Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform => Hyde Schools => Topic started by: Anonymous on January 14, 2007, 01:10:19 PM
This morning I have spent time trying to locate information about the Hyde School. I found this web site pretty quickly by doing a Google search. Most of the comments I read here are very troubling. When I read Hyde's official material I got the impression that the school focuses heavily on values and character. Reading this web site, however, I'm beginning to get a very different, and troubling, picture of Hyde. Many of the comments I read on this site suggest that there's a disturbing side to Hyde and that many people have had very negative experiences (not everyone, it appears, but many). Many people who post here seem to be troubled especially by the school's founder, Joe Gauld, along with some other Hyde staff.
I am very eager for more information, especially current information, about what kind of school Hyde REALLY is, the positive and negative. I would appreciate it if people would post serious comments. (I prefer to avoid the sillier and more juvenile comments.)
Thank you.
This morning I have spent time trying to locate information about the Hyde School. I found this web site pretty quickly by doing a Google search. Most of the comments I read here are very troubling. When I read Hyde's official material I got the impression that the school focuses heavily on values and character. Reading this web site, however, I'm beginning to get a very different, and troubling, picture of Hyde. Many of the comments I read on this site suggest that there's a disturbing side to Hyde and that many people have had very negative experiences (not everyone, it appears, but many). Many people who post here seem to be troubled especially by the school's founder, Joe Gauld, along with some other Hyde staff.
I am very eager for more information, especially current information, about what kind of school Hyde REALLY is, the positive and negative. I would appreciate it if people would post serious comments. (I prefer to avoid the sillier and more juvenile comments.)
Thank you.
May I ask what 'catch words' you used for your Google? I only found this site on page 2 or 3 of a Google, and that was thanks to a slew of words and descriptives I can't even remember offhand now.
As to your request for more info, I think your best bet is to read through this site more thoroughly, as long and laborious as it may seem; the spontaneous info you get gives a more rounded picture that is more to be believed. Also check the other forum sites via the Index, to get a bigger picture of the kind of schools out there for 'problematic' teens. Some postings have links too.
This morning I have spent time trying to locate information about the Hyde School. I found this web site pretty quickly by doing a Google search. Most of the comments I read here are very troubling. When I read Hyde's official material I got the impression that the school focuses heavily on values and character. Reading this web site, however, I'm beginning to get a very different, and troubling, picture of Hyde. Many of the comments I read on this site suggest that there's a disturbing side to Hyde and that many people have had very negative experiences (not everyone, it appears, but many). Many people who post here seem to be troubled especially by the school's founder, Joe Gauld, along with some other Hyde staff.
I am very eager for more information, especially current information, about what kind of school Hyde REALLY is, the positive and negative. I would appreciate it if people would post serious comments. (I prefer to avoid the sillier and more juvenile comments.)
Thank you.
May I ask what 'catch words' you used for your Google? I only found this site on page 2 or 3 of a Google, and that was thanks to a slew of words and descriptives I can't even remember offhand now.
As to your request for more info, I think your best bet is to read through this site more thoroughly, as long and laborious as it may seem; the spontaneous info you get gives a more rounded picture that is more to be believed. Also check the other forum sites via the Index, to get a bigger picture of the kind of schools out there for 'problematic' teens. Some postings have links too.
Thanks for responding. I am reading through this web site, which is a bit overwhelming, to learn more about Hyde from different people's perspectives. It's impossible to read everything, of course, but some clear patterns seem to be emerging. Putting aside the snide and simply irreverant comments, the impression I get is that Hyde attracts a lot of parents who seem to be desperate and aren't sure where to turn (similar to our situation). Hyde's public relations material seems to be very appealing, and as someone here said, seductive. They use lots of very appealing terms and concepts related to values, character, attitude, etc. The people who are happy with Hyde seem to fit a pattern, perhaps people who really like structure and authority figures. I get the sense that many people who go to Hyde end up feeling frustrated, angry, or worse, and then go somewhere else. That scares me.
Beneath the surface, I'm getting the sense that Hyde is a much more complicated and controversial place than their official materials suggest. I keep seeing lots of references to cult qualities and lots of mention of some very arrogant staffers. I'm also concerned about the groups that everyone is required to participate in. I'm more than willing to look at my own stuff and our family dynamics, but everything I read tells me that Hyde's groups aren't run by professionals but, rather, teachers and other staff. This seems quite risky to me, given what I know about the kinds of personal issues that usually come up in these groups.
I've also read many comments about how many Hyde students come to the school with some pretty serious emotional and psychological problems. Am I right that Hyde doesn't have any mental health staff on campus? That too is very troubling, and very different from every other school I've looked at that serves this kind of struggling teenager.
(To answer your question, I Googled Hyde and found this web site several pages into their listings. I'm trying to find everything I can about this school. You mentioned other websites. Which others should I look at?)
This morning I have spent time trying to locate information about the Hyde School. I found this web site pretty quickly by doing a Google search. Most of the comments I read here are very troubling. When I read Hyde's official material I got the impression that the school focuses heavily on values and character. Reading this web site, however, I'm beginning to get a very different, and troubling, picture of Hyde. Many of the comments I read on this site suggest that there's a disturbing side to Hyde and that many people have had very negative experiences (not everyone, it appears, but many). Many people who post here seem to be troubled especially by the school's founder, Joe Gauld, along with some other Hyde staff.
I am very eager for more information, especially current information, about what kind of school Hyde REALLY is, the positive and negative. I would appreciate it if people would post serious comments. (I prefer to avoid the sillier and more juvenile comments.)
Thank you.
May I ask what 'catch words' you used for your Google? I only found this site on page 2 or 3 of a Google, and that was thanks to a slew of words and descriptives I can't even remember offhand now.
As to your request for more info, I think your best bet is to read through this site more thoroughly, as long and laborious as it may seem; the spontaneous info you get gives a more rounded picture that is more to be believed. Also check the other forum sites via the Index, to get a bigger picture of the kind of schools out there for 'problematic' teens. Some postings have links too.
Thanks for responding. I am reading through this web site, which is a bit overwhelming, to learn more about Hyde from different people's perspectives. It's impossible to read everything, of course, but some clear patterns seem to be emerging. Putting aside the snide and simply irreverant comments, the impression I get is that Hyde attracts a lot of parents who seem to be desperate and aren't sure where to turn (similar to our situation). Hyde's public relations material seems to be very appealing, and as someone here said, seductive. They use lots of very appealing terms and concepts related to values, character, attitude, etc. The people who are happy with Hyde seem to fit a pattern, perhaps people who really like structure and authority figures. I get the sense that many people who go to Hyde end up feeling frustrated, angry, or worse, and then go somewhere else. That scares me.
Beneath the surface, I'm getting the sense that Hyde is a much more complicated and controversial place than their official materials suggest. I keep seeing lots of references to cult qualities and lots of mention of some very arrogant staffers. I'm also concerned about the groups that everyone is required to participate in. I'm more than willing to look at my own stuff and our family dynamics, but everything I read tells me that Hyde's groups aren't run by professionals but, rather, teachers and other staff. This seems quite risky to me, given what I know about the kinds of personal issues that usually come up in these groups.
I've also read many comments about how many Hyde students come to the school with some pretty serious emotional and psychological problems. Am I right that Hyde doesn't have any mental health staff on campus? That too is very troubling, and very different from every other school I've looked at that serves this kind of struggling teenager.
(To answer your question, I Googled Hyde and found this web site several pages into their listings. I'm trying to find everything I can about this school. You mentioned other websites. Which others should I look at?)
Okay, first: I don't know of other sites that deal with this kind of info re. Hyde (perhaps I misunderstood you or mistated myself, my apologies if so). I've heard of chat rooms and the like but these usu. entail a sign-in and I'm relatively protective of my privacy (mostly because of Hyde and the way they've dealt with me).
2nd, let me try to deal with some of your specifics. The groups are run by staff, i.e., teachers, teacher-administrators; the family groups might even have a gung-ho parent get involved but that has been a rare experience. No, no one is trained. Well, they are 'trained' the Hyde way, by other staffers. And yes, there is a lot of excess, and it generally is not dealt with in a loving fashion, if you get my drift. Those that emote more believablly and with more gut-wrenching material are regarded as being more 'in touch' with themselves, and generally achieve more success in the character development arena. [It has also been my experience that kids more academically inclined are regarded as being more 'out of touch' with themselves, as well as the analogous assessment of character development; and likewise for the parents.]
There are no mental health personnel involved with the school to my knowledge. Issues that would ordinarily be thus addressed are generally regarded as 'character development' issues by Hyde, regardless of whatever lip service they give to parents.
How one sees Hyde living up to its espoused ideals often depends in large part, with some exceptions to be sure, on how one measures up (as per Hyde) in the character development department. Perhaps most disturbing -- despite all the avowed rhetoric re. truth, etc. -- is Hyde's complete unwillingness to admit mistakes and mistreatment when these indeed have happened, let alone apologize for what have sometimes amounted to life-changing wounds in kids' psyches.
It has generally been my experience, as well as observation, that an awful lot is excused if the presumed goals are laudatory enough, which is a very dangerous situation indeed. Under the guise of tough-love-type confrontations, many thinly veiled witchhunts and axe-grinders have met their marks. Of course, some people really believe their effluents, all the sadder for the damage done.
For the money that you would spend at Hyde, you'd do far better at a more middle of the road type place that would at least give your child a good education.
I am a former student, not exactly a fan of the place; do feel free to take my words with the appropriate grain of salt.
I am also a parent, of a child with developmental issues, and spend way more time dealing with inappropriate school systems than I care to admit to.
all my best! :D
This morning I have spent time trying to locate information about the Hyde School. I found this web site pretty quickly by doing a Google search. Most of the comments I read here are very troubling. When I read Hyde's official material I got the impression that the school focuses heavily on values and character. Reading this web site, however, I'm beginning to get a very different, and troubling, picture of Hyde. Many of the comments I read on this site suggest that there's a disturbing side to Hyde and that many people have had very negative experiences (not everyone, it appears, but many). Many people who post here seem to be troubled especially by the school's founder, Joe Gauld, along with some other Hyde staff.
I am very eager for more information, especially current information, about what kind of school Hyde REALLY is, the positive and negative. I would appreciate it if people would post serious comments. (I prefer to avoid the sillier and more juvenile comments.)
Thank you.
May I ask what 'catch words' you used for your Google? I only found this site on page 2 or 3 of a Google, and that was thanks to a slew of words and descriptives I can't even remember offhand now.
As to your request for more info, I think your best bet is to read through this site more thoroughly, as long and laborious as it may seem; the spontaneous info you get gives a more rounded picture that is more to be believed. Also check the other forum sites via the Index, to get a bigger picture of the kind of schools out there for 'problematic' teens. Some postings have links too.
Thanks for responding. I am reading through this web site, which is a bit overwhelming, to learn more about Hyde from different people's perspectives. It's impossible to read everything, of course, but some clear patterns seem to be emerging. Putting aside the snide and simply irreverant comments, the impression I get is that Hyde attracts a lot of parents who seem to be desperate and aren't sure where to turn (similar to our situation). Hyde's public relations material seems to be very appealing, and as someone here said, seductive. They use lots of very appealing terms and concepts related to values, character, attitude, etc. The people who are happy with Hyde seem to fit a pattern, perhaps people who really like structure and authority figures. I get the sense that many people who go to Hyde end up feeling frustrated, angry, or worse, and then go somewhere else. That scares me.
Beneath the surface, I'm getting the sense that Hyde is a much more complicated and controversial place than their official materials suggest. I keep seeing lots of references to cult qualities and lots of mention of some very arrogant staffers. I'm also concerned about the groups that everyone is required to participate in. I'm more than willing to look at my own stuff and our family dynamics, but everything I read tells me that Hyde's groups aren't run by professionals but, rather, teachers and other staff. This seems quite risky to me, given what I know about the kinds of personal issues that usually come up in these groups.
I've also read many comments about how many Hyde students come to the school with some pretty serious emotional and psychological problems. Am I right that Hyde doesn't have any mental health staff on campus? That too is very troubling, and very different from every other school I've looked at that serves this kind of struggling teenager.
(To answer your question, I Googled Hyde and found this web site several pages into their listings. I'm trying to find everything I can about this school. You mentioned other websites. Which others should I look at?)
Okay, first: I don't know of other sites that deal with this kind of info re. Hyde (perhaps I misunderstood you or mistated myself, my apologies if so). I've heard of chat rooms and the like but these usu. entail a sign-in and I'm relatively protective of my privacy (mostly because of Hyde and the way they've dealt with me).
2nd, let me try to deal with some of your specifics. The groups are run by staff, i.e., teachers, teacher-administrators; the family groups might even have a gung-ho parent get involved but that has been a rare experience. No, no one is trained. Well, they are 'trained' the Hyde way, by other staffers. And yes, there is a lot of excess, and it generally is not dealt with in a loving fashion, if you get my drift. Those that emote more believablly and with more gut-wrenching material are regarded as being more 'in touch' with themselves, and generally achieve more success in the character development arena. [It has also been my experience that kids more academically inclined are regarded as being more 'out of touch' with themselves, as well as the analogous assessment of character development; and likewise for the parents.]
There are no mental health personnel involved with the school to my knowledge. Issues that would ordinarily be thus addressed are generally regarded as 'character development' issues by Hyde, regardless of whatever lip service they give to parents.
How one sees Hyde living up to its espoused ideals often depends in large part, with some exceptions to be sure, on how one measures up (as per Hyde) in the character development department. Perhaps most disturbing -- despite all the avowed rhetoric re. truth, etc. -- is Hyde's complete unwillingness to admit mistakes and mistreatment when these indeed have happened, let alone apologize for what have sometimes amounted to life-changing wounds in kids' psyches.
It has generally been my experience, as well as observation, that an awful lot is excused if the presumed goals are laudatory enough, which is a very dangerous situation indeed. Under the guise of tough-love-type confrontations, many thinly veiled witchhunts and axe-grinders have met their marks. Of course, some people really believe their effluents, all the sadder for the damage done.
For the money that you would spend at Hyde, you'd do far better at a more middle of the road type place that would at least give your child a good education.
I am a former student, not exactly a fan of the place; do feel free to take my words with the appropriate grain of salt.
I am also a parent, of a child with developmental issues, and spend way more time dealing with inappropriate school systems than I care to admit to.
all my best! :D
Thank you so much for sharing your comments and observations. This is the kind of helpful information I'm looking for. Everything you're saying about Hyde seems to confirm what I've been reading and hearing. I realize other Hyde parents may have different views, but your comments are very similar to others I've gotten. Even if this isn't everyone's experience at Hyde, it certainly seems to be what many people experience, and that is what really concerns me. Your points about the "I'm right, you're wrong" stance that you say many Hyde staff take is a major red flag in my book. I've seen that kind of arrogance and self-righteousness elsewhere and am determined to steer clear of it. The absence of mental health professionals at Hyde really concerns me too, given my kid's needs. I don't understand how a school like Hyde can accept these kinds of students without any mental health resources. That seems very odd to me, and dangerous.
You've been very, very helpful. I appreciate your generosity and insights. Thanks.
This morning I have spent time trying to locate information about the Hyde School. I found this web site pretty quickly by doing a Google search. Most of the comments I read here are very troubling. When I read Hyde's official material I got the impression that the school focuses heavily on values and character. Reading this web site, however, I'm beginning to get a very different, and troubling, picture of Hyde. Many of the comments I read on this site suggest that there's a disturbing side to Hyde and that many people have had very negative experiences (not everyone, it appears, but many). Many people who post here seem to be troubled especially by the school's founder, Joe Gauld, along with some other Hyde staff.
I am very eager for more information, especially current information, about what kind of school Hyde REALLY is, the positive and negative. I would appreciate it if people would post serious comments. (I prefer to avoid the sillier and more juvenile comments.)
Thank you.
I encourage any parent who is considering Hyde for their child to ask some hard, pointed questions about the school. I STRONGLY recommend that you avoid taking the school's publications and admissions rhetoric at face value. Hyde is a very controversial school run by very controversial people. You will find some families that like Hyde and, I guarantee you, many families that are horrified by what they've experienced at Hyde.
I think you should seek out people who have been at Hyde for some time, including those who like the school and those who don't. Ask probing questions about the use of intimidation tactics, requirements to self-disclose on group meetings (parents and students), the quality of mental health staff and services (I don't think there are any), the academic qualifications of the teachers, the number of people who leave Hyde every year, enrollment trends, the number of Hyde graduates who actually finish (not start) college, the influence of Joe Gauld.
This is the information I wish I'd known.
This morning I have spent time trying to locate information about the Hyde School. I found this web site pretty quickly by doing a Google search. Most of the comments I read here are very troubling. When I read Hyde's official material I got the impression that the school focuses heavily on values and character. Reading this web site, however, I'm beginning to get a very different, and troubling, picture of Hyde. Many of the comments I read on this site suggest that there's a disturbing side to Hyde and that many people have had very negative experiences (not everyone, it appears, but many). Many people who post here seem to be troubled especially by the school's founder, Joe Gauld, along with some other Hyde staff.
I am very eager for more information, especially current information, about what kind of school Hyde REALLY is, the positive and negative. I would appreciate it if people would post serious comments. (I prefer to avoid the sillier and more juvenile comments.)
Thank you.
I encourage any parent who is considering Hyde for their child to ask some hard, pointed questions about the school. I STRONGLY recommend that you avoid taking the school's publications and admissions rhetoric at face value. Hyde is a very controversial school run by very controversial people. You will find some families that like Hyde and, I guarantee you, many families that are horrified by what they've experienced at Hyde.
I think you should seek out people who have been at Hyde for some time, including those who like the school and those who don't. Ask probing questions about the use of intimidation tactics, requirements to self-disclose on group meetings (parents and students), the quality of mental health staff and services (I don't think there are any), the academic qualifications of the teachers, the number of people who leave Hyde every year, enrollment trends, the number of Hyde graduates who actually finish (not start) college, the influence of Joe Gauld.
This is the information I wish I'd known.
I would like to add to the recommendations. I recommend that any parent who is thinking about sending their child to Hyde take a close look at a web site that posts information about controversial (and in many cases abusive) schools and programs for troubled teens. I recently discovered that this web site includes some frightening information about Hyde, including a recent lawsuit. The web site publishes a Watch List, and Hyde is on it.
The web site is: (
This web site includes a link to a valuable article about Hyde, written by a well known journalist. I found this article to be very enlightening (and it added to my concerns about Hyde). The article raises serious questions about Hyde: (
Here is information about the lawsuit. Some of the details about Hyde administrators and faculty are chilling (you may have to click on the document to enlarge it): ( ( ( (
This morning I have spent time trying to locate information about the Hyde School. I found this web site pretty quickly by doing a Google search. Most of the comments I read here are very troubling. When I read Hyde's official material I got the impression that the school focuses heavily on values and character. Reading this web site, however, I'm beginning to get a very different, and troubling, picture of Hyde. Many of the comments I read on this site suggest that there's a disturbing side to Hyde and that many people have had very negative experiences (not everyone, it appears, but many). Many people who post here seem to be troubled especially by the school's founder, Joe Gauld, along with some other Hyde staff.
I am very eager for more information, especially current information, about what kind of school Hyde REALLY is, the positive and negative. I would appreciate it if people would post serious comments. (I prefer to avoid the sillier and more juvenile comments.)
Thank you.
I encourage any parent who is considering Hyde for their child to ask some hard, pointed questions about the school. I STRONGLY recommend that you avoid taking the school's publications and admissions rhetoric at face value. Hyde is a very controversial school run by very controversial people. You will find some families that like Hyde and, I guarantee you, many families that are horrified by what they've experienced at Hyde.
I think you should seek out people who have been at Hyde for some time, including those who like the school and those who don't. Ask probing questions about the use of intimidation tactics, requirements to self-disclose on group meetings (parents and students), the quality of mental health staff and services (I don't think there are any), the academic qualifications of the teachers, the number of people who leave Hyde every year, enrollment trends, the number of Hyde graduates who actually finish (not start) college, the influence of Joe Gauld.
This is the information I wish I'd known.
I would like to add to the recommendations. I recommend that any parent who is thinking about sending their child to Hyde take a close look at a web site that posts information about controversial (and in many cases abusive) schools and programs for troubled teens. I recently discovered that this web site includes some frightening information about Hyde, including a recent lawsuit. The web site publishes a Watch List, and Hyde is on it.
The web site is: (
This web site includes a link to a valuable article about Hyde, written by a well known journalist. I found this article to be very enlightening (and it added to my concerns about Hyde). The article raises serious questions about Hyde: (
Here is information about the lawsuit. Some of the details about Hyde administrators and faculty are chilling (you may have to click on the document to enlarge it): ( ( ( (
This morning I have spent time trying to locate information about the Hyde School. I found this web site pretty quickly by doing a Google search. Most of the comments I read here are very troubling. When I read Hyde's official material I got the impression that the school focuses heavily on values and character. Reading this web site, however, I'm beginning to get a very different, and troubling, picture of Hyde. Many of the comments I read on this site suggest that there's a disturbing side to Hyde and that many people have had very negative experiences (not everyone, it appears, but many). Many people who post here seem to be troubled especially by the school's founder, Joe Gauld, along with some other Hyde staff.
I am very eager for more information, especially current information, about what kind of school Hyde REALLY is, the positive and negative. I would appreciate it if people would post serious comments. (I prefer to avoid the sillier and more juvenile comments.)
Thank you.
May I ask what 'catch words' you used for your Google? I only found this site on page 2 or 3 of a Google, and that was thanks to a slew of words and descriptives I can't even remember offhand now.
As to your request for more info, I think your best bet is to read through this site more thoroughly, as long and laborious as it may seem; the spontaneous info you get gives a more rounded picture that is more to be believed. Also check the other forum sites via the Index, to get a bigger picture of the kind of schools out there for 'problematic' teens. Some postings have links too.
Thanks for responding. I am reading through this web site, which is a bit overwhelming, to learn more about Hyde from different people's perspectives. It's impossible to read everything, of course, but some clear patterns seem to be emerging. Putting aside the snide and simply irreverant comments, the impression I get is that Hyde attracts a lot of parents who seem to be desperate and aren't sure where to turn (similar to our situation). Hyde's public relations material seems to be very appealing, and as someone here said, seductive. They use lots of very appealing terms and concepts related to values, character, attitude, etc. The people who are happy with Hyde seem to fit a pattern, perhaps people who really like structure and authority figures. I get the sense that many people who go to Hyde end up feeling frustrated, angry, or worse, and then go somewhere else. That scares me.
Beneath the surface, I'm getting the sense that Hyde is a much more complicated and controversial place than their official materials suggest. I keep seeing lots of references to cult qualities and lots of mention of some very arrogant staffers. I'm also concerned about the groups that everyone is required to participate in. I'm more than willing to look at my own stuff and our family dynamics, but everything I read tells me that Hyde's groups aren't run by professionals but, rather, teachers and other staff. This seems quite risky to me, given what I know about the kinds of personal issues that usually come up in these groups.
I've also read many comments about how many Hyde students come to the school with some pretty serious emotional and psychological problems. Am I right that Hyde doesn't have any mental health staff on campus? That too is very troubling, and very different from every other school I've looked at that serves this kind of struggling teenager.
(To answer your question, I Googled Hyde and found this web site several pages into their listings. I'm trying to find everything I can about this school. You mentioned other websites. Which others should I look at?)
Okay, first: I don't know of other sites that deal with this kind of info re. Hyde (perhaps I misunderstood you or mistated myself, my apologies if so). I've heard of chat rooms and the like but these usu. entail a sign-in and I'm relatively protective of my privacy (mostly because of Hyde and the way they've dealt with me).
2nd, let me try to deal with some of your specifics. The groups are run by staff, i.e., teachers, teacher-administrators; the family groups might even have a gung-ho parent get involved but that has been a rare experience. No, no one is trained. Well, they are 'trained' the Hyde way, by other staffers. And yes, there is a lot of excess, and it generally is not dealt with in a loving fashion, if you get my drift. Those that emote more believablly and with more gut-wrenching material are regarded as being more 'in touch' with themselves, and generally achieve more success in the character development arena. [It has also been my experience that kids more academically inclined are regarded as being more 'out of touch' with themselves, as well as the analogous assessment of character development; and likewise for the parents.]
There are no mental health personnel involved with the school to my knowledge. Issues that would ordinarily be thus addressed are generally regarded as 'character development' issues by Hyde, regardless of whatever lip service they give to parents.
How one sees Hyde living up to its espoused ideals often depends in large part, with some exceptions to be sure, on how one measures up (as per Hyde) in the character development department. Perhaps most disturbing -- despite all the avowed rhetoric re. truth, etc. -- is Hyde's complete unwillingness to admit mistakes and mistreatment when these indeed have happened, let alone apologize for what have sometimes amounted to life-changing wounds in kids' psyches.
It has generally been my experience, as well as observation, that an awful lot is excused if the presumed goals are laudatory enough, which is a very dangerous situation indeed. Under the guise of tough-love-type confrontations, many thinly veiled witchhunts and axe-grinders have met their marks. Of course, some people really believe their effluents, all the sadder for the damage done.
For the money that you would spend at Hyde, you'd do far better at a more middle of the road type place that would at least give your child a good education.
I am a former student, not exactly a fan of the place; do feel free to take my words with the appropriate grain of salt.
I am also a parent, of a child with developmental issues, and spend way more time dealing with inappropriate school systems than I care to admit to.
all my best! :D
You said in your comments that "There are no mental health personnel involved with the school to my knowledge. Issues that would ordinarily be thus addressed are generally regarded as 'character development' issues by Hyde, regardless of whatever lip service they give to parents."
What I'm confused about is, what happens at Hyde when students have major mental health problems? I've heard from many people I've consulted that many Hyde students have significant diagnoses, such as depression, eating disoders, drug problems, anxiety, etc. It would seem to me that a school that accepts these kids has to expect that there will be times when the kids really need some mental health counseling. Are you saying Hyde doesn't have professional mental health counselors on staff? Aren't there times when student are getting into trouble at Hyde because of their mental health problems? How does Hyde deal with that?
You said in your comments that "There are no mental health personnel involved with the school to my knowledge. Issues that would ordinarily be thus addressed are generally regarded as 'character development' issues by Hyde, regardless of whatever lip service they give to parents."
What I'm confused about is, what happens at Hyde when students have major mental health problems? I've heard from many people I've consulted that many Hyde students have significant diagnoses, such as depression, eating disoders, drug problems, anxiety, etc. It would seem to me that a school that accepts these kids has to expect that there will be times when the kids really need some mental health counseling. Are you saying Hyde doesn't have professional mental health counselors on staff? Aren't there times when student are getting into trouble at Hyde because of their mental health problems? How does Hyde deal with that?
I wish I could help you further with this, but I do not know what mental health issues you anticipate coming up. Let me try... But first let me say that these comments are my opinion and my opinion only, and an opinion based on a Hyde many years ago. Perhaps things have changed. Judging from what I've learned and heard, this does NOT appear to be the case, but... Perhaps a more recent student/participant could also chime in with their two cents?
While I was there, the only medical personnell on staff was the school nurse, who was married to one of the faculty. If you needed to see a doctor, there was one doctor in town who handled all the Hyde cases, and the school transported you there in their van. The school nurse made the appts, you had to see her first. There was no mental health counselor on staff, and I am hard pressed to imagine that there ever would be. It would go against the grain of everything that Hyde believes in.
If what you are concerned about is access to an OUTSIDE impartial mental health professional, I would have to venture "no", no access, or at the least, access with great difficulty. I don't know about conditions such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder or similar where meds make a distinct and VISIBLE difference; perhaps there the school might take such issues seriously. But if your child has issues with depression or anxiety disorder where one can kind of limp along barely surviving (but still limping along), the school tends to not take those conditions seriously (in my personal experience). I imagine that even if you have a letter from your child's doctor emphatically stating the need for the meds, there will always be a stigma attached while your child is attending, with the insinuation that you and your child are "not facing up to the necessary issues" and are using the need for medication as a crutch. Again, this is my opinion, this is my experience.
Me again. I thought of something else. If your child is suffering from any kind of TRAUMA, Hyde would only add fuel to the fire. These kinds of schools believe in ripping you down before "building you up," which would only add more trauma to the original trauma. Very bad idea. In my personal opinon, and experience.
You said in your comments that "There are no mental health personnel involved with the school to my knowledge. Issues that would ordinarily be thus addressed are generally regarded as 'character development' issues by Hyde, regardless of whatever lip service they give to parents."
What I'm confused about is, what happens at Hyde when students have major mental health problems? I've heard from many people I've consulted that many Hyde students have significant diagnoses, such as depression, eating disoders, drug problems, anxiety, etc. It would seem to me that a school that accepts these kids has to expect that there will be times when the kids really need some mental health counseling. Are you saying Hyde doesn't have professional mental health counselors on staff? Aren't there times when student are getting into trouble at Hyde because of their mental health problems? How does Hyde deal with that?
I wish I could help you further with this, but I do not know what mental health issues you anticipate coming up. Let me try... But first let me say that these comments are my opinion and my opinion only, and an opinion based on a Hyde many years ago. Perhaps things have changed. Judging from what I've learned and heard, this does NOT appear to be the case, but... Perhaps a more recent student/participant could also chime in with their two cents?
While I was there, the only medical personnell on staff was the school nurse, who was married to one of the faculty. If you needed to see a doctor, there was one doctor in town who handled all the Hyde cases, and the school transported you there in their van. The school nurse made the appts, you had to see her first. There was no mental health counselor on staff, and I am hard pressed to imagine that there ever would be. It would go against the grain of everything that Hyde believes in.
If what you are concerned about is access to an OUTSIDE impartial mental health professional, I would have to venture "no", no access, or at the least, access with great difficulty. I don't know about conditions such as schizophrenia or bipolar disorder or similar where meds make a distinct and VISIBLE difference; perhaps there the school might take such issues seriously. But if your child has issues with depression or anxiety disorder where one can kind of limp along barely surviving (but still limping along), the school tends to not take those conditions seriously (in my personal experience). I imagine that even if you have a letter from your child's doctor emphatically stating the need for the meds, there will always be a stigma attached while your child is attending, with the insinuation that you and your child are "not facing up to the necessary issues" and are using the need for medication as a crutch. Again, this is my opinion, this is my experience.
I can speak from recent personal experience at Hyde. I left Hyde a couple of years ago. When I was there I met many studenets who had very serious psychological and psychiartic issues. I met Hyde students who considered suicide. I met Hyde students with really serious eating disorders. I met Hyde students who couldn't control their rage or cut themselves. I couldn't believe that Hyde didn't have any mental health staff. None. And I mean none. Some kids went to see local counselors, but that was it. I think this is a very serious problem at Hyde. Why does the school accept these students? To fill beds and get tuition money? Do they really believe this is the kind of school these kinds of kids need?
I'm glad you are publicizing these issues.
Come to think of it, I used to routinely press thumbtacks all the in into my hands in order to stay awake in class (depression), and no one mentioned anything...
You can e mail me ( or google THE JEKYLL SIDE OF HYDE to find the report I wrote on my experience at Hyde.
You can e mail me ( or google THE JEKYLL SIDE OF HYDE to find the report I wrote on my experience at Hyde.
Thank you. I will read your report and possibly get in touch. I appreciate it; you've been most helpful.
You can e mail me ( or google THE JEKYLL SIDE OF HYDE to find the report I wrote on my experience at Hyde.
Robert Louis Stevenson reference. Original. You are a gifted writer, seriously, Joe may be right about you though. Have you ever concidered that? Just because you hear something about yourself from a bi-polar meglomaniac does not mean it is not true.
You can e mail me ( or google THE JEKYLL SIDE OF HYDE to find the report I wrote on my experience at Hyde.
Robert Louis Stevenson reference. Original. You are a gifted writer, seriously, Joe may be right about you though. Have you ever concidered that? Just because you hear something about yourself from a bi-polar meglomaniac does not mean it is not true.
Thoughtful comment and absolutely true. Joe clearly has insight on some issues, and his snapshot judgments about me were scoured for truth, no doubt- and I've continued to grow, and change, since writing this piece. No problem with head on challenges! In my judgment, however, there is absolutely no excuse for bad behavior, or throwing people out of a program they've paid for in advance- not even being right.
Gary, I just want to say how much I appreciate your having the independent spirit, not to mention the balls, for posting your story on ISAC as well as coming onto this site and posting your thoughts and commentary. I have read your posts in the past and have always enjoyed them. Thank you, from someone who sadly feels they must still stay anon...
You can e mail me ( or google THE JEKYLL SIDE OF HYDE to find the report I wrote on my experience at Hyde.
Robert Louis Stevenson reference. Original. You are a gifted writer, seriously, Joe may be right about you though. Have you ever concidered that? Just because you hear something about yourself from a bi-polar meglomaniac does not mean it is not true.
Thoughtful comment and absolutely true. Joe clearly has insight on some issues, and his snapshot judgments about me were scoured for truth, no doubt- and I've continued to grow, and change, since writing this piece. No problem with head on challenges! In my judgment, however, there is absolutely no excuse for bad behavior, or throwing people out of a program they've paid for in advance- not even being right.
Gary: I too deeply appreciate your willingness to share your observations about your Hyde experiences. I especially appreciate your willingness to post your "story" on the ISAC website. This is likely to be very helpful to lots of us, especially parents who are considering Hyde.
I am troubled by the comment that someone else posted here in response to your message: "Robert Louis Stevenson reference. Original. You are a gifted writer, seriously, Joe may be right about you though. Have you ever concidered that? Just because you hear something about yourself from a bi-polar meglomaniac does not mean it is not true."
The person who posted this certainly has a right to raise the issue about the possibilty that there's some "truth" embedded in Hyde administrators' feedback to you. However, I find the tone of this comment to be unnecessarily sanctimonious and provocative, qualities that I have found to be all too pervasive at Hyde. (That's a big reason we've decided to leave Hyde.)
I too, regrettably, need to remain anonymous at this point. Our family is thinking about the most appropriate next steps with regard to our extraordinarily negative Hyde experience.
I can't tell you how much it means to me that you folks took the time to read my story, and have responded with such kind words.
I hold no rancarous feelings towards anyone connected with Hyde, including that buffoon-ish, but somehow admirabl guy, Joe Gauld.
Funny, I called Mike Dawes- who I like so much and have enjoyed such a respectful relationship with- to wish him a happy holiday, and he could, it seemed to me, barely tolerate a cordial conversation. So much for truth before harmony! Mike, I love ya!
Our son, by the way, just completed his first semester at Hofstra with all A's and B's, although he still parties too much for my taste.
Tonight, his mom's out for dinner with her sis, and so he asked me for $10 for dinner, which I gave it to him- with the qualifier that he tell me I'm the best dad ever... fortunately, he gets my sense of humor. Wish Joe G. had been blessed with one!
I can't tell you how much it means to me that you folks took the time to read my story, and have responded with such kind words.
I hold no rancarous feelings towards anyone connected with Hyde, including that buffoon-ish, but somehow admirabl guy, Joe Gauld.
Funny, I called Mike Dawes- who I like so much and have enjoyed such a respectful relationship with- to wish him a happy holiday, and he could, it seemed to me, barely tolerate a cordial conversation. So much for truth before harmony! Mike, I love ya!
Our son, by the way, just completed his first semester at Hofstra with all A's and B's, although he still parties too much for my taste.
Tonight, his mom's out for dinner with her sis, and so he asked me for $10 for dinner, which I gave it to him- with the qualifier that he tell me I'm the best dad ever... fortunately, he gets my sense of humor. Wish Joe G. had been blessed with one!
This morning I have spent time trying to locate information about the Hyde School. I found this web site pretty quickly by doing a Google search. Most of the comments I read here are very troubling. When I read Hyde's official material I got the impression that the school focuses heavily on values and character. Reading this web site, however, I'm beginning to get a very different, and troubling, picture of Hyde. Many of the comments I read on this site suggest that there's a disturbing side to Hyde and that many people have had very negative experiences (not everyone, it appears, but many). Many people who post here seem to be troubled especially by the school's founder, Joe Gauld, along with some other Hyde staff.
I am very eager for more information, especially current information, about what kind of school Hyde REALLY is, the positive and negative. I would appreciate it if people would post serious comments. (I prefer to avoid the sillier and more juvenile comments.)
Thank you.
I encourage any parent who is considering Hyde for their child to ask some hard, pointed questions about the school. I STRONGLY recommend that you avoid taking the school's publications and admissions rhetoric at face value. Hyde is a very controversial school run by very controversial people. You will find some families that like Hyde and, I guarantee you, many families that are horrified by what they've experienced at Hyde.
I think you should seek out people who have been at Hyde for some time, including those who like the school and those who don't. Ask probing questions about the use of intimidation tactics, requirements to self-disclose on group meetings (parents and students), the quality of mental health staff and services (I don't think there are any), the academic qualifications of the teachers, the number of people who leave Hyde every year, enrollment trends, the number of Hyde graduates who actually finish (not start) college, the influence of Joe Gauld.
This is the information I wish I'd known.
I ditto that. I also wish I had known. :"(
I can't tell you how much it means to me that you folks took the time to read my story, and have responded with such kind words.
I hold no rancarous feelings towards anyone connected with Hyde, including that buffoon-ish, but somehow admirabl guy, Joe Gauld.
Funny, I called Mike Dawes- who I like so much and have enjoyed such a respectful relationship with- to wish him a happy holiday, and he could, it seemed to me, barely tolerate a cordial conversation. So much for truth before harmony! Mike, I love ya!
Our son, by the way, just completed his first semester at Hofstra with all A's and B's, although he still parties too much for my taste.
Tonight, his mom's out for dinner with her sis, and so he asked me for $10 for dinner, which I gave it to him- with the qualifier that he tell me I'm the best dad ever... fortunately, he gets my sense of humor. Wish Joe G. had been blessed with one!
Sanctamounious? No. Just a troll. Gary handled it with aplumb.
Hal Dahl
I can't tell you how much it means to me that you folks took the time to read my story, and have responded with such kind words.
I hold no rancarous feelings towards anyone connected with Hyde, including that buffoon-ish, but somehow admirabl guy, Joe Gauld.
Funny, I called Mike Dawes- who I like so much and have enjoyed such a respectful relationship with- to wish him a happy holiday, and he could, it seemed to me, barely tolerate a cordial conversation. So much for truth before harmony! Mike, I love ya!
Our son, by the way, just completed his first semester at Hofstra with all A's and B's, although he still parties too much for my taste.
Tonight, his mom's out for dinner with her sis, and so he asked me for $10 for dinner, which I gave it to him- with the qualifier that he tell me I'm the best dad ever... fortunately, he gets my sense of humor. Wish Joe G. had been blessed with one!
Gary, have to tell you that no matter what your feelings are about hyde, whether positive or negative, you stand for what Hyde is supposed to be about. The fact that you are speaking up and not hiding your identity is admirable! I wish I had as much courage to do so, but I feel that Hyde is vendictive and not really about "truth over harmony" so am concerned about giving my name. As you see from Mike Dawes, you are either with them or against them. He is not unlike any of the others. Hyde probably put pressure on him not to talk to you no matter what kind of relationship you had with him. Don't forget, these people need their jobs but in the end they are cowards by not standing up for themselves.
Thank you. There is certainly a cowardly streak in many of the folks who work at Hyde, but I tend to think about their inability to confront Joe more in terms of what appears to be a collectively stunted emotional state. Duncan, for example, was clearly terrified of challenging Joe. Judy Fortier- a fundamentally kind hearted and well meaning person- seemed to me to have walled off huge sections of her personality, and sacrificed a positive self image to the worth she derives as a member of the Hyde squad.
But there is good work being done as well there, and somehow there has to be a way to improve Hyde. The best thing Malcolm and Laura Gauld could do, in my opinion, would be to acknowledge their mistakes and reach out to those they have harmed for advice. Sounds like Bush in Iraq, though, and probably just as improbable for them to acknowledge the horrific misjudgments they have made!
Thank you. There is certainly a cowardly streak in many of the folks who work at Hyde, but I tend to think about their inability to confront Joe more in terms of what appears to be a collectively stunted emotional state. Duncan, for example, was clearly terrified of challenging Joe. Judy Fortier- a fundamentally kind hearted and well meaning person- seemed to me to have walled off huge sections of her personality, and sacrificed a positive self image to the worth she derives as a member of the Hyde squad.
But there is good work being done as well there, and somehow there has to be a way to improve Hyde. The best thing Malcolm and Laura Gauld could do, in my opinion, would be to acknowledge their mistakes and reach out to those they have harmed for advice. Sounds like Bush in Iraq, though, and probably just as improbable for them to acknowledge the horrific misjudgments they have made!
I don't think there's a prayer for Hyde under its current structure. Joe is much too pathological and intimidating. As you say, no one is willing to stand up to him and, as a result, the Joe mystique completely taints and pollutes Hyde. I know lots of people who won't go near Hyde because of Joe and, as well, a number of staff who seem to mimic his arrogance, hubris, impulsiveness, and sadistic tendencies. You're right that there are a few good people at Hyde; sadly, they are completetly overshadowed by the pathology that surrounds them.
Thank you. There is certainly a cowardly streak in many of the folks who work at Hyde, but I tend to think about their inability to confront Joe more in terms of what appears to be a collectively stunted emotional state. Duncan, for example, was clearly terrified of challenging Joe. Judy Fortier- a fundamentally kind hearted and well meaning person- seemed to me to have walled off huge sections of her personality, and sacrificed a positive self image to the worth she derives as a member of the Hyde squad.
But there is good work being done as well there, and somehow there has to be a way to improve Hyde. The best thing Malcolm and Laura Gauld could do, in my opinion, would be to acknowledge their mistakes and reach out to those they have harmed for advice. Sounds like Bush in Iraq, though, and probably just as improbable for them to acknowledge the horrific misjudgments they have made!
I don't think there's a prayer for Hyde under its current structure. Joe is much too pathological and intimidating. As you say, no one is willing to stand up to him and, as a result, the Joe mystique completely taints and pollutes Hyde. I know lots of people who won't go near Hyde because of Joe and, as well, a number of staff who seem to mimic his arrogance, hubris, impulsiveness, and sadistic tendencies. You're right that there are a few good people at Hyde; sadly, they are completetly overshadowed by the pathology that surrounds them.
The realist in me thinks you're probably right, but the optimist hopes the school will lean on its best foot and use the other to kick some ass where that deserves to happen. I'm not referring to Joe- he's hopeless, and it's clear he's fading away with a very weak sense of self, which is sad. But the younger, more vital folks who conspire to protect each other rather than honestly examine the institution do need to be kicked in the pants, I think.
The question is this: do disgruntled ex-parents simply want to stay on sites like this and complain to each other, or do they feel strongly enough about what they feel is an abusive environment to take strong, pro-active measures to warn other parents in crisis about Hyde, assuming that the school will not address its core problems?
I'm afraid an economic hammer is the only way to wield some clout around there. Perhaps if places such as the William H. Donner Foundation stopped giving them money and their insurance company upped premiums (due their utter lack of action on issues they get sued over), they might deign to lend an ear.
Thank you. There is certainly a cowardly streak in many of the folks who work at Hyde, but I tend to think about their inability to confront Joe more in terms of what appears to be a collectively stunted emotional state. Duncan, for example, was clearly terrified of challenging Joe. Judy Fortier- a fundamentally kind hearted and well meaning person- seemed to me to have walled off huge sections of her personality, and sacrificed a positive self image to the worth she derives as a member of the Hyde squad.
But there is good work being done as well there, and somehow there has to be a way to improve Hyde. The best thing Malcolm and Laura Gauld could do, in my opinion, would be to acknowledge their mistakes and reach out to those they have harmed for advice. Sounds like Bush in Iraq, though, and probably just as improbable for them to acknowledge the horrific misjudgments they have made!
I don't think there's a prayer for Hyde under its current structure. Joe is much too pathological and intimidating. As you say, no one is willing to stand up to him and, as a result, the Joe mystique completely taints and pollutes Hyde. I know lots of people who won't go near Hyde because of Joe and, as well, a number of staff who seem to mimic his arrogance, hubris, impulsiveness, and sadistic tendencies. You're right that there are a few good people at Hyde; sadly, they are completetly overshadowed by the pathology that surrounds them.
The realist in me thinks you're probably right, but the optimist hopes the school will lean on its best foot and use the other to kick some ass where that deserves to happen. I'm not referring to Joe- he's hopeless, and it's clear he's fading away with a very weak sense of self, which is sad. But the younger, more vital folks who conspire to protect each other rather than honestly examine the institution do need to be kicked in the pants, I think.
The question is this: do disgruntled ex-parents simply want to stay on sites like this and complain to each other, or do they feel strongly enough about what they feel is an abusive environment to take strong, pro-active measures to warn other parents in crisis about Hyde, assuming that the school will not address its core problems?
With regard to Joe Gauld, you state, "he's hopeless, and it's clear he's fading away with a very weak sense of self." Is there evidence that he's really "fading away with a very weak sense of self"? I sense you're probably right, but I haven't seen it myself. What have you seen?
I'm afraid an economic hammer is the only way to wield some clout around there. Perhaps if places such as the William H. Donner Foundation stopped giving them money and their insurance company upped premiums (due their utter lack of action on issues they get sued over), they might deign to lend an ear.
Any way to know who their insurance company is or how to contact the companies that donate to them?
With regard to Joe Gauld, you state, "he's hopeless, and it's clear he's fading away with a very weak sense of self." Is there evidence that he's really "fading away with a very weak sense of self"? I sense you're probably right, but I haven't seen it myself. What have you seen?[/quote]
Ah, so you're someone still at Hyde! I really don't know... it's just that he's old, and he can't always have been as confused and befuddled as he obviously was on the occasions when I observed him. I hope I'm wrong and that he enjoys many years of good health!
I'm afraid an economic hammer is the only way to wield some clout around there. Perhaps if places such as the William H. Donner Foundation stopped giving them money and their insurance company upped premiums (due their utter lack of action on issues they get sued over), they might deign to lend an ear.
Any way to know who their insurance company is or how to contact the companies that donate to them?
I imagine that Hyde's annual report lists major donors.
Click on Donner on the following page to link to their website. ... entID=3539 (
I'm afraid an economic hammer is the only way to wield some clout around there. Perhaps if places such as the William H. Donner Foundation stopped giving them money and their insurance company upped premiums (due their utter lack of action on issues they get sued over), they might deign to lend an ear.
Any way to know who their insurance company is or how to contact the companies that donate to them?
I imagine that Hyde's annual report lists major donors.
OK, so here's what you do if you're serious: you write a piece of about 7,500 words that points out in a clear and fair manner the things about the Hyde School that are disturbing to so many people who have passed through the institution. To be effective this piece MUST include quotes from individuals- both students and their parents- who have had negative experiences with Hyde; hiding behind a cloak of anonymity is fine on sites like this, but it won't cut it at the next level. You build up a case that is difficult to dismiss.
You also compose this piece so that it will also be read by educational consultants, newspaper and magazine editors, and producers at media outlets.
The ultimate result, hopefully, would not be that the Hyde School collapse, but rather that under duress it is forced to face up to the damaging behavior that has blemished its performance, and become a better place. At least, that would be my hope.
I'm afraid an economic hammer is the only way to wield some clout around there. Perhaps if places such as the William H. Donner Foundation stopped giving them money and their insurance company upped premiums (due their utter lack of action on issues they get sued over), they might deign to lend an ear.
Any way to know who their insurance company is or how to contact the companies that donate to them?
I imagine that Hyde's annual report lists major donors.
OK, so here's what you do if you're serious: you write a piece of about 7,500 words that points out in a clear and fair manner the things about the Hyde School that are disturbing to so many people who have passed through the institution. To be effective this piece MUST include quotes from individuals- both students and their parents- who have had negative experiences with Hyde; hiding behind a cloak of anonymity is fine on sites like this, but it won't cut it at the next level. You build up a case that is difficult to dismiss.
You also compose this piece so that it will also be read by educational consultants, newspaper and magazine editors, and producers at media outlets.
The ultimate result, hopefully, would not be that the Hyde School collapse, but rather that under duress it is forced to face up to the damaging behavior that has blemished its performance, and become a better place. At least, that would be my hope.
My wife recently told me about a very popular web site that posts responsibly written letters and commentaries about programs and schools for struggling teens. My understanding is that this is one of the most popular web sites out there for people looking into schools for struggling teens.
It turns out that several people have written about their Hyde experiences. I think all of us should consider submitting material to this web site. I gather it gets many "hits." The link is: ... index.html (
I'm afraid an economic hammer is the only way to wield some clout around there. Perhaps if places such as the William H. Donner Foundation stopped giving them money and their insurance company upped premiums (due their utter lack of action on issues they get sued over), they might deign to lend an ear.
Any way to know who their insurance company is or how to contact the companies that donate to them?
I imagine that Hyde's annual report lists major donors.
OK, so here's what you do if you're serious: you write a piece of about 7,500 words that points out in a clear and fair manner the things about the Hyde School that are disturbing to so many people who have passed through the institution. To be effective this piece MUST include quotes from individuals- both students and their parents- who have had negative experiences with Hyde; hiding behind a cloak of anonymity is fine on sites like this, but it won't cut it at the next level. You build up a case that is difficult to dismiss.
You also compose this piece so that it will also be read by educational consultants, newspaper and magazine editors, and producers at media outlets.
The ultimate result, hopefully, would not be that the Hyde School collapse, but rather that under duress it is forced to face up to the damaging behavior that has blemished its performance, and become a better place. At least, that would be my hope.
My wife recently told me about a very popular web site that posts responsibly written letters and commentaries about programs and schools for struggling teens. My understanding is that this is one of the most popular web sites out there for people looking into schools for struggling teens.
It turns out that several people have written about their Hyde experiences. I think all of us should consider submitting material to this web site. I gather it gets many "hits." The link is: ... index.html (
Hmm... Your language sounds suspiciously like a commercial.
Readers take note: Danger. This site is run by Lon Woodbury, former admissions director for CEDU's Rocky Mountain Academy. Here is a short thread elsewhere on Fornits: (
Although the language in Fornits may be brutal and raw at times, with lots of typos, expletives, and grammatical flaws, Fornits is not beholden to any commercial interests that I know of, and is the best site out there bar none as far as honest information goes.
Sorry folks, to wax so poetically. I really am NOT afiliated with Fornits in any way shape of form. :D
My wife recently told me about a very popular web site that posts responsibly written letters and commentaries about programs and schools for struggling teens. My understanding is that this is one of the most popular web sites out there for people looking into schools for struggling teens.
It turns out that several people have written about their Hyde experiences. I think all of us should consider submitting material to this web site. I gather it gets many "hits." The link is: ... index.html (
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Damn but these people are transparent.
I'm afraid an economic hammer is the only way to wield some clout around there. Perhaps if places such as the William H. Donner Foundation stopped giving them money and their insurance company upped premiums (due their utter lack of action on issues they get sued over), they might deign to lend an ear.
Any way to know who their insurance company is or how to contact the companies that donate to them?
I imagine that Hyde's annual report lists major donors.
OK, so here's what you do if you're serious: you write a piece of about 7,500 words that points out in a clear and fair manner the things about the Hyde School that are disturbing to so many people who have passed through the institution. To be effective this piece MUST include quotes from individuals- both students and their parents- who have had negative experiences with Hyde; hiding behind a cloak of anonymity is fine on sites like this, but it won't cut it at the next level. You build up a case that is difficult to dismiss.
You also compose this piece so that it will also be read by educational consultants, newspaper and magazine editors, and producers at media outlets.
The ultimate result, hopefully, would not be that the Hyde School collapse, but rather that under duress it is forced to face up to the damaging behavior that has blemished its performance, and become a better place. At least, that would be my hope.
My wife recently told me about a very popular web site that posts responsibly written letters and commentaries about programs and schools for struggling teens. My understanding is that this is one of the most popular web sites out there for people looking into schools for struggling teens.
It turns out that several people have written about their Hyde experiences. I think all of us should consider submitting material to this web site. I gather it gets many "hits." The link is: ... index.html (
Hmm... Your language sounds suspiciously like a commercial.
Readers take note: Danger. This site is run by Lon Woodbury, former admissions director for CEDU's Rocky Mountain Academy. Here is a short thread elsewhere on Fornits: (
Although the language in Fornits may be brutal and raw at times, with lots of typos, expletives, and grammatical flaws, Fornits is not beholden to any commercial interests that I know of, and is the best site out there bar none as far as honest information goes.
Sorry folks, to wax so poetically. I really am NOT afiliated with Fornits in any way shape of form. :D
I'm not really concerned about Lon Woodbury or his agenda. What's most important to me is that his popular website provides an outlet for people who want to share their opinions about Hyde. Whether or not his site accepts ads doesn't concern me much, as far as this is concerned. Getting the word out about Hyde is the priority. What matters is that lots of people read this web site. ... index.html (
I'm not really concerned about Lon Woodbury or his agenda. What's most important to me is that his popular website provides an outlet for people who want to share their opinions about Hyde. Whether or not his site accepts ads doesn't concern me much, as far as this is concerned. Getting the word out about Hyde is the priority. What matters is that lots of people read this web site.
The only "word" allowed on ST is support of programs. People don't post over there much because posts that don't support Lon's agenda are swiftly dealt with (deleted). If you're looking for a one sided view of Hyde, sure ST is your place.
There are only 4 postings ("letters to the editor"). The first one is the only one that appears to really go into much detail re. the Hyde process and whether its applicable to your child and your family. The next three are almost knee-jerk reactions to the first one.
Me again. I should say that the overall impression that one gets from the aforementioned FIRST "letter to the editor" is pretty negative. But I believe these people may have submitted something to ISAC (?somebody help me out on this?), so their word may be more impervious to deletion. I don't think it any coincidence that this first, somewhat negative, letter is followed by three glowing reports in rapid succession. And then nothing 'till the present; two years, is it?
My wife recently told me about a very popular web site that posts responsibly written letters and commentaries about programs and schools for struggling teens. My understanding is that this is one of the most popular web sites out there for people looking into schools for struggling teens.
It turns out that several people have written about their Hyde experiences. I think all of us should consider submitting material to this web site. I gather it gets many "hits." The link is: ... index.html ([/quote]
Hmm... Your language sounds suspiciously like a commercial.
Readers take note: Danger. This site is run by Lon Woodbury, former admissions director for CEDU's Rocky Mountain Academy. Here is a short thread elsewhere on Fornits: (
Although the language in Fornits may be brutal and raw at times, with lots of typos, expletives, and grammatical flaws, Fornits is not beholden to any commercial interests that I know of, and is the best site out there bar none as far as honest information goes.
Sorry folks, to wax so poetically. I really am NOT afiliated with Fornits in any way shape of form. :D[/quote]
I spoke with Lon after he read my report. He seemed like a nice enough guy but frankly I was not impressed with the questions he asked or the depth of his comments about schools like Hyde. In fairness, we only spoke for ten minutes or so; he may have a lot more going for him than I was able to discern.
My wife recently told me about a very popular web site that posts responsibly written letters and commentaries about programs and schools for struggling teens. My understanding is that this is one of the most popular web sites out there for people looking into schools for struggling teens.
It turns out that several people have written about their Hyde experiences. I think all of us should consider submitting material to this web site. I gather it gets many "hits." The link is: ... index.html ([/quote]
Hmm... Your language sounds suspiciously like a commercial.
Readers take note: Danger. This site is run by Lon Woodbury, former admissions director for CEDU's Rocky Mountain Academy. Here is a short thread elsewhere on Fornits: (
Although the language in Fornits may be brutal and raw at times, with lots of typos, expletives, and grammatical flaws, Fornits is not beholden to any commercial interests that I know of, and is the best site out there bar none as far as honest information goes.
Sorry folks, to wax so poetically. I really am NOT afiliated with Fornits in any way shape of form. :D[/quote]
I spoke with Lon after he read my report. He seemed like a nice enough guy but frankly I was not impressed with the questions he asked or the depth of his comments about schools like Hyde. In fairness, we only spoke for ten minutes or so; he may have a lot more going for him than I was able to discern.
Me again. I should say that the overall impression that one gets from the aforementioned FIRST "letter to the editor" is pretty negative. But I believe these people may have submitted something to ISAC (?somebody help me out on this?), so their word may be more impervious to deletion. I don't think it any coincidence that this first, somewhat negative, letter is followed by three glowing reports in rapid succession. And then nothing 'till the present; two years, is it?
Yeah, that's what I see too. I guess I was speaking more about the forums that are on ST.
as a former student of hyde, i can say that it is very important to investigate what the school is about and come to your own conclusion as a parent. equally important is understanding that it is not really possible to understand what it is really like unless you are faculty or student. the website and literature are very reassurring, especially for a parent of a struggling high school student, but the controversies, inadequacies, and incindiary incidents are played down and drowned out by faith in the 'process' and by extension your character. the founder of the school is narsissistic and strubborn, and his ask no questions tough love approach comes out as bullying and lecturing more times than not. but again, this is my openion
i was treated extremely inappropriatly on multiple occasions by faculty, once crossing the line into unprovoked violence coming from a senior faculty. i was called 'bitch' and 'f*cking idiot' during confrontations. the many faults and unprofessionalism amoung the staff is not represented truthfully on the website, so beware.
hyde school sincerly believes that they help families all the time and are committed to doing more of it. i still talk to people who are firm that they owe their lives to hyde. i dont. and most of the people who retain their souls after graduating or getting out dont either and arent bashful about talking about it.
as a former student of hyde, i can say that it is very important to investigate what the school is about and come to your own conclusion as a parent. equally important is understanding that it is not really possible to understand what it is really like unless you are faculty or student. the website and literature are very reassurring, especially for a parent of a struggling high school student, but the controversies, inadequacies, and incindiary incidents are played down and drowned out by faith in the 'process' and by extension your character. the founder of the school is narsissistic and strubborn, and his ask no questions tough love approach comes out as bullying and lecturing more times than not. but again, this is my openion
i was treated extremely inappropriatly on multiple occasions by faculty, once crossing the line into unprovoked violence coming from a senior faculty. i was called 'bitch' and 'f*cking idiot' during confrontations. the many faults and unprofessionalism amoung the staff is not represented truthfully on the website, so beware.
hyde school sincerly believes that they help families all the time and are committed to doing more of it. i still talk to people who are firm that they owe their lives to hyde. i dont. and most of the people who retain their souls after graduating or getting out dont either and arent bashful about talking about it.
You seem like a new poster. I thank you for giving us your honest opinion. It is always good to hear from students who went to Hyde. Would love to see more students posting.
Can you give us some specifics of the negative and positive things you observed while at Hyde? What is your opinion about Hyde stating that 98% off all graduates are accepted to college?
as a former student of hyde, i can say that it is very important to investigate what the school is about and come to your own conclusion as a parent. equally important is understanding that it is not really possible to understand what it is really like unless you are faculty or student. the website and literature are very reassurring, especially for a parent of a struggling high school student, but the controversies, inadequacies, and incindiary incidents are played down and drowned out by faith in the 'process' and by extension your character. the founder of the school is narsissistic and strubborn, and his ask no questions tough love approach comes out as bullying and lecturing more times than not. but again, this is my openion
i was treated extremely inappropriatly on multiple occasions by faculty, once crossing the line into unprovoked violence coming from a senior faculty. i was called 'bitch' and 'f*cking idiot' during confrontations. the many faults and unprofessionalism amoung the staff is not represented truthfully on the website, so beware.
hyde school sincerly believes that they help families all the time and are committed to doing more of it. i still talk to people who are firm that they owe their lives to hyde. i dont. and most of the people who retain their souls after graduating or getting out dont either and arent bashful about talking about it.
Although I am very sorry to hear about your experiences, I am very glad to see your comments here. You help to affirm my own Hyde experience. I too heard Hyde staff curse at students in incredibly inappropriate ways. I also agree that Hyde's materials (see their web site and print materials) are phenomenally slick and are designed to suck in very vulnerable parents of very vulnerable kids. It's hard for me to believe the stark contrast between Hyde's slick website and the real Hyde that I know and experienced first hand. It reminds me of the slickest Madison Avenue techniques used to try to save a lousy, dying product. It's fiction.
Sure, some people credit Hyde for "saving" their lives. That's fine, and I wish them well. But for every one of those families I'm willing to bet their are DOZENS who felt abused, mistreated, exploited and deeply damaged by Hyde. I've talked to dozens of parents myself who feel exactly that way.
Thanks for adding your clear voice.
Sure, some people credit Hyde for "saving" their lives. That's fine, and I wish them well. But for every one of those families I'm willing to bet their are DOZENS who felt abused, mistreated, exploited and deeply damaged by Hyde. I've talked to dozens of parents myself who feel exactly that way.
Thanks for adding your clear voice.[/quote]
So, who's willing to have their story appear in print?
I was never "abused" while there. One male teacher would call me in for meetings and want to talk about really inappropriate things . was 15 or 17 at the time and oblivious. Only later did I realize he was testing the waters for a Senator Foley experience. I am sure he was expanding more than just the "character" of some of my classmates. I was not a behavior problem but a recluse . So for me the place was more of a scary ordeal, than a directly abusive experience like some of my peers had.
My warning to parents would be that if you have a kid who needs to be corralled and taught respect and self control it is a viable option. But for the undermotivated or unassertive kid who needs motivation and self assurance it is stifiling. Examples: If I did well on a test , I was told that I was selfish because I did well and did not help the others. When I scored my first goal ever in a lacrosse game coach Malcom Gauld said to me "I don't know how that ball went in, it was a really slow shot, i think the golie did not see it. " Not an uplifting experience for me, but some kids need to be smacked down and reigned in..please don't critique my spelling, I went to Hyde.
If I did well on a test , I was told that I was selfish because I did well and did not help the others.
Oh, do I hear that ever so well!! Same thing here. You could find NOTHING to be proud about like you would in a regular school.
I think that I had things to be proud of, and at times was coached and mentored well. But, I was not challenged academicaly, they would scoff at the mention of academic excellence or achievement. But for some reason they felt it important and educational to push me to sing and dance like some sort of Kansas City queer in this traveling show that promoted the school and it's education program. I still every once in a while think of Joe Gauld singing that "searching for buried treasure" song and bust out in a disbelieving did that really happen to me?. was I really a part of that?
We would cancil classes for days to weeks so we could have intensive rehersals of the "show" . I was also told what sports to play which irked me and dispite being unassertive I eventually wore them out and was "allowed".. to play soccer and lacrosse for my last year there. I went on to play Div III lacrosse and thus have played and coached both since with ardor and zeal. I kind of regret things like that because I lost time developing skills, Writing skills, public speaking skills, team building skills, Stick skills, language learning years, soccer skills development ect, All so that Joe could sing his silly song to the disbelievers. No spelling comments I went to Hyde
I think that I had things to be proud of, and at times was coached and mentored well. But, I was not challenged academicaly, they would scoff at the mention of academic excellence or achievement. But for some reason they felt it important and educational to push me to sing and dance like some sort of Kansas City queer in this traveling show that promoted the school and it's education program. I still every once in a while think of Joe Gauld singing that "searching for buried treasure" song and bust out in a disbelieving did that really happen to me?. was I really a part of that?
We would cancil classes for days to weeks so we could have intensive rehersals of the "show" . I was also told what sports to play which irked me and dispite being unassertive I eventually wore them out and was "allowed".. to play soccer and lacrosse for my last year there. I went on to play Div III lacrosse and thus have played and coached both since with ardor and zeal. I kind of regret things like that because I lost time developing skills, Writing skills, public speaking skills, team building skills, Stick skills, language learning years, soccer skills development ect, All so that Joe could sing his silly song to the disbelievers. No spelling comments I went to Hyde
Very witty post! Rings especially with me since I'm a composer! (
I think that I had things to be proud of, and at times was coached and mentored well. But, I was not challenged academicaly, they would scoff at the mention of academic excellence or achievement. But for some reason they felt it important and educational to push me to sing and dance like some sort of Kansas City queer in this traveling show that promoted the school and it's education program. I still every once in a while think of Joe Gauld singing that "searching for buried treasure" song and bust out in a disbelieving did that really happen to me?. was I really a part of that?
We would cancil classes for days to weeks so we could have intensive rehersals of the "show" . I was also told what sports to play which irked me and dispite being unassertive I eventually wore them out and was "allowed".. to play soccer and lacrosse for my last year there. I went on to play Div III lacrosse and thus have played and coached both since with ardor and zeal. I kind of regret things like that because I lost time developing skills, Writing skills, public speaking skills, team building skills, Stick skills, language learning years, soccer skills development ect, All so that Joe could sing his silly song to the disbelievers. No spelling comments I went to Hyde
What years were you with America's Spittle? I thought it was queer the way Joe loved to perform.
I left there in 82. Don't get me wrong, I don't know for sure If I am sucessful and happy because of the place or inspite of it. I do remember not likeing it, and feeling trapped. I wanted out of theat weird place. But when my mom brought this up a in a regional parent meeting, it was reported by a school rep back to the mother ship and I was confronted. I had dared to wonder if the school was right for me. A character flaw in need of reparation. I was a shy kid, young for my years, and all of 14 . I toed the line and tried to fit in. Later they tried the same thing with my little sister and she called them on it, and she did not give up, as was her custom. My mother capitulated pronto as daughter-mom communication lines are wireless broadband in comparison to the mom-son pony express.
I left there in 82. Don't get me wrong, I don't know for sure If I am sucessful and happy because of the place or inspite of it. I do remember not likeing it, and feeling trapped. I wanted out of theat weird place. But when my mom brought this up a in a regional parent meeting, it was reported by a school rep back to the mother ship and I was confronted. I had dared to wonder if the school was right for me. A character flaw in need of reparation. I was a shy kid, young for my years, and all of 14 . I toed the line and tried to fit in. Later they tried the same thing with my little sister and she called them on it, and she did not give up, as was her custom. My mother capitulated pronto as daughter-mom communication lines are wireless broadband in comparison to the mom-son pony express.
I have the same question as to what Hyde did or did not do for me. Here is the Hyde rule: If you turned out good it is because you when to hyde. If you turned out bad it is because you are not living up to your unique potential. If you have a lot of money it does not matter just send a donation.
I'm afraid an economic hammer is the only way to wield some clout around there. Perhaps if places such as the William H. Donner Foundation stopped giving them money and their insurance company upped premiums (due their utter lack of action on issues they get sued over), they might deign to lend an ear.
Any way to know who their insurance company is or how to contact the companies that donate to them?
I imagine that Hyde's annual report lists major donors.
OK, so here's what you do if you're serious: you write a piece of about 7,500 words that points out in a clear and fair manner the things about the Hyde School that are disturbing to so many people who have passed through the institution. To be effective this piece MUST include quotes from individuals- both students and their parents- who have had negative experiences with Hyde; hiding behind a cloak of anonymity is fine on sites like this, but it won't cut it at the next level. You build up a case that is difficult to dismiss.
You also compose this piece so that it will also be read by educational consultants, newspaper and magazine editors, and producers at media outlets.
The ultimate result, hopefully, would not be that the Hyde School collapse, but rather that under duress it is forced to face up to the damaging behavior that has blemished its performance, and become a better place. At least, that would be my hope.
Gary: I am so thrilled to hear that you want to gather people's stories about Hyde and disseminate them to educational consultants, parents, etc. There's no doubt in my mind that the general public needs to know what goes on at Hyde; for much too long Hyde has been able to hide (pun intended) outside the glare of media attention and public scrutiny. That's beginning to change, in part because of this web site and, now perhaps, efforts like yours.
I'm willing to acknowledge that some people have positive Hyde experiences. However, many (and I mean MANY) do not. The public has the right to know both. It's about time Hyde's own propaganda is balanced with true, unembellished, accurate stories about Hyde's history of abuses, maltreatment, lawsuits, and so on. People need the full story, not just Hyde's self-serving story.
Thanks for taking this on. Good luck.
Gary, is there something that us anons could do to help you? E.g., research, proofreading, et al...? I am in awe of your courage!
Thank you, but I'm fine- although pointing out typos is always appreciated! Actually, you mention editing and that's an interesting point. I rarely get edited when I submit an article, largely because I hit word counts accurately and shave fat off my writing pretty well.
However, when I wrote THE JEKYLL SIDE OF HYDE I did not attempt to cut, even where the piece would have been made tighter by doing so. I had to get something off my chest.
Now, if we write a 5-6,000 word piece about the experiences- good and bad- that folks have had at Hyde, with the intention of helping them by performing an act of Brother's Keeper by placing Truth Above Harmony, some have wondered if doing so would place them in legal jeopardy.
Here's a thought: John Williams, the attorney we used in our case, also successfully represented another family in their suit against Hyde. He's a well respected lawyer with expertise in the protection of first amendment rights.
Why not have everyone interested in the legal issue kick in $100 to put him on retainer? If there are 50 such families, that would yield 5 grand, which Mr. Williams would put in an escrow account, to be used only if necessary, returned in full if not.
Again, the idea behind writing such an article would not be to disparage Hyde, say anything untruthful about them, or induce anyone considering the school from sending a child there. We would simply let people tell their stories in a candid fashion. Hopefully, the folks at Hyde would participate in this storytelling journey.
Thank you, but I'm fine- although pointing out typos is always appreciated! Actually, you mention editing and that's an interesting point. I rarely get edited when I submit an article, largely because I hit word counts accurately and shave fat off my writing pretty well.
However, when I wrote THE JEKYLL SIDE OF HYDE I did not attempt to cut, even where the piece would have been made tighter by doing so. I had to get something off my chest.
Now, if we write a 5-6,000 word piece about the experiences- good and bad- that folks have had at Hyde, with the intention of helping them by performing an act of Brother's Keeper by placing Truth Above Harmony, some have wondered if doing so would place them in legal jeopardy.
Here's a thought: John Williams, the attorney we used in our case, also successfully represented another family in their suit against Hyde. He's a well respected lawyer with expertise in the protection of first amendment rights.
Why not have everyone interested in the legal issue kick in $100 to put him on retainer? If there are 50 such families, that would yield 5 grand, which Mr. Williams would put in an escrow account, to be used only if necessary, returned in full if not.
Again, the idea behind writing such an article would not be to disparage Hyde, say anything untruthful about them, or induce anyone considering the school from sending a child there. We would simply let people tell their stories in a candid fashion. Hopefully, the folks at Hyde would participate in this storytelling journey.
Gary, I don't think it is necessary to put your attorney on retainer. All that one would have to do is make a phone call to him or another one to ask if there would be any legal ramifications of writing a true and accurate story. I don't see how you could have a problem legally when there are writers who make a living off of writing stories about the rich and famous that are very disparaging.
Don't you have anything better to d?. Why don't you build a house in New Orleans or go serve food in a soup kitchen. I think this is so self serving; you've finally found a small group of people who "kinda" beleive what you're saying and you milking it for all it's worth. Maybe if everyone chipped in $100, you could use it to do some real good.
Don't you have anything better to d?. Why don't you build a house in New Orleans or go serve food in a soup kitchen. I think this is so self serving; you've finally found a small group of people who "kinda" beleive what you're saying and you milking it for all it's worth. Maybe if everyone chipped in $100, you could use it to do some real good.
Sheesh; Thanks for your suggestions. You seem to have positive feelings about Hyde. That's good! Would you be interested in being interviewed for the piece I plan on writing? Without a fair and balanced perspective there would be no point in the exercise. Again, thanks for your thoughts on how I might be of service to others.
Don't you have anything better to d?. Why don't you build a house in New Orleans or go serve food in a soup kitchen. I think this is so self serving; you've finally found a small group of people who "kinda" beleive what you're saying and you milking it for all it's worth. Maybe if everyone chipped in $100, you could use it to do some real good.
You have aroused the ire of the Hyde list watcher. Watch out
Gary, I don't think it is necessary to put your attorney on retainer. All that one would have to do is make a phone call to him or another one to ask if there would be any legal ramifications of writing a true and accurate story. I don't see how you could have a problem legally when there are writers who make a living off of writing stories about the rich and famous that are very disparaging.
I, for one, still remain unconvinced that there may not be legal ramifications since I filled a lawsuit against Hyde in the past, and settled. I settled against my better judgement, and certainly against my psche, but so be it. It certainly did not resolve what happened to me there.
Gary, I don't think it is necessary to put your attorney on retainer. All that one would have to do is make a phone call to him or another one to ask if there would be any legal ramifications of writing a true and accurate story. I don't see how you could have a problem legally when there are writers who make a living off of writing stories about the rich and famous that are very disparaging.
I, for one, still remain unconvinced that there may not be legal ramifications since I filled a lawsuit against Hyde in the past, and settled. I settled against my better judgement, and certainly against my psche, but so be it. It certainly did not resolve what happened to me there.
I'm not worried about myself--- however, I won't be writing only as a journalist, but as a former participant. The document I signed with Hyde protects my right of free speech. Interesting possibility:
background data from those who settled with Hyde but are not comfortable having their stories made public.
Don't you have anything better to d?. Why don't you build a house in New Orleans or go serve food in a soup kitchen. I think this is so self serving; you've finally found a small group of people who "kinda" beleive what you're saying and you milking it for all it's worth. Maybe if everyone chipped in $100, you could use it to do some real good.
Could you please tell us a bit about yourself? Are you a current or former student? Somehow, you don't strike me as a parent.
Did you enjoy a positive experience at Hyde? Great! What's the best thing about the school? How has the education you received impacted your life? Did you internalize the values that Hyde espouses, and have they become an integral part of your pattern of behavior? Do you believe that people have an obligation to point out the weaknesses they see in the Hyde process? Or do you feel that doing so is just an attack on the school?
In short- who are you?
Don't you have anything better to d?. Why don't you build a house in New Orleans or go serve food in a soup kitchen. I think this is so self serving; you've finally found a small group of people who "kinda" beleive what you're saying and you milking it for all it's worth. Maybe if everyone chipped in $100, you could use it to do some real good.
I must take issue with this. If anything, Gary is merely trying to help out in response to the recently increased volume here. Apparently a thankless job, at least vis-a-vie your input, and yes, I am sure that he has "better" things to do, which makes his assistance in this all the more appreciated (at least by this particular poster, yours truly),[/b]
I must take issue with this. If anything, Gary is merely trying to help out in response to the recently increased volume here. Apparently a thankless job, at least vis-a-vie your input, and yes, I am sure that he has "better" things to do, which makes his assistance in this all the more appreciated (at least by this particular poster, yours truly),
Fortunately, I work out of my home and never stop checking my e-mail! For the record, when I'm not making a record (big session tomorrow!), playing tennis or working out, reading, writing about politics, being with my wife and kids or making money, I have taken my experience as the parent of a kid who had some issues and put it to the service of families in crises in my community. I have also been invited by the NJ penal system to enter the prison community in order to talk with (listen, mostly, I think) inmates.
Sheesh, I'm doing the best I can! Thanks for pointing out that there's always more good work to be done.
Don't you have anything better to d?. Why don't you build a house in New Orleans or go serve food in a soup kitchen. I think this is so self serving; you've finally found a small group of people who "kinda" beleive what you're saying and you milking it for all it's worth. Maybe if everyone chipped in $100, you could use it to do some real good.
It seems to me that what Gary is proposing is EXACTLY what needs to be done and is enormously valuable. For you to suggest that this is a waste of time is remarkably reminiscent of the arrogant, dismissive, and judgmental attitudes and behavior I encountered during my time at Hyde. Your assumption that this isn't a worthwhile project is so similar to the unhelpful, self-righteous rhetoric I grew to resent at Hyde.
Now that I'm out of Hyde I know for a fact that too often what happens at the school is harmful. There's no question in my mind that people thinking about Hyde need to know these details from people who spent time at Hyde. I applaud Gary's offer and intentions; his efforts to help people look at Hyde, from every angle, with their eyes wide open is very important. We're talking about people's lives here. If people read all of this and decide they want Hyde, then fine. However, I know for a fact that many people have read these posts and have decided to avoid Hyde. Having access to this information is critical. To suggest that this is trivial and inconsequential is the height of arrogance (a quality I encountered much too often at Hyde, despite the school's claim to embrace humility).
Don't you have anything better to d?. Why don't you build a house in New Orleans or go serve food in a soup kitchen. I think this is so self serving; you've finally found a small group of people who "kinda" beleive what you're saying and you milking it for all it's worth. Maybe if everyone chipped in $100, you could use it to do some real good.
Ok, it seems clear that "Sheesh" will most likely not respond to the posts subsequent to his/hers. Note the obvious rhetorical device:
Sheesh puts the colloquial contraction "kinda" in quotes to give the impression that he's quoting other submissions. He/she/it also tries to diminish those with whom my comments might resonate by calling them "a small group." But noone used the folksy "kinda," and the idea that I'm "milking it for all it's worth" is totally unsubstantiated- and he has no reasonable basis for making a judgment on the number of people who might agree- or disagree for that matter- with me. Let's give this guy a break and disregard his inability to parse the English language or spell with any degree of competency.
Sheesh, a bit of advice: if you aspire to move up the chain and challenge the next level of competition you need to hone your rhetorical chops!
Couldn't have said it better myself, Gary (although I wouldn't have been so nice!). :D
Couldn't have said it better myself, Gary (although I wouldn't have been so nice!). :D
Thank you... it's one thing for people who fear reprisals to take the cloak of anonymity, but guys like Sheesh are simply cowards.
Anyone with the most basic rhetorical skills could slice and dice this chump without yawning.
You mean I don't need my dentures? :D
Couldn't have said it better myself, Gary (although I wouldn't have been so nice!). :D
Thank you... it's one thing for people who fear reprisals to take the cloak of anonymity, but guys like Sheesh are simply cowards.
Anyone with the most basic rhetorical skills could slice and dice this chump without yawning.
Yeah! Come on Hyde. Is that the best you can do? Show some game. Gary is kicking you rhetorical asses. He called you leader, what was it? Old and feeble?
Couldn't have said it better myself, Gary (although I wouldn't have been so nice!). :D
Thank you... it's one thing for people who fear reprisals to take the cloak of anonymity, but guys like Sheesh are simply cowards.
Anyone with the most basic rhetorical skills could slice and dice this chump without yawning.
Yeah! Come on Hyde. Is that the best you can do? Show some game. Gary is kicking you rhetorical asses. He called you leader, what was it? Old and feeble?
Hi all you posters. I am a former Hyde parent. My husband and I had dinner tonight with a former Hyde student. Ironically she brought up the name Larry Dubinsky the former staff member and present friend of the leaders of Hyde. It is my understanding that he was fired from the school for sexual harassment. He is also the husband of Donna Dubinsky who is presently employeed at Hyde School. He lives in a home provided by Hyde up the street from the Woodstock campus.
This former student told us of a couple of incidences that happened to her while at Hyde. She commented that she doesn't understand how Hyde has been able to get away with this for so long.
She told us the story about how when several students were put on "2-4" (a punishment) Larry Dubinsky as the head of Deans area required them as punishment to go clean the attic at his house. While up in the attic she said there was a lone chair and surrounding this chair was piles and piles of pornographic magazines. The kids were in shock that pornographic magazines would be his home not only because he was a staff member of Hyde, but also the fact that he was a husband and a father of young children.
After the kids got done doing the cleaning of his house he then told the girls to go jump in the pool with their clothes on. The girls were wearing t-shirts and according to her it was normal behavior for Larry to want to see what would happen when one gets wet in a t-shirt. I don't quite understand why kids who were being punished would then be invited to jump in a pool as a reward???
The other story this girl told us was about having to carry items from Larry's house back to campus. Donna Dubinsky was driving the van and between the boxes and the kids there was very little room to sit in this van. Larry requested in front of his wife that this girl sit on his lap. Hmmmm.....
This same girl told us how much Hyde damaged her and how she wasted the important years of her life by being at Hyde. She said that although her Mother was hoping Hyde would help her self esteem, Hyde accomplished bringing her down more although at the present time she is doing very well IN SPITE of Hyde.
I encourage more students to come to this site and tell their stories whether positive or negative.
HOW on earth can she possibly stay married to this cretin? HOW? HOW? And THESE people dare pass judgement on us? He probably had those girls clean up his attic deliberately, wonder what THEY had to scrub off the floor!? I'm sure he couldn't WAIT to ponder THAT one later on!
Seriously folks, these people are low class, atavistic BUFFOONS! Oh, there is some HIGHLY developed character HERE! What a piece of work. Makes me just want to gag! ::puke::
Couldn't have said it better myself, Gary (although I wouldn't have been so nice!). :D
Thank you... it's one thing for people who fear reprisals to take the cloak of anonymity, but guys like Sheesh are simply cowards.
Anyone with the most basic rhetorical skills could slice and dice this chump without yawning.
Yeah! Come on Hyde. Is that the best you can do? Show some game. Gary is kicking you rhetorical asses. He called you leader, what was it? Old and feeble?
Hi all you posters. I am a former Hyde parent. My husband and I had dinner tonight with a former Hyde student. Ironically she brought up the name Larry Dubinsky the former staff member and present friend of the leaders of Hyde. It is my understanding that he was fired from the school for sexual harassment. He is also the husband of Donna Dubinsky who is presently employeed at Hyde School. He lives in a home provided by Hyde up the street from the Woodstock campus.
This former student told us of a couple of incidences that happened to her while at Hyde. She commented that she doesn't understand how Hyde has been able to get away with this for so long.
She told us the story about how when several students were put on "2-4" (a punishment) Larry Dubinsky as the head of Deans area required them as punishment to go clean the attic at his house. While up in the attic she said there was a lone chair and surrounding this chair was piles and piles of pornographic magazines. The kids were in shock that pornographic magazines would be his home not only because he was a staff member of Hyde, but also the fact that he was a husband and a father of young children.
After the kids got done doing the cleaning of his house he then told the girls to go jump in the pool with their clothes on. The girls were wearing t-shirts and according to her it was normal behavior for Larry to want to see what would happen when one gets wet in a t-shirt. I don't quite understand why kids who were being punished would then be invited to jump in a pool as a reward???
The other story this girl told us was about having to carry items from Larry's house back to campus. Donna Dubinsky was driving the van and between the boxes and the kids there was very little room to sit in this van. Larry requested in front of his wife that this girl sit on his lap. Hmmmm.....
This same girl told us how much Hyde damaged her and how she wasted the important years of her life by being at Hyde. She said that although her Mother was hoping Hyde would help her self esteem, Hyde accomplished bringing her down more although at the present time she is doing very well IN SPITE of Hyde.
I encourage more students to come to this site and tell their stories whether positive or negative.
I don't know Larry D., but if this tale is reported accurately, this is horrendous behavior.
One might also question whether it was appropriate for a Hyde staff member to ask a student to clean his personal attic. In my opinion, that's a form of exploitation -- not that I'm surprised that a Hyde staff member would stoop to such unprofessional tactics. Doesn't that sort of mistreatment violate some of Hyde's touted values and principles? Might that mean that Hyde is hypocritical? Hmmm . . .
The Hyde nightmare continues . . .
My point is that what has happened at Hyde, especially in Woodstock, has a lot to do with the "Tri-State" elitist attitude.
These parents, a lot like Gary, expected service with a smile and when they didn't get it, would either blow out of the program or push the envelope so far that they disrupted the flow of daily activities.
It isn't happening anymore...Laura Gauld dumped the trash...faculty, staff, families that didn't understand what was going on there and has created the old community that made Hyde famous. Famous enough to be featured on National Television and in national publications.
Hyde is not perfect and never will be, there will always be disgruntled customers, just like in any business. The basic philosophy of character development and unique potential is a proven winner. And if Gary and Jerri weren't hucked out by McCrann on that fateful day, he'd be an active alumni parent helping out his NJ region....Isn't that right GE?
So I guess you guys can use this place to complain and try to gain momentum to put Hyde out of business...But I truly believe that there's a place for Hyde School. It really does help more than it hurts.
My point is that what has happened at Hyde, especially in Woodstock, has a lot to do with the "Tri-State" elitist attitude.
These parents, a lot like Gary, expected service with a smile and when they didn't get it, would either blow out of the program or push the envelope so far that they disrupted the flow of daily activities.
It isn't happening anymore...Laura Gauld dumped the trash...faculty, staff, families that didn't understand what was going on there and has created the old community that made Hyde famous. Famous enough to be featured on National Television and in national publications.
Hyde is not perfect and never will be, there will always be disgruntled customers, just like in any business. The basic philosophy of character development and unique potential is a proven winner. And if Gary and Jerri weren't hucked out by McCrann on that fateful day, he'd be an active alumni parent helping out his NJ region....Isn't that right GE?
So I guess you guys can use this place to complain and try to gain momentum to put Hyde out of business...But I truly believe that there's a place for Hyde School. It really does help more than it hurts.
First of all, Sheesh deserves credit for taking a reasonable tone and presenting his/her arguments in a more thoughtful manner. I respect that.
As my paper reveals, I, like Sheesh, find much to admire in the dedication to developing healthy kids that so many of the staff evince on a daily basis. Without a doubt, my experience there helped me more than it hurt, and I never said otherwise.
This was, however, in part due to the fact that I never allowed myself to be railroaded. Nor did I take my feelings and stuff them in order to fly under the radar, as so my parents- and students- do to get by.
The reason I think a balanced article should be written and widely disseminated is not to destroy the Hyde School, Sheesh. The question is this: do you believe that holding people accountable for bad behaviors helps their character development? Do you believe it takes courage to speak truth- especially to people in power- and that those who do so should be commended and not belittled? If so, why did you take such a sarcastic and rhetorically charged tone in your initial posting?
Many people go through Hyde who have low esteem issues, who are confused, who are uncertain about the paths they are on. From what I have seen personally at the school, and from the numerous posts on this site and elsewhere, scores of them emerge from Hyde more damaged than they were upon entry. Their story- along with those from people like you who are grateful for the time they spent at Hyde- must be told, both to hold the staff's feet to the fire, that they may grow- and to ensure that incoming families have an accurate understanding of Hyde.
Again, I respect your changed tone- it makes true dialogue possible.
My point is that what has happened at Hyde, especially in Woodstock, has a lot to do with the "Tri-State" elitist attitude.
These parents, a lot like Gary, expected service with a smile and when they didn't get it, would either blow out of the program or push the envelope so far that they disrupted the flow of daily activities.
It isn't happening anymore...Laura Gauld dumped the trash...faculty, staff, families that didn't understand what was going on there and has created the old community that made Hyde famous. Famous enough to be featured on National Television and in national publications.
Hyde is not perfect and never will be, there will always be disgruntled customers, just like in any business. The basic philosophy of character development and unique potential is a proven winner. And if Gary and Jerri weren't hucked out by McCrann on that fateful day, he'd be an active alumni parent helping out his NJ region....Isn't that right GE?
So I guess you guys can use this place to complain and try to gain momentum to put Hyde out of business...But I truly believe that there's a place for Hyde School. It really does help more than it hurts.
First of all, Sheesh deserves credit for taking a reasonable tone and presenting his/her arguments in a more thoughtful manner. I respect that.
As my paper reveals, I, like Sheesh, find much to admire in the dedication to developing healthy kids that so many of the staff evince on a daily basis. Without a doubt, my experience there helped me more than it hurt, and I never said otherwise.
This was, however, in part due to the fact that I never allowed myself to be railroaded. Nor did I take my feelings and stuff them in order to fly under the radar, as so my parents- and students- do to get by.
The reason I think a balanced article should be written and widely disseminated is not to destroy the Hyde School, Sheesh. The question is this: do you believe that holding people accountable for bad behaviors helps their character development? Do you believe it takes courage to speak truth- especially to people in power- and that those who do so should be commended and not belittled? If so, why did you take such a sarcastic and rhetorically charged tone in your initial posting?
Many people go through Hyde who have low esteem issues, who are confused, who are uncertain about the paths they are on. From what I have seen personally at the school, and from the numerous posts on this site and elsewhere, scores of them emerge from Hyde more damaged than they were upon entry. Their story- along with those from people like you who are grateful for the time they spent at Hyde- must be told, both to hold the staff's feet to the fire, that they may grow- and to ensure that incoming families have an accurate understanding of Hyde.
Again, I respect your changed tone- it makes true dialogue possible.
My point is that what has happened at Hyde, especially in Woodstock, has a lot to do with the "Tri-State" elitist attitude.
These parents, a lot like Gary, expected service with a smile and when they didn't get it, would either blow out of the program or push the envelope so far that they disrupted the flow of daily activities.
It isn't happening anymore...Laura Gauld dumped the trash...faculty, staff, families that didn't understand what was going on there and has created the old community that made Hyde famous. Famous enough to be featured on National Television and in national publications.
Hyde is not perfect and never will be, there will always be disgruntled customers, just like in any business. The basic philosophy of character development and unique potential is a proven winner. And if Gary and Jerri weren't hucked out by McCrann on that fateful day, he'd be an active alumni parent helping out his NJ region....Isn't that right GE?
So I guess you guys can use this place to complain and try to gain momentum to put Hyde out of business...But I truly believe that there's a place for Hyde School. It really does help more than it hurts.
Go Hyde Go Hyde Go Hyde
[quote[Laura Gauld dumped the trash...faculty, staff, families that didn't understand what was going on there and has created the old community that made Hyde famous.[/quote]
Of course I do not have the whole story, but this sounds an awful lot like the purges of old. It would appear to be a lot healthier for one's body if one approached one's diet sensibly in the first place, rather than having to resort to bulemia.
And since when is being treated with the common deceny afforded any human being such an outrageous expectation? I don't believe that Hyde developes TRUE character; rather, they foster a rigid toeing of their bylines. They do not like, nor do they foster, independent thought. Moreover, the phrase "unique potential" becomes oxymoronic in their hands.
There are an infinite number of pathways to any given point. Certainly there are some that you would't want to take on moral grounds alone. And common sense would dictate that a much smaller number than infinite could be considered reasonably feasible for the human psyche to undertake in an ordinary lifetime. But this is still far many more than ONE. Hyde does not respect people's differences, and yes, their uniqueness, if you will. Their rigid intolerance for any approach to life other than one espousing their dictums is STIFLING to the human spirit. To my mind, it is a stance antithetic to life itself.
For me, for my own life experience, Hyde has harmed me far more than it has helped. I am hard pressed, actually, to imagine how it could possibly have helped me in any regard other than perhaps sports, which is hardly reason enough to have attended.[/b][/quote]
[quote[Laura Gauld dumped the trash...faculty, staff, families that didn't understand what was going on there and has created the old community that made Hyde famous.
Of course I do not have the whole story, but this sounds an awful lot like the purges of old. It would appear to be a lot healthier for one's body if one approached one's diet sensibly in the first place, rather than having to resort to bulemia.
And since when is being treated with the common deceny afforded any human being such an outrageous expectation? I don't believe that Hyde developes TRUE character; rather, they foster a rigid toeing of their bylines. They do not like, nor do they foster, independent thought. Moreover, the phrase "unique potential" becomes oxymoronic in their hands.
There are an infinite number of pathways to any given point. Certainly there are some that you would't want to take on moral grounds alone. And common sense would dictate that a much smaller number than infinite could be considered reasonably feasible for the human psyche to undertake in an ordinary lifetime. But this is still far many more than ONE. Hyde does not respect people's differences, and yes, their uniqueness, if you will. Their rigid intolerance for any approach to life other than one espousing their dictums is STIFLING to the human spirit. To my mind, it is a stance antithetic to life itself.
For me, for my own life experience, Hyde has harmed me far more than it has helped. I am hard pressed, actually, to imagine how it could possibly have helped me in any regard other than perhaps sports, which is hardly reason enough to have attended.[/b][/quote][/quote]
Anon has shot the single leg take down on sheesh and he is struggling on the mat (just like he used too). I does not look good for Hyde. Perhaps Sheesh can tag team?
I didn't wrestle, but I'm sure if I did, I wouldn't be struggling!
I'm not sure you even went to Hyde, Sheesh. Your comments have betrayed very little insight and even less information. Your "take on Hyde" could have been scraped together from anywhere.
HOW on earth can she possibly stay married to this cretin? HOW? HOW? And THESE people dare pass judgement on us? He probably had those girls clean up his attic deliberately, wonder what THEY had to scrub off the floor!? I'm sure he couldn't WAIT to ponder THAT one later on!
Seriously folks, these people are low class, atavistic BUFFOONS! Oh, there is some HIGHLY developed character HERE! What a piece of work. Makes me just want to gag! ::puke::
I am the one who posted about having dinner with the former student. I was happy to see on another post that she came to this board and posted something herself. Would love to hear some more stories from her or other students of Hyde. I think it is important to hear of others experiences. I have heard from more than a few students how they gave up on trying to get the people at Hyde to listen to their thoughts and warnings about some of what was going on. No one would listen to them. Must have been very sad and frustrating for these kids. I feel their pain.
I am the one who posted about having dinner with the former student. I was happy to see on another post that she came to this board and posted something herself. Would love to hear some more stories from her or other students of Hyde. I think it is important to hear of others experiences. I have heard from more than a few students how they gave up on trying to get the people at Hyde to listen to their thoughts and warnings about some of what was going on. No one would listen to them. Must have been very sad and frustrating for these kids. I feel their pain.
Would you be willing to be interviewed for an article on Hyde? Also... to anyone who had a completely positive experience at Hyde, a question: are you interested in sharing your thoughts with the public as part of this story?
If so, please send me an e mail with your contact information.
Gary Eskow
I didn't wrestle, but I'm sure if I did, I wouldn't be struggling!
Sheesh-- you're far more effective when you're not trying to be clever. Be yourself, and don't try to eviscerate other posters. Not only is it in bad taste, but- if you don't mind me saying- you tend to get confused. For example, anyone who has ever wrestled- even the best in the world- knows that struggle is part of the endeavour.
Suggesting that you wouldn't have to struggle if you had ever stepped on the mat only- excuse me if this sounds harsh- makes you sound dumb.
[quote[Laura Gauld dumped the trash...faculty, staff, families that didn't understand what was going on there and has created the old community that made Hyde famous.
Of course I do not have the whole story, but this sounds an awful lot like the purges of old. It would appear to be a lot healthier for one's body if one approached one's diet sensibly in the first place, rather than having to resort to bulemia.
And since when is being treated with the common deceny afforded any human being such an outrageous expectation? I don't believe that Hyde developes TRUE character; rather, they foster a rigid toeing of their bylines. They do not like, nor do they foster, independent thought. Moreover, the phrase "unique potential" becomes oxymoronic in their hands.
There are an infinite number of pathways to any given point. Certainly there are some that you would't want to take on moral grounds alone. And common sense would dictate that a much smaller number than infinite could be considered reasonably feasible for the human psyche to undertake in an ordinary lifetime. But this is still far many more than ONE. Hyde does not respect people's differences, and yes, their uniqueness, if you will. Their rigid intolerance for any approach to life other than one espousing their dictums is STIFLING to the human spirit. To my mind, it is a stance antithetic to life itself.
For me, for my own life experience, Hyde has harmed me far more than it has helped. I am hard pressed, actually, to imagine how it could possibly have helped me in any regard other than perhaps sports, which is hardly reason enough to have attended.[/b][/quote][/quote]
Like you, I found Hyde far more harmful than helpful. When I think back on my years there I feel enraged at the unnecessary cruelty I witnessed and experienced. Now that I have been away from Hyde for awhile and have seen much more of the world, my Hyde experience has taken on new meaning. It's so much clearer to me now. I am astonished at how immature and pathetic many Hyde staff were when I was there. I now see that many of the staff had difficulties in their own lives and probably would have had a hard time building a life outside of Hyde. Some of the few good staff I knew didn't stay at Hyde for very long, and now I understand why. My guess is that they figured out what a sick place that school is.
I feel sick to my stomach when I remember how some of the staff tormented students who clearly had major mental problems. I know of staff who cursed at these kids. And these were supposed to be our role models.
So, I ask again... which of you- those who had great experiences at Hyde and those who did not- are interested in being interviewed?
So, I ask again... which of you- those who had great experiences at Hyde and those who did not- are interested in being interviewed?
Hey this is great. IT would be like Joe's book except Joe would not get to pick the stories. They could be stories that would challenge Hyde to reach deep, to find it's unique potential.
My point is that what has happened at Hyde, especially in Woodstock, has a lot to do with the "Tri-State" elitist attitude.
These parents, a lot like Gary, expected service with a smile and when they didn't get it, would either blow out of the program or push the envelope so far that they disrupted the flow of daily activities.
It isn't happening anymore...Laura Gauld dumped the trash...faculty, staff, families that didn't understand what was going on there and has created the old community that made Hyde famous. Famous enough to be featured on National Television and in national publications.
Hyde is not perfect and never will be, there will always be disgruntled customers, just like in any business. The basic philosophy of character development and unique potential is a proven winner. And if Gary and Jerri weren't hucked out by McCrann on that fateful day, he'd be an active alumni parent helping out his NJ region....Isn't that right GE?
So I guess you guys can use this place to complain and try to gain momentum to put Hyde out of business...But I truly believe that there's a place for Hyde School. It really does help more than it hurts.
You definitely have been drinking too much koolaide. Who ever said anything about "service with a smile." How about just one staff member with a psychology degree or someone on staff who has some type of social services degree or is in the profession?
Laura dumped the trash??? Did the Dubinsky's move out of their house paid for by Hyde? Are the "old guard" still around including Joe? If so she sure didn't do a good job of "dumping the trash." At least this is my opinion even if some of you don't agree. If she truly dumped the trash, that whole family would be out of there along with the rest of the Cult members
Hear Here!!
So, I ask again... which of you- those who had great experiences at Hyde and those who did not- are interested in being interviewed?
Hey this is great. IT would be like Joe's book except Joe would not get to pick the stories. They could be stories that would challenge Hyde to reach deep, to find it's unique potential.
That's actually a big part of the story. One thought I have is to let people hold onto their anonymity by telling their stories through the use of pseudonyms.
Old Hyde Student 1973
I have been lurking on this site for some time now trying to get a feeling for what has been occurring at The Hyde School since I attended from the summer of 1971 through graduation 1973 (High School Diploma, not Hyde School Diploma). I have been struggling with my feelings about the school. I have been trying to conjure up my past, taking into account that all of my experiences there were not negative. I have come to the conclusion that the years have changed but the place is still as poisonous as ever.
It was my decision to attend The Hyde School mostly to get away from a smothering situation at home. I was your typical academic underachiever, labeled by the public school as having above average intelligence but extremely immature and lazy. I was getting into more and more trouble at the public school for minor infractions, such as smoking cigarettes and not handing in homework. Up until that time I had not done any illegal drugs and had only a few experiences with alcohol. I wanted a fresh start away from the labels I had been given at the public school. I did have many non-academic interests including piloting small aircraft, playing guitar formal lessons, camping, hiking, and fishing. Not much into organized sports and not a joiner.
My experience with The Hyde School started in the summer of 1971, I had a really great time during that summer doing what I liked to do hiking, camping, rowing dory?s etc.. During that summer there were your typical Hyde ?Busts & Purges?, runaways and challenges to ones abilities, trying to expand beyond ones comfort zone. In short, learning the ?Hyde Way?, not a bad thing. I decided to return for the regular session fall of 1972.
My first year at the school I don?t recall to much conflict between myself and the ?Hyde Way?, I don?t think I was flying under the radar, some may disagree, I was just trying to achieve what I needed to do and then move on with my life. Trying to learn what I thought were some good fundamental ways to live life. Of course ?Seminar? was something that I and no one looked forward to but I was never abruptly confronted or asked to reveal anything I didn?t feel comfortable with. I viewed Joe Gauld as someone who had my best interests at heart and someone I could confide in. As we all learned ?Joe? did have his own way of dealing with student issues but I felt at the time that if you have two hundred children with different levels of problems and parents who never dealt with the problems then his sometimes abrupt ways were understandable.
I returned for my senior year in the fall 1973, more responsibility, and more expectations. This is the year I witnessed things and experienced things that made me question the methods of the Hyde School and I believe negatively impacted on my life. I had witnessed questionable forms of punishment my first year but at that time I dismissed it as a process that I did not fully yet understand and felt it was probably necessary for the ultimate benefit of the recipient.
As I gained more experience with the ?Hyde Method? I began to see these forms of punishment as sadistic and having no merit in the development of a student. I personally witnessed and participated in the approved shaving of student?s heads. Students being forced to wear dog collars and lead around campus on a leash. The ?Cool Hand Luke? method to get a students ?Mind Right? of repeatedly digging and filling in of ones own grave until exhaustion and submission was ultimately achieved. Endless work crews, sleep depravation until students broke down in gasping tears. I saw little improvement by the students that these punishments were inflicted upon, in fact most ended up leaving the school and if there was an improvement it wasn?t a real ?break through? in the students development it was only a pavlovian response so as not to repeat the horror.
The abuse was not limited to the student body. There were two incidents involving teachers that to this day I can?t believe were not only allowed but encouraged. One involved a teacher by the name of Larry Prey who was a real nice guy, very supportive of me but kind of quirky which left him wide open for criticism. He was forced to stand in front of the entire student body and reveal his very private and personal marital transgressions with another women enduring the judgments and ridicule of two hundred savage teenagers. Another involved the crucifixion of a teacher by the name of Mr. French whose only transgression was that he didn?t fit the definition of what we felt was the hip young teacher. He was forced to stand in front of the student body and receive his brutal punishment of unfettered ridicule. To this day I sometimes lay awake at night and shudder at the thought of those teachers faces as these incidents took place.
The incident that scarred me, still haunts me today and that I kept buried for many years involved a younger student and friend. This student who trusted me, was accused of stealing money and would not admit to his supposed guilt. I was given total control of this student to break him and ultimately obtain a confession of guilt. I was seventeen years old, immature for my years with no experience in dealing with this kind of issue. I was given no counseling as to how to proceed, no methodologies, no boundaries of conduct were given. He was forbidden to attend any classes, sports activities or have any contact with other students. He was not to leave my sight. My only instructions were to break him. His head was shaven and a dog collar and leash applied. I must apologize I was given two methodologies one was to force him to sleep next to me on a hard cold wooden floor with no bedding of any kind clothed only his underwear. The other was if he protested he was to receive a cold shower. I can?t remember all of the sanctioned brutality that was inflicted upon this student but it was intensive and complete. I remember once when he was given a cold shower that the water was so frigid that his lips turned blue I became afraid and told him he could get out and warm up. My mind was in total conflict I couldn?t continue this anymore, but I also believed that he needed to confess in order to be ?Saved?. I finally told Joe Gauld that this was of no use he was not going to confess and that I could not continue with this. The student left the school and went home. For many years after leaving the Hyde school myself, I would wake up at night in a cold sweat, having dreamed about what I did and the harm I must have caused to this then child.
As the end of my senior year approach we had what I remember as some sort of review of our progress to determine if graduation with a ?Hyde Degree? was to be obtained that year. I was told that I had not made significant progress because the ?Big? senior history paper I had written and required by Ed Legg for graduation was of poor quality and not up to college standards. Interestingly enough I don?t remember any classes being given that addressed the proper way to write a term paper. I was also told that I had not confronted enough of my personal issues to graduate with a ?Hyde Degree? and that they recommended that I return for another year. Well I told them that I didn?t agree and would not be returning for another year at a school that I felt had deteriorated into some sort of gulag. I also remember having the distinct feeling that they liked my father?s money a little too much. So off I went into the world with an expensive standard High School Degree and some knowledge of how to live my life based on the Hyde School Principals.
Well my life became a nightmare, insomnia, constant bad dreams of my experiences at the school, inability to cope in social situations, lack of focus, deep feelings of guilt. I succumbed to alcohol and drug abuse, I self medicated to hide these feelings and ultimately flunked out of college after only one semester. My life became a misery for an entire decade, I cannot blame all of it on The Hyde School, some of it was my own immaturity but I later learned that the blinding binges of drugs and alcohol were deffiently related to what I had witnessed and participated in at the school.
My life did turn out to be good and worth living I straightened out my substance abuse problems not needing any Rehabilitation Center, I just decided enough was enough and stopped. I met the girl of my dreams have been married for over twenty years, have a wonderful son, a good job and am looking forward to the rest of my life. Funny thing is I don?t attribute much of the good part of my life to The Hyde School, I probably just needed to forgive myself, come to terms with who I am, deal with my short comings, grow up and get on with it, which was my intension from the very beginning of this long strange trip called life.
Old Hyde Student 1973
I have been lurking on this site for some time now trying to get a feeling for what has been occurring at The Hyde School since I attended from the summer of 1971 through graduation 1973 (High School Diploma, not Hyde School Diploma). I have been struggling with my feelings about the school. I have been trying to conjure up my past, taking into account that all of my experiences there were not negative. I have come to the conclusion that the years have changed but the place is still as poisonous as ever.
It was my decision to attend The Hyde School mostly to get away from a smothering situation at home. I was your typical academic underachiever, labeled by the public school as having above average intelligence but extremely immature and lazy. I was getting into more and more trouble at the public school for minor infractions, such as smoking cigarettes and not handing in homework. Up until that time I had not done any illegal drugs and had only a few experiences with alcohol. I wanted a fresh start away from the labels I had been given at the public school. I did have many non-academic interests including piloting small aircraft, playing guitar formal lessons, camping, hiking, and fishing. Not much into organized sports and not a joiner.
My experience with The Hyde School started in the summer of 1971, I had a really great time during that summer doing what I liked to do hiking, camping, rowing dory?s etc.. During that summer there were your typical Hyde ?Busts & Purges?, runaways and challenges to ones abilities, trying to expand beyond ones comfort zone. In short, learning the ?Hyde Way?, not a bad thing. I decided to return for the regular session fall of 1972.
My first year at the school I don?t recall to much conflict between myself and the ?Hyde Way?, I don?t think I was flying under the radar, some may disagree, I was just trying to achieve what I needed to do and then move on with my life. Trying to learn what I thought were some good fundamental ways to live life. Of course ?Seminar? was something that I and no one looked forward to but I was never abruptly confronted or asked to reveal anything I didn?t feel comfortable with. I viewed Joe Gauld as someone who had my best interests at heart and someone I could confide in. As we all learned ?Joe? did have his own way of dealing with student issues but I felt at the time that if you have two hundred children with different levels of problems and parents who never dealt with the problems then his sometimes abrupt ways were understandable.
I returned for my senior year in the fall 1973, more responsibility, and more expectations. This is the year I witnessed things and experienced things that made me question the methods of the Hyde School and I believe negatively impacted on my life. I had witnessed questionable forms of punishment my first year but at that time I dismissed it as a process that I did not fully yet understand and felt it was probably necessary for the ultimate benefit of the recipient.
As I gained more experience with the ?Hyde Method? I began to see these forms of punishment as sadistic and having no merit in the development of a student. I personally witnessed and participated in the approved shaving of student?s heads. Students being forced to wear dog collars and lead around campus on a leash. The ?Cool Hand Luke? method to get a students ?Mind Right? of repeatedly digging and filling in of ones own grave until exhaustion and submission was ultimately achieved. Endless work crews, sleep depravation until students broke down in gasping tears. I saw little improvement by the students that these punishments were inflicted upon, in fact most ended up leaving the school and if there was an improvement it wasn?t a real ?break through? in the students development it was only a pavlovian response so as not to repeat the horror.
The abuse was not limited to the student body. There were two incidents involving teachers that to this day I can?t believe were not only allowed but encouraged. One involved a teacher by the name of Larry Prey who was a real nice guy, very supportive of me but kind of quirky which left him wide open for criticism. He was forced to stand in front of the entire student body and reveal his very private and personal marital transgressions with another women enduring the judgments and ridicule of two hundred savage teenagers. Another involved the crucifixion of a teacher by the name of Mr. French whose only transgression was that he didn?t fit the definition of what we felt was the hip young teacher. He was forced to stand in front of the student body and receive his brutal punishment of unfettered ridicule. To this day I sometimes lay awake at night and shudder at the thought of those teachers faces as these incidents took place.
The incident that scarred me, still haunts me today and that I kept buried for many years involved a younger student and friend. This student who trusted me, was accused of stealing money and would not admit to his supposed guilt. I was given total control of this student to break him and ultimately obtain a confession of guilt. I was seventeen years old, immature for my years with no experience in dealing with this kind of issue. I was given no counseling as to how to proceed, no methodologies, no boundaries of conduct were given. He was forbidden to attend any classes, sports activities or have any contact with other students. He was not to leave my sight. My only instructions were to break him. His head was shaven and a dog collar and leash applied. I must apologize I was given two methodologies one was to force him to sleep next to me on a hard cold wooden floor with no bedding of any kind clothed only his underwear. The other was if he protested he was to receive a cold shower. I can?t remember all of the sanctioned brutality that was inflicted upon this student but it was intensive and complete. I remember once when he was given a cold shower that the water was so frigid that his lips turned blue I became afraid and told him he could get out and warm up. My mind was in total conflict I couldn?t continue this anymore, but I also believed that he needed to confess in order to be ?Saved?. I finally told Joe Gauld that this was of no use he was not going to confess and that I could not continue with this. The student left the school and went home. For many years after leaving the Hyde school myself, I would wake up at night in a cold sweat, having dreamed about what I did and the harm I must have caused to this then child.
As the end of my senior year approach we had what I remember as some sort of review of our progress to determine if graduation with a ?Hyde Degree? was to be obtained that year. I was told that I had not made significant progress because the ?Big? senior history paper I had written and required by Ed Legg for graduation was of poor quality and not up to college standards. Interestingly enough I don?t remember any classes being given that addressed the proper way to write a term paper. I was also told that I had not confronted enough of my personal issues to graduate with a ?Hyde Degree? and that they recommended that I return for another year. Well I told them that I didn?t agree and would not be returning for another year at a school that I felt had deteriorated into some sort of gulag. I also remember having the distinct feeling that they liked my father?s money a little too much. So off I went into the world with an expensive standard High School Degree and some knowledge of how to live my life based on the Hyde School Principals.
Well my life became a nightmare, insomnia, constant bad dreams of my experiences at the school, inability to cope in social situations, lack of focus, deep feelings of guilt. I succumbed to alcohol and drug abuse, I self medicated to hide these feelings and ultimately flunked out of college after only one semester. My life became a misery for an entire decade, I cannot blame all of it on The Hyde School, some of it was my own immaturity but I later learned that the blinding binges of drugs and alcohol were deffiently related to what I had witnessed and participated in at the school.
My life did turn out to be good and worth living I straightened out my substance abuse problems not needing any Rehabilitation Center, I just decided enough was enough and stopped. I met the girl of my dreams have been married for over twenty years, have a wonderful son, a good job and am looking forward to the rest of my life. Funny thing is I don?t attribute much of the good part of my life to The Hyde School, I probably just needed to forgive myself, come to terms with who I am, deal with my short comings, grow up and get on with it, which was my intension from the very beginning of this long strange trip called life.
Old Hyde Student 1973
I have been lurking on this site for some time now trying to get a feeling for what has been occurring at The Hyde School since I attended from the summer of 1971 through graduation 1973 (High School Diploma, not Hyde School Diploma). I have been struggling with my feelings about the school. I have been trying to conjure up my past, taking into account that all of my experiences there were not negative. I have come to the conclusion that the years have changed but the place is still as poisonous as ever.
It was my decision to attend The Hyde School mostly to get away from a smothering situation at home. I was your typical academic underachiever, labeled by the public school as having above average intelligence but extremely immature and lazy. I was getting into more and more trouble at the public school for minor infractions, such as smoking cigarettes and not handing in homework. Up until that time I had not done any illegal drugs and had only a few experiences with alcohol. I wanted a fresh start away from the labels I had been given at the public school. I did have many non-academic interests including piloting small aircraft, playing guitar formal lessons, camping, hiking, and fishing. Not much into organized sports and not a joiner.
My experience with The Hyde School started in the summer of 1971, I had a really great time during that summer doing what I liked to do hiking, camping, rowing dory?s etc.. During that summer there were your typical Hyde ?Busts & Purges?, runaways and challenges to ones abilities, trying to expand beyond ones comfort zone. In short, learning the ?Hyde Way?, not a bad thing. I decided to return for the regular session fall of 1972.
My first year at the school I don?t recall to much conflict between myself and the ?Hyde Way?, I don?t think I was flying under the radar, some may disagree, I was just trying to achieve what I needed to do and then move on with my life. Trying to learn what I thought were some good fundamental ways to live life. Of course ?Seminar? was something that I and no one looked forward to but I was never abruptly confronted or asked to reveal anything I didn?t feel comfortable with. I viewed Joe Gauld as someone who had my best interests at heart and someone I could confide in. As we all learned ?Joe? did have his own way of dealing with student issues but I felt at the time that if you have two hundred children with different levels of problems and parents who never dealt with the problems then his sometimes abrupt ways were understandable.
I returned for my senior year in the fall 1973, more responsibility, and more expectations. This is the year I witnessed things and experienced things that made me question the methods of the Hyde School and I believe negatively impacted on my life. I had witnessed questionable forms of punishment my first year but at that time I dismissed it as a process that I did not fully yet understand and felt it was probably necessary for the ultimate benefit of the recipient.
As I gained more experience with the ?Hyde Method? I began to see these forms of punishment as sadistic and having no merit in the development of a student. I personally witnessed and participated in the approved shaving of student?s heads. Students being forced to wear dog collars and lead around campus on a leash. The ?Cool Hand Luke? method to get a students ?Mind Right? of repeatedly digging and filling in of ones own grave until exhaustion and submission was ultimately achieved. Endless work crews, sleep depravation until students broke down in gasping tears. I saw little improvement by the students that these punishments were inflicted upon, in fact most ended up leaving the school and if there was an improvement it wasn?t a real ?break through? in the students development it was only a pavlovian response so as not to repeat the horror.
The abuse was not limited to the student body. There were two incidents involving teachers that to this day I can?t believe were not only allowed but encouraged. One involved a teacher by the name of Larry Prey who was a real nice guy, very supportive of me but kind of quirky which left him wide open for criticism. He was forced to stand in front of the entire student body and reveal his very private and personal marital transgressions with another women enduring the judgments and ridicule of two hundred savage teenagers. Another involved the crucifixion of a teacher by the name of Mr. French whose only transgression was that he didn?t fit the definition of what we felt was the hip young teacher. He was forced to stand in front of the student body and receive his brutal punishment of unfettered ridicule. To this day I sometimes lay awake at night and shudder at the thought of those teachers faces as these incidents took place.
The incident that scarred me, still haunts me today and that I kept buried for many years involved a younger student and friend. This student who trusted me, was accused of stealing money and would not admit to his supposed guilt. I was given total control of this student to break him and ultimately obtain a confession of guilt. I was seventeen years old, immature for my years with no experience in dealing with this kind of issue. I was given no counseling as to how to proceed, no methodologies, no boundaries of conduct were given. He was forbidden to attend any classes, sports activities or have any contact with other students. He was not to leave my sight. My only instructions were to break him. His head was shaven and a dog collar and leash applied. I must apologize I was given two methodologies one was to force him to sleep next to me on a hard cold wooden floor with no bedding of any kind clothed only his underwear. The other was if he protested he was to receive a cold shower. I can?t remember all of the sanctioned brutality that was inflicted upon this student but it was intensive and complete. I remember once when he was given a cold shower that the water was so frigid that his lips turned blue I became afraid and told him he could get out and warm up. My mind was in total conflict I couldn?t continue this anymore, but I also believed that he needed to confess in order to be ?Saved?. I finally told Joe Gauld that this was of no use he was not going to confess and that I could not continue with this. The student left the school and went home. For many years after leaving the Hyde school myself, I would wake up at night in a cold sweat, having dreamed about what I did and the harm I must have caused to this then child.
As the end of my senior year approach we had what I remember as some sort of review of our progress to determine if graduation with a ?Hyde Degree? was to be obtained that year. I was told that I had not made significant progress because the ?Big? senior history paper I had written and required by Ed Legg for graduation was of poor quality and not up to college standards. Interestingly enough I don?t remember any classes being given that addressed the proper way to write a term paper. I was also told that I had not confronted enough of my personal issues to graduate with a ?Hyde Degree? and that they recommended that I return for another year. Well I told them that I didn?t agree and would not be returning for another year at a school that I felt had deteriorated into some sort of gulag. I also remember having the distinct feeling that they liked my father?s money a little too much. So off I went into the world with an expensive standard High School Degree and some knowledge of how to live my life based on the Hyde School Principals.
Well my life became a nightmare, insomnia, constant bad dreams of my experiences at the school, inability to cope in social situations, lack of focus, deep feelings of guilt. I succumbed to alcohol and drug abuse, I self medicated to hide these feelings and ultimately flunked out of college after only one semester. My life became a misery for an entire decade, I cannot blame all of it on The Hyde School, some of it was my own immaturity but I later learned that the blinding binges of drugs and alcohol were deffiently related to what I had witnessed and participated in at the school.
My life did turn out to be good and worth living I straightened out my substance abuse problems not needing any Rehabilitation Center, I just decided enough was enough and stopped. I met the girl of my dreams have been married for over twenty years, have a wonderful son, a good job and am looking forward to the rest of my life. Funny thing is I don?t attribute much of the good part of my life to The Hyde School, I probably just needed to forgive myself, come to terms with who I am, deal with my short comings, grow up and get on with it, which was my intension from the very beginning of this long strange trip called life.
Old Hyde Student 1973
I have been lurking on this site for some time now trying to get a feeling for what has been occurring at The Hyde School since I attended from the summer of 1971 through graduation 1973 (High School Diploma, not Hyde School Diploma). I have been struggling with my feelings about the school. I have been trying to conjure up my past, taking into account that all of my experiences there were not negative. I have come to the conclusion that the years have changed but the place is still as poisonous as ever.
It was my decision to attend The Hyde School mostly to get away from a smothering situation at home. I was your typical academic underachiever, labeled by the public school as having above average intelligence but extremely immature and lazy. I was getting into more and more trouble at the public school for minor infractions, such as smoking cigarettes and not handing in homework. Up until that time I had not done any illegal drugs and had only a few experiences with alcohol. I wanted a fresh start away from the labels I had been given at the public school. I did have many non-academic interests including piloting small aircraft, playing guitar formal lessons, camping, hiking, and fishing. Not much into organized sports and not a joiner.
My experience with The Hyde School started in the summer of 1971, I had a really great time during that summer doing what I liked to do hiking, camping, rowing dory?s etc.. During that summer there were your typical Hyde ?Busts & Purges?, runaways and challenges to ones abilities, trying to expand beyond ones comfort zone. In short, learning the ?Hyde Way?, not a bad thing. I decided to return for the regular session fall of 1972.
My first year at the school I don?t recall to much conflict between myself and the ?Hyde Way?, I don?t think I was flying under the radar, some may disagree, I was just trying to achieve what I needed to do and then move on with my life. Trying to learn what I thought were some good fundamental ways to live life. Of course ?Seminar? was something that I and no one looked forward to but I was never abruptly confronted or asked to reveal anything I didn?t feel comfortable with. I viewed Joe Gauld as someone who had my best interests at heart and someone I could confide in. As we all learned ?Joe? did have his own way of dealing with student issues but I felt at the time that if you have two hundred children with different levels of problems and parents who never dealt with the problems then his sometimes abrupt ways were understandable.
I returned for my senior year in the fall 1973, more responsibility, and more expectations. This is the year I witnessed things and experienced things that made me question the methods of the Hyde School and I believe negatively impacted on my life. I had witnessed questionable forms of punishment my first year but at that time I dismissed it as a process that I did not fully yet understand and felt it was probably necessary for the ultimate benefit of the recipient.
As I gained more experience with the ?Hyde Method? I began to see these forms of punishment as sadistic and having no merit in the development of a student. I personally witnessed and participated in the approved shaving of student?s heads. Students being forced to wear dog collars and lead around campus on a leash. The ?Cool Hand Luke? method to get a students ?Mind Right? of repeatedly digging and filling in of ones own grave until exhaustion and submission was ultimately achieved. Endless work crews, sleep depravation until students broke down in gasping tears. I saw little improvement by the students that these punishments were inflicted upon, in fact most ended up leaving the school and if there was an improvement it wasn?t a real ?break through? in the students development it was only a pavlovian response so as not to repeat the horror.
The abuse was not limited to the student body. There were two incidents involving teachers that to this day I can?t believe were not only allowed but encouraged. One involved a teacher by the name of Larry Prey who was a real nice guy, very supportive of me but kind of quirky which left him wide open for criticism. He was forced to stand in front of the entire student body and reveal his very private and personal marital transgressions with another women enduring the judgments and ridicule of two hundred savage teenagers. Another involved the crucifixion of a teacher by the name of Mr. French whose only transgression was that he didn?t fit the definition of what we felt was the hip young teacher. He was forced to stand in front of the student body and receive his brutal punishment of unfettered ridicule. To this day I sometimes lay awake at night and shudder at the thought of those teachers faces as these incidents took place.
The incident that scarred me, still haunts me today and that I kept buried for many years involved a younger student and friend. This student who trusted me, was accused of stealing money and would not admit to his supposed guilt. I was given total control of this student to break him and ultimately obtain a confession of guilt. I was seventeen years old, immature for my years with no experience in dealing with this kind of issue. I was given no counseling as to how to proceed, no methodologies, no boundaries of conduct were given. He was forbidden to attend any classes, sports activities or have any contact with other students. He was not to leave my sight. My only instructions were to break him. His head was shaven and a dog collar and leash applied. I must apologize I was given two methodologies one was to force him to sleep next to me on a hard cold wooden floor with no bedding of any kind clothed only his underwear. The other was if he protested he was to receive a cold shower. I can?t remember all of the sanctioned brutality that was inflicted upon this student but it was intensive and complete. I remember once when he was given a cold shower that the water was so frigid that his lips turned blue I became afraid and told him he could get out and warm up. My mind was in total conflict I couldn?t continue this anymore, but I also believed that he needed to confess in order to be ?Saved?. I finally told Joe Gauld that this was of no use he was not going to confess and that I could not continue with this. The student left the school and went home. For many years after leaving the Hyde school myself, I would wake up at night in a cold sweat, having dreamed about what I did and the harm I must have caused to this then child.
As the end of my senior year approach we had what I remember as some sort of review of our progress to determine if graduation with a ?Hyde Degree? was to be obtained that year. I was told that I had not made significant progress because the ?Big? senior history paper I had written and required by Ed Legg for graduation was of poor quality and not up to college standards. Interestingly enough I don?t remember any classes being given that addressed the proper way to write a term paper. I was also told that I had not confronted enough of my personal issues to graduate with a ?Hyde Degree? and that they recommended that I return for another year. Well I told them that I didn?t agree and would not be returning for another year at a school that I felt had deteriorated into some sort of gulag. I also remember having the distinct feeling that they liked my father?s money a little too much. So off I went into the world with an expensive standard High School Degree and some knowledge of how to live my life based on the Hyde School Principals.
Well my life became a nightmare, insomnia, constant bad dreams of my experiences at the school, inability to cope in social situations, lack of focus, deep feelings of guilt. I succumbed to alcohol and drug abuse, I self medicated to hide these feelings and ultimately flunked out of college after only one semester. My life became a misery for an entire decade, I cannot blame all of it on The Hyde School, some of it was my own immaturity but I later learned that the blinding binges of drugs and alcohol were deffiently related to what I had witnessed and participated in at the school.
My life did turn out to be good and worth living I straightened out my substance abuse problems not needing any Rehabilitation Center, I just decided enough was enough and stopped. I met the girl of my dreams have been married for over twenty years, have a wonderful son, a good job and am looking forward to the rest of my life. Funny thing is I don?t attribute much of the good part of my life to The Hyde School, I probably just needed to forgive myself, come to terms with who I am, deal with my short comings, grow up and get on with it, which was my intension from the very beginning of this long strange trip called life.
Your personal story is very poignant. Thank you for sharing it. It pains me to read about the humiliation and emotional torture you endured more than 30 years ago at Hyde. It amazes me that adults could treat minors in such an abusive fashion.
What is especially sad, even tragic, is that the arrogance you describe from the 1970s endures even today. Some of the specific Hyde tactics have change (no dog leash, shaved head, sleeping on a hard floor, etc., for example), but Joe Gauld's haughty, self-righteous arrogance persists. It's phenomenal that more than 30 years later some of the same nonsense continues with equally tragic results. As several people here have noted, it's reassuring that finally people are finding out about Hyde as a result of the internet. That's very good news.
How did you find out about this web site?
Old Hyde Student 1973
I have been lurking on this site for some time now trying to get a feeling for what has been occurring at The Hyde School since I attended from the summer of 1971 through graduation 1973 (High School Diploma, not Hyde School Diploma). I have been struggling with my feelings about the school. I have been trying to conjure up my past, taking into account that all of my experiences there were not negative. I have come to the conclusion that the years have changed but the place is still as poisonous as ever.
It was my decision to attend The Hyde School mostly to get away from a smothering situation at home. I was your typical academic underachiever, labeled by the public school as having above average intelligence but extremely immature and lazy. I was getting into more and more trouble at the public school for minor infractions, such as smoking cigarettes and not handing in homework. Up until that time I had not done any illegal drugs and had only a few experiences with alcohol. I wanted a fresh start away from the labels I had been given at the public school. I did have many non-academic interests including piloting small aircraft, playing guitar formal lessons, camping, hiking, and fishing. Not much into organized sports and not a joiner.
My experience with The Hyde School started in the summer of 1971, I had a really great time during that summer doing what I liked to do hiking, camping, rowing dory?s etc.. During that summer there were your typical Hyde ?Busts & Purges?, runaways and challenges to ones abilities, trying to expand beyond ones comfort zone. In short, learning the ?Hyde Way?, not a bad thing. I decided to return for the regular session fall of 1972.
My first year at the school I don?t recall to much conflict between myself and the ?Hyde Way?, I don?t think I was flying under the radar, some may disagree, I was just trying to achieve what I needed to do and then move on with my life. Trying to learn what I thought were some good fundamental ways to live life. Of course ?Seminar? was something that I and no one looked forward to but I was never abruptly confronted or asked to reveal anything I didn?t feel comfortable with. I viewed Joe Gauld as someone who had my best interests at heart and someone I could confide in. As we all learned ?Joe? did have his own way of dealing with student issues but I felt at the time that if you have two hundred children with different levels of problems and parents who never dealt with the problems then his sometimes abrupt ways were understandable.
I returned for my senior year in the fall 1973, more responsibility, and more expectations. This is the year I witnessed things and experienced things that made me question the methods of the Hyde School and I believe negatively impacted on my life. I had witnessed questionable forms of punishment my first year but at that time I dismissed it as a process that I did not fully yet understand and felt it was probably necessary for the ultimate benefit of the recipient.
As I gained more experience with the ?Hyde Method? I began to see these forms of punishment as sadistic and having no merit in the development of a student. I personally witnessed and participated in the approved shaving of student?s heads. Students being forced to wear dog collars and lead around campus on a leash. The ?Cool Hand Luke? method to get a students ?Mind Right? of repeatedly digging and filling in of ones own grave until exhaustion and submission was ultimately achieved. Endless work crews, sleep depravation until students broke down in gasping tears. I saw little improvement by the students that these punishments were inflicted upon, in fact most ended up leaving the school and if there was an improvement it wasn?t a real ?break through? in the students development it was only a pavlovian response so as not to repeat the horror.
The abuse was not limited to the student body. There were two incidents involving teachers that to this day I can?t believe were not only allowed but encouraged. One involved a teacher by the name of Larry Prey who was a real nice guy, very supportive of me but kind of quirky which left him wide open for criticism. He was forced to stand in front of the entire student body and reveal his very private and personal marital transgressions with another women enduring the judgments and ridicule of two hundred savage teenagers. Another involved the crucifixion of a teacher by the name of Mr. French whose only transgression was that he didn?t fit the definition of what we felt was the hip young teacher. He was forced to stand in front of the student body and receive his brutal punishment of unfettered ridicule. To this day I sometimes lay awake at night and shudder at the thought of those teachers faces as these incidents took place.
The incident that scarred me, still haunts me today and that I kept buried for many years involved a younger student and friend. This student who trusted me, was accused of stealing money and would not admit to his supposed guilt. I was given total control of this student to break him and ultimately obtain a confession of guilt. I was seventeen years old, immature for my years with no experience in dealing with this kind of issue. I was given no counseling as to how to proceed, no methodologies, no boundaries of conduct were given. He was forbidden to attend any classes, sports activities or have any contact with other students. He was not to leave my sight. My only instructions were to break him. His head was shaven and a dog collar and leash applied. I must apologize I was given two methodologies one was to force him to sleep next to me on a hard cold wooden floor with no bedding of any kind clothed only his underwear. The other was if he protested he was to receive a cold shower. I can?t remember all of the sanctioned brutality that was inflicted upon this student but it was intensive and complete. I remember once when he was given a cold shower that the water was so frigid that his lips turned blue I became afraid and told him he could get out and warm up. My mind was in total conflict I couldn?t continue this anymore, but I also believed that he needed to confess in order to be ?Saved?. I finally told Joe Gauld that this was of no use he was not going to confess and that I could not continue with this. The student left the school and went home. For many years after leaving the Hyde school myself, I would wake up at night in a cold sweat, having dreamed about what I did and the harm I must have caused to this then child.
As the end of my senior year approach we had what I remember as some sort of review of our progress to determine if graduation with a ?Hyde Degree? was to be obtained that year. I was told that I had not made significant progress because the ?Big? senior history paper I had written and required by Ed Legg for graduation was of poor quality and not up to college standards. Interestingly enough I don?t remember any classes being given that addressed the proper way to write a term paper. I was also told that I had not confronted enough of my personal issues to graduate with a ?Hyde Degree? and that they recommended that I return for another year. Well I told them that I didn?t agree and would not be returning for another year at a school that I felt had deteriorated into some sort of gulag. I also remember having the distinct feeling that they liked my father?s money a little too much. So off I went into the world with an expensive standard High School Degree and some knowledge of how to live my life based on the Hyde School Principals.
Well my life became a nightmare, insomnia, constant bad dreams of my experiences at the school, inability to cope in social situations, lack of focus, deep feelings of guilt. I succumbed to alcohol and drug abuse, I self medicated to hide these feelings and ultimately flunked out of college after only one semester. My life became a misery for an entire decade, I cannot blame all of it on The Hyde School, some of it was my own immaturity but I later learned that the blinding binges of drugs and alcohol were deffiently related to what I had witnessed and participated in at the school.
My life did turn out to be good and worth living I straightened out my substance abuse problems not needing any Rehabilitation Center, I just decided enough was enough and stopped. I met the girl of my dreams have been married for over twenty years, have a wonderful son, a good job and am looking forward to the rest of my life. Funny thing is I don?t attribute much of the good part of my life to The Hyde School, I probably just needed to forgive myself, come to terms with who I am, deal with my short comings, grow up and get on with it, which was my intension from the very beginning of this long strange trip called life.
Your personal story is very poignant. Thank you for sharing it. It pains me to read about the humiliation and emotional torture you endured more than 30 years ago at Hyde. It amazes me that adults could treat minors in such an abusive fashion.
What is especially sad, even tragic, is that the arrogance you describe from the 1970s endures even today. Some of the specific Hyde tactics have change (no dog leash, shaved head, sleeping on a hard floor, etc., for example), but Joe Gauld's haughty, self-righteous arrogance persists. It's phenomenal that more than 30 years later some of the same nonsense continues with equally tragic results. As several people here have noted, it's reassuring that finally people are finding out about Hyde as a result of the internet. That's very good news.
How did you find out about this web site?
Old Hyde Student 1973
I have been lurking on this site for some time now trying to get a feeling for what has been occurring at The Hyde School since I attended from the summer of 1971 through graduation 1973 (High School Diploma, not Hyde School Diploma). I have been struggling with my feelings about the school. I have been trying to conjure up my past, taking into account that all of my experiences there were not negative. I have come to the conclusion that the years have changed but the place is still as poisonous as ever.
It was my decision to attend The Hyde School mostly to get away from a smothering situation at home. I was your typical academic underachiever, labeled by the public school as having above average intelligence but extremely immature and lazy. I was getting into more and more trouble at the public school for minor infractions, such as smoking cigarettes and not handing in homework. Up until that time I had not done any illegal drugs and had only a few experiences with alcohol. I wanted a fresh start away from the labels I had been given at the public school. I did have many non-academic interests including piloting small aircraft, playing guitar formal lessons, camping, hiking, and fishing. Not much into organized sports and not a joiner.
My experience with The Hyde School started in the summer of 1971, I had a really great time during that summer doing what I liked to do hiking, camping, rowing dory?s etc.. During that summer there were your typical Hyde ?Busts & Purges?, runaways and challenges to ones abilities, trying to expand beyond ones comfort zone. In short, learning the ?Hyde Way?, not a bad thing. I decided to return for the regular session fall of 1972.
My first year at the school I don?t recall to much conflict between myself and the ?Hyde Way?, I don?t think I was flying under the radar, some may disagree, I was just trying to achieve what I needed to do and then move on with my life. Trying to learn what I thought were some good fundamental ways to live life. Of course ?Seminar? was something that I and no one looked forward to but I was never abruptly confronted or asked to reveal anything I didn?t feel comfortable with. I viewed Joe Gauld as someone who had my best interests at heart and someone I could confide in. As we all learned ?Joe? did have his own way of dealing with student issues but I felt at the time that if you have two hundred children with different levels of problems and parents who never dealt with the problems then his sometimes abrupt ways were understandable.
I returned for my senior year in the fall 1973, more responsibility, and more expectations. This is the year I witnessed things and experienced things that made me question the methods of the Hyde School and I believe negatively impacted on my life. I had witnessed questionable forms of punishment my first year but at that time I dismissed it as a process that I did not fully yet understand and felt it was probably necessary for the ultimate benefit of the recipient.
As I gained more experience with the ?Hyde Method? I began to see these forms of punishment as sadistic and having no merit in the development of a student. I personally witnessed and participated in the approved shaving of student?s heads. Students being forced to wear dog collars and lead around campus on a leash. The ?Cool Hand Luke? method to get a students ?Mind Right? of repeatedly digging and filling in of ones own grave until exhaustion and submission was ultimately achieved. Endless work crews, sleep depravation until students broke down in gasping tears. I saw little improvement by the students that these punishments were inflicted upon, in fact most ended up leaving the school and if there was an improvement it wasn?t a real ?break through? in the students development it was only a pavlovian response so as not to repeat the horror.
The abuse was not limited to the student body. There were two incidents involving teachers that to this day I can?t believe were not only allowed but encouraged. One involved a teacher by the name of Larry Prey who was a real nice guy, very supportive of me but kind of quirky which left him wide open for criticism. He was forced to stand in front of the entire student body and reveal his very private and personal marital transgressions with another women enduring the judgments and ridicule of two hundred savage teenagers. Another involved the crucifixion of a teacher by the name of Mr. French whose only transgression was that he didn?t fit the definition of what we felt was the hip young teacher. He was forced to stand in front of the student body and receive his brutal punishment of unfettered ridicule. To this day I sometimes lay awake at night and shudder at the thought of those teachers faces as these incidents took place.
The incident that scarred me, still haunts me today and that I kept buried for many years involved a younger student and friend. This student who trusted me, was accused of stealing money and would not admit to his supposed guilt. I was given total control of this student to break him and ultimately obtain a confession of guilt. I was seventeen years old, immature for my years with no experience in dealing with this kind of issue. I was given no counseling as to how to proceed, no methodologies, no boundaries of conduct were given. He was forbidden to attend any classes, sports activities or have any contact with other students. He was not to leave my sight. My only instructions were to break him. His head was shaven and a dog collar and leash applied. I must apologize I was given two methodologies one was to force him to sleep next to me on a hard cold wooden floor with no bedding of any kind clothed only his underwear. The other was if he protested he was to receive a cold shower. I can?t remember all of the sanctioned brutality that was inflicted upon this student but it was intensive and complete. I remember once when he was given a cold shower that the water was so frigid that his lips turned blue I became afraid and told him he could get out and warm up. My mind was in total conflict I couldn?t continue this anymore, but I also believed that he needed to confess in order to be ?Saved?. I finally told Joe Gauld that this was of no use he was not going to confess and that I could not continue with this. The student left the school and went home. For many years after leaving the Hyde school myself, I would wake up at night in a cold sweat, having dreamed about what I did and the harm I must have caused to this then child.
As the end of my senior year approach we had what I remember as some sort of review of our progress to determine if graduation with a ?Hyde Degree? was to be obtained that year. I was told that I had not made significant progress because the ?Big? senior history paper I had written and required by Ed Legg for graduation was of poor quality and not up to college standards. Interestingly enough I don?t remember any classes being given that addressed the proper way to write a term paper. I was also told that I had not confronted enough of my personal issues to graduate with a ?Hyde Degree? and that they recommended that I return for another year. Well I told them that I didn?t agree and would not be returning for another year at a school that I felt had deteriorated into some sort of gulag. I also remember having the distinct feeling that they liked my father?s money a little too much. So off I went into the world with an expensive standard High School Degree and some knowledge of how to live my life based on the Hyde School Principals.
Well my life became a nightmare, insomnia, constant bad dreams of my experiences at the school, inability to cope in social situations, lack of focus, deep feelings of guilt. I succumbed to alcohol and drug abuse, I self medicated to hide these feelings and ultimately flunked out of college after only one semester. My life became a misery for an entire decade, I cannot blame all of it on The Hyde School, some of it was my own immaturity but I later learned that the blinding binges of drugs and alcohol were deffiently related to what I had witnessed and participated in at the school.
My life did turn out to be good and worth living I straightened out my substance abuse problems not needing any Rehabilitation Center, I just decided enough was enough and stopped. I met the girl of my dreams have been married for over twenty years, have a wonderful son, a good job and am looking forward to the rest of my life. Funny thing is I don?t attribute much of the good part of my life to The Hyde School, I probably just needed to forgive myself, come to terms with who I am, deal with my short comings, grow up and get on with it, which was my intension from the very beginning of this long strange trip called life.
Your personal story is very poignant. Thank you for sharing it. It pains me to read about the humiliation and emotional torture you endured more than 30 years ago at Hyde. It amazes me that adults could treat minors in such an abusive fashion.
What is especially sad, even tragic, is that the arrogance you describe from the 1970s endures even today. Some of the specific Hyde tactics have change (no dog leash, shaved head, sleeping on a hard floor, etc., for example), but Joe Gauld's haughty, self-righteous arrogance persists. It's phenomenal that more than 30 years later some of the same nonsense continues with equally tragic results. As several people here have noted, it's reassuring that finally people are finding out about Hyde as a result of the internet. That's very good news.
How did you find out about this web site?
Okay folks, quick interjection here re. the postings: when you hit submit after you've completed your post-a-reply, and your computer hangs, wait a few minutes 'till it unhangs before trying again. We are getting multiple editions of the same posts...
The computer hangs because the messages are huge and probably some server effects are in there as well (God knows I am no expert); but the hanging affects things mostly on the senders end, not on the fornits receiving end.
Thank you for sharing your story, OHS1973. I think I must have been there just after you, if I remember my dates correctly. I too very much enjoyed many aspects of the summer program, and I attribute much of that with the comraderie inherent in all of the outdoor activities. But that summer was not easy for many of my classmates. I was still "under the radar" at the time, but I remember a teenager by the name of Camille, I believe, who had her head practically shaven and was on work crew constructing a new sidewalk for the new Student Union by herself. She was not an especially happy camper! And there were others, whose names escape me at the moment...
The story of Larry Pray is very haunting, and I did not know it, as I came just after. During my time, his wife, Connie, had a child... They were earnest, well-meaning people, and did not stay. An incident during my time similar to LP's involved another faculty member whose last name starts with 'W', perhaps Willworth? He also was subjected to having to stand up in front of school meeting to confess his sins, although I suspect Mr. W was a bit less fragile than LP was...
My life did turn out to be good and worth living I straightened out my substance abuse problems not needing any Rehabilitation Center, I just decided enough was enough and stopped. I met the girl of my dreams have been married for over twenty years, have a wonderful son, a good job and am looking forward to the rest of my life. Funny thing is I don?t attribute much of the good part of my life to The Hyde School, I probably just needed to forgive myself, come to terms with who I am, deal with my short comings, grow up and get on with it, which was my intension from the very beginning of this long strange trip called life.
What a story, so well remembered and told. Would you like it to appear in print, under a pseudonym if necessary?
Old Hyde Student 1973,
I too am a Hyde graduate, broadly defined. For all the guilt you must feel, you did the honorable thing in refusing the diploma. In a topsy-turvy morality like Hyde, where children are turned into Kapos, a Hyde diploma should be deplored. I pity those students who later in life feel compelled to go back for one.
Publicly punishing offenders (for venial faults of one's past, no less) reminds me of the pillory of Puritan times. Shaving a woman's head and having her scrub streets and sidewalks, a punishment I was forced to witness a few years after you, has always reminded me of the famous photos of shaved Viennese Jewish women doing the same during the Holocaust. I am at a loss to conjure up a historical parallel for the dog collar and leash. Freezing showers and forcing one to sleep naked on a hard cold floor are torture, pure and simple. I would very much like to know what diseased imagination introduced these punishments into the Hyde disciplinary regimen. It's criminal. I wouldn't put it past Joe Gauld, but frankly, as I recall these things now from the perspectives of hindsight, my sense of disgust extends to the entire Hyde School leadership, even to those faculty members whom I once held in respect.
Hyde students, speak up! What is that school doing to you today? Have they parleyed physical abuse into less tangible, more discreet forms of emotional abuse? That appears to be the case from what I've read in these posts.
I hope that Gary, in writing up his Hyde report, consults with a professional sociologist who alone could do justice to the theme of Hyde School.
Old Hyde Student 1973,
I too am a Hyde graduate, broadly defined. For all the guilt you must feel, you did the honorable thing in refusing the diploma. In a topsy-turvy morality like Hyde, where children are turned into Kapos, a Hyde diploma should be deplored. I pity those students who later in life feel compelled to go back for one.
Publicly punishing offenders (for venial faults of one's past, no less) reminds me of the pillory of Puritan times. Shaving a woman's head and having her scrub streets and sidewalks, a punishment I was forced to witness a few years after you, has always reminded me of the famous photos of shaved Viennese Jewish women doing the same during the Holocaust. I am at a loss to conjure up a historical parallel for the dog collar and leash. Freezing showers and forcing one to sleep naked on a hard cold floor are torture, pure and simple. I would very much like to know what diseased imagination introduced these punishments into the Hyde disciplinary regimen. It's criminal. I wouldn't put it past Joe Gauld, but frankly, as I recall these things now from the perspectives of hindsight, my sense of disgust extends to the entire Hyde School leadership, even to those faculty members whom I once held in respect.
Hyde students, speak up! What is that school doing to you today? Have they parleyed physical abuse into less tangible, more discreet forms of emotional abuse? That appears to be the case from what I've read in these posts.
I hope that Gary, in writing up his Hyde report, consults with a professional sociologist who alone could do justice to the theme of Hyde School.
Sad, sad, sad. My heart breaks for the poster OHS 1973. I can definitely relate to the feelings of shame you have by being a willing participant. I also feel shame, not as a student, but as a parent. My son went to Hyde in the last 1990's.
I feel shame for many reasons. I too bullied some other parents when they weren't "digging deep enough." Looking back some of these other students/parents clearly needed professional help and instead they got inexperienced fools like myself pushng them to talk about previous pain in their life. Who was I to do this? I have no experience whatsoever but somehow I got caught up in the whole Hyde thing. I cannot be mad at Hyde for this, but instead am upset with myself for being so weak that I allowed Hyde to turn me into one of their "kapo's."
Yes Hyde has changed in that they don't use dog collars or leashes anymore and the kids don't dig ditches as before, but the basics of Hyde are still the same and worse than that, the school faculty remains the same. The same Gaulds, Grants, Hurds, McMillans are all still there and these are the same people who were there in the 70's, so what does this tell you?
Thanks for sharing your story OHS 1973. This is better than seminars at Hyde because there isn't the same abuse involved while trying to get things off your chest. It feels a little better that other feel the same shame that I have been feeling for years. To those who I verbally bullied, I apologize.
I have the same question for a couple of you that someone else asked. I am curious if you found this website on your own by "googling" it or if someone guided you to it.
Old Hyde Student 1973,
I too am a Hyde graduate, broadly defined. For all the guilt you must feel, you did the honorable thing in refusing the diploma. In a topsy-turvy morality like Hyde, where children are turned into Kapos, a Hyde diploma should be deplored. I pity those students who later in life feel compelled to go back for one.
Publicly punishing offenders (for venial faults of one's past, no less) reminds me of the pillory of Puritan times. Shaving a woman's head and having her scrub streets and sidewalks, a punishment I was forced to witness a few years after you, has always reminded me of the famous photos of shaved Viennese Jewish women doing the same during the Holocaust. I am at a loss to conjure up a historical parallel for the dog collar and leash. Freezing showers and forcing one to sleep naked on a hard cold floor are torture, pure and simple. I would very much like to know what diseased imagination introduced these punishments into the Hyde disciplinary regimen. It's criminal. I wouldn't put it past Joe Gauld, but frankly, as I recall these things now from the perspectives of hindsight, my sense of disgust extends to the entire Hyde School leadership, even to those faculty members whom I once held in respect.
Hyde students, speak up! What is that school doing to you today? Have they parleyed physical abuse into less tangible, more discreet forms of emotional abuse? That appears to be the case from what I've read in these posts.
I hope that Gary, in writing up his Hyde report, consults with a professional sociologist who alone could do justice to the theme of Hyde School.
Sad, sad, sad. My heart breaks for the poster OHS 1973. I can definitely relate to the feelings of shame you have by being a willing participant. I also feel shame, not as a student, but as a parent. My son went to Hyde in the last 1990's.
I feel shame for many reasons. I too bullied some other parents when they weren't "digging deep enough." Looking back some of these other students/parents clearly needed professional help and instead they got inexperienced fools like myself pushng them to talk about previous pain in their life. Who was I to do this? I have no experience whatsoever but somehow I got caught up in the whole Hyde thing. I cannot be mad at Hyde for this, but instead am upset with myself for being so weak that I allowed Hyde to turn me into one of their "kapo's."
Yes Hyde has changed in that they don't use dog collars or leashes anymore and the kids don't dig ditches as before, but the basics of Hyde are still the same and worse than that, the school faculty remains the same. The same Gaulds, Grants, Hurds, McMillans are all still there and these are the same people who were there in the 70's, so what does this tell you?
Thanks for sharing your story OHS 1973. This is better than seminars at Hyde because there isn't the same abuse involved while trying to get things off your chest. It feels a little better that other feel the same shame that I have been feeling for years. To those who I verbally bullied, I apologize.
I have the same question for a couple of you that someone else asked. I am curious if you found this website on your own by "googling" it or if someone guided you to it.
I know some of the people that have gone back to get a Hyde diploma. I can understand why they want to do so. It is very difficult to walk out of a place that that dominates your sense of self worth and not be acknowledged. There is a need for resolution or closure.
I was invited to go thru the process. I have elected to decline the offer. My sense is that it would be a diminution of self, in my case, to use Hyde as an external validation source. That is just because of the way I view Hyde at this point. I have come to this point after several impulses to do so.
I have a great deal of repsect for some of the people elect to get the diploma. I was very happy to see Joan G. do so.
Old Hyde Student 1973,
I too am a Hyde graduate, broadly defined. For all the guilt you must feel, you did the honorable thing in refusing the diploma. In a topsy-turvy morality like Hyde, where children are turned into Kapos, a Hyde diploma should be deplored. I pity those students who later in life feel compelled to go back for one.
Publicly punishing offenders (for venial faults of one's past, no less) reminds me of the pillory of Puritan times. Shaving a woman's head and having her scrub streets and sidewalks, a punishment I was forced to witness a few years after you, has always reminded me of the famous photos of shaved Viennese Jewish women doing the same during the Holocaust. I am at a loss to conjure up a historical parallel for the dog collar and leash. Freezing showers and forcing one to sleep naked on a hard cold floor are torture, pure and simple. I would very much like to know what diseased imagination introduced these punishments into the Hyde disciplinary regimen. It's criminal. I wouldn't put it past Joe Gauld, but frankly, as I recall these things now from the perspectives of hindsight, my sense of disgust extends to the entire Hyde School leadership, even to those faculty members whom I once held in respect.
Hyde students, speak up! What is that school doing to you today? Have they parleyed physical abuse into less tangible, more discreet forms of emotional abuse? That appears to be the case from what I've read in these posts.
I hope that Gary, in writing up his Hyde report, consults with a professional sociologist who alone could do justice to the theme of Hyde School.
Sad, sad, sad. My heart breaks for the poster OHS 1973. I can definitely relate to the feelings of shame you have by being a willing participant. I also feel shame, not as a student, but as a parent. My son went to Hyde in the last 1990's.
I feel shame for many reasons. I too bullied some other parents when they weren't "digging deep enough." Looking back some of these other students/parents clearly needed professional help and instead they got inexperienced fools like myself pushng them to talk about previous pain in their life. Who was I to do this? I have no experience whatsoever but somehow I got caught up in the whole Hyde thing. I cannot be mad at Hyde for this, but instead am upset with myself for being so weak that I allowed Hyde to turn me into one of their "kapo's."
Yes Hyde has changed in that they don't use dog collars or leashes anymore and the kids don't dig ditches as before, but the basics of Hyde are still the same and worse than that, the school faculty remains the same. The same Gaulds, Grants, Hurds, McMillans are all still there and these are the same people who were there in the 70's, so what does this tell you?
Thanks for sharing your story OHS 1973. This is better than seminars at Hyde because there isn't the same abuse involved while trying to get things off your chest. It feels a little better that other feel the same shame that I have been feeling for years. To those who I verbally bullied, I apologize.
I have the same question for a couple of you that someone else asked. I am curious if you found this website on your own by "googling" it or if someone guided you to it.
I know some of the people that have gone back to get a Hyde diploma. I can understand why they want to do so. It is very difficult to walk out of a place that that dominates your sense of self worth and not be acknowledged. There is a need for resolution or closure.
I was invited to go thru the process. I have elected to decline the offer. My sense is that it would be a diminution of self, in my case, to use Hyde as an external validation source. That is just because of the way I view Hyde at this point. I have come to this point after several impulses to do so.
I have a great deal of repsect for some of the people elect to get the diploma. I was very happy to see Joan G. do so.
Old Hyde Student 1973,
I too am a Hyde graduate, broadly defined. For all the guilt you must feel, you did the honorable thing in refusing the diploma. In a topsy-turvy morality like Hyde, where children are turned into Kapos, a Hyde diploma should be deplored. I pity those students who later in life feel compelled to go back for one.
Publicly punishing offenders (for venial faults of one's past, no less) reminds me of the pillory of Puritan times. Shaving a woman's head and having her scrub streets and sidewalks, a punishment I was forced to witness a few years after you, has always reminded me of the famous photos of shaved Viennese Jewish women doing the same during the Holocaust. I am at a loss to conjure up a historical parallel for the dog collar and leash. Freezing showers and forcing one to sleep naked on a hard cold floor are torture, pure and simple. I would very much like to know what diseased imagination introduced these punishments into the Hyde disciplinary regimen. It's criminal. I wouldn't put it past Joe Gauld, but frankly, as I recall these things now from the perspectives of hindsight, my sense of disgust extends to the entire Hyde School leadership, even to those faculty members whom I once held in respect.
Hyde students, speak up! What is that school doing to you today? Have they parleyed physical abuse into less tangible, more discreet forms of emotional abuse? That appears to be the case from what I've read in these posts.
I hope that Gary, in writing up his Hyde report, consults with a professional sociologist who alone could do justice to the theme of Hyde School.
Sad, sad, sad. My heart breaks for the poster OHS 1973. I can definitely relate to the feelings of shame you have by being a willing participant. I also feel shame, not as a student, but as a parent. My son went to Hyde in the last 1990's.
I feel shame for many reasons. I too bullied some other parents when they weren't "digging deep enough." Looking back some of these other students/parents clearly needed professional help and instead they got inexperienced fools like myself pushng them to talk about previous pain in their life. Who was I to do this? I have no experience whatsoever but somehow I got caught up in the whole Hyde thing. I cannot be mad at Hyde for this, but instead am upset with myself for being so weak that I allowed Hyde to turn me into one of their "kapo's."
Yes Hyde has changed in that they don't use dog collars or leashes anymore and the kids don't dig ditches as before, but the basics of Hyde are still the same and worse than that, the school faculty remains the same. The same Gaulds, Grants, Hurds, McMillans are all still there and these are the same people who were there in the 70's, so what does this tell you?
Thanks for sharing your story OHS 1973. This is better than seminars at Hyde because there isn't the same abuse involved while trying to get things off your chest. It feels a little better that other feel the same shame that I have been feeling for years. To those who I verbally bullied, I apologize.
I have the same question for a couple of you that someone else asked. I am curious if you found this website on your own by "googling" it or if someone guided you to it.
I know some of the people that have gone back to get a Hyde diploma. I can understand why they want to do so. It is very difficult to walk out of a place that that dominates your sense of self worth and not be acknowledged. There is a need for resolution or closure.
I was invited to go thru the process. I have elected to decline the offer. My sense is that it would be a diminution of self, in my case, to use Hyde as an external validation source. That is just because of the way I view Hyde at this point. I have come to this point after several impulses to do so.
I have a great deal of repsect for some of the people elect to get the diploma. I was very happy to see Joan G. do so.
Ah, you've hit the nail on the head when you refer to Hyde's bullying tactics. That's the word I've been struggling to find. During my whole Hyde experience I felt bullied, but until I read your comment I hadn't come up with the right label. I saw many students who were bullied by staff who thought they had license to get in their faces, point fingers at them, call them names, and degrade them. I saw parents in seminars who were bullied by other parents (usually alumni parents) and teachers. I always wondered what kind of training these people had; apparently none or not much. Sometimes the bullying was in the form of yelling and intimidation; sometimes it was much more subtle manipulation and brainwashing.
I have been deeply embarrassed to admit that I was affiliated with Hyde in any form. It feels like a bad stain that I can't eradicate. Bullying is the word.
My life did turn out to be good and worth living I straightened out my substance abuse problems not needing any Rehabilitation Center, I just decided enough was enough and stopped. I met the girl of my dreams have been married for over twenty years, have a wonderful son, a good job and am looking forward to the rest of my life. Funny thing is I don?t attribute much of the good part of my life to The Hyde School, I probably just needed to forgive myself, come to terms with who I am, deal with my short comings, grow up and get on with it, which was my intension from the very beginning of this long strange trip called life.
What a story, so well remembered and told. Would you like it to appear in print, under a pseudonym if necessary?
Gary, I will have to think about my story appearing in print. For those who knew me there are to many hints to my identity. I would'nt want the life I have now jeopardized for any reason.
Old Hyde Student 1973,
I too am a Hyde graduate, broadly defined. For all the guilt you must feel, you did the honorable thing in refusing the diploma. In a topsy-turvy morality like Hyde, where children are turned into Kapos, a Hyde diploma should be deplored. I pity those students who later in life feel compelled to go back for one.
Publicly punishing offenders (for venial faults of one's past, no less) reminds me of the pillory of Puritan times. Shaving a woman's head and having her scrub streets and sidewalks, a punishment I was forced to witness a few years after you, has always reminded me of the famous photos of shaved Viennese Jewish women doing the same during the Holocaust. I am at a loss to conjure up a historical parallel for the dog collar and leash. Freezing showers and forcing one to sleep naked on a hard cold floor are torture, pure and simple. I would very much like to know what diseased imagination introduced these punishments into the Hyde disciplinary regimen. It's criminal. I wouldn't put it past Joe Gauld, but frankly, as I recall these things now from the perspectives of hindsight, my sense of disgust extends to the entire Hyde School leadership, even to those faculty members whom I once held in respect.
Hyde students, speak up! What is that school doing to you today? Have they parleyed physical abuse into less tangible, more discreet forms of emotional abuse? That appears to be the case from what I've read in these posts.
I hope that Gary, in writing up his Hyde report, consults with a professional sociologist who alone could do justice to the theme of Hyde School.
Sad, sad, sad. My heart breaks for the poster OHS 1973. I can definitely relate to the feelings of shame you have by being a willing participant. I also feel shame, not as a student, but as a parent. My son went to Hyde in the last 1990's.
I feel shame for many reasons. I too bullied some other parents when they weren't "digging deep enough." Looking back some of these other students/parents clearly needed professional help and instead they got inexperienced fools like myself pushng them to talk about previous pain in their life. Who was I to do this? I have no experience whatsoever but somehow I got caught up in the whole Hyde thing. I cannot be mad at Hyde for this, but instead am upset with myself for being so weak that I allowed Hyde to turn me into one of their "kapo's."
Yes Hyde has changed in that they don't use dog collars or leashes anymore and the kids don't dig ditches as before, but the basics of Hyde are still the same and worse than that, the school faculty remains the same. The same Gaulds, Grants, Hurds, McMillans are all still there and these are the same people who were there in the 70's, so what does this tell you?
Thanks for sharing your story OHS 1973. This is better than seminars at Hyde because there isn't the same abuse involved while trying to get things off your chest. It feels a little better that other feel the same shame that I have been feeling for years. To those who I verbally bullied, I apologize.
I have the same question for a couple of you that someone else asked. I am curious if you found this website on your own by "googling" it or if someone guided you to it.
If I remember correctly I googled ?Hyde School negative experience?. I felt compelled to do so because I had been receiving very professional and in my opinion slick fund raising material. These materials forced me to evaluate myself and my Hyde experience. I had suppressed so much over the years that when I finally took an honest look at my experiences and how they may have affected my life the memories came flooding in and I became extremely saddened. My goal in googling Hyde School was to see if anyone else was feeling the same way after so many years. Honestly the school has never left my consciousness and I don?t know why. One wouldn?t think that over a span of a life time that a paltry two years would have such a great impact. The two years that I spent at the school were very intense and compact. The experiences taken into full context became horrifying with any positive aspect being over run by the negative. These experiences were lived during my most formative years and that is why I suspect have had such an impact. Thankfully I found this site and am gaining some closure.
Old Hyde Student 1973,
I too am a Hyde graduate, broadly defined. For all the guilt you must feel, you did the honorable thing in refusing the diploma. In a topsy-turvy morality like Hyde, where children are turned into Kapos, a Hyde diploma should be deplored. I pity those students who later in life feel compelled to go back for one.
Publicly punishing offenders (for venial faults of one's past, no less) reminds me of the pillory of Puritan times. Shaving a woman's head and having her scrub streets and sidewalks, a punishment I was forced to witness a few years after you, has always reminded me of the famous photos of shaved Viennese Jewish women doing the same during the Holocaust. I am at a loss to conjure up a historical parallel for the dog collar and leash. Freezing showers and forcing one to sleep naked on a hard cold floor are torture, pure and simple. I would very much like to know what diseased imagination introduced these punishments into the Hyde disciplinary regimen. It's criminal. I wouldn't put it past Joe Gauld, but frankly, as I recall these things now from the perspectives of hindsight, my sense of disgust extends to the entire Hyde School leadership, even to those faculty members whom I once held in respect.
Hyde students, speak up! What is that school doing to you today? Have they parleyed physical abuse into less tangible, more discreet forms of emotional abuse? That appears to be the case from what I've read in these posts.
I hope that Gary, in writing up his Hyde report, consults with a professional sociologist who alone could do justice to the theme of Hyde School.
Sad, sad, sad. My heart breaks for the poster OHS 1973. I can definitely relate to the feelings of shame you have by being a willing participant. I also feel shame, not as a student, but as a parent. My son went to Hyde in the last 1990's.
I feel shame for many reasons. I too bullied some other parents when they weren't "digging deep enough." Looking back some of these other students/parents clearly needed professional help and instead they got inexperienced fools like myself pushng them to talk about previous pain in their life. Who was I to do this? I have no experience whatsoever but somehow I got caught up in the whole Hyde thing. I cannot be mad at Hyde for this, but instead am upset with myself for being so weak that I allowed Hyde to turn me into one of their "kapo's."
Yes Hyde has changed in that they don't use dog collars or leashes anymore and the kids don't dig ditches as before, but the basics of Hyde are still the same and worse than that, the school faculty remains the same. The same Gaulds, Grants, Hurds, McMillans are all still there and these are the same people who were there in the 70's, so what does this tell you?
Thanks for sharing your story OHS 1973. This is better than seminars at Hyde because there isn't the same abuse involved while trying to get things off your chest. It feels a little better that other feel the same shame that I have been feeling for years. To those who I verbally bullied, I apologize.
I have the same question for a couple of you that someone else asked. I am curious if you found this website on your own by "googling" it or if someone guided you to it.
If I remember correctly I googled ?Hyde School negative experience?. I felt compelled to do so because I had been receiving very professional and in my opinion slick fund raising material. These materials forced me to evaluate myself and my Hyde experience. I had suppressed so much over the years that when I finally took an honest look at my experiences and how they may have affected my life the memories came flooding in and I became extremely saddened. My goal in googling Hyde School was to see if anyone else was feeling the same way after so many years. Honestly the school has never left my consciousness and I don?t know why. One wouldn?t think that over a span of a life time that a paltry two years would have such a great impact. The two years that I spent at the school were very intense and compact. The experiences taken into full context became horrifying with any positive aspect being over run by the negative. These experiences were lived during my most formative years and that is why I suspect have had such an impact. Thankfully I found this site and am gaining some closure.
Yes, Very slick. Some one else where posted the name of an agency where you can look at Hyde finanical statements. They are paying a large amount of money to an agency in Portland. Between 200k - 600k a year. I can't recall the actual number. I was called and asked to donate a very large sum of money. My knee jerk reaction was to say "are you out of your fu**ing mind?"
Old Hyde Student 1973,
I too am a Hyde graduate, broadly defined. For all the guilt you must feel, you did the honorable thing in refusing the diploma. In a topsy-turvy morality like Hyde, where children are turned into Kapos, a Hyde diploma should be deplored. I pity those students who later in life feel compelled to go back for one.
Publicly punishing offenders (for venial faults of one's past, no less) reminds me of the pillory of Puritan times. Shaving a woman's head and having her scrub streets and sidewalks, a punishment I was forced to witness a few years after you, has always reminded me of the famous photos of shaved Viennese Jewish women doing the same during the Holocaust. I am at a loss to conjure up a historical parallel for the dog collar and leash. Freezing showers and forcing one to sleep naked on a hard cold floor are torture, pure and simple. I would very much like to know what diseased imagination introduced these punishments into the Hyde disciplinary regimen. It's criminal. I wouldn't put it past Joe Gauld, but frankly, as I recall these things now from the perspectives of hindsight, my sense of disgust extends to the entire Hyde School leadership, even to those faculty members whom I once held in respect.
Hyde students, speak up! What is that school doing to you today? Have they parleyed physical abuse into less tangible, more discreet forms of emotional abuse? That appears to be the case from what I've read in these posts.
I hope that Gary, in writing up his Hyde report, consults with a professional sociologist who alone could do justice to the theme of Hyde School.
Sad, sad, sad. My heart breaks for the poster OHS 1973. I can definitely relate to the feelings of shame you have by being a willing participant. I also feel shame, not as a student, but as a parent. My son went to Hyde in the last 1990's.
I feel shame for many reasons. I too bullied some other parents when they weren't "digging deep enough." Looking back some of these other students/parents clearly needed professional help and instead they got inexperienced fools like myself pushng them to talk about previous pain in their life. Who was I to do this? I have no experience whatsoever but somehow I got caught up in the whole Hyde thing. I cannot be mad at Hyde for this, but instead am upset with myself for being so weak that I allowed Hyde to turn me into one of their "kapo's."
Yes Hyde has changed in that they don't use dog collars or leashes anymore and the kids don't dig ditches as before, but the basics of Hyde are still the same and worse than that, the school faculty remains the same. The same Gaulds, Grants, Hurds, McMillans are all still there and these are the same people who were there in the 70's, so what does this tell you?
Thanks for sharing your story OHS 1973. This is better than seminars at Hyde because there isn't the same abuse involved while trying to get things off your chest. It feels a little better that other feel the same shame that I have been feeling for years. To those who I verbally bullied, I apologize.
I have the same question for a couple of you that someone else asked. I am curious if you found this website on your own by "googling" it or if someone guided you to it.
If I remember correctly I googled ?Hyde School negative experience?. I felt compelled to do so because I had been receiving very professional and in my opinion slick fund raising material. These materials forced me to evaluate myself and my Hyde experience. I had suppressed so much over the years that when I finally took an honest look at my experiences and how they may have affected my life the memories came flooding in and I became extremely saddened. My goal in googling Hyde School was to see if anyone else was feeling the same way after so many years. Honestly the school has never left my consciousness and I don?t know why. One wouldn?t think that over a span of a life time that a paltry two years would have such a great impact. The two years that I spent at the school were very intense and compact. The experiences taken into full context became horrifying with any positive aspect being over run by the negative. These experiences were lived during my most formative years and that is why I suspect have had such an impact. Thankfully I found this site and am gaining some closure.
Yes, Very slick. Some one else where posted the name of an agency where you can look at Hyde finanical statements. They are paying a large amount of money to an agency in Portland. Between 200k - 600k a year. I can't recall the actual number. I was called and asked to donate a very large sum of money. My knee jerk reaction was to say "are you out of your fu**ing mind?"
I too, have received many "offers" over the years to go back and tell all what I've been up to in the context of rationalizing why I should receive a diploma. In my case, I did not even graduate. I was told to leave in no uncertain terms a few weeks before the end of the school year; no reason was given but it was right before one of the purges so I imagine I was considered in that boat. I had to hitchhike home two states away.
It was many years before I dared to apply to college. I found out that I had amassed so many Carnegie credits -- in part due to coming back the extra year (I had been informed that I would not be able to receive a diploma otherwise, and didn't anyway as it turned out) -- that I had almost twice that required to be considered a high school graduate. With the support of friends, I mustered up the courage to call the school to request my transcript. Knowing Hyde, I requested (from Bob Bertschy) that only the transcript be sent, NO additional information. I was assured that this would be done. A few months passed. After a few more phone calls, I finally received my copy of the transcript, which had been sent to the schools I requested. An additional page had been included, written by Bertschy, detailing how I did not receive a diploma but only a "certificate" as I had failed to live up to the standards of a diploma. Moreover, Bertschy saw fit to detail many of my "character flaws" as well as his assessment of my potential success (or lack thereof). His diatribe was several paragraphs long and essentially covered the entire page.
What I have related above is but the tiniest of iceberg tips of the eviscerating damage I feel I have suffered at the hands of Hyde. I feel so traumatized that I really can not talk to anyone about it; I have been living under a rock emotionally for the past 30 years.
I concur with the above poster earlier today who describes people's need for a diploma: "It is very difficult to walk out of a place that dominates your sense of self worth and not be acknowledged. There is a need for resolution or closure." However, given my own personal history of the place, I am afraid that I can not do so. My feeling about going back to receive my diploma is that it is not a question of whether or not I feel I deserve it. It is a question of whether I would deign to have my name associated with Hyde, and the answer is "no."
I too, have received many "offers" over the years to go back and tell all what I've been up to in the context of rationalizing why I should receive a diploma. In my case, I did not even graduate. I was told to leave in no uncertain terms a few weeks before the end of the school year; no reason was given but it was right before one of the purges so I imagine I was considered in that boat. I had to hitchhike home two states away.
It was many years before I dared to apply to college. I found out that I had amassed so many Carnegie credits -- in part due to coming back the extra year (I had been informed that I would not be able to receive a diploma otherwise, and didn't anyway as it turned out) -- that I had almost twice that required to be considered a high school graduate. With the support of friends, I mustered up the courage to call the school to request my transcript. Knowing Hyde, I requested (from Bob Bertschy) that only the transcript be sent, NO additional information. I was assured that this would be done. A few months passed. After a few more phone calls, I finally received my copy of the transcript, which had been sent to the schools I requested. An additional page had been included, written by Bertschy, detailing how I did not receive a diploma but only a "certificate" as I had failed to live up to the standards of a diploma. Moreover, Bertschy saw fit to detail many of my "character flaws" as well as his assessment of my potential success (or lack thereof). His diatribe was several paragraphs long and essentially covered the entire page.
What I have related above is but the tiniest of iceberg tips of the eviscerating damage I feel I have suffered at the hands of Hyde. I feel so traumatized that I really can not talk to anyone about it; I have been living under a rock emotionally for the past 30 years.
I concur with the above poster earlier today who describes people's need for a diploma: "It is very difficult to walk out of a place that dominates your sense of self worth and not be acknowledged. There is a need for resolution or closure." However, given my own personal history of the place, I am afraid that I can not do so. My feeling about going back to receive my diploma is that it is not a question of whether or not I feel I deserve it. It is a question of whether I would deign to have my name associated with Hyde, and the answer is "no."
The thing that is damaging about failing at Hyde is that it is your faul,t in the world of the hyde dogma. You know maybe it is Hyde. Maybe if the dean of students did not decide you neded to be confronted, or Joe decided he liked your "spirit" instead for finding you had a lack of personality, maybe your outcome would be different. But that is outside the frme of possiblity in the hyde universe. A number of the kids I was there with, that graduated really had something going for them but a number of them were just kiss ass conformist. Joe traded one system that could be gamed for another. Hey, one of the hot threads here is about a Hyde diploma holder.
Are you talking about that sorry excuse for a man, Larry D.? If he is a pillar of success then I'll take my chances with the bottom-dredging rejects.
Are you talking about that sorry excuse for a man, Larry D.? If he is a pillar of success then I'll take my chances with the bottom-dredging rejects.
Yes. In the world of manufacturing we call them "escapes" Parts that test good but don't function in the field. There were a couple of notable escapes from my era.
Are you talking about that sorry excuse for a man, Larry D.? If he is a pillar of success then I'll take my chances with the bottom-dredging rejects.
Ditto that but please dont give LD the honor of being called a "man." He is not a man, he is a bully and a pervert to young girls. He took advantage of the pretty girls at Hyde School under the guize of being Dean of students. He is no man, he is a coward.
As far as the poster from 1973, please do not feel as though you failed at Hyde. Hyde failed you. Hyde did not hold you back for the reasons they stated. If that were the case there would be many kids who should not have graduated. There was one kid in our graduating class who broke ethics constantly and 5 years after graduating he is still sitting around drinking beer and ocassionally working. Lots of losers graduated with me who shouldn't have and most were held back at least a year. Our belief always was that they wanted the families to crawl back and throw more money into Hyde. There is someone on the board now whose son is still doing nothing after graduating 5 years ago. Neither one of these kids I speak of ended up going to college but of course Hyde's website tells of an outstanding amount of kids who go on to a four year institution.
Another graduate just came to my mind. He graduated after screwing an underage girl a few weeks before. So please Mr 1973 get over your feelings and understand that Hyde has much worse issues than you do. Do you want to be a part of a cult? Thank your lucky stars that you are not submissive to their crap!
Are you talking about that sorry excuse for a man, Larry D.? If he is a pillar of success then I'll take my chances with the bottom-dredging rejects.
Ditto that but please dont give LD the honor of being called a "man." He is not a man, he is a bully and a pervert to young girls. He took advantage of the pretty girls at Hyde School under the guize of being Dean of students. He is no man, he is a coward.
As far as the poster from 1973, please do not feel as though you failed at Hyde. Hyde failed you. Hyde did not hold you back for the reasons they stated. If that were the case there would be many kids who should not have graduated. There was one kid in our graduating class who broke ethics constantly and 5 years after graduating he is still sitting around drinking beer and ocassionally working. Lots of losers graduated with me who shouldn't have and most were held back at least a year. Our belief always was that they wanted the families to crawl back and throw more money into Hyde. There is someone on the board now whose son is still doing nothing after graduating 5 years ago. Neither one of these kids I speak of ended up going to college but of course Hyde's website tells of an outstanding amount of kids who go on to a four year institution.
Another graduate just came to my mind. He graduated after screwing an underage girl a few weeks before. So please Mr 1973 get over your feelings and understand that Hyde has much worse issues than you do. Do you want to be a part of a cult? Thank your lucky stars that you are not submissive to their crap!
I can tell from reading this website's posts that there is a critical mass of people who have had dreadful Hyde experiences. I feel so intensely angry that Hyde has been able to get away with this abuse for decades. I am now convinced that it is absolutely essential for the general public to know about the abuses at Hyde. I've looked into the options. I've talked to a number of Hyde critics and have learned about several places where people can share their Hyde experiences:
1. write to the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. That's the organization that accredits Hyde. I've heard that NEASC has already received complaints about Hyde and has investigated them:: ( and (
2. write letters to the editor at ( -- they will publish them if the letter is fair and responsible: ... index.html (
3. share your concerns with the International Survivors Action Committee (ISAC). There are letters posted there about Hyde: ( and (
4. share your concerns with Gary at -- he has posted several message here stating that he's gathering Hyde stories for dissemination. He seems eager to write about people's Hyde experiences, from every angle.
There is only one way to have a major impact on Hyde -- TELL YOUR STORY. Hyde proponents have the right to promote the school and they do that aggressively. Hyde critics have just as much right to critique the school. I am absolutely positive that this information is getting to people who consider sending their child to Hyde and many of them change their mind and look elsewhere. If you don't communicate your story in these different places, these parents won't find out how many people had miserable Hyde experiences.
This "movement" is gaining steam . . .
Are you talking about that sorry excuse for a man, Larry D.? If he is a pillar of success then I'll take my chances with the bottom-dredging rejects.
Ditto that but please dont give LD the honor of being called a "man." He is not a man, he is a bully and a pervert to young girls. He took advantage of the pretty girls at Hyde School under the guize of being Dean of students. He is no man, he is a coward.
As far as the poster from 1973, please do not feel as though you failed at Hyde. Hyde failed you. Hyde did not hold you back for the reasons they stated. If that were the case there would be many kids who should not have graduated. There was one kid in our graduating class who broke ethics constantly and 5 years after graduating he is still sitting around drinking beer and ocassionally working. Lots of losers graduated with me who shouldn't have and most were held back at least a year. Our belief always was that they wanted the families to crawl back and throw more money into Hyde. There is someone on the board now whose son is still doing nothing after graduating 5 years ago. Neither one of these kids I speak of ended up going to college but of course Hyde's website tells of an outstanding amount of kids who go on to a four year institution.
Another graduate just came to my mind. He graduated after screwing an underage girl a few weeks before. So please Mr 1973 get over your feelings and understand that Hyde has much worse issues than you do. Do you want to be a part of a cult? Thank your lucky stars that you are not submissive to their crap!
I can tell from reading this website's posts that there is a critical mass of people who have had dreadful Hyde experiences. I feel so intensely angry that Hyde has been able to get away with this abuse for decades. I am now convinced that it is absolutely essential for the general public to know about the abuses at Hyde. I've looked into the options. I've talked to a number of Hyde critics and have learned about several places where people can share their Hyde experiences:
1. write to the New England Association of Schools and Colleges. That's the organization that accredits Hyde. I've heard that NEASC has already received complaints about Hyde and has investigated them:: ( and (
2. write letters to the editor at ( -- they will publish them if the letter is fair and responsible: ... index.html (
3. share your concerns with the International Survivors Action Committee (ISAC). There are letters posted there about Hyde: ( and (
4. share your concerns with Gary at -- he has posted several message here stating that he's gathering Hyde stories for dissemination. He seems eager to write about people's Hyde experiences, from every angle.
There is only one way to have a major impact on Hyde -- TELL YOUR STORY. Hyde proponents have the right to promote the school and they do that aggressively. Hyde critics have just as much right to critique the school. I am absolutely positive that this information is getting to people who consider sending their child to Hyde and many of them change their mind and look elsewhere. If you don't communicate your story in these different places, these parents won't find out how many people had miserable Hyde experiences.
This "movement" is gaining steam . . .
Is there anyone out there who knows how to start a "Hyde website?" I believe this will be the most productive way to get the word out. It still is hard to find this website when googling Hyde. Somebody must be tech savy out there?
I believe there was one not too long ago but it got shut down. If you go back a couple of pages in the threads (from the Hyde Index), you might be able to find some more info or reference to that.
I, myself, have some mixed feelings about a separate site. It feels safer here (I don't worry so much about it being shut down, or moderated), and I often find myself heading over to some of the other forums on this site for reference or insight.
Just my predilection, of course...
Are you talking about that sorry excuse for a man, Larry D.? If he is a pillar of success then I'll take my chances with the bottom-dredging rejects.
Yes. In the world of manufacturing we call them "escapes" Parts that test good but don't function in the field. There were a couple of notable escapes from my era.
If it stinks like SHIT, then F A H - L U S H H it!!!
Are you talking about that sorry excuse for a man, Larry D.? If he is a pillar of success then I'll take my chances with the bottom-dredging rejects.
Yes. In the world of manufacturing we call them "escapes" Parts that test good but don't function in the field. There were a couple of notable escapes from my era.
If it stinks like SHIT, then F A H - L U S H H it!!!
Can't flush it. The toilet is backed up at hyde. They need a plunger to unclog the line.
Old Hyde Student 1973,
I too am a Hyde graduate, broadly defined. For all the guilt you must feel, you did the honorable thing in refusing the diploma. In a topsy-turvy morality like Hyde, where children are turned into Kapos, a Hyde diploma should be deplored. I pity those students who later in life feel compelled to go back for one.
Publicly punishing offenders (for venial faults of one's past, no less) reminds me of the pillory of Puritan times. Shaving a woman's head and having her scrub streets and sidewalks, a punishment I was forced to witness a few years after you, has always reminded me of the famous photos of shaved Viennese Jewish women doing the same during the Holocaust. I am at a loss to conjure up a historical parallel for the dog collar and leash. Freezing showers and forcing one to sleep naked on a hard cold floor are torture, pure and simple. I would very much like to know what diseased imagination introduced these punishments into the Hyde disciplinary regimen. It's criminal. I wouldn't put it past Joe Gauld, but frankly, as I recall these things now from the perspectives of hindsight, my sense of disgust extends to the entire Hyde School leadership, even to those faculty members whom I once held in respect.
Hyde students, speak up! What is that school doing to you today? Have they parleyed physical abuse into less tangible, more discreet forms of emotional abuse? That appears to be the case from what I've read in these posts.
I hope that Gary, in writing up his Hyde report, consults with a professional sociologist who alone could do justice to the theme of Hyde School.
Sad, sad, sad. My heart breaks for the poster OHS 1973. I can definitely relate to the feelings of shame you have by being a willing participant. I also feel shame, not as a student, but as a parent. My son went to Hyde in the last 1990's.
I feel shame for many reasons. I too bullied some other parents when they weren't "digging deep enough." Looking back some of these other students/parents clearly needed professional help and instead they got inexperienced fools like myself pushng them to talk about previous pain in their life. Who was I to do this? I have no experience whatsoever but somehow I got caught up in the whole Hyde thing. I cannot be mad at Hyde for this, but instead am upset with myself for being so weak that I allowed Hyde to turn me into one of their "kapo's."
Yes Hyde has changed in that they don't use dog collars or leashes anymore and the kids don't dig ditches as before, but the basics of Hyde are still the same and worse than that, the school faculty remains the same. The same Gaulds, Grants, Hurds, McMillans are all still there and these are the same people who were there in the 70's, so what does this tell you?
Thanks for sharing your story OHS 1973. This is better than seminars at Hyde because there isn't the same abuse involved while trying to get things off your chest. It feels a little better that other feel the same shame that I have been feeling for years. To those who I verbally bullied, I apologize.
I have the same question for a couple of you that someone else asked. I am curious if you found this website on your own by "googling" it or if someone guided you to it.
I know some of the people that have gone back to get a Hyde diploma. I can understand why they want to do so. It is very difficult to walk out of a place that that dominates your sense of self worth and not be acknowledged. There is a need for resolution or closure.
I was invited to go thru the process. I have elected to decline the offer. My sense is that it would be a diminution of self, in my case, to use Hyde as an external validation source. That is just because of the way I view Hyde at this point. I have come to this point after several impulses to do so.
I have a great deal of repsect for some of the people elect to get the diploma. I was very happy to see Joan G. do so.
Ah, you've hit the nail on the head when you refer to Hyde's bullying tactics. That's the word I've been struggling to find. During my whole Hyde experience I felt bullied, but until I read your comment I hadn't come up with the right label. I saw many students who were bullied by staff who thought they had license to get in their faces, point fingers at them, call them names, and degrade them. I saw parents in seminars who were bullied by other parents (usually alumni parents) and teachers. I always wondered what kind of training these people had; apparently none or not much. Sometimes the bullying was in the form of yelling and intimidation; sometimes it was much more subtle manipulation and brainwashing.
I have been deeply embarrassed to admit that I was affiliated with Hyde in any form. It feels like a bad stain that I can't eradicate. Bullying is the word.
When you talk about bullying a flashback occurs in my mind. I remember a couple of those "regional retreats" where the parents are put in a controlled environment for the weekend in their hometown area. Each time we did this Hyde sent one of their representatives to "monitor" the weekend. They of course said that the "regional mentor" was there to help but in actuality they would be there in order to report back to the school on each persons "progress." Gosh, when I think of this these posters are right on. Hyde School does operate like a cult. I can remember during these weekends the times when certain parents would badger other parents into submission. There were cruel and humiliating situations that to this day I feel embarassed I was a part of.
It was many years before I dared to apply to college. I found out that I had amassed so many Carnegie credits -- in part due to coming back the extra year (I had been informed that I would not be able to receive a diploma otherwise, and didn't anyway as it turned out) -- that I had almost twice that required to be considered a high school graduate. With the support of friends, I mustered up the courage to call the school to request my transcript. Knowing Hyde, I requested (from Bob Bertschy) that only the transcript be sent, NO additional information. I was assured that this would be done. A few months passed. After a few more phone calls, I finally received my copy of the transcript, which had been sent to the schools I requested. An additional page had been included, written by Bertschy, detailing how I did not receive a diploma but only a "certificate" as I had failed to live up to the standards of a diploma. Moreover, Bertschy saw fit to detail many of my "character flaws" as well as his assessment of my potential success (or lack thereof). His diatribe was several paragraphs long and essentially covered the entire page. [/quote]
No possible good could have come of Bob Bertschy's action, only harm. To sabotage your college chances for no good reason. No normal person would have done such a thing. I hope the damage was reversible.
It was many years before I dared to apply to college. I found out that I had amassed so many Carnegie credits -- in part due to coming back the extra year (I had been informed that I would not be able to receive a diploma otherwise, and didn't anyway as it turned out) -- that I had almost twice that required to be considered a high school graduate. With the support of friends, I mustered up the courage to call the school to request my transcript. Knowing Hyde, I requested (from Bob Bertschy) that only the transcript be sent, NO additional information. I was assured that this would be done. A few months passed. After a few more phone calls, I finally received my copy of the transcript, which had been sent to the schools I requested. An additional page had been included, written by Bertschy, detailing how I did not receive a diploma but only a "certificate" as I had failed to live up to the standards of a diploma. Moreover, Bertschy saw fit to detail many of my "character flaws" as well as his assessment of my potential success (or lack thereof). His diatribe was several paragraphs long and essentially covered the entire page.
No possible good could have come of Bob Bertschy's action, only harm. To sabotage your college chances for no good reason. No normal person would have done such a thing. I hope the damage was reversible.[/quote]
One would think that if the school really had the best interests of its students at heart, that they would try to increase their students' chances at university-level matriculation rather than decrease them. In Bertschy's case, I am not sure whether he harbored some unfounded animosity or whether the animosity stemmed from higher up, although I suspect it is the former. And I think it is highly possible that the rather long period of time it took to send them may have been time spent mulling over the course of his actions (i.e., I had requested only the transcript, and nothing more, and he had assured me that that would be the case, but then decided to go ahead and share his/the school's opinion of me anyway).
Incidentally, I have read elsewhere in this forum, on other threads, of difficulties students and parents have encountered in getting Hyde to send their transcript to other schools when the family has decided to pull their child out of Hyde and go elsewhere for the remainder of the child's high school years. Perhaps there is so much involved in getting a copy of a kid's transcript sent that Hyde is hard pressed to do so in a timely fashion. However, I have not read accounts of students viewed favorably by the school who encountered these difficulties, but perhaps they are not visiting fornits. Any comments on your personal experiences, anyone?
It was many years before I dared to apply to college. I found out that I had amassed so many Carnegie credits -- in part due to coming back the extra year (I had been informed that I would not be able to receive a diploma otherwise, and didn't anyway as it turned out) -- that I had almost twice that required to be considered a high school graduate. With the support of friends, I mustered up the courage to call the school to request my transcript. Knowing Hyde, I requested (from Bob Bertschy) that only the transcript be sent, NO additional information. I was assured that this would be done. A few months passed. After a few more phone calls, I finally received my copy of the transcript, which had been sent to the schools I requested. An additional page had been included, written by Bertschy, detailing how I did not receive a diploma but only a "certificate" as I had failed to live up to the standards of a diploma. Moreover, Bertschy saw fit to detail many of my "character flaws" as well as his assessment of my potential success (or lack thereof). His diatribe was several paragraphs long and essentially covered the entire page.
No possible good could have come of Bob Bertschy's action, only harm. To sabotage your college chances for no good reason. No normal person would have done such a thing. I hope the damage was reversible.
One would think that if the school really had the best interests of its students at heart, that they would try to increase their students' chances at university-level matriculation rather than decrease them. In Bertschy's case, I am not sure whether he harbored some unfounded animosity or whether the animosity stemmed from higher up, although I suspect it is the former. And I think it is highly possible that the rather long period of time it took to send them may have been time spent mulling over the course of his actions (i.e., I had requested only the transcript, and nothing more, and he had assured me that that would be the case, but then decided to go ahead and share his/the school's opinion of me anyway).
Incidentally, I have read elsewhere in this forum, on other threads, of difficulties students and parents have encountered in getting Hyde to send their transcript to other schools when the family has decided to pull their child out of Hyde and go elsewhere for the remainder of the child's high school years. Perhaps there is so much involved in getting a copy of a kid's transcript sent that Hyde is hard pressed to do so in a timely fashion. However, I have not read accounts of students viewed favorably by the school who encountered these difficulties, but perhaps they are not visiting fornits. Any comments on your personal experiences, anyone?[/quote]
Are you by any chance gay? there are a number of Hyde folk that had a real problem with that. I know Joe still does. It is a character flaw you know.
It was many years before I dared to apply to college. I found out that I had amassed so many Carnegie credits -- in part due to coming back the extra year (I had been informed that I would not be able to receive a diploma otherwise, and didn't anyway as it turned out) -- that I had almost twice that required to be considered a high school graduate. With the support of friends, I mustered up the courage to call the school to request my transcript. Knowing Hyde, I requested (from Bob Bertschy) that only the transcript be sent, NO additional information. I was assured that this would be done. A few months passed. After a few more phone calls, I finally received my copy of the transcript, which had been sent to the schools I requested. An additional page had been included, written by Bertschy, detailing how I did not receive a diploma but only a "certificate" as I had failed to live up to the standards of a diploma. Moreover, Bertschy saw fit to detail many of my "character flaws" as well as his assessment of my potential success (or lack thereof). His diatribe was several paragraphs long and essentially covered the entire page.
No possible good could have come of Bob Bertschy's action, only harm. To sabotage your college chances for no good reason. No normal person would have done such a thing. I hope the damage was reversible.
One would think that if the school really had the best interests of its students at heart, that they would try to increase their students' chances at university-level matriculation rather than decrease them. In Bertschy's case, I am not sure whether he harbored some unfounded animosity or whether the animosity stemmed from higher up, although I suspect it is the former. And I think it is highly possible that the rather long period of time it took to send them may have been time spent mulling over the course of his actions (i.e., I had requested only the transcript, and nothing more, and he had assured me that that would be the case, but then decided to go ahead and share his/the school's opinion of me anyway).
Incidentally, I have read elsewhere in this forum, on other threads, of difficulties students and parents have encountered in getting Hyde to send their transcript to other schools when the family has decided to pull their child out of Hyde and go elsewhere for the remainder of the child's high school years. Perhaps there is so much involved in getting a copy of a kid's transcript sent that Hyde is hard pressed to do so in a timely fashion. However, I have not read accounts of students viewed favorably by the school who encountered these difficulties, but perhaps they are not visiting fornits. Any comments on your personal experiences, anyone?
Are you by any chance gay? there are a number of Hyde folk that had a real problem with that. I know Joe still does. It is a character flaw you know.
No, I am not. But I do recall excessive school meeting time devoted to disparaging just such proclivities. Much mention of "abnormal" and "indicative of not living up to one's potential" and something along the lines of "means of avoiding being honest with oneself." As drunk as I was on the KoolAid back then, even I thought to myself that the degree of this focus was a bit beyond the pale.
Hyde has always seemed a wee bit too obsessed with sexual matters. Or perhaps these just strike us to the core as they are so entangled with our identities, and that is what is so frequently under attack at Hyde...
"indicative of not living up to one's potential"
Yeah that is why MichaelAngelo was so bad at painting and sculpting and architecture. He could have been so much better. He could have turned out to be a midlevel functionary at middle of the road school like a former headmaster
It was many years before I dared to apply to college. I found out that I had amassed so many Carnegie credits -- in part due to coming back the extra year (I had been informed that I would not be able to receive a diploma otherwise, and didn't anyway as it turned out) -- that I had almost twice that required to be considered a high school graduate. With the support of friends, I mustered up the courage to call the school to request my transcript. Knowing Hyde, I requested (from Bob Bertschy) that only the transcript be sent, NO additional information. I was assured that this would be done. A few months passed. After a few more phone calls, I finally received my copy of the transcript, which had been sent to the schools I requested. An additional page had been included, written by Bertschy, detailing how I did not receive a diploma but only a "certificate" as I had failed to live up to the standards of a diploma. Moreover, Bertschy saw fit to detail many of my "character flaws" as well as his assessment of my potential success (or lack thereof). His diatribe was several paragraphs long and essentially covered the entire page.
No possible good could have come of Bob Bertschy's action, only harm. To sabotage your college chances for no good reason. No normal person would have done such a thing. I hope the damage was reversible.
One would think that if the school really had the best interests of its students at heart, that they would try to increase their students' chances at university-level matriculation rather than decrease them. In Bertschy's case, I am not sure whether he harbored some unfounded animosity or whether the animosity stemmed from higher up, although I suspect it is the former. And I think it is highly possible that the rather long period of time it took to send them may have been time spent mulling over the course of his actions (i.e., I had requested only the transcript, and nothing more, and he had assured me that that would be the case, but then decided to go ahead and share his/the school's opinion of me anyway).
Incidentally, I have read elsewhere in this forum, on other threads, of difficulties students and parents have encountered in getting Hyde to send their transcript to other schools when the family has decided to pull their child out of Hyde and go elsewhere for the remainder of the child's high school years. Perhaps there is so much involved in getting a copy of a kid's transcript sent that Hyde is hard pressed to do so in a timely fashion. However, I have not read accounts of students viewed favorably by the school who encountered these difficulties, but perhaps they are not visiting fornits. Any comments on your personal experiences, anyone?
Are you by any chance gay? there are a number of Hyde folk that had a real problem with that. I know Joe still does. It is a character flaw you know.
No, I am not. But I do recall excessive school meeting time devoted to disparaging just such proclivities. Much mention of "abnormal" and "indicative of not living up to one's potential" and something along the lines of "means of avoiding being honest with oneself." As drunk as I was on the KoolAid back then, even I thought to myself that the degree of this focus was a bit beyond the pale.
Hyde has always seemed a wee bit too obsessed with sexual matters. Or perhaps these just strike us to the core as they are so entangled with our identities, and that is what is so frequently under attack at Hyde...
Yes I do have experience trying to get a transcript in the last few years. Hyde made it very difficult to do so. It was a terrible experience for my parents who were stuck at the last minute to try to get me back in school right away. Because of those frickin as- holes I lost a year in school simply because they wouldn't cooperate. I get really mad thinking about this now. I begged them to hurry and send it to the public schools and in the end even the public schools would not accept Hyde's curriculum. They said that Hyde does not fulfill the standards of the public schools in our state.
As far as Hyde being obsessed with sex, maybe this is why they got off trying to get all the info about sexual transgressions. They even asked what kind of sex act we did and how we did it. They wanted details. Kind of sick!!
Old Hyde Student 1973,
I too am a Hyde graduate, broadly defined. For all the guilt you must feel, you did the honorable thing in refusing the diploma. In a topsy-turvy morality like Hyde, where children are turned into Kapos, a Hyde diploma should be deplored. I pity those students who later in life feel compelled to go back for one.
Publicly punishing offenders (for venial faults of one's past, no less) reminds me of the pillory of Puritan times. Shaving a woman's head and having her scrub streets and sidewalks, a punishment I was forced to witness a few years after you, has always reminded me of the famous photos of shaved Viennese Jewish women doing the same during the Holocaust. I am at a loss to conjure up a historical parallel for the dog collar and leash. Freezing showers and forcing one to sleep naked on a hard cold floor are torture, pure and simple. I would very much like to know what diseased imagination introduced these punishments into the Hyde disciplinary regimen. It's criminal. I wouldn't put it past Joe Gauld, but frankly, as I recall these things now from the perspectives of hindsight, my sense of disgust extends to the entire Hyde School leadership, even to those faculty members whom I once held in respect.
Hyde students, speak up! What is that school doing to you today? Have they parleyed physical abuse into less tangible, more discreet forms of emotional abuse? That appears to be the case from what I've read in these posts.
I hope that Gary, in writing up his Hyde report, consults with a professional sociologist who alone could do justice to the theme of Hyde School.
Sad, sad, sad. My heart breaks for the poster OHS 1973. I can definitely relate to the feelings of shame you have by being a willing participant. I also feel shame, not as a student, but as a parent. My son went to Hyde in the last 1990's.
I feel shame for many reasons. I too bullied some other parents when they weren't "digging deep enough." Looking back some of these other students/parents clearly needed professional help and instead they got inexperienced fools like myself pushng them to talk about previous pain in their life. Who was I to do this? I have no experience whatsoever but somehow I got caught up in the whole Hyde thing. I cannot be mad at Hyde for this, but instead am upset with myself for being so weak that I allowed Hyde to turn me into one of their "kapo's."
Yes Hyde has changed in that they don't use dog collars or leashes anymore and the kids don't dig ditches as before, but the basics of Hyde are still the same and worse than that, the school faculty remains the same. The same Gaulds, Grants, Hurds, McMillans are all still there and these are the same people who were there in the 70's, so what does this tell you?
Thanks for sharing your story OHS 1973. This is better than seminars at Hyde because there isn't the same abuse involved while trying to get things off your chest. It feels a little better that other feel the same shame that I have been feeling for years. To those who I verbally bullied, I apologize.
I have the same question for a couple of you that someone else asked. I am curious if you found this website on your own by "googling" it or if someone guided you to it.
I know some of the people that have gone back to get a Hyde diploma. I can understand why they want to do so. It is very difficult to walk out of a place that that dominates your sense of self worth and not be acknowledged. There is a need for resolution or closure.
I was invited to go thru the process. I have elected to decline the offer. My sense is that it would be a diminution of self, in my case, to use Hyde as an external validation source. That is just because of the way I view Hyde at this point. I have come to this point after several impulses to do so.
I have a great deal of repsect for some of the people elect to get the diploma. I was very happy to see Joan G. do so.
Ah, you've hit the nail on the head when you refer to Hyde's bullying tactics. That's the word I've been struggling to find. During my whole Hyde experience I felt bullied, but until I read your comment I hadn't come up with the right label. I saw many students who were bullied by staff who thought they had license to get in their faces, point fingers at them, call them names, and degrade them. I saw parents in seminars who were bullied by other parents (usually alumni parents) and teachers. I always wondered what kind of training these people had; apparently none or not much. Sometimes the bullying was in the form of yelling and intimidation; sometimes it was much more subtle manipulation and brainwashing.
I have been deeply embarrassed to admit that I was affiliated with Hyde in any form. It feels like a bad stain that I can't eradicate. Bullying is the word.
When you talk about bullying a flashback occurs in my mind. I remember a couple of those "regional retreats" where the parents are put in a controlled environment for the weekend in their hometown area. Each time we did this Hyde sent one of their representatives to "monitor" the weekend. They of course said that the "regional mentor" was there to help but in actuality they would be there in order to report back to the school on each persons "progress." Gosh, when I think of this these posters are right on. Hyde School does operate like a cult. I can remember during these weekends the times when certain parents would badger other parents into submission. There were cruel and humiliating situations that to this day I feel embarassed I was a part of.
I thought the Hyde regional retreats weren't so bad. For the most part, people behaved and didn't act aggressively. However, I thought the FLCs were beyond horrible. I have no problem at all being asked to examine my own issues. That's fine. What astounded me was the incredibly inappropriate behavior by some staff who were very unprofessional and behaved like bullies. Some of the alumni parents were worse--they reminded me of Nazi soldiers. When I reflect back on the cruel, insensitive, humiliating and arrogant conduct of some of the people I met at Hyde, I feel sick to my stomach. Fortunately, I had the good sense to join in on the emotional gang rapes I witnessed. In fact, I did my best to stand up to the bullies. Sadly, I don't think I had much impact.
My gut feeling is that Hyde needs to be put out of business. The gap between Hyde's lofty rhetoric and the sad, sorry state of affairs at that pathetic excuse for a school is insurmountable. Shame on any educational consultant who refers families to Hyde.
Old Hyde Student 1973,
I too am a Hyde graduate, broadly defined. For all the guilt you must feel, you did the honorable thing in refusing the diploma. In a topsy-turvy morality like Hyde, where children are turned into Kapos, a Hyde diploma should be deplored. I pity those students who later in life feel compelled to go back for one.
Publicly punishing offenders (for venial faults of one's past, no less) reminds me of the pillory of Puritan times. Shaving a woman's head and having her scrub streets and sidewalks, a punishment I was forced to witness a few years after you, has always reminded me of the famous photos of shaved Viennese Jewish women doing the same during the Holocaust. I am at a loss to conjure up a historical parallel for the dog collar and leash. Freezing showers and forcing one to sleep naked on a hard cold floor are torture, pure and simple. I would very much like to know what diseased imagination introduced these punishments into the Hyde disciplinary regimen. It's criminal. I wouldn't put it past Joe Gauld, but frankly, as I recall these things now from the perspectives of hindsight, my sense of disgust extends to the entire Hyde School leadership, even to those faculty members whom I once held in respect.
Hyde students, speak up! What is that school doing to you today? Have they parleyed physical abuse into less tangible, more discreet forms of emotional abuse? That appears to be the case from what I've read in these posts.
I hope that Gary, in writing up his Hyde report, consults with a professional sociologist who alone could do justice to the theme of Hyde School.
Sad, sad, sad. My heart breaks for the poster OHS 1973. I can definitely relate to the feelings of shame you have by being a willing participant. I also feel shame, not as a student, but as a parent. My son went to Hyde in the last 1990's.
I feel shame for many reasons. I too bullied some other parents when they weren't "digging deep enough." Looking back some of these other students/parents clearly needed professional help and instead they got inexperienced fools like myself pushng them to talk about previous pain in their life. Who was I to do this? I have no experience whatsoever but somehow I got caught up in the whole Hyde thing. I cannot be mad at Hyde for this, but instead am upset with myself for being so weak that I allowed Hyde to turn me into one of their "kapo's."
Yes Hyde has changed in that they don't use dog collars or leashes anymore and the kids don't dig ditches as before, but the basics of Hyde are still the same and worse than that, the school faculty remains the same. The same Gaulds, Grants, Hurds, McMillans are all still there and these are the same people who were there in the 70's, so what does this tell you?
Thanks for sharing your story OHS 1973. This is better than seminars at Hyde because there isn't the same abuse involved while trying to get things off your chest. It feels a little better that other feel the same shame that I have been feeling for years. To those who I verbally bullied, I apologize.
I have the same question for a couple of you that someone else asked. I am curious if you found this website on your own by "googling" it or if someone guided you to it.
I know some of the people that have gone back to get a Hyde diploma. I can understand why they want to do so. It is very difficult to walk out of a place that that dominates your sense of self worth and not be acknowledged. There is a need for resolution or closure.
I was invited to go thru the process. I have elected to decline the offer. My sense is that it would be a diminution of self, in my case, to use Hyde as an external validation source. That is just because of the way I view Hyde at this point. I have come to this point after several impulses to do so.
I have a great deal of repsect for some of the people elect to get the diploma. I was very happy to see Joan G. do so.
Ah, you've hit the nail on the head when you refer to Hyde's bullying tactics. That's the word I've been struggling to find. During my whole Hyde experience I felt bullied, but until I read your comment I hadn't come up with the right label. I saw many students who were bullied by staff who thought they had license to get in their faces, point fingers at them, call them names, and degrade them. I saw parents in seminars who were bullied by other parents (usually alumni parents) and teachers. I always wondered what kind of training these people had; apparently none or not much. Sometimes the bullying was in the form of yelling and intimidation; sometimes it was much more subtle manipulation and brainwashing.
I have been deeply embarrassed to admit that I was affiliated with Hyde in any form. It feels like a bad stain that I can't eradicate. Bullying is the word.
When you talk about bullying a flashback occurs in my mind. I remember a couple of those "regional retreats" where the parents are put in a controlled environment for the weekend in their hometown area. Each time we did this Hyde sent one of their representatives to "monitor" the weekend. They of course said that the "regional mentor" was there to help but in actuality they would be there in order to report back to the school on each persons "progress." Gosh, when I think of this these posters are right on. Hyde School does operate like a cult. I can remember during these weekends the times when certain parents would badger other parents into submission. There were cruel and humiliating situations that to this day I feel embarassed I was a part of.
I thought the Hyde regional retreats weren't so bad. For the most part, people behaved and didn't act aggressively. However, I thought the FLCs were beyond horrible. I have no problem at all being asked to examine my own issues. That's fine. What astounded me was the incredibly inappropriate behavior by some staff who were very unprofessional and behaved like bullies. Some of the alumni parents were worse--they reminded me of Nazi soldiers. When I reflect back on the cruel, insensitive, humiliating and arrogant conduct of some of the people I met at Hyde, I feel sick to my stomach. Fortunately, I had the good sense to join in on the emotional gang rapes I witnessed. In fact, I did my best to stand up to the bullies. Sadly, I don't think I had much impact.
My gut feeling is that Hyde needs to be put out of business. The gap between Hyde's lofty rhetoric and the sad, sorry state of affairs at that pathetic excuse for a school is insurmountable. Shame on any educational consultant who refers families to Hyde.
Sorry . . . I meant to say I had the good sense to NOT join in on the emotional gang rapes I witnessed at Hyde.
How did you find out about this web site?[/quote]
I stumbled across this site last month when I Googled an acquaintance whose name appears in association with it. It wasn't something that I sought out, but something that I sort of met by accident on the path. I left Hyde thirty years ago with a forward look and not with a backward look. College, graduate schools, marriage, immigration, career, family: all these haven't left me much time to mull over the Hyde effect, whether good or ill. From what little I've gathered, it seems there's an inverse ratio between success at Hyde and success in the real world. That's good news for a guy like me who took Hyde with a grain of salt and was branded a failure. I might have carried my burden of failure on into adulthood, and even gone back for a late-life diploma, like tin man, scarecrow, and cowardly lion. Well, it's wonderful to discover Hyde's dissident community! I had no idea I was in such good company!
How did you find out about this web site?
I stumbled across this site last month when I Googled an acquaintance whose name appears in association with it. It wasn't something that I sought out, but something that I sort of met by accident on the path. I left Hyde thirty years ago with a forward look and not with a backward look. College, graduate schools, marriage, immigration, career, family: all these haven't left me much time to mull over the Hyde effect, whether good or ill. From what little I've gathered, it seems there's an inverse ratio between success at Hyde and success in the real world. That's good news for a guy like me who took Hyde with a grain of salt and was branded a failure. I might have carried my burden of failure on into adulthood, and even gone back for a late-life diploma, like tin man, scarecrow, and cowardly lion. Well, it's wonderful to discover Hyde's dissident community! I had no idea I was in such good company![/quote]
That's a very good way to put it: Hyde's dissident community. What many of us are discovering is that this group is significant in size. This web site is very healing and therapeutic (MUCH more effective than Hyde's lame, often ineffectual seminars).
How did you find out about this web site?
I stumbled across this site last month when I Googled an acquaintance whose name appears in association with it. It wasn't something that I sought out, but something that I sort of met by accident on the path. I left Hyde thirty years ago with a forward look and not with a backward look. College, graduate schools, marriage, immigration, career, family: all these haven't left me much time to mull over the Hyde effect, whether good or ill. From what little I've gathered, it seems there's an inverse ratio between success at Hyde and success in the real world. That's good news for a guy like me who took Hyde with a grain of salt and was branded a failure. I might have carried my burden of failure on into adulthood, and even gone back for a late-life diploma, like tin man, scarecrow, and cowardly lion. Well, it's wonderful to discover Hyde's dissident community! I had no idea I was in such good company![/quote]
Am curious, did you contact this acquaintence? If so, was he/she aware of this board?
I think it is important that when parents investigage Hyde in order to make a decision about sending their kid there, they should have all the facts, not just the materials that Hyde puts out. Hyde spends a lot of money on marketing the school and it definitely does pay off. I believe it is equally as important for parents to hear the voice of the many disatisfied students and parents, which are plentiful.
How did you find out about this web site?
I stumbled across this site last month when I Googled an acquaintance whose name appears in association with it. It wasn't something that I sought out, but something that I sort of met by accident on the path. I left Hyde thirty years ago with a forward look and not with a backward look. College, graduate schools, marriage, immigration, career, family: all these haven't left me much time to mull over the Hyde effect, whether good or ill. From what little I've gathered, it seems there's an inverse ratio between success at Hyde and success in the real world. That's good news for a guy like me who took Hyde with a grain of salt and was branded a failure. I might have carried my burden of failure on into adulthood, and even gone back for a late-life diploma, like tin man, scarecrow, and cowardly lion. Well, it's wonderful to discover Hyde's dissident community! I had no idea I was in such good company![/quote]
What was that pop song from about 30 years ago? "Oz never gave nothing to the tinman that he didn't all ready have." Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. It is just Joe. I have been thru the desert on a horse with no name since then, so I can't remember my name.
BTW I just watched Doug Pray's "Hype" on DVD. It is really good.
Emil Nightrate
How did you find out about this web site?
I stumbled across this site last month when I Googled an acquaintance whose name appears in association with it. It wasn't something that I sought out, but something that I sort of met by accident on the path. I left Hyde thirty years ago with a forward look and not with a backward look. College, graduate schools, marriage, immigration, career, family: all these haven't left me much time to mull over the Hyde effect, whether good or ill. From what little I've gathered, it seems there's an inverse ratio between success at Hyde and success in the real world. That's good news for a guy like me who took Hyde with a grain of salt and was branded a failure. I might have carried my burden of failure on into adulthood, and even gone back for a late-life diploma, like tin man, scarecrow, and cowardly lion. Well, it's wonderful to discover Hyde's dissident community! I had no idea I was in such good company!
Am curious, did you contact this acquaintence? If so, was he/she aware of this board? [/quote]
How did you find out about this web site?
I stumbled across this site last month when I Googled an acquaintance whose name appears in association with it. It wasn't something that I sought out, but something that I sort of met by accident on the path. I left Hyde thirty years ago with a forward look and not with a backward look. College, graduate schools, marriage, immigration, career, family: all these haven't left me much time to mull over the Hyde effect, whether good or ill. From what little I've gathered, it seems there's an inverse ratio between success at Hyde and success in the real world. That's good news for a guy like me who took Hyde with a grain of salt and was branded a failure. I might have carried my burden of failure on into adulthood, and even gone back for a late-life diploma, like tin man, scarecrow, and cowardly lion. Well, it's wonderful to discover Hyde's dissident community! I had no idea I was in such good company!
Am curious, did you contact this acquaintence? If so, was he/she aware of this board?
Name of acquaintence?
How did you find out about this web site?
I stumbled across this site last month when I Googled an acquaintance whose name appears in association with it. It wasn't something that I sought out, but something that I sort of met by accident on the path. I left Hyde thirty years ago with a forward look and not with a backward look. College, graduate schools, marriage, immigration, career, family: all these haven't left me much time to mull over the Hyde effect, whether good or ill. From what little I've gathered, it seems there's an inverse ratio between success at Hyde and success in the real world. That's good news for a guy like me who took Hyde with a grain of salt and was branded a failure. I might have carried my burden of failure on into adulthood, and even gone back for a late-life diploma, like tin man, scarecrow, and cowardly lion. Well, it's wonderful to discover Hyde's dissident community! I had no idea I was in such good company!
What was that pop song from about 30 years ago? "Oz never gave nothing to the tinman that he didn't all ready have." Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. It is just Joe. I have been thru the desert on a horse with no name since then, so I can't remember my name.
BTW I just watched Doug Pray's "Hype" on DVD. It is really good.
Emil Nightrate[/quote]
Good to hear from you again, Emil. I remember listening to America late night with Lynch on our transistor.
How did you find out about this web site?
I stumbled across this site last month when I Googled an acquaintance whose name appears in association with it. It wasn't something that I sought out, but something that I sort of met by accident on the path. I left Hyde thirty years ago with a forward look and not with a backward look. College, graduate schools, marriage, immigration, career, family: all these haven't left me much time to mull over the Hyde effect, whether good or ill. From what little I've gathered, it seems there's an inverse ratio between success at Hyde and success in the real world. That's good news for a guy like me who took Hyde with a grain of salt and was branded a failure. I might have carried my burden of failure on into adulthood, and even gone back for a late-life diploma, like tin man, scarecrow, and cowardly lion. Well, it's wonderful to discover Hyde's dissident community! I had no idea I was in such good company!
Am curious, did you contact this acquaintence? If so, was he/she aware of this board?
Name of acquaintence?
Ed Legg.
How did you find out about this web site?
I stumbled across this site last month when I Googled an acquaintance whose name appears in association with it. It wasn't something that I sought out, but something that I sort of met by accident on the path. I left Hyde thirty years ago with a forward look and not with a backward look. College, graduate schools, marriage, immigration, career, family: all these haven't left me much time to mull over the Hyde effect, whether good or ill. From what little I've gathered, it seems there's an inverse ratio between success at Hyde and success in the real world. That's good news for a guy like me who took Hyde with a grain of salt and was branded a failure. I might have carried my burden of failure on into adulthood, and even gone back for a late-life diploma, like tin man, scarecrow, and cowardly lion. Well, it's wonderful to discover Hyde's dissident community! I had no idea I was in such good company!
Am curious, did you contact this acquaintence? If so, was he/she aware of this board?
Name of acquaintence?
Ed Legg.
Oh Mr Ed "I love the sound of my own voice. You need to be committed to changing the world" Legg? He is revolutionizing American Society as the Assistant Dean of Dribble Glass Studies at some podunk commuter school. Is that too harsh? Sorry.
How did you find out about this web site?
I stumbled across this site last month when I Googled an acquaintance whose name appears in association with it. It wasn't something that I sought out, but something that I sort of met by accident on the path. I left Hyde thirty years ago with a forward look and not with a backward look. College, graduate schools, marriage, immigration, career, family: all these haven't left me much time to mull over the Hyde effect, whether good or ill. From what little I've gathered, it seems there's an inverse ratio between success at Hyde and success in the real world. That's good news for a guy like me who took Hyde with a grain of salt and was branded a failure. I might have carried my burden of failure on into adulthood, and even gone back for a late-life diploma, like tin man, scarecrow, and cowardly lion. Well, it's wonderful to discover Hyde's dissident community! I had no idea I was in such good company!
Am curious, did you contact this acquaintence? If so, was he/she aware of this board?
Name of acquaintence?
Ed Legg.
Oh Mr Ed "I love the sound of my own voice. I want you to be committed to changing the world" Legg? He is revolutionizing American Society as the Assistant Dean of Dribble Glass Studies at some podunk commuter school. Is that too harsh? Sorry.
I have his coordinates, Emil. I don't care about his job. That's not why I haven't contacted him.
I think it's A.D. of "university relations," if I'm not mistaken. Is this a fancy way of saying "PR Man?" If so, that's a bit like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse, if you ask me...
But he also has his own company of sorts, even if in name only, as it is noted as the source for numerous campaign contributions (his other "title" gave more but I did see this as well)...
I think it's A.D. of "university relations," if I'm not mistaken. Is this a fancy way of saying "PR Man?" If so, that's a bit like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse, if you ask me...
But he also has his own company of sorts, even if in name only, as it is noted as the source for numerous campaign contributions (his other "title" gave more but I did see this as well)...
I am sure he has done well for himself. He was a smart guy. Look at how he manuvered himself into the headmasters job, moved Joe aside, brought in an expert to say Joe had to go then had the old man dumped. It was all very shrewed. The question I have is "Why" It makes no sense to me. Did he have some messianic view of himself? OR was he like that character in the movie "In the Company of Men" He did it as a game to see it he could?
A lot of people from back then love him still. I am not one of them. I just find it ironic that some one that would preach such lofty sermons would end up doing something so quodidian as the front man for a commuter school.
It would not take too much of an expert to come up with the Joe-Had-To-Go conclusion. Although, I am sure he paid dearly for it. And I wouldn't rule out a messiah complex, either. Because he had to have highly occlusive blinders on, it was stupid; Hyde was Joe's game.
Notwithstanding the inalienable right Ed Legg and his family have to their particular version of the pursuit of happiness, what he did to me sucked pure sulphuric acid. I have an absolutely visceral response to even seeing his name in print, and I suspect I am not alone in that. He really should be held accountable for the countless lives he has ruined.
Although he certainly has a rather dogmatic way of thinking, I like to hope that he is still capable of a crisis of conscience. Let us hope so, even if only for the sake of his soul.
It would not take too much of an expert to come up with the Joe-Had-To-Go conclusion. Although, I am sure he paid dearly for it. And I wouldn't rule out a messiah complex, either. Because he had to have highly occlusive blinders on, it was stupid; Hyde was Joe's game.
Notwithstanding the inalienable right Ed Legg and his family have to their particular version of the pursuit of happiness, what he did to me sucked pure sulphuric acid. I have an absolutely visceral response to even seeing his name in print, and I suspect I am not alone in that. He really should be held accountable for the countless lives he has ruined.
Although he certainly has a rather dogmatic way of thinking, I like to hope that he is still capable of a crisis of conscience. Let us hope so, even if only for the sake of his soul.
It is really funny how two different people can have a complete opposite view of the same thing and both be correct. You talk to some of the people he inspired or the guys on that 14-0 football team he coached, and they will tell you he was the greatest thing since Jesus Christ. And to them it is true. He never screwed them. The same thing is true about Joe. When you talk to people that are still invested in hyde you have to becareful about what you say. I made the mistake of saying something negative about Ed to one person who just glares at me now. Joe, Ed and Co. had some god like power over kids lifes. You know, I wonder what it was that made Joe back hand one girl and think another was his personal Helen Keller-esque victory. I know what happened to one of them. I wonder if the girl he back handed turned out any better.
Or the former graduate he saw fit to make his own personal Lolita? whilst still married to Blanche, I?ve heard.
It all boils down to a flagrant abuse of power. These people are so drunk on themselves that they step over the line right and left and any which way you look at it. None of this has any business happening in an institution ostensibly created for the purpose of educating kids.
And the kids don?t know any better. You are at a time of your life where you are oh-so-impressionable and confused about a LOT of things, and you have grownups passing themselves off as the closest thing to Gandhi, filled with all sorts of high falutin? ideals about character. And the next thing you know, you piss one of them off or do the wrong tihing and you branded as essentially and integrally and totally a failure for life... That there is something wrong with you at the CORE... Who are these people passing such supreme judgement?
Character, my ass. I say cult cult cult.
Or the former graduate he saw fit to make his own personal Lolita? whilst still married to Blanche, I?ve heard.
It all boils down to a flagrant abuse of power. These people are so drunk on themselves that they step over the line right and left and any which way you look at it. None of this has any business happening in an institution ostensibly created for the purpose of educating kids.
And the kids don?t know any better. You are at a time of your life where you are oh-so-impressionable and confused about a LOT of things, and you have grownups passing themselves off as the closest thing to Gandhi, filled with all sorts of high falutin? ideals about character. And the next thing you know, you piss one of them off or do the wrong tihing and you branded as essentially and integrally and totally a failure for life... That there is something wrong with you at the CORE... Who are these people passing such supreme judgement?
Character, my ass. I say cult cult cult.
You know, the more I think about it the harder it is to argue.
She was about 20 at the time so Lolita is a lillte bit of a stretch, but not much. Joe was about my age at the time. I remember how beautiful dream weaver was. My daughter has friends that are just about as hot as she was. You know what comes to mind is Jan Holland. She use to say "You are sick, sick, sick!"
Here is a guy that raised three kids in a house with an active alcoholic telling you that you are screwed up, then hitting on a girl that was YOUNGER then his oldest daughter. Yup character all right. A real role model for us all.
Yeah, Jan had a nicely acerbic take on the place. I didn?t dare get to know her. I was too perfused with the Kool-Aid at the time, harboring hopeless notions that surely they would realize how hard I was trying, how much I believed, and how earnest my intentions?
And that just gets me. Cuz so many kids were in just that boat, and Hyde saw fit to capsize that boat on them as ? in that tremendous and infinite capacity for the discernment of character that only Hyde can have ? Hyde found them wanting, lacking in character, or perhaps lacking the charisma and devotion necessary to scion the next generation of Galled-a-linis to carry on the cause.
In retrospect, of course, I consider myself most blessed.
Yeah, Jan had a nicely acerbic take on the place. I didn?t dare get to know her. I was too perfused with the Kool-Aid at the time, harboring hopeless notions that surely they would realize how hard I was trying, how much I believed, and how earnest my intentions?
And that just gets me. Cuz so many kids were in just that boat, and Hyde saw fit to capsize that boat on them as ? in that tremendous and infinite capacity for the discernment of character that only Hyde can have ? Hyde found them wanting, lacking in character, or perhaps lacking the charisma and devotion necessary to scion the next generation of Galled-a-linis to carry on the cause.
In retrospect, of course, I consider myself most blessed.
I had no hyde kool-aide. Had some of the electric kind in summer school. There was a guy in the outhouse that had a picture of a toad on the wall. He had a sheet of blotter acid behind the picture. I remember being in the room with him and having Henry Milton come in. Old Henry looked directly at the picture and comented on it. You have never really experiance Henry until you listen to him give you a lecture on resonsiblity as his face is melting into his torso. I have a fond memory of him looking like a picasso cubist rendering.
I never spoke in a school meeting unless spoken to directly. It was my own personal rule. Joe tried to may a school meeting about me once. He did a imitation of me being defeated at a wrestling match. "I wonder how that must have felt. It must have been really humiliating" he said as he glared at me. I just sat there and glared back. He releaized he was not going to crack me and moved on to something else. I never broke a rule during the two regular years I was in attendance. I never turned anyone in. I never confronted anybodies attitide. Patrick Magoonan in the "Prisoner" was my role model. Worked for me.
I had no hyde kool-aide. Had some of the electric kind in summer school. There was a guy in the outhouse that had a picture of a toad on the wall. He had a sheet of blotter acid behind the picture. I remember being in the room with him and having Henry Milton come in. Old Henry looked directly at the picture and comented on it. You have never really experiance Henry until you listen to him give you a lecture on resonsiblity as his face is melting into his torso. I have a fond memory of him looking like a picasso cubist rendering.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
OHHHH, ...too excellent!!
Or the former graduate he saw fit to make his own personal Lolita? whilst still married to Blanche, I?ve heard.
It all boils down to a flagrant abuse of power. These people are so drunk on themselves that they step over the line right and left and any which way you look at it. None of this has any business happening in an institution ostensibly created for the purpose of educating kids.
And the kids don?t know any better. You are at a time of your life where you are oh-so-impressionable and confused about a LOT of things, and you have grownups passing themselves off as the closest thing to Gandhi, filled with all sorts of high falutin? ideals about character. And the next thing you know, you piss one of them off or do the wrong tihing and you branded as essentially and integrally and totally a failure for life... That there is something wrong with you at the CORE... Who are these people passing such supreme judgement?
Character, my ass. I say cult cult cult.
You know, the more I think about it the harder it is to argue.
She was about 20 at the time so Lolita is a lillte bit of a stretch, but not much. Joe was about my age at the time. I remember how beautiful dream weaver was. My daughter has friends that are just about as hot as she was. You know what comes to mind is Jan Holland. She use to say "You are sick, sick, sick!"
Here is a guy that raised three kids in a house with an active alcoholic telling you that you are screwed up, then hitting on a girl that was YOUNGER then his oldest daughter. Yup character all right. A real role model for us all.
One of the most laughable features of Hyde is Joe Gauld's portrait of himself as a virtuous model of good character. It's hard for me to identify anyone else I've ever come across in my lifetime who qualifies as a bigger hypocrite. I wonder if current Hyde parents know his personal history and have any sense of Gauld's gall. Few things in life make me angrier than my memories of Gauld and his cronies telling other people (more like preaching) how to live their lives when they're perfect examples of qualities I DON'T admire or want to emulate. The only reason to listen to Joe Gauld and many others at Hyde is to learn how NOT to live a life. I feel so sorry for parents who pay Hyde even a dime and enroll their kids. What a waste.
I had no hyde kool-aide. Had some of the electric kind in summer school. There was a guy in the outhouse that had a picture of a toad on the wall. He had a sheet of blotter acid behind the picture. I remember being in the room with him and having Henry Milton come in. Old Henry looked directly at the picture and comented on it. You have never really experiance Henry until you listen to him give you a lecture on resonsiblity as his face is melting into his torso. I have a fond memory of him looking like a picasso cubist rendering.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
OHHHH, ...too excellent!!
My other fond rememberance of Henry involves Todd Donahue. Todd sang the dylan song "don't ya' tell henry" at a school performance. I knew at the time he was screwing Henry's wife and that was why he was sing the song, to Marsha.
Dont ya tell henry
dont ya tell henry
don't ya tell henry
apple's got your fly
I had no hyde kool-aide. Had some of the electric kind in summer school. There was a guy in the outhouse that had a picture of a toad on the wall. He had a sheet of blotter acid behind the picture. I remember being in the room with him and having Henry Milton come in. Old Henry looked directly at the picture and comented on it. You have never really experiance Henry until you listen to him give you a lecture on resonsiblity as his face is melting into his torso. I have a fond memory of him looking like a picasso cubist rendering.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
OHHHH, ...too excellent!!
My other fond rememberance of Henry involves Todd Donahue. Todd sang the dylan song "don't ya' tell henry" at a school performance. I knew at the time he was screwing Henry's wife and that was why he was sing the song, to Marsha.
Dont ya tell henry
dont ya tell henry
don't ya tell henry
apple's got your fly
Oh-My-God, that I did not know! But he seemed so shy!
I had no hyde kool-aide. Had some of the electric kind in summer school. There was a guy in the outhouse that had a picture of a toad on the wall. He had a sheet of blotter acid behind the picture. I remember being in the room with him and having Henry Milton come in. Old Henry looked directly at the picture and comented on it. You have never really experiance Henry until you listen to him give you a lecture on resonsiblity as his face is melting into his torso. I have a fond memory of him looking like a picasso cubist rendering.
I never spoke in a school meeting unless spoken to directly. It was my own personal rule. Joe tried to may a school meeting about me once. He did a imitation of me being defeated at a wrestling match. "I wonder how that must have felt. It must have been really humiliating" he said as he glared at me. I just sat there and glared back. He releaized he was not going to crack me and moved on to something else. I never broke a rule during the two regular years I was in attendance. I never turned anyone in. I never confronted anybodies attitide. Patrick Magoonan in the "Prisoner" was my role model. Worked for me.
You describe that episode with Henry so nicely. I almost feel as if I were there with you being lectured to by Bugs Bunny. Funny that you should mention toads. It was the first school meeting on the first day of summer school, and Joe had already worked himself into a lather. Suddenly, in the middle of the meeting, Joe goes silent, as this guy meekly enters the auditorium. Joe thunders, "Why are you late?," and this guy mumbles something about having seen a three-eyed toad! Ben Hall and I had to hold on to our seats. It was all we could do to keep from rolling on the floor with laughter.
I had no hyde kool-aide. Had some of the electric kind in summer school. There was a guy in the outhouse that had a picture of a toad on the wall. He had a sheet of blotter acid behind the picture. I remember being in the room with him and having Henry Milton come in. Old Henry looked directly at the picture and comented on it. You have never really experiance Henry until you listen to him give you a lecture on resonsiblity as his face is melting into his torso. I have a fond memory of him looking like a picasso cubist rendering.
I never spoke in a school meeting unless spoken to directly. It was my own personal rule. Joe tried to may a school meeting about me once. He did a imitation of me being defeated at a wrestling match. "I wonder how that must have felt. It must have been really humiliating" he said as he glared at me. I just sat there and glared back. He releaized he was not going to crack me and moved on to something else. I never broke a rule during the two regular years I was in attendance. I never turned anyone in. I never confronted anybodies attitide. Patrick Magoonan in the "Prisoner" was my role model. Worked for me.
You describe that episode with Henry so nicely. I almost feel as if I were there with you being lectured to by Bugs Bunny. Funny that you should mention toads. It was the first school meeting on the first day of summer school, and Joe had already worked himself into a lather. Suddenly, in the middle of the meeting, Joe goes silent, as this guy meekly enters the auditorium. Joe thunders, "Why are you late?," and this guy mumbles something about having seen a three-eyed toad! Ben Hall and I had to hold on to our seats. It was all we could do to keep from rolling on the floor with laughter.
The picture on the blotter was a three eyed toad.
My other fond rememberance of Henry involves Todd Donahue. Todd sang the dylan song "don't ya' tell henry" at a school performance. I knew at the time he was screwing Henry's wife and that was why he was sing the song, to Marsha.
why would Henry care?
he was after the boyz durring my time there
he would invite groups of adolescent males to the hot tubs and sauna place in Brunzwick and would call me to his office to strike up conversations about male anatomy, mine, and other kids...very strange dude...and I was not on acid. I have plenty of other stories. At the time I thought he was interested in my "Growth" ect. A few years later I realized he wanted some 15y/o boy bootie....I escaped un streached...perhaps others did not fare so well
I had no hyde kool-aide. Had some of the electric kind in summer school. There was a guy in the outhouse that had a picture of a toad on the wall. He had a sheet of blotter acid behind the picture. I remember being in the room with him and having Henry Milton come in. Old Henry looked directly at the picture and comented on it. You have never really experiance Henry until you listen to him give you a lecture on resonsiblity as his face is melting into his torso. I have a fond memory of him looking like a picasso cubist rendering.
I never spoke in a school meeting unless spoken to directly. It was my own personal rule. Joe tried to may a school meeting about me once. He did a imitation of me being defeated at a wrestling match. "I wonder how that must have felt. It must have been really humiliating" he said as he glared at me. I just sat there and glared back. He releaized he was not going to crack me and moved on to something else. I never broke a rule during the two regular years I was in attendance. I never turned anyone in. I never confronted anybodies attitide. Patrick Magoonan in the "Prisoner" was my role model. Worked for me.
You describe that episode with Henry so nicely. I almost feel as if I were there with you being lectured to by Bugs Bunny. Funny that you should mention toads. It was the first school meeting on the first day of summer school, and Joe had already worked himself into a lather. Suddenly, in the middle of the meeting, Joe goes silent, as this guy meekly enters the auditorium. Joe thunders, "Why are you late?," and this guy mumbles something about having seen a three-eyed toad! Ben Hall and I had to hold on to our seats. It was all we could do to keep from rolling on the floor with laughter.
The picture on the blotter was a three eyed toad.
I did not know I had to be anywhere. I heard about dinner, but concidering my frame of mind eating was not on the top of my list. I really loved watching the middle of the carlson bridge go up and down. I had to watch it a couple for time before I realized it was really happening. I got board walking around Bath and decided to head back to school. I really did see the toad with all three eyes. It was after the meeting that I got the lecture from Henry.
emil nightrate
My other fond rememberance of Henry involves Todd Donahue. Todd sang the dylan song "don't ya' tell henry" at a school performance. I knew at the time he was screwing Henry's wife and that was why he was sing the song, to Marsha.
why would Henry care?
he was after the boyz durring my time there
he would invite groups of adolescent males to the hot tubs and sauna place in Brunzwick and would call me to his office to strike up conversations about male anatomy, mine, and other kids...very strange dude...and I was not on acid. I have plenty of other stories. At the time I thought he was interested in my "Growth" ect. A few years later I realized he wanted some 15y/o boy bootie....I escaped un streached...perhaps others did not fare so well
Old Henry a pediphile. I'll be damned.
My other fond rememberance of Henry involves Todd Donahue. Todd sang the dylan song "don't ya' tell henry" at a school performance. I knew at the time he was screwing Henry's wife and that was why he was sing the song, to Marsha.
why would Henry care?
he was after the boyz durring my time there
he would invite groups of adolescent males to the hot tubs and sauna place in Brunzwick and would call me to his office to strike up conversations about male anatomy, mine, and other kids...very strange dude...and I was not on acid. I have plenty of other stories. At the time I thought he was interested in my "Growth" ect. A few years later I realized he wanted some 15y/o boy bootie....I escaped un streached...perhaps others did not fare so well
Old Henry a pediphile. I'll be damned.
We seem to have two groups of posters here. A couple, (maybe a few) from the 70's and at least several from the 90's and 2000's. It is ironic that the same kind of stories are coming from both sets of parents/students. I am getting a real kick of joining all of you down memory lane from the 70's. I am a parent from the 1990's. I like hearing your stories. It seems as though a couple of you can look back, see the horrors involved at Hyde School and yet joke about it. This is good that you have moved on. I am not quite there. In my humble opinion it is important to try to help other parents/students not to go down the same path as us and not to have to suffer emotionally the way we have. It is obvious that many of you are still effected to this day by the abuses at Hyde. As another poster said, although some things have changed, you still have the same people in power who are doing the same hurtful things.
Keep those stories coming Emil and the others. Maybe you can jog some other people's memories!
OK another one...late 70s early 80s. The school and schools in general are worried about overweight kids. So, body fat measurements are recommended as a way to determine total body fat percent.
A teacher, coach and dad of one of my female classmates. Has all the girls in the school strip for him one at a time for the body fat measurements. We boys were allowed to keep shorts on. The rationale the teacher came up with was the elastic bands of the bras and panties would throw off the test results. The headmasters daughter at the time (not a gauld), protested and the nude teen show came to a halt. She was a 8th or 9th grader and had some common sence. The brainwashing had not set in on her. The "leadership senior" girls donned their birthday suits with out a second thought.
I think this speaks reams to the hyde process...It taught these girl to do as your told, we know best, don't question the process to the point of stripping butt *ss naked in front of this sadly disturbed man. Now that is character before acheivement!!!!!
OK another one...late 70s early 80s. The school and schools in general are worried about overweight kids. So, body fat measurements are recommended as a way to determine total body fat percent.
A teacher, coach and dad of one of my female classmates. Has all the girls in the school strip for him one at a time for the body fat measurements. We boys were allowed to keep shorts on. The rationale the teacher came up with was the elastic bands of the bras and panties would throw off the test results. The headmasters daughter at the time (not a gauld), protested and the nude teen show came to a halt. She was a 8th or 9th grader and had some common sence. The brainwashing had not set in on her. The "leadership senior" girls donned their birthday suits with out a second thought.
I think this speaks reams to the hyde process...It taught these girl to do as your told, we know best, don't question the process to the point of stripping butt *ss naked in front of this sadly disturbed man. Now that is character before acheivement!!!!!
Who was the instructor?
OK another one...late 70s early 80s. The school and schools in general are worried about overweight kids. So, body fat measurements are recommended as a way to determine total body fat percent.
A teacher, coach and dad of one of my female classmates. Has all the girls in the school strip for him one at a time for the body fat measurements. We boys were allowed to keep shorts on. The rationale the teacher came up with was the elastic bands of the bras and panties would throw off the test results. The headmasters daughter at the time (not a gauld), protested and the nude teen show came to a halt. She was a 8th or 9th grader and had some common sence. The brainwashing had not set in on her. The "leadership senior" girls donned their birthday suits with out a second thought.
I think this speaks reams to the hyde process...It taught these girl to do as your told, we know best, don't question the process to the point of stripping butt *ss naked in front of this sadly disturbed man. Now that is character before acheivement!!!!!
Who was the instructor?
I don't know if I can bring my self to post his name. His daughter stayed and finished, or metamorphasized, or emerged from the crystalysis..or what ever they call graduate there now these days. She was a real nice and sincere person, I felt real bad for her she must have been mortified.
The entire matter was handled differently that what a I hear goes on now. He was dismissed and the parents informed and told a plan of action to avoid such situations in the future. My mom actually told me the details. The boys were left out of the process but the girls were told it was a wrong thing to do, I said the headmaster was not a gauld.
This must have been after Ed left, and before Joe was brought back? This seems almost normal:
The entire matter was handled differently that what a I hear goes on now. He was dismissed and the parents informed and told a plan of action to avoid such situations in the future.
Of course to be truly normal the situation would never have been brought up...
no, ed's tenure, and ed's youngest blew the whistle..the rest of the hyde clones complied with out question
correction...ed's oldest
correction...ed's oldest
LeMarca is that how you spell it?
Was it Ed's daughter, or was it Ed's wife, Anne, telling Ed's daughter? Hmmm...
I could have sworn it was spelled LaMarca. (Why did this come up?
My other fond rememberance of Henry involves Todd Donahue. Todd sang the dylan song "don't ya' tell henry" at a school performance. I knew at the time he was screwing Henry's wife and that was why he was sing the song, to Marsha.
why would Henry care?
he was after the boyz durring my time there
he would invite groups of adolescent males to the hot tubs and sauna place in Brunzwick and would call me to his office to strike up conversations about male anatomy, mine, and other kids...very strange dude...and I was not on acid. I have plenty of other stories. At the time I thought he was interested in my "Growth" ect. A few years later I realized he wanted some 15y/o boy bootie....I escaped un streached...perhaps others did not fare so well
This reminds me of something a former classmate told me. He had gone back for some reason, perhaps reunion but perhaps not, as it wasn't more than a few years after he had graduated, and he greeted Sumner with a hug and was about to kiss Sumner on the cheek, as was his style, when Sumner tried to tongue-kiss him. I said, "Are you sure? Perhaps there was some misinterpretation or other..." He mumbled, "no," and I could see from the expression on his face that, if anything, he had probably understated what transpired. Of course this is heresay, but I tend to believe it...
What was not addressed is that it happened because kids were being taught to not question the authority of hyde. I work as an educator now and it boggles my mind things I endured (and my poor parents paid for) and that the place is still chugging along. If you are looking for a Boarding school for your child consider these quick thoughts.
It is character AND achievement, not character over achievement. They are both paramount. Hyde uses the term as an excuse to keep unqualified teachers, and avoid the ardor of putting together a curriculum and doing the day to day work of running a school. Math there was a joke, I remember a math class where the teacher (Jon Chesterton) would put on his own hyde seminars instead of teaching algebra, like we didn?t get enough seminar. I remember getting everything right on one of his lame tests and the next class was dedicated to him running a session where the entire class lambasted me for doing well and not ?sharing?. I was a pariah for doing the school work!
HARMONY MATTERS. The phrase is really truth and harmony. And it is difficult to accomplish. Truth over harmony is an excuse for demeaning and insulting behavior. It is how the founder communicates and can?t change. It helps protect them from the customary standards of professionalism. And provides a framework to disguise an archaic system of authority figure centered education. Those who can communicate (truth) and empower (harmony) are the most successful people I know. And this is what you should look for in a school.
Oh and you guyz with the acid trips are wacked?you belonged there.
Okay, Fifth, I've got to respond to a number of your points.
First. Emil has been posting on this forum for some time now under a variety of names, as such is his want, and if you go back and read his output over time, certain elements come out loud and clear. He likes to be funny and has a wonderful sense of humor, which may seem outrageous if you are someone who tends to take things very literally, but he is basically a very solid and decent guy who, on the occassion that merits it, will spout most earnest and heartfelt material that is most assuredly on the saner side of normal.
Second. I appreciate very much your saying " happened because kids were being taught to not question the authority of hyde." You COULDN'T question authority! It was not just that it wasn't allowed and to do so would entail punishment, but it went against the grain of what was being taught, it was antithetical to your being any kind of success at all at the place. To question meant that you were somehow retarding your character development.
Third. I really love your spin on the glorification of character over achievement as being nothing more than "an excuse to keep unqualified teachers, and avoid the ardor of putting together a curriculum and doing the day to day work of running a school." I have always felt this, that so much of Hyde's philosophy entailed what was CONVENIENT and FEASIBLE for them to maintain, rather than any true striving for excellence which should, by definition, include academic rigor. I too, experienced ridicule with intonations of accusations of "selfishness" for achieving high marks in the "sciences" (what a joke).
Fourth. I must take some issue with your description of Hyde as "an archaic system of authority figure centered education," although I suspect we are more on the same page than not on this one as well. I guess when I think of an authority figure centered educator, I'm imaging someone more like Socrates (although, if you recall, his students were required to question him and his style was more didactic than dictatorial). In contrast, in my own personal, humble, and I'm-not-an-educator perspective, I do think Hyde is pedagogical in name only, it is more of a personality cult than a bonafide education system. And when the person of that personality is gone, the place will either be reamed out and revamped, or swiftly and effetely fade away.
In my humble opinion...
I am sure he has done well for himself. He was a smart guy. Look at how he manuvered himself into the headmasters job, moved Joe aside, brought in an expert to say Joe had to go then had the old man dumped. It was all very shrewed. The question I have is "Why" It makes no sense to me. Did he have some messianic view of himself? OR was he like that character in the movie "In the Company of Men" He did it as a game to see it he could?
A lot of people from back then love him still. I am not one of them. I just find it ironic that some one that would preach such lofty sermons would end up doing something so quodidian as the front man for a commuter school.
Ed Legg was a Harvard grad, a football star with a law degree, who ended up in a high school and had to teach the likes of us. In that context his revolutionary fervor, political climbing, and prophecies of failure for many a poor boy and girl were probably just his way of dealing (badly) with his own sense of failure, and it's best that he is out of there and unable to influence young adults. My problem with Ed is his complicity. Although his hands were clean of the abuses that were taking place all around him, as headmaster he was in it up to his ears.
On a personal level, I liked the guy. I admired his mind, he taught the only worthwhile course in the school, and he didn't begrudge me a college recommendation that started me off on a good academic footing.
I agree that we should maintain the focus on Hyde, but allow me to share an anecdote about Ed. Three-eyed toad was very potent acid, sold to me by Owlsley, the sound engineer of the Grateful Dead, and each toad had to be cut into at least sixteen parts. Not knowing this, my weird roommate and his epileptic friend stole and ingested an entire toad each. Well, the epileptic went into unending spastic seizures, and my roommate ran around the Outhouse in the middle of the night trying to find a way to commit suicide, and both of them spent a week in hospital, before their parents withdrew them. Figuring the gig was up, I walked over to Ed's office the next day to turn myself in. As I went to pull the acid out of my pocket, he said, "Stop, Michael, or I'll be an accomplice and have to call the police.'' It was that JD kicking in. He didn't put me on work crew, and trusted me to dispose of the acid. He was pretty cool about it.
Fifth, I agree with you 100 percent --- except that part that I belonged at Hyde. I owe my sanity to that acid.
I am sure he has done well for himself. He was a smart guy. Look at how he manuvered himself into the headmasters job, moved Joe aside, brought in an expert to say Joe had to go then had the old man dumped. It was all very shrewed. The question I have is "Why" It makes no sense to me. Did he have some messianic view of himself? OR was he like that character in the movie "In the Company of Men" He did it as a game to see it he could?
A lot of people from back then love him still. I am not one of them. I just find it ironic that some one that would preach such lofty sermons would end up doing something so quodidian as the front man for a commuter school.
I am so happy I could just shit. I had no problems with Owl products.
Ed Legg was a Harvard grad, a football star with a law degree, who ended up in a high school and had to teach the likes of us. In that context his revolutionary fervor, political climbing, and prophecies of failure for many a poor boy and girl were probably just his way of dealing (badly) with his own sense of failure, and it's best that he is out of there and unable to influence young adults. My problem with Ed is his complicity. Although his hands were clean of the abuses that were taking place all around him, as headmaster he was in it up to his ears.
On a personal level, I liked the guy. I admired his mind, he taught the only worthwhile course in the school, and he didn't begrudge me a college recommendation that started me off on a good academic footing.
I agree that we should maintain the focus on Hyde, but allow me to share an anecdote about Ed. Three-eyed toad was very potent acid, sold to me by Owlsley, the sound engineer of the Grateful Dead, and each toad had to be cut into at least sixteen parts. Not knowing this, my weird roommate and his epileptic friend stole and ingested an entire toad each. Well, the epileptic went into unending spastic seizures, and my roommate ran around the Outhouse in the middle of the night trying to find a way to commit suicide, and both of them spent a week in hospital, before their parents withdrew them. Figuring the gig was up, I walked over to Ed's office the next day to turn myself in. As I went to pull the acid out of my pocket, he said, "Stop, Michael, or I'll be an accomplice and have to call the police.'' It was that JD kicking in. He didn't put me on work crew, and trusted me to dispose of the acid. He was pretty cool about it.
Fifth, I agree with you 100 percent --- except that part that I belonged at Hyde. I owe my sanity to that acid.
What was not addressed is that it happened because kids were being taught to not question the authority of hyde. I work as an educator now and it boggles my mind things I endured (and my poor parents paid for) and that the place is still chugging along. If you are looking for a Boarding school for your child consider these quick thoughts.
It is character AND achievement, not character over achievement. They are both paramount. Hyde uses the term as an excuse to keep unqualified teachers, and avoid the ardor of putting together a curriculum and doing the day to day work of running a school. Math there was a joke, I remember a math class where the teacher (Jon Chesterton) would put on his own hyde seminars instead of teaching algebra, like we didn?t get enough seminar. I remember getting everything right on one of his lame tests and the next class was dedicated to him running a session where the entire class lambasted me for doing well and not ?sharing?. I was a pariah for doing the school work!
HARMONY MATTERS. The phrase is really truth and harmony. And it is difficult to accomplish. Truth over harmony is an excuse for demeaning and insulting behavior. It is how the founder communicates and can?t change. It helps protect them from the customary standards of professionalism. And provides a framework to disguise an archaic system of authority figure centered education. Those who can communicate (truth) and empower (harmony) are the most successful people I know. And this is what you should look for in a school.
Oh and you guyz with the acid trips are wacked?you belonged there.
To the contrary I would submit that it is you that are wacked. You went down the rabbit hole and forgot where you were. I never did. My take is there there is charater education going on at Hyde. There is chararcter education going on in MCI Walope for that matter. The thing that I question is what is the standard for assesssing it and how is it applied. Hyde could not judge who had grown and who had not in any real predictable way. History has born this out. /You look at some of the kids that got diplomas, that have turned out to be a net negative on society: self indulgent drug abusers, pediphiles etc. Then you look at the folk that were cast aside, like for example Joan G. Hearing her life story you just got to say, damn if any one should have got a diploma from back then it was her.
And wasn't that the reason that Joe founded hyde? Traditional education did not cultivate people that were ready to participate in society in a whole matter. It picked people that were good on tests or the sports field. HELLO!? How did Hyde pick them? You fit well with the peer group and were varsity level. You played the game. you spoke the hyde lexecon. You shared in seminars. You picked the pecking order in seminars to put the failures in thier place. Honest to God the process was like grooming rituals in chimpanzee groups. What's charater building about that? I don't think hyde could function with out failures. Two quotes come to mind. One is from a Rhodes scholar. you can find it on the flip side of Bobby Magee:
'Cos everybody's got to have somebody to look down on.
Who they can feel better than at anytime they please.
Someone doin' somethin' dirty, decent folks can frown on.
If you can't find nobody else, then help yourself to me.
The other is a guy name Addison who said:
It is not sufficient that I succeed, other must fail.
You always own your reaction. To say that you had no choice it to say that you are not alive. Victor Frankel was correct. The one thing that can never be taken from you is your ablilty to choose how to react. You obeyed because you wanted to. Please free free to look down on me if it helps you ( I got that same Rhodes scolar comin' at ya) "make it through the night" ... 13014.html (
What was not addressed is that it happened because kids were being taught to not question the authority of hyde. I work as an educator now and it boggles my mind things I endured (and my poor parents paid for) and that the place is still chugging along. If you are looking for a Boarding school for your child consider these quick thoughts.
It is character AND achievement, not character over achievement. They are both paramount. Hyde uses the term as an excuse to keep unqualified teachers, and avoid the ardor of putting together a curriculum and doing the day to day work of running a school. Math there was a joke, I remember a math class where the teacher (Jon Chesterton) would put on his own hyde seminars instead of teaching algebra, like we didn?t get enough seminar. I remember getting everything right on one of his lame tests and the next class was dedicated to him running a session where the entire class lambasted me for doing well and not ?sharing?. I was a pariah for doing the school work!
HARMONY MATTERS. The phrase is really truth and harmony. And it is difficult to accomplish. Truth over harmony is an excuse for demeaning and insulting behavior. It is how the founder communicates and can?t change. It helps protect them from the customary standards of professionalism. And provides a framework to disguise an archaic system of authority figure centered education. Those who can communicate (truth) and empower (harmony) are the most successful people I know. And this is what you should look for in a school.
Oh and you guyz with the acid trips are wacked?you belonged there.
To the contrary I would submit that it is you that are wacked. You went down the rabbit hole and forgot where you were. I never did. My take is there there is charater education going on at Hyde. There is chararcter education going on in MCI Walope for that matter. The thing that I question is what is the standard for assesssing it and how is it applied. Hyde could not judge who had grown and who had not in any real predictable way. History has born this out. /You look at some of the kids that got diplomas, that have turned out to be a net negative on society: self indulgent drug abusers, pediphiles etc. Then you look at the folk that were cast aside, like for example Joan G. Hearing her life story you just got to say, damn if any one should have got a diploma from back then it was her.
And wasn't that the reason that Joe founded hyde? Traditional education did not cultivate people that were ready to participate in society in a whole matter. It picked people that were good on tests or the sports field. HELLO!? How did Hyde pick them? You fit well with the peer group and were varsity level. You played the game. you spoke the hyde lexecon. You shared in seminars. You picked the pecking order in seminars to put the failures in thier place. Honest to God the process was like grooming rituals in chimpanzee groups. What's charater building about that? I don't think hyde could function with out failures. Two quotes come to mind. One is from a Rhodes scholar. you can find it on the flip side of Bobby Magee:
'Cos everybody's got to have somebody to look down on.
Who they can feel better than at anytime they please.
Someone doin' somethin' dirty, decent folks can frown on.
If you can't find nobody else, then help yourself to me.
The other is a guy name Addison who said:
It is not sufficient that I succeed, other must fail.
You always own your reaction. To say that you had no choice it to say that you are not alive. Victor Frankel was correct. The one thing that can never be taken from you is your ablilty to choose how to react. You obeyed because you wanted to. Please free free to look down on me if it helps you ( I got that same Rhodes scolar comin' at ya) "make it through the night" ... 13014.html (
What was not addressed is that it happened because kids were being taught to not question the authority of hyde. I work as an educator now and it boggles my mind things I endured (and my poor parents paid for) and that the place is still chugging along. If you are looking for a Boarding school for your child consider these quick thoughts.
It is character AND achievement, not character over achievement. They are both paramount. Hyde uses the term as an excuse to keep unqualified teachers, and avoid the ardor of putting together a curriculum and doing the day to day work of running a school. Math there was a joke, I remember a math class where the teacher (Jon Chesterton) would put on his own hyde seminars instead of teaching algebra, like we didn?t get enough seminar. I remember getting everything right on one of his lame tests and the next class was dedicated to him running a session where the entire class lambasted me for doing well and not ?sharing?. I was a pariah for doing the school work!
HARMONY MATTERS. The phrase is really truth and harmony. And it is difficult to accomplish. Truth over harmony is an excuse for demeaning and insulting behavior. It is how the founder communicates and can?t change. It helps protect them from the customary standards of professionalism. And provides a framework to disguise an archaic system of authority figure centered education. Those who can communicate (truth) and empower (harmony) are the most successful people I know. And this is what you should look for in a school.
Oh and you guyz with the acid trips are wacked?you belonged there.
To the contrary I would submit that it is you that are wacked. You went down the rabbit hole and forgot where you were. I never did. My take is there there is charater education going on at Hyde. There is chararcter education going on in MCI Walope for that matter. The thing that I question is what is the standard for assesssing it and how is it applied. Hyde could not judge who had grown and who had not in any real predictable way. History has born this out. /You look at some of the kids that got diplomas, that have turned out to be a net negative on society: self indulgent drug abusers, pediphiles etc. Then you look at the folk that were cast aside, like for example Joan G. Hearing her life story you just got to say, damn if any one should have got a diploma from back then it was her.
And wasn't that the reason that Joe founded hyde? Traditional education did not cultivate people that were ready to participate in society in a whole matter. It picked people that were good on tests or the sports field. HELLO!? How did Hyde pick them? You fit well with the peer group and were varsity level. You played the game. you spoke the hyde lexecon. You shared in seminars. You picked the pecking order in seminars to put the failures in thier place. Honest to God the process was like grooming rituals in chimpanzee groups. What's charater building about that? I don't think hyde could function with out failures. Two quotes come to mind. One is from a Rhodes scholar. you can find it on the flip side of Bobby Magee:
'Cos everybody's got to have somebody to look down on.
Who they can feel better than at anytime they please.
Someone doin' somethin' dirty, decent folks can frown on.
If you can't find nobody else, then help yourself to me.
The other is a guy name Addison who said:
It is not sufficient that I succeed, other must fail.
You always own your reaction. To say that you had no choice it to say that you are not alive. Victor Frankel was correct. The one thing that can never be taken from you is your ablilty to choose how to react. You obeyed because you wanted to. Please free free to look down on me if it helps you ( I got that same Rhodes scolar comin' at ya) "make it through the night" ... 13014.html (
Mike and Emil, would you be willing to talk to a major network about your experiences at Hyde? I have a Producer who is interested but needs former students and parents to interview. I understand if you are not comfortable with this, but just thought I would give it a shot.
Mike and Emil, would you be willing to talk to a major network about your experiences at Hyde? I have a Producer who is interested but needs former students and parents to interview. I understand if you are not comfortable with this, but just thought I would give it a shot.[/quote]
In principle I am interested. However, I am shy of interviews and cameras, and am more comfortable submitting written answers. I reside in Jerusalem, which may also be prohibitive. Most of all, I am concerned about Hyde's legal reaction.
Mike and Emil, would you be willing to talk to a major network about your experiences at Hyde? I have a Producer who is interested but needs former students and parents to interview. I understand if you are not comfortable with this, but just thought I would give it a shot.
In principle I am interested. However, I am shy of interviews and cameras, and am more comfortable submitting written answers. I reside in Jerusalem, which may also be prohibitive. Most of all, I am concerned about Hyde's legal reaction.
Interesting that you reside in Jerusalem. There is another girl who went to Hyde who has positive things to say about it. She is one of the ones I had contacted before my parents sent me to Hyde to ask how she liked it. Boy was she off base or maybe just brainwashed.
Speaking of brainwashing, I have been relating Hyde's tactics to the tactics used by the boy who is recently in the paper and who was kidnapped and held by a pedophile. This is the boy who was kidnapped years ago and then helped hold another young boy for the pervert. The authorities recently rescued both boys. They say that he was completely brainwashed by the first 30 days of captivity which is very common given the circumstances. Certainly I was not kidnapped by Hyde but the tactics used to tear me down and then build me into the perfect Hyde student was very similar. Do any of you relate to this? Brainwashing as a young person by older adults is so profound. I think of all the times I tried to tell my parents what was going on at Hyde and all those times they would not believe me because Hyde was telling them differently. IMHO Hyde damages so many kids and families. The word that comes to my mind is "toxic."
I came across some interesting public informations regarding Hyde 990 Tax return for Bath - Woodstock - and DC
it is quite informative, if any of you have accounting background you could have fun finding the loopholes and possibly build a case against the corruption.
go to (
Mike and Emil, would you be willing to talk to a major network about your experiences at Hyde? I have a Producer who is interested but needs former students and parents to interview. I understand if you are not comfortable with this, but just thought I would give it a shot.
In principle I am interested. However, I am shy of interviews and cameras, and am more comfortable submitting written answers. I reside in Jerusalem, which may also be prohibitive. Most of all, I am concerned about Hyde's legal reaction.
I am not really interested in in speaking to the press on the matter. I have just been try to sort out what it all meant and still means for me Having other people to bounce stuff off of here has really helped a lot. Going back to Hyde I find really does not help much, other than to remember the place physically. Most of the people I would most like to see are the people that are least likely to show.
At this point I am not vested in hyde surviving, changing or closing. I am also not willing to say the experiance was on the whole negative. I many aspects it was positive for me. There are a number of places/cults if you will that are far more dangerous that folks have been tilting at for years. If Hyde is your windmill power to you. My main concern in life is getting my kids through college not saving people from Hyde. Being associated with a public effort to discredit Hyde would not aid in my primary goal which is "the most important job" to steal a phrase, getting my kids out and started on thier own.
The other piece is I know some of the kool-aide drinks and I actually like them.
I am sure he has done well for himself. He was a smart guy. Look at how he manuvered himself into the headmasters job, moved Joe aside, brought in an expert to say Joe had to go then had the old man dumped. It was all very shrewed. The question I have is "Why" It makes no sense to me. Did he have some messianic view of himself? OR was he like that character in the movie "In the Company of Men" He did it as a game to see it he could?
A lot of people from back then love him still. I am not one of them. I just find it ironic that some one that would preach such lofty sermons would end up doing something so quodidian as the front man for a commuter school.
Ed Legg was a Harvard grad, a football star with a law degree, who ended up in a high school and had to teach the likes of us. In that context his revolutionary fervor, political climbing, and prophecies of failure for many a poor boy and girl were probably just his way of dealing (badly) with his own sense of failure, and it's best that he is out of there and unable to influence young adults. My problem with Ed is his complicity. Although his hands were clean of the abuses that were taking place all around him, as headmaster he was in it up to his ears.
On a personal level, I liked the guy. I admired his mind, he taught the only worthwhile course in the school, and he didn't begrudge me a college recommendation that started me off on a good academic footing.
I agree that we should maintain the focus on Hyde, but allow me to share an anecdote about Ed. Three-eyed toad was very potent acid, sold to me by Owlsley, the sound engineer of the Grateful Dead, and each toad had to be cut into at least sixteen parts. Not knowing this, my weird roommate and his epileptic friend stole and ingested an entire toad each. Well, the epileptic went into unending spastic seizures, and my roommate ran around the Outhouse in the middle of the night trying to find a way to commit suicide, and both of them spent a week in hospital, before their parents withdrew them. Figuring the gig was up, I walked over to Ed's office the next day to turn myself in. As I went to pull the acid out of my pocket, he said, "Stop, Michael, or I'll be an accomplice and have to call the police.'' It was that JD kicking in. He didn't put me on work crew, and trusted me to dispose of the acid. He was pretty cool about it.
Fifth, I agree with you 100 percent --- except that part that I belonged at Hyde. I owe my sanity to that acid.
David Van A****** too funny. I had a whole toad, I was fine
I came across some interesting public informations regarding Hyde 990 Tax return for Bath - Woodstock - and DC
it is quite informative, if any of you have accounting background you could have fun finding the loopholes and possibly build a case against the corruption.
go to (
from one of GuideStar's info pages:
"Note: financial pages are viewable only by GuideStar Premium subscribers."
I agree that we should maintain the focus on Hyde, but allow me to share an anecdote about Ed. Three-eyed toad was very potent acid, sold to me by Owlsley, the sound engineer of the Grateful Dead, and each toad had to be cut into at least sixteen parts. Not knowing this, my weird roommate and his epileptic friend stole and ingested an entire toad each. Well, the epileptic went into unending spastic seizures, and my roommate ran around the Outhouse in the middle of the night trying to find a way to commit suicide, and both of them spent a week in hospital, before their parents withdrew them. Figuring the gig was up, I walked over to Ed's office the next day to turn myself in. As I went to pull the acid out of my pocket, he said, "Stop, Michael, or I'll be an accomplice and have to call the police.'' It was that JD kicking in. He didn't put me on work crew, and trusted me to dispose of the acid. He was pretty cool about it.
Mike, you are a GUY. Ed liked and related to GUYS. Females were a foreign entity to him, and if he could have had his way, he would probably have preferred that Hyde never started admitting them. His behavior towards the girls was cold, distant, capricious, and borderline abusive. I don't know if he just couldn't understand them, or if he really is a closet masogynist. Case in point: that whole fat-fightling-frenzy recently related here. Oh, and what about when that whole Thurrell rape came to light? Did he call the police then? No, he had the girl return to school and then expelled her part way through. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
BTW, I'm glad you and Emil hooked up! :D
I agree that we should maintain the focus on Hyde, but allow me to share an anecdote about Ed. Three-eyed toad was very potent acid, sold to me by Owlsley, the sound engineer of the Grateful Dead, and each toad had to be cut into at least sixteen parts. Not knowing this, my weird roommate and his epileptic friend stole and ingested an entire toad each. Well, the epileptic went into unending spastic seizures, and my roommate ran around the Outhouse in the middle of the night trying to find a way to commit suicide, and both of them spent a week in hospital, before their parents withdrew them. Figuring the gig was up, I walked over to Ed's office the next day to turn myself in. As I went to pull the acid out of my pocket, he said, "Stop, Michael, or I'll be an accomplice and have to call the police.'' It was that JD kicking in. He didn't put me on work crew, and trusted me to dispose of the acid. He was pretty cool about it.
Mike, you are a GUY. Ed liked and related to GUYS. Females were a foreign entity to him, and if he could have had his way, he would probably have preferred that Hyde never started admitting them. His behavior towards the girls was cold, distant, capricious, and borderline abusive. I don't know if he just couldn't understand them, or if he really is a closet masogynist. Case in point: that whole fat-fightling-frenzy recently related here. Oh, and what about when that whole Thurrell rape came to light? Did he call the police then? No, he had the girl return to school and then expelled her part way through. Tsk, tsk, tsk.
BTW, I'm glad you and Emil hooked up! :D
Sounds like this guy Ed had issues with the female sex. Probably stems from his own relationship with his mom. Have any of you tried to get in touch with him in recent years? Do you know where he is or what he is doing?
As far as how he handled a rape, not much different than the Hyde today. Same way of dealing with things, but 30 years later
- ... S:official (
I'm afraid an economic hammer is the only way to wield some clout around there. Perhaps if places such as the William H. Donner Foundation stopped giving them money and their insurance company upped premiums (due their utter lack of action on issues they get sued over), they might deign to lend an ear.
Any way to know who their insurance company is or how to contact the companies that donate to them?
FYI, if you google Joe Gauld, Fornits comes up on the first page!
Speaking of brainwashing, I have been relating Hyde's tactics to the tactics used by the boy who is recently in the paper and who was kidnapped and held by a pedophile. This is the boy who was kidnapped years ago and then helped hold another young boy for the pervert. The authorities recently rescued both boys. They say that he was completely brainwashed by the first 30 days of captivity which is very common given the circumstances. Certainly I was not kidnapped by Hyde but the tactics used to tear me down and then build me into the perfect Hyde student was very similar. Do any of you relate to this? Brainwashing as a young person by older adults is so profound. I think of all the times I tried to tell my parents what was going on at Hyde and all those times they would not believe me because Hyde was telling them differently. IMHO Hyde damages so many kids and families. The word that comes to my mind is "toxic."
Okay, here is a link that someone put up elsewhere on this site. Take a look, just substitute "Hydespeak" for some of the more of the more stereotypical cult phraseology used... What do you think? (
You describe that episode with Henry so nicely. I almost feel as if I were there with you being lectured to by Bugs Bunny. Funny that you should mention toads. It was the first school meeting on the first day of summer school, and Joe had already worked himself into a lather. Suddenly, in the middle of the meeting, Joe goes silent, as this guy meekly enters the auditorium. Joe thunders, "Why are you late?," and this guy mumbles something about having seen a three-eyed toad! Ben Hall and I had to hold on to our seats. It was all we could do to keep from rolling on the floor with laughter.
The picture on the blotter was a three eyed toad.
I did not know I had to be anywhere. I heard about dinner, but concidering my frame of mind eating was not on the top of my list. I really loved watching the middle of the carlson bridge go up and down. I had to watch it a couple for time before I realized it was really happening. I got board walking around Bath and decided to head back to school. I really did see the toad with all three eyes. It was after the meeting that I got the lecture from Henry.
emil nightrate[/quote]
I should have led you by the hand back to campus. I wasn't being a good brother's keeper. Brother's keeper! "Big brother's keeper" they should call it.
I came across some interesting public informations regarding Hyde 990 Tax return for Bath - Woodstock - and DC
it is quite informative, if any of you have accounting background you could have fun finding the loopholes and possibly build a case against the corruption.
go to (
from one of GuideStar's info pages:
"Note: financial pages are viewable only by GuideStar Premium subscribers."
anybody can sign up. they have several levels of subscriptions but basic level is free and gets you plenty of infos.
- (
awesome...the part of where the recruit suggests leaving is near verbatum what happened to to me my first year there. A special meeting to address the issue with me as the focus. The difference is they sell to the parents and then brainwash kid and parent separetly... Mal, Ken. Lauri, paul, current hydites wastingtime in study hall...any thoughts???
You describe that episode with Henry so nicely. I almost feel as if I were there with you being lectured to by Bugs Bunny. Funny that you should mention toads. It was the first school meeting on the first day of summer school, and Joe had already worked himself into a lather. Suddenly, in the middle of the meeting, Joe goes silent, as this guy meekly enters the auditorium. Joe thunders, "Why are you late?," and this guy mumbles something about having seen a three-eyed toad! Ben Hall and I had to hold on to our seats. It was all we could do to keep from rolling on the floor with laughter.
The picture on the blotter was a three eyed toad.
I did not know I had to be anywhere. I heard about dinner, but concidering my frame of mind eating was not on the top of my list. I really loved watching the middle of the carlson bridge go up and down. I had to watch it a couple for time before I realized it was really happening. I got board walking around Bath and decided to head back to school. I really did see the toad with all three eyes. It was after the meeting that I got the lecture from Henry.
emil nightrate[/quote]
I should have led you by the hand back to campus. I wasn't being a good brother's keeper. Brother's keeper! "Big brother's keeper" they should call it.
One the first day of the regular year a hash pipe and stuff to fill it was found in my room. We had a monkey trial at the Bath ST house. Matt Frankel and Jim Kimball leadership seniors, gave me the choice of either admitting it was mine or telling them whose it was. I knew it was my roomate's ( the brother of a current Hyde BoG). I refused to name names and I refused to fall on a sword that was not mine. I told them I knew who's it was and that I was not going to tell them.
That was one of my character building lessons at hyde. People with petty power can be arbitary and capricious. They must be resisted.
You describe that episode with Henry so nicely. I almost feel as if I were there with you being lectured to by Bugs Bunny. Funny that you should mention toads. It was the first school meeting on the first day of summer school, and Joe had already worked himself into a lather. Suddenly, in the middle of the meeting, Joe goes silent, as this guy meekly enters the auditorium. Joe thunders, "Why are you late?," and this guy mumbles something about having seen a three-eyed toad! Ben Hall and I had to hold on to our seats. It was all we could do to keep from rolling on the floor with laughter.
The picture on the blotter was a three eyed toad.
I did not know I had to be anywhere. I heard about dinner, but concidering my frame of mind eating was not on the top of my list. I really loved watching the middle of the carlson bridge go up and down. I had to watch it a couple for time before I realized it was really happening. I got board walking around Bath and decided to head back to school. I really did see the toad with all three eyes. It was after the meeting that I got the lecture from Henry.
emil nightrate[/quote]
I should have led you by the hand back to campus. I wasn't being a good brother's keeper. Brother's keeper! "Big brother's keeper" they should call it.
One the first day of the regular year a hash pipe and stuff to fill it was found in my room. We had a monkey trial at the Bath ST house. Matt Frankel and Jim Kimball leadership seniors, gave me the choice of either admitting it was mine or telling them whose it was. I knew it was my roomate's ( the brother of a current Hyde BoG). I refused to name names and I refused to fall on a sword that was not mine. I told them I knew who's it was and that I was not going to tell them.
That was one of my character building lessons at hyde. People with petty power can be arbitary and capricious. They must be resisted.
But Emil, did they leave it at that? Hyde usually doesn't let something like that go. Now what they would do is to call a big school meeting or bust and everyone would be punished at the school until someone fessed up.
Sometimes they are messy, efete, capricious, and inconsistent.
You describe that episode with Henry so nicely. I almost feel as if I were there with you being lectured to by Bugs Bunny. Funny that you should mention toads. It was the first school meeting on the first day of summer school, and Joe had already worked himself into a lather. Suddenly, in the middle of the meeting, Joe goes silent, as this guy meekly enters the auditorium. Joe thunders, "Why are you late?," and this guy mumbles something about having seen a three-eyed toad! Ben Hall and I had to hold on to our seats. It was all we could do to keep from rolling on the floor with laughter.
The picture on the blotter was a three eyed toad.
I did not know I had to be anywhere. I heard about dinner, but concidering my frame of mind eating was not on the top of my list. I really loved watching the middle of the carlson bridge go up and down. I had to watch it a couple for time before I realized it was really happening. I got board walking around Bath and decided to head back to school. I really did see the toad with all three eyes. It was after the meeting that I got the lecture from Henry.
emil nightrate
I should have led you by the hand back to campus. I wasn't being a good brother's keeper. Brother's keeper! "Big brother's keeper" they should call it.
One the first day of the regular year a hash pipe and stuff to fill it was found in my room. We had a monkey trial at the Bath ST house. Matt Frankel and Jim Kimball leadership seniors, gave me the choice of either admitting it was mine or telling them whose it was. I knew it was my roomate's ( the brother of a current Hyde BoG). I refused to name names and I refused to fall on a sword that was not mine. I told them I knew who's it was and that I was not going to tell them.
That was one of my character building lessons at hyde. People with petty power can be arbitary and capricious. They must be resisted.
But Emil, did they leave it at that? Hyde usually doesn't let something like that go. Now what they would do is to call a big school meeting or bust and everyone would be punished at the school until someone fessed up.[/quote]
Sorry the quotes are screwed up
I am glad you asked that question.
Going back to the experiance I had with Mike and the confrontation that took place after ......
Henry Milton confronted me after the school meeting. Henry told me "I am going to teach you responsiblity. I want you here (the student union) at 6:30 in the morning. You are going on work crew." The next day I show up promptly at the appointed time. No Henry. A couple of days later I walk past a group of student doing work crew ( current refered to a 2/24 or 2 4 I believe) Henry was supervising. "Hey ****** I thought I told you you were on work crew" said Henry. I looked at him and said "you told me to show up the next morning at 6:30. I did. I waited for you and you were not there. I think if you are going to teach me resposiblity you should show up when you say you are going to" Henry looked down at his shoes, trying to come up with a retort. He said something that was pretty weak, and let me go.
Matt and Jim sent me to Henry. I told Henry what I told Matt and Jim. He let me go. Nothing ever came of it. I was never on work crew at Hyde. It was like I had a special power over Henry, a permanet get out of jail free card because I busted him. Pretty weird. Perhaps he was looking for a certain type of reaction, that was part his positive feedback from being the Dean of Students. Others have noted that he was posible a sadist. I know he had his hooks into a couple of kids that he just never let up on. Not me.
This just highlights how some kids can come out of there traumatized for life and others can say, "hey, what are you talking about?" The application of their "philosophy" was inconsistent and had as much to do with the personality of the kid as the personality of the perp and the particular circunstances at that particular point in time. Can you imagine what a parent would be charged with if they tried to raise their kids like that?
This just highlights how some kids can come out of there traumatized for life and others can say, "hey, what are you talking about?" The application of their "philosophy" was inconsistent and had as much to do with the personality of the kid as the personality of the perp and the particular circunstances at that particular point in time. Can you imagine what a parent would be charged with if they tried to raise their kids like that?
Yes, inconsistance. Why one reaction for one kid and a different reaction for another?
How much of method was designed by Hyde School? Did Joe Gauld read about these cult techniques or did Hyde just stumble on them?
So the question that has been raised here on the question of standards of diplomas, here is a little story. I was standing at function with Paul Hurd and and another alum from back in the early seventies. This guy turns to me and says "you know the difference between you and some of the kids that got diplomas? Money: how much did your parents give?" I was waiting for Paul to challenge that assurtion but he just smiled and laughted. Maybe Paul is disgruntled too. I would be if my father in law fired me and replaced me with my wife. It must have been like getting your balls crushed in a vise.
Gary, I will have to think about my story appearing in print. For those who knew me there are to many hints to my identity. I would'nt want the life I have now jeopardized for any reason
Of course, I understand. You have to balance your desire for privacy against the value that others in a vulnerable position might gain from learning from your experience. Let me know if you decide you'd like to be interviewed.
Confidentiality will be respected at all times.
Interesting. Here is what I currently think about "how well you did there" (aka "how much you developed your unique potential"). Capricious influences, luck, and other acts of God aside, your outcome was generally favorably influenced by one or more of the following:
- whether someone on the faculty or similar position of authority "liked" you
- whether you had knowledge of some indiscretion or even crime involving a faculty member or someone in a similar position of authority
- a high degree of parental involvement (e.g., they participated in family weekends with great gusto, they held "Hyde School teas" in their homes to recruit other prospective students, etc.)
- parental financial contribution to the school
- great parental wealth or fame regardless of financial contribution to date (potential bad publicity could be harmful?)
How much of method was designed by Hyde School? Did Joe Gauld read about these cult techniques or did Hyde just stumble on them?
Joe was well-versed in AA philosophy and terminology. I think I'm safe if I categorically state that every single person that spent any time at Hyde would be treated sooner or later to some "wisdom" from that "school" of thought.
AA spawned some other beauties. Check out Synanon, and two of its off-shoots: The Seed, and CEDU. Much of their regimens, with some alterations in style, terminology, or degree, are what we experienced at Hyde. I should rather say, what I experienced at Hyde.
One can go back further than Synanon, or even AA (?), to methods employed by Mao-Tse-Tung and the communists in fighting Chang-Chi-Shek (sp?) and the Japanese in the 1920's/30's. It was a three-way war, with shifting allegiances between the major parties, and a huge, largely agrarian population to sway with increasingly limited resources to do so.
And I am sure you can go back even further...
How much of method was designed by Hyde School? Did Joe Gauld read about these cult techniques or did Hyde just stumble on them?
Joe was well-versed in AA philosophy and terminology. I think I'm safe if I categorically state that every single person that spent any time at Hyde would be treated sooner or later to some "wisdom" from that "school" of thought.
AA spawned some other beauties. Check out Synanon, and two of its off-shoots: The Seed, and CEDU. Much of their regimens, with some alterations in style, terminology, or degree, are what we experienced at Hyde. I should rather say, what I experienced at Hyde.
One can go back further than Synanon, or even AA (?), to methods employed by Mao-Tse-Tung and the communists in fighting Chang-Chi-Shek (sp?) and the Japanese in the 1920's/30's. It was a three-way war, with shifting allegiances between the major parties, and a huge, largely agrarian population to sway with increasingly limited resources to do so.
And I am sure you can go back even further...
AA has some of the elements but not all the elements of hyde. Most people are ready to "come to Jesus" when they hit AA. Hyde has the element of making you believe you need to change.
I am wondering if at some point Joe Gauld said, " I am going turn my school into a cult" and systematically began to apply the techniques described here in this artical on Coercive Persuasion and Attitude Change: ... hing8.html (
or did he just stumble into it
It is really amazing to me that Hyde shares so many element with programs like Synanon. It is supposed to be a school not a mind control center.
I think a lot of it had to do with Joe's personal issues with Blanche, his wife, who was also an alcoholic. If I recall correctly, he himself had some issues there as well, albeit not on the scale of what Blanche was dealing with. I don't remember ever seeing Blanche, despite spending the summer program plus three additional years there. I have to wonder just how much she was Persona Non Grata at the mansion, and if so, it'd be my guess that that would have been enforced/conveyed by Joe. Perhaps there were even some passive/aggressive issues between the two of them regarding the wielding of said catechism.
Joe is innately a most persuasive snake-oil saleman cum evangelist, and his audience in the education field and in the arena of desperate parents is just not used to being confronted with such a character, let alone equipped for recognizing him for what he is. I personally don't believe it was as calculated a development as "I'm going to turn my school into a cult," but rather an outgrowth of Joe's personality ("character", if you will) coupled with some training from AA mixed in with other miscellaneous... I think he was definitely attracted to the concept of behavior modification and has less scruples about the degree to which one might employ "tricks of the trade" as, it's all for the cause and, the ends justify the means.
I could be wrong, of course. We could find out some sneaky details of an intimate friendship of his with Art Farmer from way back, for instance, and that would not surprise me one bit and would just totally blow the question of "cult", if there is still one, into the realm of assured, de post facto, bonafide, certified, and santified cultorama... amen!
ooops!... I meant SANCTIFIED.
(Why is that the typos are almost the most egregious in the most pertinent places? I betray the passion of my fingers on the keyboard...)
I think a lot of it had to do with Joe's personal issues with Blanche, his wife, who was also an alcoholic. If I recall correctly, he himself had some issues there as well, albeit not on the scale of what Blanche was dealing with. I don't remember ever seeing Blanche, despite spending the summer program plus three additional years there. I have to wonder just how much she was Persona Non Grata at the mansion, and if so, it'd be my guess that that would have been enforced/conveyed by Joe. Perhaps there were even some passive/aggressive issues between the two of them regarding the wielding of said catechism.
Joe is innately a most persuasive snake-oil saleman cum evangelist, and his audience in the education field and in the arena of desperate parents is just not used to being confronted with such a character, let alone equipped for recognizing him for what he is. I personally don't believe it was as calculated a development as "I'm going to turn my school into a cult," but rather an outgrowth of Joe's personality ("character", if you will) coupled with some training from AA mixed in with other miscellaneous... I think he was definitely attracted to the concept of behavior modification and has less scruples about the degree to which one might employ "tricks of the trade" as, it's all for the cause and, the ends justify the means.
I could be wrong, of course. We could find out some sneaky details of an intimate friendship of his with Art Farmer from way back, for instance, and that would not surprise me one bit and would just totally blow the question of "cult", if there is still one, into the realm of assured, de post facto, bonafide, certified, and santified cultorama... amen!
What does hard bop have to do with Joe. Art Farmer? ... ddbjolg~T1 (
I have a lot of hard bop in my CD collection. I think I have some of the horace silver art farmer stuff. I have Sam Rivers on now: ... j9kebtjq7v (
Hey the new Bill Frisell/Ron Carter/Paul Motian CD is great.
See look what you did. You got me talking about music.
oh disc justed changed: ... lvad1kt8w1 (
Benson was good at one point before "Breezin"
Yikes!!! I underline my previous comment about typos!! (And betray some of my musical taste). Thanks for keeping me on my toes!
I meant to say... ART BARKER!
egads! I am truly mega-mortified!
Here's a link to start you off: ... forum=8&24 (
So the question that has been raised here on the question of standards of diplomas, here is a little story. I was standing at function with Paul Hurd and and another alum from back in the early seventies. This guy turns to me and says "you know the difference between you and some of the kids that got diplomas? Money: how much did your parents give?" I was waiting for Paul to challenge that assurtion but he just smiled and laughted. Maybe Paul is disgruntled too. I would be if my father in law fired me and replaced me with my wife. It must have been like getting your balls crushed in a vise.
Maybe he deserved it (vise job). What condescending pricks.
I would appreciate some sharp analysis. It's one thing to say Hyde School is a cult, AA, Synanon, etc. etc., and another to argue your point. I'm a little too lazy to do everyone's analysis for them. Unsupported opinions fall stillborn from this forum.
I would appreciate some sharp analysis. It's one thing to say Hyde School is a cult, AA, Synanon, etc. etc., and another to argue your point. I'm a little too lazy to do everyone's analysis for them. Unsupported opinions fall stillborn from this forum.
One way to do this would be to write a critical article that included interviews with dissatisfied former students and family members as well as material from people who passed through Hyde and feel positive about the experience.
I'd be willing to write such an article, and have posted to that effect on this site. So far the response has beenn limited.
I would appreciate some sharp analysis. It's one thing to say Hyde School is a cult, AA, Synanon, etc. etc., and another to argue your point. I'm a little too lazy to do everyone's analysis for them. Unsupported opinions fall stillborn from this forum.
One way to do this would be to write a critical article that included interviews with dissatisfied former students and family members as well as material from people who passed through Hyde and feel positive about the experience.
I'd be willing to write such an article, and have posted to that effect on this site. So far the response has beenn limited.
Gary, I am willing to tell the story of our family at Hyde as long as our names are not mentioned. I have spoken to you about this and feel confident you will respect my privacy.
How about the rest of you posters stepping up to the plate. As long as names are not mentioned there shouldnt be a problem. You are sharing your stories on this website which is public, so there is very little difference putting it in another form of print. One person mentioned a liability issue. There is no liability issue unless you would make up a bunch of lies. I have already checked this out with an attorney.
I enjoyed speaking to Gary and you will too. He is a professional and is respectful of my request for anonymity
Gary, I am willing to tell the story of our family at Hyde as long as our names are not mentioned. I have spoken to you about this and feel confident you will respect my privacy.
How about the rest of you posters stepping up to the plate. As long as names are not mentioned there shouldnt be a problem. You are sharing your stories on this website which is public, so there is very little difference putting it in another form of print. One person mentioned a liability issue. There is no liability issue unless you would make up a bunch of lies. I have already checked this out with an attorney.
I enjoyed speaking to Gary and you will too. He is a professional and is respectful of my request for anonymity
thank you for this... of course I will respect the privacy of any who choose to remain anonymous. If there are folks tracking this link who are unabashed fans of Hyde... please contact me!! We need a balanced overview of the school... the article I plan on writing will frankly address the concerns that many who have passed through Hyde have. But those who look in the rear view mirror and feel that the time they spent there was all, or overwhelmingly, positive, need to be heard from as well.
Gary, I am willing to tell the story of our family at Hyde as long as our names are not mentioned. I have spoken to you about this and feel confident you will respect my privacy.
How about the rest of you posters stepping up to the plate. As long as names are not mentioned there shouldnt be a problem. You are sharing your stories on this website which is public, so there is very little difference putting it in another form of print. One person mentioned a liability issue. There is no liability issue unless you would make up a bunch of lies. I have already checked this out with an attorney.
I enjoyed speaking to Gary and you will too. He is a professional and is respectful of my request for anonymity
thank you for this... of course I will respect the privacy of any who choose to remain anonymous. If there are folks tracking this link who are unabashed fans of Hyde... please contact me!! We need a balanced overview of the school... the article I plan on writing will frankly address the concerns that many who have passed through Hyde have. But those who look in the rear view mirror and feel that the time they spent there was all, or overwhelmingly, positive, need to be heard from as well.
My writing something would be like reviewing Ford based on a Pinto test drive. My experiance is 30 years old.
It was really instructive to read some of the recent posts. The socialogic post was really interesting. It confirms some of the patterns I observed there. Cohersive Persuation may not be bad in and of itself. If it was used in a controlled manner toward a good end it might not be bad. It was fasinating that people had studied other communities like hyde and had named the social dynamics. The video link that some one posted was intersesting also. Hyde is onion like.
Gary, I am willing to tell the story of our family at Hyde as long as our names are not mentioned. I have spoken to you about this and feel confident you will respect my privacy.
How about the rest of you posters stepping up to the plate. As long as names are not mentioned there shouldnt be a problem. You are sharing your stories on this website which is public, so there is very little difference putting it in another form of print. One person mentioned a liability issue. There is no liability issue unless you would make up a bunch of lies. I have already checked this out with an attorney.
I enjoyed speaking to Gary and you will too. He is a professional and is respectful of my request for anonymity
thank you for this... of course I will respect the privacy of any who choose to remain anonymous. If there are folks tracking this link who are unabashed fans of Hyde... please contact me!! We need a balanced overview of the school... the article I plan on writing will frankly address the concerns that many who have passed through Hyde have. But those who look in the rear view mirror and feel that the time they spent there was all, or overwhelmingly, positive, need to be heard from as well.
My writing something would be like reviewing Ford based on a Pinto test drive. My experiance is 30 years old.
It was really instructive to read some of the recent posts. The socialogic post was really interesting. It confirms some of the patterns I observed there. Cohersive Persuation may not be bad in and of itself. If it was used in a controlled manner toward a good end it might not be bad. It was fasinating that people had studied other communities like hyde and had named the social dynamics. The video link that some one posted was intersesting also. Hyde is onion like.
Emil, I disagree with you. I think your story is very valuable even though it is 30 years old. I have enjoyed reading your stories and it has helped me to deal with some of the issues I have re Hyde. You have taught me that Hyde is no different today than it was 30 years ago. You are obviously a very intelligent person who has a lot to add about how Hyde operates and to me this is what is important. Does Character Education work? Are Joe Gauld's teaching methods effective? These are all questions that can be answered by talking to people like you who have been through the program.
I have spoken to Gary and I hope you will too because I think you have a lot to add to the story.
Cohersive Persuation may not be bad in and of itself. If it was used in a controlled manner toward a good end it might not be bad.
I disagree.
Although I concede that there may be times when its use is more desirable than the alternative (for example, to truly save someone's life), its use under ANY conditions generates trauma and psychological damage. Hyde does not in any way address this. At some point in our lives post-Hyde, I do believe a great many of us (if not most of us) go through some form of post-traumatic stress disorder.
(BTW, by saving someone's life, I do not by any means imply the circumstances alluded to by "if you don't send your kid to Hyde, he'll be dead by age 25," which is pretty much the stock statement made to parents teetering on the brink of enrollment decisions...)
My writing something would be like reviewing Ford based on a Pinto test drive. My experiance is 30 years old.
Emil... Possibly, but to the best of my knowledge Hyde has not disavowed any of its earlier practices, and from what I heard very recently, Joe is still given free range to cajole and threaten whoever, whenever he wants to.
Historical continuity would be important. I think you could provide something valuable. Your call, of course!
Here are two excerpts from a piece entitled "Coercive Treatment of Adolescents", by Charles Huffine, M.D. You can access the entire piece via the link provided below.
Some of my patients are referred to me with a history of having been in a therapeutic boarding school. Once they have come to trust me they will share with me the kind of tales we find on this web site; horrific details of abusive and grossly inappropriate treatment. I have heard these stories too many times. The stories vary however. Occasionally I have heard some positive stories where a youth has been treated with respect and caring in an appropriately run facility, but even then it is against their will. I see very little evidence that even these kids have been helped. The bad stories prevail. I care deeply for youth I work with. I have a strong bias of positive regard for all youth I meet because I genuinely like adolescents. When I hear of mistreatment in facilities that are supposed to care for youth I feel the betrayal and see the harm it has done to my patient. My reaction has been one of extreme anger. This has mobilized me to be an activist in trying to address the system failings that allow these travesties to continue. How could any adult do differently if they are a decent human being and have normal instincts of care and concern for kids? It horrifies me that in our society we can enter into a mass denial that lets these facilities exist.
Involuntary residential care outside of such a legal process cannot be therapeutic, no mater how humane and well intended the staff, as it undercuts and essential aspect of adolescent development, the achievement of autonomy. It is NOT therapeutic because the loss of rights does damage to a sense of self. It undercuts the formation of a personal identity. As with restraint and seclusion, it may be necessary to save a life, but it has a very large cost. It represents a failure, or an absence, of community-based treatment. In such circumstances, such active coercion needs to be ended in the shortest possible time, preferably only a few days. Individuals detained, even in a state of psychotic thinking, should be offered trauma support and counseling, similar to what is commonly recommended after an episode of restraint, to undo the damage caused by such coercion. ... &Itemid=35 (
Cohersive Persuation may not be bad in and of itself. If it was used in a controlled manner toward a good end it might not be bad.
I disagree.
Although I concede that there may be times when its use is more desirable than the alternative (for example, to truly save someone's life), its use under ANY conditions generates trauma and psychological damage. Hyde does not in any way address this. At some point in our lives post-Hyde, I do believe a great many of us (if not most of us) go through some form of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Yes. Hyde is premised on a naive belief that we have secrets to hide, and success there is measured in terms of openness. But anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of psychology knows that the most damaging and traumatic events in our lives are often secrets to ourselves, which only a sensitive and competent psychologist can tease out.
...And in a loving, nurturing, healing environment, no less.
..NOT shamed and humiliated in a public arena, be it school meeting or seminar, and then to have to - in addition - undergo interogation by ill-advised therapist-wannabees, not to mention the coals thrown on by those intending to inflict REAL harm...
...And in a loving, nurturing, healing environment, no less.
..NOT shamed and humiliated in a public arena, be it school meeting or seminar, and then to have to - in addition - undergo interogation by ill-advised therapist-wannabees, not to mention the coals thrown on by those intending to inflict REAL harm...
If you don't come to Hyde with a trauma, you'll leave with one.
And if you do come to Hyde with a trauma (which many kids did, myself included), you leave with a trauma-rama!
(Hopeless. Only humor can save us!)
Cohersive Persuation may not be bad in and of itself. If it was used in a controlled manner toward a good end it might not be bad.
I disagree.
Although I concede that there may be times when its use is more desirable than the alternative (for example, to truly save someone's life), its use under ANY conditions generates trauma and psychological damage. Hyde does not in any way address this. At some point in our lives post-Hyde, I do believe a great many of us (if not most of us) go through some form of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Yes. Hyde is premised on a naive belief that we have secrets to hide, and success there is measured in terms of openness. But anyone with even a rudimentary knowledge of psychology knows that the most damaging and traumatic events in our lives are often secrets to ourselves, which only a sensitive and competent psychologist can tease out.
And why is openness so important? Because we must not have an identity that is not part of the group. We must tear down the barriers between the ego and the group.
Hyde always stresses that it is after us to develope our "unique potential." In my book, that's a little like Nixon claiming he was only after "Peace" in Vietnam (as opposed to tin and tungsten). Unique potential, yah, but only if it falls in the skinny range accepted by Hyde.
I was always extremely shy, kind of a loner. There's a place in a healthy society for people like me, and it's not a bad place; it's just a different place than the majority of people.
At Hyde these characteristics were branded as antisocial and selfish, even narcissistic, if I remember one person correctly. It didn't help that I liked to excel at academics. That really branded me as a total loser. It really felt as though they considered aptitude as being antithetical to attitude.
There is something wrong with an "educational system" that ostracizes so many. I am sure that there are many other people who were told for equally spurious reasons that they were not "Hyde material."
Hyde always stresses that it is after us to develope our "unique potential." In my book, that's a little like Nixon claiming he was only after "Peace" in Vietnam (as opposed to tin and tungsten). Unique potential, yah, but only if it falls in the skinny range accepted by Hyde.
I was always extremely shy, kind of a loner. There's a place in a healthy society for people like me, and it's not a bad place; it's just a different place than the majority of people.
At Hyde these characteristics were branded as antisocial and selfish, even narcissistic, if I remember one person correctly. It didn't help that I liked to excel at academics. That really branded me as a total loser. It really felt as though they considered aptitude as being antithetical to attitude.
There is something wrong with an "educational system" that ostracizes so many. I am sure that there are many other people who were told for equally spurious reasons that they were not "Hyde material."
It surprises me how many people view introversion as a mental illness as if the world should be filled with glad handing politicians and used car salesmen. "We don't need no stinking introverts like emily dickinson" (
All you need is a shoe shine and a smile.
Ah Emil, ya gotta cut-and-paste these things as well as provide the original link. Not everyone has a broadband connection, not to mention that some links are but temporary...
Emily Dickinson (1830?86). Complete Poems. 1924.
Part One: Life
MUCH madness is divinest sense
To a discerning eye;
Much sense the starkest madness.
?T is the majority
In this, as all, prevails.
Assent, and you are sane;
Demur,?you ?re straightway dangerous,
And handled with a chain.
Thanks to whoever posted the quote that I've re-posted below. I am very impressed by this therapist's comments about poorly run, abusive schools like the Hyde School. There's no doubt whatsoever that this author's observations fit the Hyde scenario. The litany of Hyde abuses is deep and wide. Perhaps the worst indictment is that the Hyde powers-that-be continue to allow Joe Gauld to represent the school. Hyde will continue to suffer in the public relations department as long as the likes of Joe are allowed to run the school. I can't imagine that a thoughtful, dedicated parent would send their kid to Hyde if they know about the day-to-day practices there. There is no way that whatever positive things happen at Hyde could outweigh the horrible, abusive features at Hyde. It's not a close contest.
I am very, very happy that people are finding out what goes on at Hyde. This website is very empowering.
"Some of my patients are referred to me with a history of having been in a therapeutic boarding school. Once they have come to trust me they will share with me the kind of tales we find on this web site; horrific details of abusive and grossly inappropriate treatment. I have heard these stories too many times. The stories vary however. Occasionally I have heard some positive stories where a youth has been treated with respect and caring in an appropriately run facility, but even then it is against their will. I see very little evidence that even these kids have been helped. The bad stories prevail. I care deeply for youth I work with. I have a strong bias of positive regard for all youth I meet because I genuinely like adolescents. When I hear of mistreatment in facilities that are supposed to care for youth I feel the betrayal and see the harm it has done to my patient. My reaction has been one of extreme anger. This has mobilized me to be an activist in trying to address the system failings that allow these travesties to continue. How could any adult do differently if they are a decent human being and have normal instincts of care and concern for kids? It horrifies me that in our society we can enter into a mass denial that lets these facilities exist."
"Some of my patients are referred to me with a history of having been in a therapeutic boarding school. Once they have come to trust me they will share with me the kind of tales we find on this web site; horrific details of abusive and grossly inappropriate treatment. I have heard these stories too many times. The stories vary however. Occasionally I have heard some positive stories where a youth has been treated with respect and caring in an appropriately run facility, but even then it is against their will. I see very little evidence that even these kids have been helped. The bad stories prevail. I care deeply for youth I work with. I have a strong bias of positive regard for all youth I meet because I genuinely like adolescents. When I hear of mistreatment in facilities that are supposed to care for youth I feel the betrayal and see the harm it has done to my patient. My reaction has been one of extreme anger. This has mobilized me to be an activist in trying to address the system failings that allow these travesties to continue. How could any adult do differently if they are a decent human being and have normal instincts of care and concern for kids? It horrifies me that in our society we can enter into a mass denial that lets these facilities exist."
--- My experience at Hyde includes some very positive moments.
I've assembled a roster of people who want to be interviewed for the article I'm considering putting together, but am still puzzled why so many are reluctant to do so- particularly since their anonymity could be protected.
Perhaps you, the adolescent therapist, has a perspective we could include. Let me know if you're interested in participating.
GE (
HI Gary, that was a quote, taken from an earlier post (Mon Feb 5 2007,12:25 PM), which in turn was quoting Dr. Charles Huffine, found on the web via the following link: ... &Itemid=35 (
People please use your quotes. I think technically you are supposed to include a link to your original source within your post to be in sync with Fair Use policies, although I am not absolutely sure about that. And if you box your quote, it makes it even easier to read... You can "box" items by typing: text to be boxed
with bracket notations [ and ] substituted for the pointy arrowheads. Or use the buttons above text area. NOTE: you must have JavaScript enabled for those buttons to work (check your Browser's Preferences, under security).
See also clickable "BBCode" highlighted in "Options" mini-menu just below the Emoticons on your left in Post-a-Reply. This will open a whole new window re. negotiating particulars. You can toggle back and forth while you are posting a reply.
HI Gary, that was a quote, taken from an earlier post (Mon Feb 5 2007,12:25 PM), which in turn was quoting Dr. Charles Huffine, found on the web via the following link: ... &Itemid=35 (
thank you!
And Gary, please be patient.
When I first found this site, it was quite a while before I started posting. Notwithstanding personal fears about the long arms of Hyde (which I suspect are nowhere near as long as our fears would have believe), I also was under the misguided impression that the then current posters were having a personal conversation with one another and there was no way I could just jump in and participate. I would do a lot of reading up on older postings as well as then current ones, and then finally one day I posted as well. It takes a while to get to that point. And it takes a while to get from one or two sentence interjections to paragraphs. And it'll take me a while longer to get to some of the more soul-searing and very very personal stuff, if I dare to.
In the beginning, there was a tremendous need to see my hurt or indignation, or others' hurt and indignation, expressed in print. It was a bit cathartic, and very healing for me. I have read others who post of these same sentiments, having read of others who express the same feeling that they thought were unique to their family's alone. And perhaps that is where it ends for some people. They do not have need for it to go any further. However, I, for one, am very interested in seeing that your article makes it to print. But you must be patient.
I am not entirely sure why this is, but there has been a tremendous increase in traffic at this site. To be sure, the postings have been quite a bit more numerous, and I hear several voices that have not been here before. But the "views" have also increased, exponentially it seems. I just checked, this particular thread that this post is on has been opened and viewed 3827 times. Last Friday night, I believe it was, I remember that it just crossed the 2100 mark. That means that in approximately 4 days, this thread has been opened and viewed 1727 times.
And Gary, please be patient.
Thank you for your thoughts! I have lots of work and can certainly wait to write the piece. I'm not on a fishing expedition either--- if it happens, it happens.
Hyde always stresses that it is after us to develope our "unique potential." In my book, that's a little like Nixon claiming he was only after "Peace" in Vietnam (as opposed to tin and tungsten). Unique potential, yah, but only if it falls in the skinny range accepted by Hyde.
I was always extremely shy, kind of a loner. There's a place in a healthy society for people like me, and it's not a bad place; it's just a different place than the majority of people.
At Hyde these characteristics were branded as antisocial and selfish, even narcissistic, if I remember one person correctly. It didn't help that I liked to excel at academics. That really branded me as a total loser. It really felt as though they considered aptitude as being antithetical to attitude.
There is something wrong with an "educational system" that ostracizes so many. I am sure that there are many other people who were told for equally spurious reasons that they were not "Hyde material."
You seemed to have been really damaged by Hyde School. I am very sorry for what you have been through. I wish that Hyde School would read some of these posts and ask themselves if there are changes they could make in order to be more successful. I am afraid they are so arrogant that they believe their methods are 100% correct and that anyone who "fails" at Hyde School "didn't do the process." I wish this school were publicly admonished in the same way they publicly humiliate their students.
Hyde always stresses that it is after us to develope our "unique potential." In my book, that's a little like Nixon claiming he was only after "Peace" in Vietnam (as opposed to tin and tungsten). Unique potential, yah, but only if it falls in the skinny range accepted by Hyde.
I was always extremely shy, kind of a loner. There's a place in a healthy society for people like me, and it's not a bad place; it's just a different place than the majority of people.
At Hyde these characteristics were branded as antisocial and selfish, even narcissistic, if I remember one person correctly. It didn't help that I liked to excel at academics. That really branded me as a total loser. It really felt as though they considered aptitude as being antithetical to attitude.
There is something wrong with an "educational system" that ostracizes so many. I am sure that there are many other people who were told for equally spurious reasons that they were not "Hyde material."
You seemed to have been really damaged by Hyde School. I am very sorry for what you have been through. I wish that Hyde School would read some of these posts and ask themselves if there are changes they could make in order to be more successful. I am afraid they are so arrogant that they believe their methods are 100% correct and that anyone who "fails" at Hyde School "didn't do the process." I wish this school were publicly admonished in the same way they publicly humiliate their students.
To the contrary, I'm getting a sense that Hyde is taking a harder line with introverts. For example, back in the seventies, when I was there, there was no mandatory public singing. This new requirement seems to be aimed right at the introverts.
I also disagree that introverts are more damaged by Hyde than others. In fact, I would argue the opposite. Introverts pose perhaps the greatest threat to Hyde. These solitary individuals are unlikely to comply with the many demands that are placed on them to be extroverts. Speaking for myself, I did not say much in seminar. I was not confrontational. I did not inform on others. I did not let laggards in class or on the sports field pass me. In short, my introverted ways held me back from assimilating. A negative theology, my Hyde experience. It can only be defined by what it was not. In the short-term it was hard; I caught a lot of flak at Hyde. However, I believe my passive resistance was the optimal long-term strategy. I recovered from Hyde more easily than did some others I know who had relinguished their rationality and decision-making processes to the school. If I did not grow for two years, at least I did not regress to the point of losing my identity to that of the group.
It would not surprise me that people like Mike and myself who made it all the way through, but resisted in some way have better long term out comes then the diploma holders. Of course we will never know this because Hyde refuses to quantify out comes. Hyde had blinders on to the alumni community until some one realized it was a source of cash.
The thing that concerns me is the apparent lack of introspection on the part of the Hyde in relation to it's process, as witnessed by the fact that Joe is allowed to roam and randomly screech at parents and students. I was myself the victim of those irrational tirades.
I know that is was my fault that I did not see the verbal abuse as an opportunity to grow.
In retrospect Hyde failed me and my family in it one size fits all approach. My concern is that it will continue to fail families that need help and do not respond to the Hyde model. Because they have a monetary motivation to keep the enrollment up, will they tell you straight away that it will not work? After my years at Hyde I was told I would be dead shortly because I was still so screwed up. Oddly, no one bothered to offer this little of wisdom tid bit until the money ran out.
as another introvert I would say is is harder to come to terms with the place later in life that the typical extrovert bootloking typical hyde "graduate". I wanted the approbation of peers, parents, teachers, ect, I was 15, impressionable, and sensitive to criticism. I lacked the adule internal fortitude of you other Cool Hand Lukes on this page that made it through with your pride intact...I tried to fit in despite my feelings that it was not my unique potential to do that stuff. I sang my ass off , I wrestled for hours every day, cut weight while in my growing years of life, shunned academic achievement, and yes participated in hydespeak in the seminars if I had to. Now I cringe at the thought of what I did, ...It was like I was abandoned on the island of misfit toys and those bastrds Santa and Rudolf never showed up. And now, I need forgiveness.
It would not surprise me that people like Mike and myself who made it all the way through, but resisted in some way have better long term out comes then the diploma holders. Of course we will never know this because Hyde refuses to quantify out comes. Hyde had blinders on to the alumni community until some one realized it was a source of cash.
The thing that concerns me is the apparent lack of introspection on the part of the Hyde in relation to it's process, as witnessed by the fact that Joe is allowed to roam and randomly screech at parents and students. I was myself the victim of those irrational tirades.
I know that is was my fault that I did not see the verbal abuse as an opportunity to grow.
In retrospect Hyde failed me and my family in it one size fits all approach. My concern is that it will continue to fail families that need help and do not respond to the Hyde model. Because they have a monetary motivation to keep the enrollment up, will they tell you straight away that it will not work? After my years at Hyde I was told I would be dead shortly because I was still so screwed up. Oddly, no one bothered to offer this little of wisdom tid bit until the money ran out.
tid bit of wisdom
as another introvert I would say is is harder to come to terms with the place later in life that the typical extrovert bootloking typical hyde "graduate". I wanted the approbation of peers, parents, teachers, ect, I was 15, impressionable, and sensitive to criticism. I lacked the adule internal fortitude of you other Cool Hand Lukes on this page that made it through with your pride intact...I tried to fit in despite my feelings that it was not my unique potential to do that stuff. I sang my ass off , I wrestled for hours every day, cut weight while in my growing years of life, shunned academic achievement, and yes participated in hydespeak in the seminars if I had to. Now I cringe at the thought of what I did, ...It was like I was abandoned on the island of misfit toys and those bastrds Santa and Rudolf never showed up. And now, I need forgiveness.
Herbie and Yukon Cornelius are here for you.
Burl Ives
as another introvert I would say is is harder to come to terms with the place later in life that the typical extrovert bootloking typical hyde "graduate". I wanted the approbation of peers, parents, teachers, ect, I was 15, impressionable, and sensitive to criticism. I lacked the adule internal fortitude of you other Cool Hand Lukes on this page that made it through with your pride intact...I tried to fit in despite my feelings that it was not my unique potential to do that stuff. I sang my ass off , I wrestled for hours every day, cut weight while in my growing years of life, shunned academic achievement, and yes participated in hydespeak in the seminars if I had to. Now I cringe at the thought of what I did, ...It was like I was abandoned on the island of misfit toys and those bastrds Santa and Rudolf never showed up. And now, I need forgiveness.
Don't beat yourself up too much over this, Fifth. We all tried in our own ways to do the best we could. It takes all kinds to make a world. And in the end, the only thing that really matters is love. ::boohoo::
The criminal thing is that not only were mistakes and egregious acts of emotional destruction carried out by so-called professionals 30 years ago, but this hapless experiment continues to this day.
As another introvert I would say it is harder to come to terms with the place later in life than the typical Hyde School "graduate". Like most normal kids, I wanted the approbation of my peers, parents, teachers, ect, I was 15, impressionable, and sensitive to criticism. I felt that it was wrong to act that way. But, I lacked the adult like internal fortitude of you other Cool Hand Lukes on this page that made it through Hyde school with your pride intact, all the while tripping on acid and bucking authority...
Yes, I tried to fit in despite my feelings that it was not right . I sang my ass off , I wrestled for hours every day, cut massive weight while in my growing years of life, shunned academic achievement, and to my profound chagrin participated in hydespeak in the seminars if I had to. Like that was the "real me"?? Now I cringe at the thought of what I did, and the way they convinced me to pretend to be something I was not. ..It was like I was abandoned on the Island of Misfit Toys and those bastards Santa and Rudolf never showed up.
And now, I need forgiveness.
Don't cry for me, I have come to terms with it., thank you
..the best way to settle my mind is to Picture Joe Gauld In the Pit with the place dark and a single spot on him, David Larson on paino, that goofy Mr Brown guy on guitar...
"As a booooy, I trusted the woooorld, I took my plaaaace and ran the raaaaaace, searching for burried treasure by the sea,....." me out here...what is the rest??..
I was always afraid that I was going to get that microphone after him...all slobbered
As another introvert I would say it is harder to come to terms with the place later in life than the typical Hyde School "graduate". Like most normal kids, I wanted the approbation of my peers, parents, teachers, ect, I was 15, impressionable, and sensitive to criticism. I felt that it was wrong to act that way. But, I lacked the adult like internal fortitude of you other Cool Hand Lukes on this page that made it through Hyde school with your pride intact, all the while tripping on acid and bucking authority...
Yes, I tried to fit in despite my feelings that it was not right . I sang my ass off , I wrestled for hours every day, cut massive weight while in my growing years of life, shunned academic achievement, and to my profound chagrin participated in hydespeak in the seminars if I had to. Like that was the "real me"?? Now I cringe at the thought of what I did, and the way they convinced me to pretend to be something I was not. ..It was like I was abandoned on the Island of Misfit Toys and those bastards Santa and Rudolf never showed up.
And now, I need forgiveness.
Damn it, Fifth, are you going to keep posting your message until I come to my defense? My acid days came to an abrupt end one week into summer school. Ed said flush it, I flushed it, and I've been straight ever since.
Now, if it makes you feel better, I'm going to share some information from a private communication to Emil. Emil, I hope you don't mind. Emil and I were on the same junior varsity wrestling team, and he liked to sing "Skin and skin and skin and bones" when he saw me. I was six feet tall and 126 pounds! I could beat the other malnourished, enfeebled skeletons in my weight class at Hyde, but I didn't stand a chance against a healthy Maine high schooler. Usually I'd just pass out at the start of the match.
My emotional and academic weight loss weren't much different. It was like Buchenwald, and the object was to survive. You had your methods; I had mine. So forgive yourself.
Now, about the little goody two shoes who didn't take acid. I went to college with W. my freshman year. W. graduated from Hyde in 1974 and interned while Emil and I were there. He was Hyde leadership material, but I had a lot of respect for W. nevertheless. He went on to become a backwoods lawyer in his home town in Kentucky. We used to hit the pubs together, and he even talked me into driving 300 miles to a Hyde reunion at another college. Michael, Rob, and many others were there: the salt of the earth at Hyde. One girl (a very attractive 1975 Hyde graduate) threw herself at me after two minutes' acquaintance. I didn't take her up on it, and I could still kick myself in the butt for being such a jerk. I imagine that she picked me out because all the guys at the reunion were impotent from too much alcohol, pot, and coke. Here I was, "the drug addict," the only straight one at the Hyde reunion, watching Hyde's leaders make total idiots of themselves. That's the night I realized I stood a good chance of making it in the world, despite all that Hyde had been telling me.
Fifth, you have a highly provocative sense of humor.
Don't cry for me, I have come to terms with it., thank you
..the best way to settle my mind is to Picture Joe Gauld In the Pit with the place dark and a single spot on him, David Larson on paino, that goofy Mr Brown guy on guitar...
"As a booooy, I trusted the woooorld, I took my plaaaace and ran the raaaaaace, searching for burried treasure by the sea,....." me out here...what is the rest??..
I was always afraid that I was going to get that microphone after him...all slobbered
I was not there for Joe crooning that one. I remember Stan and Dave thought. Joe sang St James Infirmary / St Louie Woman when I was there. That is one thing Joe did do for me was introduce me to W.C. Handy and demonstrate how _not_ to cover his material. It was Dave that made the selection for him I believe.
Luke is probably not a good analogy. I never went out of the way to provoke, like Luke. I actually compiled a great deal, I just did not buy into a lot of the crap. And I do mean crap. National Commitment was a big steaming pile. See the 'Take the Hyde School Challenge' thread and watch the video and see if you can figure out where National Commitment fits. Join Hyde and save the world! Sing and dance and help spread the word! I sang, but only because I like to sing. I actually openly made mock of NC.
Luke in the final scene is killed in a church. I am alive and well.
I actually compiled a great deal.
Yes, Emil, I think you did compile a great deal.... :rofl:
(I gather you actually meant to say "complied"?)
I actually compiled a great deal.
Yes, Emil, I think you did compile a great deal.... :rofl:
(I gather you actually meant to say "complied"?)
complied, yes.
And Gary, please be patient.
When I first found this site, it was quite a while before I started posting. Notwithstanding personal fears about the long arms of Hyde (which I suspect are nowhere near as long as our fears would have believe), I also was under the misguided impression that the then current posters were having a personal conversation with one another and there was no way I could just jump in and participate. I would do a lot of reading up on older postings as well as then current ones, and then finally one day I posted as well. It takes a while to get to that point. And it takes a while to get from one or two sentence interjections to paragraphs. And it'll take me a while longer to get to some of the more soul-searing and very very personal stuff, if I dare to.
In the beginning, there was a tremendous need to see my hurt or indignation, or others' hurt and indignation, expressed in print. It was a bit cathartic, and very healing for me. I have read others who post of these same sentiments, having read of others who express the same feeling that they thought were unique to their family's alone. And perhaps that is where it ends for some people. They do not have need for it to go any further. However, I, for one, am very interested in seeing that your article makes it to print. But you must be patient.
I am not entirely sure why this is, but there has been a tremendous increase in traffic at this site. To be sure, the postings have been quite a bit more numerous, and I hear several voices that have not been here before. But the "views" have also increased, exponentially it seems. I just checked, this particular thread that this post is on has been opened and viewed 3827 times. Last Friday night, I believe it was, I remember that it just crossed the 2100 mark. That means that in approximately 4 days, this thread has been opened and viewed 1727 times.
I want to thank you, very much, for your thoughtful, articulate and perceptive observations. Like you, I have been reading this web site cautiously and with some skepticism. I am now convinced that there are quite a few very responsible people posting here who have lots to say about their dreadful, painful, or whatever experiences at Hyde. Yes, there is some chaff among the wheat here, but that's to be expected in such a public forum where anyone can participate. I'm very, very impressed by the growing number of people who have important things to say about Hyde, nearly all of them negative (at least that's my impression).
What seems to be happening here is that a critical mass of people is beginning to speak out about their Hyde experience in a way that wasn't possible when our kids were there. Many of us suffered in deep and painful silence as we groped our way through Hyde for the 1-2-3 years we were there. This web site seems to be unleashing lots of pent-up feeling and emotion about Hyde. Finally, there's a place to share this, and this seems to be a safe place. This is a very important development, and I suspect that Hyde is suffering from this exposure.
As you said, this is very cathartic. While I was suffering at Hyde, and as I witnessed all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff, I fantasized about exposing Hyde. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that this kind of outlet might be available. I'm glad to have discovered this.
I want to thank you, very much, for your thoughtful, articulate and perceptive observations. Like you, I have been reading this web site cautiously and with some skepticism. I am now convinced that there are quite a few very responsible people posting here who have lots to say about their dreadful, painful, or whatever experiences at Hyde. Yes, there is some chaff among the wheat here, but that's to be expected in such a public forum where anyone can participate. I'm very, very impressed by the growing number of people who have important things to say about Hyde, nearly all of them negative (at least that's my impression).
What seems to be happening here is that a critical mass of people is beginning to speak out about their Hyde experience in a way that wasn't possible when our kids were there. Many of us suffered in deep and painful silence as we groped our way through Hyde for the 1-2-3 years we were there. This web site seems to be unleashing lots of pent-up feeling and emotion about Hyde. Finally, there's a place to share this, and this seems to be a safe place. This is a very important development, and I suspect that Hyde is suffering from this exposure.
As you said, this is very cathartic. While I was suffering at Hyde, and as I witnessed all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff, I fantasized about exposing Hyde. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that this kind of outlet might be available. I'm glad to have discovered this.
Thank you for those words of encouragement. I have two questions for you. How is it possible to "read this web site cautiously and with some skepticism" and at the same time to "suffer in deep and painful silence" at Hyde?
My other question is: How is it possible to "witness all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff" while "fantasizing about exposing Hyde" and at the same time to reenroll your child there for 1-2-3 years?
Forgive me if I'm prying, but I'm truly curious to know how you resolved these apparent contradictions.
And Gary, please be patient.
When I first found this site, it was quite a while before I started posting. Notwithstanding personal fears about the long arms of Hyde (which I suspect are nowhere near as long as our fears would have believe), I also was under the misguided impression that the then current posters were having a personal conversation with one another and there was no way I could just jump in and participate. I would do a lot of reading up on older postings as well as then current ones, and then finally one day I posted as well. It takes a while to get to that point. And it takes a while to get from one or two sentence interjections to paragraphs. And it'll take me a while longer to get to some of the more soul-searing and very very personal stuff, if I dare to.
In the beginning, there was a tremendous need to see my hurt or indignation, or others' hurt and indignation, expressed in print. It was a bit cathartic, and very healing for me. I have read others who post of these same sentiments, having read of others who express the same feeling that they thought were unique to their family's alone. And perhaps that is where it ends for some people. They do not have need for it to go any further. However, I, for one, am very interested in seeing that your article makes it to print. But you must be patient.
I am not entirely sure why this is, but there has been a tremendous increase in traffic at this site. To be sure, the postings have been quite a bit more numerous, and I hear several voices that have not been here before. But the "views" have also increased, exponentially it seems. I just checked, this particular thread that this post is on has been opened and viewed 3827 times. Last Friday night, I believe it was, I remember that it just crossed the 2100 mark. That means that in approximately 4 days, this thread has been opened and viewed 1727 times.
I want to thank you, very much, for your thoughtful, articulate and perceptive observations. Like you, I have been reading this web site cautiously and with some skepticism. I am now convinced that there are quite a few very responsible people posting here who have lots to say about their dreadful, painful, or whatever experiences at Hyde. Yes, there is some chaff among the wheat here, but that's to be expected in such a public forum where anyone can participate. I'm very, very impressed by the growing number of people who have important things to say about Hyde, nearly all of them negative (at least that's my impression).
What seems to be happening here is that a critical mass of people is beginning to speak out about their Hyde experience in a way that wasn't possible when our kids were there. Many of us suffered in deep and painful silence as we groped our way through Hyde for the 1-2-3 years we were there. This web site seems to be unleashing lots of pent-up feeling and emotion about Hyde. Finally, there's a place to share this, and this seems to be a safe place. This is a very important development, and I suspect that Hyde is suffering from this exposure.
As you said, this is very cathartic. While I was suffering at Hyde, and as I witnessed all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff, I fantasized about exposing Hyde. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that this kind of outlet might be available. I'm glad to have discovered this.
Former Parent, I was the one who originally posted the interior-most box; thank you for your kind words. I decided today that I would finally take the plunge and become a recognizable entity! :D
This is in very large part due to ALL of you who have poured out your feelings and experiences, both negative and positive, both serious and humorous, here on this board. There is a kind of emotional cancer that feeds on the soul when you have a trauma and you think you are alone in that trauma (talk about "unique potential", eh?). What has been so cathartic for me these past few months is the growing awareness that my point of view, my "take" on this place if you will, has VALIDITY regardless of whether any one agrees with me or not. And that is THE BEST FOOD for the soul in no small measure. Amen.
I would also like to venture a wee comment on how important it is to have "some chaff among the wheat" here. A healthy community needs some dissent, some ribald humor, etc. to help keep its perspective and the juices flowing. Plus, the postings reminiscing about past times and misbehaviors are so very important for the soul, so life-affirming; I enjoy reading them so much!... ::nod::
I want to thank you, very much, for your thoughtful, articulate and perceptive observations. Like you, I have been reading this web site cautiously and with some skepticism. I am now convinced that there are quite a few very responsible people posting here who have lots to say about their dreadful, painful, or whatever experiences at Hyde. Yes, there is some chaff among the wheat here, but that's to be expected in such a public forum where anyone can participate. I'm very, very impressed by the growing number of people who have important things to say about Hyde, nearly all of them negative (at least that's my impression).
What seems to be happening here is that a critical mass of people is beginning to speak out about their Hyde experience in a way that wasn't possible when our kids were there. Many of us suffered in deep and painful silence as we groped our way through Hyde for the 1-2-3 years we were there. This web site seems to be unleashing lots of pent-up feeling and emotion about Hyde. Finally, there's a place to share this, and this seems to be a safe place. This is a very important development, and I suspect that Hyde is suffering from this exposure.
As you said, this is very cathartic. While I was suffering at Hyde, and as I witnessed all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff, I fantasized about exposing Hyde. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that this kind of outlet might be available. I'm glad to have discovered this.
Thank you for those words of encouragement. I have two questions for you. How is it possible to "read this web site cautiously and with some skepticism" and at the same time to "suffer in deep and painful silence" at Hyde?
My other question is: How is it possible to "witness all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff" while "fantasizing about exposing Hyde" and at the same time to reenroll your child there for 1-2-3 years?
Forgive me if I'm prying, but I'm truly curious to know how you resolved these apparent contradictions.
Mike: Your questions are reasonable (I wrote the post you're asking about). Regarding your first question, the caution and skepticism to which I refer have nothing to do with the validity of many postings here. I've never questioned the thoughtful, passionate, insightful, sincere comments. My reasons for caution and skepticism had only to do with my paranoia about Hyde. When I first discovered this site I wondered who was posting here, whether Hyde was snooping and setting up Hyde's fans to post positive comments (I now see that there are virtually no positive Hyde comments), and I was concerned about some snide and immature, provocative, occasionally obscene comments. That's all. This site now seems to have evolved and the vast majority of the postings are constructive. I hope that clarifies my comment about caution and skepticism.
Regarding your second question, we did not keep our child at Hyde for 3 years. When I referred to staying at Hyde for 1-2-3 years, I was merely referring to the range of experiences among those posting here. As soon as we realized how pathological Hyde's environment is, and how damaging it is for many Hyde students and parents, we began searching for a new school. I cannot begin to tell you what a breath of fresh air our child's post-Hyde school has been. It's a dream come true, and it puts Hyde to shame. We deeply regret that we ever set foot on Hyde's campus. Seeing what's possible at a school that is professionally run by skilled, insightful, supportive (and not naive) administrators and teachers is inspiring and gives me hope. I've learned that there are wonderful schools for kids who struggle, horrible schools (I put Hyde in this category), and schools that are "mixed bags" (with impressive strengths and nontrivial limitations). The challenge, I think, is finding a principled, skilled educational consultant who knows to stay away from Hyde and is very well informed and willing to look for one of the really good schools that are out there. Like schools, educational consultants are a mixed group; some are wonderfully skilled and some are not.
I want to thank you, very much, for your thoughtful, articulate and perceptive observations. Like you, I have been reading this web site cautiously and with some skepticism. I am now convinced that there are quite a few very responsible people posting here who have lots to say about their dreadful, painful, or whatever experiences at Hyde. Yes, there is some chaff among the wheat here, but that's to be expected in such a public forum where anyone can participate. I'm very, very impressed by the growing number of people who have important things to say about Hyde, nearly all of them negative (at least that's my impression).
What seems to be happening here is that a critical mass of people is beginning to speak out about their Hyde experience in a way that wasn't possible when our kids were there. Many of us suffered in deep and painful silence as we groped our way through Hyde for the 1-2-3 years we were there. This web site seems to be unleashing lots of pent-up feeling and emotion about Hyde. Finally, there's a place to share this, and this seems to be a safe place. This is a very important development, and I suspect that Hyde is suffering from this exposure.
As you said, this is very cathartic. While I was suffering at Hyde, and as I witnessed all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff, I fantasized about exposing Hyde. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that this kind of outlet might be available. I'm glad to have discovered this.
Thank you for those words of encouragement. I have two questions for you. How is it possible to "read this web site cautiously and with some skepticism" and at the same time to "suffer in deep and painful silence" at Hyde?
My other question is: How is it possible to "witness all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff" while "fantasizing about exposing Hyde" and at the same time to reenroll your child there for 1-2-3 years?
Forgive me if I'm prying, but I'm truly curious to know how you resolved these apparent contradictions.
Mike: Your questions are reasonable (I wrote the post you're asking about). Regarding your first question, the caution and skepticism to which I refer have nothing to do with the validity of many postings here. I've never questioned the thoughtful, passionate, insightful, sincere comments. My reasons for caution and skepticism had only to do with my paranoia about Hyde. When I first discovered this site I wondered who was posting here, whether Hyde was snooping and setting up Hyde's fans to post positive comments (I now see that there are virtually no positive Hyde comments), and I was concerned about some snide and immature, provocative, occasionally obscene comments. That's all. This site now seems to have evolved and the vast majority of the postings are constructive. I hope that clarifies my comment about caution and skepticism.
Regarding your second question, we did not keep our child at Hyde for 3 years. When I referred to staying at Hyde for 1-2-3 years, I was merely referring to the range of experiences among those posting here. As soon as we realized how pathological Hyde's environment is, and how damaging it is for many Hyde students and parents, we began searching for a new school. I cannot begin to tell you what a breath of fresh air our child's post-Hyde school has been. It's a dream come true, and it puts Hyde to shame. We deeply regret that we ever set foot on Hyde's campus. Seeing what's possible at a school that is professionally run by skilled, insightful, supportive (and not naive) administrators and teachers is inspiring and gives me hope. I've learned that there are wonderful schools for kids who struggle, horrible schools (I put Hyde in this category), and schools that are "mixed bags" (with impressive strengths and nontrivial limitations). The challenge, I think, is finding a principled, skilled educational consultant who knows to stay away from Hyde and is very well informed and willing to look for one of the really good schools that are out there. Like schools, educational consultants are a mixed group; some are wonderfully skilled and some are not.
I want to thank you, very much, for your thoughtful, articulate and perceptive observations. Like you, I have been reading this web site cautiously and with some skepticism. I am now convinced that there are quite a few very responsible people posting here who have lots to say about their dreadful, painful, or whatever experiences at Hyde. Yes, there is some chaff among the wheat here, but that's to be expected in such a public forum where anyone can participate. I'm very, very impressed by the growing number of people who have important things to say about Hyde, nearly all of them negative (at least that's my impression).
What seems to be happening here is that a critical mass of people is beginning to speak out about their Hyde experience in a way that wasn't possible when our kids were there. Many of us suffered in deep and painful silence as we groped our way through Hyde for the 1-2-3 years we were there. This web site seems to be unleashing lots of pent-up feeling and emotion about Hyde. Finally, there's a place to share this, and this seems to be a safe place. This is a very important development, and I suspect that Hyde is suffering from this exposure.
As you said, this is very cathartic. While I was suffering at Hyde, and as I witnessed all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff, I fantasized about exposing Hyde. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that this kind of outlet might be available. I'm glad to have discovered this.
Thank you for those words of encouragement. I have two questions for you. How is it possible to "read this web site cautiously and with some skepticism" and at the same time to "suffer in deep and painful silence" at Hyde?
My other question is: How is it possible to "witness all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff" while "fantasizing about exposing Hyde" and at the same time to reenroll your child there for 1-2-3 years?
Forgive me if I'm prying, but I'm truly curious to know how you resolved these apparent contradictions.
Mike: Your questions are reasonable (I wrote the post you're asking about). Regarding your first question, the caution and skepticism to which I refer have nothing to do with the validity of many postings here. I've never questioned the thoughtful, passionate, insightful, sincere comments. My reasons for caution and skepticism had only to do with my paranoia about Hyde. When I first discovered this site I wondered who was posting here, whether Hyde was snooping and setting up Hyde's fans to post positive comments (I now see that there are virtually no positive Hyde comments), and I was concerned about some snide and immature, provocative, occasionally obscene comments. That's all. This site now seems to have evolved and the vast majority of the postings are constructive. I hope that clarifies my comment about caution and skepticism.
Regarding your second question, we did not keep our child at Hyde for 3 years. When I referred to staying at Hyde for 1-2-3 years, I was merely referring to the range of experiences among those posting here. As soon as we realized how pathological Hyde's environment is, and how damaging it is for many Hyde students and parents, we began searching for a new school. I cannot begin to tell you what a breath of fresh air our child's post-Hyde school has been. It's a dream come true, and it puts Hyde to shame. We deeply regret that we ever set foot on Hyde's campus. Seeing what's possible at a school that is professionally run by skilled, insightful, supportive (and not naive) administrators and teachers is inspiring and gives me hope. I've learned that there are wonderful schools for kids who struggle, horrible schools (I put Hyde in this category), and schools that are "mixed bags" (with impressive strengths and nontrivial limitations). The challenge, I think, is finding a principled, skilled educational consultant who knows to stay away from Hyde and is very well informed and willing to look for one of the really good schools that are out there. Like schools, educational consultants are a mixed group; some are wonderfully skilled and some are not.
I thought that you were using the royal we, but I just wanted to make sure. As for Hyde snooping, they probably are! I wish we could get a dialogue going with them, but it seems they are not ready to recognize us and/or they are not up to the debate. This merely demonstrates the need to take our grievances to a more public forum, such as the one Gary is proposing. Thanks for your clarifications.
When I first discovered this site I wondered who was posting here, whether Hyde was snooping and setting up Hyde's fans to post positive comments (I now see that there are virtually no positive Hyde comments), and I was concerned about some snide and immature, provocative, occasionally obscene comments.
I agree with Mike. They probably are snooping. As to the reactionary knee-jerk interjections we used to get, these have been strangely absent of late.
When I remember back to my sports participation days, how the degree to which you stretched your vocal chords cheering the team on was actually considered a reflection of your attitude and commitment (and would be brought up and discussed in team meetings), it is not hard to see where some current students may be coming from. I don't harbor them any ill will, theoretically (I might change my mind for specific circumstances :D ).
If we can not tolerate some dissent, how are we any different than the regime we reject at Hyde? And if we do not allow room for a range of opinion here, how can someone just beginning to question what they went through/are going through have a place to explore healing?
I want to thank you, very much, for your thoughtful, articulate and perceptive observations. Like you, I have been reading this web site cautiously and with some skepticism. I am now convinced that there are quite a few very responsible people posting here who have lots to say about their dreadful, painful, or whatever experiences at Hyde. Yes, there is some chaff among the wheat here, but that's to be expected in such a public forum where anyone can participate. I'm very, very impressed by the growing number of people who have important things to say about Hyde, nearly all of them negative (at least that's my impression).
What seems to be happening here is that a critical mass of people is beginning to speak out about their Hyde experience in a way that wasn't possible when our kids were there. Many of us suffered in deep and painful silence as we groped our way through Hyde for the 1-2-3 years we were there. This web site seems to be unleashing lots of pent-up feeling and emotion about Hyde. Finally, there's a place to share this, and this seems to be a safe place. This is a very important development, and I suspect that Hyde is suffering from this exposure.
As you said, this is very cathartic. While I was suffering at Hyde, and as I witnessed all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff, I fantasized about exposing Hyde. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that this kind of outlet might be available. I'm glad to have discovered this.
Thank you for those words of encouragement. I have two questions for you. How is it possible to "read this web site cautiously and with some skepticism" and at the same time to "suffer in deep and painful silence" at Hyde?
My other question is: How is it possible to "witness all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff" while "fantasizing about exposing Hyde" and at the same time to reenroll your child there for 1-2-3 years?
Forgive me if I'm prying, but I'm truly curious to know how you resolved these apparent contradictions.
Mike: Your questions are reasonable (I wrote the post you're asking about). Regarding your first question, the caution and skepticism to which I refer have nothing to do with the validity of many postings here. I've never questioned the thoughtful, passionate, insightful, sincere comments. My reasons for caution and skepticism had only to do with my paranoia about Hyde. When I first discovered this site I wondered who was posting here, whether Hyde was snooping and setting up Hyde's fans to post positive comments (I now see that there are virtually no positive Hyde comments), and I was concerned about some snide and immature, provocative, occasionally obscene comments. That's all. This site now seems to have evolved and the vast majority of the postings are constructive. I hope that clarifies my comment about caution and skepticism.
Regarding your second question, we did not keep our child at Hyde for 3 years. When I referred to staying at Hyde for 1-2-3 years, I was merely referring to the range of experiences among those posting here. As soon as we realized how pathological Hyde's environment is, and how damaging it is for many Hyde students and parents, we began searching for a new school. I cannot begin to tell you what a breath of fresh air our child's post-Hyde school has been. It's a dream come true, and it puts Hyde to shame. We deeply regret that we ever set foot on Hyde's campus. Seeing what's possible at a school that is professionally run by skilled, insightful, supportive (and not naive) administrators and teachers is inspiring and gives me hope. I've learned that there are wonderful schools for kids who struggle, horrible schools (I put Hyde in this category), and schools that are "mixed bags" (with impressive strengths and nontrivial limitations). The challenge, I think, is finding a principled, skilled educational consultant who knows to stay away from Hyde and is very well informed and willing to look for one of the really good schools that are out there. Like schools, educational consultants are a mixed group; some are wonderfully skilled and some are not.
I thought that you were using the royal we, but I just wanted to make sure. As for Hyde snooping, they probably are! I wish we could get a dialogue going with them, but it seems they are not ready to recognize us and/or they are not up to the debate. This merely demonstrates the need to take our grievances to a more public forum, such as the one Gary is proposing. Thanks for your clarifications.
I agree with you, Mike. What Gary is proposing is the way to do this. It also makes sense for people to share their opinions on the other sites that have been mentioned in several posts: sending comments to NEASC (they accredit Hyde) and posting comments on the editorial page of the Woodbury struggling teens web site ( ... index.html ( and sending comments to the ISAC site: (
These can be very effective.
Here's my guess as to Hyde's strategy with regard to this web site: By now they must know about this site and are very concerned about the bad publicity. Perhaps they've decided not to acknowledge the site as a way to downplay its significance (if you claim you don't hear the tree falling in the forest, you can say it doesn't exist . . .). They realize there's little to be gained (for Hyde) by entering into a debate or dialogue on this public site--too much PR risk. I can't imagine someone at Hyde isn't monitoring this site fairly regularly (staff, HAPA parent, etc.).
So, I imagine they've decided to observe this web site from afar, stay quiet about it, and bite their fingernails while they watch Hyde's public flogging, hoping that this doesn't hurt enrollments too much. I guess you could say that Hyde is getting a taste of its own medicine.
I can't be sure of any of this, but that's my bet. By the way, I imagine this publicity IS hurting Hyde's enrollments, as is the greater visibility of this site on Google.
I cannot begin to tell you what a breath of fresh air our child's post-Hyde school has been. It's a dream come true, and it puts Hyde to shame. We deeply regret that we ever set foot on Hyde's campus. Seeing what's possible at a school that is professionally run by skilled, insightful, supportive (and not naive) administrators and teachers is inspiring and gives me hope.
What school did you end up enrolling your child in?
I want to thank you, very much, for your thoughtful, articulate and perceptive observations. Like you, I have been reading this web site cautiously and with some skepticism. I am now convinced that there are quite a few very responsible people posting here who have lots to say about their dreadful, painful, or whatever experiences at Hyde. Yes, there is some chaff among the wheat here, but that's to be expected in such a public forum where anyone can participate. I'm very, very impressed by the growing number of people who have important things to say about Hyde, nearly all of them negative (at least that's my impression).
What seems to be happening here is that a critical mass of people is beginning to speak out about their Hyde experience in a way that wasn't possible when our kids were there. Many of us suffered in deep and painful silence as we groped our way through Hyde for the 1-2-3 years we were there. This web site seems to be unleashing lots of pent-up feeling and emotion about Hyde. Finally, there's a place to share this, and this seems to be a safe place. This is a very important development, and I suspect that Hyde is suffering from this exposure.
As you said, this is very cathartic. While I was suffering at Hyde, and as I witnessed all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff, I fantasized about exposing Hyde. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that this kind of outlet might be available. I'm glad to have discovered this.
Thank you for those words of encouragement. I have two questions for you. How is it possible to "read this web site cautiously and with some skepticism" and at the same time to "suffer in deep and painful silence" at Hyde?
My other question is: How is it possible to "witness all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff" while "fantasizing about exposing Hyde" and at the same time to reenroll your child there for 1-2-3 years?
Forgive me if I'm prying, but I'm truly curious to know how you resolved these apparent contradictions.
Mike: Your questions are reasonable (I wrote the post you're asking about). Regarding your first question, the caution and skepticism to which I refer have nothing to do with the validity of many postings here. I've never questioned the thoughtful, passionate, insightful, sincere comments. My reasons for caution and skepticism had only to do with my paranoia about Hyde. When I first discovered this site I wondered who was posting here, whether Hyde was snooping and setting up Hyde's fans to post positive comments (I now see that there are virtually no positive Hyde comments), and I was concerned about some snide and immature, provocative, occasionally obscene comments. That's all. This site now seems to have evolved and the vast majority of the postings are constructive. I hope that clarifies my comment about caution and skepticism.
Regarding your second question, we did not keep our child at Hyde for 3 years. When I referred to staying at Hyde for 1-2-3 years, I was merely referring to the range of experiences among those posting here. As soon as we realized how pathological Hyde's environment is, and how damaging it is for many Hyde students and parents, we began searching for a new school. I cannot begin to tell you what a breath of fresh air our child's post-Hyde school has been. It's a dream come true, and it puts Hyde to shame. We deeply regret that we ever set foot on Hyde's campus. Seeing what's possible at a school that is professionally run by skilled, insightful, supportive (and not naive) administrators and teachers is inspiring and gives me hope. I've learned that there are wonderful schools for kids who struggle, horrible schools (I put Hyde in this category), and schools that are "mixed bags" (with impressive strengths and nontrivial limitations). The challenge, I think, is finding a principled, skilled educational consultant who knows to stay away from Hyde and is very well informed and willing to look for one of the really good schools that are out there. Like schools, educational consultants are a mixed group; some are wonderfully skilled and some are not.
I thought that you were using the royal we, but I just wanted to make sure. As for Hyde snooping, they probably are! I wish we could get a dialogue going with them, but it seems they are not ready to recognize us and/or they are not up to the debate. This merely demonstrates the need to take our grievances to a more public forum, such as the one Gary is proposing. Thanks for your clarifications.
I do believe that Hyde reads these posts. I also believe that they themselves were posting positive responses several months back. At this point they probably see that we have some fairly intelligent people on this board, and they don't want to try to go up against us for fear of making themselves look worse than they already do.
There isn't a lot Hyde can say to defend themselves against this. Facts are facts and what we are telling the world about what goes on behind the doors at Hyde School is the truth. Some people might see the tactics Hyde School uses as positive. I personally don't, but to each his own!!
I want to thank all of you who are posting and have validated my feelings about the destruction and emotional harm Hyde causes. This board has really helped me. I hope more people will find it and join so they too can feel validated as well as coming to terms with the whole Hyde experience
I want to thank you, very much, for your thoughtful, articulate and perceptive observations. Like you, I have been reading this web site cautiously and with some skepticism. I am now convinced that there are quite a few very responsible people posting here who have lots to say about their dreadful, painful, or whatever experiences at Hyde. Yes, there is some chaff among the wheat here, but that's to be expected in such a public forum where anyone can participate. I'm very, very impressed by the growing number of people who have important things to say about Hyde, nearly all of them negative (at least that's my impression).
What seems to be happening here is that a critical mass of people is beginning to speak out about their Hyde experience in a way that wasn't possible when our kids were there. Many of us suffered in deep and painful silence as we groped our way through Hyde for the 1-2-3 years we were there. This web site seems to be unleashing lots of pent-up feeling and emotion about Hyde. Finally, there's a place to share this, and this seems to be a safe place. This is a very important development, and I suspect that Hyde is suffering from this exposure.
As you said, this is very cathartic. While I was suffering at Hyde, and as I witnessed all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff, I fantasized about exposing Hyde. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that this kind of outlet might be available. I'm glad to have discovered this.
Thank you for those words of encouragement. I have two questions for you. How is it possible to "read this web site cautiously and with some skepticism" and at the same time to "suffer in deep and painful silence" at Hyde?
My other question is: How is it possible to "witness all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff" while "fantasizing about exposing Hyde" and at the same time to reenroll your child there for 1-2-3 years?
Forgive me if I'm prying, but I'm truly curious to know how you resolved these apparent contradictions.
Mike: Your questions are reasonable (I wrote the post you're asking about). Regarding your first question, the caution and skepticism to which I refer have nothing to do with the validity of many postings here. I've never questioned the thoughtful, passionate, insightful, sincere comments. My reasons for caution and skepticism had only to do with my paranoia about Hyde. When I first discovered this site I wondered who was posting here, whether Hyde was snooping and setting up Hyde's fans to post positive comments (I now see that there are virtually no positive Hyde comments), and I was concerned about some snide and immature, provocative, occasionally obscene comments. That's all. This site now seems to have evolved and the vast majority of the postings are constructive. I hope that clarifies my comment about caution and skepticism.
Regarding your second question, we did not keep our child at Hyde for 3 years. When I referred to staying at Hyde for 1-2-3 years, I was merely referring to the range of experiences among those posting here. As soon as we realized how pathological Hyde's environment is, and how damaging it is for many Hyde students and parents, we began searching for a new school. I cannot begin to tell you what a breath of fresh air our child's post-Hyde school has been. It's a dream come true, and it puts Hyde to shame. We deeply regret that we ever set foot on Hyde's campus. Seeing what's possible at a school that is professionally run by skilled, insightful, supportive (and not naive) administrators and teachers is inspiring and gives me hope. I've learned that there are wonderful schools for kids who struggle, horrible schools (I put Hyde in this category), and schools that are "mixed bags" (with impressive strengths and nontrivial limitations). The challenge, I think, is finding a principled, skilled educational consultant who knows to stay away from Hyde and is very well informed and willing to look for one of the really good schools that are out there. Like schools, educational consultants are a mixed group; some are wonderfully skilled and some are not.
I thought that you were using the royal we, but I just wanted to make sure. As for Hyde snooping, they probably are! I wish we could get a dialogue going with them, but it seems they are not ready to recognize us and/or they are not up to the debate. This merely demonstrates the need to take our grievances to a more public forum, such as the one Gary is proposing. Thanks for your clarifications.
I do believe that Hyde reads these posts. I also believe that they themselves were posting positive responses several months back. At this point they probably see that we have some fairly intelligent people on this board, and they don't want to try to go up against us for fear of making themselves look worse than they already do.
There isn't a lot Hyde can say to defend themselves against this. Facts are facts and what we are telling the world about what goes on behind the doors at Hyde School is the truth. Some people might see the tactics Hyde School uses as positive. I personally don't, but to each his own!!
I want to thank all of you who are posting and have validated my feelings about the destruction and emotional harm Hyde causes. This board has really helped me. I hope more people will find it and join so they too can feel validated as well as coming to terms with the whole Hyde experience
Seems like we are having our own Hyde Seminar but instead of putting the kleenex in the middle of the room and having untrained facilitators badgering and humiliating parents and students, we are doing it in a much more helpful way. Congratulations to Mike and Emil and whoever else has helped me to feel better about what I went through at Hyde School.
I want to thank you, very much, for your thoughtful, articulate and perceptive observations. Like you, I have been reading this web site cautiously and with some skepticism. I am now convinced that there are quite a few very responsible people posting here who have lots to say about their dreadful, painful, or whatever experiences at Hyde. Yes, there is some chaff among the wheat here, but that's to be expected in such a public forum where anyone can participate. I'm very, very impressed by the growing number of people who have important things to say about Hyde, nearly all of them negative (at least that's my impression).
What seems to be happening here is that a critical mass of people is beginning to speak out about their Hyde experience in a way that wasn't possible when our kids were there. Many of us suffered in deep and painful silence as we groped our way through Hyde for the 1-2-3 years we were there. This web site seems to be unleashing lots of pent-up feeling and emotion about Hyde. Finally, there's a place to share this, and this seems to be a safe place. This is a very important development, and I suspect that Hyde is suffering from this exposure.
As you said, this is very cathartic. While I was suffering at Hyde, and as I witnessed all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff, I fantasized about exposing Hyde. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that this kind of outlet might be available. I'm glad to have discovered this.
Thank you for those words of encouragement. I have two questions for you. How is it possible to "read this web site cautiously and with some skepticism" and at the same time to "suffer in deep and painful silence" at Hyde?
My other question is: How is it possible to "witness all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff" while "fantasizing about exposing Hyde" and at the same time to reenroll your child there for 1-2-3 years?
Forgive me if I'm prying, but I'm truly curious to know how you resolved these apparent contradictions.
Mike: Your questions are reasonable (I wrote the post you're asking about). Regarding your first question, the caution and skepticism to which I refer have nothing to do with the validity of many postings here. I've never questioned the thoughtful, passionate, insightful, sincere comments. My reasons for caution and skepticism had only to do with my paranoia about Hyde. When I first discovered this site I wondered who was posting here, whether Hyde was snooping and setting up Hyde's fans to post positive comments (I now see that there are virtually no positive Hyde comments), and I was concerned about some snide and immature, provocative, occasionally obscene comments. That's all. This site now seems to have evolved and the vast majority of the postings are constructive. I hope that clarifies my comment about caution and skepticism.
Regarding your second question, we did not keep our child at Hyde for 3 years. When I referred to staying at Hyde for 1-2-3 years, I was merely referring to the range of experiences among those posting here. As soon as we realized how pathological Hyde's environment is, and how damaging it is for many Hyde students and parents, we began searching for a new school. I cannot begin to tell you what a breath of fresh air our child's post-Hyde school has been. It's a dream come true, and it puts Hyde to shame. We deeply regret that we ever set foot on Hyde's campus. Seeing what's possible at a school that is professionally run by skilled, insightful, supportive (and not naive) administrators and teachers is inspiring and gives me hope. I've learned that there are wonderful schools for kids who struggle, horrible schools (I put Hyde in this category), and schools that are "mixed bags" (with impressive strengths and nontrivial limitations). The challenge, I think, is finding a principled, skilled educational consultant who knows to stay away from Hyde and is very well informed and willing to look for one of the really good schools that are out there. Like schools, educational consultants are a mixed group; some are wonderfully skilled and some are not.
I thought that you were using the royal we, but I just wanted to make sure. As for Hyde snooping, they probably are! I wish we could get a dialogue going with them, but it seems they are not ready to recognize us and/or they are not up to the debate. This merely demonstrates the need to take our grievances to a more public forum, such as the one Gary is proposing. Thanks for your clarifications.
I do believe that Hyde reads these posts. I also believe that they themselves were posting positive responses several months back. At this point they probably see that we have some fairly intelligent people on this board, and they don't want to try to go up against us for fear of making themselves look worse than they already do.
There isn't a lot Hyde can say to defend themselves against this. Facts are facts and what we are telling the world about what goes on behind the doors at Hyde School is the truth. Some people might see the tactics Hyde School uses as positive. I personally don't, but to each his own!!
I want to thank all of you who are posting and have validated my feelings about the destruction and emotional harm Hyde causes. This board has really helped me. I hope more people will find it and join so they too can feel validated as well as coming to terms with the whole Hyde experience
Seems like we are having our own Hyde Seminar but instead of putting the kleenex in the middle of the room and having untrained facilitators badgering and humiliating parents and students, we are doing it in a much more helpful way. Congratulations to Mike and Emil and whoever else has helped me to feel better about what I went through at Hyde School.
Hey don't forget Burl Ives.
Boys and girls, tell King Moonracer to piss off when he tries to get you to go to the island of Hyde, I mean misfit toys.
I want to thank you, very much, for your thoughtful, articulate and perceptive observations. Like you, I have been reading this web site cautiously and with some skepticism. I am now convinced that there are quite a few very responsible people posting here who have lots to say about their dreadful, painful, or whatever experiences at Hyde. Yes, there is some chaff among the wheat here, but that's to be expected in such a public forum where anyone can participate. I'm very, very impressed by the growing number of people who have important things to say about Hyde, nearly all of them negative (at least that's my impression).
What seems to be happening here is that a critical mass of people is beginning to speak out about their Hyde experience in a way that wasn't possible when our kids were there. Many of us suffered in deep and painful silence as we groped our way through Hyde for the 1-2-3 years we were there. This web site seems to be unleashing lots of pent-up feeling and emotion about Hyde. Finally, there's a place to share this, and this seems to be a safe place. This is a very important development, and I suspect that Hyde is suffering from this exposure.
As you said, this is very cathartic. While I was suffering at Hyde, and as I witnessed all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff, I fantasized about exposing Hyde. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that this kind of outlet might be available. I'm glad to have discovered this.
Thank you for those words of encouragement. I have two questions for you. How is it possible to "read this web site cautiously and with some skepticism" and at the same time to "suffer in deep and painful silence" at Hyde?
My other question is: How is it possible to "witness all manner of unconscionable abuses and inept staff" while "fantasizing about exposing Hyde" and at the same time to reenroll your child there for 1-2-3 years?
Forgive me if I'm prying, but I'm truly curious to know how you resolved these apparent contradictions.
Mike: Your questions are reasonable (I wrote the post you're asking about). Regarding your first question, the caution and skepticism to which I refer have nothing to do with the validity of many postings here. I've never questioned the thoughtful, passionate, insightful, sincere comments. My reasons for caution and skepticism had only to do with my paranoia about Hyde. When I first discovered this site I wondered who was posting here, whether Hyde was snooping and setting up Hyde's fans to post positive comments (I now see that there are virtually no positive Hyde comments), and I was concerned about some snide and immature, provocative, occasionally obscene comments. That's all. This site now seems to have evolved and the vast majority of the postings are constructive. I hope that clarifies my comment about caution and skepticism.
Regarding your second question, we did not keep our child at Hyde for 3 years. When I referred to staying at Hyde for 1-2-3 years, I was merely referring to the range of experiences among those posting here. As soon as we realized how pathological Hyde's environment is, and how damaging it is for many Hyde students and parents, we began searching for a new school. I cannot begin to tell you what a breath of fresh air our child's post-Hyde school has been. It's a dream come true, and it puts Hyde to shame. We deeply regret that we ever set foot on Hyde's campus. Seeing what's possible at a school that is professionally run by skilled, insightful, supportive (and not naive) administrators and teachers is inspiring and gives me hope. I've learned that there are wonderful schools for kids who struggle, horrible schools (I put Hyde in this category), and schools that are "mixed bags" (with impressive strengths and nontrivial limitations). The challenge, I think, is finding a principled, skilled educational consultant who knows to stay away from Hyde and is very well informed and willing to look for one of the really good schools that are out there. Like schools, educational consultants are a mixed group; some are wonderfully skilled and some are not.
I thought that you were using the royal we, but I just wanted to make sure. As for Hyde snooping, they probably are! I wish we could get a dialogue going with them, but it seems they are not ready to recognize us and/or they are not up to the debate. This merely demonstrates the need to take our grievances to a more public forum, such as the one Gary is proposing. Thanks for your clarifications.
I do believe that Hyde reads these posts. I also believe that they themselves were posting positive responses several months back. At this point they probably see that we have some fairly intelligent people on this board, and they don't want to try to go up against us for fear of making themselves look worse than they already do.
There isn't a lot Hyde can say to defend themselves against this. Facts are facts and what we are telling the world about what goes on behind the doors at Hyde School is the truth. Some people might see the tactics Hyde School uses as positive. I personally don't, but to each his own!!
I want to thank all of you who are posting and have validated my feelings about the destruction and emotional harm Hyde causes. This board has really helped me. I hope more people will find it and join so they too can feel validated as well as coming to terms with the whole Hyde experience
Seems like we are having our own Hyde Seminar but instead of putting the kleenex in the middle of the room and having untrained facilitators badgering and humiliating parents and students, we are doing it in a much more helpful way. Congratulations to Mike and Emil and whoever else has helped me to feel better about what I went through at Hyde School.
Hey don't forget Burl Ives.
Boys and girls, tell King Moonracer to piss off when he tries to get you to go to the island of Hyde, I mean misfit toys.
Interesting post off of another website by a former student of Hyde.
I enjoyed the sports, I did my fucking homework.
But no, I still got to rake leaves, shovel snow, deal with bitches who belong in the loony bin.
Your beliefs, opinions, look on life will change; you will be silenced if you disagree with how they run shit.
They got this pompous old fuck to get up on stage, picked a random black student out of the crowd of the school, he then waddled his way into his head like a pseudo psychic (my example was John Edwards), he figures out the kid is adopted. Then he goes on asking rhetorical questions like: ?Do you feel unloved?? then started smearing it in his face like: YOU ARE NOT LOVED! The kid was fucking crying, I wanted to bust his knee caps that whole day, and sure I fought the system, but the workouts and labor got the best of me because it was just to hard to keep fighting the was they handle people.
It should be a reality TV show.
They got this pompous old fuck to get up on stage
Dead on description of Joe Gauld
Interesting post off of another website by a former student of Hyde.
I enjoyed the sports, I did my fucking homework.
But no, I still got to rake leaves, shovel snow, deal with bitches who belong in the loony bin.
Your beliefs, opinions, look on life will change; you will be silenced if you disagree with how they run shit.
They got this pompous old fuck to get up on stage, picked a random black student out of the crowd of the school, he then waddled his way into his head like a pseudo psychic (my example was John Edwards), he figures out the kid is adopted. Then he goes on asking rhetorical questions like: ?Do you feel unloved?? then started smearing it in his face like: YOU ARE NOT LOVED! The kid was fucking crying, I wanted to bust his knee caps that whole day, and sure I fought the system, but the workouts and labor got the best of me because it was just to hard to keep fighting the was they handle people.
It should be a reality TV show.
Was this off myspace? I haven't made it over there yet.
And former parent, you did not tell us, which school did you enroll your child in post Hyde? Was is a regular boarding school with more individualized attention, like Putney? Just curious... thanks
...I wanted to bust his knee caps that whole day.
Interesting comment, in that I really do remember Joe's kneecaps most especially. Perhaps that's because they were where my eyes were focused on during so many of a school meeting at the mansion...
Interesting post off of another website by a former student of Hyde.
I enjoyed the sports, I did my fucking homework.
But no, I still got to rake leaves, shovel snow, deal with bitches who belong in the loony bin.
Your beliefs, opinions, look on life will change; you will be silenced if you disagree with how they run shit.
They got this pompous old fuck to get up on stage, picked a random black student out of the crowd of the school, he then waddled his way into his head like a pseudo psychic (my example was John Edwards), he figures out the kid is adopted. Then he goes on asking rhetorical questions like: ?Do you feel unloved?? then started smearing it in his face like: YOU ARE NOT LOVED! The kid was fucking crying, I wanted to bust his knee caps that whole day, and sure I fought the system, but the workouts and labor got the best of me because it was just to hard to keep fighting the was they handle people.
It should be a reality TV show.
Was this off myspace? I haven't made it over there yet.
And former parent, you did not tell us, which school did you enroll your child in post Hyde? Was is a regular boarding school with more individualized attention, like Putney? Just curious... thanks
Yes, this was off of If you go to "schools" and type in Hyde school either conn or maine, you will find lots of interesting posts.
...I wanted to bust his knee caps that whole day.
Interesting comment, in that I really do remember Joe's kneecaps most especially. Perhaps that's because they were where my eyes were focused on during so many of a school meeting at the mansion...
School meeting at the mansion? When were you at hyde? There where too many of us to fit in the stairway when I was there mid seventies.
We used to have meetings on the stairs (early/mid 70's). Joe would stand somewhere between the library (still? anyway, the room with the huge oak table which I am sure can not be removed) and that front room which was opposite the headmaster's office. He basically stood in what was an entry hallway. In front of him was open area, leading to the dining room (the kitchen was still at the mansion). On either side of this open area were the stairs leading up on either side to the 2nd floor. Students would amass in the open area and sitting on the stairs.
BTW, I do believe I saw Cool Hand Luke here in this open space. Maybe that was the summer.
Either my 2nd or 3rd year, enough progress had been made on the Student Union and school meetings (as well as dining arrangements) moved down there.
I was at Hyde Woodstock in the late 90's. I remember Joe standing their in his golf uniform going around the room trying to humiliate the students and parents. He would set us up. Ask questions wait for someone to be bold enough to answer him and then lay into the person in the most nasty way. It made me feel so badly for the person he would lash out at. It was as though he thought he was G-d and everyone else in the room was inferior to him.
That setting-up phenomenom was pretty standard. It got so that you pretty much knew when NOT to venture an answer to his questionings, as he had a way about him when he was primed for blood. Of course, I am sure if Laura Denton (Gauld) ventured an answer his response would be most muted. Come to think of it, I don't think even she ventured an answer when he was in one of those moods...
We used to have meetings on the stairs (early/mid 70's). Joe would stand somewhere between the library (still? anyway, the room with the huge oak table which I am sure can not be removed) and that front room which was opposite the headmaster's office. He basically stood in what was an entry hallway. In front of him was open area, leading to the dining room (the kitchen was still at the mansion). On either side of this open area were the stairs leading up on either side to the 2nd floor. Students would amass in the open area and sitting on the stairs.
BTW, I do believe I saw Cool Hand Luke here in this open space. Maybe that was the summer.
Either my 2nd or 3rd year, enough progress had been made on the Student Union and school meetings (as well as dining arrangements) moved down there.
If you think that oak table is still there, you were gone by '75. Phil and his buddy lit a fire under the table in summer school '75.
I met Phil B. I knew he was crazy. I don't know how the Hyde staff missed it. I was told that they screen now. I have also been told that that is a lie. I hear Hyde is admitting bi-polar kids and weening them off their meds. They are damn lucky it has been 30+ years since some one has seriously endangered the other students.
I cannot begin to tell you what a breath of fresh air our child's post-Hyde school has been. It's a dream come true, and it puts Hyde to shame. We deeply regret that we ever set foot on Hyde's campus. Seeing what's possible at a school that is professionally run by skilled, insightful, supportive (and not naive) administrators and teachers is inspiring and gives me hope.
What school did you end up enrolling your child in?
I don't want to evade your question, but my kid wants me to be anonymous on this site in order to protect his privacy. I need to respect my kid's wishes. Also, our family is considering taking action against Hyde, so I don't want the school to know who I am. If I disclose the school's name, Hyde will know who has been posting here; Hyde only sent one kid to that school that year as a transfer (although we met another family whose kid had transfered from Hyde a couple of years before--that family too was horrified by their Hyde experience and thanked their lucky stars they got out of the Hyde pit).
At some point I may come forward, but not now. I hope you understand.
Here's what I can say with complete confidence: People who find a really competent educational consultant are likely to find a healthy, nurturing school that has high standards (behaviorally and academically). And . . . a competent educational consultant will NOT refer anyone to Hyde.
I cannot begin to tell you what a breath of fresh air our child's post-Hyde school has been. It's a dream come true, and it puts Hyde to shame. We deeply regret that we ever set foot on Hyde's campus. Seeing what's possible at a school that is professionally run by skilled, insightful, supportive (and not naive) administrators and teachers is inspiring and gives me hope.
What school did you end up enrolling your child in?
I don't want to evade your question, but my kid wants me to be anonymous on this site in order to protect his privacy. I need to respect my kid's wishes. Also, our family is considering taking action against Hyde, so I don't want the school to know who I am. If I disclose the school's name, Hyde will know who has been posting here; Hyde only sent one kid to that school that year as a transfer (although we met another family whose kid had transfered from Hyde a couple of years before--that family too was horrified by their Hyde experience and thanked their lucky stars they got out of the Hyde pit).
At some point I may come forward, but not now. I hope you understand.
Here's what I can say with complete confidence: People who find a really competent educational consultant are likely to find a healthy, nurturing school that has high standards (behaviorally and academically). And . . . a competent educational consultant will NOT refer anyone to Hyde.
I want everyone to know although there are some good ed consultants, they are far and few between. I have talked to plenty of them who still recommend Hyde School even though they are aware of the controversy. I would be very careful and contact former students and parents who will be honest about the school. Sites such as this one are very informative.
To the person who is contemplating suing Hyde, good luck to you. From what I understand if you hire a lawyer and go after them, they usually will roll over and give up. A costly trial is not what they want. Hire a good attorney in the state where your campus is.
I cannot begin to tell you what a breath of fresh air our child's post-Hyde school has been. It's a dream come true, and it puts Hyde to shame. We deeply regret that we ever set foot on Hyde's campus. Seeing what's possible at a school that is professionally run by skilled, insightful, supportive (and not naive) administrators and teachers is inspiring and gives me hope.
What school did you end up enrolling your child in?
I don't want to evade your question, but my kid wants me to be anonymous on this site in order to protect his privacy. I need to respect my kid's wishes. Also, our family is considering taking action against Hyde, so I don't want the school to know who I am. If I disclose the school's name, Hyde will know who has been posting here; Hyde only sent one kid to that school that year as a transfer (although we met another family whose kid had transfered from Hyde a couple of years before--that family too was horrified by their Hyde experience and thanked their lucky stars they got out of the Hyde pit).
At some point I may come forward, but not now. I hope you understand.
Here's what I can say with complete confidence: People who find a really competent educational consultant are likely to find a healthy, nurturing school that has high standards (behaviorally and academically). And . . . a competent educational consultant will NOT refer anyone to Hyde.
NO, I TOTALLY TOTALLY understand, sorry if it appeared that I pressured you. The whole privacy issue is a real raw one for many people who have had experiences at Hyde. Perhaps it has something to do with having our personal autonomy so violated there.
We used to have meetings on the stairs (early/mid 70's). Joe would stand somewhere between the library (still? anyway, the room with the huge oak table which I am sure can not be removed) and that front room which was opposite the headmaster's office. He basically stood in what was an entry hallway. In front of him was open area, leading to the dining room (the kitchen was still at the mansion). On either side of this open area were the stairs leading up on either side to the 2nd floor. Students would amass in the open area and sitting on the stairs.
BTW, I do believe I saw Cool Hand Luke here in this open space. Maybe that was the summer.
Either my 2nd or 3rd year, enough progress had been made on the Student Union and school meetings (as well as dining arrangements) moved down there.
If you think that oak table is still there, you were gone by '75. Phil and his buddy lit a fire under the table in summer school '75.
I met Phil B. I knew he was crazy. I don't know how the Hyde staff missed it. I was told that they screen now. I have also been told that that is a lie. I hear Hyde is admitting bi-polar kids and weening them off their meds. They are damn lucky it has been 30+ years since some one has seriously endangered the other students.
Oh, but I do remember the fire. For some reason, I thought the oak table survived it. Guess not.
We used to have meetings on the stairs (early/mid 70's). Joe would stand somewhere between the library (still? anyway, the room with the huge oak table which I am sure can not be removed) and that front room which was opposite the headmaster's office. He basically stood in what was an entry hallway. In front of him was open area, leading to the dining room (the kitchen was still at the mansion). On either side of this open area were the stairs leading up on either side to the 2nd floor. Students would amass in the open area and sitting on the stairs.
BTW, I do believe I saw Cool Hand Luke here in this open space. Maybe that was the summer.
Either my 2nd or 3rd year, enough progress had been made on the Student Union and school meetings (as well as dining arrangements) moved down there.
If you think that oak table is still there, you were gone by '75. Phil and his buddy lit a fire under the table in summer school '75.
I met Phil B. I knew he was crazy. I don't know how the Hyde staff missed it. I was told that they screen now. I have also been told that that is a lie. I hear Hyde is admitting bi-polar kids and weening them off their meds. They are damn lucky it has been 30+ years since some one has seriously endangered the other students.
Oh, but I do remember the fire. For some reason, I thought the oak table survived it. Guess not.
You have got me wondering. Too. I assumed it was gone. The fire involved that whole part of the mansion and Phil set the fire directly under the table. The mansion was still being used as a dorm at that point. It was luck that no one was killed.
We used to have meetings on the stairs (early/mid 70's). Joe would stand somewhere between the library (still? anyway, the room with the huge oak table which I am sure can not be removed) and that front room which was opposite the headmaster's office. He basically stood in what was an entry hallway. In front of him was open area, leading to the dining room (the kitchen was still at the mansion). On either side of this open area were the stairs leading up on either side to the 2nd floor. Students would amass in the open area and sitting on the stairs.
BTW, I do believe I saw Cool Hand Luke here in this open space. Maybe that was the summer.
Either my 2nd or 3rd year, enough progress had been made on the Student Union and school meetings (as well as dining arrangements) moved down there.
If you think that oak table is still there, you were gone by '75. Phil and his buddy lit a fire under the table in summer school '75.
I met Phil B. I knew he was crazy. I don't know how the Hyde staff missed it. I was told that they screen now. I have also been told that that is a lie. I hear Hyde is admitting bi-polar kids and weening them off their meds. They are damn lucky it has been 30+ years since some one has seriously endangered the other students.
Oh, but I do remember the fire. For some reason, I thought the oak table survived it. Guess not.
You have got me wondering. I assumed it was gone. The fire involved that whole part of the mansion and Phil set the fire directly under the table. The mansion was still being used as a dorm at that point. It was luck that no one was killed.
If you think that oak table is still there, you were gone by '75. Phil and his buddy lit a fire under the table in summer school '75.
I met Phil B. I knew he was crazy. I don't know how the Hyde staff missed it. I was told that they screen now. I have also been told that that is a lie. I hear Hyde is admitting bi-polar kids and weening them off their meds. They are damn lucky it has been 30+ years since some one has seriously endangered the other students.
Oh, but I do remember the fire. For some reason, I thought the oak table survived it. Guess not.
You have got me wondering. I assumed it was gone. The fire involved that whole part of the mansion and Phil set the fire directly under the table. The mansion was still being used as a dorm at that point. It was luck that no one was killed.
It was very very thick oak. It would all depend on when the fire was caught (how long it had a chance to burn). Oak, despite being somewhat porous, is very very dense...
Mike and Emil, would you be willing to talk to a major network about your experiences at Hyde? I have a Producer who is interested but needs former students and parents to interview. I understand if you are not comfortable with this, but just thought I would give it a shot.
In principle I am interested. However, I am shy of interviews and cameras, and am more comfortable submitting written answers. I reside in Jerusalem, which may also be prohibitive. Most of all, I am concerned about Hyde's legal reaction.
Interesting that you reside in Jerusalem. There is another girl who went to Hyde who has positive things to say about it. She is one of the ones I had contacted before my parents sent me to Hyde to ask how she liked it. Boy was she off base or maybe just brainwashed.
You must mean Judy Liberson, who is living in Israel and is pro-Hyde. Well, you know the old saying: if you put two Jews together in a room, you'll end up with three different opinions.
Mike and Emil, would you be willing to talk to a major network about your experiences at Hyde? I have a Producer who is interested but needs former students and parents to interview. I understand if you are not comfortable with this, but just thought I would give it a shot.
I'm not sure if you've read any of my posts, but I'm both a former parent and a journalist who has written about his experiences at Hyde. My report, THE JEKYLL SIDE OF HYDE is on the ISAC site.
I can e-mail it to you if you'd prefer. (
Mike and Emil, would you be willing to talk to a major network about your experiences at Hyde? I have a Producer who is interested but needs former students and parents to interview. I understand if you are not comfortable with this, but just thought I would give it a shot.
I'm not sure if you've read any of my posts, but I'm both a former parent and a journalist who has written about his experiences at Hyde. My report, THE JEKYLL SIDE OF HYDE is on the ISAC site.
I can e-mail it to you if you'd prefer. (
I serve of a couple of public boards, the board of a local non-profit and I do professional work related to national defense. I don't think having my name associated with Hyde would really do me much good professional. Sorry that is selfish I know. If you have questions that I could answer anonymously I will consider being interviewed. I have made the mistake of telling people that I went to Hyde and it has already cost me. I am not willing to tell the world, unless I hit the lottery this week, If I do I will do a full face interview live without edits.. :-)
Mike and Emil, would you be willing to talk to a major network about your experiences at Hyde? I have a Producer who is interested but needs former students and parents to interview. I understand if you are not comfortable with this, but just thought I would give it a shot.
I'm not sure if you've read any of my posts, but I'm both a former parent and a journalist who has written about his experiences at Hyde. My report, THE JEKYLL SIDE OF HYDE is on the ISAC site.
I can e-mail it to you if you'd prefer. (
I serve of a couple of public boards, the board of a local non-profit and I do professional work related to national defense. I don't think having my name associated with Hyde would really do me much good professional. Sorry that is selfish I know. If you have questions that I could answer anonymously I will consider being interviewed. I have made the mistake of telling people that I went to Hyde and it has already cost me. I am not willing to tell the world, unless I hit the lottery this week, If I do I will do a full face interview live without edits.. :-)
Emil, I am a former Hyde parent and I don't think you are selfish at all. I completely understand why you need to stay under the radar. I feel the same way. Not only is it bad for us professionally, but I feel completely ashamed to be associated with this school and would not want to come forward publicly. It would be like publicly admitting you have been in AA or being associated with Jim Jones or another Cult.
Hyde knows the position we all are in and this is where they have the upper hand. You are forced to pour your heart and soul out when trying to help your kids, but when you realize you don't want any part of this cult it is too late. Too much personal information has been divulged at this point and you are screwed. I am sure this is why most parents who hate Hyde School keep silent and try to forget they were ever associated with the place.
I dont believe Hyde School is successful in Character Development, but they are successful in making TONS of money off of parents who have been sucked in.
I serve of a couple of public boards, the board of a local non-profit and I do professional work related to national defense. I don't think having my name associated with Hyde would really do me much good professional. Sorry that is selfish I know. If you have questions that I could answer anonymously I will consider being interviewed. I have made the mistake of telling people that I went to Hyde and it has already cost me. I am not willing to tell the world, unless I hit the lottery this week, If I do I will do a full face interview live without edits..
I hear you. Things are moving ahead on this piece. Will get back to you. Would appreciate your thoughts- will provide anonymity. Now looking to pick up as much of Joe Gauld's writings as possible, including those out of print. If anyone has any suggestions let me know. There is something on one of the Fornits' sites that claims Joe made racially biased comments, and maybe even wrote things that would indicate he held strong racial views. If this is true and anyone knows where this stuff- and anything that shows Joe and the school in a positive light- is to be had, let me know.
I serve of a couple of public boards, the board of a local non-profit and I do professional work related to national defense. I don't think having my name associated with Hyde would really do me much good professional. Sorry that is selfish I know. If you have questions that I could answer anonymously I will consider being interviewed. I have made the mistake of telling people that I went to Hyde and it has already cost me. I am not willing to tell the world, unless I hit the lottery this week, If I do I will do a full face interview live without edits..
I hear you. Things are moving ahead on this piece. Will get back to you. Would appreciate your thoughts- will provide anonymity. Now looking to pick up as much of Joe Gauld's writings as possible, including those out of print. If anyone has any suggestions let me know. There is something on one of the Fornits' sites that claims Joe made racially biased comments, and maybe even wrote things that would indicate he held strong racial views. If this is true and anyone knows where this stuff- and anything that shows Joe and the school in a positive light- is to be had, let me know.
I serve of a couple of public boards, the board of a local non-profit and I do professional work related to national defense. I don't think having my name associated with Hyde would really do me much good professional. Sorry that is selfish I know. If you have questions that I could answer anonymously I will consider being interviewed. I have made the mistake of telling people that I went to Hyde and it has already cost me. I am not willing to tell the world, unless I hit the lottery this week, If I do I will do a full face interview live without edits..
I hear you. Things are moving ahead on this piece. Will get back to you. Would appreciate your thoughts- will provide anonymity. Now looking to pick up as much of Joe Gauld's writings as possible, including those out of print. If anyone has any suggestions let me know. There is something on one of the Fornits' sites that claims Joe made racially biased comments, and maybe even wrote things that would indicate he held strong racial views. If this is true and anyone knows where this stuff- and anything that shows Joe and the school in a positive light- is to be had, let me know.
I serve of a couple of public boards, the board of a local non-profit and I do professional work related to national defense. I don't think having my name associated with Hyde would really do me much good professional. Sorry that is selfish I know. If you have questions that I could answer anonymously I will consider being interviewed. I have made the mistake of telling people that I went to Hyde and it has already cost me. I am not willing to tell the world, unless I hit the lottery this week, If I do I will do a full face interview live without edits..
I hear you. Things are moving ahead on this piece. Will get back to you. Would appreciate your thoughts- will provide anonymity. Now looking to pick up as much of Joe Gauld's writings as possible, including those out of print. If anyone has any suggestions let me know. There is something on one of the Fornits' sites that claims Joe made racially biased comments, and maybe even wrote things that would indicate he held strong racial views. If this is true and anyone knows where this stuff- and anything that shows Joe and the school in a positive light- is to be had, let me know.
There is that piece that Joe wrote re. appropriateness of Hyde for your kid that is on ISAC, but you probably know about that one already. Then there is HIS BOOK. And I think you may be able to get some things from the school website, but not so sure about that. Mostly it is his offspring that hold counsel there...
There is that piece that Joe wrote re. appropriateness of Hyde for your kid that is on ISAC, but you probably know about that one already. Then there is HIS BOOK. And I think you may be able to get some things from the school website, but not so sure about that. Mostly it is his offspring that hold counsel there...
Does anyone have a copy of The Blue Book? Isn't that what this text was called?
Apparently he wrote 2 books. Here is a link to a search on FetchBook: ... uthor.html (
If you click on 'compare prices' for each book entry, you will get available sources (for that book) current at that moment. FetchBook is the best search engine for used books that I know of (although I am always open to new contenders! :D ).
Sorry, I meant to also suggest checking eBay directly, even though it is included in FetchBook's arsenal. There is such a huge amount of listings going on eBay at any given hour, it may be that Fetch is a shade behind. EBay's nonauction affiliate is also in Fetch's arsenal and should be up to date, as listings are slower.
I am sorry I do not have either of these texts. Obtaining them used might be the easiest solution.
Check also for reviews, or do a google for same, as his books may also have been reviewed elsewhere. The reviews might even have some quotes from the text(s).
Sorry, I meant to also suggest checking eBay directly, even though it is included in FetchBook's arsenal. There is such a huge amount of listings going on eBay at any given hour, it may be that Fetch is a shade behind. EBay's nonauction affiliate is also in Fetch's arsenal and should be up to date, as listings are slower.
I am sorry I do not have either of these texts. Obtaining them used might be the easiest solution.
Check also for reviews, or do a google for same, as his books may also have been reviewed elsewhere. The reviews might even have some quotes from the text(s).
Of course, Joe's notoriously outrageous, demeaning, and insulting comments--the ones that he tends to spit out spontaneously and with little provocation--are not likely to appear in print form. Many of us have heard these bizarre and embarrassing comments, but may not be able to cite a source in print.
Of course, Joe's notoriously outrageous, demeaning, and insulting comments--the ones that he tends to spit out spontaneously and with little provocation--are not likely to appear in print form. Many of us have heard these bizarre and embarrassing comments, but may not be able to cite a source in print.
I'm not looking to "catch" Joe in any way, only to get the clearest picture of his philosophy- if you will- that I can.
Of course, Joe's notoriously outrageous, demeaning, and insulting comments--the ones that he tends to spit out spontaneously and with little provocation--are not likely to appear in print form. Many of us have heard these bizarre and embarrassing comments, but may not be able to cite a source in print.
I'm not looking to "catch" Joe in any way, only to get the clearest picture of his philosophy- if you will- that I can.
Of course, Joe's notoriously outrageous, demeaning, and insulting comments--the ones that he tends to spit out spontaneously and with little provocation--are not likely to appear in print form. Many of us have heard these bizarre and embarrassing comments, but may not be able to cite a source in print.
I'm not looking to "catch" Joe in any way, only to get the clearest picture of his philosophy- if you will- that I can.
Of course, Joe's notoriously outrageous, demeaning, and insulting comments--the ones that he tends to spit out spontaneously and with little provocation--are not likely to appear in print form. Many of us have heard these bizarre and embarrassing comments, but may not be able to cite a source in print.
I'm not looking to "catch" Joe in any way, only to get the clearest picture of his philosophy- if you will- that I can.
Of course, Joe's notoriously outrageous, demeaning, and insulting comments--the ones that he tends to spit out spontaneously and with little provocation--are not likely to appear in print form. Many of us have heard these bizarre and embarrassing comments, but may not be able to cite a source in print.
I'm not looking to "catch" Joe in any way, only to get the clearest picture of his philosophy- if you will- that I can.
Of course, Joe's notoriously outrageous, demeaning, and insulting comments--the ones that he tends to spit out spontaneously and with little provocation--are not likely to appear in print form. Many of us have heard these bizarre and embarrassing comments, but may not be able to cite a source in print.
I'm not looking to "catch" Joe in any way, only to get the clearest picture of his philosophy- if you will- that I can.
Of course, Joe's notoriously outrageous, demeaning, and insulting comments--the ones that he tends to spit out spontaneously and with little provocation--are not likely to appear in print form. Many of us have heard these bizarre and embarrassing comments, but may not be able to cite a source in print.
I'm not looking to "catch" Joe in any way, only to get the clearest picture of his philosophy- if you will- that I can.
I would like to understand what the philosophy is. The notion of a guiding secular morality is interesting. Secular morality comes from where? Man? If it is from Man then is it not mutable by men? Can you lie to archive the "purpose." Can you accept student that you realize you have no chance of helping so the the enrollment level stays up so that the purpose can be achieved? Why not?
When Alan Turing (see ( broke the LFSR based Enigma (see (
One of the first things that the Brits learned was the Luftwaffe's plan to bomb Coventry. (see (
Churchill was faced with a moral dilema: Evacuate Coventry and save lifes and reveal the code had been broken or allow the Nazi's to slaugher the population and protect the secret.
Defeating the Nazis was too important of a purpose, so he allowed people to die.
There is no doubt in my mind that Hyde lies to "archive the purpose." I am sure that there is a continuum of self-awareness regarding this, with some well-meaning inexperienced junior faculty fooling themselves about what they are really doing, and some of the more cynical diehards rationalizing that the ends justify the means (and the little bastard deserves it anyway).
"To my mind the most serious threat posed by the technology of behavior modification is the power this technology gives one man to impose his views and values on another. . . If our society is to remain free, one man must not be empowered to change another's personality and dictate the values, thoughts, and feelings of another."
Senator Sam Irvin writing in Individual Rights and the Federal Role in Behavior Modification, November 1974
"To my mind the most serious threat posed by the technology of behavior modification is the power this technology gives one man to impose his views and values on another. . . If our society is to remain free, one man must not be empowered to change another's personality and dictate the values, thoughts, and feelings of another."
Senator Sam Irvin writing in Individual Rights and the Federal Role in Behavior Modification, November 1974 ... inwash.htm (
"To my mind the most serious threat posed by the technology of behavior modification is the power this technology gives one man to impose his views and values on another. . . If our society is to remain free, one man must not be empowered to change another's personality and dictate the values, thoughts, and feelings of another."
Senator Sam Irvin writing in Individual Rights and the Federal Role in Behavior Modification, November 1974 ... inwash.htm (
When did Hyde start using these techniques? They were used in the mid seventies. Was it right from the get go in '66?
"To my mind the most serious threat posed by the technology of behavior modification is the power this technology gives one man to impose his views and values on another. . . If our society is to remain free, one man must not be empowered to change another's personality and dictate the values, thoughts, and feelings of another."
Senator Sam Irvin writing in Individual Rights and the Federal Role in Behavior Modification, November 1974 ... inwash.htm (
When did Hyde start using these techniques? They were used in the mid seventies. Was it right from the get go in '66?
I'm not sure, although I imagine it would be some version of same. These techniques are also very similar to AA and synanon coercion techniques, and Joe certainly did quote liberally from AA, as you may recall. All of these "therapeutic" boarding schools use/used behavioral modification techniques that are more similar than they are different, really more or less points along the same continuum, if you ask me.
In the late 1960's, when Joe was just starting out, he told people to "give me the kids you have the most problems with, the ones you can not teach," as he couldn't get anyone else, being a less than tried commodity (my paraphrase of his quote, which I can't find at the moment). The school was all boys then, and primarily troublemakers, JuVies, and like-minded malcontents of the rebellious sort.
see also: (
I have never responded to this website, and only learned about it after we had taken our child out of Hyde. I went to it because of something I had recently read about it, and started reading. Much/some of what I read on it confirms our experience there.
We looked at Hyde not because our child was "troubled" or in trouble, nor was our child in any substance abuse or the like. Our reason for looking at various schools other than our local public school was because the aspirations rate at our school was extremely low with only about 20% of the graduates attending a 4 year school after graduation. We felt those lack of aspirations were as infectious as when a school enjoys high aspirations. We also made the mistake of geography. We only looked at schools within a day's driving distance of our home, which Hyde is.
After reading all the literature, doing the well presented campus tour with a polite and amiable student and sitting in on the "are you ready to accept excellence in your life?" interview, we thought - hmmm, excellence as a goal for every student! What a great concept. How could it be wrong? Let's do it. Our child trusted us and agreed with our motives and plans and willingly went along to enroll at what we called this "once in a lifetime opportunity."
Until I die, I will be haunted by the fact that I took my good, naive kid and turned him/her over to what is now clear to me to be a cult. I also introduced my child to kids with more problems than I had ever heard of. My child's roommate, the dorm captain, ran a tight ship. There was a chronic Dorm thief and this captain punished the group collectively. At one point, accusing my child of being the thief, which was very distressing for my child. Come to find out, at almost the end of the year, they found the thief - the thief was the Dorm Captain. Great stuff to subject your kid to, while spending a fortune on their supposed development of excellence.
I wish someone would investigate this school, its administration most of whom are nepotists, and its young underacheiving, ill educated, brainwashed "faculty." The only scholarly thing I found among any of the faculty members is some of them "graduated" with a bachelors from Bowdoin, although without any kind of education degree. They spent so many hours dealing with kids trying to keep them from their worst- they had no time to really look at the good kids and move them to the best. Their promotional materials are a glossy patina over a very troubling place.
I think the school, whether intended or not, is a holding tank for desperate well off parents, who are willing to surrender their parenting to abusive mind-game playing individuals while surrendering their personal liberty and dignity. If you don't fit that mold, I suspect you, like me, will have serious misgivings about the place.
I wish I had done what you are doing. ask the parents of former Hyde students. The year our child was there was the worst year of my life and theirs. I hope I am forgiven for what we did by putting our child there, despite our good intentions.
I could go on for hours detailing what I experienced and what my child experienced. Suffice to say it started the moment of our arrival when the parents were shuffled off to the first of what became about 20 "group counseling" sessions run by non-professionals, where parents were confronted and severly pressured to talk about humiliating or private troubles. Of course if you could not identify a specific horror affecting your life, you were a liar and called such and confronted for hiding something even deeper. It was insanity. At one point, throughout the year of these mandatory sessions (which have all kinds of acronyms such as - regional meetings, FLCs, Parents' weekend (watchout for these two, they are a nightmare) retreat weekend etc. etc.) I revealed my most horrific life experience. It was being at Hyde having entrusted them with my child and then discovering it was a cult. Well, despite all the endless endorsements for honesty, this was honesty that no one could accept, and I became a bullseye, not only for some of the people in the room, but the rest of the weekend and the rest of the year. Faculty and administration all over campus were pulling me aside to confront me and knock me, my spouse and my kid, who was one of the few there that didn't have what I call 'life altering" problems. It confirmed to me this is exactly what a cult does. The irony was I was a consumer of education spending about 43K a year, and I had a choice.
The next year, it was not Hyde. Our child is thriving in the new school, which we carefully selected, together. Academically, the entire year needed to be repeated due to the weak academics at Hyde. Now, we are on the 5 year high school plan, thanks to Hyde, and recovering from the worst trauma of our lives.
I heard Joe Gauld say in passing once, he looked carefully at what the Hoffman Institute does and Hyde does more of it and goes further. Well, take a look at that website. Hyde encourages kids to reveal private and personal things about their parents, and pressures them to even make stuff up, so that they don't get "confronted" with being a liar or being "dirty." They encourage the kids to let the school know if the parents haven't bought into the Hyde philosophy. Sound Familiar? Children "turning in" their parents on their philosophical differences with the Party? Then they put on a full court press the likes of which would impress the Moonies. I have some letters written to us from the administration at Hyde that are so classic of cult pressure tactics that I can't believe they put this stuff in writing.
Hyde has a place, I guess for kids who have NO options. There was a 17 year old rapist at Hyde the year my child was there! But they have no mental health staff, they do not even have a full time infirmary or nurse, and they have a young adult faculty not much older than the students telling parents what their family dynamics are.
I had one 24 year old "facutly member" pull me aside during one of the 20+ "Layman group counselling sessions" called by some other acronym. The highly enlightened 24 year old told me in no uncertain terms what was wrong with my family from what she has observed. (All of about 45 minutes with 10 other people in the room taking turns to speak.) She was so off base, I looked at her and said, you apparently don't know us at all. If anything we go too much in the other direction. It confirmed to me these people know nothing about us, yet confront, humiliate, contradict and impose their non professional psycho-jargon on families. Yet, the vast majority of the faculty had no psychology training, no real world life experience, widely abnormal family dynamics, and here's a scary parenting experience. The ones that do have some life experience or training are there because their kids get free tuition.
I considered reporting them to someone, except I feared retaliation against my child. I feared their sabotaging my child's chances to get into another school. We surreptiously and fearfully started looking for a new school and then in writing with no notice ended the ordeal. We of course got letters from the administration saying we didn't give the process a full and fair chance, and had we done so, it would have worked. Believe me, we entered believers. It only took a person of average intellegence, with an open mind and the gift of having a child who had options to realize that no one should have to go through this, neither parents, or their children.
One example of a dozen I could cite was in the dead of winter when our child was suffering from a sinus infection,. It was reported to me our child carried their head down throughout campus and did very poorly on a quiz that day. Based on this behavior, one amibitious and well programmed 25 year old "dean" made the unsubstantiated accusation that our child was "Dirty" (which is Hyde speak for violating the ethics code) The punishment? Immediate 2-4 (outside all day isolation work detail) until there was an admission of wrongdoing. Our child was so sick that by day three I had to intervene, because our child had been informed they would be outside all day, missing classes, until they admitted what they had done without an end in sight. After three days in bitter cold weather with an untreated sinus infection (because you aren't allowed to visit the nurse to get out of 2-4) our child called us and told us they were ready to admit to anything. I insisted there be no lies or false admissions. I tried to keep their courage up and focused on trying to get them an antibiotic. Can you imagine a child feeling this kind of pressure? Of course, when we sheepishly called the Dean after day 3 to see what the really story was, becuase naturally they tell you your children lie to you about Hyde, I found out this "dean" did not even know about the sinus infection and had no evidence of our child being "dirty." This Dean's conclusion was based on our child's appearance and behavior and quiz results from the day they felt so lousy.
At that point we said we did not want our child outside anymore, and in fact, since we were paying tuition for an education we'd like our kid to get back into the classroom rather than raking branches from the campus. Curiously, we were told by the Dean that our child's 2-4 was going to end "tomorrow" anyway. I asked if it was their intention to get our child to fess up to somehting they didn't do just to get off 2-4 and the answer was the expected...never! But think about it, if you had no end in sight to this type of "punishment" after 3 days, would you make something up? I think many honest people might.
I close this piece by stating that I have tried to be very careful not to identify my child, although I anticipate the clan will try to figure out who this is. I don't trust them at all. I have nothing to gain by writing this, and it is sometimes just easier to think of the year as a learning experience (a negative one for sure, but still a learning experience.) Yet I felt compelled when I saw your question to answer it.
I have never responded to this website, and only learned about it after we had taken our child out of Hyde. I went to it because of something I had recently read about it, and started reading. Much/some of what I read on it confirms our experience there.
We looked at Hyde not because our child was "troubled" or in trouble, nor was our child in any substance abuse or the like. Our reason for looking at various schools other than our local public school was because the aspirations rate at our school was extremely low with only about 20% of the graduates attending a 4 year school after graduation. We felt those lack of aspirations were as infectious as when a school enjoys high aspirations. We also made the mistake of geography. We only looked at schools within a day's driving distance of our home, which Hyde is.
After reading all the literature, doing the well presented campus tour with a polite and amiable student and sitting in on the "are you ready to accept excellence in your life?" interview, we thought - hmmm, excellence as a goal for every student! What a great concept. How could it be wrong? Let's do it. Our child trusted us and agreed with our motives and plans and willingly went along to enroll at what we called this "once in a lifetime opportunity."
Until I die, I will be haunted by the fact that I took my good, naive kid and turned him/her over to what is now clear to me to be a cult. I also introduced my child to kids with more problems than I had ever heard of. My child's roommate, the dorm captain, ran a tight ship. There was a chronic Dorm thief and this captain punished the group collectively. At one point, accusing my child of being the thief, which was very distressing for my child. Come to find out, at almost the end of the year, they found the thief - the thief was the Dorm Captain. Great stuff to subject your kid to, while spending a fortune on their supposed development of excellence.
I wish someone would investigate this school, its administration most of whom are nepotists, and its young underacheiving, ill educated, brainwashed "faculty." The only scholarly thing I found among any of the faculty members is some of them "graduated" with a bachelors from Bowdoin, although without any kind of education degree. They spent so many hours dealing with kids trying to keep them from their worst- they had no time to really look at the good kids and move them to the best. Their promotional materials are a glossy patina over a very troubling place.
I think the school, whether intended or not, is a holding tank for desperate well off parents, who are willing to surrender their parenting to abusive mind-game playing individuals while surrendering their personal liberty and dignity. If you don't fit that mold, I suspect you, like me, will have serious misgivings about the place.
I wish I had done what you are doing. ask the parents of former Hyde students. The year our child was there was the worst year of my life and theirs. I hope I am forgiven for what we did by putting our child there, despite our good intentions.
I could go on for hours detailing what I experienced and what my child experienced. Suffice to say it started the moment of our arrival when the parents were shuffled off to the first of what became about 20 "group counseling" sessions run by non-professionals, where parents were confronted and severly pressured to talk about humiliating or private troubles. Of course if you could not identify a specific horror affecting your life, you were a liar and called such and confronted for hiding something even deeper. It was insanity. At one point, throughout the year of these mandatory sessions (which have all kinds of acronyms such as - regional meetings, FLCs, Parents' weekend (watchout for these two, they are a nightmare) retreat weekend etc. etc.) I revealed my most horrific life experience. It was being at Hyde having entrusted them with my child and then discovering it was a cult. Well, despite all the endless endorsements for honesty, this was honesty that no one could accept, and I became a bullseye, not only for some of the people in the room, but the rest of the weekend and the rest of the year. Faculty and administration all over campus were pulling me aside to confront me and knock me, my spouse and my kid, who was one of the few there that didn't have what I call 'life altering" problems. It confirmed to me this is exactly what a cult does. The irony was I was a consumer of education spending about 43K a year, and I had a choice.
The next year, it was not Hyde. Our child is thriving in the new school, which we carefully selected, together. Academically, the entire year needed to be repeated due to the weak academics at Hyde. Now, we are on the 5 year high school plan, thanks to Hyde, and recovering from the worst trauma of our lives.
I heard Joe Gauld say in passing once, he looked carefully at what the Hoffman Institute does and Hyde does more of it and goes further. Well, take a look at that website. Hyde encourages kids to reveal private and personal things about their parents, and pressures them to even make stuff up, so that they don't get "confronted" with being a liar or being "dirty." They encourage the kids to let the school know if the parents haven't bought into the Hyde philosophy. Sound Familiar? Children "turning in" their parents on their philosophical differences with the Party? Then they put on a full court press the likes of which would impress the Moonies. I have some letters written to us from the administration at Hyde that are so classic of cult pressure tactics that I can't believe they put this stuff in writing.
Hyde has a place, I guess for kids who have NO options. There was a 17 year old rapist at Hyde the year my child was there! But they have no mental health staff, they do not even have a full time infirmary or nurse, and they have a young adult faculty not much older than the students telling parents what their family dynamics are.
I had one 24 year old "facutly member" pull me aside during one of the 20+ "Layman group counselling sessions" called by some other acronym. The highly enlightened 24 year old told me in no uncertain terms what was wrong with my family from what she has observed. (All of about 45 minutes with 10 other people in the room taking turns to speak.) She was so off base, I looked at her and said, you apparently don't know us at all. If anything we go too much in the other direction. It confirmed to me these people know nothing about us, yet confront, humiliate, contradict and impose their non professional psycho-jargon on families. Yet, the vast majority of the faculty had no psychology training, no real world life experience, widely abnormal family dynamics, and here's a scary parenting experience. The ones that do have some life experience or training are there because their kids get free tuition.
I considered reporting them to someone, except I feared retaliation against my child. I feared their sabotaging my child's chances to get into another school. We surreptiously and fearfully started looking for a new school and then in writing with no notice ended the ordeal. We of course got letters from the administration saying we didn't give the process a full and fair chance, and had we done so, it would have worked. Believe me, we entered believers. It only took a person of average intellegence, with an open mind and the gift of having a child who had options to realize that no one should have to go through this, neither parents, or their children.
One example of a dozen I could cite was in the dead of winter when our child was suffering from a sinus infection,. It was reported to me our child carried their head down throughout campus and did very poorly on a quiz that day. Based on this behavior, one amibitious and well programmed 25 year old "dean" made the unsubstantiated accusation that our child was "Dirty" (which is Hyde speak for violating the ethics code) The punishment? Immediate 2-4 (outside all day isolation work detail) until there was an admission of wrongdoing. Our child was so sick that by day three I had to intervene, because our child had been informed they would be outside all day, missing classes, until they admitted what they had done without an end in sight. After three days in bitter cold weather with an untreated sinus infection (because you aren't allowed to visit the nurse to get out of 2-4) our child called us and told us they were ready to admit to anything. I insisted there be no lies or false admissions. I tried to keep their courage up and focused on trying to get them an antibiotic. Can you imagine a child feeling this kind of pressure? Of course, when we sheepishly called the Dean after day 3 to see what the really story was, becuase naturally they tell you your children lie to you about Hyde, I found out this "dean" did not even know about the sinus infection and had no evidence of our child being "dirty." This Dean's conclusion was based on our child's appearance and behavior and quiz results from the day they felt so lousy.
At that point we said we did not want our child outside anymore, and in fact, since we were paying tuition for an education we'd like our kid to get back into the classroom rather than raking branches from the campus. Curiously, we were told by the Dean that our child's 2-4 was going to end "tomorrow" anyway. I asked if it was their intention to get our child to fess up to somehting they didn't do just to get off 2-4 and the answer was the expected...never! But think about it, if you had no end in sight to this type of "punishment" after 3 days, would you make something up? I think many honest people might.
I close this piece by stating that I have tried to be very careful not to identify my child, although I anticipate the clan will try to figure out who this is. I don't trust them at all. I have nothing to gain by writing this, and it is sometimes just easier to think of the year as a learning experience (a negative one for sure, but still a learning experience.) Yet I felt compelled when I saw your question to answer it.
I want to thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for taking the time to summarize your Hyde experience. From beginning to end, I felt as if I was reading our family's story. We too ended up at Hyde based on a misconception. We too were seduced by the marketing pitch about character and excellence. It sounded too good to be true, and it turns out it wasn't true. Like you, we quickly became profoundly concerned about the cult-like qualities, the very young and often inept staff, the mishandled and abusive quasi-group therapy sessions run by people who usually didn't have a clue about how to handle the sensitive issues that surfaced, the poor classroom education, etc., etc. Just like you, we furtively started to look elsewhere for a healthier environment. We too were approached by staff who gave us the "hard sell" about staying at Hyde, giving Hyde a fair chance, and so on. We didn't fall for it. We got out of that rat's hole as fast we could.
Our child treaded water at Hyde; it was a waste of time. Fortunately, our kid began to blossom the next year, in spite of Hyde's craziness.
Again, like you, our decision to spend time at Hyde was just about the worst decision we've ever made. We went in with good intentions and tried hard to make it work. But, Hyde is so rife with pathology, we gave up. We're glad we did and want to do whatever we can to let parents know how important it is to look elsewhere.
Thank you, so much, for saying it like it is.
WOW!! Thank you, Hood-Winked, for your very telling story. I was a student at Hyde in the 70's, and I so very much appreciate hearing the parents' side of the story. Thankfully your ordeal did not last longer than a year.
Your little story about the Dorm Captain is a priceless example of "Life At Hyde". It captures, all too well, the rampant hypocrisy epitomizing the place...
My child's roommate, the dorm captain, ran a tight ship. There was a chronic Dorm thief and this captain punished the group collectively. At one point, accusing my child of being the thief, which was very distressing for my child. Come to find out, at almost the end of the year, they found the thief - the thief was the Dorm Captain.
WOW!! Thank you, Hood-Winked, for your very telling story. I was a student at Hyde in the 70's, and I so very much appreciate hearing the parents' side of the story. Thankfully your ordeal did not last longer than a year.
Your little story about the Dorm Captain is a priceless example of "Life At Hyde". It captures, all too well, the rampant hypocrisy epitomizing the place...
My child's roommate, the dorm captain, ran a tight ship. There was a chronic Dorm thief and this captain punished the group collectively. At one point, accusing my child of being the thief, which was very distressing for my child. Come to find out, at almost the end of the year, they found the thief - the thief was the Dorm Captain.
This disturbing scenario sounds all too familiar, another case of the Hyde pot calling the kettle black. I've now read many instances of this kind of hypocritical conduct at Hyde. There seems to be a pattern at that school.
This disturbing scenario sounds all too familiar, another case of the Hyde pot calling the kettle black. I've now read many instances of this kind of hypocritical conduct at Hyde. There seems to be a pattern at that school.
The pattern = Hyde's modus operandi, going on strong for 40+ years. "Truth," and "harmony," are in pretty short supply there...
Some things never change.. what a nightmare that place is.. and nightmares are what it causes.. for decades after..