Author Topic: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???  (Read 43334 times)

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Offline andy

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #90 on: June 24, 2011, 08:09:14 PM »
Quote from: "Misled"
Whooter, I don't know how you can make certain statements. You ask why no one has gone to the police. In my couple of years there, I know of instances where the police have been called in as well as social services. Don't make statements you can't back up. From what you have written, you have no first hand experience at Hyde so you shouldn't make blanket statements!

Whooter is a dip shit, that's why he makes the statements he does.  Who knows Whooter's modus operandi the best on this website?  Psy, Antigen and Dysfunction Junction.  Enough said!   :twofinger:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #91 on: June 27, 2011, 10:41:09 AM »
Quote from: "hgrant"
to ursus:...i think you can see by the post from whooter following yours exactly what kind of character this fellow is. Knowing absolutely nothing about the circumstances, he proclaims Hyde could not have had anything to do with my son's death and even describes the circumstances that would convince him otherwise...he is also now an expert on suicide and et al...His obsessive defense of this institution is a pathology in itself.
I wouldn't worry too much about Wh??ter's agenda. The admins here have seen fit to label him a parody, probably for good reason. :D  Moreover, he appears to fancy himself an expert on a variety of programs here, not just the Hyde Schools, and sees fit to pontificate accordingly with equally insightful contributions. So... respond or not, as you wish. Oft times I have more compelling material I'm focussed on, but sometimes I can't resist...

Quote from: "hgrant"
i am not ready, even after these years to discuss the details of what happened to my son, the long tortured path that led to his death. I said that Hyde was a station along the way and contributed, though Hyde is not solely responsible in that sense.  am also afraid to give too much away that might identify me to Hyde trolls (like Whooter?) or others. The people at Hyde have shown they are quite capable of the most nefarious behavior in protecting their God Gauld and their little enterprise and I have no room left in me for fighting. I can tell you that they spun him like a rat...changing the maze whenever he thought he had it down and convincing him that he was a piece of s--- unless he played their game. He couldn't. He didn't. He failed there and they smashed his self-confidence to pieces. He was weak, mentally ill, needed some form of treatment but no one recognized it. I pulled him out jail over and over again, retrieved him from international locales after he'd been arrested, incarcerated in various institutions...his illness progressed and everyone along the way who made it worse - like the people at Hyde - contributed. I contributed myself. When your  20-year-old son takes your shotgun after breaking into a gun cabinet and blows his brains out, you are also destroyed by it. Suffice to say that the vulnerable types must be protected from institutions like Hyde because Hyde is no different from the general society, in that respect. Who doesn't conform, is destroyed. It is the school's failure to determine who it can help and who it cannot - who it will in fact make worse - that makes it a quasi-criminal enterprise. any truly idealistic institution would recognize its limitations to protect those it might harm. Not Hyde. Money drives hyde. Money, power and self-aggrandizement are its stock in trader. Once they get your money, it's actually in their interest to force you out because it's non-refundable and they get paid for not doing anything. Meanwhile the next fool steps up, urged on by Mr. Whooter, no doubt and another $30-40-50,000 goes into the company safe. It's a racket run by a kind of mafiosi, sociopaths with suits and sob stories and a very slick brochure. I really wonder what Whooter's agendas is others?
As far as your son's experience goes, what with Hyde's inability and/or refusal to deal with his difficulties in an appropriately compassionate fashion, it's been my observation (which may very well be different from your observation or anybody else's observation) that, regardless of what's going on with your kid, Hyde plays the "mental illness" card according to what's in Hyde School's best interests. That is, they generally claim, and prefer to claim, that it's all really a "character disorder" or moral flaws on the part of the child in question, and not a mental illness.

However, should such a position prove untenable in light of the facts, and/or the kid suffers some unequivocal abuse at Hyde which could easily turn into a public relations nightmare, Hyde will claim that the kid is mentally ill, or something along those lines, whether or not they actually are, and try to get rid of him or her.

To my knowledge, Hyde School is really not equipped to deal with, and cannot claim to actually diagnose or treat any serious mental illness, although that may have changed.

There have been other posters here who've maintained that, in the past, certain kids were even more or less "encouraged" to run away. Whether that still goes on, I have no idea. I'm sure Hyde claims that it "never happened," a type of assertion on their part that I've learned to become more than a little suspicious of...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline momanddad

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #92 on: July 29, 2011, 08:19:31 AM »
I just met a family that considered sending their child to Hyde in Sept.  This summer they spoke with staff at length and, by the end of the day, were absolutely convinced that Hyde resembles a cult operation that has a narrow mindset.  The parents are very thoughtful, intelligent and perceptive people.  They have now visited several schools and realize that considering Hyde was a very serious mistake.  They are counting their blessings that they saw the light early.  Before they visited Hyde they knew little about residential schools and did not use an educational consultant.  A relative had heard about Hyde and that's why they visited.  Apparently they later found a good educational consultant who made it clear to them that Hyde has a horrible reputation among many educational consultants and among those outside of the narrow group of Hyde "groupies."  Hyde staff seem to exist within their own bubble and convince themselves of the quality of their approach.  They seem not to realize what much of the outside world, including some of the most impressive educators in the field, thinks of them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline freyjacksen

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #93 on: January 16, 2012, 10:50:43 PM »
Mostly parents are trying to get there kids into Hyde about the school.. But I would like to know one thing that how exactly parent feel about the school.. and what they don't like about it...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #94 on: February 25, 2012, 08:13:44 PM »
Quote from: "Inculcated"
Quote from: "molly"
Dear Inculcated,He did not read the entire threads but dismissed them because he was concerned that they contained outdated information. I am taking the lead in the research but my husband still has a vote and his vote is likely to be buttressed by the therapist's perception that Hyde is an excellent school.  I should have noted that the therapist has stated that he is currently treating Hyde students and that the school has done them a world of good.  I'll try to locate the other websites that you mentioned.  Thanks so much! Molly
Ah, I see. Well, I suppose that gang rape mentioned on the Hyde School is Hell on earth link is so four years ago.
Excerpted from the wall post:
…one of the girls in my wing got gang-raped and mccrann told everyone if we said anything to our parents we would be in more trouble than we'd ever known. obviously i told my parents, and look what happened? mccrann got fired…
The good news is that McCrann was reportedly fired. (That was a prudent move as the word got out anyway.) The bad news is that there was a gang rape and staff tried to exhort the students to conceal knowledge of this from their parents. The news that is relevant to your situation is that while no mention in this case of whether the victim was accused by staff of being culpable makes it a somewhat atypical example of how Hyde has chosen to deal with such crimes over the years—the attempted cover up with threats to the students is not an unfamiliar theme.
How’s that for character building?

I think the other posters have pretty much raised the other pointed concerns about the therapist’s recommendation of Hyde School for your child w/ ADD --that I completely agree that any parent should consider with care.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Violet

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #95 on: May 10, 2012, 03:24:05 PM »
Make no mistake, Hyde is about money NOT kids.  

I believe there are some good faculty members there with good intentions, but the bulk of the faculty members are in over their heads.  The biggest problem with the Hyde method is that they are simply not qualified to handle the emotional aspects of their "program".  They are not therapists.  They are not trained to deal with families in a group setting.  Imagine a young teacher, fresh out of college, trying to manage a group therapy session with some pretty dysfunctional families. It's just not a pretty picture.  THEY ARE NOT QUALIFIED TO DO WHAT THE SCHOOL ASKS THEM TO DO.

So on to the money...
Hyde is now doing, like most desperate boarding schools, taking more foreign students.  These families have no idea what they are sending their kids into.  Hyde really is not the right school for them, but they have money. Lots of money.  So Hyde welcomes them with open arms, even though they can barely participate in what is so integral to the Hyde philosophy. They become their own separate entity within the school and don't really integrate or participate.  But they have money.  Lots of it.

It is sad to see a school, run by a greedy family, mostly idiots who care more about their faculty and staff's loyalty to the school than human decency, kindness, honesty, or integrity.  Look at who stays and who leaves.  Look at who gets fired. Look at who gets paid six figures.

Parenting experts.  What a load of shit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline katfacehead89

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #96 on: June 02, 2021, 07:28:59 AM »
For the love of God, NO. NO ONE SHOULD EVER BE SENT HERE. Read all the comments on this thread (feel free to skip whooter’s nonsense) and heed these warnings!! It could cost your child their life.

Offline survivorami

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Re: PLEASE HELP!!! Should I send my son to Hyde???
« Reply #97 on: September 01, 2021, 09:48:28 PM »
No one should be sent to Hyde, ever.