Author Topic: What Bullies know about Bullying  (Read 15244 times)

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Re: What Bullies know about Bullying
« Reply #45 on: November 20, 2009, 02:50:19 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: What Bullies know about Bullying
« Reply #46 on: April 11, 2010, 06:05:25 PM »

What can ya do, but laugh laugh laugh, albeit cynically as all hell, when Malcolm shamelessly tries to milk yet another unfortunate bullycide as yet another opportunity for marketing one of the bully meccas of New England: Hyde School.

Seriously, how come Malcolm fails to mention suicides and suicide attempts brought on by the bullying going on at Hyde School, bullying that is not only condoned but required by Hyde School officially as part of its Brother's Keeper philosophy?

Where's the accountability, Malcolm, for Hyde School's role in perpetrating and covering up those bullycide events?

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Breaking News
Posted: Apr 5, 2010
Hyde Schools
Bath, ME & Woodstock, CT

Bullying: Our Broken Schools

Rose Mulligan

April 01, 2010

President of Hyde Schools in Bath, ME and Woodstock, CT, Malcolm Gauld, addresses one of the ongoing issues in schools in America-bullying-and argues that our culture's preoccupation with achievement lies at its root. Gauld is recognized as one of the nation's leading experts on character education and parenting. He is President of Hyde Schools, the network of character-building public and private schools that pioneered the 'Attitude over Aptitude' philosophy.

In the wake of yet another tragic teen suicide, that of Phoebe Prince, the Massachusetts teenager who hanged herself recently in her own home after enduring months of bullying at the hands of schoolmates, I again find myself asking: What are we really teaching our kids?

After 35+ years of working with kids and families, I sometimes claim that I have immunity from astonishment. That's not true. The loss of any student is always a major jolt, a sensory overload that leaves an emotional scar lasting forever. However, the loss of a student by his or her own hand is immediately unbearable, taking on a feeling that can only be called sickening. As educators, we become obsessed with finding some way to ensure that kids like Phoebe Prince do not die in vain.

And yet, our schools remain paralyzed, focused on objectives that are not only unsound; they actually fuel many of the problems we profess to want to solve. Our dynamic reminds me of an old "I Love Lucy" episode. When Ricky comes home to find Lucy on hands and knees looking for a lost earring on the living room floor, he asks, "Did you lose it here in the living room?" Lucy replies, "No, I lost it in the bedroom, but the light is so much better here."

That scene reminds me of what we're doing with our kids in our schools. We care more about what they can do than about who they are. And they know it. They know that we're totally focused on improving their test scores. On some level they might sense that we'd also like them to develop their character, but they know it's really only the "Suggested Reading" section of the syllabus. Parents might blame the schools, but we are fully complicit in the problem as are the colleges with their steadfast admissions requirements. Never kid a kid. Regardless of whether they can figure out the quadratic equation we want them to solve, they will never misread our true expectations of them. They simply establish their priorities in accordance with ours.

Just as no amount of tinkering was going to save the horse-and-buggy from the advent of the automobile, the schools of today are not going to get us where we want to go. We need to retool, overhaul, or better yet, flat-out junk what we've got and begin anew with fresh priorities:

  • Attitude over aptitude,
  • Effort over ability,
  • Character over talent.

There are schools, such as those within the Hyde Organization, that do strive to honor these priorities one school at a time, knowing that it's too slow. We look to partner with others - schools, parents, communities - who want to trigger a national discussion that will transform schools into the inspirational beacons they absolutely must be for kids like Phoebe, those in S. Hadley, and millions of others across the country. We owe it to them. We owe it to us.

About Malcolm Gauld
Malcolm Gauld is recognized as one of the nation's leading experts on character education and parenting. His character development program, delivered at the Hyde schools, has been featured on The Today Show, PBS, and much more. A natural storyteller, Malcolm uses humor and personal experience to convey his practical, insightful, and timely messages on parenting, character, and leadership to a wide mainstream audience.

For more information about Malcolm Gauld, Hyde Schools, and The Biggest Job We'll Ever Have parenting workshops, contact at 207-837-9441, or visit and

Copyright ©2010, Woodbury Reports, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: What Bullies know about Bullying
« Reply #47 on: April 12, 2010, 11:29:06 AM »
Hi Ursus,

Interesting topic. Two things here I see , one being internet bullying. I don't think the bully actually realizes that they are bullying another human being. (not that I believe that the one doing the bullying can be educated to this fact ) Due to the psychic make up of the bully.  You could point this out until you are blue in the face and the bully would just not get it.

The other fact of internet bullying is that the bully (wheather they realize it or not ) leaves an electronic trail, that can be traced back to them , where upon if the bullying tactics resulted in the death of a person... well hopefully the authorities would get the first crack at them.

If the bullying is done on an open forum like fornits, face book for example , the bully again will never admit to bullying due to their psychic makeup. What the bully doesn't seem to realize is that their actions (though directed at one individual or a few ) is witnessed and seen by the multitudes of those readers of these type of public forums.  

Yes I am sure someone will find humor in the "bully that doesn't know its a bully " , they should really be known as predators and not as bullies and in that context its not as funny is it .

The other thing that struck me by this thread is that the program was one big bully (predator) . My specific program was elan  and even though us suviviours have called it a corercive program and it was, you could also say that it was a program based on bullying to get to its means.

And as a result of this type of bullying to break down individuals , which was very successful , the directors and assisitant directors of elan had a knack for being supreme bulliers. Yet they had no knowledge or insight in how to build  back up the broken individual. (broken from the intense bullying brought on by elan 's type of program and its henchmen's implementation of the elan concept) Therefore is it any wonder that a lot of good people have commited suicide, in my opinion from just having come incontact with ricci's progam and the his henchmen that helped him run it.

To me and this is just me,I see the programs as places where really intensive bullying ocurred, very similar to intense public school bullying , and internet bullying. All which can have the same result and that is causing a person such pain that they actually make the decision to end their life.

I guess the bottom line is that all forms of bullying can result in the possible death of the victim. Whether it be in the form of "encouragement " by other students on a hike or what ever word you want to use. The end result can be death as we have all witnessed and that is sad it is also very morally wrong to say the least. Sure bullying and corercive are words that are interchangable when talking about some of these programs.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Eliscu2

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Re: What Bullies know about Bullying
« Reply #48 on: April 12, 2010, 12:15:43 PM »
« Last Edit: November 18, 2011, 02:35:06 AM by Eliscu2 »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: What Bullies know about Bullying
« Reply #49 on: April 12, 2010, 01:45:39 PM »
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 05:37:38 PM by DannyB II »
Stand and fight, till there is no more.

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: What Bullies know about Bullying
« Reply #50 on: April 12, 2010, 05:25:38 PM »
Ursus ,

I in no way  mean to belittle any death caused by bullying, any suicide caused by bullying is a very tragic and in my mind preventable.  If the victim has someone compassionate who  cares about them to intervene and talk with about the victimazation and can go to the proper authorities to end the bullying. Then I think this horrible and tragic end could be avoided.

Even if these steps are taken as seen on the NBC news the other night , still the damage was  done and a young life ended suddenly thru suicide. I am refering to the girl from Ireland.

I also want to clarify that elan's bully tactics in my opinion were insanely abusive (both mentally and physically)  Like the Cowboy Kickass (I truly have no idea what a cowboy ass whippin was ) a truly brutal and horrific encounter that left severe bruises on the back of one resident that I witnessed as kruglik pulled up Chris Badgers shirt.I saw afew of these Cowboy Kickasses go down. Ricci seemed to enjoy them, as I remember he started the first one I saw.

No the bullying tactics proscribed as therapy by elan and its henchmen were criminally insane. As residents we had no one to turn to. Our phone calls were screened ,and our letters going out were read as well as what was recieved.  No we never felt safe.

When ever there was a state investigation ,we could not tell the investigators what was really going on, and if we tried as Badger tried well you were gaurranteeing yourself more certain pains of hell. Of couse elan always hid the drugged and corner people (down in the dorms) when there was  a state  investigation. but once the investagators left it was screaming and  pain as usual.A totally closed abusive community , no one to turn to.Which made you feel even more hopeless and helpless and totally in fear of what was going to happen next . And that is how elan and its henchmen wanted you to feel, and they liked it that way. Afterall they constantly told us that a five o'clock they were going home and we were still stuck here.(except the one on duty that night )

This begs the question why did elan and its henchmen feel the need to hide from the authorities ..... the money and their freedom, thats why.

By all means what elan and its henchmen made residents do to each other should really be considered brutal and criminally insane , yet this was elan's therapy. If there was any way that any of this brutally abusive tactics had ever made it to the proper authorities , you could bet your bottom dollar that people would have gone to prison, a long time ago and that hellhole shut down.

elan and its henchmen in my opinion should spend the rest of their lives in prison and the ghosts of former residents that are no longer here as a result of having come in contact with elan and its henchmen ,should haunt them until they die.

 elan could break people down and severely damage them , yet elan could not repair nor did it care to repair the damage it did to good human beings , many now are dead . And you know I consider myself very lucky to be walking amongst the living after what I went thru. What I witnessed and what I experienced in that hell hole was criminal , sick ,twisted and down right evil.

I thank you for letting me clarify my point about bullying and what elan and its henchmen did in their quest to break down good people , and their inability to rebuild damaged souls. Simply criminal.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline SharonMcCarthy

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Re: What Bullies know about Bullying
« Reply #51 on: April 13, 2010, 01:52:53 AM »
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 07:31:32 PM by SharonMcCarthy »
"A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle."
Kahlil Gibran

Offline SharonMcCarthy

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Re: What Bullies know about Bullying
« Reply #52 on: April 13, 2010, 01:53:27 AM »
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 07:32:22 PM by SharonMcCarthy »
"A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle."
Kahlil Gibran

Offline DannyB II

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Re: What Bullies know about Bullying
« Reply #53 on: April 13, 2010, 12:52:43 PM »
« Last Edit: April 27, 2011, 05:38:52 PM by DannyB II »
Stand and fight, till there is no more.

Offline SharonMcCarthy

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Re: What Bullies know about Bullying
« Reply #54 on: April 13, 2010, 11:45:25 PM »
« Last Edit: May 10, 2010, 07:32:44 PM by SharonMcCarthy »
"A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle."
Kahlil Gibran

Offline Ursus

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Re: What Bullies know about Bullying
« Reply #55 on: April 16, 2010, 12:43:16 PM »
I think most of us think of bullying as a type of harassment and intimidation of (often) individuals for the sake of exerting a power disparity for some sick reason or another. The way I see it, that's pretty much what goes on in most programs. The therapeutic community modality is perfectly primed for exploitation towards those ends, and from what I can tell, all these programs are based on or are heavily influenced by that model.


Main Entry: 3bully
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): bul·lied; bul·ly·ing
Date: 1693

transitive verb

1 : to treat abusively
2 : to affect by means of force or coercion

intransitive verb

: to use browbeating language or behavior : BLUSTER
synonyms see INTIMIDATE[/list]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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Bullying versus the American character
« Reply #56 on: May 21, 2010, 01:49:44 PM »
Ye Olde King Bully hisself popped in a few cents in an Op-Ed in the Portland Press Herald earlier this month. Outside of the predictable Phoebe Prince opener (never lose a chance to turn someone else's tragedy into yet another marketing opportunity), most of this material is tried and trite platitudes recycled from previous publication.

However, here he espouses a new twist I'm not so familiar with, namely that competition is now the root of all evil. Gah-LEEEEE, exactly what do ya think happens on the sports playing fields at Hyde, Joe?


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Portland Press Herald
May 8, 2010

Maine Voices: Bullying versus the American character: Change is possible

Too often we try to control or contain aggression, instead of transforming those who have it.


BATH - Bullying is a bone in America's throat, as shown by the brutal behavior of nine teenagers that led to the suicide of 15-year-old Phoebe Prince in South Hadley, Mass.

One Maine educator likened bullying to black flies: "You'll never be able to stamp it out."

This describes solutions to date: Try to contain it; hire consultants, hold training sessions; be more vigilant. Massachusetts legislators highlight our impotence by proposing a law to make bullying a crime.

It is amazing how the bad behavior of youth has become accepted by schools as something we cannot change, only seek to contain or control.

Once school shootings like Columbine began, the response focused solely on issues of security; who has tried to deal with the attitudes that led to the shootings?

We now have decades of yearly surveys that indicate the vast majority of American youths cheat at school and now that a third steal from stores. Again our response was to crack down on the cheating, not to deal with the attitude behind it.

However, today the annual survey on cheating and now stealing seems to be accepted by society as a necessary evil. As one student remarked, "Cheating is necessary to give you the edge you need to succeed in life."

There are other youth attitudinal problems that should concern us -- like the survey that indicates that of youths 18-25, only 20 percent could be classified as "purposeful."

These attitudes and behaviors are detrimental and unacceptable, and if left unaddressed, they can have serious effects upon children's lives and our society as a whole.

We don't need to contain these counterproductive attitudes and behaviors. We need to change them. This will mean changing the way we raise and educate our children.

Our children are born with animalistic self-gratification, self-protection and self-centered survival instincts -- the real source of all these unacceptable attitudes and behaviors. Our job as parents and teachers is to help them transcend these lesser instincts in order to enable them to find their higher human self.

We are fortunate to live in a nation that uniquely supports this effort. America is committed to develop the individual; its Bill of Rights protects the dignity and worth of everyone. We are the land of the free.

But unfortunately, we unwittingly developed an educational system that does not respect this birthright. It primarily evaluates students by their academic proficiency.

This narrow window into human potential disrespects the dignity and worth of most students. Note the majority of students do not like school, and 30 percent drop out.

And it primarily motivates students by competition, which primarily motivates a capitalist society of healthy, mature adults. Curiosity primarily motivates the development of healthy, growing children, which then increasingly allows competition to serve as an additional motivation.

One survey of 24,000 home-schooled students found them scoring by 9th grade four grade levels above both public and private school students on standardized tests. Clearly their motivation was curiosity, not competition.

Since our educational system is basically disrespecting most students, and further putting them in competition with each other before they are prepared to handle this pressure, kids revert to their animalistic instincts in dealing with each other. The same "pecking orders" exist in nature.

Since adults demonstrate they are not capable of dealing with bullying or cheating, bullies and the primitive youth culture gain power because kids know adults can't respond.

Having founded a network of private and public Hyde Schools (the newest school will open in Brooklyn, N.Y., this September) devoted to the premise that each student is gifted with a unique potential, supported by curriculum devoted to the development of character -- "Courage, Integrity, Concern, Curiosity and Leadership" -- I know this higher human self can be developed in every student. Here is how:

    1. Put self-discovery first; what the student can do, second.
    2. Bring family and school together. Parents and teachers also need to become students of the process.
    3. Students need to take responsibility for each other and take active leadership roles at home and school.
    4. Make character development active at home and school. Once a student can internalize integrity, he or she will have it for life.

What I propose here is transformational change, which is very difficult, but it is doable. How long are we going to tolerate this decline in the American character?

Better to change now by choice rather than change later because we have been forced into it.

Copyright ©2010 MaineToday Media, Inc.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Eliscu2

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Re: What Bullies know about Bullying
« Reply #57 on: May 21, 2010, 06:52:27 PM »
Disturbing to say the least.
Josheph E. Gauld...........Perfecting the art of bullying :beat:
I have seen all types of Bullies.
What do you call a bully who for example builds 5 entire websites (over a 5 month period) dedicated to bulling one or two people and when they get shut down comes with thier "bully pack" over to a public forum until it is temporarily suspended for the same exact reasons.....
oh I almost forgot the bully then proceeds to entirely flood the public forum once again for months and then threatens the public forum that was kind enough not to ban them with DMCA notices  :deal: all the while demanding that multiple moderators and admins call her immediately lest she kill herself.  :suicide: and all while pretending to be her daughter who is defending her poor suicidal mother who is in reality bullying at that very moment.  :bs:
This bully cries the victim but not only that we have had rape victim, :dose:  life threatening physical conditions, :poison:  and now the latest threats of suicide.  :dose:   What the hell kind of bully is this? anybody know??
How can a bully cry victim? is there such a thing as a VICTIMBULL?
Could this type of bully kill herself and then try to blame it on the very people she viciously attacked for months? :waaaa:
Thank goodness for screen shots!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Comments: "Bullying versus the American character..."
« Reply #58 on: October 18, 2010, 06:41:24 PM »
Comments left on Joe's Op-Ed posted above, "Maine Voices: Bullying versus the American character: Change is possible" (by Joseph Gauld; May 8, 2010; The Portland Press Herald):

henryelm said... May 8, 2010 at 10:14 AM
    "One survey of 24,000 home-schooled students found them scoring by 9th grade four grade levels above both public and private school students on standardized tests. Clearly their motivation was curiosity, not competition." and other studies show they don't perform as well as public school students. I noticed a certain slant and figured it must be someone who doesn't understand kids Or education.The shock is he does. Kids are born evil?? HUH?? Just the opposite. They LEARN to bully it's not innate.
henryelm said... May 8, 2010 at 10:20 AM
    The right has KNOCKED "character education" OUT of public school with their on going anti education and anti funding tirade. They want to eliminate all the so called frills that support kids in their learning. They want basics only education. They want teachers to stop parenting and supporting kids and to focus ONLY on teaching them. You've got no one but yourselves to blame if you don't like the results. All that to privatize education.
henryelm said... May 8, 2010 at 10:25 AM
    HYDE school has done wonderful things( as do other private schools). This bashing "public education piece" is beneath dignity of the founder. when did PUBLIC school become the enemy?? When the right wanted to privatize it and fund "their own" schools.

Copyright ©2010 MaineToday Media, Inc.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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Re: What Bullies know about Bullying
« Reply #59 on: April 27, 2011, 01:20:32 AM »
Bullying is when a person is picked on over and over again by an individual or group with more power,either in terms of physical strength or social standing.A bully might say mean things about someone,grab a kid's stuff,make fun of someone,or leave a kid out of the group on purpose.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »