Bro. Roloff was killed in "82, so If you were there in '82-'85 what happen to you was not the way Bro. Rolloff would have wanted the homes to be ran. He would have NEVER put up with that.
I really must interject here, that THAT is precisely the point. When Lester Roloff died, those who took over lost sight of his ideals. He was a hard man, yes. He was strict, was tough, and by today's standards even abusive himself, but not to the level that those who came after his death were.
Just because your experience, or my experience was better or worse than someone elses does not mean they are lying, it means they went through something we did not. If someone else went through an experience worse than yours, count yourself extremely lucky, if they had an easier time, thank God for them, maybe they couldn't have handled it as well as you handled your experience.
I know enough survivors of the Homes to know that some of us are a little cracked around the edges because of the experience, some are cracked clean through, and others seem to have come through with grace and poise DESPITE the horrors they were subjected to. We are all made different, we all have different perspectives, however, we all deserve the respect to tell our sides, without condemnation from someone else whose experience differed.
I'm quite sure Brother Roloff would not have wanted Faye Cameron to duct tape a girls hands & feet & leave her in lock-up in that condition, but she did it, the state of Texas documented it and she isn't allowed to be inside any facility which provides care to children in the state. Google it.