This is where you are dead wrong. Those on the top end of the tax scale do not pay the same percentage in taxes as those on the bottom. The avg. man on the bottom pays a higher percentage than his rich counterpart. Now, the dollar amount is higher for the rich man, but 5% of 65 million dollars, is quite a bit larger than 30% of 100 thousand.
5% of the world's population control 95% of its wealth. This is no accident. As for the flat-tax, you will never see it, though I too think it would be the fairest type of tax. Those who have the dollars oppose it, and they are the one's who control the politician's strings....not you and me much closer to the bottom of the tax-bracket.
Capital gains tax is a joke as well. This is where the rich really get many of their breaks. They are able to avoid taxes on huge profits, many times just the pofitss they make from initial investments dwarves your annual salary and mine. Yet, they avoid paying a fair tax on this gain. Instead you and I are taxed at rates which rob us of 37 cents of every dollar we earn.
A revolution was fought for much less than this.
Actually, 37% is a conservative estimate of the tax paid from the working man's dollar. Really if you consider every tax that is levied upon your income, it is closer to 46 cents of every dollar being corroded by taxes. It is sickening.
The tax cut that the average joe thinks Bush signed it to give him a break. What is 300.00 dollars anyway. What can you really do with 300 bucks? Not much. Do you know what that same tax cut averaged for those whose income exceeds 25 million per year? Give that some thought. Then think of all of those corporate execs who made the news last summer. Do you remember the salaries these bozos were reported to be pulling down. I'll give you a hint, every one of them that made the news made much more than 25 million just in salary, that doesn't even include the bonuses they were hauling in.
I wish that people would take a little more time to really think about what is really going on in this country. For that measley little 300.00 dollars they gave you back, it is going to cost you ten fold over the next 10 yrs to regain that strength in the country's surplus coffers. We couldn't afford that. No the 300 bucks for the avg. joe didn't hurt us too bad, it was the returns in excess of 10 million ofr each of the big boys. How many 300.00 returns could have been paid out of just one of those 10 million dollar returns? Is it starting to make more sense to anyone?
I'll do the math for ya......for every exec who got a 10 million dollar return they could have returned a 300.oo tax cut to 33, 333 and 1/3/ avg. citizens. Make ya sick yet? It did me, a long time ago actually.
People we need to wake up.
A flat tax rate would be wonderful in this country, but there is too many fat cats who would oppose it. Remember all the seats won 4 yrs ago in the senate and congress, witht he candidate running on term limits? Not a one of them stuck to it, they have all changed their opinions, of course they state that seniority is important so the politician can return more money to his districts. yeah...yeah....yeah
Well, I've heard enough. I have decided that I don't need their help to exercise term limits. I will do it for them, no incumbent get a vote on my ballot. The sooner more people would follow suit, the sooner we can take our government back.
God bless,