I am going to quote some related material by Rogers. Before I do, I think mentioning that Carl Rogers’ legacy was to lay the foundations for the humanistic psychiatry, which came to being as a response to behaviorism. As well Rogers is famous for popularizing the encounter group, which was his humanistic application of sensitivity training developed by Kurt Lewin and the NTL. So I am starting with this quote, which I believe embodies some of the underlying philosophy behind much of the pursuits of humanistic psychiatry and the human potential movement.
“I feel a deep concern that the developing behavioral sciences may be used to control the individual and to rob him of his personhood. I believe, however, that these sciences might be used to enhance the person.” – (foreward to pt VII The Behavioral Sciences and the Person. ‘On Becoming a Person’ -Rogers 1961)
This entire section is, in hindsight of todays knowledge of his activities, a statement of what he knew and discovered from his involvement in the mind control network. Sorry, I won’t be typing out the entire section, very worth reading, but only this part which refers back to Woff and Hinkle from earlier in this thread.
P.375 “We know how to disintegrate a man’s personality structure, dissolving his self confidence, destroying the concept he has of himself, and making him dependent on another. A very careful study by Hinkle and Wolff of methods of communist interrogation of prisoners, particularly in Communist China, has given us a reasonably accurate picture of the process popularly known as “brainwashing.”…. In a sense it is misleading to describe these methods as a product of the behavioral sciences. They were developed by Russian and Chinese police, not by scientists. Yet I include them here since it is very clear that these crude methods could be made decidedly more effective by means of scientific knowledge which we now possess. In short our knowledge of how personality and behavior can be changed can be used constructively or destructively, to build or destroy persons.”