I have also been visited by creatures (incubus) during the night, though I don't recall any of these visits being sexual. Rather they terrified me. I would wake up in the middle of the night, in absolute, total fear. It would last several minutes. Sometimes, I would awake right before this entity came, and I would know it was coming. I never got a visual of it, though out of my "list of 101 paranormal things I have experienced", never has a spirit made itself visually present to me. So when this visitor would come, I would try and scream, but could not. It was the worst fear ever, as if the absolute of evil was in my presense. This happened to me at all of my apartments (I have moved a lot). One time, when the visits were more frequent, I think I left my body, went to the bedroom door to try and get out, but my hand went right through the doorknob, and I couldn't open it. Then I suddenly woke up, in my body. I wake fully right after the thing leaves. This has been going on for maybe 6 years, though has not happened in quite awhile. Now I always sleep with the t.v. on, and some lights.