Author Topic: Jubilee Youth Ranch / Jubilee Christian Academy  (Read 5012 times)

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Jubilee Youth Ranch / Jubilee Christian Academy
« on: February 10, 2021, 03:03:13 PM »
Located in Prescott, Washington the program closed in 2018. The campus was then the property of Masters Ranch West (A department of Masters Ranch Christian Academy from Couch, Missouri). The authorities closed the later and removed the boys from the campus. It is not clear why  Jubilee Youth Ranch / Jubilee Christian Academy closed:

Some parents and former detainees made a review of the closed Jubilee program:

Quote from: Todd W.
Specific concerns included:

  • non-medical staff administering / dispensing prescribed medications to the patients.
  • numerous residential staff not passing criminal background checks (including one staff member that was hired on the date he was released from Washington State Penitentiary)
  • a policy developed by the Administrator blocking licensed clinical staff from responding to patients who had attempted suicide at the facility.
  • physical beatings of students by other students resulting in several students running away from the facility for their own protection.  One of these beatings was video-taped by a student on a cellular telephone and by the next morning it had over 20,000 views on Facebook.

Quote from: Shana L.
OMG I whole heartedly agree with the other 2 reviews. I am so sorry I let my son go there for 3 months. He is lucky to be alive. I pray for the boys safety there all the time. My son is traumatized & still telling me again, just today of the horrific things he experienced while there almost a year ago. He was 13 & the youngest, too young for that place! He was exposed to terrible things while there. Kids sneak out at night & score & do hard drugs & drink in the near by towns, feilds, & within the school. Keys to cars at night were snuck by older boys to take cars off of the property. One night he was chased by a rotweiler through a feild & could've been killed. (Not enough responsible supervision!!!!!)

The therapist gave up after 2 tries in 3 months when my son was resistant at first. So no "therapuetic" anything was involved. They had no idea what to do with my son & called me & his dad for suggestions. They seemed in disbelief that he was troubled although it's a school for "troubled youth". He resisted going to school & slept the days away a lot of the time. Staff was always unresponsive & unreachable for days for one excuse or another, even when I tried to reach them to warn them my son was reporting he was getting bullied & then he got beat up. It was blamed on their phone system which after 3 months I didn't buy it anymore.

I didn't recognize who my son was on the phone while he was there. He sounded so hardened, weird & distant (he changed for the better immediatly after leaving there). He has since revealed he was exposed to & doing hard drugs constantly, & was not safe at all. Boys fight in bathrooms off camera in bedrooms etc. Fear of the devil was put into him while there. Not nessesarily by staff but constant talk by students. Night staff who are often kids themselves were scared of a student & hid from him who would wander halls at night, stare at walls,talk to himself,draw pentograms on walls,hurt himself & other bizarre things.I have compassion for the staff & that student but this didn't help my son feel safe & I don't think he was safe. I never felt at peace mentally until he left there. I didn't know the details but something didn't seem right the entire time.

I think the individuals involved who work there often have good motives & want to help kids,or are recent ex students who still need help & get a job there,or are recent ex-students working off their debt who destroyed property who don't really want to be there. They often were kind to my son but they are not professionals & most are ex-drug addicts who still have problems themselves. Although they have good hearts, I experienced them being reactive,taking things personal, being unprofessional & no real education how to help kids with special needs. After they first tried to reach out to my son & he didn't immediatly warm up to them - he was told he "burnt his bridges". To me this was ex-drug addict talk & would make a kid feel like nobody wanted to be there for him anymore because he has problems.Which is why he was sent there to begin with.

Some kids maybe should've been in a mental institution -smearing poop on walls & throwing it at my son when napping. Melting down & tearing things up & the other kids beating that kids ass (my sons words today). Not enough supervision, structure,protection or education for individuals with real mental problems.

I wanted my son to be in a Christian atmosphere because I love God & didn't want that left out of his life the year he'd be there, but I have since learned Christian facilities are not monitored or held to the same standard as other schools. They can do their own thing.

I am grateful for the man who drove my son to the emergency room in the middle of the nigtht, in the snow to have his stomach pumped so he wouldn't die from an over the counter drug over dose, & for the therapist being by his bed side all the next day watching over him. The night staff  was very kind to me & my son that night & kept me updated every couple of hours & same with the therapist the following day. I'm grateful for the staff that had my son stay safe in a private room, nurtured him & he got to watch movies for a night after he was jumped & almost had his nose broken ( I really am grateful) I did feel the love at times but...none of it should've ever happened.

Preventative actions should have been taken. Calls & warnings of bullying should've been responded to, medicines should've been kept in a safe etc.

I waited to leave a review because I never wanted to thwart anyone from getting help that needed it, & didn't want to just bad mouth the place because I think their motive is good, but the fact is the place is not safe & I don't think they are qualified to be doing what they are doing. If I'd only known & not been so desperate to get my son out of harms way I'd never of sent him there. Now I know- so I am letting you know. Their name also is under Jubilee Leadership Academy.

Quote from: Ambe W.
Our hearts were broken with the recent events which occurred under Jubilee leadership Academy's authority. Wish those who work for Jubilee would stop posting comments which depict JLA in a great light when that is not the truth. Unless you're child has been at Jubilee and gone through what many parents on yelp are trying to say you'll never understand the horrific atmosphere and conditions that our children have all endured. Those who are trying to advertise for Jubilee to get more boys to come to their program  should also be silenced since they never had a son attend this program.

I wish you all would see what has happened to all of our sons lives.  When your son has been beaten up multiple times with staff just looking on and videoing the fights, only to then publish it on social media so others can laugh, then will may understand the true ramifications of the injustice that is going on at Jubilee  leadership academy.

When your child  calls from JLA  But can't freely talk because all of his phone calls are being monitored without your knowledge something is terribly wrong.

When your son gives up on life and would rather die because he is tired of hurting and no one at JLA cares enough to  get the proper help for him, something is terribly wrong.

When you find out that your son doesn't have enough medication to last through to the next cycle because his medication has been stolen, something is terribly wrong.

Dear heavenly father, please shine a light on the staff and this therapeutic boarding school that it might get the help that it needs so It can have your blessings on their program again. We pray that your  truth dear Lord would come forth and that the lies would be silenced by those who are trying to not shine light on the injustices that have been going on at Jubilee.  We also bring before you dear lord all the boys that have been hurt and the scars that they carry around with them to this day from Jubilee leadership Academy. We pray for healing in their lives and  they would use these trials that they've gone through to grow into Godly young man for your kingdom.  In Jesus name, amen

Quote from: Lynn H.
Much has changed in the last couple of years at Jubilee Leadership Academy. Our experience was one of heartache, failure on Jubilee's staff, bullying, emotional damage and out right blindness in what was going on around the staff. Drugs and Alcohol usage a major problem  but staff was in denial. 10 to 1 staff ratio within the dorms making it a very dangerous environment. Money so poorly managed that one should question what accountability they adhere to. Talk to the Walla Walla judicial system and you will here true accounts of the mismanagement and poor supervision to keep these young men safe in a hostile environment.  Please reconsider sending your young man to Jubilee Leadership Academy until they make major changes from the top down.

Quote from: Barbara B.
I am a Mother who saw first hand what Jubilee Leadership Academy does for troubled boys who are sent there because of struggles they are having. It is because of JLA and their poor supervision that my son got beaten up over and over again with nothing being done to fix the problem. It's because of JLA that no one took him to get checked out from any Doctor nor were any police notified even though he had bruises all over his body. It's because of JLA that some boys who were looking on while my son got the crap beaten out of him,  they used their cell phones (without JLA even knowing they had them) to record his beating and posted it on social media. It's because of JLA that he tried to end his life because no one there cared enough to protect him when he felt threatened, not one time but several times he tried to kill himself and do you think anyone from JLA called the authorities to get my son any help? NO one called us or even put it in their reports for parents to see. Our son finally had enough and tried to run away to get free of the abusive nature at JLA. It's then that JLA said he couldn't come back because he attempted to flee from their unsafe, hostel environment? There is nothing good that came out of JLA and the damage is very real. Possibly life long  issues that we may have to deal with to help our son heal from such a horrible place. We so wish that he never went to Jubilee Leadership Academy because it isn't worth the damage done, period!

Done hiding out of fear, PLEASE let our voice be heard for all the future boys and families who are looking for a "Christian" therapeutic boarding school when life becomes hard. AND for all of those young BOYS who have been damaged by the Leadership at JUBILEE because they didn't stop the abuse, please know WE are PRAYING FOR YOU. WE LOVE YOU even though we've never met. We are together by the mutual bound of CHRIST and His Kingdom.

Quote from: Bruce S.
Our FIRST hand experience with our son drove us running from JLA!.  Very disappointed in Jubilee Leadership Academy and how they have changed in all these past years. They initially opened their doors with hearts for the boys in this nation and wanted them to have a safe place they could go to where God's Word would fill their hearts and they would be loved into healing. These past 5 years or so their focus turned into everything but these young men. Lives have been damaged, hearts hardened and some may never really recover from the abuse they incurred while attending JLA. From an abusive atmosphere to buying drugs, staff is no the wiser or they just don't care any more. If the CEO isn't reflecting Christ to these boys then how can the staff? It needs to start at the top if JLA has any chance in earning their reputation back where it once was.

Quote from: Taco S.
I went to jubille and I just got kicked out because they cant handle a mad stressed angry kid.  as a student I saw a lot of stuff go down there. Like no disrespect to rick and lean and to sum of the staff (and I mean sum) but it was horrible for me because everyday there would be someone being mean to another kid and staff doing the minimum to stop it I got into at least 6 fights before they said sum even when i told them that kid was bothering me. The staff was good sometimes like when I beat up a kid and he went to a shed got a knife and was on his way back to stab me but got stopped. But srsly they needa up thier game the food was mostly shit btw except for matts wifes cooking i give her props but on some real the staff needa take care of these kids there especially the ones who can't stand up for them self's #tyler but jubille did have some nice times we went out on nice outings alot which was nice most of the time