Author Topic: [b]Ethics and Mission Mountain School[/b]  (Read 18535 times)

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[b]Ethics and Mission Mountain School[/b]
« on: May 09, 2007, 12:52:00 AM »
Hi Girls,
I am a student in the Swan Valley Mt and I am in need of some examples of unethical treatment of former students of Mission Mountain School.  I am writting a research paper about the school and need some first hand accounts from you as gratuates about your experiences.  I have been reading through some of your stories and I am just wondering if there is anyone who I could interview with a phone call out there?  
I am familiar with John and Colleen, I have nannied for their children on and off for several years.  I have some idea of what goes on at the school, but I would love more information from anyone who would like to help me with my research paper. is on ethics.  I too went to boarding school, but did not have the type of experiences that you all did.  I was a reballious teenager too and got into to plenty of trouble myself.  So please, anyone who wants to talk, I would love to set up a conversation.  Thanks
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: [b]Ethics and Mission Mountain School[/b]
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2007, 01:04:27 PM »
Quote from: ""montanastudent""
Hi Girls,
I am a student in the Swan Valley Mt and I am in need of some examples of unethical treatment of former students of Mission Mountain School.  I am writting a research paper about the school and need some first hand accounts from you as gratuates about your experiences.  I have been reading through some of your stories and I am just wondering if there is anyone who I could interview with a phone call out there?  
I am familiar with John and Colleen, I have nannied for their children on and off for several years.  I have some idea of what goes on at the school, but I would love more information from anyone who would like to help me with my research paper. is on ethics.  I too went to boarding school, but did not have the type of experiences that you all did.  I was a reballious teenager too and got into to plenty of trouble myself.  So please, anyone who wants to talk, I would love to set up a conversation.  Thanks

Perhaps you should start with a look at the ethics and principals of NATSAP, which John helped put together. NATSAP is ever so proud of these, and they require all their members--who pay a fortune to belong--to sign something saying they'll follow them. Then there's never any kind of verification.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline concernedcounselor

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Ethics of NATSAP
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2007, 02:02:29 AM »
I have looked at the NATSAP ethics and one that stood out in my mind that I know is an issue at MMS is the proper diet for the students.  I heard from former staff that John recently cut the diet down to 1,800 calories a day for the students and that is unaccpetable even for a diet camp.  Was this an issue when there that you know of?
Also this faculty member told me that the students only had class from 9-12am, is this also true?
Another thing I heard is that John takes the girls to town to shop at Home Depot and fill up the van with things to be unloaded when they return home, does this have any merit?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline BarnardlyB

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[b]Ethics and Mission Mountain School[/b]
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2007, 06:20:55 PM »
concerned counselor,
Im gonna try and answer your questions one by one.
"I heard from former staff that John recently cut the diet down to 1,800 calories a day for the students and that is unaccpetable even for a diet camp. Was this an issue when there that you know of? "
 No this was not an issue back in the day for me. 94-97
Deb Finn was our 'health teacher' and Nurse. She did a phenominal (sp) job of this. We were weighed and looked after very closely. We all had individual diet plans, almost all were the same but she made them specific for each person, or she made them feel like they were. I remember there was a period in time that I was STARVING before each meal, I thought nothing of it, but she took our weight during one class and the next morning I had a new food plan...a few of us did actually.I think thats the only time in my life I ever lost weight...HAHAH.  :lol:
"Also this faculty member told me that the students only had class from 9-12am, is this also true? "
Actually after thinking of this many years later, I went ahead and asked colleen about this. I was curious with our schedule how I even passed each grade. But she said that in the state of MT, you are only required to have a number of hours per year for school and she made sure we had them. I do remember cram sessions for school...
"Another thing I heard is that John takes the girls to town to shop at Home Depot and fill up the van with things to be unloaded when they return home, does this have any merit?"
Im sure John doesn't sit at home and say to himself, lets go to home depot and fill up the van with a TON of stuff we don't need just so the girls have something to do. But yes, when things were bought or brought to the school we were responsible to unload it. Staff would help esp if was something that we couldn't handle, the cement blocks the staff now park in front of.
For example, do you go  to the store or run errands just to fill your car up for the simple point of making your kids unload the car for you? NO. but you expect help from them when you come home, esp when its groceries that they too will eat.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ou are you
I am I,
Two individuals dancing on our own two feet, & when were together...its beautiful

Offline Anonymous

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Thank You
« Reply #4 on: June 08, 2007, 11:47:16 AM »
Thanks for your response.
I have too heard all of these supposed facts about the school which is one reason why I chose to ask you all how your experience was for you at the school.  I am trying to get to the bottom of this information to discover if the way the school is being run is unethical or not.  I appreciate your feed back with the positive twist.  I am considering working at the school one day and I would love to be a positive influence on girls such as yourself.  I too went to boarding school, was a deginerate of sorts, and have the desire to help people.  I think I would be an asset to MMS, I am only hoping that I can be an effective counselor one day.  CC
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline nimdA

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Re: Thank You
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2007, 09:18:20 AM »
Quote from: ""Concerned Counselor""
Thanks for your response.
I have too heard all of these supposed facts about the school which is one reason why I chose to ask you all how your experience was for you at the school.  I am trying to get to the bottom of this information to discover if the way the school is being run is unethical or not.  I appreciate your feed back with the positive twist.  I am considering working at the school one day and I would love to be a positive influence on girls such as yourself.  I too went to boarding school, was a deginerate of sorts, and have the desire to help people.  I think I would be an asset to MMS, I am only hoping that I can be an effective counselor one day.  CC

Straight up from a person like me who was in this industry for nearly 4 years... Don't do it.

Join the peace corp  instead.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
am the metal pig.

Offline Anonymous

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MMS in survey
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2007, 01:43:33 PM »
If this research (linked below) is in any indicator of some of the problematic aspect of MMS then I would say ethics is the least of the problems of Mission Mountain School.

Best, kat ... &Itemid=35
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Ethics of NATSAP
« Reply #7 on: August 17, 2007, 07:22:24 PM »
Quote from: ""concernedcounselor""
I have looked at the NATSAP ethics and one that stood out in my mind that I know is an issue at MMS is the proper diet for the students.  I heard from former staff that John recently cut the diet down to 1,800 calories a day for the students and that is unaccpetable even for a diet camp.  Was this an issue when there that you know of?
Also this faculty member told me that the students only had class from 9-12am, is this also true?
Another thing I heard is that John takes the girls to town to shop at Home Depot and fill up the van with things to be unloaded when they return home, does this have any merit?

So i went to mission mountain is 2005- 2006 the diet was cut because we got almost no exercise and everyone was gaining a ton of weight  parents and the girls were complaining. The meals were also 4 huge meals a day and once I was so full I couldn't eat anymore but the expectation was eat everything I sat there in tears trying to stuff my face while all of the girls had to wait for me in silence to finish. John didn't do things llike take us out when I was there but I have heard it is different because I left in feb. 2006. Classes were always a problem I was at MMS for 9 months and got almost no school credit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: [b]Ethics and Mission Mountain School[/b]
« Reply #8 on: August 17, 2007, 07:24:39 PM »
Quote from: ""montanastudent""
Hi Girls,
I am a student in the Swan Valley Mt and I am in need of some examples of unethical treatment of former students of Mission Mountain School.  I am writting a research paper about the school and need some first hand accounts from you as gratuates about your experiences.  I have been reading through some of your stories and I am just wondering if there is anyone who I could interview with a phone call out there?  
I am familiar with John and Colleen, I have nannied for their children on and off for several years.  I have some idea of what goes on at the school, but I would love more information from anyone who would like to help me with my research paper. is on ethics.  I too went to boarding school, but did not have the type of experiences that you all did.  I was a reballious teenager too and got into to plenty of trouble myself.  So please, anyone who wants to talk, I would love to set up a conversation.  Thanks

I would be more than willing to talk to you my email address is
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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email address?
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2007, 05:31:26 PM »
is there an email address where we can write you?  I don't want to post mine on here.  I can tell you who  I am but I don't want to say on the forum.  Thanks.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »