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Re: Holding Thread for 3 Springs statements
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2008, 07:32:35 PM »
Sex-crime treatment center handles out-of-state youths    Some lawmakers express surprise, dismay upon learning of cases    taken by private facility
Mobile Register (AL)-February 16, 1997
Author: WIJ2173, Associated Press Writer

        By:BILL POOVEY
        MONTGOMERY  Convicted juvenile sex offenders from other states are being sent to Alabama for treatment at a private lockup in Courtland, an influx that caught some legislators by surprise.
        Rep. Jody Letson, D-Hillsboro, who has the treatment center in his district, said when interviewed Thursday by The Associated Press that he was not aware that juvenile sex offenders have been sent to Courtland for years.
        ``It's not right,'' Letson said. He said other states ``should at least take care of their own people.''
        The juvenile sex offenders from other states are being treated at the Three Springs Inc. Residential Center, where officials say security is ample and the service, first utilized in 1996 by the Alabama Department of Youth Services, is difficult to find elsewhere.
        Courtland's mayor described the center as a ``good neighbor.''
        The Alabama Legislature's Contract Review Committee this month approved DYS paying $127 a day to the Three Springs center for each sex offender it sends there for treatment.

         Legislators approving the service contract said they were unaware that juvenile sex offenders, typically teen-agers convicted in sex crimes involving child victims, are being sent to Alabama from other states.
        Contract Review Committee Vice Chairman Ralph Burke, D-Rainsville, said he was not aware that any facility in Alabama was treating juvenile sex offenders from other states.

         But Mike Watson, chief executive officer of the private Huntsville-based company that operates the center, said the treatment being provided out-of-state juvenile offenders is ``certainly no secret.''

        ``Historically we have probably had over 200 or 250 adolescent sexual offenders,'' said Dr. Pam Cook, clinical director for Three Springs. ``Alabama was one of the later states to start referring to us.''
        Ms. Cook said there were 23 juvenile sex offenders at the center Thursday, including three referred by DYS and eight other referrals from the Alabama Department of Human Resources. She declined to say how many from other states were being treated.
        Ms. Cook said the center at Courtland offers a distinctive service.
        ``There are very few places that treat adolescent sexual offenders,'' Ms. Cook said. ``It is a brand new field.''  Rep. Lee Jorgensen, R-Madison, works for Three Springs. Jorgensen said there has never been any attempt to keep secret the private company's dealings with other states.
        The center's director, Gerald Maxwell, describes it as ``lock-secure'' residential care with a licensed school and specialized therapy for males up to 18 years old. He said the staff includes nurses, teachers, counselors and security personnel.
        Maxwell said the center in north Courtland is ``an older one-story facility that back in the '60s was a nursing home that we purchased about 1990 and renovated.''
        He said it is surrounded by a ``privacy fence with barbed wire on top.''
        Maxwell said treatment typically lasts at least five months.
        He said some counties in Indiana and West Virginia have paid Three Springs as much as $300 daily for each sex offender's treatment.
        Three Springs also has a treatment operation at Madison with about 50 juvenile offenders assigned by DYS, each also at a cost to the state of $127 a day, and at Paint Rock Valley, with 15 DYS assignees each costing $62 a day.
        Those contracts also received approval from the legislators Feb. 6.
        Watson said the company has worked with the Alabama Department of Human Resources since it opened.
        State Sen. Bill Armistead, R-Columbiana, said private specialized treatment is the best hope of dealing with juvenile sex offenders.
        ``We've got to invest that kind of money in these kids to turn them around,'' he said.
        Jan Autery, administrator of the DYS community services division, said the department started making referrals to privately operated treatment facilities partly to avoid building and maintenance costs. She said the department does not send any Alabama offenders to other states for treatment.
        Ms. Autery said the Three Springs center at Courtland is the only one in Alabama that specializes in treating juvenile sex offenders.
        DYS spent about $1.7 million on all its private placements in fiscal 1996 and expects to spend ``considerably more than that this year,'' Ms. Autery said.
        The taxpayer cost of keeping juvenile offenders in state-owned facilities ranges from about $80 in boot camps to about $138 a day at Mount Meigs, the state's ``most secure'' juvenile detention facility.
        ``On any given day there are between 150 and 200 kids awaiting placement'' with DYS, Ms. Autery said. ``The majority are in juvenile detention centers operated by the counties.''
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Re: Holding Thread for 3 Springs statements
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2008, 07:36:09 PM »
Daily News-Record (Harrisonburg, VA)-July 27, 1997

        School Offers Troubled Girls New Lives
        Students Learn Self-Respect By Earning Every Privilege Under Primitive Conditions
        By JESSICA CLARKE News-Record Staff Writer DILLWYN -- By the age of 14, Carol had been expelled from school and arrested for auto theft.
        She was sexually promiscuous, used cocaine and marijuana, drank heavily and had disappeared from her Waynesboro home for three months.
        Now 15, Carol, not her real name, attends school daily, says "no" to alcohol, drugs and sex, has gained 32 pounds from regular meals and plans to be a nurse.
        And she can haul a loaded wheelbarrow along a wooded trail.
        The difference is self-respect.
        It came partly from a wake-up call of rain thumping the tent in which she sleeps. And from constructing privies, splitting wood, digging trenches, making campfires and meals and building trust.
        Trust was defined dramatically for Carol after she arrived a year ago here in Buckingham County at New Dominion School, a program for troubled teens an hour south of Charlottesville.
        She used a pocketknife to do a chore. "Honestly I never thought anybody would hand me a knife. I used to be destructive. I used to cut my shoes up, spray hair spray on my pants and catch them on fire. It's good to know they trust us here and good to know I trust myself enough not to do it anymore."
        That's a measure of success at this year- round outdoor treatment program, Virginia's only such girls' school. New Dominion's boys' school opened here in 1976.
        The girls' program started in March 1996 with a philosophy that "being able to see the effects of what you do builds self- reliance," Steve Welsh, a school coordinator, says. "We don't appreciate what we don't earn. In a sense we have to create that appreciation by having them earn everything they get."
        Including food, warmth in winter and school.
        A teen gains self-esteem "when she does something that makes her life better," he says. With the school's focus on teamwork to instill individual responsibility, "more than it deals with their problems, it really helps kids see their strengths. That kind of growth environment fills holes."
        The holes in girls here may have been created and enlarged by sexual or physical abuse, drug use, promiscuity and problems at school. The private school is unsuitable for girls who are violent, suicidal, with low intelligence or a serious psychological disorder, officials say.
        New Dominion's girls, mostly from Virginia, have tried other treatments.
        Before coming here last month, Debbie, 14, from Waynesboro, had been at a mental health hospital, residential program for troubled teens and emergency youth shelter. "I had a hard time dealing with my anger and getting along with my parents," says Debbie, not her real name.
        With Carol, Debbie and another girl here referred by Waynesboro's Office on Youth, "It's like they were laying their bodies on the railroad tracks almost literally," says Kirstin Frescoln, the office's family outreach coordinator. But the girls are bright and have potential.
        "We feel like the kids we send there are going to be safe and nurtured and cared for," Frescoln says. "That may sound strange because we're sending them out into the woods to fight mosquitoes, to live in tents. The living in the snow and the rain and with mosquitoes is kind of a wake-up call."
        Though New Dominion is licensed as a wilderness program by the state, school administrator Chris Yates says its image is different. "Nobody wanted to be associated with schools that were kind of march or die."
        Children have died at survival schools in the western United States, Yates notes. Most such schools have shorter terms than New Dominion, which has open enrollment and no set duration.
        New Dominion is licensed as a school for students with disabilities and a wilderness program by the state departments of education and mental health, mental retardation and substance abuse services. A wilderness program is a primitive, nonpunitive environment that combines learning and therapy in an outdoor setting.
        The average stay here so far has been about 14 months. Girls leave after meeting goals established when they enroll. Goals may be educational or involve relationships at home or with groups.
        Enrollment is 33 now with a capacity of 44. Of 45 girls who have enrolled so far, eight have completed the program, and several have left without finishing. The school has a waiting list, Welsh says.
        The program, with three camps now, will have a fourth soon. Each camp has a sleeping tent the girls built with pine beams, plastic sides and mosquito netting over beds. Lanterns illuminate at night because the camps, with tents for eating, cooking and nightly group meetings, do not have electricity.
        Girls, who sleep outdoors year-round, use only hand tools for their work projects. In the eating tent at Arapaho camp, a bow saw, ax, hammer, mattock and other tools lie in a corner.
        "Our idea isn't to be militaristic. Our idea is to teach them basic life skills," Welsh says. "If it's physically beyond a kid, we wouldn't accept them. You've got to have the guts to push that kid, and if you don't, you're not going to get results."
        Working as a team builds self-reliance and trust in others. "The group depends on the individual. The individual depends on the group. It's really modeled after a family," he notes.
        The "survival element" is "really good for those particular kinds of kids," Frescoln says. "We don't send kids there to be punished. We have detention and juvenile justice for that. For the most part, once they go they generally thank us" afterward.
        Most kids Frescoln refers here are behind academically but have caught up by the time they leave.
        With no more than five girls for each teacher, "I've had phenomenal results," Welsh says. "School becomes something that they want, not something they take for granted."
        At the ungraded school, where students work at their own pace, girls earn credits, a high school diploma or prepare for a General Educational Development (GED) test.
        New Dominion, owned by Three Springs Inc. in Huntsville, Ala., offers counseling for substance abuse, sexual and physical abuse and other issues.
        The school is among the most primitive camp programs in Virginia. "I wasn't sure how receptive agencies would be to sending girls to a wilderness program," says Gloria Dalton, a licensing official with the state education department.
        The school has increased its enrollment capacity, a sign of need for the program, says Dalton, whose office has had no complaints about New Dominion.
        Parents, social services agencies and the court system refer girls. The $100 daily tuition is paid by private and public sources.
        "They certainly don't come in happy. No one's happy to be here initially," Welsh says.
        Tracy, 16, not her real name, of Waynesboro had a choice about coming nine months ago. "The judge was tired of seeing my face in court" for running away from home, she says.
        Carol burst out crying in court when told she was coming here. "I guess I was just used to getting things handed to me all the time." She was under house arrest for a month while waiting to come.
        Her auto theft charge will be dropped when she leaves here next month, says Carol, whose mother is dead. She will live with the aunt and uncle she stayed with in Waynesboro before arriving.
        Among the proudest moments here for girls is earning a crest, a badge conferred by the staff as "an outward sign that kid is making changes inside," Welsh says.
        The girl's group makes a recommendation to staff about the crest based on her meeting her goals. The crest, usually earned within two to four months, allows privileges including visits home and academic classes.
        A girl who runs away from the school, is threatening or dishonest has privileges revoked and usually a work project assigned to do with a staff member.
        Home visits allow girls and their families to discuss issues as part of a transition home, Welsh says.
        For Tracy, who will leave by the end of the year, home visits are the hardest part of being here. "It's very depressing having to come back" and deal with matters that happened at home.
        "Parents are a big part of that healing process" with home visits, Frescoln says. "It's not just the kids who are doing all this work. We're also asking that family members make some changes too."
        Open for just 16 months, the program has had no recidivism, Welsh notes.
        Some mental health professionals believe it's more cost-effective to give services at an earlier age so children don't need residential treatment.
        "Many links they have with the community are going to be broken," says Joann Grayson, who teaches psychology at James Madison University. "In some cases a parent might see that as an advantage if they're not happy with a child's friends or activities."
        The transition from here to home can be difficult, with some teens pressured to revert to former friends or behavior and no support network.
        "Some kids when they integrate fall apart," Welsh says. "It's not something that's going to be pretty all the time. They need to make mistakes and learn like they do here."
        Although she "might struggle still with sex" after she leaves, Carol says, "the drugs and alcohol, that's definitely out of the picture. I know I'm going to have a struggle with my attitude. I have a big mouth."
        "You're accepted here no matter what you've done," says Carol, who thinks she'd be dead by now if she hadn't enrolled. "There's nothing people ever will judge you for. They might be a little scared of you at first. But it means a lot to have somebody accept you."
Copyright (c) 1997, Byrd Newspapers, All Rights Reserved.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Holding Thread for 3 Springs statements
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2008, 07:38:31 PM »
Augusta Chronicle, The (GA)-October 2, 1997

 Boot camp contract awarded
        ATLANTA -- Alabama-based Three Springs Inc. was awarded a 10-year, $49.8 million contract this week to run a new 168-bed Georgia boot camp for boys.
        The camp in McIntosh County, in southeast Georgia, is being built by the state Department of Juvenile Justice for $8.6 million. It is expected to open next February.
        At capacity, it will cost $81.50 per child per day to operate the camp. On average, Juvenile Justice spends $91 per day to keep a child in a boot camp or long-term facility.
        Three Springs has operated the 30-bed Youth Detention Center in Augusta since early this year.
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Re: Holding Thread for 3 Springs statements
« Reply #18 on: December 08, 2008, 06:56:12 PM »
I was there 10 years ago, so I may be a little rusty on my stories. I once was on a trip with my group and they were all mad at me ( I was a difficult kid). Anyways, I had been begging the counselors to stop the van and let me out because I needed to use the bathroom for about 2 1/2 hours. They ignored me the whole time and by then my bladders was so full I was in excruciating pain. They happened to stop for a second to talk with the counselors in the other van and I saw a bathroom nearby. I asked if I could get out and use it since it was right there and they again ignored my pleading, so I actually had to jump out of the van and run as fast as I could to the bathroom without permission so I could get some relief. One counselor got out to chase me and when she got to the bathroom, I just told her that I had asked and asked. They tried to punish me for doing what I had to do since they weren't taking care of my needs. I recall another time when it was night time and this chick in my group who had been repeatedly raped by her own brother was having a meltdown, everyone was tired and just wanted her to shut up so we could all go back to the cabin and sleep, the whole group and the counselor were all tormenting her and being completely insensitive. Calling her names and telling her that she was stupid and needed to get up because we were all tired. No one even cared, yet she was supposed to be there for therapy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: 3 Springs Research Project-Active
« Reply #19 on: December 09, 2008, 11:41:20 AM »
Even an escape is a lesson    One boy said his escape made him realize how he had violated the trust of a    staff member
Mobile Register (AL)-May 7, 1998
Associated Press

   MADISON, Ala. A state-subsidized private juvenile facility went to work repairing its tarnished image after four boys scaled a fence and fled a campus work detail.
        Some media reports on the April 22 incident described the campus as a ``jail,'' bringing a sharp reaction from the facility's operators, who call it a school.
        ``We've got adults and kids working so hard to change goals and attitudes. We just took a beating by this kind of thing,'' said Mike Watson, the president and chief executive of Three Springs, Inc., which runs the campus in Madison.
        The missing boys were caught Thursday and returned to Three Springs, said administrator Paul Summer.
        One of the boys who escaped told a Huntsville Times reporter that he saw it as a challenge to try to get out. He said he was surprised at the reception he got when he returned.
        ``Well, I thought I might get sent somewhere else,'' he said. ``But they brought us back. And really the worst thing was having everyone look at you like, `I can't believe you did this. You let us down.'''
        ``The hardest was one of the ladies on the staff wouldn't talk to me for two weeks.,'' he said. `'I just finally got to talk to her last night. It made me realize how much I had violated their trust.''
        Three Springs operates 18 facilities in six states. Some are correctional, like the campus in Madison. The state pays the company from $125 to $130 a day per resident, about what it costs to house an offender in a state youth facility, Summer said.
        ``We want these walls and fences to serve as a blanket while these kids have a chance to change,'' he said. ``That's the idea, to protect them as much as the community, and give them a chance.''
        The youths sent here by the Alabama Department of Youth Services are considered medium-risk, medium-needs offenders, meaning they have committed crimes like forgery, theft, smoking marijuana or second-degree assault. Almost all have served time in other state facilities.
        Three Springs has been operating the school in Madison for about two years, putting about 200 boys through the paces of a positive-thinking, responsibility-taking program.
        The boys, with closely cropped hair and punctuating speech with ``ma'am'' and ``sir,'' voice the cadence ``one, sir,'' ``two, sir,'' ``three, sir'' as they walk down the hall.
        A chart on a wall lists the program goals and stages and the students who have progressed to each unit.
        Program director Leon Thomas said, ``This is not a place where they can walk in the door, do their time and walk out. It's not just a holding cell.''
        Those short-tempered youths who violate rules or cause problems may face a couple of hours or even three days in a segregation cell apart from the other 56 boys. Except for the segregation area and the high fences around the courtyard, the campus looks much like a small school.
        In the shop room, the boys make picnic tables to sell. They donated some to a children's playground last year. The computer lab is equipped with programs in math, English, science and other subjects to keep the boys up with their regular classes. Many of the students are studying for their general equivalency diplomas.
        They also participate in group sessions to talk about problems and work through levels of community thinking.
        To progress through the program, each student has to present a program to his group about his crime and his perspective of the circumstances leading to it.
        ``We have to get them to a point of having a realistic self-image,'' Summer said. ``They have low self-esteem. They swagger, but in truth, they could hide behind a Dixie cup. ''
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Re: 3 Springs Research Project-Active
« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2008, 11:43:27 AM »
Daytona Beach News-Journal (FL)-April 22, 1999
by Valerie Whitney
        A former juvenile boot camp on Indian Lake Road is about to become a locked treatment center for 30 teen-age sex offenders.
        Three Springs Inc., a private therapeutic company based in Huntsville, Ala., will operate the residential facility under a three- year contract with the state for $1.6 million a year, a company spokesman said.
        The residents, who will be committed there by the courts, will be 30 male youths ranging in age from 13 to 18 and drawn from across northern Florida.
        The camp most recently housed a girl's treatment program operated by Stewart- Marchman Center. The boys will start being admitted this summer, said Paul Summers, group administrator for Three Springs.
        Janet Abee, manager of the state's Juvenile Justice Department for District 12, an area that includes Volusia County, said a contract with Three Springs will be signed within the next couple of weeks. However, the company already has begun recruiting psychologists, counselors, case workers, coaches and others for the unit. Job interviews start Monday.
        Abee said the Daytona Beach site was chosen because a vacant high-security facility already existed on the property. The facility opened in November 1995, but the Volusia County Sheriff's Office closed the boot camp in February 1997, citing a lack of state funds to run it.
        "Normally when we send out a request for proposals, the program can be sited anywhere," Abee said.
        However, in this case, state officials informed contractors about the boot camp, which was originally designed to house high-risk male offenders. The girls who had been housed there were not considered to be true high risks and have been transferred to Stewart-Marchman's complex at Tiger Bay.
        "It kind of just made it a natural place" to house the program, she said. The program will draw from a six-district region that stretches from Pensacola to Jacksonville and also includes Ocala and Gainesville, as well as Volusia and Flagler counties.
        "And, of course, we have our own share of sex offenders in this area," Abee said.
        The location will be convenient to visit for families of area youths confined there, she added. The state's other facility for youthful sex offenders is in Broward County.
        The project is Three Springs' first contract in Florida. The company's marketing slogan  "Helping troubled children discover lasting solutions" reflects its rehabilitation philosophy.
        A lot of people don't understand sex offenders. This is something that can be treated," Summers said.
        He said Three Springs staffers from a similar program the company operates in Courtland, Ala., will be brought in to help get the program up and running. "This is not something new to us," he said.
        The facility is expected to create 45 to 50 jobs, with a monthly payroll around $100,000.
        The company operates 23 programs  16 for boys and seven for girls  for youthful offenders in seven states. Some programs are correctional programs and others deal with mental health issues.
        Those sent to Three Springs of Daytona Beach  the most likely name of the center  will be confined there for a full year.
        Once the 30 beds are filled, the camp will not accept any additional residents. All of the things the teens will need, including schooling, will be provided for them on the property, he said.
        A 12-foot barbed wire fence surrounds the site, which is off U.S. 92, several miles west of Interstate 95. Summer said officials are planning to add additional security features.
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Re: 3 Springs Research Project-Active
« Reply #21 on: December 09, 2008, 11:53:58 AM »
Private girls' school to open in September
      Auldern Academy is designed particularly to help high schoolers with self-esteem problems ==================================================
Chapel Hill Herald (NC)-August 1, 2001
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"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."    ~Plato

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Re: 3 Springs Research Project-Active
« Reply #22 on: December 09, 2008, 11:56:56 AM »
Teen's death raises questions about care of juveniles ==================================================
Mobile Register (AL)-August 27, 2001
Author: BILL POOVEY, Associated Press Writer

        Teen's death raises questions about care of juveniles  In lawsuit, mother contends 14-year-old might have been murdered at Tuskegee detention center   By BILL POOVEY  Associated Press Writer  TUSKEGEE - Fourteen-year-old Dionte Pickens of Tuscaloosa died in state custody at a juvenile lockup, a black leather belt looped over a closet clothes rod and around his neck.
        The teen-ager's mother contends in a lawsuit that her child possibly was murdered in the dark by another detainee at the Three Springs detention center in Tuskegee.
        The death and the lawsuit have raised questions about the treatment of juveniles at the center, which is run by Huntsville-based Three Springs Inc. The state's welfare agency has removed about a dozen teens who were assigned there, but the state Department of Youth Services has 25 juveniles at the Tuskegee site and 49 at a center Three Springs operates at Madison.
        The company operates a total of 21 juvenile programs in Alabama and six other states.
        Wendy Brooks Crew, a lawyer for Pickens' mother, said Pickens had been locked up in Tuscaloosa for truancy when he was transferred hundreds of miles to the Three Springs center at Tuskegee. Crew said Pickens' mother was not informed in advance about the transfer.
        The lawsuit contends that Pickens' Oct. 15, 2000, death was due to inadequate supervision and that his designated supervisor was playing a video game when Pickens died. A medical examiner said the body was discovered in a bedroom closet about 9 p.m., with the bedroom adjacent to a common room used by about 20 other teen-agers.
        Three Springs knew that Pickens, who was taking anti-depressant and psychotropic medication, had previously attempted suicide, Crew said.
        The suit claims Three Springs Inc., which is paid $121.50 a day for each of the 25 DYS youths it keeps in Tuskegee, either allowed Pickens to be murdered by hanging or allowed him to commit suicide.
        A Three Springs employee said Pickens was murdered, Crew said.
        The state deputy chief medical examiner who was called and arrived at Three Springs about 12:30 a.m. on Oct. 16, 2000, concluded after observing Pickens' body in the cinderblock room and following an investigation and autopsy that the death was a suicide.
        DYS spokesman Allen Peaton said records of all 1,100 DYS detainees in state and corporate-owned lockups are confidential, even after a death. He also said DYS officials could not discuss Pickens' case because of the lawsuit.
        "A priority of DYS is to place all 1,100 youths in our custody in safe and appropriate placements," Peaton said.
        The Alabama Bureau of Investigation referred its investigation report on Pickens' death to the Macon County District Attorney's Office. Deputy District Attorney Kenneth Gibbs said his office has reviewed the report. He said an investigation was continuing. Gibbs declined to say if his office has reached a conclusion about Pickens' death being a suicide.
        Three Springs executives referred questions to their attorney, Marc Givhan of Birmingham, who issued a statement: "The entire Three Springs organization is saddened by the death of this young man. Because this matter is in litigation, it is inappropriate for us to comment further."
        The suit contends that a doctor at Three Springs had recommended within three days of Pickens arrival that he have a psychological evaluation as soon as possible but Pickens was instead "housed in a room with nonbreakaway hardware" and allowed to have a belt.
        Crew said Pickens never received a psychological evaluation and his death was more than a month after his arrival at Three Springs.
        While DYS continues to use the Three Springs Tuskegee Secure Program, state Human Resources Commissioner Bill Fuller said that after he heard about Pickens' death last fall he removed all of the "12 or 13" abused and neglected teens in his department's custody who were assigned there.
        "We had heard that a DYS child died of unexplained causes at the same site," Fuller said. "We were aware of that then and that was a factor" in moving them.
        Fuller said the teens in DHR custody "each had their own youthful opinions" about how Pickens died.
        "The atmosphere was generally oppressive for my children," Fuller said. "My primary reason was not the recent death so much as the physical conditions that my boys were exposed to day-to-day, a confinement atmosphere."
        Crew said Pickens' mother, Louisa Dunn, is divorced from his father.
        "When he was on his medication he did very well," Crew said. "When he was off his medication he was difficult for his mother to control."
        She said Pickens was supposed to be starting 10th grade.
        "It is my understanding he had no charges other than misdemeanors and what are called status offenses," Crew said. "He had problems at school, truancy ... couldn't focus and couldn't concentrate."
        Pickens' juvenile court officer, Thomas Snoddy, did not return telephone messages seeking comment. JUVENILES IN CUSTODY  The Alabama Department of Youth Services has a total of about 1,100 juveniles in custody, including about 208 girls. The contract lockups, number of beds they provide for state detainees and state's daily cost for each:
        Alabama Clinical Schools at Birmingham: about 25 beds for male sex offenders, $145.35.
        Three Springs Inc. at Tuskegee: about 25 beds, $121.50.
        Three Springs Inc. at Madison: about 49 beds, $123.50.
        Eufaula Youth Facility operated by First Corrections Corp. of Norfolk, Va.: about 90 beds, $90.50.
        Big Brothers in Dothan community group homes for boys: about eight beds, $77.
        Alabama Youth Home in Westover: about 12 beds, $74.
        Alabama Youth Home in Wetumpka: about 12 beds, $74.
        The Bridge Inc. girls' home at Decatur: about eight beds, $70.
        West Alabama Youth Services Inc. at Greensboro: about eight beds for girls, $70.
        Dorothy's House in Dothan: about eight beds for girls, $75.57.
        The Bridge Wilderness boot camp for males at Gadsden: about 24 beds, $72.
        The Bridge drug and alcohol treatment program for boys at Gadsden: about 24 beds, $82.
        The Bridge drug and alcohol treatment program for boys at Mobile: about 40 beds, $82.
        The Bridge boot camp-wilderness program at Gadsden for girls: about 24 beds, $72.
        Lee County Youth Development Center female boot camp-wilderness program for girls: about 16 beds, $80.
        Oak Mountain Youth Services alcohol-drug interdiction program: about 24 beds for boys, $91.
        Ramsey Youth Services Inc. for special needs boys: about 12 beds, $135.45. The state's average daily cost for each juvenile at the DYS Mount Meigs, Roebuck and Chalkville campuses is $137. State-operated boot camps in Autauga County and Thomasville are about $92. State-operated group homes at Gadsden, Mobile, Montgomery, Florence and Troy are $70-$80. Source: Alabama Department of Youth Services   PHOTO  DAVE MARTIN /Associated Press     Fourteen-year-old Dionte Pickens of Tuscaloosa died in state custody at the Three Springs detention center, above, in Tuskegee, Ala. A black leather belt was looped over a closet clothes rod and around the teen-ager's neck. His mother contends in a lawsuit that her child was possibly murdered by another detainee at the center.

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: 3 Springs Research Project-Active
« Reply #23 on: December 13, 2008, 09:26:18 PM »
ALABAMA TEENAGER'S DEATH RAISES QUESTIONS ABOUT PRIVATELY-RUN CARE ==================================================
Watertown Daily Times (NY)-September 14, 2001
Author: Associated Press

        When Dionte Pickens' body was found, it was hanging in a closet of a juvenile lockup, a black leather belt looped around the 14-year-old's neck.
        His mother believes that her child's death last October - whether a suicide or a murder - was the result of inadequate supervision at the for-profit Three Springs detention center in Tuskegee. A lawsuit contends Pickens died while his designated supervisor was playing a video game.
        The death and the lawsuit have raised questions about the treatment of juveniles at the center, run by Huntsville-based Three Springs Inc., which operates 21 juvenile programs in Alabama and six other states.
        The state's welfare agency has removed about a dozen teens who were assigned there, but the state Department of Youth Services has 25 juveniles at the Tuskegee site and 49 at a center Three Springs operates in Madison.
        The state deputy chief medical examiner concluded - after an autopsy and an investigation - that Pickens' death in the cinderblock room was a suicide.
        The Alabama Bureau of Investigation referred its investigation report on Pickens' death to the Macon County District Attorney's Office. Deputy District Attorney Kenneth Gibbs said an investigation was continuing.
        Several privately run facilities that treat young offenders have been criticized for poor supervision and management in several states, including centers in Colorado and Louisiana.
        Wendy Brooks Crew, a lawyer for Pickens' mother, said Pickens had been locked up in Tuscaloosa for truancy when he was transferred hundreds of miles to the Three Springs center at Tuskegee. Crew said Pickens' mother was not informed in advance about the transfer.
        The medical examiner said the body of the teen was discovered in a bedroom closet adjacent to a common room used by about 20 other teenagers.
        Pickens' mother, Louisa Dunn, claims Three Springs Inc., which is paid $121.50 a day for each of the youngsters assigned to the state it keeps in Tuskegee, either allowed Pickens to be murdered by hanging or allowed him to commit suicide.
        The suit contends that a doctor at Three Springs had recommended within three days of Pickens arrival that he have a psychological evaluation as soon as possible.
        Instead, Pickens was "housed in a room with non-breakaway hardware" and allowed to have a belt, Crew said. Pickens never received a psychological evaluation and his death was more than a month after his arrival, she said.
        Three Springs knew that Pickens, who was taking anti-depressant and psychotropic medication, had previously attempted suicide, Crew said.
        "When he was on his medication he did very well," Crew said. "When he was off his medication he was difficult for his mother to control."
        Three Springs attorney Marc Givhan said the company is saddened by the death, but would not comment beyond that.
        While the state continues to use the Tuskegee facility, state Human Resources Commissioner Bill Fuller said that after he heard about Pickens' death, he removed all of the "12 or 13" abused and neglected teens who were assigned there.
        "The atmosphere was generally oppressive for my children," Fuller said. "My primary reason was not the recent death so much as the physical conditions that my boys were exposed to day-to-day, a confinement atmosphere."
        State Department of Youth Services spokesman Allen Peaton said records of all 1,100 of its detainees in state and corporate-owned lockups are confidential, even after a death.
        As for Pickens' history with law enforcement, Crew said, "It is my understanding he had no charges other than misdemeanors and what are called status offenses."

Section: National News
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Copyright (c) 2001 Watertown Daily Times
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: 3 Springs Research Project-Active
« Reply #24 on: December 13, 2008, 09:31:38 PM »
Montgomery Advertiser (AL)-January 17, 2003

        Hanged boy case
        settled by mother
        The mother of a 14-year-old boy who was found hanged in state custody at a juvenile lockup in Tuskegee has settled with a private company in a lawsuit claiming her son's death was the result of inadequate supervision.
        Louisa Dunn, the mother of Dionte Pickens, reached the settlement with Huntsville-based Three Springs Inc. and four employees of the company, which contracts with the state for two juvenile treatment facilities, said Dunn's attorney, Wendy Crew.
        Pickens had been locked up in Tuscaloosa for truancy when Crew said he was transferred to Tuskegee without his mother being informed.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."    ~Plato