Comments left for the above article, "
Infant found; mother jailed; deputies say 4-day-old baby died of neglect" (by Sean Longoria, Scott Mobley; November 8/9, 2011;
Record Searchlight), #s 41-60:
Cynicalone writes: November 9, 2011 2:04 p.m.buster6:
So somewhere in this article you have found that kind words for this young lady would be what? the right thing. NOT!!!
Not with all the hospitals that this child could have been taken to. But to starve your baby and to throw it in a laundry ben like a pair of dirty socks is disgusting, whether she was mentally unstable or completely insane, or sane.
Including abortion, and I do not agree with abortion as a birth control, but it was an option through planned parenthood.
No excuse for this and she should be treated the same as her child. No food, no clothing, nothing until she shrivels up and dies.
[/list][/size]So you pretty much reiterrated the reason why I had to make my point. Its obvious you know nothing about mental illness, her or her family, and generally look for things to bother your self about. Gee I hope you dont call yourself a christian, Id have to lose even more respect for you. Funny thing is, I still wouldnt judge. Your hostility must eat you inside, its a very difficult way to live, good luck with that.[/list]
Cynicalone writes: November 9, 2011 2:33 p.m.(This comment was removed by the site staff.)[/list]
Roxi writes: November 9, 2011 2:37 p.m.I am curious as to what her family and the father of this baby are feeling. I mean really the damage is done I know there isn't anything that will bring her back but because she said she "didn't want the baby to affect their lives" I want to know why she felt that. Did the father say or threaten her over getting pregnant in the past, did her family? Not that it would change that what she did was a horrible horrible thing to do because I couldn't handle knowing my baby was cold and hungry, what a piece of garbage she is and she totally deserves what that baby had to deal with no food, warmth, or any kind of care. But anyway just wondering about the thoughts of those around her. Oh and I don't care if she had a mental illness, just because she had said she thought about putting the baby up for adoption and decided to keep her and killed her she was well enough to know she had choices.
Cynicalone writes: November 9, 2011 3:03 p.m.worthlessvet:
A sad and disturbing story. Just another example of what progressive liberalism has done for our children and young adults...
[/list][/size]Just wanted to clarify that us "progressive liberals" eat our children to spare them the suffering of living in a republican dicatorship full of Faux news, Limbaugh, Beck, and other people like yourself you like to spin every story to meet your hateful agenda. Have a nice day, Im going to turn on NPR, there is a cooking segment coming up!

mrbootyscratcher writes: November 9, 2011 3:41 p.m."An employee called authorities Sunday to report the find, but the baby was gone when she went to check.
The employee who called authorities reported other employees had said they found the baby Friday evening."
Why did they wait 2 days to report this?
malibu1369 writes: November 9, 2011 3:59 p.m.suvrocks:
This woman obviously has no feelings of guilt - a typical sign of meth abuser. I wonder if we will know if she is/was a meth user. Once meth kills that part of the brain, it will not recover, and all you get is apathy. So very sad - this woman NEEDS to be sterilized - as do most meth users.
[/list][/size]Zzzzz. Really? And where in hell in this story does it say this woman is a meth user? Are you so far gone in your own little teeny world that this is always your response? Sadly, there are many countries that practice forced sterilization. Maybe you should move to one of them and leave us patriots that believe in our constitution.[/list]
malibu1369 writes: November 9, 2011 4:05 p.m.worthlessvet:
A sad and disturbing story. Just another example of what progressive liberalism has done for our children and young adults...
[/list][/size]ZZZzzz... Come on. Progressive Liberalism? Can you please define that as a technical, social term? Don't be an idiot. People have ALWAYS been people. We are all somewhere between good and bad, black and white. I am not at all perfect, are you? You may have not had the psychological problems that his woman obviously has but are you truly perfect, can you always cast the first stone?
Sadly this human, US and California citizen has been charged with murder and could get LWOP in a California prison. I doubt she was lying in wait with purpose and planning for this "crime".
This is a sad case that may well turn out to be about a human with a serious mental disability. Lighten up and stop blaming those you don't like, those you cannot even categorize...[/list]
Potato writes: November 9, 2011 4:11 p.m.gungal:
There is so much in this story to be disturbed by.
Pretty much any new born thats needs are NOT being met is going YELL bloody murder(no pun) they are LOUD. For at least two days she screamed off and on and No one noticed(Baby girl would have become exhausted and dehydrated and weak) or heard the noise coming from an empty place? Whitmore at the end of Sept? In a vacant apartment? Cold!
Jessica is SICK to keep Baby girl a secret from everyone even the father.
That takes me to my other thought...Jessica is not fat how did she hide her belly for the last 2 months?
The father of Baby girl. If he really had no idea what his evil GF was doing?
Then I feel sorry for him he lost his daughter at the hands of her "mother" in a slow torment and stavation. He must be so ashamed to be associated with her.
All she had to do was set her down at a safe drop and walk away or chose a couple that would have been beside themselves with joy and love...but she "but chose not to".
So SICK, SO Creepy,..TWISTED. SO Pathetic that this woman was so concerned for keeping her lifestyle and that of her bf the same that she was willing to kill her own Baby girl to keep it.
[/list][/size]"So SICK, SO Creepy,..TWISTED. SO Pathetic that this woman was so concerned for keeping her lifestyle and that of her bf the same that she was willing to kill her own Baby girl to keep it."
whats even sicker is people are doing this all the's called abortion![/list]
crzyppl writes: November 9, 2011 4:38 p.m.Cynicalone:
What disgusts me even worse is everyone like you one here who feels they have a right to judge someone they no nothing about except whats printed in the paper along with a picture. Enjoy your drama, there will plenty more for you to be angry about tomorrow. I guess we can count this as your contribution to society since you have nothing to offer.
[/list][/size]Obviously you are under the impression that you are someone who is more educated and doesn't judge people based on their actions. I know what made you feel you are on a high horse today, but you are obviously out for a fight. You can come on here and lecture everyone for judging this "person" (a term I use loosely in this situation) yet you have done nothing but judge and criticize. The fact is that I don't care if she has a history of mental illness or abuse, the fact that she didn't tell anyone, tried to feed the baby water to stop it from crying, went out and did things as normal, and tried to dispose of the body after the poor little girl died, makes me think she knew what she was doing, but didn't care. I would feel the same way if this was my family, neighbor, best friend, or a stranger. The fact is that you’re an idiot for feeling you have the right to pass judgment on everyone else's statements while feeling yours are more realistic. The fact that something like this doesn't upset you makes me think you are the one who should not be posting on here. If YOU don't care, then shut up.
She admitted to doing all of these things. Meaning she thought them out had a plan and attempted to hide this, all on her own accord. She thought about giving the baby up but decided not to. Meaning she chose to let this baby suffer and die rather than giving to a facility that would take care of the baby and ask no questions. This in my book makes her a disgusting individual that deserves nothing less than what she gave.[/list]
lametrapper writes: November 9, 2011 5:15 p.m.hopefully this blog will go away because it is an unimaginable act that i also cannot wrap my head around. i have to get off of this blog as i wont sleep tonight.
waganupawest writes: November 9, 2011 5:41 p.m.worthlessvet:
A sad and disturbing story. Just another example of what progressive liberalism has done for our children and young adults...
[/list][/size]"progressive liberalism?" is responsible for creating that monster? How so?[/list]
beckyp writes: November 9, 2011 5:50 p.m.worthlessvet:
A sad and disturbing story. Just another example of what progressive liberalism has done for our children and young adults...
[/list][/size]How does progressive liberalism have any connection with the fact that she MURDERED her baby. Murder and child abuse have been around a heck of a lot longer than liberalism. Hmmm, I sure don't see how politics is involved in this one... Leave your "worthless" comments elsewhere and stick to the point.[/list]
butterflylady writes: November 9, 2011 5:51 p.m.What bothers me the most is the thought of a newborn baby so helpless to everything and yet she let it starve to death which has to be a terrible empty feeling in itself, not to mention how the body reacts when your organs are shutting down due to lack of food or water, you know she ate not only those 4 days but everyday since. She has an evil look about her lets only hope she meets even more evil.
overlyconcerned writes: November 9, 2011 6:10 p.m.I love when these people leave their life info open for all to see. She clearly had no remorse with all the partying she was able to do even as her baby was dead in her laundry basket.[/list]
buster6 writes: November 9, 2011 6:13 p.m.Cynicalone:
So you pretty much reiterrated the reason why I had to make my point. Its obvious you know nothing about mental illness, her or her family, and generally look for things to bother your self about. Gee I hope you dont call yourself a christian, Id have to lose even more respect for you. Funny thing is, I still wouldnt judge. Your hostility must eat you inside, its a very difficult way to live, good luck with that.
[/list][/size]Mental Illness?

Hello, I have a daughter that is border line special, and she would not do what this woman did. So don't go there and speak your holier than thou idealism.
And as far as judging, You seem to being doing quite well on your own. I have lost a son to SDS and for you that is called crib death. I would give my life for my child, not take my childs life.[/list]
suku writes: November 9, 2011 6:22 p.m.beckyp:
How does progressive liberalism have any connection with the fact that she MURDERED her baby. Murder and child abuse have been around a heck of a lot longer than liberalism. Hmmm, I sure don't see how politics is involved in this one... Leave your "worthless" comments elsewhere and stick to the point.
[/list][/size]The original conservative was probably a parent practicing infanticide when given the choice between which child to feed from the last of the dwindling food supply. I am so glad humans have more or less evolved since then.
Though there do appear to be some major exceptions ...[/list]
suku writes: November 9, 2011 6:26 p.m.buster6:
Mental Illness?
Hello, I have a daughter that is border line special, and she would not do what this woman did. So don't go there and speak your holier than thou idealism.
And as far as judging, You seem to being doing quite well on your own. I have lost a son to SDS and for you that is called crib death. I would give my life for my child, not take my childs life.
[/list][/size]If her defense aims for a mental health evaluation, I say they need to start here.[/list]
OnTarget writes: November 9, 2011 6:28 p.m.Cynicalone:
What disgusts me even worse is everyone like you one here who feels they have a right to judge someone they no nothing about except whats printed in the paper along with a picture. Enjoy your drama, there will plenty more for you to be angry about tomorrow. I guess we can count this as your contribution to society since you have nothing to offer.
[/list][/size]I find this girl's actions atrocious, and can only imagine that mental illness is the root cause. However, her actions are no less abominable.
What I find ironic is all the "mothers" posting here about their disgust for this girl. Surely she has a mother, or had one at some time, and I wonder how she feels. If you have such compassion for an infant as a mother, shouldn't you have some motherly feelings for a young girl who's clearly out of it?[/list]
gungal writes: November 9, 2011 7:21 p.m.Sociopath plain and simple.
She needs her tubes tide tightly or put and put away for a LONG LONG time.
Anothercynic writes: November 9, 2011 7:37 p.m.gungal:
Sociopath plain and simple.
She needs her tubes tide tightly or put and put away for a LONG LONG time.
[/list][/size]Must be looking in the mirror.[/list]
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