Wow, this is the only English-language article I could find on the entire subject. You guys take your news blackouts seriously.
Media-Newswire.comWHO/ Europe headquarters closed due to flooding - update 2The WHO/Europe offices in Copenhagen will be closed for at least one further day, up to and including Wednesday 18 August 2010.( - The WHO/Europe offices in Copenhagen will be closed for at least one further day, up to and including Wednesday 18 August 2010. As the health and safety of staff and visitors are of primary concern to WHO, the offices will reopen once an external assessment has established that there is no risk to health. Information on when the office will reopen will be posted as soon as it is available.
Work is under way to ensure that the offices are fully functional as quickly as possible. An emergency group is meeting regularly to oversee repair operations and address key issues, including those relating to the International Health Regulations ( IHR ). Staff are requested to check the Intranet and this web site regularly for further updates.
Communication services gradually reestablished
Telephone and e-mail services have been affected by the flooding, in Copenhagen as well as in many WHO country offices*. The WHO Centre in Barcelona is also affected since its services are provided via Copenhagen. E-mails sent to these offices between the evening of Saturday 14 August until the morning of Tuesday 17 August have not been received and are bouncing back to the senders. E-mail services are slowly being reestablished, but it will take some time before they are fully functional. You are therefore kindly requested to resend any essential e-mails sent during the above mentioned period, once the full e-mail service has resumed later this week.
A mobile switchboard is in operation making use of the general WHO/Europe telephone number. The general fax number is also operating. All other telephone services are currently unavailable.
*E-mail and telephone services have been affected in the following WHO/Europe offices:
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark ( Copenhagen ), Estonia, Hungary, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain ( Barcelona ), Tajikistan, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
E-mail and telephone services have not been affected in the following offices: Germany ( Bonn ), Georgia, Italy ( Rome and Venice ), the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine.
This story was released on 2010-08-18.(c)