Author Topic: Inmates have more rights than cedu students  (Read 1068 times)

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Inmates have more rights than cedu students
« on: December 28, 2004, 10:32:00 AM »

Forgive the preaching to choir,  but I feel compelled to vent.      While reading the paper today, I noticed an AP article where the Maine is paying inmates a settlement as a result of their strip search policy.

Well golly gee.   How is it permissible that as a youth who was never arrested for a darn thing it was okay for me to be strip-searched with two people present?    And the strip search was complete including cavity checks.   Grrr!

What is going on in our society? Why are we not doing better at protecting our children?  Imagine what a better world this would be if children were afforded the same basic human rights as adults.

Yes, the strip search was a trivial experience at the school in comparison to the several other events.   But every now and then, I am reminded that the cost of being a child in this country can be very high.   Reading the AP article below was one of the instances where I was struck by the unfairness and brutality of the Brown Schools.  

Settlement reached in strip search suit
Maine county to pay $3.3m, alter its jail procedures

By Associated Press  |  December 28, 2004

PORTLAND, Maine -- York County has agreed to pay $3.3 million and maintain a policy that gives its jail inmates more privacy when changing into uniforms to settle a class-action lawsuit that challenged strip searches at the jail, lawyers said yesterday.

The agreement still needs to be approved by a federal judge. A preliminary settlement hearing has been scheduled for Jan. 24, but settlement checks probably will not be distributed until late next year.

If the agreement is approved, it will be one of the largest civil rights settlements ever in Maine, said David Webbert, an Augusta lawyer who represents the plaintiffs.

"This settlement is a complete victory. We have stopped a degrading and unnecessary practice that was going on for many years before we filed suit," Webbert said.

The relatively large settlement also "sends an important message that the government must respect the civil rights of all citizens, even those who are in jail," said Howard Friedman, a Boston lawyer who also represents the plaintiffs.

The lawsuit was filed in 2002 by Michele Nilson of North Andover, Mass., who was arrested in Ogunquit for driving with a suspended driver's license in 1999 and forced to take off her clothes in front of a corrections officer when taken to the jail in Alfred.

The lawsuit contended that the York County Sheriff's Department violated the law by requiring all persons brought to the jail to strip and shower in front of an officer, no matter what charge was brought against them.

Lawyers have estimated that as many as 7,500 people were illegally stripped at the jail and could be eligible to receive part of the settlement. The actual amount lawsuit members receive depends on how many people submit claim forms.

The agreement stipulates that female members of the suit will get double the payout as men because previous jury verdicts have generally given higher awards to women because of the perception that strip searches are more intrusive and humiliating for them than for men.

Nilson's lawyers are seeking 30 percent of the settlement fund, or $990,000.

Gene Libby, a Portland lawyer who was one of the lawyers representing York County, said the county has agreed to maintain a new strip search policy and to pay money, but it does not admit to wrongdoing.

The strip search policy, which went into effect on April 30, calls for inmates to undress down to their underwear in front of jail officers, but then stand behind a privacy screen to finish disrobing and to put on a jail uniform.

People arrested for violent felonies, drug offenses, and weapons charges are still subject to full strip searches, Libby said.

People are eligible to be part of the settlement if they were arrested for crimes that did not involve drugs, weapons, or violent felonies between Oct. 14, 1996, and April 30, 2004, and were forced to put on a jail uniform before their first court appearance.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Inmates have more rights than cedu students
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2004, 01:22:00 AM »
Sad...isn't it.  Do you think this screams of our value system?  What do we teach our children by modeling brutality, inequity, harshness, cruelty, intolerance, and violence?  Don't we want our children to believe in a "justice for all" system of treatment?  

Be of good cheer...there is a significant movement under way on a national basis to reform the standards and regulations of this for-profit industry.  "You simply can't leave carnage splattered all over the highway under the glaring sun without causing carcasses to raise a stink."
Lil wisdom from my old granny. The gulags have left one too many carcasses in their travels.  The only thing that grieves my soul is that more will suffer.

You have already raised your voice.  Keep talking.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »