Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Straight, Inc. and Derivatives => Topic started by: ajax13 on February 13, 2008, 10:11:22 PM
The language of the totalist environment is characterized by the thought-terminating cliche (thought-stoppers)
Repetitiously centered on all-encompassing jargon
"The language of non-thought"
Words are given new meanings -- the outside world does not use the words or phrases in the same way -- it becomes a "group" word or phrase" ... reform.htm (
Here is an example of DavidPablo Escobar-Grant working as Peer Counselor. At the time, Mr. Escobar-Grant is a high school drop-out whose education in mental health is his time as member of AARC:
"Concrete direction was important, and we would help organize the client's time. We wanted them busy, with no time to sit and get into their heads."
Anyone up for "getting honest"?
yes please, get honest and answer the questions ajax, come on surprise us all!
How about the name of that registered social worker who works at AARC, along with the licensed psychologist and the psychiatrist?
How about the name of that registered social worker who works at AARC, along with the licensed psychologist and the psychiatrist?
Now that seems a bit more important than what level of education Ajax has or doesn't. Does he need a college education in order to post facts (he's sourced what he has stated as fact) or his opinions?
I'm much more interested in the education of someone who claims to be 'diagnosing' and 'treating' children in the name of addiction?
critical thinker - you are obviously related to AJax . . or sleeping to close to him.
AND he pulls "facts" from where??
you might want to back away
don't have to ask WHY, won't he answer? do i
SO critical thinker, Michael Patton should be alerted that we know someone that could teach him some things, whatcha think
And the names of the registered social worker, licensed psychologist and psychiatrist employed by AARC are?
critical thinker - you are obviously related to AJax . . or sleeping to close to him.
(http:// (http://
I think he's a bit young for me. But whatever ya gotta tell yourself kiddo.
yes plus he is married so you might want to . . back away . . . he is quite busy fighting his wife's battles and quite poorly as well. so he is struggling.. but you seem to have the same capacity at reasoning and argument so boost the morale of all the anti-AARC crowd , , , have at it
SO ajax have you attended high school maybe?
AJAx, you can call AARC just as easily as me to find out the names of the SW and psychiatrist - you can't even think your way out of a paper bag (i.e try using a telephone) but you know more than Michael Patton and others . . with way more education/training and expoerience than your small brain can handle..
good luck . . don't come back here lying some more, hey
How do you not get that its WAAAYYYYY more important to find out what Vause's actual background is? HE is the one dealing with kids. HE is the one claiming to "treat" people. Ajax is not.
And I gotta say that I completely admire his devotion to his lady and his compassion for what she went through. As I admire my own husband for his understanding and patience. I wish there were a ton more like them.
Now why would my wife have a battle to fight if AARC was a licensed facility employing licensed, qualified professional mental health workers? Why would she have a battle if AARC did not employ unlicensed, unmonitored foster homes, in which she was sexually assaulted and beaten by oldcomers? Why would she have a battle if AARC used a recognized form of therapy? Why would she have a battle if AARC did not employ amateur peer counsellors, who are free to abuse their charges in any way they see fit? Why would she have a battle if AARC did not use illegal punishments such as Zero Club, which violate the civil and human rights of AARC prisoners?
I wouldn't be fightin her battles if none of these conditions applied. But since all of these things are true, yes, I do help her in her battle with the quack, criminal, degenerate, rip-off cult called AARC.
Now why would my wife have a battle to fight if AARC was a licensed facility employing licensed, qualified professional mental health workers? Why would she have a battle if AARC did not employ unlicensed, unmonitored foster homes, in which she was sexually assaulted and beaten by oldcomers? Why would she have a battle if AARC used a recognized form of therapy? Why would she have a battle if AARC did not employ amateur peer counsellors, who are free to abuse their charges in any way they see fit? Why would she have a battle if AARC did not use illegal punishments such as Zero Club, which violate the civil and human rights of AARC prisoners?
I wouldn't be fightin her battles if none of these conditions applied. But since all of these things are true, yes, I do help her in her battle with the quack, criminal, degenerate, rip-off cult called AARC.
fuck you, you wasted all of our time. Go back to school dipshit.
fuck you, you wasted all of our time. Go back to school dipshit.
Wahhhhhhh, he won't stop saying mean stuff about our hero. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Fantastic Ajax! That was hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!
Fantastic Ajax! That was hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets be honest. You need to help her admit there is a problem first.
Does Lisa Luciano know that you have that old picture of her, Joshy?
HILARIOUS mojo - you hit the nail on the head.
poor little ajax just keeps poiunding away for his sick deluded wife . . oh, shite . . i guess HE IS even more sick and deluded.
so, back to:
"Now why would my wife have a battle to fight if AARC was a licensed facility employing licensed, qualified professional mental health workers? Why would she have a battle if AARC did not employ unlicensed, unmonitored foster homes, in which she was sexually assaulted and beaten by oldcomers? Why would she have a battle if AARC used a recognized form of therapy? Why would she have a battle if AARC did not employ amateur peer counsellors, who are free to abuse their charges in any way they see fit? Why would she have a battle if AARC did not use illegal punishments such as Zero Club, which violate the civil and human rights of AARC prisoners?
I wouldn't be fightin her battles if none of these conditions applied. But since all of these things are true, yes, I do help her in her battle with the quack, criminal, degenerate, rip-off cult called AARC."
poor deluded AJAX - someone who has done a masters in clinical psych and PhD in adolescent treatment is FAR and AWAY more qualified to treat adolescents for substance abuse. But AJAX thinks he is the ultimate authority on what sort of university training Vause should have. ajax has no university education to to speak of , does not understand what a bachelors degree vs master vs PhD entails BUT because AJAX figures vause should be a licensed psychologist that is what he keeps harping on and on about.
So, when you call to see if there are any "licensed" or "registered" SW or psychologists - just ask if there is anyone that runs AARC that has a PhD in adolescent treatment, k. BECAUSE they would have indepth understanding of the area.
anyone doing a PhD in an area has to demonstrate indepth understnading of all knowledge of that area and then they go on to produce their own work while a team of highly edcuated people (university profs) test them through comprehensive exams and an oral defense of their dissertation. AJAx have you done that kind of degree? oh heck, but you should be able to run it down and stipulate some generic license as what is required of Vause??? he would never say he is an pyschologists but some journalists have qrongly described him as one.
he would never say he is an pyschologists but some journalists have qrongly described him as one.
Interesting how all those journalists keep getting that one fact wrong.
Interesting how the parents and clients at AARC are also lead to believe that Vause is doctor specializing in addiction medicine.
“It was definitely less than what we were hoping for... But everyone that showed up had a great time so I guess you could call it a success.” ... &Itemid=28 (
Sounds a lot like AARC's PR policy... "AARC's definitely less than what we were hoping for, but everyone that showed up had a great time so I guess you could call it a success."
All about the money.
Story’s daughter is currently a patient there. (
A patient is any person who receives medical attention, care, or treatment. The person is most often ill or injured and in need of treatment by a physician or other medical professional, although one who is visiting a physician for a routine check-up may also be viewed as a patient. ... ns-Act.pdf (
The titles doctor (and its abbreviation, Dr.), nurse, surgeon, pathologist
and oncologist are now protected under legislation. Only registered
practitioners authorized under the HPA or its regulations, or under
another law, may use those titles in connection with providing a health
service. The use of the title “doctor” in academic or social situations is
not restricted by this legislation.
So since the DOCTOR isn't a registered practitioner under the HPA, I'd say they're in violation by claiming to TREAT PATIENTS!
It's not a matter of speculation. AARC claims to perform interventions to treat what they describe as a brain disease. The treatment is performed by amateur peer counselors, overseen by unlicensed amateur clinicals, who are in turn overseen by the amateur unlicensed Executive Director. What they do is against the law. Ron Leipert, Alberta Health Minister and guest at AARC fundraisers, is aware of this fact. The reason that AARC is permitted to break the law as a matter of course during their operations is, of course, open to speculation. If one were to determine just what happens to the millions of dollars flowing through AARC each year, perhaps the reason AARC's criminal activities remain unchecked might be discovered.
Well I guess if AARC was required to have a license, it could be revoked.
But since they're not required to have a license, as private drug treatment centers aren't regulated, what can be done?
And as much as I agree that AARC does criminal things, I'm not sure what section of the code is being broken by violating these health act regulations?
Hey, AARC is doing fine and is very transparent. Ajax just has a private axe to grind with them. Every place has their set of unhappy clients to deal with. Its part of doing business.
Your car gets a scratch at the carwash... the owner refuses to pay.... so you call the owners wife fat and try to convince all the other car owners that he is laundering money and running a business without a license, claims the owner got his GED out of state because he wasn’t computer literate enough to get it on-line....yadda yadda yadda.... you spend hours on a website trying to discredit this car wash and all the time the carwash is doing better than ever and nobody else’s car seems to be getting scratched... but you still carry on with the megaphone.....
If you read the Health Professions Act, there are very specific sanctions that are to be brought against violators of the regulations. These include jail sentences and fines. The following spells this out very clearly. I might suggest looking into a Private Prosecution.
The claim that private drug treatment facilities do not require licensing is not correct, if one interprets the drug treatment as a medical treatment.
"Restricted activities
2(1) The following, carried out in relation to or as part of providing a health service, are restricted activities:
(p) to perform a psychosocial intervention with an expectation of treating a substantial disorder of thought, mood, perception, orientation or memory that grossly impairs
(i) judgment,
(ii) behaviour,
(iii) capacity to recognize reality, or
(iv) ability to meet the ordinary demands of life;
4(1) No person shall perform a restricted activity or a portion of it on or for another person unless
(a) the person performing it
(i) is a regulated member as defined in the Health Professions Act, and is authorized to perform it by the regulations under the Health Professions Act,
(ii) is authorized to perform it by a regulation under section 3,
(ii.1) is authorized to perform it by an order under section 3.1, or
(iii) is authorized to perform it by another enactment,
(b) the person performing it
(i) has the consent of, and is being supervised by, a regulated member described in clause (a)(i), and
(ii) is permitted to perform the restricted activity under a regulation made under section 131(1)(d)(i) of the Health Professions Act by the council of the college of the regulated member referred to in subclause (i),
and there are regulations made under section 131(1)(d)(ii) of the Health Professions Act by the council of the college of that regulated member respecting how regulated members must supervise persons who provide restricted activities under this clause.
(2) Despite subsection (1), if no person who is authorized under subsection (1) is available to perform the restricted activity or a portion of it, a person may without expectation or hope of compensation or reward provide a restricted activity or a portion of it to provide physical comfort to or to stabilize another person who is ill, injured or unconscious as a result of an accident or other emergency.
(3) No person, other than a person authorized to perform a restricted activity under subsection (1)(a), shall or shall purport to consent to, provide supervision of and control of, another person performing the restricted activity or a portion of a restricted activity.
(4) No person shall require another person to perform a restricted activity or a portion of a restricted activity if that other person is not authorized in accordance with subsection (1) to perform it.
5(1) A person who contravenes section 4 is guilty of an offence and liable
(a) for a first offence, to a fine of not more than $5000,
(b) for a 2nd offence, to a fine of not more than $10 000, and
(c) for a 3rd and every subsequent offence, to a fine of not more than $25 000 or to imprisonment for a term of not more than 6 months or to both fine and imprisonment.
(2) A prosecution for an offence under this Schedule may not be commenced more than 2 years after the date on which the alleged offence occurs.
Burden of proof
6 In a prosecution under this Schedule, the burden of proving that a person was authorized to perform a restricted activity by section 4(1) is on the accused." ( ... 0779739479
To that Guest above... or, what really happens is that you protest and protest and eventually the public learns more about the treatment modality and how much of a QUACK it is and then well, the customer base dwindles and it ends up like Pathway Family Center, the flagship program of the ONDCP, dead and rotting in a pile of radioactive pig feces... :roflmao: