I just read about Straight Inc. on
http://www.cannabisculture.com (damn good site for unedited news...not the bs you find on CNN and such).
I must say that you people are brave. Powerful people that weren't able to be broken down by the authoritarian, dehumanizing, and Hilteresque methods of Straight.
I can't believe programs like this could possibly still exist...this sounds like something out of the 1980's...very sorry for anyone who had to go through this. I remember being in jail for getting caught with some pot and I was treated pretty bad...but jesus, after looking at this, I know that jail was better! Thank God I didn't get sent to some damn rehab place like Straight...I seriously would've killed a few people if they did anything near the stuff that I've heard (I would be the one with the lawsuits, too...I'm 6'6" and 300 pounds) :smile:
I'm gonna go smoke a bowl now...here's to an end on America's War on Drugs, and the end to people like you guys (and me) being dehumanized and treated worse than wild animals.