.. that I basically didn not exist in their eyes, and it was their goal that I not exist in my own
.. that while most psychologies of today are used to free a person from a stimulus-respose orientation, their techniques were based on utilsing it, to " recreate " you
.. my thoughts were irrelevant, but anybody and everybody's feelings were of the utmost importance
.. that most of the kids who went in there as light users, left and became hardcore drug addicts
.. that my efforts would be used to benefit a " family" that did not even respect my rights as a human being
.. that showing your feathers around this place was based on how loud you could scream at another, and to what extent you can disgrace them
.. that the counselors take pleasure in witnessing this blood bath
.. that my strengths would be considerred weaknesses
.. that upon enterring that building as a member, I automatically earn the title of " dope fein"
.. that I would have to take orders from idiots half my age, who knew little about anything, but how to kiss ass
.. that a few months down the line, I' d actually be use to this..lol
.. that I would have to spend a whole half of a day cleaning up under a stair case where, that a cat was allowed to use as a litter box, without end for months, on my kness, with no gloves, and the outdated cleaning supplies, while better ones were in fact available.. ( that was a bad GI day)
and then spend the rest of the day walkingta round smelling like piss
.. that right or worng, I was always wrong
.. that logic was irrelevant, and that the purpose of work their was only to make more work
.. that they ask people to bask in their problems as, though all they are is their problems
.. that they were murderers.
I repeat "murders!!!!"
and of children, never the less
Well, I could go on for days.
One of the problems in my views was that noone s got balls in this society, or not enough people anyway.
Any parent who got inside that program had to see how fucked up it was, but everybody always gives into athority.
In the name of that shit hole where I wasted half a year of my life, I reaffirm in myself " Bless the Individual!"
Paul St. John