Author Topic: Art Warshawsky the Scumbag  (Read 6604 times)

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Offline Troublemaker

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Art Warshawsky the Scumbag
« on: February 26, 2013, 12:45:58 PM »
Dear Elan Survivors,
I received a fax from "Anonymous" today claiming to represent all of you.  The fax stated that the community of Elan survivors has lost all respect for me and HEAL because we removed Art Warshawsky's name from the staff list.  The fax message is attached.
I and my mother, as owners of HEAL-ONLINE.ORG and PROVOTRUTHEXPOSED.COM, are being sued by UHS of Provo Canyon/Provo Canyon School.  The suit was filed in December of 2009 and we are still battling it out in court.  I am a survivor of Provo Canyon School.  And, this lawsuit has nearly bankrupted me in every possible way.  But, I fight for myself and all the survivors who have spoken out.  Most other survivors in our community fold when hit with such a suit and thereby weaken our overall cause.  But, not me and not HEAL.  The lawsuit has brought to our attention some options for protecting ourselves from further lawsuits.
It is really easy to anonymously attack individuals or businesses online without risking any legal liability.  This type of reporting does not provide reliable credibility to support claims made anonymously.  HEAL focuses on getting the truth out and we focus on doing it in the most credible way possible in order to be taken seriously and to make great strides for our movement.  Certainly no one can deny that HEAL provides the most extensive online encyclopedia regarding fraudulent and abusive programs.  And, that our efforts repeatedly negatively impact NATSAP and the entire industry.  

I hope none of you are responsible for the fax I received today.  But, if you are I encourage you to identify yourself and speak to me directly.  I do not have one under penalty of perjury statement naming Art Warshawsky as staff.  I have two individuals who mentioned Art Warshawsky.  One speaks of a relationship that appears to have happened in the program while both may have been enrolled (positions of both individuals unclear) and the other simply reports Art as a staffer.  

Art Warshawsky e-mailed HEAL and said he did not voluntarily work as staff at Elan and that he worked as "junior staff" while still enrolled in the program.  HEAL provides the following options for staff who wish to have their names removed from our website:

"1.  Submit an e-mail stating that you do not currently work for and will never again work for Program Name or a similar program in the future...OR
2.  Submit evidence or a sworn statement (federal declaration) stating that you never worked for Program Name...AND/OR
3.  For editing and not removal, submit an e-mail or declaration telling your side of the story to be posted next to your name(s).
Once a name is removed it is under the condition that the staff named does not resume working at a similar program or facility.  If you are found working for a similar program or facility, your name would be re-added and the history and connection made."  

Art submitted an e-mail that he does not work for and will never again work for Elan or any similar program.  If you can provide me any evidence that Art Warshawsky is continuing to work for residential programs or wilderness programs for youth, please send it in.  In that case, Art lied to us and we would have no legal issues arise by re-adding his name to the staff list.
If you can provide evidence (including an under penalty of perjury declaration) that Art Warshawsky worked at Elan after he became an adult (18 years old) and that he chose to remain on staff for any reason except that he was given no other alternative besides living on the street or working for Elan, we can re-add his name to the staff list because that will show he lied to us and give us a reasonable basis for questioning his credibility that could be used in court.
Art Warshawsky threatened to sue HEAL if we did not remove his name from the staff list.  HEAL should not be the whipping child of the industry because we take our work seriously, identify ourselves, and provide credible information.  Nor should we be the whipping child of the survivor community because we bravely identify ourselves and speak out even though we continually take extraordinary personal risks to get out the truth.  Please do not hypocritically condemn HEAL because we have to take legal precautions to protect ourselves from suits from individuals you may not be willing to testify against and to which we have no assurance or security regarding whether you would show up if the day came.
Until you have taken on all abusive programs as your cause and have become a target of every program that abuses kids, so much that they create websites against you, defame you on their own websites, defame your family, defame your associates, manipulate your content, harass you by phone, e-mail, and through the courts, you have no business passing judgment or harassing me or the HEAL network.
If you are not the individual who sent the attached fax, but, know who did send it, please feel free to forward this message to that individual.  And, if you still appreciate or respect me or HEAL at all, please let me know.  The fax was very insulting and I'd like to know whether or not it was sent by some program supporter looking to stir the pot.  

Thank you for reading this.
In Solidarity (I Hope),
Angela Smith
HEAL Coordinator
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The troubled teen industry is ineffective because advocates are after money, fame or are as abusive as the programs they\'re fighting

Offline Terry Kato

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Re: Art Warshawsky the Scumbag
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2013, 04:23:56 PM »
Someone should tell Angela that Art is a windbag. He won't sue because his actions as Elan staff would come into evidence, and his rape of an underage resident (before or after, it doesn't matter) would be as well

Elan staff are a bunch of toothless tigers, threatening and abusing people. Danny was full of the "I'll get my lawyer and sue you" shit until Wayne's book came out. Then, he shut his stupid face. Art is full of shit, let's get his name back up. He worked there, he abused children, he saw children abused and was mandated to report it, but didn't, and he still abuses Elan survivors to this day online

That said, I do understand why Angela dropped it, but I'm sure she can be convinced to readd him
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline liarsexposed

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Re: Art Warshawsky the Scumbag
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2013, 06:31:56 PM »
Terry Kato wrote :
> Someone should tell Angela that Art is a windbag. He won't sue because his
> actions as Elan staff would come into evidence, and his rape of an underage
> resident (before or after, it doesn't matter) would be as well
Someone should take his meds. You can call me whatever you like. Play your little games with your sick friends. I want no part of you and your lies. You do not advance your cause by telling repulsvive stories that are untrue
> Elan staff are a bunch of toothless tigers, threatening and abusing people.
> Danny was full of the "I'll get my lawyer and sue you" shit until
> Wayne's book came out. Then, he shut his stupid face. Art is full of shit,
> let's get his name back up. He worked there, he abused children, he saw
> children abused and was mandated to report it, but didn't, and he still
> abuses Elan survivors to this day online
You would have to know ho serious I am. I have taken dow how many of your perverse "websites"?
Arent you in enough trouble with the law Mark ?
> That said, I do understand why Angela dropped it, but I'm sure she can be
> convinced to readd him
If you re-organized your vile,and perverse ways of attacking the program,and residents,I would be happy top particpate on some level. We have the same goals you idiot. You think I dont want to see those responsible answer for their abuse,you would be wrong.
But I will only tell/support the truth. Why you all would have to lie about your experiences escapes me. Was pretty bad in my day
I will say.. You are proficiant at making an ass out of yourselves
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Art Warshawsky the Scumbag
« Reply #3 on: February 27, 2013, 01:22:01 PM »
What I find funny is that Art claims that Elan was a great opportunity that we blew and calls us liars, but then he threatens to sue to get his name removed from the staff list. Sounds like e's talking out of both sides of his face, a true Elan alumnist trait

Art, did you witness children being abused at Elan when you were staff? Who did you report it to?

You do know you were mandated to report it, right?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline liarsexposed

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Re: Art Warshawsky the Scumbag
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2013, 05:27:41 AM »
oh wayne.. More games and lies,You simply cannot tell the truth if it fell o ya
Are you sure you arent living with,or sleeping with Marky and Sharon?
"Art claims that Elan was a great opportunity  that we blew"
"Both sides of the fence"
As a Jr Staff I witnessed no abuse,never raped sharon
and I did report what I sae
You need help wayne
MAking shit up STILL,wont get you the attention yu seekl
But you sure are a funny guy. Ive been laughing at you for months
Did yoiu ever pay larry back for the things you sole from his home ?
How about repair what you broke in his home?
YA I thought so
STFU ya fag
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline none-ya.

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Re: Art Warshawsky the Scumbag
« Reply #5 on: February 28, 2013, 06:30:58 AM »
Didn't you say that Wayne doesn't exist?

You really do talk out of both sides of your face
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
This username is a para...pare....fake profile created strictly for the purpose of whimsey and yuk yuks

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Art Warshawsky the Scumbag
« Reply #6 on: February 28, 2013, 07:15:30 PM »
We're back to "Wayne's a fag?"

You're beginning to bore me Arthur. Been there-done that with your fellow Alumnist, Danny bennison.

What are you going to say next, "Kill yourself Wayne?"

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline liarsexposed

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Re: Art Warshawsky the Scumbag
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2013, 07:20:48 AM »
Sorry you didnt get any attention from me,by name yesterday Marky Babitz
1) Sharon was never raped by me,or anyone else. SHe only told that story in Elan to minimize her punishment for running away (her words)
Wayne,by all means,please kill yourself. Would be like a public service. That way you cant go around ripping people off (3800.00) and you certainly cannot molest any small children again. Have you paid him back yet ?? I doubt it. You are but a coward and a thief.. Just a common thief
Look thru the trash here,and show me where I advocated for Elan.. You cant,so theres another lie Wayne
As Ive said,countless times,I was a Jr Staff. Hell I was only 17,few months after I turned 18,I was offered an asst Directorship,and turned it down. By that time,the fairytale was over,and I was able to see Elan fro what it was.
I got fired for ignoring a directive of putting 2 kids in the ring. I wouldnt do it
There is no 2 sides of a fence. But if you stopped the lying,and exposed the facts,you'd probably get the attention you crave,and perhaps an attorney would look harder at this. But when you use SHOCK - VALUE to make a point. Most people ignore you. Truth be told,you are sick,and you show off your sickness multiple times a day
I know you'll post some crazy nonsense on CL later.. Cuz you cant control yourself (part of the mental illness). I Will remain happy to laugh at you some more
Thanks for exposing the other screen names. How about you tell us all how many screen names you have ?
How's that harrassment case against a police officer going ? did you get probabtion? Fine? Jailtime?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Art Warshawsky the Scumbag
« Reply #8 on: March 01, 2013, 08:12:56 AM »
Once again, Wayne Kernochan,Making friends and influencing people. Glad to see that nothing's changed. Go ahead, use your daily allowance of posts to tell me to kill myself. But you know I won't.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »