"Jason Tuer wrote
at 10:05pm on October 18th, 2007
Point being that although AARC may share some characteristics of a religion, there really isn't enough to hang your hat on."
"The Ninth Cicuit Court which covers the states of California, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Arizona, Alaska, and Hawaii has ruled against coercion into the Step groups on religious grounds. Perhaps most importantly according to the San Francisco Chronicle story at
http://www.sfgate.com/flat/archive/2007 ... S1AKQ.html,
"In fact, said the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco, the
constitutional dividing line between church and state in such cases is so
clear that a parole officer can be sued for damages for ordering a parolee
to go through rehabilitation at Alcoholics Anonymous or an affiliated program for drug addicts."
http://www.morerevealed.com/Here is DavidPablo's description of his conversion to Vausism:
"...I had gone through so many dangerous situations and had ended up here, unscathed,... There were too many coincidneces for this to happen by accident. I felt that if a Higher Power could get me here, then he could surely restore me to sanity."
Here is what happens when someone's faith deviates from Orthodox Vausism:
"Mr. C was an outstanding Counselor(sic), and I saw him do things with clients that were amazing... He worked long hours, and ran Parent Raps and Open Meetings with a different but equally as effective style as Dr. Vause...
I spoke to my dad, who was the Clinical Chair at this point, and had done a lot of the hiring of senior positions, including Mr. C. ... However, when it came to religious issues and treatment, Dad was a real stickler. He had been a United Church Minister, and was very learned about the dangers of Fundamentalist Christian teachings,...
Dad met with Dr. Vause, and they met with the Board of Directors. The decision was swift and sent a clear message. There would be no "camps" or "factions" within AARC... Within a short time, Mr. C., Bill and the Senior Administrator were gone"
Mr. C is Jocelyn Comeau, former Clinical Supervisor and Intake Coordinator.