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Conference Update
« on: May 31, 2002, 03:19:00 PM »
      ******   AND WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU!   ******  

   If you're planning to take part in any of the conference activities, or
if you KNOW of someone who is (and who doesn't check their email
compulsively like some of us) PLEASE contact the conference planning
committee* or have your friend contact us so that we can better plan for
the number of people we'll be accomodating!

Well folks,
  In just one week, June 8-9, 2002, The Second International Conference on
Adolescent Treatment Abuse &  Straight, Inc. / Kids Reunion will begin. For
those of you who don't have all the details, please see

   Although the conference itself promises to be very informative--we've
lined up an impressive panel of childrens' rights advocates, legal experts,
experts in cult recovery, authors and survivors of various branches of the
institutionalized child abuse industry--it's also going to be a
Reunion/Party/Celebration... a real BASH not to be missed.

          -->>   FRIDAY, JUNE 7th at 4:30PM  <<--
   The party begins with an informal gathering in the park

            -->>   FRIDAY, JUNE 7th at 7:00PM  <<--
   From there, off to Mattisons for happy hour/final conference planning
session and some smooth jazz from the Nate Najar Band  

            -->>   SATURDAY, JUNE 8th at 9:00AM  <<--
    The formal conference begins at Heritage Hotel, Julian?s Conference
Room  256 Second Street North  St. Petersburg, Florida 33701  We'll be
focusing primarily on the history and nature of thought control 'treatment'
as well as recovery from the harm done by them.

            -->>   SATURDAY, JUNE 8th at 12:15PM  <<--
    Lunch prepared by wold class chef, Paul Mattison at Mattison's American
Bistro 111 Second Ave., NE, St. Pete., FL What a treat! Chef Paul is
preparing a special menu for conference attendees. The cost for attending
the luncheon will be $15 (included in conference fee) If you're planning to
attend the lunch, whether you're taking part in any of the other
activities, PLEASE contact the conference planning committee* ASAP so that
we can let Chef Paul know how many people to expect.

            -->>   SUNDAY, JUNE 9th at 9:00AM  <<--
  The second day of the formal conference begins at 9AM. We'll be focusing
on legal actions, past, present and future in the morning session. In the
afternoon, Dr. Conrad will facilitate conference participants in building
an effective organization for broad social, political and legal reform.

   With this, I must remind ya'll that, so far, these conferences have been
funded out of pocket by just a handful of dedicated people, with the help
of many hours of unfunded effort. This project has been a labour of love.

If you want to attend but you can't swing the $100 fee, we understand and
we'd rather have you there than your money. But that "well funded, thightly
knit, carefully camoflaged, organized consipracy" is just another of Betty
Sembler's wild flights of fancy. Personally, I'd trade all of my funding
for the coffee kitty at just one of Betty's ".* Drug Free .*" outfits.
We're about as organized as a herd of cats. And we're not camoflaged at
all, even carelessly. The only thing we're conspiring to do is to SET THE
RECORD STRAIGHT. And I'm proud to be a part of it.

Although we've gotten some generous donations to help make this happen, and
we are deeply grateful, some folks we all know and love have contributed
significant sums out of their own pockets in addition to working tirelessly
on this project outside of their normal working hours. If you can spare
$10, $20 or more or if money's not a problem and you can donate more than
that, please do!

Here are several ways to register and/or make donations.

WWW: http://Fornits.Com/anonanon/conf2002/
Use the comment box to tell us which activities (if any) you plan to
participate in.

If you use that form, you'll get a page with a link to

If, for any reason, you don't want to use the web forms, you can send a
check payable to:
   The Trebach Institute
       Box 185
       5505 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
       Washington, D.C. 20015-2601

Then call Mike and Rhonda (our gracious hosts) at 888-883-5685

For further assistance send eMail to Support@Fornits.Com      | http://Fornits.Com/
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes