Author Topic: Julian Youth Academy employee arrested in death of baby  (Read 28089 times)

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Comments: "Woman accused of killing her infant let baby..."
« Reply #15 on: November 14, 2011, 01:46:33 PM »
Comments left for the above article, "Woman accused of killing her infant let baby girl die from neglect, detectives say" (by Sean Longoria, Scott Mobley; November 8, 2011; Record Searchlight), #s 121-135:

HomeinTrinity writes: November 9, 2011 6:27 a.m.
    In this country, 4 days after birth, it is considered murder. 4 days before birth, legal.... Something is truly wrong in this country.
JustALittleVoice writes: November 9, 2011 6:28 a.m.
    Sad, so very, very sad.
suku writes: November 9, 2011 7:51 a.m.
      in response to
      Julian Youth Academy workers found the baby in a pile of blankets in the staff dorm room, sheriff's logs said. An employee called authorities Sunday to report the find, but the baby was gone when she went to check.


      The employee who called authorities reported other employees had said they found the baby Friday evening. The baby appeared not to be fully developed and one of its arms was disfigured, sheriff's logs said.

      So others at this facility found/saw the baby on Friday and nobody called authorities until Sunday? What is wrong with the people that saw this little one on Friday? Why didn't THEY call on Friday? Almost makes it look like someone was trying to cover up this whole mess. Could be wrong, but sure looks odd.
    [/list][/size]If YOU had found a dead baby and it was gone when you took others to see it, how long would it take you to convince other people that you really did see what you saw?[/list]
    Prissy writes: November 9, 2011 7:59 a.m.
        in response to
        What if this girl were a cop and did this? You'd be in a real quandary then, wouldn't you, not knowing which of your holier-than-thou, dogmatic judgments to spew.
      [/list][/size]It wouldnt matter if she was the Pope. Murder is murder and she should be punished. My feeling is punishment should fit the crime, or match it![/list]
      suku writes: November 9, 2011 8 a.m.
          in response to
          I'd say she has a much more realistic idea of the true value of human life than most people do.
        [/list][/size]You think so? I think that's crazy, but not insane. So. You gonna try her value system? Please try to spend it on yourself first, see how it works out.[/list]
        famillerose writes: November 9, 2011 8:25 a.m.
          What a way to ruin your morning. So many families would give anything to have been able to raise this baby. I hope this mother rots in jail, she clearly has no conscience. Just had to write my feelings down, somehow it helps.
        33432 writes: November 9, 2011 9:34 a.m.
            in response to
            I personally worked there at Julian Youth Academy close to about a year ago. I knew this women as a coworker and knew her boyfriend pretty well. I understand her stress from working up there and having a baby. They express to you the sort of image you need to portray while employed there. I personally had a baby girl out of wed lock and was told to NEVER let any of the students know of my "sin". For her being so far away from home, renting out a small house way up in the woods, and having only this one job as her source of income. She would have lost it all if she told the truth. I'm not at all saying what she did was right. She is an intelligent adult and should have known that those kind of actions bring about these kind of reactions. I am almost guaranteed that she this sad sad state of affairs came about due to peer pressure.
          [/list][/size]So she was a victim of her situation/surroundings/circumstances?

          Quit trying to shift blame.[/list]
          nickotime writes: November 9, 2011 9:55 a.m.
            Think of all the suffering that a little guilt-free sex education, some family planning, and perhaps a little birth control would have saved. Even an abortion would have been far better than this.

            Two victims. Truly tragic.
          StalwartVet writes: November 9, 2011 1:18 p.m.
              in response to
              Julian Youth Academy workers found the baby in a pile of blankets in the staff dorm room, sheriff's logs said. An employee called authorities Sunday to report the find, but the baby was gone when she went to check.


              The employee who called authorities reported other employees had said they found the baby Friday evening. The baby appeared not to be fully developed and one of its arms was disfigured, sheriff's logs said.

              So others at this facility found/saw the baby on Friday and nobody called authorities until Sunday? What is wrong with the people that saw this little one on Friday? Why didn't THEY call on Friday? Almost makes it look like someone was trying to cover up this whole mess. Could be wrong, but sure looks odd.
            [/list][/size]That is very possible. If you read my post before this one you will see I was forced to "cover up" the fact I had a baby out of wed lock cause it was considered a "sin" and not a good example to the kids. Even though I was at the time happily married to the mother of my beautiful daughter and still am that didn't matter.[/list]
            StalwartVet writes: November 9, 2011 2:26 p.m.
                in response to
                So she was a victim of her situation/surroundings/circumstances?

                Quit trying to shift blame.
              [/list][/size]I believe I stated clearly that I in no way condone her action nor am I trying to place the blame of her crime on anyone else. I stated "I'm not at all saying what she did was right. She is an intelligent adult and should have known that those kind of actions bring about these kind of reactions." To assume I am trying to shift blame is simply outrageous.[/list]
              unknown7 writes: November 9, 2011 2:53 p.m.
                this is absolutely disgusting and sad!!! why don't people know that there are safe surrender locations you can drop a baby of safely no questions asked.
              missthing writes: November 9, 2011 2:56 p.m.
                Poor baby girl.. If this mother had done this in Florida, she would have gotten a slap on the wrist. Hope she enjoys prison.
              neverver writes: November 9, 2011 4:39 p.m.
                  in response to
                  Why I even read these comments is beyond me! Redding people so quick to judge. Maybe this girl was scared? Maybe this girl was raped? Maybe she had no support system via Family or this so called "Christian" boarding school. PUt yourself in her shoes, would you have made the "right" choice? Article says baby was stillborn with a deformed arm. Apparently "god" interevened...get off your high horses and soap boxes for once!!!
                [/list][/size]No she was not raped she had a boyfriend of 3 years whom she loved... didnt you read it? It was his baby. and there was nothing wrong with the program at all it was christian and it was a greta place. and she had a HUGE support system. stop trying to stand up for a girl who was completely in the wrong[/list]
                Mephistopheles writes: November 10, 2011 6:20 a.m.
                    in response to
                    You think so? I think that's crazy, but not insane. So. You gonna try her value system? Please try to spend it on yourself first, see how it works out.
                  [/list][/size]Oh, I don't need to do a thing. Mother Nature is going to remind humans of their actual worth soon enough :)

                  But I already know that human life has no actual, objective value - only a subjective one. And if/when I die, I'd hardly be a position to bemoan my fate, right? So of course the same reasoning applies to me.

                  People who don't deal in facts and logic are the crazy ones.[/list]
                  B3 writes: November 11, 2011 9:21 p.m.
                    Jessica herself was also adopted.You really could have done different. This would not be the first baby(child) on campus.We all are born imperfect for now and some just show their handicap more than others. All of us have a hart. 98% of the students love children and some of the staff.Better training to staff and less pressure would have resulted different. The final judge will be God.Staff and these young adolecences will need counceling and help. These "troubled teens" have been through enough. They are there to heal and go on with life not more drama.

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                  « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                  Offline Pile of Dead Kids

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                  Re: Julian Youth Academy employee arrested for killing baby
                  « Reply #16 on: November 14, 2011, 06:03:14 PM »
                  I seriously wasn't expecting to put a fucking four-day-old baby in the Pile.
                  « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
                  ...Sergey Blashchishen, James Shirey, Faith Finley, Katherine Rice, Ashlie Bunch, Brendan Blum, Caleb Jensen, Alex Cullinane, Rocco Magliozzi, Elisa Santry, Dillon Peak, Natalynndria Slim, Lenny Ortega, Angellika Arndt, Joey Aletriz, Martin Anderson, James White, Christening Garcia, Kasey Warner, Shirley Arciszewski, Linda Harris, Travis Parker, Omega Leach, Denis Maltez, Kevin Christie, Karlye Newman, Richard DeMaar, Alexis Richie, Shanice Nibbs, Levi Snyder, Natasha Newman, Gracie James, Michael Owens, Carlton Thomas, Taylor Mangham, Carnez Boone, Benjamin Lolley, Jessica Bradford's unnamed baby, Anthony Parker, Dysheka Streeter, Corey Foster, Joseph Winters, Bruce Staeger, Kenneth Barkley, Khalil Todd, Alec Lansing, Cristian Cuellar-Gonzales, Janaia Barnhart, a DRA victim who never even showed up in the news, and yet another unnamed girl at Summit School...

                  Offline Ursus

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                  Infant found; mother jailed; deputies say 4-day-old baby die
                  « Reply #17 on: November 14, 2011, 07:05:18 PM »
                  The Record Searchlight
                  UPDATED: Infant found; mother jailed; deputies say 4-day-old baby died of neglect

                  By Sean Longoria, Scott Mobley
                  Posted November 8, 2011 at 11:38 p.m., updated November 9, 2011 at 3:31 p.m.

                  Bradford says she she didn't tell anyone, including her boyfriend, that she was pregnant.

                  Shasta County Sheriff's deputies have arrested a woman who they said let her 4-day-old daughter die from neglect.

                  Investigators found the baby girl's body Sunday afternoon at the Julian Youth Academy in the 12000 block of Tintagel Lane in Whitmore after a school employee alerted authorities.

                  Deputies on Monday arrested the infant's mother, 23-year-old Jessica Bradford, on suspicion of murder and willful harm to a child. She was arraigned this afternoon in Shasta County Superior Court, but did not enter a plea. She is scheduled to return to court on Nov. 16 for further arraignment.

                  Sheriff's detectives said Tuesday that Bradford gave birth to the girl in mid-September and that the baby died about four days later.

                  Bradford initially told a detective the baby was stillborn but later admitted the girl lived for four days, sheriff's Sgt. Steve Grashoff said.

                  Bradford told detectives she hadn't told anybody — including her boyfriend of three years — that she was pregnant, Grashoff said.

                  She said she thought about giving the baby up for adoption but chose not to, deputies said.

                  Bradford kept the baby in a vacant residence on campus and would occasionally check on it, Grashoff said. She continued to go to work, see her boyfriend and drove to Redding at least twice for personal business, he said.

                  She told Detective Brian Jackson she didn't feed the baby and tried to give the girl water when she cried, Grashoff said.

                  "She did not want to tell her boyfriend about the baby because she did not want to affect his life and her life," Grashoff said in a news release.

                  Bradford kept the infant hidden in a laundry basket in her room for about a month and a half after the girl died, Grashoff said.

                  She moved the girl's body into a utility closet Friday after realizing someone may have seen the body, according to the Sheriff's Office.

                  Julian Youth Academy workers found the baby in a pile of blankets in the staff dorm room, sheriff's logs said.

                  An employee called authorities Sunday to report the find, but the baby was gone when she went to check.

                  The employee who called authorities reported other employees had said they found the baby Friday evening.

                  The baby appeared not to be fully developed and one of its arms was disfigured, sheriff's logs said.

                  Grashoff said the baby was in a mummified state of decomposition but was fully developed.

                  Bradford was a Julian Youth Academy employee, said Phil Ludwig, academy director.

                  He declined to elaborate on her position at the Southern California-based, private Christian boarding school for troubled teens.

                  "This had nothing to do with the school," Ludwig said. "This was a private residence she rented; it did not directly involve the school in any way."

                  Grashoff said Bradford is from the El Cajon area in Southern California.

                  She entered the Julian Youth Academy at 17 and stayed on as an employee after graduating, he said.

                  "We're very sad at the possible event that took place," Ludwig said. "Other than that, we don't know what happened, and we don't want to guess at it."

                  Bradford is being held in Shasta County jail on $1 million bail.

                  © 2011 Record Searchlight.
                  « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                  Offline Ursus

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                  Comments: "Infant found; mother jailed; deputies say..."
                  « Reply #18 on: November 14, 2011, 07:20:52 PM »
                  The comments start to get a lil more unkind for this second Record Searchlight article...

                  Comments left for the above article, "Infant found; mother jailed; deputies say 4-day-old baby died of neglect" (by Sean Longoria, Scott Mobley; November 8/9, 2011; Record Searchlight), #s 1-20:

                  Cycotron writes: November 9, 2011 midnight
                    This means that she stashed the dead baby for over a month! SICK!
                  Lillybee writes: November 9, 2011 12:17 a.m.
                    I think that there was a lot going on under the surface that we do not know about.
                  pv96087 writes: November 9, 2011 12:42 a.m.
                    As a mother and grandmother it is impossible for me to wrap my head around the tragic end to the short life of this innocent baby... I can honestly say I do NOT know any 23-year-old woman that would not seek medical attention for their newborn or keep their dead baby in a laundry basket for a month and a half...

                    Disturbing and sad beyond words...
                  thumper6977 writes: November 9, 2011 12:57 a.m.
                    Pretty disgusting if I must say so. I can just see Hollywood coming after this one for a movie.
                  suvrocks writes: November 9, 2011 4:05 a.m.
                    This woman obviously has no feelings of guilt - a typical sign of meth abuser. I wonder if we will know if she is/was a meth user. Once meth kills that part of the brain, it will not recover, and all you get is apathy. So very sad - this woman NEEDS to be sterilized - as do most meth users.
                  overlyconcerned writes: November 9, 2011 4:11 a.m.
                    (This comment was removed by the site staff.)[/list]
                    Equine_Fuselage writes: November 9, 2011 4:17 a.m.
                        in response to
                        I think that there was a lot going on under the surface that we do not know about.
                      [/list][/size]Appareantly. For someone to ignore their pregnancy, not tell anyone, not feed your infant and hide the body for over a month! Yep, I'd say there's more to it..

                      For me though, this is so disturbing I feel no need to defend this situation or want to know more about her "insanity" or how horrible her life was. Even Crocodiles take care of their babies, and they are acting off instinct. This girl doesn't even have natural affection that cold blooded reptiles display....[/list]
                      sdj writes: November 9, 2011 5:41 a.m.
                        Man, this just sickens me so much. I cannot fathom how (especially a mother) or anyone could do this to a baby or anyone. There is just no reason for it.

                        She could have dropped the baby off at some hospital, fire station or church and left,without getting into any kind of trouble.

                        If all the evidence comes out to show what this article states as what happened then I hope they throw the stinking book at her!
                      Pot_Hater2 writes: November 9, 2011 5:49 a.m.
                        Nothing good is going to come of this.
                        Hope RS does this story justice, in future reporting.

                        SICK, SICK, SICK!!
                      sailorgirl writes: November 9, 2011 6:20 a.m.
                        "The baby appeared not to be fully developed and one of its arms was disfigured, sheriff's logs said.

                        Grashoff said the baby was in a mummified state of decomposition but was fully developed"

                        Which was it??

                        Poor baby, suffered for 4 days....I am going to be a grandmother soon, this story makes me cry.
                      sdj writes: November 9, 2011 6:38 a.m.
                          in response to
                          "The baby appeared not to be fully developed and one of its arms was disfigured, sheriff's logs said.

                          Grashoff said the baby was in a mummified state of decomposition but was fully developed"

                          Which was it??

                          Poor baby, suffered for 4 days....I am going to be a grandmother soon, this story makes me cry.
                        [/list][/size]Exactly what I was thinking.

                        It seems that this story has changed back and forth from murder to stillborn and back to murder.

                        I am too, so upset that anyone would harm and kill someone in the manner in which this article states. Complete torture![/list]
                        livelife writes: November 9, 2011 6:41 a.m.
                          As a mother I can not imagine giving birth to a child and not doing everything in my power to care for it! It truly makes me sick that someone could allow a baby to grow inside them for 9mon just to be the reason it doesnt live. This woman needs some serious HELP
                        worthlessvet writes: November 9, 2011 6:45 a.m.
                          A sad and disturbing story. Just another example of what progressive liberalism has done for our children and young adults...
                        Evadar writes: November 9, 2011 7:05 a.m.
                            in response to
                            This woman obviously has no feelings of guilt - a typical sign of meth abuser. I wonder if we will know if she is/was a meth user. Once meth kills that part of the brain, it will not recover, and all you get is apathy. So very sad - this woman NEEDS to be sterilized - as do most meth users.
                          [/list][/size]That's what you get out of this story?!?!? What world are you from?[/list]
                          ZombieNurse writes: November 9, 2011 7:08 a.m.
                            Under CA state law she has 10 days after the baby is born to surrender the baby to a safe haven (hospital, fire dept, etc) without question. Why didn't she take the baby to an ER, or a church?
                          TheKid writes: November 9, 2011 7:22 a.m.
                            Makes me wonder what kind of youth academy this is. How did she come away from it without the ability to make proper decisions? How do you hide a pregnancy from everyone including the boyfriend? Sounds like others are not divulging information. Post Partum?
                          cupcakelover writes: November 9, 2011 7:26 a.m.
                            can already feel the insanity plea coming... This isn't insanity, it's just plain evil!!!
                          sdj writes: November 9, 2011 7:26 a.m.
                              in response to
                              Under CA state law she has 10 days after the baby is born to surrender the baby to a safe haven (hospital, fire dept, etc) without question. Why didn't she take the baby to an ER, or a church?
                            [/list][/size]Only 10 days after the baby is born? I thought it was, whenever. It should be at any stage of development, in my opinion. Only because, I think, that if someone feels they can no longer care for a child, or they are on the verge of snapping or whatever, there would be no fear of prosecution if they then decide to throw in the towel and drop off the child. I think that would best help the child from harm. But then again, it didn't seem to help in this case....[/list]
                            Tammohawk writes: November 9, 2011 7:31 a.m.
                                in response to
                                This woman obviously has no feelings of guilt - a typical sign of meth abuser. I wonder if we will know if she is/was a meth user. Once meth kills that part of the brain, it will not recover, and all you get is apathy. So very sad - this woman NEEDS to be sterilized - as do most meth users.
                              [/list][/size]Studies have proven that women who are meth users do not bond w/their children like women who are not meth users. So your comment has merit if she was a former meth user, or a current user.
                              As a mother and a woman who lost 4 babies due to miscarriages, this just makes me sick to my stomach. I cannot fathom how anyone can do this. It angers me also. I wanted more children but was unable to. And she took her reproductive ability for granted. Disgusting.[/list]
                              lakester writes: November 9, 2011 7:34 a.m.
                                She did not want this to affect their lives? What is this a real late term abortion?

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                              « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                              Comments: "Infant found; mother jailed; deputies say..."
                              « Reply #19 on: November 14, 2011, 08:15:50 PM »
                              Comments left for the above article, "Infant found; mother jailed; deputies say 4-day-old baby died of neglect" (by Sean Longoria, Scott Mobley; November 8/9, 2011; Record Searchlight), #s 21-40:

                              lulubert5 writes: November 9, 2011 7:38 a.m.
                                As a mother and grandmother, I am sickened. I have a beautiful, loving daughter who is unable to have children. She would have been a loving, caring mother to this child. I am at a loss for words. And believe me, that's unusual for me!
                              pag writes: November 9, 2011 7:42 a.m.
                                What was the owner and staff of this christian boarding school for troubled teens doing for the month? Needs to be shut down.
                              suku writes: November 9, 2011 7:44 a.m.
                                  in response to
                                  "The baby appeared not to be fully developed and one of its arms was disfigured, sheriff's logs said.

                                  Grashoff said the baby was in a mummified state of decomposition but was fully developed"

                                  Which was it??

                                  Poor baby, suffered for 4 days....I am going to be a grandmother soon, this story makes me cry.
                                [/list][/size]"The baby appeared not to be fully developed and one of its arms was disfigured, sheriff's logs said."

                                This statement was made by the people who found the baby. The baby was NOT stillborn, nor deformed. She was fully developed (whole), starved of all nourishment and passed away. She was kept for over a month after death and when she was found, she was in a "mummified state of decomposition," which, with only a brief glimpse, can appear to be a newly dead baby with deformities.[/list]
                                JKBlunt writes: November 9, 2011 8:05 a.m.
                                  There are several hospitals and authorities to leave a baby with anonymously without repercussions. Unfortunately, she will pay for this action the rest of her life.

                                  A baby neglected for four days, left to starve to death, how sad. I can't even imagine being pregnant and no one knew. I am a mother and grandmother. This is heartbreaking and now neither family or the boyfriend will ever know the joys of being a (grand)parent to this baby.
                                sweetdreams1226 writes: November 9, 2011 8:27 a.m.
                                  Criminally, Mentally, Morally INSANE. In this day and age all she would have had to do was drop the baby off at one of the hospitals on one of her trips to town, no questions asked. Guess her life is affected now, I can only hope karma isn't kind.
                                MyBad writes: November 9, 2011 8:46 a.m.
                                  "She told Detective Brian Jackson she didn't feed the baby and tried to give the girl water when she cried, Grashoff said."

                                  This woman should be put away for life! If she wasn't feeding it why try to give it water! What kind of person does this?? It sounds like she's completely insane to do what she did! I really feel that is she pleads insanity it would stick. Only an insane person would leave the child like that, still give it water, and then keep the body for who knows how long if it hadn't been discovered! I don't think she even realized it was a little human being!

                                  She stated she didn't want to give it up for adoption and she kept it after it died. There has got to be mental instability with this, and not just because of the meth.
                                JohnDixon writes: November 9, 2011 8:56 a.m.
                                  I can't even begin to get my thoughts around this action.
                                sealaughing writes: November 9, 2011 8:57 a.m.
                                  To those who are wondering about the baby's development: the Sheriff's logs reflect what was reported to the Sheriff. Since the baby was mummified, a person without knowledge of forensics might erroneously report that the baby appeared undeveloped, especially if it was neglected & dehydrated prior to death. Upon investigation, the Sheriffs Dept. clearly found the baby to be fully developed. The Record Searchlight is not always known for the clarity of their reporting, hence the confusion.

                                  As to assuming the mother was a meth user: perhaps, but some forms of mental illness could have led to this tragic result as well. Time will tell; wait for the facts before speculating. This is how gossip and misinformation are spread.
                                crzyppl writes: November 9, 2011 10 a.m.
                                  She is a sick and disgusting person. I have not an ounce of sympathy for this girl. I just feel saddened knowing that this baby suffered for that long. Only wanting food and love from its mother. As a parent, this girl sickens me. Punishment to the fullest and harshest degree needs to be taken in situations like this. What is it with all these girls killing their babies for their boyfriends?? What a horrible person...
                                outoftouchwithreality writes: November 9, 2011 10:12 a.m.
                                  And the boyfriend didn't know she was pregnant?
                                  I do not believe that. He should be investigated as well.
                                gungal writes: November 9, 2011 10:21 a.m.
                                  There is so much in this story to be disturbed by.
                                  Pretty much any new born thats needs are NOT being met is going YELL bloody murder(no pun) they are LOUD. For at least two days she screamed off and on and No one noticed(Baby girl would have become exhausted and dehydrated and weak) or heard the noise coming from an empty place? Whitmore at the end of Sept? In a vacant apartment? Cold!

                                  Jessica is SICK to keep Baby girl a secret from everyone even the father.
                                  That takes me to my other thought...Jessica is not fat how did she hide her belly for the last 2 months?
                                  The father of Baby girl. If he really had no idea what his evil GF was doing?
                                  Then I feel sorry for him he lost his daughter at the hands of her "mother" in a slow torment and stavation. He must be so ashamed to be associated with her.

                                  All she had to do was set her down at a safe drop and walk away or chose a couple that would have been beside themselves with joy and love...but she "but chose not to".

                                  So SICK, SO Creepy,..TWISTED. SO Pathetic that this woman was so concerned for keeping her lifestyle and that of her bf the same that she was willing to kill her own Baby girl to keep it.
                                HotGirl writes: November 9, 2011 10:59 a.m.
                                  We have a law in this State where you can go drop your baby off at any hospital and legally walk away from it with no questions asked. Instead of starving this child, she should have put it in the car and gone to the nearest hospital. By law, they cannot even ask her name, but she chose to kill the baby instead!

                                  We have these laws for a reason. It's for Mothers like this who do not want anyone to know they birthed a baby. I don't understand how anyone could sit by and watch a baby suffer. Clearly, she didn't feed it, bathe it, warm it, soothe it when it cried, up or do anything a normal human being would do for a baby.

                                  This girl deserves to be punished to the fullest extent! She is not some 15 year old who is hiding from Mommy and Daddy. Even those underage girls can legally drop a baby off at any hospital. This girl at 23, knew she was breaking the law and chose to murder her own child. I say lock her up and deprive her of basic necessities! Many people in this world would have loved to have raised her little girl who is now deceased!
                                GODISGOOD writes: November 9, 2011 11:23 a.m.
                                  wow... After having a stillborn baby girl myself at the age of 21, I feel sick to even think that someone could do this to thier child! There are so many mothers and fathers who would love to have a baby! I would have given anything to have my baby live and this is what she does with her precious gift from God! what a shame. Lil Baby girl Go fly with the Angels and my baby girl in Heaven.
                                Odious writes: November 9, 2011 11:28 a.m.
                                    in response to
                                    Appareantly. For someone to ignore their pregnancy, not tell anyone, not feed your infant and hide the body for over a month! Yep, I'd say there's more to it..

                                    For me though, this is so disturbing I feel no need to defend this situation or want to know more about her "insanity" or how horrible her life was. Even Crocodiles take care of their babies, and they are acting off instinct. This girl doesn't even have natural affection that cold blooded reptiles display....
                                  [/list][/size]Crocodiles have been known to be cannibalistic, this includes eating their young.

                                  Animals can be cruel, situations such as this serve to remind me we are still animals. Perhaps someday we can rise above, but this is still the jungle for the time being. Our existence much like any other animal is beautiful and terrible simultaneously.[/list]
                                  Odious writes: November 9, 2011 11:37 a.m.
                                      in response to
                                      A sad and disturbing story. Just another example of what progressive liberalism has done for our children and young adults...
                                    [/list][/size]Oh yes this is a recent thing, all though it is an atrocity Human history is littered with the corpses of children and babies. Go ahead and try to connect it to your political talking points though, you would not be the first to politicize a dead baby, and you won't be the last.[/list]
                                    Cynicalone writes: November 9, 2011 12:15 p.m.
                                        in response to
                                        She is a sick and disgusting person. I have not an ounce of sympathy for this girl. I just feel saddened knowing that this baby suffered for that long. Only wanting food and love from its mother. As a parent, this girl sickens me. Punishment to the fullest and harshest degree needs to be taken in situations like this. What is it with all these girls killing their babies for their boyfriends?? What a horrible person...
                                      [/list][/size]What disgusts me even worse is everyone like you one here who feels they have a right to judge someone they no nothing about except whats printed in the paper along with a picture. Enjoy your drama, there will plenty more for you to be angry about tomorrow. I guess we can count this as your contribution to society since you have nothing to offer.[/list]
                                      sidekick writes: November 9, 2011 12:28 p.m.
                                        Very strong and powerful emotions throughout our community regarding this article..!!!!
                                        I have been sitting here in front of my computer, trying to express MY personal opinion for quite some time now and I can honestly say this: I, along with many other folks who have read and responded to this horrible, inexcusable crime, am feeling an overwhelming degree of ANGER!!!! It's very hard for me to not let that ANGER override/take control of my thoughts while posting this comment....
                                        The part that I really want to comment on is, when, Jessica Bradford made the comment, "She did not want to tell her boyfriend about the baby because she did not want to affect his life and her life," that just sickens me.....!!
                                        I do know this....Next time, KEEP YOUR STINKIN' LEGS CLOSED....if you don't want to take the CHANCE of becoming pregnant!!!!
                                        Oh, and one final note....So, Ms. Bradford, Did this decision affect you/boyfriends life??
                                        You should have just done the right thing....You surely wouldn't be sitting in county jail facing murder charges now would you????!!!
                                      Prancer3 writes: November 9, 2011 12:38 p.m.
                                        If she didn't want this little baby to "affect their lives"...then don't have sex, idiot. This girl is so beyond evil it is ridiculous. And no conscience either. Forget trying the insanity thing too...she had the presence of mind to hide the little body...which tells us she knew what she did was wrong. That little baby is in a much better place Heaven with Jesus and no longer at the mercy of a monster. I hope part of her court ordering is to get fixed so NO other little baby suffers like this one did. Poor little thing.
                                      buster6 writes: November 9, 2011 12:42 p.m.
                                          in response to
                                          What disgusts me even worse is everyone like you one here who feels they have a right to judge someone they no nothing about except whats printed in the paper along with a picture. Enjoy your drama, there will plenty more for you to be angry about tomorrow. I guess we can count this as your contribution to society since you have nothing to offer.
                                        [/list][/size]So somewhere in this article you have found that kind words for this young lady would be what? the right thing. NOT!!!

                                        Not with all the hospitals that this child could have been taken to. But to starve your baby and to throw it in a laundry ben like a pair of dirty socks is disgusting, whether she was mentally unstable or completely insane, or sane.
                                        Including abortion, and I do not agree with abortion as a birth control, but it was an option through planned parenthood.

                                        No excuse for this and she should be treated the same as her child. No food, no clothing, nothing until she shrivels up and dies.[/list]
                                        Equine_Fuselage writes: November 9, 2011 1:39 p.m.
                                            in response to
                                            Crocodiles have been known to be cannibalistic, this includes eating their young.

                                            Animals can be cruel, situations such as this serve to remind me we are still animals. Perhaps someday we can rise above, but this is still the jungle for the time being. Our existence much like any other animal is beautiful and terrible simultaneously.
                                          [/list][/size]Any animal has been known to cannibalize, abandon or reject their offspring. You failed to see the point that we have the ability to reason and have compassion, and have options to avoid horrific situations such as this.

                                          In general a cold blooded reptile is above her actions...[/list]

                                          © 2011 Record Searchlight.
                                          « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                          Offline Ursus

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                                          Comments: "Infant found; mother jailed; deputies say..."
                                          « Reply #20 on: November 14, 2011, 08:21:54 PM »
                                          Comments left for the above article, "Infant found; mother jailed; deputies say 4-day-old baby died of neglect" (by Sean Longoria, Scott Mobley; November 8/9, 2011; Record Searchlight), #s 41-60:

                                          Cynicalone writes: November 9, 2011 2:04 p.m.
                                              in response to
                                              So somewhere in this article you have found that kind words for this young lady would be what? the right thing. NOT!!!

                                              Not with all the hospitals that this child could have been taken to. But to starve your baby and to throw it in a laundry ben like a pair of dirty socks is disgusting, whether she was mentally unstable or completely insane, or sane.
                                              Including abortion, and I do not agree with abortion as a birth control, but it was an option through planned parenthood.

                                              No excuse for this and she should be treated the same as her child. No food, no clothing, nothing until she shrivels up and dies.
                                            [/list][/size]So you pretty much reiterrated the reason why I had to make my point. Its obvious you know nothing about mental illness, her or her family, and generally look for things to bother your self about. Gee I hope you dont call yourself a christian, Id have to lose even more respect for you. Funny thing is, I still wouldnt judge. Your hostility must eat you inside, its a very difficult way to live, good luck with that.[/list]
                                            Cynicalone writes: November 9, 2011 2:33 p.m.
                                              (This comment was removed by the site staff.)[/list]
                                              Roxi writes: November 9, 2011 2:37 p.m.
                                                I am curious as to what her family and the father of this baby are feeling. I mean really the damage is done I know there isn't anything that will bring her back but because she said she "didn't want the baby to affect their lives" I want to know why she felt that. Did the father say or threaten her over getting pregnant in the past, did her family? Not that it would change that what she did was a horrible horrible thing to do because I couldn't handle knowing my baby was cold and hungry, what a piece of garbage she is and she totally deserves what that baby had to deal with no food, warmth, or any kind of care. But anyway just wondering about the thoughts of those around her. Oh and I don't care if she had a mental illness, just because she had said she thought about putting the baby up for adoption and decided to keep her and killed her she was well enough to know she had choices.
                                              Cynicalone writes: November 9, 2011 3:03 p.m.
                                                  in response to
                                                  A sad and disturbing story. Just another example of what progressive liberalism has done for our children and young adults...
                                                [/list][/size]Just wanted to clarify that us "progressive liberals" eat our children to spare them the suffering of living in a republican dicatorship full of Faux news, Limbaugh, Beck, and other people like yourself you like to spin every story to meet your hateful agenda. Have a nice day, Im going to turn on NPR, there is a cooking segment coming up! :) [/list]
                                                mrbootyscratcher writes: November 9, 2011 3:41 p.m.
                                                  "An employee called authorities Sunday to report the find, but the baby was gone when she went to check.

                                                  The employee who called authorities reported other employees had said they found the baby Friday evening."

                                                  Why did they wait 2 days to report this?
                                                malibu1369 writes: November 9, 2011 3:59 p.m.
                                                    in response to
                                                    This woman obviously has no feelings of guilt - a typical sign of meth abuser. I wonder if we will know if she is/was a meth user. Once meth kills that part of the brain, it will not recover, and all you get is apathy. So very sad - this woman NEEDS to be sterilized - as do most meth users.
                                                  [/list][/size]Zzzzz. Really? And where in hell in this story does it say this woman is a meth user? Are you so far gone in your own little teeny world that this is always your response? Sadly, there are many countries that practice forced sterilization. Maybe you should move to one of them and leave us patriots that believe in our constitution.[/list]
                                                  malibu1369 writes: November 9, 2011 4:05 p.m.
                                                      in response to
                                                      A sad and disturbing story. Just another example of what progressive liberalism has done for our children and young adults...
                                                    [/list][/size]ZZZzzz... Come on. Progressive Liberalism? Can you please define that as a technical, social term? Don't be an idiot. People have ALWAYS been people. We are all somewhere between good and bad, black and white. I am not at all perfect, are you? You may have not had the psychological problems that his woman obviously has but are you truly perfect, can you always cast the first stone?

                                                    Sadly this human, US and California citizen has been charged with murder and could get LWOP in a California prison. I doubt she was lying in wait with purpose and planning for this "crime".

                                                    This is a sad case that may well turn out to be about a human with a serious mental disability. Lighten up and stop blaming those you don't like, those you cannot even categorize...[/list]
                                                    Potato writes: November 9, 2011 4:11 p.m.
                                                        in response to
                                                        There is so much in this story to be disturbed by.
                                                        Pretty much any new born thats needs are NOT being met is going YELL bloody murder(no pun) they are LOUD. For at least two days she screamed off and on and No one noticed(Baby girl would have become exhausted and dehydrated and weak) or heard the noise coming from an empty place? Whitmore at the end of Sept? In a vacant apartment? Cold!

                                                        Jessica is SICK to keep Baby girl a secret from everyone even the father.
                                                        That takes me to my other thought...Jessica is not fat how did she hide her belly for the last 2 months?
                                                        The father of Baby girl. If he really had no idea what his evil GF was doing?
                                                        Then I feel sorry for him he lost his daughter at the hands of her "mother" in a slow torment and stavation. He must be so ashamed to be associated with her.

                                                        All she had to do was set her down at a safe drop and walk away or chose a couple that would have been beside themselves with joy and love...but she "but chose not to".

                                                        So SICK, SO Creepy,..TWISTED. SO Pathetic that this woman was so concerned for keeping her lifestyle and that of her bf the same that she was willing to kill her own Baby girl to keep it.
                                                      [/list][/size]"So SICK, SO Creepy,..TWISTED. SO Pathetic that this woman was so concerned for keeping her lifestyle and that of her bf the same that she was willing to kill her own Baby girl to keep it."

                                                      whats even sicker is people are doing this all the's called abortion![/list]
                                                      crzyppl writes: November 9, 2011 4:38 p.m.
                                                          in response to
                                                          What disgusts me even worse is everyone like you one here who feels they have a right to judge someone they no nothing about except whats printed in the paper along with a picture. Enjoy your drama, there will plenty more for you to be angry about tomorrow. I guess we can count this as your contribution to society since you have nothing to offer.
                                                        [/list][/size]Obviously you are under the impression that you are someone who is more educated and doesn't judge people based on their actions. I know what made you feel you are on a high horse today, but you are obviously out for a fight. You can come on here and lecture everyone for judging this "person" (a term I use loosely in this situation) yet you have done nothing but judge and criticize. The fact is that I don't care if she has a history of mental illness or abuse, the fact that she didn't tell anyone, tried to feed the baby water to stop it from crying, went out and did things as normal, and tried to dispose of the body after the poor little girl died, makes me think she knew what she was doing, but didn't care. I would feel the same way if this was my family, neighbor, best friend, or a stranger. The fact is that you’re an idiot for feeling you have the right to pass judgment on everyone else's statements while feeling yours are more realistic. The fact that something like this doesn't upset you makes me think you are the one who should not be posting on here. If YOU don't care, then shut up.
                                                        She admitted to doing all of these things. Meaning she thought them out had a plan and attempted to hide this, all on her own accord. She thought about giving the baby up but decided not to. Meaning she chose to let this baby suffer and die rather than giving to a facility that would take care of the baby and ask no questions. This in my book makes her a disgusting individual that deserves nothing less than what she gave.[/list]
                                                        lametrapper writes: November 9, 2011 5:15 p.m.
                                                          hopefully this blog will go away because it is an unimaginable act that i also cannot wrap my head around. i have to get off of this blog as i wont sleep tonight.
                                                        waganupawest writes: November 9, 2011 5:41 p.m.
                                                            in response to
                                                            A sad and disturbing story. Just another example of what progressive liberalism has done for our children and young adults...
                                                          [/list][/size]"progressive liberalism?" is responsible for creating that monster? How so?[/list]
                                                          beckyp writes: November 9, 2011 5:50 p.m.
                                                              in response to
                                                              A sad and disturbing story. Just another example of what progressive liberalism has done for our children and young adults...
                                                            [/list][/size]How does progressive liberalism have any connection with the fact that she MURDERED her baby. Murder and child abuse have been around a heck of a lot longer than liberalism. Hmmm, I sure don't see how politics is involved in this one... Leave your "worthless" comments elsewhere and stick to the point.[/list]
                                                            butterflylady writes: November 9, 2011 5:51 p.m.
                                                              What bothers me the most is the thought of a newborn baby so helpless to everything and yet she let it starve to death which has to be a terrible empty feeling in itself, not to mention how the body reacts when your organs are shutting down due to lack of food or water, you know she ate not only those 4 days but everyday since. She has an evil look about her lets only hope she meets even more evil.
                                                            overlyconcerned writes: November 9, 2011 6:10 p.m.
                                                              I love when these people leave their life info open for all to see. She clearly had no remorse with all the partying she was able to do even as her baby was dead in her laundry basket.

                                                            buster6 writes: November 9, 2011 6:13 p.m.
                                                                in response to
                                                                So you pretty much reiterrated the reason why I had to make my point. Its obvious you know nothing about mental illness, her or her family, and generally look for things to bother your self about. Gee I hope you dont call yourself a christian, Id have to lose even more respect for you. Funny thing is, I still wouldnt judge. Your hostility must eat you inside, its a very difficult way to live, good luck with that.
                                                              [/list][/size]Mental Illness???? Hello, I have a daughter that is border line special, and she would not do what this woman did. So don't go there and speak your holier than thou idealism.

                                                              And as far as judging, You seem to being doing quite well on your own. I have lost a son to SDS and for you that is called crib death. I would give my life for my child, not take my childs life.[/list]
                                                              suku writes: November 9, 2011 6:22 p.m.
                                                                  in response to
                                                                  How does progressive liberalism have any connection with the fact that she MURDERED her baby. Murder and child abuse have been around a heck of a lot longer than liberalism. Hmmm, I sure don't see how politics is involved in this one... Leave your "worthless" comments elsewhere and stick to the point.
                                                                [/list][/size]The original conservative was probably a parent practicing infanticide when given the choice between which child to feed from the last of the dwindling food supply. I am so glad humans have more or less evolved since then.

                                                                Though there do appear to be some major exceptions ...[/list]
                                                                suku writes: November 9, 2011 6:26 p.m.
                                                                    in response to
                                                                    Mental Illness???? Hello, I have a daughter that is border line special, and she would not do what this woman did. So don't go there and speak your holier than thou idealism.

                                                                    And as far as judging, You seem to being doing quite well on your own. I have lost a son to SDS and for you that is called crib death. I would give my life for my child, not take my childs life.
                                                                  [/list][/size]If her defense aims for a mental health evaluation, I say they need to start here.

                                                                  OnTarget writes: November 9, 2011 6:28 p.m.
                                                                      in response to
                                                                      What disgusts me even worse is everyone like you one here who feels they have a right to judge someone they no nothing about except whats printed in the paper along with a picture. Enjoy your drama, there will plenty more for you to be angry about tomorrow. I guess we can count this as your contribution to society since you have nothing to offer.
                                                                    [/list][/size]I find this girl's actions atrocious, and can only imagine that mental illness is the root cause. However, her actions are no less abominable.

                                                                    What I find ironic is all the "mothers" posting here about their disgust for this girl. Surely she has a mother, or had one at some time, and I wonder how she feels. If you have such compassion for an infant as a mother, shouldn't you have some motherly feelings for a young girl who's clearly out of it?[/list]
                                                                    gungal writes: November 9, 2011 7:21 p.m.
                                                                      Sociopath plain and simple.
                                                                      She needs her tubes tide tightly or put and put away for a LONG LONG time.
                                                                    Anothercynic writes: November 9, 2011 7:37 p.m.
                                                                        in response to
                                                                        Sociopath plain and simple.
                                                                        She needs her tubes tide tightly or put and put away for a LONG LONG time.
                                                                      [/list][/size]Must be looking in the mirror.[/list]

                                                                      © 2011 Record Searchlight.
                                                                      « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                                                      Offline Ursus

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                                                                      Comments: "Infant found; mother jailed; deputies say..."
                                                                      « Reply #21 on: November 14, 2011, 08:33:50 PM »
                                                                      Comments left for the above article, "Infant found; mother jailed; deputies say 4-day-old baby died of neglect" (by Sean Longoria, Scott Mobley; November 8/9, 2011; Record Searchlight), #s 61-80:

                                                                      KatzMeow writes: November 9, 2011 8:27 p.m.
                                                                          in response to
                                                                          This woman obviously has no feelings of guilt - a typical sign of meth abuser. I wonder if we will know if she is/was a meth user. Once meth kills that part of the brain, it will not recover, and all you get is apathy. So very sad - this woman NEEDS to be sterilized - as do most meth users.
                                                                        [/list][/size]When where you appointed judge and jury? You most certainly are not "God". You are not only ignorant but a sick individual yourself. You obviously have no knowledge about meth or the people that choose to use it. This poor child is not or was not in a sane and sound state of mind but that by no means says she's an addict. Without any kind of background history on this child there is no way for any of us to make viable honest judgements. I will pray for her and thank the dear Lord it's me or mine that is in such a horrible situation.[/list]
                                                                        sealaughing writes: November 9, 2011 8:37 p.m.
                                                                            in response to
                                                                            Sociopath plain and simple.
                                                                            She needs her tubes tide tightly or put and put away for a LONG LONG time.
                                                                          [/list][/size]So exactly where did you get your degree in psychology? Because I do have a bachelor's in psych, and this actually is a classic case of 'pregnancy denial'. Unfortunately, there has been little study into this phenomenon, but this girl meets all the criteria: hiding the pregnancy, refusing to inform the father, then refusing to care for the child afterward. Remember, what she says during interrogation may not actually represent her true state of mind; she might be saying what she thinks the police want to hear, since most of these women are extremely eager to please those in authority, and to preserve outward appearances. This girl is not thinking straight. Frankly, most sociopaths are smart enough to dispose of the body, so I have to disagree with your untutored diagnosis.[/list]
                                                                          phi1215 writes: November 9, 2011 8:45 p.m.
                                                                            I've never been to Whitmore, is there a hospital there? I am sure there is a CalFire or USFS fire station there, but it's possible to not think about one of those places to take a baby, a lot of people might only think of an active city fire station....

                                                                            She could have maybe drop the kid off on a door step with a note like on tv, everyone has seen that, so you'd think that would be a better option.

                                                                            She must have serious mental issues.
                                                                          gungal writes: November 9, 2011 9:58 p.m.
                                                                              in response to
                                                                              So exactly where did you get your degree in psychology? Because I do have a bachelor's in psych, and this actually is a classic case of 'pregnancy denial'. Unfortunately, there has been little study into this phenomenon, but this girl meets all the criteria: hiding the pregnancy, refusing to inform the father, then refusing to care for the child afterward. Remember, what she says during interrogation may not actually represent her true state of mind; she might be saying what she thinks the police want to hear, since most of these women are extremely eager to please those in authority, and to preserve outward appearances. This girl is not thinking straight. Frankly, most sociopaths are smart enough to dispose of the body, so I have to disagree with your untutored diagnosis.
                                                                            [/list][/size]Nope intelegence is NOT listed in the description....
                                                                            a person, as a psychopathic personality, whose behavior is antisocial and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.[/list]
                                                                            gungal writes: November 9, 2011 9:59 p.m.
                                                                              oopps for the spellin natzi's
                                                                            HotGirl writes: November 9, 2011 10:05 p.m.
                                                                                in response to
                                                                                What disgusts me even worse is everyone like you one here who feels they have a right to judge someone they no nothing about except whats printed in the paper along with a picture. Enjoy your drama, there will plenty more for you to be angry about tomorrow. I guess we can count this as your contribution to society since you have nothing to offer.
                                                                              [/list][/size]You must be insane to write this to Crzyppl. We don't know her, but we do know that she killed a new baby! That is the truth! She has given the details of how she neglected a baby for 4 days. That wasn't imagined by Crzyppl. Your post had nothing to offer. Seems like you have major issue's. You must feel it is okay to go ahead and kill a human being if it's getting the way of your life. That's what this girl did. You have nothing to offer society Cynicalone. You just write nonsense to other people who have shown this baby more concern than her own Mother did! She is the victim. She was dependent on an adult to take care of her. She was deprived of that. She is the one who is dead! These reports that "disgust" you are straight from the Police who interrogated and arrested this monster! You act like this is all just gossip. The baby is dead! Quit wasting space with your ridiculous insults towards people who have real, logical opinions[/list]
                                                                              gungal writes: November 9, 2011 10:15 p.m.
                                                                                  in response to
                                                                                  So exactly where did you get your degree in psychology? Because I do have a bachelor's in psych, and this actually is a classic case of 'pregnancy denial'. Unfortunately, there has been little study into this phenomenon, but this girl meets all the criteria: hiding the pregnancy, refusing to inform the father, then refusing to care for the child afterward. Remember, what she says during interrogation may not actually represent her true state of mind; she might be saying what she thinks the police want to hear, since most of these women are extremely eager to please those in authority, and to preserve outward appearances. This girl is not thinking straight. Frankly, most sociopaths are smart enough to dispose of the body, so I have to disagree with your untutored diagnosis.
                                                                                [/list][/size]"This girl is not thinking straight"
                                                                                Huh girl? 23 yo? sounds like a woman not much of one.[/list]
                                                                                Lillybee writes: November 9, 2011 10:56 p.m.
                                                                                    in response to
                                                                                    So exactly where did you get your degree in psychology? Because I do have a bachelor's in psych, and this actually is a classic case of 'pregnancy denial'. Unfortunately, there has been little study into this phenomenon, but this girl meets all the criteria: hiding the pregnancy, refusing to inform the father, then refusing to care for the child afterward. Remember, what she says during interrogation may not actually represent her true state of mind; she might be saying what she thinks the police want to hear, since most of these women are extremely eager to please those in authority, and to preserve outward appearances. This girl is not thinking straight. Frankly, most sociopaths are smart enough to dispose of the body, so I have to disagree with your untutored diagnosis.
                                                                                  [/list][/size]I tend to agree with you. By saying that I am not excusing what she did. It was a horrible thing that she did and she should be punished.

                                                                                  I understand why she probably couldn't admit to herself that she was pregnant.

                                                                                  Her parents sent her to this school when she was 17 for whatever reason. This is a very conservative Christian "reform" school. For example, only Christian or classical music is allowed. Only Christian TV is allow. I am sure that they teach any physical contact before marriage is forbidden. After she finished the school, she was kept on as a staff member. Staff is also required to keep all the rules.

                                                                                  I don't believe that staff is allowed to drive into Redding alone and access to cars is limited.

                                                                                  I can understand why she hid the pregnancy and baby. I don't know she there was anyone that she could talk to about this.

                                                                                  IMHO this school knows more that they are saying.[/list]
                                                                                  right1baby writes: November 9, 2011 11:08 p.m.
                                                                                    she should not get life without parole. she deserves life with no food until she dies of starvation like that poor baby did. i don't understand these women who kill their babies. instead of teaching gay history, maybe schools should teach "DON'T KILL YOUR CHILDREN"
                                                                                  Transfer_Master writes: November 9, 2011 11:14 p.m.
                                                                                    WOW, I can't stand it when my puppy is hungry. HOW could ANYONE, just leave a BABY, in a basket, let it die. Again... WOW. The doorbell rings, a woman answers,,, A BABY! Our wish was granted! Let's Call it..... Happy endings to all.
                                                                                  Cynicalone writes: November 10, 2011 8:24 a.m.
                                                                                      in response to
                                                                                      You must be insane to write this to Crzyppl. We don't know her, but we do know that she killed a new baby! That is the truth! She has given the details of how she neglected a baby for 4 days. That wasn't imagined by Crzyppl. Your post had nothing to offer. Seems like you have major issue's. You must feel it is okay to go ahead and kill a human being if it's getting the way of your life. That's what this girl did. You have nothing to offer society Cynicalone. You just write nonsense to other people who have shown this baby more concern than her own Mother did! She is the victim. She was dependent on an adult to take care of her. She was deprived of that. She is the one who is dead! These reports that "disgust" you are straight from the Police who interrogated and arrested this monster! You act like this is all just gossip. The baby is dead! Quit wasting space with your ridiculous insults towards people who have real, logical opinions
                                                                                    [/list][/size]and Im the one with By the way those "logical opinions" are emotional reactions. Thanks for the laugh.[/list]
                                                                                    Cynicalone writes: November 10, 2011 8:33 a.m.
                                                                                        in response to
                                                                                        Mental Illness???? Hello, I have a daughter that is border line special, and she would not do what this woman did. So don't go there and speak your holier than thou idealism.

                                                                                        And as far as judging, You seem to being doing quite well on your own. I have lost a son to SDS and for you that is called crib death. I would give my life for my child, not take my childs life.
                                                                                      [/list][/size]Hey Buster, when you respond to response go ahead and read the previous thread. I never said she had any mental illness.
                                                                                      If its all the same, it doesnt matter what your daughter has, disease of the brain do not always predict behavior.
                                                                                      As far as my judgment, I would only condemn those who are taking issue with this woman. Funny how folks dont like the finger being pointed at them. I quite frankly dont care what anyone thinks of me on here. Ability to read, comprehend and empathize seems to be limited and apparent by the lack of questions being asked.[/list]
                                                                                      gungal writes: November 10, 2011 10:42 a.m.
                                                                                          in response to
                                                                                          Hey Buster, when you respond to response go ahead and read the previous thread. I never said she had any mental illness.
                                                                                          If its all the same, it doesnt matter what your daughter has, disease of the brain do not always predict behavior.
                                                                                          As far as my judgment, I would only condemn those who are taking issue with this woman. Funny how folks dont like the finger being pointed at them. I quite frankly dont care what anyone thinks of me on here. Ability to read, comprehend and empathize seems to be limited and apparent by the lack of questions being asked.
                                                                                        [/list][/size]"As far as my judgment, I would only condemn those who are taking issue with this woman"
                                                                                        LoL you are judging anyone who does not have your own twisted...judgment. LoL
                                                                                        As in:
                                                                                        "Ability to read, comprehend and empathize seems to be limited and apparent by the lack of questions being asked."

                                                                                        And why do you take the time to post that if you don't care what people think...why are you putting down everyone elses intelligence?[/list]
                                                                                        Cynicalone writes: November 10, 2011 11:29 a.m.
                                                                                            in response to
                                                                                            "As far as my judgment, I would only condemn those who are taking issue with this woman"
                                                                                            LoL you are judging anyone who does not have your own twisted...judgment. LoL
                                                                                            As in:
                                                                                            "Ability to read, comprehend and empathize seems to be limited and apparent by the lack of questions being asked."

                                                                                            And why do you take the time to post that if you don't care what people think...why are you putting down everyone elses intelligence?
                                                                                          [/list][/size]Wow a question! I will address this.

                                                                                          I am not judging anyone who doesnt share my point of view, that is an assumption on your part.It is fair to say that I am being extremely critical of those crying crocodile tears and condemning this woman based on what written in this story. They have no right to do so.
                                                                                          There is a very big difference between caring about what people think and caring what they think about me as I stated. I am only responding to the folks that have responded to me. It seems they are driven by emotions not intelligence since they keep reitterating the case, focusing on the suffering of the child, and cursing the woman with out having anything to add...except of course to make assumptions about my twisted judgement.[/list]
                                                                                          Vegigardener writes: November 10, 2011 12:27 p.m.
                                                                                            Hey wait a minute. This woman continued on with her work. She had the ability to fool everyone around her. She allowed her baby to languish for four days until this tiny baby girl died. She had the wherewithal to hide her daughter for weeks after she died.

                                                                                            So according to all you arm chair physiatrists she was so mentally ill she did not know what she was doing? However she was not so ill to continue on with her daily life as if nothing had happened?
                                                                                            Give me a break.

                                                                                            AT THE END OF THE DAY THE MOST INNOCENT DIED.
                                                                                          Cynicalone writes: November 10, 2011 1:06 p.m.
                                                                                            Thanks for repeating the facts in the case. Who is the armchair psychiatrist(s) you are referring to and you figured out the result of story all by yourself..congratulations.
                                                                                          rocksquatter writes: November 10, 2011 3:30 p.m.
                                                                                              in response to
                                                                                              This woman obviously has no feelings of guilt - a typical sign of meth abuser. I wonder if we will know if she is/was a meth user. Once meth kills that part of the brain, it will not recover, and all you get is apathy. So very sad - this woman NEEDS to be sterilized - as do most meth users.
                                                                                            [/list][/size]Well you're just a bundle of compassion and insigthfulness aren't you. Who do you think you are ...oh wait you've already demostrated that answer haven't you? You've already been the judge and the jury. Just one more task for you suvrocks....a little walk on water should do it for me. Meet you at the plunge and you can show me how rightous you really are (instead of how rightous you think you are...that I've already seen). Just a quick dash across the deep end will do in establishing you as the God you act like you believe you are.[/list]
                                                                                            rocksquatter writes: November 10, 2011 3:40 p.m.
                                                                                                in response to
                                                                                                If her defense aims for a mental health evaluation, I say they need to start here.

                                                                                    [/list][/list][/size]If you're citing wikipedia as a creditable source you have already failed to make your point.[/list]
                                                                                              Portia writes: November 10, 2011 4:52 p.m.
                                                                                                She could have brought the baby in to one of the local emergency room's and dropped her off with no questions asked...Sad.
                                                                                              thumper6977 writes: November 10, 2011 6:53 p.m.
                                                                                                I just got to wondering...WHO is the father? Is it her boyfriend that she was trying to hide it from? Was she trying to protect him? OR....

                                                                                                Where they afraid of having to pay child support for the next 18 years????

                                                                                              © 2011 Record Searchlight.
                                                                                              « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                                                                              Offline Awake

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                                                                                              Re: Julian Youth Academy employee arrested for killing baby
                                                                                              « Reply #22 on: November 14, 2011, 09:12:30 PM »
                                                                                              I’m not sure how to comment on this. There is not a word that properly emphasizes how disturbing this story is. How did Julian Youth Academy not notice their staff was hiding her pregnancy? She was able to hide the baby on campus, dehydrating and starving it to death, burying it on campus, and no one raised an eyebrow? Can this program retain any morality by suggesting it should remain operational in light of what was allowed to happen on their watch? Unfathomable.
                                                                                              « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

                                                                                              Offline Ursus

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                                                                                              Comments: "Infant found; mother jailed; deputies say..."
                                                                                              « Reply #23 on: November 14, 2011, 10:00:04 PM »
                                                                                              Comments left for the above article, "Infant found; mother jailed; deputies say 4-day-old baby died of neglect" (by Sean Longoria, Scott Mobley; November 8/9, 2011; Record Searchlight), #s 81-83:

                                                                                              thumper6977 writes: November 10, 2011 6:54 p.m.
                                                                                                (I hate auto-correct!)
                                                                                              Anothercynic writes: November 11, 2011 6:25 a.m.
                                                                                                  in response to
                                                                                                  she should not get life without parole. she deserves life with no food until she dies of starvation like that poor baby did. i don't understand these women who kill their babies. instead of teaching gay history, maybe schools should teach "DON'T KILL YOUR CHILDREN"
                                                                                                [/list][/size]Let me guess.....Fundamentalist Christian?[/list]
                                                                                                juniormint121 writes: November 14, 2011 2:30 p.m.
                                                                                                  you are hearing one side of the story the prosecutions . you havent heard her story or her families. you know nothing about this lady so keep your comments until you hear both sides

                                                                                                © 2011 Record Searchlight.
                                                                                                « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                                                                                Re: Julian Youth Academy employee arrested for killing baby
                                                                                                « Reply #24 on: November 14, 2011, 10:36:14 PM »
                                                                                                Quote from: "Awake"
                                                                                                I’m not sure how to comment on this. There is not a word that properly emphasizes how disturbing this story is. How did Julian Youth Academy not notice their staff was hiding her pregnancy? She was able to hide the baby on campus, dehydrating and starving it to death, burying it on campus, and no one raised an eyebrow? Can this program retain any morality by suggesting it should remain operational in light of what was allowed to happen on their watch? Unfathomable.
                                                                                                She never did bury it. She kept the baby hidden in a laundry basket for about a month and a half after she died, moving her at least once at some point due to discovery by one or more staff members.

                                                                                                A few comments by "StalwartVet" on one of these last two articles from the Record Searchlight lend some insight. StalwartVet was apparently a former coworker and also had a child out of wedlock, and saw fit to point out that the pressure and condemnation by Julian Youth Academy for being in said circumstances was really quite extreme. StalwartVet appears to be a male, and is now married to the mother of his child. I imagine the pressure on him would have been considerably less (than that possibly experienced by Jessica Bradford) given his gender and the nature of the conservative Christian teachings espoused by JYA. I don't know this for certain, this is strictly speculation on my part, but I tend to think it has some bearing.

                                                                                                Also having some bearing (imo) is the fact that Jessica Bradford was a former student at Julian Youth Academy. I'm not sure how much (if any) time intervened between that time and when she became a staff member, but I do think it may have had some impact on her reasoning skills and ability to parse the relative importance of certain difficult decisions. I'm not saying that it in any way excuses what she did, but I do think it has contextual importance. For all anyone knows, she may still be experiencing a prolonged state of PTSD along with all its warping and emotionally crippling effects. It may have been the case that, for Jessica Bradford, subjugation to the "therapeutic" milieu had no end in sight.

                                                                                                Just sayin'... and just my 2¢, fwiw...
                                                                                                « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                                                                                Re: Julian Youth Academy employee arrested for killing baby
                                                                                                « Reply #25 on: November 14, 2011, 10:43:57 PM »
                                                                                                Quote from: "Ursus"
                                                                                                A few comments by "StalwartVet" on one of these last two articles from the Record Searchlight lend some insight...
                                                                                                Two comments posted by StalwartVet:

                                                                                                  StalwartVet writes: November 9, 2011 12:31 a.m.
                                                                                                    I personally worked there at Julian Youth Academy close to about a year ago. I knew this women as a coworker and knew her boyfriend pretty well. I understand her stress from working up there and having a baby. They express to you the sort of image you need to portray while employed there. I personally had a baby girl out of wed lock and was told to NEVER let any of the students know of my "sin". For her being so far away from home, renting out a small house way up in the woods, and having only this one job as her source of income. She would have lost it all if she told the truth. I'm not at all saying what she did was right. She is an intelligent adult and should have known that those kind of actions bring about these kind of reactions. I am almost guaranteed that she this sad sad state of affairs came about due to peer pressure.
                                                                                                  StalwartVet writes: November 9, 2011 1:18 p.m.
                                                                                                      in response to
                                                                                                      Julian Youth Academy workers found the baby in a pile of blankets in the staff dorm room, sheriff's logs said. An employee called authorities Sunday to report the find, but the baby was gone when she went to check.


                                                                                                      The employee who called authorities reported other employees had said they found the baby Friday evening. The baby appeared not to be fully developed and one of its arms was disfigured, sheriff's logs said.

                                                                                                      So others at this facility found/saw the baby on Friday and nobody called authorities until Sunday? What is wrong with the people that saw this little one on Friday? Why didn't THEY call on Friday? Almost makes it look like someone was trying to cover up this whole mess. Could be wrong, but sure looks odd.
                                                                                                    [/list][/size]That is very possible. If you read my post before this one you will see I was forced to "cover up" the fact I had a baby out of wed lock cause it was considered a "sin" and not a good example to the kids. Even though I was at the time happily married to the mother of my beautiful daughter and still am that didn't matter.[/list][/list]
                                                                                                    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                                                                                    Sheriff: Shasta woman neglected newborn to death
                                                                                                    « Reply #26 on: November 15, 2011, 12:00:16 PM »
                                                                                                    The Sacramento Bee
                                                                                                    Sheriff: Shasta woman neglected newborn to death

                                                                                                    The Associated Press
                                                                                                    Published: Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2011 - 3:01 pm
                                                                                                    Last Modified: Wednesday, Nov. 9, 2011 - 4:02 pm

                                                                                                    REDDING, Calif. -- A Shasta County woman faces a possible murder charge after authorities said she neglected her newborn daughter for four days until the baby died.

                                                                                                    Sheriff's deputies arrested Jessica Bradford, 23, on Monday after the child's body was found in a dormitory where she lived and worked, The Record Searchlight of Redding reported. The baby had been dead for more than a month.

                                                                                                    Bradford worked at the Julian Youth Academy, a boarding school in Whitmore for troubled teens that she once attended.

                                                                                                    According to detectives, Bradford gave birth in mid-September without telling anyone, including her boyfriend of three years, that she was pregnant.

                                                                                                    "She did not want to tell her boyfriend about the baby because she did not want to affect his life and her life," Sgt. Steve Grashoff said in a statement.

                                                                                                    Bradford kept the newborn in a vacant residence on the academy's campus and checked on the newborn occasionally between going to work, socializing and taking at least two road trips to Redding, Grashoff said. Bradford told detectives that she didn't feed the baby but gave her water when she cried, Grashoff said.

                                                                                                    After the baby died, Bradford kept the body in a laundry basket for weeks before moving it to a utility closet because she feared that other school employees might see it, detectives said.

                                                                                                    An employee found the body under a pile of blankets and called authorities Sunday, but when the employee returned to check on it, it was gone. Deputies responding to the call found the body of the baby, which appeared to have been fully developed at birth.

                                                                                                    Academy director Phil Ludwig declined to discuss Bradford's position at the school.

                                                                                                    "This had nothing to do with the school," Ludwig told The Record Searchlight. "This was a private residence she rented; it did not directly involve the school in any way."

                                                                                                    Bradford was being held on suspicion of murder and willful harm to a child. She has requested a public defender, but one had not yet been appointed.

                                                                                                    Bail was set at $1 million.

                                                                                                    Copyright © The Sacramento Bee
                                                                                                    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                                                                                    Comments: "Sheriff: Shasta woman neglected newborn to death"
                                                                                                    « Reply #27 on: November 15, 2011, 12:04:40 PM »
                                                                                                    Comment left for the above article, "Sheriff: Shasta woman neglected newborn to death" (Nov. 9, 2011; Associated Press/Sacramento Bee):

                                                                                                    judychapman · 11/09/2011 11:22 PM
                                                                                                      She deserves whatever punishment she gets for murdering her baby.  You know that abortion is legal.  That is much more humane than letting your baby starve to death.  Who in the world would want to be with a woman who has murdered her own child.

                                                                                                    Copyright © The Sacramento Bee
                                                                                                    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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                                                                                                    Offline Oscar

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                                                                                                      • Secret Prisons for Teens
                                                                                                    Re: Julian Youth Academy employee arrested for killing baby
                                                                                                    « Reply #28 on: November 18, 2011, 03:46:55 AM »
                                                                                                    We have received a comment on our blog as response to this entry:

                                                                                                    California group home: Psyc evaluations of employees needed

                                                                                                    The recent discovery of a mummified baby left by one of the employees of a Christian residential treatment facility leaves the question why there is no rules about a mandatory psychological evaluation of people who want to work with vulnerable teenagers.

                                                                                                    The Julian Youth Academy has been controversial for some years. An article in LA Times resulted in a massive debate.

                                                                                                    The facility took private paid clients and the job consisted in preventing the teenagers from leaving and inform the authorities until the teenagers surrendered to the special Christian belief they taught at the facility.

                                                                                                    It is time to demand stricter rules for facilities like Julian Youth Academy. Mandatory background checks and evaluation of the mental conditions should introduced at once.

                                                                                                    Otherwise it is only a question of time before the next case hit the frontpages.

                                                                                                    I could not agree more.  I went to this "academy" AKA brainwash facility, and I can tell you that most of the staff are not qualified for such a responsibility of caring for "troubled teens."  

                                                                                                    It is beyond sad and disturbing what happened recently with Jessica Bradford.  She went to the program herself, graduated, came home to go to cosmetology school for a year, and was invited back to be full time staff.  She was around 19 years old...

                                                                                                    This case has a lot to do with the school, even though the CEO of the program is denying it left and right.  Phil Ludwig, CEO of Teen Rescue Inc, shut down the website and also blocked former students on a private facebook page after we asked real and important questions regarding the murder.  What is he scared of?  Jessica Bradford led a double life, it's time for the program (or I like to call it, jail) to be accountable for this.  

                                                                                                    Another interesting nugget...the baby was found on November 4 by a fellow staff.  Police weren't called until November 6.  The director of the program, whom I know personally, claimed "it was around halloween" and suggested that it was thought to be a prank because when they went back to look at what was found, it was gone.  Hmmmm...4 days after Halloween?  Decaying body in a laundry basket under blankets?  Are they serious?  

                                                                                                    We mourn the death of the innocent deeply and pray that justice will be served to the FULLEST.

                                                                                                    I have a lot more to say about this matter.  If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask.  This isn't going anywhere.
                                                                                                    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

                                                                                                    Offline LizzieH

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                                                                                                    Re: Julian Youth Academy employee arrested for killing baby
                                                                                                    « Reply #29 on: December 21, 2011, 03:15:53 AM »
                                                                                                    Wow! I don't know why people like her is until now living. I pity the poor baby who was so innocent enough just to be killed by an irresponsible parent. I think she was so young for being a mother and for her young age, she was maybe under an alcoholic substance or maybe she's into drugs that time. I hope she pays for what she did.

                                                                                                    However, this issue really proves that teenagers nowadays are being so violent. In a recent study of adolescents and young adults, one group of experts has found that by the age of 23, as many as 41 percent of people were imprisoned. These arrests could indicate an increase in criminal behavior, or a willingness of police to arrest younger individuals.

                                                                                                    You can read this here: Up to 41 percent of 23 year olds have been arrested at least once
                                                                                                    « Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »