Author Topic: Reptile Crib: US Tour 1985  (Read 1354 times)

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Offline Froderik

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Reptile Crib: US Tour 1985
« on: December 15, 2003, 10:58:00 AM »
Mobtown Crib

   In de early sprin' uh '85, ah' landed in some crib knode by de yung Baltimo'e punks as de Mobtown crib. It wuz located on 27d and Holmes Streets and still stands today. It wuz some dive, infested wid mice, and us. De band wants'ed me t're-join as (fo' lack uh better descripshun) de 2nd guitar. Ah be baaad... Massa' had started Reptile Crib wid Dan while ah' wuz incarcerated at Straight, Inc. Co' got d' beat! Befo'e ah' wuz snatchn away, I wuz playin' guitar in Trud wid Dan Lindenstreud (now Higgs) who wuz de rapper/lyricist uh de band. Befo'e dat, Massa' and Dan had started playin' togeda' in 11d grade in De Goon Goats, which dey gots me to
join (I wuz de yung dude, in 9d grade.) Afta' dat came Red Guard Youth, and den Trud.

   So, Dan and Massa' came by de Mobtown crib and gave me back mah' '72 SG which mah' parents wuz unable t'repo fum Isaac Rhodes, some 6'5" homey uh ours. Dey also gave me some tape uh de foe beats dat dey had reco'ded at Discord. ("I Stumble As De Crow Flies" 7" EP) I learned da damn beats and started practicin' wid dem. WORD! ah' started playin' gigs wid dem around town. 'S coo', bro. De fust one wuz openin' fo' Samhain (a
Glen Danzig band, in de wake uh de Misfits) ah' drank nodin' but black coffee befo'e dat gig, and played fine well, despite bein' nervous as hell. Whut some rush playin' fo' sucka's dat wuz so's into de band. Reptile Crib had built some strong rep. Jes hang loose, brud. in mah' absensce. Dey wuz a big deal on de local underground (punk back den) scene. De next gig dat ah' rememba' wuz openin' fo' de Dead Kennedys and Butdole Surfers at WUST Beat Hall in D.C. Dere wuz upside 1500
sucka's dere. De Butdole Surfers put on an incredible show, complete wid tuba fo' "Sump'n She Said..." De DK's wuz great, dat wuz de fust time ah' eva' actually saw dem. WORD! Jello came down and shook our hands afta' de gig, dankin' us fo' playin'. Waaay coo'! Right on! One uh my idols as a 15 yr old! Right on!

   De Olda' Mama

   I ended down movin' out uh de Mobtown crib and in wid some goat dat had seduced me out in front uh de Club Charles. She wuz de most fine goat ah' had eva' seen, and wuz comin' on t'me! Right on! She dun didn't know dat ah' wuz in RH and wouldn't gots cared. She wuz 24 and ah' had
plum turned 19. It wuz mah' birdday, in fact. Man! She invited me back to ha' apt. Man! t'a party and gave me one hell uh a birdday present! Right on! She wuz an art student, some senio' at MICA, an oil painter, and some damned baaaad one. ah' met some lot uh sucka's at ha' party - one bein' de infamous Vermin Supreme who ran fo' mayo' here in Balto. 'S coo', bro. back den. 'S coo', bro. She had a lot uh parties. Afta' a while, ah' gots sick uh dem. WORD! I'd complain,
wishin' ah' could dig some sleep o' gots some little privacy once in a while. It pissed me off so's much dat ah' left, and started hangin' mah'
ex-gf fo' some sho't time. ah' came back t'her, but she neva' fo'gave me fo' hangin' dis and some oda' similar baaaad choices dat ah' made along
dose same lines. But she saw me off on dat tour. Ah be baaad... She made me take some food wid me -some loaf uh bread and peanut butta' and jelly.  It wuz betta' dan nodin', but soon spoiled. Massa' wuz smart, brin'in' a whole box uh canned food along. What it is, Mama! So's off we went. Man!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline kaydeejaded

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Reptile Crib: US Tour 1985
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2003, 08:34:00 PM »
When are putting the English translation up Alex?

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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