Author Topic: "Sydoestsjaellands Idraetsefterskole" expells student for anti-covid protest  (Read 16368 times)

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Offline Oscar

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A Danish boarding school of the so-called "Efterskole" type in Denmark has expelled a student who in his private time during a weekend protested the Danish governments anti-Covid19 lockdowns as thousand of other Danes do.

Many smaller shops and dinner-places are closing down because the latest lockdown lasting from december 2020 until today has resulted in bankruptcy.

At those Danish boarding schools the students typically get the weekend off. Only 10 weekends per year are they required to remain at the school.

Based on the articles in Danish newspaper the student - a 16 year old boy - participated in the protests during his time off from the school. That means that his participation was a private political matter.  No place among the rules of the schools it is stated which political orientation the students are required to follow. It would be a crime to do so if they had specified it.

In Denmark every town has two types of test centers. A place for a PCR test and one or more places for the Quick tests where the personal extract samples of brain tissue with a very, very long stick through the nose. Most Danish firms, day schools and boarding schools require a test not older that 24 hours for Quick tests and 72 hour for PCR tests before allowing people to enter their property.
Many Danes are shocked. While most do not agree on public protests even when they lost their income, job and in some cases got their home foreclosed as result of the lockdown, they accept that protesting in person or online against the Danish governments Corona policy is legitimate.

This action of expelling a student is based on the students political view - not safety of the school or employees as they could have demanded a test before allowing him back to the school as almost every other school or firm does.

« Last Edit: October 20, 2022, 01:12:36 AM by Oscar »