Well, if you ask me....Bush thought this whole "WE GOT HIM" malarky was gonna be a shoe-in for the election....he captured the evil-doer..yada yada......notice how no one is even talking about Saddam anymore? MJ's escapades get more front page CNN time than Saddam. I think he expected the country to crown him the Hero of the Decade for his alleged "find"...which it seems to me was most likely staged......
I mean....they found Saddam in a little hole, in the dark, in the middle of nowhere......they found this guy, but they cant seem to find one single solitary weapon of mass distruction in the entire country? My bet is that here before the elections, Bush is going to very conveniently find some of those too.....whether they exist in reality, we will never know.
I think Bush has a 50/50 chance....but I also think that if he is re-elected its gonna get so bad and so ugly, that the US will be primed and ready for the shift in voter perspective that is on the not too distant horizon. The good ole boys are phasing out, and a more logical and open minded generation is about to become the driving force behind this country.......when that happens, I believe that violence and oppression of the people outright will be the only possible way to get someone like Bush into office ever again......
I wont vote Democrat, I think those guys are just as bad....maybe not as bad yet, but they are all cut from the same cloth. Not to mention it makes me ill to watch the news about the campaigning they are doing, and all I see are really old, really white, really sorry ass looking people wearing walking slacks and SAS shoes shaking hands with the candidates. It only reinforces my opinion....these losers are preaching to an ever diminishing crowd.
I say vote Green, they wont win, but at the very least you wont be contributing to the other assholes.