Exodus International's
Love in action program uses Straight Inc tactics and language.
"Say “I love you _____” after each person is finished relating."
(not exactly thinly disguised).
"Absolutely no journaling or keeping a diary outside of the
MI process unless directed or approved by staff."
(yup. They do MIs)
"Be honest, authentic, and real."
(and the'll tell you when you're not, becuase they know you better than you know yourself... see below)
"Therefore, any belongings, appearances, clothing, actions, or humor that might connect a client to an inappropriate past are excluded from the program. These hindrances are called False Images (FI’). FI behavior may include hyper-masculinity, seductive clothing, mannish/boyish attire (on women), excessive jewelry (on men), mascoting, and “campy” or gay/lesbian behavior and talk."
(might as well substitute "druggie" for FI".
(and in the Straight sense, too.
"Refuge clients and their parents/guardians are expected to attend Love in Action’ Open Meetings whenever they occur, held on the first Tuesday of every month at Kirby Woods Baptist Church at 7:30 p.m."
(yes, they do this too, and a lot more with the parents if you read the full thing at the above link.).
"While on the LIA campus, Refuge clients must be in phaseat all times, whether indoors or out of doors. A client is “in phase” when he or she is with two or more other clients (whether Refuge or residential,) one of whom must have been in the program for at least eight weeks. Exceptions to phase rules will be granted by C.O.C. request only."
(well. i suppose it's slightly better than beltlooping.
"No talking behind another person’ back (TBB)."
"Clients may have no contact with anyone who has left the program prior to graduating without the blessing of the staff to do so. Clients may address off-limit persons they inadvertently encounter with a polite “hello” only."
"Refuge clients may only read materials approved by staff."
"No television viewing, going to movies, or reading/watching/listening to secular media of any kind, anywhere within the client’ and the parent’/guardian’ control. This includes listening to classical or instrumental music that is not expressly Christian (Beethoven, Bach, etc. are not considered Christian)."
"Maintain strict confidentiality of everything discussed in group. “What is seen here, what is heard here, remains here!”"
"Stand when speaking, relating, or being related to. During general raps, one must stand while relating. One must also stand when someone is being given feedback or being related to."
Rules for parents:
"No discussing therapeutic issues at home. Keep conversations positive."
"Your client is not allowed to talk to anyone outside of your home including friends or family. Do not tell client who has called for them or who is asking about them."
... and lots more
There is still a lasting influence from Straight Inc, unfortunately.