Author Topic: New Dominion Torture Center Closes..  (Read 31190 times)

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Offline Che Gookin

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New Dominion Torture Center Closes..
« on: April 12, 2009, 08:16:29 AM »

Another one bites the dust.. Roll on recession!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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Re: New Dominion Torture Center Closes..
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2009, 02:22:53 PM »
Same article, more or less, also on Lon's site:

—•?|•?•0•?•|?•— —•?|•?•0•?•|?•— —•?|•?•0•?•|?•—

Breaking News
Posted: Apr 7, 2009

Three Springs
Huntsville, Alabama

Three Springs Announces Closure of New Dominion School

Aida Porras MA
Vice President of Marketing
256-880-3339 ext 222

April 3, 2009

Three Springs announced plans to close its New Dominion campus located in Dillwyn, Virginia effective May 20, 2009. For the past 30 years the facility has provided year-round outdoor therapeutic programs for troubled teens and their families.

"This has been a difficult but very necessary decision," said Mark Horner, PhD, VP of Private Programs. "Recent changes in the state's referral model will drastically reduce enrollment in the program in the very near future."

Horner noted 80% of the current student population came to the New Dominion program through state or local government referrals. Difficult economic conditions are also making it challenging in the private referral sector. The majority of current students will be leaving the program once they have completed their treatment plan, including four students who will graduate with a high school degree and six others who will earn a GED.

"We tried to time this so the majority of our current students could complete the program prior to closing," added Horner. "We will work closely with the remaining families to find the best alternative for their children."

Founded in 1985 to provide therapy and education to adolescents experiencing emotional, behavioral and learning problems. The company operates 23 programs across 7 states. Our focus is on the provision of a caring, supportive environment to promote behavioral changes and academic competency in youth. Our mission focus is the healing and restoration of children and families. For more information about Three Springs contact us at (888) 758-4356.

Copyright © 2009, Woodbury Reports, Inc.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline mbnh31782

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Re: New Dominion Torture Center Closes..
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2009, 09:38:25 PM »
Thats how the georgia programs closed, the state withdrew enrollment in the program in favor of less abusive measures.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Inculcated

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Re: New Dominion Torture Center Closes..
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2009, 02:01:50 PM »
They actually called one of these places by the name New Dominion?
That’s a shriek.
‘Right up there with the Last Door, for creepy names of places to inter(n) your child.
Good riddance.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
“A person needs a little madness, or else they never dare cut the rope and be free”  Nikos Kazantzakis

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: New Dominion Torture Center Closes..
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2009, 01:49:40 AM »
Paint Rock Valley Girls was closed as well. Roll on recession..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Hedge

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Re: New Dominion Torture Center Closes..
« Reply #5 on: August 29, 2010, 10:19:18 PM »
Haven't figured out how to post files yet. Thought this might be helpful for posterity.


Attorney General
Chief Deputy Attorney General
Deputy Attorney General
Facility: New Dominion School - Maryland
Three Springs, Inc.
20700 Wagner Cutoff Road
Oldtown, MD 21555
Administrator: Gary Wolz
Date(s) of Visit: January 24, 2008
February 11 and 27, 2008
March 6, 2008
Reported by: Tim Snyder, Jeff Merson, Moira Lee
Juvenile Justice Monitors
Issues Monitored: Youth Served
Staff Training
Safety and Security
Incident Reporting
Persons Interviewed: Group Administrator, Program Administrator, Program
Director, Admissions Director, Various Groups
Supervisors, Group Leaders, and youth
Date of Report: April, 2008
New Dominion School 2
New Dominion School in Oldtown, Maryland, began accepting youth in 1981. In
1994, Three Springs Inc., headquartered in Huntsville Alabama, assumed ownership of
New Dominion School. New Dominion provides treatment and education in the natural
environment. The facility is located on 330 mostly wooded acres in Allegany County,
Maryland. New Dominion assigns residents to therapeutic groups who live in campsite
villages consisting of structures designed and built by youth and staff.
1. Population
The Maryland Department of Juvenile Services licenses New Dominion School to
serve 72 youth in six groups of up to 12 youth in a group. The population has been
significantly under capacity for several years, and during this quarter, it ranged from 30
to 34 youth. New Dominion has recently contracted with DJS to open a short-term 90
day impact program, “Expeditions”, which when full will serve 24 youth. New Dominion
reports that currently 88% of its residents are court ordered from the Maryland
Department of Juvenile Services.
New Dominion describes its population as adolescent males, ages 11 to 18 who
experience emotional, behavioral, and learning problems and have a history of difficulty
in dealing with structure and/or authority, low self-esteem and substance abuse or
experimentation. Most of the students at New Dominion possess at least average
intelligence, but experience failure in school. Traditional educational approaches have
generally not proved effective for these students.
New Dominion Policy states that the program does not accept residents who are
actively psychotic, seriously physically handicapped, a danger to themselves or others.
New Dominion screens felonious offenders on a case-by-case basis. Program staff
evaluators must find referrals to be capable of benefiting from this type of educational
and therapeutic intervention.
Review of the current DJS population as of April 15, 2008 revealed that the
primary sustained adjudications leading to placement at New Dominion included:
? Controlled Dangerous Substance Possession 1
? Manslaughter, Felony Theft 2X, & Burglary 1st Degree 1
? Controlled Dangerous Substance Manufacture and Distribution 1
? Robbery 2X & Unspecified Felony 1
? Robbery 1
? Malicious Destruction 3
? Carjacking 1
? Burglary 3rd Degree 1
? Felony Theft 1
? Motor Vehicle Theft 1
? Assault 2nd Degree 3
? Assault 1st Degree 1
This Monitor did not have access to information concerning charges and
convictions of youth enrolled from other states.
New Dominion School 3
2. Staffing
a. Administration
Ron Brown is the Regional Director for Three Springs Inc. Gary Wolz is the
Administrator of New Dominion School – Maryland. Mike Heron is the Program
Director. Josh Zeigler is the Assistant Program Director. Tracy Smith serves as the
Administration Coordinator.
b. Recruitment and Coverage
Two Group Leaders and a Supervisor work with each group of youth. Group
Leaders are part of the group. Direct care staff stay with the group continuously for 5
days per week. Additionally, night watchmen are present in each group from 10pm to
6am, along with another floating night watchman, to maintain security throughout the
campus. New Dominion’s policy requires that at least one staff member be on duty for
every twelve or fewer residents.
New Dominion School began developing a 90-day program over a year ago, and
hired a number of staff in the summer and fall of 2007 to receive training in anticipation
of beginning the “Expeditions” program. New Dominion had to lay off several staff
members due to the length of time taken to finalize the contract with DJS, and will now
have to re-fill those positions.
c. Training
New staff members receive training in Satori Alternative Management of
Aggression (SAMA), CPR, First Aid, and Automated External Defibrillator (AED), Child
Abuse and Neglect Identification and Reporting, and Suicide Risk Assessment and
Prevention. It can take up to six months for new staff to receive all of the required initial
training. New Dominion rotates other topics of training throughout the year, so that
within one year a new hire has received all the required training. New direct care staff
members are on probation for 90 days and shadow experienced staff typically for a
month, or until the Program Director assigns the new staff to a group.
New Dominion School is not compliant with training standards when a new
employee works with a group unaccompanied by a fully trained staff member before
completing required orientation training.
d. Teambuilding
New Dominion direct care staff meet weekly to review youth in each group and to
participate in staff training and teambuilding. Staff members also meet on an as needed
basis to work out any conflicts and to coordinate group and individual treatment
intervention needs.
Applicable Standards
COMAR D. (4). (The licensee shall) (m)aintain adequate staff coverage at
all times based on the time of day, the size and nature of the program and layout of the
physical plant.
New Dominion School 4
COMAR 14.31.06 F. Training of Child Care Workers. Each employee who provides
direct care to children shall receive a minimum of 40 hours of initial and annual training.
The program administrator shall designate an employee to accompany new direct care
employees on initial tours of duty until the employee's supervisor determines that the
new employee: (a) Is able to effectively safeguard the health and safety of the children;
and (b) Has completed…training…to…include: emergency preparedness and general
safety practices; cardiopulmonary resuscitation leading to certification; annual first-aid
training…child abuse and neglect identification and reporting, suicide risk assessment
and prevention; and approved forms of discipline and behavior management techniques
including crisis management and the use of isolation and restraints.
3. Safety and Security
a. AWOLs
A number of youth have AWOLed from the program over the 26 years of
operation. Some of those youth have caused neighbors distress as they ventured onto
their property, in some cases took items from cars or homes, and in at least one
occasion assaulted a neighbor. While these episodes are relatively few, during this
quarter there were four AWOL incidents involving seven youth. The neighborhood
community formed a committee to discuss AWOL concerns. This Monitor attended the
community meeting held in March in which New Dominion Administrators listened to
concerns and agreed to implement changes to help address those concerns.
One outcome of the meeting was an agreement to form a community safety
committee including New Dominion Staff and community members. New Dominion also
agreed to install an automated call system that, when activated, would alert neighbors
of the facility when a youth runs away from the program. The automated system would
again be activated and notify neighbors when the youth is returned to the New
Dominion campus.
b. Unsafe Use of Tools
This Monitor visited New Dominion on January 11, 2008 and observed youth
using an axe and a maddox in an unsafe manner. The youth members had received
tool use instruction, and the staff member should have been aware of the unsafe
practice, but no one intervened in the activity until this Monitor pointed out the danger.
This Monitor notified the Administrator who immediately went to the group to provide
corrective action and counseling.
c. Key Control
In January, a youth was able to take car keys from the jacket of a teacher and
subsequently steal his car.
Applicable Standards
COMAR (1)(c). (The licensee shall) (g)uide and supervise the children;
manage the children's behavior; and promote the physical and emotional well being of
the children.
New Dominion School 5
COMAR (A)(2). (The licensee shall) (e)nsure that community residents
have reasonable access to the program administrator to address concerns about the
program staff and residents.
American Correction Association 1D-09 Written procedure and practice (shall)
provide that all new juvenile care workers receive training during their first year of
employment. At a minimum, this training covers…key control.
4. Incidents
a. DJS Database
Staff members label incidents according to the precipitating event. For example,
an incident may begin because of a youth making a derogatory or threatening comment,
but then escalates, and may result in a restraint, which may lead to an injury. The table
below captures that information by including the reporting category and the number of
restraints, and/or injuries that resulted from the initial event. Gang involvement may
mean that the incident was gang related or that the youth or youths are gang members.
DJS Incident Database Summary Report – January 1 – March 31, 2008
Incidents Total Restraint Injury Gang
AWOL of youth(s) 4
7 youth
Alleged Inappropriate
Conduct/Comments by Youth 6 5
Physical Assault Youth on Youth 2
4 youth
Sick Youth Requiring
Emergency/Hospital Care 1
Youth requiring non routine off
grounds medical care(Sports or nonincident
related injury)
incidents 5 2 3
5. Education
a. Overview
Upon Admission, New Dominion enrolls a new student immediately in school, and
schedules him for seven credit-bearing courses. In addition to English/Language Arts,
Math, Science, and Social Studies, students earn three credits for experiential courses
in Health/Physical Education, Life Skills, and Sociology/Citizenship.
New Dominion School 6
During the course of stay in the treatment program, students earn academic
credit hours for participation in activities directly related to basic needs, such as building
campsite structures, planning and cooking meals, planning and taking extended
adventure trips, and engaging in the group problem solving process
The academic program operates on a rolling enrollment so students can enter the
school at any time during the year. The academic school is in session 246 days a year.
New Dominion High School issues a secondary school diploma to students who have
satisfactorily completed the minimum requirements for earning a diploma. A minimum
teacher/youth ratio of 10 to 1 is maintained as a minimum.
b. General Educational Development Program (GED)
Students may enter the Pre-GED program or enter directly in the GED Program.
When ready, the student takes the GED test to earn his Maryland High School Diploma.
c. Special Education
New Dominion School contacts Allegany County Public Schools when an
admitted student has special education needs and requests that an IEP team meeting
convene to review the student’s IEP.
d. Misbehavior in School
Teachers and Administrators report that school misbehavior has increased over
the past three years since New Dominion has been required to enroll youth immediately
in the formal education program. Previously, New Dominion provided a new youth two
months to acclimate to the program and begin to address the issues that necessitated
placement. A student perceived enrollment in the formal school classroom as an
earned privilege as he demonstrated his growth in treatment and readiness to take
responsibility for his academic work.
Applicable Standard
COMAR A (a). .(The licensee shall) (e)nsure that each child…who has not
earned a high school diploma or certificate of completion…is receiving an appropriate
elementary or secondary school education; (b) If the child is a student with disabilities,
(ensure) that the child receives special education and related services as provided for in
the child's individualized education program; and (c) Ensure that each child…who has
not received a secondary school diploma or certificate of completion…participates in a
secondary school education program; a tutoring program to prepare the child to take
the (GED) Test; or developmentally appropriate vocational skills training.….
6. Programming
New Dominion views the group process as the primary therapeutic intervention
necessary to achieve lasting change. Psychiatric/psychological services, individual
therapy, family therapy, and substance abuse education services are also available.
When on grounds, the groups meet around their campfire at campsite each
evening to discuss the day and address any unresolved feelings or concerns. At any
New Dominion School 7
time during the day, a student or staff may call for a group meeting to resolve an issue.
When on an adventure trip, the groups maintain the structure and hold group meetings
just as they would on campus. New Dominion staff express that maintaining structure,
routine and order is very important in providing safety and security and important
aspects of maintaining a therapeutic environment.
a. Treatment Groups
Upon admission, New Dominion assigns a new student to a family worker, group
counselor(s), and peer group. The team assigns a new student to a peer group based
on clinical consideration of factors such as age, developmental level, past history and
problem nature, and severity. The basic treatment team consists of the Director of
Family Services, Program Director, Counselor, Supervisor, Nurse, Family Worker, and
Teacher. The team participates in developing an individual treatment plan, which
includes discharge and after care planning.
Each group of 10-12 students and three staff members have their own campsite
village that they construct and maintain as a group. The treatment model involves adults
and students working together and experiencing the rewards and consequences of their
combined efforts. Each group has a name based on Native American words having
significant meaning such as Honishi, (to excel), Kemotte (brothers), and Mikawa (strong
b. Special Therapeutic Adventure Activities
Residents participate in extended adventure trips including canoeing,
backpacking, and bicycling. Students and staff plan trips together. The therapeutic
adventure trips take about two weeks to complete and help build confidence, problem
solving skills, and better relationships.
c. Community Outings
Each week every group participates in a “night out” activity. On these days, the
groups plan and prepare their own meals at campsite. If staff members determine that
the group has passed campsite inspection and is functioning appropriately, they may go
off campus to a nearby town. Activities typically include eating out, shopping for
personal items, or going to a movie. Occasionally groups also visit museums or
historical sites.
d. Recreation
Groups plan on-campus recreational activities such as basketball, fishing, hiking,
volleyball, horseshoes, softball, and soccer. Off campus recreational activities are also
planned which include canoeing, swimming, basketball, biking, hiking, sailing, seakayaking,
ice-skating, roller-skating, and bowling.
Each group generally has the opportunity for at least one hour per day of
recreational time. Competition is discouraged in favor of team participation. On rainy
days, the group uses the Library/Craft Tent structure at campsite for indoor activities.
New Dominion School 8
New Dominion does not have a gym but does have a weight room. Sometimes
during inclement weather, the students do not receive the one hour of required large
muscle physical activity.
e. Parental Involvement
New Dominion School involves parents/guardians in the treatment process, and
presents them with a parent handbook at the time of admission. Parents participate in
the treatment planning process and discharge planning. New Dominion holds periodic
parent conferences to discuss progress and problems. Parents/guardians also attend
special events such as Open House and Family Day.
As a student progresses in the treatment program, he becomes eligible to apply
for weekend home visits. These visits become more frequent as the student continues
in treatment and demonstrates progress at home.
Applicable Standard
Md. Dept. of Juvenile Services Policy and Procedure RF-08-07. Residential facilities
shall provide each youth a minimum of one hour of (large muscle development through
physical exercise) daily.
7. Health and Medical
a. Nursing Facility
The Nurse’s suite includes several clinic beds. The Nurse sees every resident
once a month for a nursing summary and at any other time a need arises.
b. Health Records
Student health records are maintained for each student and include consent for
treatment, insurance information, health history, all health complaints, illnesses, injuries,
immunizations, evaluations, medication, and hospitalizations of the student, and all
health care provided while the child is in the care of the Program.
c. Nurse Duties
The Nurse trains staff, ensures that physician orders are carried out, maintains
communication with parents/guardians, packages medications for counselors to
administer, makes medical appointments, schedules monthly medication reviews,
verifies immunization records and administers initial health screenings, monitors youth
for normal growth and development, keeps medication records, obtains physicians’
medication orders, discusses medication side affects with physicians, and instructs staff
on infection precautions.
d. Safety Committee
The Safety Committee monitors the infection control program each month. Both
the Program Director and the Nurse report their findings to the Safety Committee. The
Nurse provides a liaison between the program and the local health department.
New Dominion School 9
e. Food
Cooks prepare meals five days each week and students eat in the dining hall. A
registered dietitian approves the menus and cooks post the menus. Two days each
week, the groups eat at campsite. Students, with help from counselors, plan and
prepare the meals, which must be approved for balance and nutrition.
8. Facility and Maintenance.
a. Buildings, Structures, and Grounds
The central campus complex consists of an office building, school, dining hall,
Nurse’s suite/clinic, shower house, and laundry facility. The program typically has two
staff to maintain the physical plant, but recently had to cut back to one staff.
Students and counselors live in campsite villages. The group constructs the
campsite tents from harvested pine trees to form a framework, and then covers the
structure with heavy-duty tarp and plastic for windows. Each tent structure has a wood
stove for heat when needed. There are six campsite villages located within a quartermile
of the central administrative area. Each village site is autonomous and is
comprised of structures for sleeping, dining, cooking, personal hygiene, and group
b. Fire Safety
New Dominion presented a Fire Safety Inspection report dated 6/24/07. The
report noted no areas of deficiency.
New Dominion School 10
New Dominion conducts fire drills on a monthly basis, and presented evidence
that the school and dining hall had fire drills in January, February, and March. Two of
the three campsite villages also presented documents showing that staff held fire drills
in each month of this quarter. One campsite did not conduct a fire drill in January.
c. Health Inspection
New Dominion presented a health inspection report conducted by the Maryland
Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. DHMH held the inspection in early April
2008, and noted only one violation under 16 (a) (walls, floors, ceilings, windows, doors –
clean, repair, and construction).
Applicable Standards
COMAR (B)(5) (The licensee shall) (m)aintain evidence that the physical
plant had been tested for and found to be free of hazards from lead paint, asbestos, and
radon…Protect the physical plant from insect or rodent infestation and…(m)aintain all
structures and grounds in good condition, free from health or safety hazards.
COMAR (A)(5) (The licensee shall) (h)old emergency drills…(a)t least
monthly…(o)n each shift, at least quarterly…(a)t unexpected times and under varying
conditions…and…(f)or different types of emergencies.
9. Advocacy, Investigation, and Monitoring
a. Child Abuse
New Dominion states in its Policy Manual that; “it is the policy of New Dominion
School that employees have a legal and moral responsibility to report suspected or
confirmed cases of child abuse. Individuals making such reports, in good faith, will not
be subjected to reprisals of any sort.”
b. Grievance Process
New Dominion School maintains an internal grievance process, a locked
grievance box located in the lodge/dining hall, and has a comprehensive grievance
resolution procedure.
The Policy Manual states that a resident may lodge a grievance (written/verbal)
with any member of the program staff. It is the responsibility of the staff to activate the
grievance process. In the event the grievance is of a highly serious nature, the staff
member must take whatever legal and reasonable steps are necessary to ensure the
immediate safety and well-being of the resident. Additionally, the staff member will
notify the individual in the chain of command he feels most likely able to handle/address
the situation/issue, regardless of normal/routine supervision processes and the
employee may not suffer any reprisal for not following this process.
In April, DJS assigned Child Advocate Bob Pressman to New Dominion School.
Mr. Pressman has made several visits to the facility to interview DJS youth. DJS will
reportedly provide a separate grievance box for which only Mr. Pressman will have the
New Dominion School 11
c. Community Case Management
Most, but not all, DJS youth see their Community Case Managers monthly.
d. Incident Reporting
Two incidents reported on the DJS Database noted that there was an injury, but
failed to describe the injury. Another AWOL incident report made no mention of police
According to DJS Policy that applies to private vendors, incidents are to be
entered into the DJS Database or faxed to DJS by 9:00 a.m. the next business day
following the incident. Of the 15 reportable incidents during this quarter, six were
entered 5-7 days after the incident, and three AWOL incidents that occurred in early
January were not entered into the Database until March 25th. New Dominion
Administrators stated that DJS gave them the wrong fax number, but that they had
faxed the incidents as required.
Applicable Standards
Md. Dept. of Juvenile Services Policy and Procedure CJ-04-3. Juvenile counselors
shall visit a child at the child’s placement no less than once every month if the (child’s)
placement is in state.
Md. Dept. of Juvenile Services Policy and Procedure MGMT 03-07. The Program’s
management staff shall ensure a DJS Incident Reporting Form is completed, entered
into the DJS Incident Reporting Database, and electronically forwarded to OIA by 9:00
a.m. the next business day. If access to the DJS Incident Reporting Database is not
available, the DJS Incident Reporting Form shall be faxed to the attention of the OIA
Administrator by 9:00a.m the next business day following the incident.
1. Staff must receive all of the required training before being alone with youth.
2. New Dominion must monitor to ensure that students and staff use tools
appropriately and safely.
3. All staff should place keys in a secured location when on campus.
4. New Dominion must provide one hour of large muscle recreation daily. New
Dominion should consider building a gym or other structure so that during
inclement weather youth have a suitable place to get the needed recreation.
5. DJS Community Case Managers should visit youth on a monthly basis.
6. Incidents should be reported completely and in the time required.
7. Fire drills should be held as required.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »