Author Topic: Art Warshawsky sexually abused children as Elan Staff  (Read 26778 times)

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Offline liarsexposed

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Re: Art Warshawsky sexually abused children as Elan Staff
« Reply #15 on: January 25, 2013, 04:07:42 PM »
Well Marky
When all you are left with,are lies,and delusions
My work is done
Again you have been exposed as a liar and a fraud
Are you part retarded too? Don't answer,who cares. Don't think for one
Minute,that you can avoid prosecution from the big town of Kelso wa.
Or wherever you collect your foodstamps/welfare check.
Disability my ass
It must it easier being a victim. I wouldn't know. It was 35 yrs ago for me.
If I think about it I get upset,sometimes. But I go to work every day,sponsor a couple charities
Try to enjoy life.
I think they call it being a grownup
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline .T-Rex

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Re: Art Warshawsky sexually abused children as Elan Staff
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2013, 10:44:40 AM »
Art, get real. This is Wayne and his socks trying to make us alumnists look like we were all abusers so he can get a lawsuit. The panny fanny probably liked getting fucked in the ass. Danny never raped anyone. If anyone is being abused its us
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troublemaker

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Re: Art Warshawsky sexually abused children as Elan Staff
« Reply #17 on: January 26, 2013, 01:37:11 PM »
Art, your best friend is the bum. Sharon and Mark have never been foreclosed on, and contributed to the collapse of the entire countrys economy

This was immediately following his wife leaving him for being abusive. She was asking for it by wearing the pants in the family

F-1082 BENNISON, DANIEL L. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER By virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed to Secure Debt by Daniel L. Bennison to Bank of America, N.A., dated September 29, 2006 and filed for record October 12, 2006 in Deed Book 9125, Page 225, Cherokee County, Georgia records, and securing a Note in the original principal amount of $146,000.00, there will be sold at a public outcry for cash to the highest bidder before the Courthouse door of Cherokee County, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in February, 2011, by Bank of America, N.A. as Attorney-in-Fact for Daniel L. Bennison the following property to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 1107 of the 21st District, 2nd Section of Cherokee County Georgia and being Lot 227 of Ridge Mill, Phase 1, as per Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 89, Pages 103 through 105, and all revisions of said plat, if any, Cherokee County, Georgia Records. Said plat and all revised plats, if any, being incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference for a more complete description of captioned property and being improved property. The above described property is also known as 538 Rendezvous Road, Acworth, GA 30102. The indebtedness secured by said Deed to Secure Debt having been declared due and payable because of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of sale, including attorney's fees, if applicable. The property will be sold as the property of the aforesaid grantor subject to the following: all prior restrictive covenants, easements, rights-of-way, security deeds, or encumbrances of record; all valid zoning ordinances; matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey of the property or by any inspection of the property; all outstanding taxes, assessments, unpaid bills, charges, and expenses that are a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable. To the best of the undersigned's knowledge and belief, possession of the subject property is held by Daniel L. Bennison . Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, the name, address and telephone number of the individual or entity who shall have the full authority to negotiate, amend or modify all terms of the above described mortgage is as follows: BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P., Attn: Loss Mitigation Dept., P. O. Box 5170, MS SV314B, Simi Valley, CA 93065, Telephone: 1-800-669-6650. The foregoing notwithstanding, nothing in O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2 shall be construed to require BAC Home Loans Servcing, LP as servicer for Bank of America, N.A. to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the Deed to Secure Debt described herein. Bank of America, N.A. as Attorney-in-Fact for Daniel L. Bennison SHUPING, MORSE & ROSS, LLP By: S. Andrew Shuping, Jr. S. Andrew Shuping, Jr. 6259 Riverdale Road, Suite 100 Riverdale, Georgia 30274-1698 (770) 991-0000 THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 1:7,14,21,28
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The troubled teen industry is ineffective because advocates are after money, fame or are as abusive as the programs they\'re fighting

Offline Troublemaker

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Re: Art Warshawsky sexually abused children as Elan Staff
« Reply #18 on: January 26, 2013, 01:37:14 PM »
Art, your best friend is the bum. Sharon and Mark have never been foreclosed on, and contributed to the collapse of the entire countrys economy

This was immediately following his wife leaving him for being abusive. She was asking for it by wearing the pants in the family

F-1082 BENNISON, DANIEL L. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER POWER By virtue of the power of sale contained in a Deed to Secure Debt by Daniel L. Bennison to Bank of America, N.A., dated September 29, 2006 and filed for record October 12, 2006 in Deed Book 9125, Page 225, Cherokee County, Georgia records, and securing a Note in the original principal amount of $146,000.00, there will be sold at a public outcry for cash to the highest bidder before the Courthouse door of Cherokee County, Georgia, between the legal hours of sale on the first Tuesday in February, 2011, by Bank of America, N.A. as Attorney-in-Fact for Daniel L. Bennison the following property to-wit: All that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Land Lot 1107 of the 21st District, 2nd Section of Cherokee County Georgia and being Lot 227 of Ridge Mill, Phase 1, as per Plat thereof recorded at Plat Book 89, Pages 103 through 105, and all revisions of said plat, if any, Cherokee County, Georgia Records. Said plat and all revised plats, if any, being incorporated herein and made a part hereof by reference for a more complete description of captioned property and being improved property. The above described property is also known as 538 Rendezvous Road, Acworth, GA 30102. The indebtedness secured by said Deed to Secure Debt having been declared due and payable because of default in the payment of the indebtedness secured thereby, this sale will be made for the purpose of paying the same and all expenses of sale, including attorney's fees, if applicable. The property will be sold as the property of the aforesaid grantor subject to the following: all prior restrictive covenants, easements, rights-of-way, security deeds, or encumbrances of record; all valid zoning ordinances; matters which would be disclosed by an accurate survey of the property or by any inspection of the property; all outstanding taxes, assessments, unpaid bills, charges, and expenses that are a lien against the property whether due and payable or not yet due and payable. To the best of the undersigned's knowledge and belief, possession of the subject property is held by Daniel L. Bennison . Pursuant to O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2, the name, address and telephone number of the individual or entity who shall have the full authority to negotiate, amend or modify all terms of the above described mortgage is as follows: BAC Home Loans Servicing, L.P., Attn: Loss Mitigation Dept., P. O. Box 5170, MS SV314B, Simi Valley, CA 93065, Telephone: 1-800-669-6650. The foregoing notwithstanding, nothing in O.C.G.A. § 44-14-162.2 shall be construed to require BAC Home Loans Servcing, LP as servicer for Bank of America, N.A. to negotiate, amend or modify the terms of the Deed to Secure Debt described herein. Bank of America, N.A. as Attorney-in-Fact for Daniel L. Bennison SHUPING, MORSE & ROSS, LLP By: S. Andrew Shuping, Jr. S. Andrew Shuping, Jr. 6259 Riverdale Road, Suite 100 Riverdale, Georgia 30274-1698 (770) 991-0000 THIS LAW FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. 1:7,14,21,28
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The troubled teen industry is ineffective because advocates are after money, fame or are as abusive as the programs they\'re fighting

Offline liarsexposed

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Re: Art Warshawsky sexually abused children as Elan Staff
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2013, 06:58:09 AM »
Well son
You've really made an ass outa yourself this time.
Pretty old game,you should be better at it. In that deluted,fiendish mind of yours,it must be better to embellish,and flat out lie,than hold yourself to a higher standard. I find you to be boring,and childish as well no wonder you can't get anyone to listeif in. You are a fraud yourself. You have become the abuser.
You keep playing this game. Collecting whatever info you find tasty,but not quite true.
The rest of the world will contniue to laugh at you
If there is a person named. Wayne. I hope you get the help.or attention you seem to need
If you are Marky or Sharon
I hope you catch a stray bullet
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Art Warshawsky sexually abused children as Elan Staff
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2013, 08:39:37 AM »
2,252 sales of my book and 4491 free downloads is all the attention I need Art. Two newspaper articles and another in the works. Fifteen blog posts by writer friends and one by Paul Morantz. That was all gravy

Did I tell you that the Waterbury Republican is considering a piece about A Life Gone Awry?

As far as help, I've asked but no one seems to want to prosecute you and your friends for sex abuse

Diamond is a dud. I hope he doesn't care about his name because I'll never stop exposing him and you criminals

How old was Sharon when you raped her Arthur?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Horatio

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Re: Art Warshawsky sexually abused children as Elan Staff
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2013, 11:35:29 AM »
Ok....lets get to the facts.
 In your second memoir you write about being accused of molesting a young boy in your backyard. You try to blame it on your brother. But Wayno, you got sent to Vitam in NY for this abusive behavior. wrote in one of your other memoirs how you seduced older men, had sex with them and got them drunk then robbed them of all their money.
Wayne...You wrote this for all to see.
Now because of your disgusting sexual behavior you want to include everyone else. No Wayne it doesn't work that way. You are the sexual deviant.
The real sad pathetic part here, is we all know this about you at this point. Which is why you have to keep meeting new people and new sources.
Nobody in the Trouble Teen Industry wants a damn thing to do with you. You are a liar and a very unstable mentally disturbed person who refuses to get help.
As far as your memoir sales go....lmao!
Only in your delusions of grandeur does this equate to success.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Troublemaker

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Re: Art Warshawsky sexually abused children as Elan Staff
« Reply #22 on: January 27, 2013, 12:06:51 PM »
Yay, Danny's back. We've missed you for the last 28 days :P

People can read Wayne's books Daniel and see that your post is bullshit. Why would you discredit yourself so plainly?

Oh that's right, because your the Fornits idiot LOLOLOL

I read all of Wayne's books and none of what your saying is true

Let's get to the facts then Danny. How old was Wayne when you raped him?

Maybe Bill Diamond will know
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The troubled teen industry is ineffective because advocates are after money, fame or are as abusive as the programs they\'re fighting

Offline T-Rex

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Re: Art Warshawsky sexually abused children as Elan Staff
« Reply #23 on: January 27, 2013, 07:24:57 PM »
I understand that you think by denying what Horatio said will create confusion. Well, sorry....because all one has to do is skim thru these poorly written memoirs and find what he is referring to here. But you know most people will not, so this being the case you can dispute what Horatio wrote. Nobody is reading the nonsense you wrote about.
Wayne, you failed to represent Élan honestly. So if you can live with the few scumbags that support this shit you wrote, well goody for you. Obviously the world as a whole will not and has showed this by their unwillingness to buy your brand of bullshit.
What a fucking scumbag you are. You molested a young boy back when you were an adolescent and tried to blame it on your brother in your second memoir. Wayne YOU ARE the sexual deviant here. Stop trying to involve everyone else.
Btw where is Yvette Portella, Willie B, Jane Tovar, Debbie Dole etc....where are their confessions? Why are they not standing up for you? Because you are a liar and when you realized no one was believing you, you resorted to the lowest of all lows and accused Danny of raping you. What the fuck is the matter with you?
Jeesh, with all these rapes Wayne, you could haul Danny before the courts just like they did Jerry Sandusky. Yay I know, you have a big problem Wayne. Unlike the case brought against Jerry Sandusky, your accusations are pure bullshit and lack any real evidence.
What a fucking whackjob.........lmao!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB. ll

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Re: Art Warshawsky sexually abused children as Elan Staff
« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2013, 06:26:46 AM »
DannyBII wrote:
"DannyB II and T-Rex are the only user names I use here on fornits"

Danny is the whackjob lmao
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Terry Kato

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Re: Art Warshawsky sexually abused children as Elan Staff
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2013, 09:50:51 AM »

March 28Danny Bennison
Yvette Portella
Just some inside information, Yvette and I had a thing while we were residents, while I was in re-entry and while I was staff. Which is one of the reasons why I left E-7 so abruptly. Yes we did hook up after she left, her brother almost killed me along with her cousins they did not like white guys in New Haven.
This is the truth, I loved her a great deal. I got my heart broken big time.
Hey I don't want to fight with you. I am asking for forgiveness for crimes I can't remember, honestly Wayne. I have had sleepless nights trying to remember you, I don't. I have a family and a business so I am very careful about things that would harm them. I know you can understand this.
Lets just lay the swords down and let this go for a while and work at shutting Elan down. Maybe in time we can see more of each others souls through our writings here. Many of the people that support your book are my friends some are not. But they asked me how I felt about them supporting your book, I said go for it this is between Wayne and I. Ya see Wayne no one else has wrote a book we could show people so they could read what went on in Elan. Not as explicit as yours. You know your not done writing there is so much more to tell. You are a great writer and Elanians need someone like you to tell their story, please collaborate with others get the real info and get it out there. I believe until Sharon, Jeff and Marty see their names written out their they won't shut down Elan.
Thanks for reading if you did,

Take care

Yvette was an underage resident in your care and you had the power to beat and torture her. She had no choice but to be "in a relationship" with you. That's called rape you fucking piece of shit.

In your mind it might not be, but in legal terms it is.

The same as your "relationship" with Cathy and Willie

Go ahead and deny it you child molesting turd. I reported this PM to Face Book when you sent it.

Who else were you "in a relationship" with when you were the ass director?

Is that why you won't call the 108 precinct and report me for criminal libel?

If I'm lying they'll throw me in jail and your name will be cleared Dan.

You're guilty. There's no doubt to anyone reading

For those who don't know, Danny stood Yvette in front of a GM and asked the men "If I walked out of here and let you people do what you want, who would rape this bitch? The guys all raised their hand, including me, because if we didn't we would have gotten tortured and beaten

This was also shortly after the rumor that Joe Ricci and Jeff Gottlieb let a girl and a gay kid get raped and beaten by two convicted sex offenders.

So, Dan, where did Yvette live most recently? Mark can find her and clear your name

We can get to the bottom of this

Wayne Kernochan wrote:
To sum up

Douglas Hannah
when i was in elan i was there from 1972 -1978.yes i do know yvette portella,she was in 7 with me.i do remember her.
Wayne Kernochan
How old was she?

Douglas Hannah
when yvette portella ,came to elan 7 she couldn't be no older then 15ys if some one had sex with her its called "RAPE ".how do i no because pam told me if i had sex with her i was going to jail,she was to young.
Unlike · · Share · 8 minutes ago

Douglas Hannah

there no reason to thank me those are the facts,she was to young hell i was just about 18ys i knew better,plus she from right here in Bridgeport .
Douglas Hannah
what grown ass man would want to have sex with a kid,now if a person held a position in elan as staff an did this they would be in big big trouble with the law because that resident was under there care.
49 minutes ago ·

Wayne Kernochan
Danny Bennison would and did. There are more victims. Now, maybe they'll speak out.

Thank you again pal
14 minutes ago ·

Douglas Hannah
HOLD UP,what are you saying.
Wayne Kernochan
Danny admitted to it
13 minutes ago
Douglas Hannah
there has to be a mistake,i will try an ask Danny myself did he rape Yvette.i was wandering why he told me i did not no her.when she was there with me.i need to show this to her people .
8 minutes ago
Wayne Kernochan
He admitted it three or four times on Fornits. But he said she was 19.

Douglas Hannah
there is no way she could have been 19,not in way.

Douglas Hannah
wayne i thought you an danny were best of friends.together fighting the good fight,willing to take on rapist,kids that are being,WOW just blows my mind.

Wayne Kernochan
Doug, I was playing him. I was after information about his sex crimes and I got it. I sent you a private message, check it out

Wayne Kernochan
Hang on, what do you mean by "I have to show this to her people?"

Douglas Hannah
well don't you want her family to know what was done to her.
Wayne Kernochan
You know her family?

Douglas Hannah
Edwin rodriguez,knows yvettes family,willie bentenzes,knows her family,an they were both in parsonfield when danny was they both live in P.T.Barnum apts.right here in Bridgeport.

Wayne Kernochan
Edwin was in 7 with me. He left when I was new.If the family can get you in touch with her, have her call me would you? Danny put her in front of a GM and asked the house if he let the house do what they wanted, who would rape her?

I raised me hand. We all did because we knew he would beat us for not raising our hands.

She looked scared out of her mind. I never forgot the look on her face. I want to say I'm sorry. Yvette was one of the few good things in that fucking place and I've never forgiven myself for that. If she doesn't want to talk to me, tell her I'm sorry.

Douglas Hannah
i will be out in the streets so i will run into some one who can put a hand on this .so lets find out were she is .tuesday is a good day to start.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Horatio.

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Re: Art Warshawsky sexually abused children as Elan Staff
« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2013, 09:58:34 AM »

From 26 Mar 2010, in Name that Abuser/Director:
"Anne this post will be one of my worst probably to date because I find you very disgusting down to your filthy avatar, which speaks volumes about you.
No I will not talk to you about anything to do with Mary O'Brian, nor do I really want to discuss anything else with you.
Your a douche bag, ya know the kind that provides a service and then when your done ya throw it away. Your time is over....bye. Only in your case the repulsive smell never goes away.
You don't give a shit about these kids, you care about your 15 mins. of attention. How you look on Fornits, you make me sick. Your a publicity whore. You and Felice.....
So please stay away from me...just fuck off.

Please repost this over and over and stick on your bedroom mirror.

DannyB II wrote:
I'm creeping you You spread your legs in the open and you have the mouth to go with it.

Anne Bonney wrote:
What the hell are you talking about? I get the potty mouth reference, but wtf is the spreading the legs deal? This is why people are seriously starting to wonder about your sanity.

DannyBII wrote:
Annie darling you have no concept of just how crazy I am....LOL. That is what most like so much about me is my insanity. Your avatar Anne spread it wider.

DannyB II wrote:
I am in Florida right now just down the street from you. Know what I mean. Vacation in Tampa. Short hop, skip and jump from you. Name the place, love to talk with you and your daddy.
All my shit is done face to face you fucking coward bet Matty is sucking on your tit right now.
Please call 404-936-6141 be here till 6/21/10. Be looking fo ya

Anne Bonney wrote
Please expound on this. You make sick, sexual comments towards me....tell me that you're, what was it "a hop, skip and a jump" away from me and have been verbally abusive to me. Are you threatening me? Just trying to clarify the situation. Should I be scared?

DannyBII wrote
Hell ya you better be scared, I would be for sure. Hey if I had been threatened, verbally abused, had sick sexual comments hurled at me, I would be. One thing though they happened no doubt but not all in that order or together. As a matter of fact many of these comment were made after you had been a filthy vulger little Anne you have verbally abused me as you do whooter (then you justify it), called me filthy names ect...
Just reminds me of when Dan Akroid(misspelled) used to say to Jane Curtain during the nightly news report on SNL, they would be debating a point, Jane would go first then just before his rebuttal he would say, "Jane you stupid slut" Just cracked me up. Not because of the obvious it was just something you never heard on television in 1975/76. Shocking.....
What I'd really be scared about that you would put a avatar up like this, a women who has her legs spread. It is inviting attacks. Plus doesn't say much about you....slut. Oh I'm sorry just that SNL thing going on.
Nice yakking with ya,
bye bye
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline .T-Rex

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Re: Art Warshawsky sexually abused children as Elan Staff
« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2013, 10:08:36 AM »

DannyBII wrote
I do remember the whole Wayne Weaver screwing this girl and that girl and Peter McCann dogging me about doing something about it. You know that Peter was the official Director of this house when I first got there.
Denise had a fit over that whole fiasco.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Art Warshawsky sexually abused children as Elan Staff
« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2013, 05:17:57 PM »
I see Danny is out of rehab.

Dan, if you say something as a fact, you must quote a source. a page and name of the book. "Danny says so" doesn't fly in the real world

So, like these people, (person?) you need to give people somewhere to look for your "facts" (Lies)

Now that Danny is back, I'm out of here. Have fun spewing homophobic hatred with Art. You two dceserve each other
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Horatio

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Re: Art Warshawsky sexually abused children as Elan Staff
« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2013, 08:20:11 PM »
Wayne....the girl who Danny was referring to about spreading her legs in an animation pic, has passed away. Her name was Kim Morelli. We will not be responding to any more remarks concerning her. You were not involved and you have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
Douglas Hannah was never in Élan 7, everyone knows this. He does not know who Yvette Portella is, so he can not know how old she is. Wayne, you were never there at Élan, so you are clueless yourself. But hey.....where are all those witnesses and testimonies you said you had.
What we wrote is in your memoirs, it is all there for anyone to read. You molested a young boy and tried to blame it on your brother and you seduced older men through sex than got them drunk and stole their money.
We all understand that you have no respect for survivors of treatment centers, since you have so thoroughly disrespected Mary Jones, Yvette Portella, Lee Goldman, a young lady that went to an Aspen Facility, Willie B., Wayne W., Denise R., Jane Tovar etc...."If I ever get my hands on that fat white motherfucker I'll kill him for doing this shit" this is word for word from Wayne Weaver.
 All I have to say Wayne is keep looking over your shoulder. You have made many enemies with your lies.
Bye Bye!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »