if the post came from the same IP address it probably is one or the other CEDU staff clones. There is only one Internet provider in Bonners Ferry, but, hell, there is only one mindset there too. And, I mean raving fundamentalist redneck republican inbreeders who don't know how to read and listen to Rush Limbaugh every day to get their daily dose if illogical falacious bullshit. I guess what I am saying is that it does not matter if it is him or not - they are all the same, they all think the same, and when everyone is thinking the same thing nobody is thinking. Welcome to North Idaho and welcome to the most ignorant place on earth - CEDU. I'm so glad not to be working there anymore.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 24, 2005, 07:00:00 PM
I am not afraid of that fuck Chuck.
I would never threaten him - Sadly, he has enough people out to get him that he, or one of his, will probably just disappear. Nothing to do with me.
There are bigger things to worry about than dog shit on the trail. Hell, with all the talk on this website of kids wanting to take guns and kill staff, I would never send my kid to any of these places. And if I had a kid at any of them - I would pull them immediately.

Chuck, I am not A***** R*** whoever he/she is, but you can go on believing whatever you want. You dumb hick. Since you believe in CEDU, you probably believe tons of other stupid shit too.

Ginger sure kicked your dumb ass - it was artful
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on January 25, 2005, 07:30:00 PM
On 2005-01-24 16:00:00, Anonymous wrote:

There are bigger things to worry about than dog shit on the trail. Hell, with all the talk on this website of kids wanting to take guns and kill staff, I would never send my kid to any of these places. And if I had a kid at any of them - I would pull them>


Good advice
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Roy on February 16, 2005, 04:45:00 PM
I just could not stand not to have this thread back in the hot topics. Anyone who has worked there and felt the evil done to the kids feels exactly like this
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on April 06, 2005, 11:07:00 AM
Well said, indeed.  Thank you very much for putting this into words.  Too bad those you addresed will never see your words and if they did, still probably wouldn't get it. :wink:  :wink:
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on April 06, 2005, 11:28:00 AM
On 2005-01-03 20:18:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I appreciate your honesty.  I do think, however, that you are incorrect that most of these kids were neglected or abused at home. How would you know this?  Were you a therapist or team/program staff?  Do you really think that parents would spend six thousand dollars a month if they didn't care about their children?  You could say it may be out of guilt, but that cannot be the norm for the reasons kids are sent there.

If these things really occurred, you should make the state of Idaho aware instead of hoping your reports reach "the right people".  "

I agree. Yes, most professionals are bound by professional ethics to report abuse and neglect.
I also agree that the families deserve to be looked at with respect to their individuality.  Every body has a story.
Look at the national high school drop out rates, the number of children in youth detention who have learning disabilities, and mental health conditions like bi-polar disorder, trauma, and major depression.  The numbers are staggering.  Then look at the real shortage of treatment resources in the community.  Ever try to get a family member help in the community?  Ever try to refer a child for an educational plan - 504 or IDEA- to a school district who runs from "child find" obligations?  I am not surprised that people become so desperate to help their children that they will try programs like CEDU.  It sounds corny, but it does take a village to raise a child.  At one level or another, we are all accountable.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on April 06, 2005, 11:41:00 AM
On 2005-01-04 18:03:00, Anonymous wrote:







Amen, brother!!!!!!
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Troll Control on April 06, 2005, 12:43:00 PM
On 2005-01-04 13:44:00, Anonymous wrote:

"This is for Antigen---somebody just told me about your paranoid post a couple days before New Years---a thing about me (an ANon) being "Chuck" and warning me you'd tell my "sysadmin" I was on line at this site

First off I'm not Chuck---who I see on this thread is your current boogy man---among the paranoids like you

Second are you trying to threaten me you old ass hole--there's no policy here about what we do online--on our own time--long as it's legal---so save your strong-arm tactics for somebody who cares

Boy--that's rich coming from you---you're one of these whiney posters who's always saying somebody threatened them (then when I check the posts there's no threat at all--just a different opinion)--here you are trying to threaten other people---really tells me what I'd already figured out about the misfits who failed at these kinds of schools--hypocritical passive aggressive losers who no body could help-

It's not the schools, I see now---it's what losers you anti cedu clones are--- it's going to take--I don't know---maybe God or some higher power to help loserS like you"

What a dick.  Typical "blame-the-victim" (even if they're kids) bullshit.

"Hypocritical Passive-Agressive Loser" = BM Staffer, not child.

Get your facts straight and stop popping off at the mouth before somebody makes good on a threat to you.
Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Antigen on April 06, 2005, 02:04:00 PM

On 2004-12-30 14:02:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Dad says you can have it after the lawyers are done with it.  That and a few other damning items of evidence.  I'll tell the others...they have stuff too. My Mom said something really funny the other day.  She said, "there seems to be a land tsunami bout to land in Idaho."  "

Still got that audio?

Fear is the parent of cruelty, therefore it is no wonder if religion and cruelty have gone hand-in-hand.
--Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, educator, mathemetician, and social critic

Title: How Do You Like Me Now BCA An Open letter
Post by: Anonymous on April 25, 2005, 12:18:00 AM

Still got that audio?

Something interesting to hear???????