Author Topic: any questions for me?  (Read 18892 times)

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Offline am_i_that_crazy22

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any questions for me?
« on: February 03, 2011, 02:54:54 PM »
i used to go to calo and have more than enough info on this placee
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: any questions for me?
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2011, 10:29:40 PM »
Quote from: "am_i_that_crazy22"
i used to go to calo and have more than enough info on this placee
What kind of "more than enough info" have ya got? :D

As to the topic title, here are a couple of questions to start off with:

  • How long ago were you there? How long did you attend? (Feel free to be vague with your answers.).
  • What is entailed in being "placed on boundaries?" E.g., what kind of refractions get you there, as well as what do you have to do to get outta there?
  • Any insight as to why Mr. Wayne Juliano, CALO's former Academic Director, recently filed a lawsuit against CALO?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline am_i_that_crazy22

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Re: any questions for me?
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2011, 11:00:28 AM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "am_i_that_crazy22"
i used to go to calo and have more than enough info on this placee
What kind of "more than enough info" have ya got? :D

As to the topic title, here are a couple of questions to start off with:

  • How long ago were you there? How long did you attend? (Feel free to be vague with your answers.).
  • What is entailed in being "placed on boundaries?" E.g., what kind of refractions get you there, as well as what do you have to do to get outta there?
  • Any insight as to why Mr. Wayne Juliano, CALO's former Academic Director, recently filed a lawsuit against CALO?


hey! well i am going to be super vague cuz i have reasons for not wanting calo to know who i am if any staff or ken lurk on here. i was a student there and my time spent was kinda short.i got pulled. i cant say how long. boundaries r basically when a student may have had an innaproprite or unhealthy relationship with a student or even a staff and it crosses the line to what calo felt was 'normal'. for example, i was a  female studnt n there were sum girls who flirted with the idea of havin relationships, they wer instantly put on boundaries. this meant no talking, communticae, and had to talk to them as if they werent ther if they refered to them. punishment could include regroup if this was broken, it depdns on the staff. oh and let me tell u staff most definitely had favorites. i saw kids who got away with so much just because they wer liked me the staff. there wer a few times tho that girls got 2 close with staff, n those staff were quickly fired.
mr. J as we called wayne juliano, was the nicest man ever. he was there for half of my stay, and then watched him get fired. it was told to us that he had a melt down and while it wasnt violent he freaked out and they had cops come to calo!!! i dont know if he did anything illegal n dnt wanna assume stuff but he was so nice! i think mostly calo just wasnt happy with him cuz sometimes he was a bit over dramatic and flamboyant, and certain higher ups didnt like that. speaking of higher ups i will give a shout out to the famous caleb who runs rec therapy- thanx for makin my stay miserable.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: any questions for me?
« Reply #3 on: February 17, 2011, 12:49:29 AM »
Quote from: "am_i_that_crazy22"
hey! well i am going to be super vague cuz i have reasons for not wanting calo to know who i am if any staff or ken lurk on here. i was a student there and my time spent was kinda short.i got pulled. i cant say how long.
Why did you get pulled (if you can say)? Does this happen to a lot of students at CALO?

Quote from: "am_i_that_crazy22"
boundaries r basically when a student may have had an innaproprite or unhealthy relationship with a student or even a staff and it crosses the line to what calo felt was 'normal'. for example, i was a  female studnt n there were sum girls who flirted with the idea of havin relationships, they wer instantly put on boundaries. this meant no talking, communticae, and had to talk to them as if they werent ther if they refered to them. punishment could include regroup if this was broken, it depdns on the staff.
So boundaries is kinda like "bans," eh? What is "regroup?"

Quote from: "am_i_that_crazy22"
oh and let me tell u staff most definitely had favorites. i saw kids who got away with so much just because they wer liked me the staff. there wer a few times tho that girls got 2 close with staff, n those staff were quickly fired.
Could that be described as ... staff having violated boundaries? What exactly do you mean by "getting too close with staff?" Does this happen with some frequency?

Quote from: "am_i_that_crazy22"
mr. J as we called wayne juliano, was the nicest man ever. he was there for half of my stay, and then watched him get fired. it was told to us that he had a melt down and while it wasnt violent he freaked out and they had cops come to calo!!! i dont know if he did anything illegal n dnt wanna assume stuff but he was so nice! i think mostly calo just wasnt happy with him cuz sometimes he was a bit over dramatic and flamboyant, and certain higher ups didnt like that.
Mr. Juliano seems like a very nice man and apparently really cares about imparting a love for the subject matter to his students. At least, that's the impression I get based on the words of a former student (pre-CALO).

Quote from: "am_i_that_crazy22"
speaking of higher ups i will give a shout out to the famous caleb who runs rec therapy- thanx for makin my stay miserable.
Lol. I take it that Caleb Cottle isn't too popular (another former CALO student echoed your basic sentiments). Is he still in charge of teaching other staff the restraint methods used at CALO?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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Re: any questions for me?
« Reply #4 on: February 17, 2011, 02:33:01 AM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "am_i_that_crazy22"
i used to go to calo and have more than enough info on this placee
What kind of "more than enough info" have ya got? :D

As to the topic title, here are a couple of questions to start off with:

  • How long ago were you there? How long did you attend? (Feel free to be vague with your answers.).
  • What is entailed in being "placed on boundaries?" E.g., what kind of refractions get you there, as well as what do you have to do to get outta there?
  • Any insight as to why Mr. Wayne Juliano, CALO's former Academic Director, recently filed a lawsuit against CALO?


hahahaha :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline am_i_that_crazy22

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Re: any questions for me?
« Reply #5 on: February 19, 2011, 09:34:38 AM »
i cant say why  i got pulled, because it wouldbe obvs who i am and i kno ken sneaks on here all the time. for reasons that r sorta personal i cant reveal who i am for right now. a lot of students get pulled because they arent making progress. ill be honest i can count only  on one hand how many success stories there have been at calo, and most go home and slip. i trusted my parents way less when i was pulled, still in shock that i was sent to a place like that at all. it damaged our relationship beyond repair. calo did not help me and i was open to it. i never once fought it. and the dog program is mad annoying. i hated golden retrievers after i went to calo, and  i love dogs.

yeh they r bans. regroup is esentially working or cleaning as a form of punishment. i dont give a **** what they try to tell u saying it helps clear ur mind, thas a lie. they do it to punish u. they can make  u work outside in the sun for hours its bad.

there were some girls and boys too who would flirt with staff or spend 2 much time with them and it looked weird. the staff usually were not at fault but this was poor boundaries by the students. there were staff that violated boundaries an they got fired immidiaetly. even some that had been there a long time. staff getting too close and/or having favorites is pretty normal. there was one girl there who everyone hated becuz she threw tantrums and no staff liked her. i thot this was unfair because she couldnt help it, but they really didnt like her. yet there were other girls who were loved by staff cuz they were either super mellow or they were super intimidating and staff feared them so they sucked up to the girls. not so much with therapists but floor staff. if i reveal what category i was in i would reveal my identityy completly. staff unfortuntly were also known to gossip a lot. they say its such an honest place but parents who r reading this STAFF LIE ABOUT UR KID A LOT. i knew on phone calls when staff would write things to say that never happened during the week when they updated my parents. no lie. the staff have to do notes on a student and if they didnt spend time with them during the day sometimes they just lie about stuff. it sucked. luckily my therapist who was the only real person at calo, had my back.

yes he was still teaching staff . i think him and another staff name joe do it. he def needs to quit he is just too much. and rec therapy was the stupidest not theraputic aspect of the whole treatment process, even tho it claimed to be so great. caleb if u read this do the kids a favor and retire. no 1 likes u.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline truth?!65

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Re: any questions for me?
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2011, 02:42:42 PM »
so i guess my main question for you is do you just not like calo because they actually set boundaries, and being there forced you to deal, and be vulnerable? and why was rec therapy not therapeutic?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: any questions for me?
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2011, 12:53:34 AM »
Quote from: "truth?!65"
so i guess my main question for you is do you just not like calo because they actually set boundaries

There are boundaries and then there are boundaries. With staff reportedly having inappropriate relationships with detainees I'd say the boundaries set by CALO are highly hypocritical. Further, boundaries are a two way street.

Staff can not demand to be respected and then turn around and reduce a detainee to a heap of nothing by verbally abusing them in front of a group of his/her peers.

Staff can not demand respect for their authority and then abuse their authority by restraining students using a painful wristlock.

Whatever Boundaries CALO claims to set, they are far more notorious for destroying the idea of what healthy and responsible boundaries are between functioning members of society.

and being there forced you to deal, and be vulnerable?

This is retarded. Complete utter bullshit. YOU can't force someone to do this and expect a meaningful return. This is merely creating a dependency on the program and group in a cult style thought reform tactic.

and why was rec therapy not therapeutic?

I normally try to avoid answering a question by asking a question.. but..

Why is mucking around with a bunch of dogs considered therapeutic? From the reports I've gotten there have been a number of incidents of the dogs being abused by the detainees and the program.

Tell me how it is theraputic for children to be around dogs being abused?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline am_i_that_crazy22

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Re: any questions for me?
« Reply #8 on: October 29, 2011, 11:47:35 PM »
Quote from: "truth?!65"
so i guess my main question for you is do you just not like calo because they actually set boundaries, and being there forced you to deal, and be vulnerable? and why was rec therapy not therapeutic?

truth - obvs ur sum nutcase calo parent or an event mor nutcase therapist/staff/ken. calo RUIND my life. i repeat. RUINED my life. u shuld actually go learn sumthing and go read my post about my time by now years ago. if u want me to disclose who i am i will i don give a fuck.

ps i could be anyone from calo, and no one. a staff, a student, whoever. but i know what goes on there, and how it is a breeding ground for assholes who wanna power trip over a bunch of sick kids.

and also, i know ur language too much to recognize ur some wack job who works there. "be vulnerable" "forced you to deal" lmfao u work there n i kno it. pathetic.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: any questions for me?
« Reply #9 on: October 30, 2011, 11:41:35 AM »
Quote from: "am_i_that_crazy22"
Quote from: "truth?!65"
so i guess my main question for you is do you just not like calo because they actually set boundaries, and being there forced you to deal, and be vulnerable? and why was rec therapy not therapeutic?
truth - obvs ur sum nutcase calo parent or an event mor nutcase therapist/staff/ken. calo RUIND my life. i repeat. RUINED my life. u shuld actually go learn sumthing and go read my post about my time by now years ago. if u want me to disclose who i am i will i don give a fuck.

ps i could be anyone from calo, and no one. a staff, a student, whoever. but i know what goes on there, and how it is a breeding ground for assholes who wanna power trip over a bunch of sick kids.

and also, i know ur language too much to recognize ur some wack job who works there. "be vulnerable" "forced you to deal" lmfao u work there n i kno it. pathetic.
I just love this phrase, "do you just not like calo because they actually set boundaries," ...when what these programs actually DO is strip down YOUR natural boundaries, in order to impose their own criteria of what it is you should and should not do and how you should behave. The intended end result being some facsimile of an appropriately cooperative child who resembles what a parent has been indoctrinated to believe is psychologically healthy, wholesome, and some sort of an ideal.

Of course, people have boundaries for good reasons. Natural, healthy, and utterly sane reasons, and to fuck with those is, quite frankly, tantamount to potentially effecting or enabling some really quite destructive dynamics, imo. If you teach a kid that it's wrong to put up barriers and that they are impeding the "therapeutic process" by doing so, you are setting them up for being taken advantage of. Either then or later.

If it doesn't feel right, there's probably a good reason for it.

Yes, some kids have very damaged abilities to trust, but to try to trash their instincts of self preservation and supplant them with your own dictates is a recipe for disaster.

Just my 2¢, fwiw...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline am_i_that_crazy22

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Re: any questions for me?
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2011, 06:00:04 PM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "am_i_that_crazy22"
Quote from: "truth?!65"
so i guess my main question for you is do you just not like calo because they actually set boundaries, and being there forced you to deal, and be vulnerable? and why was rec therapy not therapeutic?
truth - obvs ur sum nutcase calo parent or an event mor nutcase therapist/staff/ken. calo RUIND my life. i repeat. RUINED my life. u shuld actually go learn sumthing and go read my post about my time by now years ago. if u want me to disclose who i am i will i don give a fuck.

ps i could be anyone from calo, and no one. a staff, a student, whoever. but i know what goes on there, and how it is a breeding ground for assholes who wanna power trip over a bunch of sick kids.

and also, i know ur language too much to recognize ur some wack job who works there. "be vulnerable" "forced you to deal" lmfao u work there n i kno it. pathetic.
I just love this phrase, "do you just not like calo because they actually set boundaries," ...when what these programs actually DO is strip down YOUR natural boundaries, in order to impose their own criteria of what it is you should and should not do and how you should behave. The intended end result being some facsimile of an appropriately cooperative child who resembles what a parent has been indoctrinated to believe is psychologically healthy, wholesome, and some sort of an ideal.

Of course, people have boundaries for good reasons. Natural, healthy, and utterly sane reasons, and to fuck with those is, quite frankly, tantamount to potentially effecting or enabling some really quite destructive dynamics, imo. If you teach a kid that it's wrong to put up barriers and that they are impeding the "therapeutic process" by doing so, you are setting them up for being taken advantage of. Either then or later.

If it doesn't feel right, there's probably a good reason for it.

Yes, some kids have very damaged abilities to trust, but to try to trash their instincts of self preservation and supplant them with your own dictates is a recipe for disaster.

Just my 2¢, fwiw...

truth is def. some fucked up wacked out staff working minimum wage stuck in lake ozark and convinced that he/she is doin some deed of God since most staff an ken are wackjob mormon freaks. i hate people who try to come on this board and argue my experience at calo, why the fuck would i lie? i got nothin to gain by lying an tryna run my mouth bout this place. i coulda forgotten bout this shit but a staff notified me of this site a former staff an i knew i should share an experience from that place from years ago. good thing i was pulled from there but i feel some anger for the kids who r held at this place. they gotta change shit over there, an i hope they do. so all these fake accounts of secret ppl workin for ken tryna accuse me of lying about this place or twist shit like calo is known for doing, i suggest u stop. i know theres shit u dont want let out that happnd at calo that i have heard from past students and old staff. i got enough respect not to fuck u guys over completely so respect wat i wirite about my time there. i thought u guys wanted the truth and honesty and being vulnerable lmao, i guess not u two faced fucks. have fun workin in a shit hole in the middle of bumblefuck missorui with rednecks, crazy adoptees and infertile couplez who place their "troubled" adopted kids in this shit hole.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: any questions for me?
« Reply #11 on: November 08, 2011, 08:29:59 PM »
Quote from: "am_i_that_crazy22"
truth is def. some fucked up wacked out staff working minimum wage stuck in lake ozark and convinced that he/she is doin some deed of God since most staff an ken are wackjob mormon freaks. i hate people who try to come on this board and argue my experience at calo, why the fuck would i lie? i got nothin to gain by lying an tryna run my mouth bout this place. i coulda forgotten bout this shit but a staff notified me of this site a former staff an i knew i should share an experience from that place from years ago. good thing i was pulled from there but i feel some anger for the kids who r held at this place. they gotta change shit over there, an i hope they do. so all these fake accounts of secret ppl workin for ken tryna accuse me of lying about this place or twist shit like calo is known for doing, i suggest u stop. i know theres shit u dont want let out that happnd at calo that i have heard from past students and old staff. i got enough respect not to fuck u guys over completely so respect wat i wirite about my time there. i thought u guys wanted the truth and honesty and being vulnerable lmao, i guess not u two faced fucks. have fun workin in a shit hole in the middle of bumblefuck missorui with rednecks, crazy adoptees and infertile couplez who place their "troubled" adopted kids in this shit hole.
"truth?!65" could also be a Calo parent or an edcon, either of who could be similarly invested in buying the program spiel from Ken... Could also be some  asshat from another program who likes to amuse themselves by picking on people who feel damaged, and who learned just enough calo-speak to pull it off for a sentence or two. There's a lot of sick people in this world...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline am_i_that_crazy22

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Re: any questions for me?
« Reply #12 on: November 08, 2011, 10:30:29 PM »
Quote from: "Ursus"
Quote from: "am_i_that_crazy22"
truth is def. some fucked up wacked out staff working minimum wage stuck in lake ozark and convinced that he/she is doin some deed of God since most staff an ken are wackjob mormon freaks. i hate people who try to come on this board and argue my experience at calo, why the fuck would i lie? i got nothin to gain by lying an tryna run my mouth bout this place. i coulda forgotten bout this shit but a staff notified me of this site a former staff an i knew i should share an experience from that place from years ago. good thing i was pulled from there but i feel some anger for the kids who r held at this place. they gotta change shit over there, an i hope they do. so all these fake accounts of secret ppl workin for ken tryna accuse me of lying about this place or twist shit like calo is known for doing, i suggest u stop. i know theres shit u dont want let out that happnd at calo that i have heard from past students and old staff. i got enough respect not to fuck u guys over completely so respect wat i wirite about my time there. i thought u guys wanted the truth and honesty and being vulnerable lmao, i guess not u two faced fucks. have fun workin in a shit hole in the middle of bumblefuck missorui with rednecks, crazy adoptees and infertile couplez who place their "troubled" adopted kids in this shit hole.
"truth?!65" could also be a Calo parent or an edcon, either of who could be similarly invested in buying the program spiel from Ken... Could also be some  asshat from another program who likes to amuse themselves by picking on people who feel damaged, and who learned just enough calo-speak to pull it off for a sentence or two. There's a lot of sick people in this world...

calo parents are tha worst. they really turn the other way if there child is in a restraint and i saw that one too many times. if i saw my child walking away from a staff and they grabbed them and threw them on the ground for no reason except wanting a power trip, i would kick that staff directly in the face and haul my child out of there. but they have so much trust in this program they actually let strangers put their hands on their own kidz? thats some sick shit  ::puke::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: any questions for me?
« Reply #13 on: November 09, 2011, 12:19:29 AM »
That's what a real parent would do if they saw someone attacking their kid. What you have are not real parents. They are the sad parody of parents. They sold out their right to be called parents when they sold you out to a program. They abandoned you to your fate and bought the program's bullshit hook, line, and sinker.

Leaving you to bear the burden.

Should you be angry?


Should you want to get even.

Damn straight.

Should you get on with your life and forget about your idiotic parents?

That's up to you.

If it was me I'd sue the fucking hell out of them for abusing you by leaving you in the hands of a bunch of howling idiots (the programs).

Whatever you do, recognize you are not helpless. You have power and you need not appear vulnerable to anyone for any reason. Be proud of yourself, show pride in your work, and work hard at whatever it is you do for the sole reason of doing a good job at it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline uncle bob

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CALO SOLD!!! Re: any questions for me?
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2011, 06:56:09 PM »
CALO has been sold!!!!  And I bet Ken Huey just loves that his new owner has an office right next to him!!!!  Why did proficio sell a thriving business... you gotta ask???  So Ken how does it feel that the people under you are constatnly reporting your moves to the outside???  Are you still sending false bills to the local school district and stealing money from students???  I heard your quasi acad director put an end to that!  Do you still pretend CALO is broke so local business give you discounts??? My source says you are bringing in $500,000 gross a month... what a waste.  God has a "special hell" waiting for people like you- you better enjoy your riches now- you will always have money ken, but never wealth.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »