I used to go to the County Fair every year growing up, my dad was big on them. Plus there was a County Fair that was the granddaddy of them all, which represented the best of the best of all the County Fairs in a several state region ... which happened to be close enough to drive to. My mom hated that one, 'cuz she always got lost (no sense of direction). I can remember being 5 years old and leading her back to where the car was.
When I was little, the rides and the cotton candy were the biggest attraction. As I got older, the crafts/handiwork and livestock piqued more of my interest. The memories of my dad good-naturedly suffering the indignities of kids with short attention spans, whilst still trying to pursue his own interests, are some of the more fond memories I have of his gentle character.
It's funny you both mentioned not being of this world, as that is a good part of why I haven't been back to the County Fair in quite a few years. Something about the crush of people -- all having a good time -- brings it home all too clearly, and I have to have a certain level of psychological fortitude to withstand the feeling of isolation it brings on in me...