Anne Bonney,
What treatment do you suggest for alcoholics?
Stop drinking.
That is not realistic for everyone and I know you're aware of that.
It is realistic. It's unrealistic to expect a higher power to do it for you, or has done it for you. Even by Christian standards, God gave men free will to fuck up or succeed on their own. Drinking to excess is listed explicitly as a sin, not a disease, in the Bible. It amazes me how so many Christians can attend AA and not understand the heretical nature of their teachings. At it's core it denies that man has free will, stating instead that a substance can make a person "powerless" when in reality picking up a drink (yes, each one) is a conscious choice, as is the choice to quit.
Smoking is a behavior. Cancer is a disease. Promiscuous sex is a behavior. STDs are diseases. Snorting cocaine is a behavior. A deviated septum is a disease. Drinking is a behavior. Cirrhosis of the liver is a disease. All behaviors are choices, and while they might result in diseases as a consequence, a pattern of behavior is not in itself a disease. A person with cancer cannot "quit" cancer. A person with AIDS cannot "quit" aids. The element of choice, the exercise of free will, is what makes drinking to excess a behavior and not a disease.
So why do so many AA supporters maintain that alcoholism is a disease? Because it's a lot easier for people who have fucked up their life and hurt others to blame it on an inanimate substance than it is to take full responsibility for the bad choices they have made, and the consequences of those choices. A person who has killed a kid while drunk driving is far more likely to say "i was sick" so they can live with themselves than "I killed that kid, there is no excuse, and I should probably either find a way to live with what I've done or eat my gun".
AA does not work. Sure there is anecdotal evidence all over the place of people claiming the program saved their lives, but statistically, those people would be sober anyway. The rate at which AA works is actually worse than the rate people quit drinking on their own, with no aid other than with their free will. How do we know this? Because there have been double blind studies done with court offenders (such as the Brandsma study). What's also interesting is that often the people who do the worst with the AA program are the most emphatic in their claims that the program is saving their lives.
Of course we already know this. Everybody has seen kids coming out of programs claiming the program saved their lives from addiction -- kids who never had actual drinking problems to begin with, only to identify with the "addict" identity in the program and act it out on release, drinking alcoholically and using drugs to excess. Why do they do this? Because they are indoctrinated to believe they cannot help themselves. They've
learned to be powerless, and as such, don't bother trying. This alone explains why the
rate of binge drinking for AA members is 5 times higher than those who quit on their own in the Brandsma study. And let's be clear. The participants in the study were selected randomly from the same group of court ordered offenders. There has never been a single study, not a single one, to show that AA works better than nothing at all.
Why is AA so popular then? It's free, it makes people feel good even when they shouldn't, and it's 12th step spreads it's ideology like a virus. It's influence has so permeated modern society it's difficult to listen to an album or watch a TV show without being bombarded with it's philosophy and lingo. From birth people are exposed to what they see as the "truth" about alcoholism and the "cure". It's been a silent, subtle takeover by an objectively false belief system masquerading as the truth, masquerading as science, and one that suppresses all other beliefs as "dangerous". Like a cult, the AA way is the only way to sobriety, to salvation (there is doublespeak on this within AA. I'd be glad to discuss it.). I won't go so far as to say it's a full blown cult Cult, but I will say that many of AA's practices are very cult like, and that the way it spreads is in many ways something cults like Scientology and the Unification Church could only dream of.
Let's be clear. I have no problem with people voluntarily believing a lie in order for them to feel better about their lives. It's their choice. What I have a problem with is forced (by the state, workplace, or parents) indoctrination into this belief system that is based more around a religion, a feel-good lie, than around science or objective truth. Actually. Let me clarify. I have a problem with forced treatment of any kind, AA or otherwise (i prefer straight out punishment for non-consensual crimes, and no punishment for consensual), but AA is especially bad because it is religious in nature and as such, sentencing to AA violates the establishment clause of the first amendment.
If you got sober through AA, pat yourself on the back. You did well for yourself. It wasn't the program and it certainly wasn't the higher power. Smile at your own accomplishments.