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Ironwood: New Facility in Maine
« on: October 02, 2006, 08:45:37 AM »
My response to a request for info from UK child protective services about my formal complaints filed against Wayne Stinson, Ironwood's intake manager.
Please note that I am 53-year-old mother.  I am NOT Mormon and have lived in Escalante, Utah for the past six years.  Prior to moving here, I was a business consultant in northern Arizona.  I'm currently in the process of moving out of Utah due to the Mormon culture which includes rampant child sexual abuse, male dominance, submissive females and polygamous relationships (it's not just Warren Jeffs).  The Utah social system does not work around laws or morals of rights and wrongs, rather, its priorities are connections to the Church and the family (all families are inter-related due to polygamy and Utah's past isolation from non-Mormons).
Wayne is currently the Intake and Intervention Manager at the new Ironwood Maine Residential Treatment Center for teens.  In 2004, I worked with Wayne at Turn-About Ranch (TAR) in Utah, a similar teen facility.  At TAR, Wayne was also the manager of their intake center which is called Roundy.  
On Saturday, June 26, 2004, while working with Wayne, I witnessed, and was involved in, several events which ultimately led to my formal written complaints with the State of Utah DHS Office of Licensing, Utah Child Protective Services, and Garfield County, Utah Sheriff.
As a local resident, these facts are commonly known about Wayne:  He is a Mormon.  He was a police officer in the Salt Lake City metro area and was a wrestler.  He was not divorced, but lived alone in this remote region, separated from his wife in northern Utah (6 hours away).  While working at TAR, he worked as an undercover agent for the Sheriff's Office which is 90 miles away (generally, there is no law enforcement officer in Escalante at all, they're hired, but soon leave).
As a TAR employee, these facts are commonly known:  Wayne is an alcoholic and was disciplined several times by TAR for drinking on the job.  Prior to my complaint, TAR had disciplined him several times for wrestling with male students.  The Roundy facility was called "Wayne's World" where every staff was submissive to him.  Most employees choose not to work there.  He broke whatever TAR rules or state laws he desired.
The following are the "Wayne" points from my complaints:
While alone with two female students (approximately 15 years old), one complained of an aching back as a result of wrestling the previous night with Wayne.  Wayne suddenly appeared from out-of-nowhere and boomed, "Yes, we wrestled, and I won, didn't I?"
After that, Wayne assigned me to stay in the front of the cabin with three students who could not leave their area while Wayne took two females to the backside of the building.  One of my students asked for her sweater, and since everything had to be approved by Wayne, I went around back to find him.  
As I approached, he was turned away from me, but the two female students had eye contact with me.  As the "not-so-pretty female" watched, Wayne stood within inches of the very beautiful one with whom he had wrestled the night before.  She had one hand on one side of his throat, and Wayne was instructing her to put the other one on the opposite side.  She told him, "I don't want to."  He picked up her hand and put it there, and then proceeded to twist her around, drawing her into a full contact body slam hold.  It was then that he saw me.
A few hours later, Wayne tried to instill in my mind that I was a coward.  There was a lot of lightening that day, and we were in a tall Ponderosa Pine forest.  Wayne and all students returned to the cabin's front porch.  He told everyone that I was a coward because the day before he'd heard me on the radio saying I was bringing my kids back to the Barn facility due to lightning.  
Thereafter, with every thunder clap, Wayne came over to me and called me a coward.  Then, the thunder continued, but Wayne stopped.  I said to him, "Go ahead and say it."  He responded, "I don't have to anymore, because every time you hear thunder you will think you are a coward."  I laughed, and said, "You have no idea what I'm thinking."  I was actually fully aware of his mind control techniques and was thinking that this guy is nuts and just wants me to be a coward due to the mornings events.  All of this transpired with students all around us.
On the night of the wrestling match, there were no female staff members at Roundy even though female students out-numbered males.  Staff consisted of Wayne and Allen P.  Allen is known by locals as having sexually abused his younger sisters.  He would only work as "night security" for TAR.  As a result of my complaint, he no longer works there.
On the night I filed my complaint with the TAR Director, my husband and I responded to an emergency call at 10 pm from the Roundy facility--Wayne's World.  When we arrived, a female student, dressed only in thin pajamas was duct taped at the ankles and wrists, lying on the cold, wet ground (8,000' elevation and rain), and had a 200 lb female staff sitting on top of her.  The Sheriff had to respond to the incident because duct tape is explicitly against the law.  State licensing told me this was resolved because, by law, TAR had fired the involved male and female staff.  Not true, the female was already moving out of state which she did, and the male staff still works there to this day.  I told the State this, they did nothing.
My complaint included many other items which TAR was required to fix:  Vehicles used to transport the students with no steering or brakes and doors that wouldn't open.  No air conditioning in loft bedrooms in the desert facilities.  Inhumane punishments.  Scheduling and assignment of male staff only with female students (they've gone back to this today).
No action was ever taken against Wayne other than a verbal reprimand by TAR.  I discovered his social connections to all three agencies.  The state licensing woman's husband worked for the same corporation (Aspen Education Group) at a different facility, the child protective service woman was the TAR Director's cousin, and Wayne worked undercover for the Sheriff.
The male staff involved with the duct tape incident attempted to run me off the road on three different occasions.  Each time, he was in a TAR vehicle with TAR students inside.  On the third incident, I stayed my course, and we almost crashed, but he has not done it since.
A former TAR student, now a young woman, has recently been in touch with me.  She has given me permission to print our discussions.  Her comments are:  
Wayne would routinely dump cold creek water on sleeping students.  He generally picked on the quiet, cooperative ones because he "believed students who 'went along quietly' were just faking it to get out faster."  He withheld food from all students if one misbehaved.  They took baths in the creek with one staff member watching.
"Males were alone with the female students all the time.  And vice versa."  "I was denied medical treatment for a serious issue, as were other students, including a friend who had broken her leg when she fell off one of the horses there."  "Once, my counselor Annette, after noticing my lips were unusually red, accused me of repeatedly biting them to make them look darker to 'impress the boys.' She called me a tramp, and taped an attenae [sic] to my hat to 'teach me not to care so much about my appearance.' I walked around with a metal appendage on my head for over a month."
She goes on:  "As for emotional recovery, I still have a little ways to go. Unfortunately, my parents and I never made up. I just couldn't forgive them after they said I was lying about my experiences at TAR."  "Looking back, I'm sad to say that TAR did have one positive aspect on my life; It caused me to grow up faster. I was no longer naiive and immature... I didn't have much of a choice. But, it did make me distrustful of my family, and to this day I still have trust issues with people I am close to."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Oscar

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Criminal case involving former worker at Ironwood
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2014, 05:57:09 AM »
Ex-police chief accused of child sex assaults worked at Maine teen facility
By Scott Dolan , The Press Herald, May 14 2014

Carl E. Smith fled the state when the allegations against him arose because he feared ‘he’d never make it in jail alive,’ a police report says.

BANGOR — A former police chief charged with sexually assaulting two 5-year-old girls held a job at a residential facility for troubled teenagers, according to a police report released Wednesday.

The report, made public shortly before Carl E. Smith, 72, of Eddington appeared by video link in the Penobscot Judicial Center, also says that Smith fled from Maine because he thought that, as a former police officer, “he’d never make it in jail alive.”

Smith, who was police chief in the Penobscot County town of Howland, was arrested Saturday in Wells and is being held in the Penobscot County Jail. He appeared Wednesday on the video screen in court in Bangor, accompanied by attorney Kaylee Foster at the jail.

Smith, dressed in an orange jail uniform, said little during the hearing. He was not required to enter pleas to the four charges against him, the most serious a felony count of gross sexual assault punishable by as much as 30 years in prison.

Judge Gregory Campbell ordered Smith held on $100,000 cash bail while the case is pending, with conditions that he have no contact with children younger than 18, including the alleged victims, or some of their family members.

Before the court hearing, District Attorney R. Christopher Almy released the affidavit that Maine State Police filed in seeking a warrant for Smith’s arrest.

Almy said he was not aware of any allegations of wrongdoing by Smith at Ironwood, a residential facility for troubled teenagers in Morrill, and he would not say whether police were investigating his job there.

It was not immediately clear what job Smith held at Ironwood, or how long he worked there. A staff directory on the website for Ironwood does not include Smith’s name.

A woman who answered the phone Wednesday at Ironwood said she is not authorized to speak with the media and took a message regarding what Smith did for work there. No one returned the call.

The sexual assaults are alleged to have occurred on April 25 at a home in Eddington, Almy said. He did not provide additional information about how the girls came into contact with Smith.

In the affidavit, state police Detective Jay Pelletier wrote that police learned of Smith’s alleged assaults on the girls when a school principal reported that one of the girls had described the assaults happening while Smith was alone with them.

Smith is not related to the girls but sometimes was alone with them, Pelletier wrote.

Pelletier said in the affidavit that he first spoke with Smith about the allegations on May 1. Smith denied them and then said he thought he should speak with an attorney. Pelletier then ended the interview.

On May 3, Smith told an acquaintance that he had resigned his job at Ironwood and left Maine because he expected to be charged with a crime and didn’t believe he would survive in jail because of his law enforcement background, according to the affidavit. He said, “The only way it’s going to be resolved is if I die in prison or at my own hands.”

Smith was a law enforcement officer for 18 years, the last 13 as police chief in Howland, about 30 miles north of Bangor. He left law enforcement in 1988, Wells police said in a news release Saturday. He also served in the military for 32 years.

Pelletier reached Smith by phone on May 5, when Smith told him he had taken two loaded handguns from his house but would not say where he was.

The acquaintance told Pelletier that Smith had told her to sell a car, his coins and his guns, and said he planned to return to Maine and then “vanish,” the affidavit said.

Pelletier spoke with Smith two days later.

“He was contemplating three options, 1) Come back to Maine and ‘do whatever we have to do to get this over with’ 2) Find a hole to dive into and pull it in after him, and 3) ‘Do away with himself,’ ” Pelletier wrote.

Smith was arrested Saturday morning after an all-night stakeout by Wells police and Maine State Police, who learned that Smith had returned to Maine and checked into a hotel in Wells the previous night.

Smith was considered armed and dangerous, so police followed him from the hotel to “the least populated area” on Post Road and Bypass Road, where they stopped his car and arrested him, Wells police said in the news release.

Police said Smith had a loaded Colt .38 special snub-nose pistol in one of his boots.

“The information we had was that he realized that he was going to get charged so he left the state. He went west as far as North Dakota, and then decided to come back,” Almy told the Portland Press Herald on Saturday.

State police alerted Wells police Friday night that Smith had rented a hotel room in the York County town.

“It was determined that attempting to arrest Smith at the hotel would put the public at undue risk,” said the news release.

State police kept the hotel under surveillance until 4 a.m. Saturday, then Wells police watched until 10 a.m., when Smith checked out. They followed his car in an unmarked vehicle and blocked northbound and southbound traffic until he was taken into custody without incident, the news release said.

Smith has no previous criminal record and lives on his Social Security income, his attorney said.

He is the second former high-ranking law enforcement officer to be arrested in recent months on sexual assault charges involving children.

Andrew Demers Jr., 73, of New Gloucester, a former chief of the Maine State Police, was arrested March 17 and charged with unlawful sexual contact with a minor in incidents from Feb. 14 to March 14.

A Cumberland County grand jury later indicted him on an elevated charge of gross sexual assault, a felony punishable by as much as 30 years in prison.

Demers has admitted to having sexual contact with a 4-year-old relative, according to the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office. He pleaded not guilty last month at his initial court appearance to face the charges.

Demers was allowed to remain free on $5,000 cash bail while his case is pending. He posted bail after his arrest.

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: Ironwood: New Facility in Maine
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2014, 04:06:37 PM » -

Here is the follow up to the second part of the pedophiles- in power - in the state of Maine - This story concerns Andrew Demers -who happened to be a very good friend of Bill Diamond -

Bill Diamond in my opinion is one of the sleaze ball politicians who aided and abetted (and protected ) the Elan corporation/school - as it ran in my opinion as a continueing criminal enterprise that lasted for close to forty years.

Bill Diamond in my opinion is also a fraud who wrote a book called "the Evil and the Innocent - It can be found on - please don't buy it -though read the reviews -quite telling.

Mister Diamonds pontifacations on his friend Andrew Demers jr. ;

Former state Sen. Bill Diamond of Windham said that when he served as Secretary of State from 1989 to 1997, he had come to know Demers, who was then chief. Diamond, who recently published “The Evil & The Innocent,” a non-fiction book about child sex offenders, said that when it came to Demers, “I was just as naïve as the next guy.”

“You would never have guessed,” Diamond said. “Of course part of that is the role that he played. You automatically assume that somebody in that position is trustworthy and has high integrity.”

Diamond said that Demers’ victim would likely suffer for a long time to come.

“This poor little thing is old enough to remember some of these things, and you just worry what this little child has gone through and will go through,” he said. “It’s going to require a lot of help."

I believe the good citizens  of Maine have been bamboozoled by Mister Diamond -as they would never have guessed as Diamond says - "you automatically assume that somebody in that position is trustworthy and has high integrity" - I certainly believe Mister  Diamond could  be speaking about himself. The survivors of Elan certainly know that sexual abuse happened in Elan - 

There may be hope for Mister Bill Diamond  during his rehabilitation (thru life- hopefully long life   incarceration) though I doubt it ( the ability to rehabilitate Mister Diamond )  - because in the article he regurgitates well known data as he spouts that the child who has been abused "will require a lot of help"

Elan survivors only know this fact all too well.

I reiterate my belief that Mister Bill Diamond is a fraud - becase he has done nothing to assit the chronically abused of Elan, sadistic  criminal abuse that occured for over forty years  - he has done nothing for the survivors of Elan  - quite to the contrary- he has protected Elan and "made sure that Elan got favorable inspection reports" ( quote from his interview for the updated book - Duck in a Raincoat book by Maura Curley.

And look at the company he keeps, I would suggest to Mister Bill Diamond  that he abandon his announced goal of this past Jan 16, 2014 of running for Maine state senate office (again).

The good citizens of Maine deserve better -and will soon know the truth about  Bill Diamond-


« Last Edit: September 29, 2014, 04:53:19 PM by Matt C. Hoffman »

Offline Oscar

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Re: Ironwood: New Facility in Maine
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2015, 12:47:21 AM »

Offline Oscar

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Wannabe Fair Haven Union High School shooter was at Ironwood Maine
« Reply #4 on: April 27, 2018, 02:19:23 AM »
His parents sent him to Ironwood Maine instead of turning him in to the authorities. They were not able to find out what was the reason for his stay before he turned 18. The high school was only saved because another victim of Ironwood Maine alerted the authorities.

What are they good for when they are of no use:

Quote from: Rotsnes Blog
The loopholes the rich have but endangers us common people

In Vermont, they now release a young man who planned a school shooting. It was some kind of legal stuff, which prevented them from convicting him from his planned actions, which he had detailed in a journal, you still can find online if you search hard for it.

The problem with this case is that it took so long to take him into custody. Him parents did at an early point discover his plans but instead of going to the police, who could have helped them putting him into a state hospital where real medical expertise would have been to his disposal combined with the fact that such places are fenced off and they also have straitjackets etc. so he would have been kept there, they made the choice of a private residential treatment center when he was so close to reach the age of 18, where he was able to sign himself out.

To make matter worse, the specific treatment center was founded with help of former employees of Turn-about Ranch now known for the murder case.

Where teenagers arriving at Turn-about Ranch are forced to sit in a stone circle exposed to the heat in Utah, the students arriving at Ironwood Maine are forced to sit in a stone circle trying to keep the fire going to keep them warm in the coldness of Maine until they have made the confessions, the parents expect them to provide under the stress and pressure, they have hired the employee to provide to their children. I have no second thought using the term “torture” about this treatment. Had we treated one of the insurgents we caught back when I was in the service, we would have faced a court-martial when this treatment became known to our superiors.

But the counselors at Ironwood Maine never addressed his plans about the school shootings. How qualified were they? We know that it in fact was another former victim of Ironwood Maine who made the choice of going to the authorities. It was not the employees at Ironwood Maine. I am not saying that they knew. I do not believe that they are qualified in other aspects than bullying the teenagers they have in their custody.

Why are Maine not investigating them? We have to remember that a former employee of Ironwood Maine were arrested charged with four counts of gross sexual assault. This should have led to tighter supervision with such a residential treatment center.

In the school shooting case the teenager charged with the school shooting attempt signed himself out once he turned 18 becoming legal adult of age. The combination of him not having been treated for his real problem added with the post traumatic stress from the treatment at Ironwood Maine made him a real threat to the Fair Haven Union High School. Had a former victim of Ironwood Maine not alerted the authorities, it could have ended it with a tragedy.

What remains in this case beside giving the wannabe school shooter real treatment is to look into all those private treatment centers. Remember the Affluenza case? The luxury rehab the parents were allowed to buy for their son, did not seem to help, so now he is serving time instead. If this wannabe school shooter had poor parents, the high school students would have felt more secure. Local authorities speak of an environment of fear. Many students remain home instead of going to school while they are treatment for anxiety issues related to the threat against their school. Of course all these young people living in fear will boost both the medical industry and a lot of private treatment centers but it should not be so.

So close the loopholes allowing parents to choose out-of-state treatment places, so each state can monitor local treatment centers closely and give the local school district space to develop their own treatment systems for students who need it.

And finally address the source of how school shooters start out. Hit hard on bullying attempts. No school system in the world should allow students to be marginalized. In Denmark we have friday bars at the school where students can drive beer or wine after school, so they at least have this motive to attend school. In the Friday bars students open up and start talk, giving others an insight and understanding of their lives.

I am parent myself. No parent should ever fear or experience a school shooting at the school their children attend. It must stop now.