Treatment Abuse, Behavior Modification, Thought Reform > Elan School
Newly uncovered documentary exposed abuse at Elan School in 1983
Reddit TroubledTeens:
Children of Darkness, the Elan segment starts at 17:00:
Elan survivors had heard of this documentary, but it was only found recently. As of right now it has 385 views, it was posted to youtube 12 days ago by an account under the producer's name, Richard Kotuk.
Watching this burns me up. It was nominated for an Oscar in 1984, how was Elan allowed to operate after the film got that kind of exposure? I would love to know if any kind of investigation was done, and why the abuse was allowed to continue.
[Spoiler Warning]
I mean, kids living for two weeks in a dumpster? A boy in shackles and a bunny costume? A 'therapist' screaming at and berating the children? They even talk about The Ring where kids are forced to get beat up by other kids. I know it was 1983, but c'mon. Even by the standards of that day, this would have been unacceptable.
I think this footage is amazing. I doubt something like this could be made today, especially the filming of 'therapy' sessions. It's rare that abuse is actually captured on tape and documented. The entire film is incredible, I can see why it was nominated for an Oscar.
Please share this in your social networks. It's not enough that Elan is closed, an investigation needs to be done and the people responsible should be put in jail. The head honchos, Joe Ricci and Gerald Davidson are dead, but Martin Kruglik (shown briefly at 19:14, white shirt, on left), Jeffrey Gottlieb, Sharon Terry, and Bill Diamond (the Maine State Senator who protected Elan) need to be the subjects of an official investigation and held responsible for their actions.
--- Quote from: Reddit TroubledTeens on September 22, 2013, 05:17:05 PM ---Children of Darkness, the Elan segment starts at 17:00:
Please share this in your social networks. It's not enough that Elan is closed, an investigation needs to be done and the people responsible should be put in jail. The head honchos, Joe Ricci and Gerald Davidson are dead, but Martin Kruglik (shown briefly at 19:14, white shirt, on left), Jeffrey Gottlieb, Sharon Terry, and Bill Diamond (the Maine State Senator who protected Elan) need to be the subjects of an official investigation and held responsible for their actions.
--- End quote ---
We have a Fox watching the Hen House situation.
Unless by some miracle the American Sheeple wake the fuck up and REVOLT it will only get worse.
We need a regime change our Justice system is a joke at best.
Karma never misses though......gotta love that! ;)
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