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Offline 325troll

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Woodbury Consultants troubled teen programs
« on: September 13, 2011, 05:10:45 PM »
Woodbury Consultants

Woodbury Reports, Inc. was founded in November 1989, by Lon Woodbury, MA, IECA, CEP, as an Independent Educational Consulting  firm to help parents of teens making poor decisions select a private, parent choice program that would help return the family to normalcy. Lon had worked as the admissions director at the CEDU program, Rocky Mountain Academy, in Bonners Ferry, Idaho, and decided that he could better help parents find the most appropriate placement for their at-risk children if he was independent.

Woodbury Reports has helped hundreds of families over the years. We understand each child is different and has individual needs, strengths, and interests. Through interviews with parents, communication with professionals who know your child well, and then thoroughly researching viable options, we can help parents make the right choices that will help your child get back on the right path.

The mission of Woodbury Reports Inc. is to empower parents by providing the best quality advice possible in helping parents make good decisions regarding their struggling teen.

Woodbury consultants are experienced professionals who come from a variety of disciplines. This allows our consultants to review each placement from a variety of perspectives, thus providing a wide range of input before recommendations are made. Our team is led by Lon Woodbury, the founder of Woodbury Reports, which is the leading newsletter for the nation’s network of Parent Choice Schools and Programs, and Dr. Larry Stednitz, Ph.D., who has well over 40 years as a program administrator and educational consultant. The other members of the team are: Loi Eberle, a masters level educator with 10 years experience as a consultant, Linda Zimmerman who is a nationally recognized specialist in attachment disorders and adoption issues, and Steve Migden, Ph.D., a licensed and board certified psychologist who is an expert in both learning and emotional/behavioral problems. Dr. Stednitz serves as the team coordinator.

Woodbury Consultants
PO Box 1107
7119 Second Street
Bonners Ferry, ID 83805
« Last Edit: September 13, 2011, 05:13:54 PM by 325troll »

Offline 325troll

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Re: Woodbury Consultants troubled teen programs
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2011, 05:11:57 PM »

What Is An Educational Consultant?

Educational consultants are professionals who assist students and families with educational decision making," according to the Independent Educational Consultants Association (IECA) Directory. Educational consultants who are "independent" avoid entanglements, financial or otherwise, with schools or programs that might influence their recommendations to parents and children. Members of the IECA organization agree to follow "Principles of Good Practice," which includes the statement: "A consultant does not accept any compensation from educational institutions for placement of a child."


Most parents talk with friends who have also had problems with their children. Often, they search endlessly on the internet trying to find schools and programs that can help their child. Ultimately, they realize that there are thousands of programs and they realize the enormity of the options and seek help sorting out all of the options. Consultants provide experience, knowledge and objectivity to help formulate a placement decision during a time that is confusing and stressful for any parent. Consultants visit many if not most of these schools and programs and have access to colleagues who are know first hand the programs and schools available. Since educational consultants have extensive personal knowledge of a wide variety of schools and programs, they know the important criteria and common mistakes to avoid when making recommendations for placement. Consultants utilize this knowledge and experience when helping parents to carefully develop a strategy to intervene with their struggling child.


Special Purpose schools and programs are very expensive. An educational consultant who is experienced and competent can increase the odds that the first choice of a school or program will be the right choice, helping to avoid additional failures for the child. Parents who work with qualified educational consultants thus reduce the possibility of losing time and money as a result of an inappropriate placement.


Perhaps the most important consideration when selecting an educational consultant is the level of trust and comfort you feel with that person. Each year Woodbury Reports conducts a survey that includes a list of educational consultants who work with families seeking to place their child in a Special Needs school or program. One of the results of our analysis is a list of consultants who have good reputations according to special needs schools and programs and other consultants. The IECA organization also indicates which consultants are qualified to work with Special Needs schools and programs. Selecting from either or both of these lists will insure that the educational consultant you choose will have proven a basic competence in this area.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline 325troll

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Re: Woodbury Consultants troubled teen programs
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2011, 05:16:59 PM »

Common Questions


Woodbury Reports consultants work hard at finding these answers!

Poor decisions can put your child’s future at risk, and there are several questions to consider!

How do parents decide when the time is right for a residential placement?

When nothing else works and all other options are exhausted. Most of our clients have already tried everything they can think of, including counseling, local programs, and/or school interventions, but none of them worked. Parents often see the world of residential placement as a very confusing and different world from the one they inhabit. Our jobs as independent educational consultants is to help these parents through a complicated maze of conflicting claims and information, and help them decide the best direction for their family. We help them to focus on realistic expectations and decide if the critical decision of residential placement is a necessity. Based on our many years of personal experience, ongoing networking with other professional consultants and our annual survey, we advise parents on which programs are best for their child.

How should parents compare different schools and programs?

Nothing is more important in making comparisons than good advice from other parents, educational consultants and other professionals. A parent should add to that their own common sense and personal experience with organizations and businesses by evaluating the school or program in important areas which include financial stability, if they have a clearly defined philosophy, and has strong leadership. When working with a parent, we draw on our many years of personal experience in working for and with schools and programs for struggling teens. Our consultants at Woodbury Reports have access to the vast volumes of information flowing into our office for publication in our monthly newsletter, website and the pre-screened directory, “The Parent Empowerment Handbook.” Our ability to provide a quality service to the parents we serve is increased exponentially by the informal feedback we receive daily from hundreds of consultants and the staff at numerous schools and programs. The parents who use us as their consultants tap into this wealth of information. We have four consultants associated with our office, which allows us to provide internal peer reviews and improve the quality of our information.

How do parents ensure that a prospective program is a proper “fit” for their child?

This is the most important question a parent can ask. Even if a school or program offers the highest quality of care; if it does not fit the unique needs of that particular child, the program may not return the child the parents are hoping to see. When parents choose what appears to be the best school or program without the expertise offered by a consultant, the enrollment often results in failure because it does not fit their child’s specific needs. In our consultations, we gather as much information as we can from the parents and child professionals who have worked with the child. This information gives us a clear picture of the strengths, interests, problems and individual needs of the child. We compare this information with the knowledge we have gathered over the years from comments and surveys of several quality schools and programs, and suggest those that would best match the child's and parent's needs.

Does a short-term or long-term program best fit the needs of your child?

This really depends on what your child needs. If your child’s behaviors have not been evident for a long period of time or is not too severe, a short-term program might fit their needs. However, even a short-term program must include a sensible long-term plan. By the time parents come to the realization that residential placement might be necessary, the problems are often long-lasting, and it takes a long-term program for their child to learn new thinking patterns. A short-term program is often used to assess the child’s needs and used as a preliminary step to determine if the child requires a long-term intervention.

What program is most likely to help your child?

The one that understands your child’s needs, and specializes in working with children who have similar problems. Anything else, such as upscale appearance, success in helping a friend’s child, or general reputation might lead to a decision that will lose valuable time. Our role is to work with you, the parent, as a partner to understand your child's needs and identify the best possible match for your entire family. We guide parents through the complex maze of programs and help you find the success your son or daughter deserves.

For more information how we can help you, call our office at
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline 325troll

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Re: Woodbury Consultants troubled teen programs
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2011, 05:22:46 PM »

What To Expect From An Educational Consultation

Woodbury Reports Educational Consultants work for the families that hire us.

Parents hire us to help represent them in making critical educational decisions. Our consultants professionally research all appropriate options before giving advice.

By thoroughly interviewing the family, communicating with professionals and researching all options, Woodbury Consultants are able to narrow down the options to the most appropriate schools or programs.

The consultant will discuss the pros and cons of each of their recommendations and explain options to the family. Placement decisions rest solely on the family.

Utilizing a multi-disciplinary team of experts in the private, parent-choice network, Woodbury Consultants are able to work with a wide range if issues.

Woodbury Reports Client Ethics:

    * We treat each client as our only client and are available for follow up issues after our consultations.
    * We respect the unique challenges of each client.
    * We honor our client's confidentiality.
    * Our fees are reasonable and flexible.
    * We work only with companies who have a strong sense of mission and posses impeccable ethics.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Oscar

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Re: Woodbury Consultants troubled teen programs
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2011, 12:47:44 AM »
I think that it is fine he keep some kind of directory of the industry. It for sure helps us building up Fornits Wiki.

However I find it disturbing that many of the programs in his directory also are found on the blog Today a child died. He could exclude programs which have taken the lives of teenagers. It would improve the quality of his product.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Wh??ter

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Re: Woodbury Consultants troubled teen programs
« Reply #5 on: September 16, 2011, 11:43:08 AM »
Lon Woodbury is a hero of the Parent Choice industry, Oscar.  He only promotes programs that are perfectly safe and effective.  Just ask him and he'll tell you that.  No program has ever killed a child, I think we can all agree on that.  True, some children have died at programs but not because of the program or program staff.  The industry has grown and evolved and is scientifically proven to work miracles.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: Woodbury Consultants troubled teen programs
« Reply #6 on: September 16, 2011, 12:58:38 PM »
Quote from: "Wh??ter"
Lon Woodbury is a hero of the Parent Choice industry, Oscar.  He only promotes programs that are perfectly safe and effective.  Just ask him and he'll tell you that.  No program has ever killed a child, I think we can all agree on that.  True, some children have died at programs but not because of the program or program staff.  The industry has grown and evolved and is scientifically proven to work miracles.
Doesn't the very definition of "miracle" entail something along the lines of defying scientific explanation? Perhaps even of violating at least one law of nature?  :D
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Wh??ter

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Re: Woodbury Consultants troubled teen programs
« Reply #7 on: September 16, 2011, 02:58:41 PM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "Wh??ter"
Lon Woodbury is a hero of the Parent Choice industry, Oscar.  He only promotes programs that are perfectly safe and effective.  Just ask him and he'll tell you that.  No program has ever killed a child, I think we can all agree on that.  True, some children have died at programs but not because of the program or program staff.  The industry has grown and evolved and is scientifically proven to work miracles.
Doesn't the very definition of "miracle" entail something along the lines of defying scientific explanation? Perhaps even of violating at least one law of nature?  :D

Ursus, while I understand your bias keeps you from admitting the truth about the success of programs I think we all can agree that programs are proven to be successful at turning around at-risk youths and placing them on a a proper path.  Whether you prefer the scientific method as a yardstick to judge this success, or you recognize the miracles taking place in kids' lives, the results are the same, aren't they?  Kids are helped enormously by programs.  Without them most of these kids would end up dead or in jail from their issues.  Heck, many of these kids might just as well get killed or raped in public schools, which are much more violent and dangerous than ony program ever was or will be.

Either way, science and religion are not mutually exclusive.  Take for example Intelligent Design.  What we all know by faith is proven true by science.  Your argument is pretty silly, Ursus lol

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »