Blink182 (and any other new Punk band with a number tagged on, which excludes the magnificent Sector 27), Good Charlotte, that whole lot of asswipes...they're as punk as Josie and the Pussycats, or the fuckin' Archies.
good charolette i agree, blink i think they are FUNNY as fuck and hardly new. they were around a good 10 years, they broke up, each band member is incredibly talented, they were each in at least 1 if not 2 other banks simultaneously and they were funny as fuck, oh i said that.
I would not consider them posers, just like they really never claimed to be punk. Its the public that fucks that shit up. they were just 3 crazy guys dickin around people chose to label their music punk. I saw them live and it was a great show, and funny! LOL
if they were posin they would be attempting to sing about anarchy and shit not midgets. lol
i think we tend to label shit more then the bands do. But the rest like good charolette, and all these other lame emo bands whose music ISNT funny and all sounds the same. id' agree. i just see blink in a different way, far from punk, just a bunch of punk ass boys having fun. and they did it well for along time. and i love the stuff they are doing now apart from blink too. angels and airwaves for example. far far from punk
sorry i saw frods quote and had missed the blink part so had to comment
here since im editing for a 3rd time did i mention I thought they were FAR from PUNK? Lol a bit redundant i was sorry.