Author Topic: Aspen Education Hates Gays  (Read 812 times)

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Aspen Education Hates Gays
« on: July 25, 2008, 05:56:55 PM »
Aspen hates gays. Apparently they are "treating" homosexuality.

Money flows for, against gay-marriage measure
By Josh Richman
Friday, July 25th, 2008 at 1:31 pm in Elections, General, same-sex marriage.

Big money kept changing hands this week for and against Proposition 8, the proposed constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.

Piedmont philanthropist and Obama fundraiser M. Quinn Delaney on Tuesday gave $50,000 to the campaign opposing the measure — she runs the Oakland-based, anti-racism Akonadi Foundation; is vice-chairwoman of the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California; is on the Tides Foundation’s board of directors; and is married to real estate investor/developer Wayne Jordan.

Focus on the Family — the Colorado Springs, Colo.-based evangelical Christian organization led by James Dobson — on Tuesday gave $20,000 to the campaign for Prop. 8.

Garden Grove-based Container Supply Co. on Tuesday contributed $25,000 to the campaign for Prop. 8; the company’s president is former state Senate Republican Leader Rob Hurtt. founder Mark Hobbins — formerly, a cofounder of the Aspen Education Group, which operates boarding schools and boot camps for troubled teens — of Trabuco Canyone on Wednesday gave $25,000 to the campaign for Prop. 8.

Those opposing the amendment on Tuesday moved $1.25 million from the Equality California campaign fund into the “No on 8 — Equality for All” campaign fund.

And on Monday, as previously noted here, the Tupelo, Miss.-based American Family Association gave $500,000 to the campaign for Prop. 8, the biggest single contribution to the campaign to date.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »